Results for 'vida quotidiana'

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  1.  9
    Antropologia de la vida quotidiana.Luis Duch - unknown - Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. Edited by Joan-Carles Mèlich.
    Reflexió dedicada al cos humà. Per tal d’analitzar algunes de les característiques del cos humà en la societat dels nostres dies, es procedeix, d’entrada, a una breu exposició de la història del cos en la cultura occidental i, més endavant, s’analitzen alguns aspectes laterals, però tanmateix essencials per a un tractament antropològic del cos com poden ser, per exemple, el cos de la dona en la cultura occidental i el patriarcalisme com a forma d’organitzar els cossos humans.
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  2. As novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação e as mudanças na vida cotidiana.Hangsub Choi - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):95-103.
    Les nouvelles technologies de l’information et de la communication (NTIC) se sont infiltrées dans notre vie quotidienne. Ces technologies, representées dans cet article par l‘internet et par le téléphone portable, devront montrer un potentiel encore plus remarcable dans le future, pouvant changer non seulement les structures économiques et industrielles, mais aussi la façon de penser et d’agir des êtres humains.
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    Cognições corporais: o sentido do olfato e a experiência do sabor.Rosalia Cavalieri - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022037.
    Há longo tempo considerado um dos sentidos menores e mais fracos nos animais humanos, o olfato na realidade assume na nossa modalidade de existência uma função bem menos marginal, antes central, nos comportamentos socio-emocionais, na evocação das memórias e na comunicação não verbal, e não último na nossa vida quotidiana, especialmente pelo seu papel na percepção do sabor dos alimentos. Graças aos progressos que a pesquisa alcançou nas últimas décadas, a ponto de justificar entre outras coisas o nascimento (...)
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  4. O espírito que quer voar: Adorno encantado.Alex Demirovic - 2004 - Trans/Form/Ação 27 (1).
    O ponto de partida do presente artigo é a idéia adorniana de que os conceitos como formas de pensamento são constelações de poder. Diferentemente de muitas interpretações que vêem em Adorno um resignado, Demirovic mostra que essa idéia permite que o filósofo dê à sua própria teoria o caráter de intervenção no consenso ideológico da vida quotidiana no tocante à emancipação.
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    Spirit that wants to fly: Adorno under a spell.Alex Demirovic - 2004 - Trans/Form/Ação 27 (1):27-37.
    The starting point of Demirovic's text is Adorno’s idea that concepts as forms of thinking are constellations of power. Differently from many interpretations of Adorno as resigned, Demirovic shows that this assumption enables Adorno to give his own theory the character of interventions in the ideological consensus of everyday life with regard to emancipation.O ponto de partida do presente artigo é a idéia adorniana de que os conceitos como formas de pensamento são constelações de poder. Diferentemente de muitas interpretações que (...)
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    El cuidado en el florecimiento o desarrollo humano personal: reflexiones desde la psicología para la bioética del cuidado.Milagrosa Hernáez García - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 22 (2):271-287.
    El cuidado en el florecimiento o desarrollo humano personal: reflexiones desde la psicología para la bioética del cuidado Cuidado no florescimento ou desenvolvimento humano pessoal: reflexões da psicologia para a bioética do cuidado This paper looks into the place care holds in personal development. It begins considering care as a universal and necessary category for human life and asks about the role it plays and how it influences one’s own personal development. Even though the framework that surrounds this reflection is (...)
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    (1 other version)Explicació teòrica i compromisos ontològics: un model estructuralista.Carles Moulines - 2005 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 37:45-53.
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    Um sonho cor-de-rosa.Bruno Marques - 2016 - Cultura:289-333.
    O objetivo deste artigo é compreender o fenómeno da propaganda indirecta no cinema enquanto dispositivo ideológico de controlo da vida privada, identificando a forma como foram tratados os papéis do feminino e do masculino no que à intriga amorosa conducente ao casamento diz respeito.Para o efeito, foram analisados, à luz do contexto sociocultural e político das duas primeiras décadas do Estado Novo em Portugal, sete filmes de ‘comédia à portuguesa’ marcantes do chamado ‘período de ouro’ do cinema português.A análise (...)
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    Ésser i moral.Agustí Peiró - 2002 - Valencia: Brosquil Edicions.
    «Així doncs, qualsevol activitat que emprenem, la nostra acció més quotidiana, ens demana un esforç de la voluntat. En la consagració de les nostres forces a véncer totes les dificultats que se’ns presenten a diari ens determinen a nosaltres mateixos. Solament hem de vigilar de no cedir en el nostre afany de superació. Perquè si el treball que tenim per davant al llarg d’una existència el deixàvem de colp algun dia per algun motiu sobtat, això seria com una mort (...)
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  10. Il fatto educativo // The educational fact.Rocco Carsillo - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (1):109-122.
    O academicismo trancafiou a Universidade na sua autorreferencialidade. Raramente se acha um jovem licenciado que descreve a importância e a utilidade dos próprios estudos superiores nas contingências novas que a vida e o trabalho o levam a enfrentar: a Universidade é “diferente” da vida. As ciências da educação, se assumissem claramente, também a partir do próprio estatuto, a concepção de serem “instrumentos” a entregar a mãos competentes, a pessoas autênticas e com rosto humano, poderiam oferecer uma grande contribuição (...)
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    La estética de lo cotidiano y la construcción del mundo propio: desde Levinas y Merleau-Ponty.Alfonso Hoyos Morales - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 69:105-125.
    El siguiente artículo tiene dos intenciones: por un lado, a través de Levinas y Merleau- Ponty, mostrar la relevancia de las herramientas fenomenológicas en el debate actual de la estética de lo cotidiano; por otro, defender la tesis de que lo específico de la estética de lo cotidiano consiste en comprender que nuestra cotidianidad está fundada inherentemente en elementos estéticos que se integran en nuestra vida de forma irreflexiva. A su vez, dichos elementos estéticos, a pesar de su irreflexividad, (...)
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    The Beginning of Wisdom: Unabridged Translation of the Gate of Love From Rabbi Eliahu De Vidas' Reshit Chochmah.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 2001 - Ktav Publishing House. Edited by Simcha H. Benyosef.
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts (Extracts).Giorgio Levi Della Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian fascist regime was introduced in October 1931, opted not to accept that act of submission. His memoirs, Fantasmi ritrovati, were published in 1966; (...)
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  14. Grace and Alienation.Vida Yao - 2020 - Philosophers' Imprint 20 (16):1-18.
    According to an attractive conception of love as attention, discussed by Iris Murdoch, one strives to see one’s beloved accurately and justly. A puzzle for understanding how to love another in this way emerges in cases where more accurate and just perception of the beloved only reveals his flaws and vices, and where the beloved, in awareness of this, strives to escape the gaze of others - including, or perhaps especially, of his loved ones. Though less attentive forms of love (...)
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    Giorgio Levi Della Vida: Remembered Ghosts(Extracts).Giorgio Dellaa Vida - 2004 - Diogenes 51 (4):59-79.
    Giorgio Levi Della Vida (1886-1967) was not only an eminent Islamologist, belonging to that tradition of Italian Oriental studies that stretches from Ignazio Guidi to Leone Caetani, Carlo Alfonso Nallino and Francesco Gabrieli - he was also a man with solid roots in his own time. He taught in Naples and Rome, then for the ten years 1939-1948 at the University of Pennsylvania. He was one of the few university teachers who, when the oath of loyalty to the Italian (...)
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  16. The Good Fit.Vida Yao - 2023 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2):414-429.
    Philosophers are now wary of conflating the “fittingness” or accuracy of an emotion with any form of moral assessment of that emotion. Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson, who originally cautioned against this “conflation”, also warned philosophers not to infer that an emotion is inaccurate from the fact that feeling it would be morally inappropriate, or that it is accurate from the fact that feeling it would be morally appropriate. Such inferences, they argue, risk committing “the moralistic fallacy”, a mistake they (...)
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  17. Hans Blumenberg's philosophical anthropology: After Heidegger and Cassirer.Vida Pavesich - 2008 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 46 (3):pp. 421-448.
    In this paper, I situate Hans Blumenberg historically and conceptually in relation to a subtheme in the famous debate between Martin Heidegger and Ernst Cassirer at Davos, Switzerland in 1929. The subtheme concerns Heidegger’s and Cassirer’s divergent attitudes toward philosophical anthropology as it relates to the starting points and goals of philosophy. I then reconstruct Blumenberg’s anthropology, which involves reconceptualizing Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms in relation to Heidegger’s objections to the philosophical anthropology of his day (e.g., Max Scheler, Helmuth (...)
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    Priorities: Comments on Rational Sentimentalism by Justin D’Arms and Daniel Jacobson.Vida Yao - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-10.
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    Gender and Hans Blumenberg’s Theory of Myth.Vida Pavesich - 2000 - International Studies in Philosophy 32 (4):83-105.
  20. The Snares of Self-Hatred.Vida Yao - 2022 - In Noell Birondo, The Moral Psychology of Hate. Lanham and London: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 53-74.
    As with certain other self-reflexive emotions, such as guilt and shame, our understanding of self-hatred may be aided by views of the mind which posit an internalized other whose perspective on oneself embodies and focuses a set of concerns and values, and whose perspective one is in some sense vulnerable to. To feel guilt for some transgression is not solely to feel the anger that one would feel toward another’s trespasses, now directed back onto oneself as an object of that (...)
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  21. The Undesirable & The Adesirable.Vida Yao - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (1):115-130.
    The guise of the good thesis can be understood as an attempt to distinguish between human motivations that are intelligible as desires and those that are not. I propose, first, that we understand the intelligibility at stake here as the kind necessary for the experience of reactive attitudes, both negative and positive, to the behavior and motivations of an agent. Given this, I argue that the thesis must be understood as proposing substantive content restrictions on how human agents perceive objects (...)
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    From sensorium hominis to sensorium Dei.Grigore Vida - 2019 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 8 (2):139-149.
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  23. Boredom and the Divided Mind.Vida Yao - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (4):937-957.
    On one predominant conception of virtue, the virtuous agent is, among other things, wholehearted in doing what she believes best. I challenge this condition of wholeheartedness by making explicit the connections between the emotion of boredom and the states of continence and akrasia. An easily bored person is more susceptible to these forms of disharmony because of two familiar characteristics of boredom. First, that we can be – and often are – bored by what it is that we know would (...)
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  24. Trabajo y Tecnologia en el Mundo Andino. Santiago de Chile.Criar la Vida - forthcoming - Vivarium.
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    Descartes’ Theory of Abstraction in the Regulæ.Grigore Vida - 2018 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 7 (1):105-121.
    I analyze in this article the different ways in which Descartes uses abstraction in the Regulæ, discussing his project of a mathematical physics, the role of the imagination, and the status of numbers. I also try to show that the doctrine of simple natures cannot be well accommodated with the theory of abstraction developed in Rule 14, having instead a greater affinity with Descartes’ later theory of abstraction and exclusion, in which imagination plays no role and everything happens at a (...)
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    Basic income, decommodification and the welfare state.Vida Panitch - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (8):935-945.
    According to Philippe Van Parijs, the superiority of an unconditional basic income (UBI) over conventional means-tested liberal welfare state programs lies in its decommodifying potential. In this article I argue that even if a UBI was sustainable at high enough a level to lessen the extent to which an individual is forced to sell his or her labor power in the market, it would nonetheless have the adverse and simultaneous effect of forcing that individual into further market transactions to satisfy (...)
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    Skirtys ir bendrumai.Vida Savoniakaitė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:66-67.
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  28. Global surrogacy: exploitation to empowerment.Vida Panitch - 2013 - Journal of Global Ethics 9 (3):329-343.
    Journal of Global Ethics, Volume 9, Issue 3, Page 329-343, December 2013.
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    Eduardo Volterio kultūros konceptai 1926–1934 m.Vida Savoniakaitė - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 104.
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    Fantômes retrouvés.Giorgio Levi Della Vida - 2003 - Diogène 204 (4):75-101.
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    Cognitive Control Challenge Task Across the Lifespan.Vida Ana Politakis, Anka Slana Ozimič & Grega Repovš - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Meeting everyday challenges and responding in a goal-directed manner requires both the ability to maintain the current task set in face of distractors—stable cognitive control, and the ability to flexibly generate or switch to a new task set when environmental requirements change—flexible cognitive control. While studies show that the development varies across individual component processes supporting cognitive control, little is known about changes in complex stable and flexible cognitive control across the lifespan. In the present study, we used the newly (...)
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  32. Surrogate Tourism and Reproductive Rights.Vida Panitch - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (2):274-289.
    Commercial surrogacy arrangements now cross borders; this paper aims to reevaluate the traditional moral concerns regarding the practice against the added ethical dimension of global injustice. I begin by considering the claim that global surrogacy serves to satisfy the positive reproductive rights of infertile first-world women. I then go on to consider three powerful challenges to this claim. The first holds that commercial surrogacy involves the commodification of a good that should not be valued in market terms, the second that (...)
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    (1 other version)Essai sur l'esthétique de Lotze.Vida F. Moore - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 52 (6):117-118.
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    The british society of aesthetics.Vida Carver & P. Vincent - 1964 - British Journal of Aesthetics 4 (2):135-135.
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    Liberalism, commodification, and justice.Vida Panitch - 2019 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (1):62-82.
    Anti-commodification theorists condemn liberal political philosophers for not being able to justify restricting a market transaction on the basis of what is sold, but only on the basis of how it is sold. The anti-commodification theorist is correct that if this were all the liberal had to say in the face of noxious markets, it would be inadequate: even if everyone has equal bargaining power and no one is misled, there are some goods that should not go to the highest (...)
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  36. Boredom as Cognitive Appetite.Vida Yao - 2021 - In Andreas Elpidorou, The Moral Psychology of Boredom. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. pp. 231-250.
    Boredom can motivate us to perform actions that are painful, imprudent, morally objectionable, or unwise in other respects. It can also give rise to forms of akrasia: we may be unwilling to do what we know we must, simply because we will find it boring; when we are racked with boredom—bored stiff, bored to tears—actions that might otherwise never occur to us to do can begin to appear attractive, and sometimes remain attractive against our better judgment. But boredom is also (...)
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    Passion, a forgotten feeling.Vida Vukoja - unknown
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    Ethical dilemmas in psychological services in Ghana: the views of clinical psychologists.Vida Badu Oppong, Joseph Osafo & Angela Ofori-Atta - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (3):273-284.
    ABSTRACT Ethics reflects the moral principles upon which most professional practices rest. It forms the basis to do good, to do no harm, to respect others, and ensure justice. The purpose of this study was to investigate ethical dilemmas experienced by 20 clinical psychologists in Ghana. Semi-structured interviews were used to investigate ethical dilemmas faced in professional practice. Using thematic analysis, the reported dilemmas included third-party involvement,, Dual relationships, Cultural competence, and Policies and practices. The findings showed that although some (...)
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    The anthropology of hope and the philosophy of history: Rethinking Kant’s third and fourth questions with Blumenberg and McCarthy.Vida Pavesich - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 104 (1):20-39.
    In order to address the question of hope in the present, it behooves us to revisit Kant’s third and fourth questions: ‘What may we hope?’ and ‘What is the human being?’ I reexamine these questions through an analysis of Thomas McCarthy’s recent book Race, Empire, and the Idea of Human Development and several works by Hans Blumenberg. I agree with McCarthy that Kant’s anthropology is incomplete and that the postmodern rejection of macronarratives was premature, but I claim that he requires (...)
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    Exploitation, Justice, and Parity in International Clinical Research.Vida Panitch - 2013 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (4):304-318.
    Consensus is lacking among research ethicists on the question of how broadly to understand the requirements of non-exploitation in international clinical research. Two types of principles have been proposed, minimalist and non-minimalist, grounded in two opposing conceptions of exploitation, transactional and systemic. Transactionalists have offered principles, which, it has been argued, are satisfied by minimal gains to vulnerable subjects measured against an unjust status quo. Systemicists have advanced principles with decidedly non-minimal mandates but only by conflating the obligations of clinical (...)
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    Sefer Reshit ḥokhmah ha-shalem.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 1984 - Yerushalayim: Makhon le-meḥḳar ule-hafatsat sifre musar ṿe-torat ha-Ḥasidut "Or ha-musar". Edited by Ḥayim Yosef Ṿaldman.
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  42. Exploitation.Vida Panitch - 2022 - In Chris Melenovsky, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. New York: Routledge.
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    Esu lietuvis pasienyje.Vida Savoniakaitė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 93:117-130.
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    Participation of Children in Medical Decision-Making: Challenges and Potential Solutions.Vida Jeremic, Karine Sénécal, Pascal Borry, Davit Chokoshvili & Danya F. Vears - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (4):525-534.
    Participation in healthcare decision-making is considered to be an important right of minors, and is highlighted in both international legislation and public policies. However, despite the legal recognition of children’s rights to participation, and also the benefits that children experience by their involvement, there is evidence that legislation is not always translated into healthcare practice. There are a number of factors that may impact on the ability of the child to be involved in decisions regarding their medical care. Some of (...)
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  45. Commodification, Inequality, and Kidney Markets.Vida Panitch & L. Chad Horne - 2018 - Social Theory and Practice 44 (1):121-143.
    People tend to be repulsed by the idea of cash markets in kidneys, but support the trading of kidneys through paired exchanges or chains. We reject anti-commodification accounts of this reaction and offer an egalitarian one. We argue that the morally significant difference between cash markets and kidney chains is that the former allow the wealthy greater access to kidneys, while the latter do not. The only problem with kidney chains is that they do not go far enough in addressing (...)
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    Research ethics education needs assessment in Serbian medical researchers.Vida Jeremic Stojkovic, Smiljana Cvjetkovic, Zeljka Stamenkovic, Janko Jankovic, Pavle Piperac, Dragana Ignjatovic Ristic, Ivanka Markovic & Rosamond Rhodes - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior.
    The lack of formal education in research ethics is a significant issue for the ethical conduct of research in Serbia. We conducted a cross-sectional survey on a sample of researchers and ethics committee members in Serbia to evaluate their self-assessed competence and educational needs in research ethics. Results indicated that previous ethics education had a significant effect on respondents’ perception of their own competence in addressing issues like informed consent, authorship, and publishing. Respondents expressed a high motivation for further research (...)
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    Sema as Zikr: The Language of the Whirling Dance.Vida Mia Valverde - 2018 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 22 (1):85-100.
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    Niels Stensens Ungarnreise im Jahre 1669.Tivadar Vida - 1984 - Centaurus 27 (2):167-172.
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    The ethical aspect of Lotze's metaphysics.Vida Frank Moore - 1901 - New York: Macmillan.
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  50. Reshit ḥokhmah.Elijah ben Moses de Vidas - 1907 - Edited by Israel ben Joseph Alnakawa.
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