Results for 'world alienation'

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  1. World Alienation in Feminist Thought: The Sublime Epistemology of Emphatic Anti-Essentialism.Bonnie Mann - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):45-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:World Alienation in Feminist ThoughtThe Sublime Epistemology of Emphatic Anti-EssentialismBonnie Mann (bio)The earth is the very quintessence of the human condition.Hannah ArendtWe are tied to place undetachably and without reprieve.Edward CaseyThe alliance between feminism and postmodernism1 in the American academy has brought about a revolution in feminist epistemology. The early feminist epistemology of unmasking, of sorting through appearances to get to the real underneath, has been discredited (...)
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  2. Alien worlds, alien laws, and the Humean conceivability argument.Lok-Chi Chan, David Braddon-Mitchell & Andrew J. Latham - 2019 - Ratio 33 (1):1-13.
    Monism is our name for a range of views according to which the connection between dispositions and their categorical bases is intimate and necessary, or on which there are no categorical bases at all. In contrast, Dualist views hold that the connection between dispositions and their categorical bases is distant and contingent. This paper is a defence of Monism against an influential conceivability argument in favour of Dualism. The argument suggests that the apparent possibility of causal behaviour coming apart from (...)
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    Crisscrossing Cosmopolitanism: State-Phobia, World Alienation, and the Global Soul.Emily Zakin - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (1):58-72.
    ABSTRACT This article argues that there is an elemental confluence between the moral ideal of cosmopolitanism and the economic and commercial practices of globalization. By looking at Foucault's and Arendt's readings of Kant, I show that the cosmopolitan premise of humanity is bound to an eschatological vision of the end of politics. In aligning Foucault's discussion of state-phobia with Arendt's discussion of world alienation, I argue that the eclipse of the public realm is intrinsic to the liberal conception (...)
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  4. The Concept of World Alienation in Hannah Arendt.Jonathan Rößler - 2023 - Arendt Studies 7:139-163.
    This article explores the concept of “world alienation” in the work of Hannah Arendt. It seeks to answer two sets of questions. First, what exactly is “world alienation” and how does Arendt’s concept differ from other theories of alienation? Second, what does “world alienation” mean in regard to Arendt’s characterisation of modernity, and what remedies does Arendt equip us with to overcome alienation? The article shows that Arendt’s notion of alienation emerges (...)
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    Castoriadis and the Permanent Riddle of the World: Changing Configurations of Worldliness and World Alienation.Suzi Adams - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 90 (1):44-60.
    The problematic of world articulation is central to post-phenomenological approaches. With Castoriadis, it emerges as a significant if shadowy thematic. Its shifting contours in his thought are redolent of the ongoing dialogue between romantic and enlightenment currents. They are also indicative of the ambiguity inherent to cultural articulations of the world in modernity. Here, two world perspectives open up various — and conflicting — interpretative challenges to which a response is necessitated. In Castoriadis's case, these take on (...)
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    Worldlessness and Democracy - With the Focus on the Concept World Alienation of Hannah Arendt -. 양창아 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 108:85-107.
    이 논문은 한나 아렌트의 세계소외 개념을 다각도로 분석함으로써 코로나19 시대에 우리의 일상생활에서 엿보이는 세계상실의 맥락에서 민주주의의 의미를 다시금 고찰하고자 한다. 세계소외는 근대 사회의 사물세계와 공동세계의 상실 과정을 드러내는 개념으로서 사람들에게서 ‘세계에 대한 관심’이 사라지고 ‘자기에 대한 관심’만 남은 상태를 가리킨다. 우리는 이를 (1) 사물세계의 상실: 생산과 소비의 굴레 (2) 공동세계의 상실: 평등과 대표의 의미 (3) 외로움의 정치적 악용: 혐오의 전염과 확산의 측면에서 분석한다. 또한 아렌트에 따르면 민주주의는 모든 사람의 통치라기보다 평등한 관계를 열망하는 사람들의 행위다. 공동세계의 상실이 특별히 민주주의 훼손과 직결되는 (...)
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  7. Alienation and the Metaphysics of Normativity: On the Quality of Our Relations with the World.Jack Samuel - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 26 (1).
    I argue that metaethicists should be concerned with two kinds of alienation that can result from theories of normativity: alienation between an agent and her reasons, and alienation between an agent and the concrete others with whom morality is principally concerned. A theory that cannot avoid alienation risks failing to make sense of central features of our experience of being agents, in whose lives normativity plays an important role. The twin threats of alienation establish two (...)
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    Alienation and global poverty: Arendt on the loss of the world.Johanna C. Luttrell - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (9):869-884.
    The language that global justice theorists use to characterize global poverty, the terms of duty and charity, are detached discourses that fail to capture the reality of poverty as most people currently experience it, as slum dwellers living on the outskirts of the world’s megacities. In contrast, the language of alienation better captures the experience of global, urban poverty. This article’s aim is to draw from Hannah Arendt to form a new idea of alienation that responds to (...)
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    World Without Weight: Perspectives on an Alien Mind.Daniel Povinelli - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    In every domain of reasoning humans deploy an wide range of intuitive 'theories' about how the world works. So are we alone in trying to make sense of the world by postulating theoretical entities to explain how the world works, or do we share this ability with other species. This is the focus of this new book from Daniel Povinelli.
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    Alienation in a Mediated World.John Lachs - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 2:429-433.
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    The World Turned Upside Down: Wonder, Disgust, and the Alienation Effect.Stephen Unwin - 2024 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 67 (4):631-641.
    History shows alarming shifts in the way that people with intellectual disabilities have been regarded. Locke doubted whether they could be counted among the human, while Rousseau hailed them as unspoiled children who could help us be better; the eugenicists despised them as perpetuating “feeble-mindedness,” while the religious praised them as holy innocents. Throughout, however, they have been seen metaphorically, as symbolic figures who incite hatred or inspire wonder, but rarely as real people. This article, written by the father of (...)
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  12. Existentialism, aliens and referentially unrestricted worlds.Michael Tze-Sung Longenecker - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3723-3738.
    Existentialism claims that propositions that directly refer to individuals depend on those individuals for their existence. I argue for two points regarding Existentialism. First, I argue that recent accounts of Existentialism run into difficulties accommodating the possibility of there being a lonely alien electron. This problem is distinct from one of the better-known alien problems—concerning iterated modal properties of aliens—and can’t be solved using a standard response to the iterated case. Second, though the lonely alien electron problem might seem to (...)
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    Alienation in a digitalized world.Trond Haga - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):801-814.
    In this paper, the aim is to study how the work organization in one specific company for one specific trade has changed over time and with these changes, the presence and absence of alienation of employees in this trade. Blauner’s U-shaped alienation development trend has been a reference in discussions on alienation. It displays a connection between the degree of alienation and technological development. The findings from this study verify the trend and the connection in the (...)
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    The Alien World, Attention and the Habitual.Antony Fredriksson - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):118-135.
    This article examines the role of attention in encounters with the unknown. By examining this process of the unknown becoming known through a reading of some seminal works, notably by Merleau-Ponty, Wittgenstein, and Waldenfels, the article focuses on the existentially significant characteristics of the function of attention that are disclosed by the encounter with an alien environment. Thereby, attention is considered as being neither fully under the control of the subject, nor completely the result of the external conditioning of our (...)
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    Phenomenon of Self-alienation of Culture as a Basis of Transformations of Philosophy in the Present-day world.L. M. Demchenko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:7-12.
    This article covers issues illustrating determining significance of philosophy as a theoretical reflection over the utmost bases of culture as well as processes, conditioned by phenomena of alienation and self-alienation of culture, resulting in its integrity, uniqueness and originality demolition. This, in its turn, definitely leads to various kinds of deformation of philosophic reflection. The most important tendency in subduing the crisis of culture and philosophy is to project a new type of philosophizing, represented in the critical philosophy (...)
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    World Spirit as Baal: Marx, Adorno, and Dostoyevsky on Alienation.Dennis Lunt - 2012 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 26 (2):485-495.
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    Alienation in a World of Data. Toward a Materialist Interpretation of Digital Information Technologies.Michael Steinmann - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (4):1-24.
    The essay proposes to use alienation as a heuristic and conceptual tool for the analysis of the impact of digital information and communication technologies (ICTs) on users. It follows a historical materialist understanding, according to which data can be considered as things produced in an industrial fashion. A representational interpretation, according to which data would merely reflect a given reality, is untenable. It will be argued instead to understand data as an additional layer which has a transformative impact on (...)
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    Subject-Alienation as the Basis of Eco-Ethical World-View.Kah Kyung Cho - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Research 40 (Supplement):367-386.
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    The Experience of the Alien and the Inter-world: From Waldenfels to Merleau-Ponty.Ovidiu Stanciu - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (3):308-330.
    This paper aims to lay out the main tenets of Bernhard Waldenfels’s analyses of the experience of the alien and to confront the philosophical thesis underwriting them with a central insight stemming from Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy. In the first section, I reconstruct the outlines of the experience of the alien, as described by Waldenfels, and show that, on his account, this experience can function as a powerful impetus enabling us to call into question some of the most deeply held commitments (...)
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    Religious 'worlds' and their alien invaders.Paulo Gonçalves - 2003 - In Philip Goodchild (ed.), Difference in Philosophy of Religion. Ashgate. pp. 115--134.
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    Alien Landscapes?: Interpreting Disordered Minds.Jonathan Glover - 2014 - Harvard University Press.
    We have made huge progress in understanding the biology of mental illnesses, but comparatively little in interpreting them at the psychological level. The eminent philosopher Jonathan Glover believes that there is real hope of progress in the human interpretation of disordered minds. -/- The challenge is that the inner worlds of people with psychiatric disorders can seem strange, like alien landscapes, and this strangeness can deter attempts at understanding. Do people with disorders share enough psychology with other people to make (...)
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    Understanding Others in an Alienating World: Comments on Lori Gruen's Entangled Empathy.Remy Debes - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (2):428-438.
    Is moral theory alienating? This question, and the worries that lie behind it, motivate much of Lori Gruen's distinctive approach to animal ethics in Entangled Empathy. According to Gruen, the “traditional” methods of moral theory rely on abstractions that strip away the details that give our lives meaning. Although I am deeply sympathetic to these worries, as well as to the alternative ethics Gruen proposes in response to them, in this article I express a few reservations about the argument Gruen (...)
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    Language, Alienation, and World-Disclosure. [REVIEW]Magnus Ferguson - 2020 - Research in Phenomenology 50 (2):283-289.
  24. Man in natural and alienated world as seen by Thoreau and Nietzsche.J. Slosiar - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (2):128-134.
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    The Alien as Übermensch.Robert M. Mentyka - 2017 - In Jeffrey A. Ewing & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Alien and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 187–197.
    During the android Ash's confession in Alien, peope learn a lot about the creature that has been stalking the crew of the Nostromo. Rather than give the human survivors some hope about their chances of overcoming the Xenomorph, Ash waxes poetic about the alien's nature, describing it as the “perfect organism”. The nature of the Xenomorph illustrates some of the core principles of Nietzschean philosophy. This chapter focuses on the idea of the Übermensch and how the aliens from this beloved (...)
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  26. Bodily Alienation, Natality and Transhumanism.Eduardo R. Cruz - 2023 - Arendt Studies 6:139-168.
    Transhumanism proposes human enhancement while regarding the human body as unfit for the future. This fulfills age-old aspirations for a perfect and durable body. We use “alienation” as a concept to analyze this mismatch between human aspirations and our current condition. For Hannah Arendt alienation may be accounted for in terms of earth- and world-alienation, as well as alienation from human nature, and especially from the given (“resentment of the given”). In transhumanism, the biological body (...)
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    Citizens, Residents, and Aliens in a Changing World: Political Membership in the Global Era.Seyla Benhabib - 1999 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 66 (3).
  28. Grief, alienation, and the absolute alterity of death.Emily Hughes - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):61-65.
    Disturbances to one's sense of self, the feeling that one has ‘lost a part of oneself’ or that one ‘no longer feels like oneself,’ are frequently recounted throughout the bereavement literature. Engaging Allan Køster's important contribution to this issue, this article reinforces his suggestion that, by rupturing the existential texture of self-familiarity, bereavement can result in experiences of estrangement that can be meaningfully understood according to the concept of self-alienation. Nevertheless, I suggest that whilst Køster's relational interpretation of (...) as the withdrawal of heteronomy can be applied to the experience of world-collapse in bereavement, what sets bereavement apart from other limit situations is the fact that it involves an intersubjective relation between the living and the dead. In contrast to Køster, therefore, I suggest that the experience of self-alienation that is distinctive to bereavement results from the fact that the bereaved is exposed to, and co-opted by, the absolute alterity of death itself. (shrink)
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    The processes of alienation in the modern world and their features in visual culture.Marina K. Kryshtaleva - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (1):117-120.
  30. Alienation as Atrophied Moral Cognition and Its Implications for Political Behavior.Michael J. Thompson - 2013 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 43 (3):301-321.
    I present a theory of alienation that accounts for the cognitive processes involved with moral thinking and political behavior in modern societies. On my account, alienation can be understood as a particular kind of atrophy of moral concepts and moral thinking that affect the ways individuals cognize and legitimate the social world and their place within it. Central to my argument is the thesis that modern forms of social integration—shaped by highly institutionalized, rationalized and hierarchical forms of (...)
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  31. (2 other versions)Alienation, consequentialism, and the demands of morality.Peter Railton - 1984 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 13 (2):134-171.
    The JSTOR Archive is a trusted digital repository providing for long-term preservation and access to leading academic journals and scholarly literature from around the world. The Archive is supported by libraries, scholarly societies, publishers, and foundations. It is an initiative of JSTOR, a not-for-profit organization with a mission to help the scholarly community take advantage of advances in technology. For more information regarding JSTOR, please contact [email protected].
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    Alienation of Rationality: Threats, Challenges and Thinking Posthumanism.Sviatoslav Vyshynskyi - 2024 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 4:53-61.
    The article is devoted to the problem of artificial intelligence and the challenges of “smart technologies”, which threaten the autonomy of human mind and the existence of human itself. The author states the crisis situation of contemporary culture, the existential fatigue of humanity, which manifests itself in the intention to delegate one’s own subjectivity, will and rationality to external actors – namely the Internet, artificial intelligence, and robotics. The article discovers the alienation of the fundamental quality of a thinking (...)
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    Alien concepts and South Asian reality: responses and reformulations.T. K. Oommen - 1995 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Pubications.
    "The papers are marked by a high degree of intellectual perspicacity and help us to reformulate certain "alien" concepts to our indigenous needs.... Oommen gives us a competent analysis of the extant situation. His "reformulation" could act as the springboard of fresh political thinking to resolve the present crises." --The Tribune "The attempt to re-examine some of the prevalent social science theories is a very relevant exercise. It is a book which should be of interest not only to social scientists (...)
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  34. Alienation from Nature and Early German Romanticism.Alison Stone - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):41-54.
    In this article I ask how fruitful the concept of alienation can be for thinking critically about the nature and causes of the contemporary environmental crisis. The concept of alienation enables us to claim that modern human beings have become alienated or estranged from nature and need to become reconciled with it. Yet reconciliation has often been understood—notably by Hegel and Marx—as the state of being ‘at-home-with-oneself-in-the-world’, in the name of which we are entitled, perhaps even obliged, (...)
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  35. Alien Structure and Themes from Analytic Philosophy.Matti Eklund - 2019 - Giornale di Metafisica 41 (1):195-208.
    We think of the world as consisting of objects, with properties and standing in relations. There are, to be sure, different views on what objects etc. there are, and on what their natures are. And some theorists want to subtract some elements from this picture. For example, the ontological nihilist says that there are no objects. But still, the view described is very much orthodoxy—so much orthodoxy that one may need to be reminded that the view that the (...) consists of objects, with properties and standing in relations is, precisely, a view. I here investigate the possibility that this view is false: that there is what may be called alien structure. And I investigate the relationship between alien structure and some important themes from the history of analytic philosophy. (shrink)
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    Alienated Leisure: Reflections on The Tourist.Dean MacCannell - 2024 - Theory, Culture and Society 41 (7-8):165-176.
    The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class was published in 1976 and has been republished in multiple printings, editions and translations. The original English text has been continuously in print, unmodified from its first publication. This essay suggests that The Tourist can be read today as an account of baseline socio-cultural and economic conditions at the moment just before tourism began its rapid growth to become the world’s largest industry. Several enduring and unique qualities of the tourist (...)
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    Alien Violation.Tim Jones - 2017 - In Jeffrey A. Ewing & Kevin S. Decker (eds.), Alien and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 178–185.
    The Alien films are steeped in the horror of sexual violence and the effects that it can have on survivors. The films place male viewers into a position they are not usually forced to confront in their own lives, during which they can only wonder what it would be like to have to worry about sexual violence just as much as women. This chapter looks more closely at what it is like for women in both the real world and (...)
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    Alienation and Affectivity.Kathleen Lennon & Anthony Wilde - 2019 - Sartre Studies International 25 (1):35-51.
    In this article, we explore Beauvoir’s account of what she claims is an alienated relation to our ageing bodies. This body can inhibit an active engagement with the world, which marks our humanity. Her claims rest on the binary between the body-for-itself and the body-in-itself. She shares this binary with Sartre, but a perceptive phenomenology of the affective body can also be found, which works against this binary and allows her thought to be brought into conversation with Levinas. For (...)
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    The Alienated Academic: The Struggle for Autonomy Inside the University.Richard Hall - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    Higher education is increasingly unable to engage usefully with global emergencies, as its functions are repurposed for value. Discourses of entrepreneurship, impact and excellence, realised through competition and the market, mean that academics and students are increasingly alienated from themselves and their work. This book applies Marx’s concept of alienation to the realities of academic life in the Global North, in order to explore how the idea of public education is subsumed under the law of value. In a landscape (...)
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    Bodily Alienation and Critical Phenomenologies of Race.Céline Leboeuf - 2022 - Puncta 5 (4):125-127.
    The concept of bodily alienation is promising for critical phenomenologies of race because it marries description and evaluation. With this concept, we can go beyond mere descriptions of lived experience and provide arguments for challenging the status quo. In fact, we can steer clear of another danger: an overly “objective” form of theorizing about race that is unresponsive to the lived experiences of the subjects whose lives it aims to reimagine. By contrast, phenomenologies founded on the concept of bodily (...)
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    Alienation, Praxis, and Technē in the Thought of Karl Marx.Kōstas Axelos - 1976 - Austin : University of Texas Press.
    "Originally published in French in 1961, this book is one of the standard works on the question of alienation in Marx. In his study of Marx and the role of technology in the modern world, Kostas Axelos interprets Marx from his own distinctive, thought-provoking, philosophical position. Made available now in the translation by Ronald Bruzina, the book provides a meaningful interpretation of Marx and an introduction to Axelos's own philosophical thought" -- Book jacket.
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  42. On Alienation from the Built Environment.Steven Vogel - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):87-96.
    If “environment” means “that which environs us,” it isn’t clear why environmentalist thinkers so often identify it with nature and not with the built environment that a quick glance around would reveal is what we’re actually environed by. It’s a familiar claim that we’re “alienated from nature,” but I argue that what we’re really alienated from is the built environment itself. Typically talk of alienation from nature involves the claim that we fail to acknowledge nature’s otherness, but the built (...)
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  43. Zombies of the world, unite: Class struggle and alienation in land of the dead.John Lutz - 2010 - In Thomas Richard Fahy (ed.), The philosophy of horror. Lexington, Ky.: University Press of Kentucky. pp. 121.
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    Reconstructing nature: alienation, emancipation, and the division of labour.Peter Dickens (ed.) - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    One of the main features of the contemporary environmental crisis is that no one has a clear picture of what is taking place. Environmental problems are real enough but they bring home the inadequacy of our knowledge. How does the natural world relate to the social world? Why do we continue to have such a poor understanding? How can ecological knowledge be made to relate to our understanding of human society? Reconstructing Nature argues that the division of labor (...)
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  45. Human Alienation and Fulfillment in Work Insights from the Catholic Social Teachings.Ferdinand Tablan - 2013 - Journal of Religion and Business Ethics 3 (1).
    This paper is about the modern-day problem of human alienation and fulfillment in work from the perspective of the Catholic social thought. It analyses the symptoms and causes of work alienation, the meaning of work and its significance in the individual’s quest for fulfillment, and how the Catholic social teachings can shed light on the problems involved in transforming the world of work. Alienation in work affects one’s subjective and psychological fulfillment, but it is not ultimately (...)
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    Social acceleration, alienation, and resonance: Hartmut Rosa's writings applied to nursing.Camelia López-Deflory, Amélie Perron & Margalida Miró-Bonet - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (2):e12528.
    This article aims to present the life and work of German thinker Hartmut Rosa as a philosopher of interest for nursing. Although his theoretical framework remains fairly unknown in the nursing domain, its main key concepts open up a philosophical and sociological approach that can contribute to the understanding of a wide range of study phenomena related to nurses, nursing, and healthcare. The concepts of social acceleration, alienation, and resonance are useful to explore healthcare organizations' performance by bringing the (...)
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    (1 other version)Structural Alienation: Lu’s Structural Approach to Reconciliation from within a Relational Framework.Leonie Smith - 2019 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 2 (11):1-14.
    In Justice and Reconciliation in World Politics Catherine Lu argues that structural reconciliation, rather than interactional reconciliation, ought to be the primary normative goal for political reconciliation efforts. I suggest that we might have good reason to want to retain relational approaches – such as that of Linda Radzik – as the primary focus of reconciliatory efforts, but that Lu’s approach is invaluable for identifying the parties who ought to bear responsibility for those efforts in cases of structural injustice. (...)
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    The jews among the aliens M. Goodman (ed.): Jews in a graeco-Roman world . Pp. IX + 293. Oxford: Clarendon press, 1998. Cased, £40. Isbn: 0-19-815078-. [REVIEW]Judith M. Lieu - 2000 - The Classical Review 50 (01):131-.
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    Recombinations, Alien Properties and Laws of Nature.Alexander R. Pruss - unknown
    A recombinationist like the earlier Armstrong (1989) claims that logically possible worlds are recombinations of items found in the actual world, with some items reduplicated if need be and others deleted. An immediate consequence of this is that if an alien property is a property that could only be defined in terms of fundamental properties that are actually uninstantiated, then it is logically impossible that an alien property be instantiated as no recombination of the items in the actual (...) can yield a world with an entity having such a property. Recombinationism immediately implies that S5 is false. To see this, suppose for simplicity, as I will throughout this paper, that electric charge is a fundamental property--otherwise, a different example would have to be used. Then, let w be a possible world lacking any charged objects. At w, then, it is true that it is logically impossible that there be a charged particle since no recombination of the entities in w yields a charged particle. Therefore, contrary to S5, what is possible at w differs from what is possible at the actual world, since charged particles are actual and hence logically possible at the actual world. While this argument may make one sceptical of recombinationism, the recombinationist will say that it is not surprising that if we follow out the Aristotelian intuition that possibility is to be grounded in actually existing entities, then what is possible will depend on what is actual. Henceforth I will no longer assume S5, and so logical possibilities will have to be relativized to worlds if recombinationism is true: it is logically possible at the actual world for charged particles to exist, but at a world at which there are no charged particles it is logically impossible for charged particles to exist... (shrink)
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  50.  42
    Fear of social alienation of love as gender characteristics.V. V. Melnyk, L. І Моzhovyi & I. A. Reshetova - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:22-29.
    Purpose. The paper considers the fear of social alienation of love. It is within the limits of psychoanalytic epistemology, the analysis of which will be presented in the article, the tendencies to monotony and universal solutions with an emphasis on ensuring the objectivity of the problem of gender alienation, to be more exact, the fear of love, which causes the gender process, are viewed most reliably. In view of the above the purpose of the paper is to investigate (...)
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