Results for 'unasked-for results of labor'

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  1.  61
    A Reformed Division of Labor for the Science of Well-Being.Roberto Fumagalli - 2022 - Philosophy 97 (4):509-543.
    This paper provides a philosophical assessment of leading theory-based, evidence-based and coherentist approaches to the definition and the measurement of well-being. It then builds on this assessment to articulate a reformed division of labor for the science of well-being and argues that this reformed division of labor can improve on the proffered approaches by combining the most plausible tenets of theory-based approaches with the most plausible tenets of coherentist approaches. This result does not per se exclude the possibility (...)
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    Division of Labor in Vocabulary Structure: Insights From Corpus Analyses.Morten H. Christiansen & Padraic Monaghan - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (3):610-624.
    Psychologists have used experimental methods to study language for more than a century. However, only with the recent availability of large-scale linguistic databases has a more complete picture begun to emerge of how language is actually used, and what information is available as input to language acquisition. Analyses of such “big data” have resulted in reappraisals of key assumptions about the nature of language. As an example, we focus on corpus-based research that has shed new light on the arbitrariness of (...)
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    An examination of labor unions and firm’s tax ethical behavior in the USA.Hong Weng Lei, Chansog Kim & Raymond M. K. Wong - 2020 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 9 (1):93-120.
    Prior research finds that firms with strong business ethics are less likely to be tax aggressive. Labor union is one of the key stakeholders influencing firm’s tax aggressive behavior, whereas the bargaining process between labor union and firms exhibits ethical dilemma. Although industry-wide labor union coverage is commonly used in prior study to explore the monitoring role of labor unions in constraining management’s aggressive financial and tax decisions of their associated firms, we argue that firm-specific (...) unions, which represent a different bargaining power of the employees, do play an important role in determining firms’ tax ethical decisions. Specifically, we examine whether and how the firm-specific labor union coverage impacts firms’ tax aggressiveness decisions over and above industry-wide labor union coverage. We hypothesize and find that firm-specific labor unions influence the associated firms to be more tax aggressive, which results in higher levels of residual cash flows. We also find that industry-wide labor unions influence the associated firms to be less tax aggressive, which is consistent with prior findings. We perform further analyses and find that the results are more pronounced for the firms with greater industry-wide labor unions representation. These results demonstrate that the inclusion of and interaction between the firm-specific and industry-wide labor unions matter in determining corporate’s tax aggressiveness decisions, which highlight firm’s ethical perplexity between tax savings and social commitments. (shrink)
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    Would a Basic Income Guarantee Reduce the Motivation to Work? An Analysis of Labor Responses in 16 Trial Programs.Dianne Worku, Mark Barrett, Allison Stepka, Nora A. Murphy & Richard Gilbert - 2018 - Basic Income Studies 13 (2).
    Many opponents of BIG programs believe that receiving guaranteed subsistence income would act as a strong disincentive to work. In contrast, various areas of empirical research in psychology suggest that a BIG would not lead to meaningful reductions in work. To test these competing predictions, a comprehensive review of BIG outcome studies reporting data on adult labor responses was conducted. The results indicate that 93 % of reported outcomes support the prediction of no meaningful work reductions when the (...)
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    A clear division of labor within environmental philosophy?William Throop - 2007 - Ethics and the Environment 12 (2):147-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Clear Division of Labor Within Environmental Philosophy?William M. Throop (bio)In discussions about the future of environmental philosophy, I have found myself supporting two positions that are in tension with one another. The first, which has been well explored in the last decade, is that environmental philosophy should have a more dramatic impact outside of academic circles. It should affect policy and guide the behavior of non-philosophers, which (...)
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    The Feminization of Labour in Cognitive Capitalism.Cristina Morini - 2007 - Feminist Review 87 (1):40-59.
    The article starts with a definition of the concept feminization of labour. It aims to signal how, at both the Italian and the global level, precarity, together with certain qualitative characteristics historically present in female work, have become decisive factors for current productive processes, to the point of progressively transforming women into a strategic pool of labour. Since the early 1990s, Italy has seen a massive increase in the employment of women, within the wave of legislation that has introduced various (...)
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    The Division of Labor in Explanations of Verb Phrase Ellipsis.Christina S. Kim & Jeffrey T. Runner - 2018 - Linguistics and Philosophy 41 (1):41-85.
    In this paper, we will argue that, of the various grammatical and discourse constraints that affect acceptability in Verb Phrase Ellipsis (VPE), only the structural parallelism constraint is unique to VPE. We outline (previously noted) systematic problems that arise for classical structural accounts of VPE resolution, and discuss efforts in recent research on VPE to reduce explanations of acceptability in VPE to general well-formedness constraints at the level of information structure [e.g. Kehler, 2000, 2002, Kertz, 2013, Kehler, 2015]. In two (...)
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    Greedy Work and the New Gendered Division of Labour in advance.Malte Jauch - forthcoming - Social Theory and Practice.
    Recent years have seen the emergence of a new gendered division of labour. More men than women occupy ‘greedy jobs’ that offer high wages and swift career progress in return for long work hours and unforeseeable schedules. As a result, women earn less income and occupy fewer positions of power than men. This division of labour is the result of patriarchal norms that make it costlier for women than for men to occupy greedy jobs. This article analyses the morality of (...)
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  9. Impacts of Corporate Code of Conduct on Labor Standards: A Case Study of Reebok’s Athletic Footwear Supplier Factory in China.Xiaomin Yu - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):513-529.
    This study examines the social impacts of labor-related corporate social responsibility policies or corporate codes of conduct on upholding labor standards through a case study of CSR discourses and codes implementation of Reebok - a leading branded company enjoying a high-profiled image for its human rights achievement - in a large Taiwanese-invested athletic footwear factory located in South China. I find although implementation of Reebok labor-related codes has resulted in a "race to ethical and legal minimum" (...) standards when notoriously inhumane and seriously illegal labor rights abuses were curbed, Chinese workers were forced to work harder and faster but, earned less payment and the employee-elected trade union installed through codes implementation operated more like a "company union" rather than an autonomous workers' organization representing worker' interests. In order to explain the paradoxical effects of Reebok labor-related codes on labor standards, I argue the result is determined by both structural forces and agency-related factors embedded in industrial, national and local contexts. To put it shortly, I find the effectiveness of Reebok labor-related codes is constrained not only by unsolved tension between Reebok's impetus for profit maximization and commitment to workers' human rights, but also by hard-nosed competition realities at marketplace, and Chinese government's insufficient protection of labor rights. Despite drawing merely from a single case study, these findings illuminate key determinants inhibiting the effectiveness of labor-related CSR policies or codes in upholding labor standards, and hence two possible way-outs of the deadlock: sharing cost for improving labor standards among key players in global supply chain; and combining regulatory power of voluntary codes and compulsory state legislations. (shrink)
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  10.  42
    The Influence of the Social Division of Labor on the Forming of the Comprehensively Developed Human Being.N. F. Tarasenko - 1976 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):42-44.
    Material and nonmaterial cultural values are the forms that the social division of labor takes in its results, which embody qualitatively different forms corresponding to various human needs. Therefore, the question of the emergence of the comprehensively developed human being in communist society is also a question of the social division of labor. The conditions of labor of a developed socialist society are the results of the world historical development of social praxis, in which the (...)
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    A Revised Moral Appraisal of Early Induction of Labor in Cases of Anencephaly.John Holmes - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (4):389-406.
    The central concern of this article is whether early induction of labor for an anencephalic fetus can ever be morally justified, particularly by a Catholic healthcare ethics committee. By revisiting and refining arguments in articles by Drane (1992) and Bole (1992) published in this journal, a revised argument – consistent with the Catholic moral tradition – can seemingly be constructed that a Catholic healthcare ethics committee might use to justify early induction of labor in some pregnancies involving an (...)
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    The labour alienation of civil servants in Zimbabwe: Towards an ubuntu spirituality of work.Blazio M. Manobo - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):8.
    The alienation of labour is both classical and contemporary. In its classical form, it speaks to the potential dehumanisation of workers in capitalist societies. In its contemporary form, it manifests itself in the disenfranchisement of the individual because of changes in organised global workplaces. Over the years, Africa’s labour transition from traditional spirituality to contemporary organised global workplaces has fuelled new forms of public labour alienation. Civil servants, in some African countries, experience labour alienation reminiscent of work under capitalism. This (...)
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  13.  50
    The Growth of Private Regulation of Labor Standards in Global Supply Chains: Mission Impossible for Western Small- and Medium-Sized Firms? [REVIEW]Jette Steen Knudsen - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):387-398.
    Multinational corporations (MNCs) have come under pressure to adopt private regulatory initiatives such as supplier codes of conduct in order to address poor working conditions in global supply chain factories. While a well-known literature explores drivers and outcomes of such monitoring schemes, this literature focuses mainly on large firms and has ignored the growing integration of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into global supply chains. Furthermore, the literature on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in SMEs primarily emphasizes domestic initiatives and not (...)
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  14.  23
    The Ayn-Dayn Distinction in Ḥanafī Legal Thought and Its Effect on Legal Arrangements -The Example of Labor Contract and Contract of Construction -.Ünal Yerli̇kaya - 2022 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 8 (1):289-319.
    The ayn-dayn distinction in Ḥanafī legal thought shapes directly many regulations related to the law of obligations, from the legitimacy conditions of the contracts to the principles of compensation obligation. Three aspects are important in understanding the formative function of this distinction. The first of them is what is the conceptual content of ayn and dayn in Ḥanafī terminology. The second of them is what kind of relationship there is between the qualities of goods and ayn and dayn. The third (...)
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    Labour Leverage in Global Value Chains: The Role of Interdependencies and Multi-level Dynamics.Christina Niforou - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):301-311.
    The global segmentation of production and distribution has resulted in highly complex global value chains where vertical and horizontal dynamics are equally important in determining working conditions and providing points of leverage for labour. Borrowing notions of multi-level governance, we propose an analytical framework for describing and explaining success and failure of labour agency when attempting to improve working conditions along GVCs. Our starting point is that the high complexity of GVCs and the absence of a global overarching authority have (...)
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  16. Deliberative Exchange, Truth, and Cognitive Division of Labour: A Low-Resolution Modeling Approach.Ulrich Krause & Rainer Hegselmann - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):130-144.
    This paper develops a formal framework to model a process in which the formation of individual opinions is embedded in a deliberative exchange with others. The paper opts for a low-resolution modeling approach and abstracts away from most of the details of the social-epistemic process. Taking a bird's eye view allows us to analyze the chances for the truth to be found and broadly accepted under conditions of cognitive division of labour combined with a social exchange process. Cognitive division of (...)
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  17.  6
    Evaluation of the Relationship between Labour Taxation and Unemployment: Case Study of Lithuania in the EU Context.Laima Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė, Rasa Miežienė & Artūras Gataūlinas - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 28 (4).
    This paper analyses the impact of labour taxation on the labour market (its indicators), measures the relationship between labour taxes and the rate of unemployment in Lithuania, and seeks to establish whether the tax wedge has an impact on employment. The obtained results suggest that the unemployment rate in Lithuania tends to vary mainly due to cyclical economic fluctuations. However, to some extent, the level of unemployment, especially of unskilled labour, depends on its taxation. In Lithuania, the tax wedge (...)
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    Diverging by Gender: Syrian Refugees’ Divisions of Labor and Formation of Human Capital in the United States.Heba Gowayed - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (2):251-272.
    In this article, I examine how Syrian refugee men and women shifted their household divisions of labor in their initial years of resettlement in the United States. I combine and extend relational approaches from gender theory and economic sociology to examine how men’s and women’s behaviors shifted, the resources engendered by behavioral shifts, and how they interpreted and compensated for new behaviors and resources. I show that shifts in Syrian household divisions of labor occurred at the intersection of (...)
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  19.  47
    The Costs and Labour of Whistleblowing: Bodily Vulnerability and Post-disclosure Survival.Kate Kenny & Marianna Fotaki - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (2):341-364.
    Whistleblowers are a vital means of protecting society because they provide information about serious wrongdoing. And yet, people who speak up can suffer. Even so, debates on whistleblowing focus on compelling employees to come forward, often overlooking the risk involved. Theoretical understanding of whistleblowers’ post-disclosure experience is weak because tangible and material impacts are poorly understood due partly to a lack of empirical detail on the financial costs of speaking out. To address this, we present findings from a novel empirical (...)
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    A Decision Aid May Offer Liability Protection for a Bad Obstetrical Outcome: Results of Mock Trials.Suzanne Brodney, Pamela H. Wescott, Benjamin W. Moulton, Katherine Hartmann, Yuchiao Chang & Michael J. Barry - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (4):967-974.
    The objective of this study is to evaluate if use of a patient decision aid, when choosing between a repeat cesarean or a trial of labor after a cesarean, reduces medical liability exposure. The authors conclude that use of a PDA conferred liability protection when potential jurors were presented with a hypothetical malpractice claim against an obstetrician following a TOLAC.
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    Signaling Virtue? A Comparison of Corporate Codes in the Fields of Labor and Environment.Issi Rosen-Zvi & Guy Mundlak - 2011 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (2):603-663.
    The creation of a "market for virtue" and social responsibility is dependent on the flow of information from the corporation to the responsible agents. To achieve a free flow of information, excessive, missing and unreliable information must be avoided. More generally, a market for virtue should make it possible to create the appropriate means to signal true commitments and enable informed agents to know how to effectively use their limited resources for deploying market power that rewards and sanctions the corporations (...)
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  22.  19
    Impact of union practices on labor relations in China: Institutional trust as a moderator.Yuanling Li, Zhongliang Dai & Xiao Hu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The particularities of Chinese union practices in the private sector and their impacts on the labor relations climate have raised much controversy. This paper presents the findings of a study that analyzed data from 926 enterprises in Chongqing, China, through the lens of institutional trust. The study was designed to examine the influence of union practices on the labor relations climate at the enterprise level. Particular attention was paid to the possible moderator effect that both employee and management (...)
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  23.  8
    Transformations of Changes in the Labour Market Situation of Young People and Older Adults in Lithuania: A Demographic Approach.Boguslavas Gruževskis & Arūnas Pocius - 2022 - Filosofija. Sociologija 33 (4).
    The paper assesses labour market integration opportunities for the groups of country’s population that are highly contrasting in social terms, i.e. young people and older adults, and their dependence on demographic changes. Since the beginning of the 21st century up to 2050 in the future, demographic changes have demonstrated and will continue to have an increasing impact on the social and economic development of European countries. In this context, it is particularly appropriate to monitor the demographic prospects and labour market (...)
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    Labor Tax Avoidance and Its Determinants: The Case of Mafia Firms in Italy.Diego Ravenda, Josep M. Argilés-Bosch & Maika M. Valencia-Silva - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (1):41-62.
    This paper develops two new measures of labor tax avoidance based on social contribution expenses reported in financial statements and tests them and their determinants within a sample of 224 Italian firms defined as legally registered Mafia firms due to having been confiscated at some point by judicial authorities, in relation to alleged connections with Italian organized crime. Overall, our results reveal that before confiscation LMFs engage more in LTAV than lawful firms do, whereas after confiscation there is (...)
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  25.  9
    Labor recruitment and the lure of the capital:: Central american migrants in Washington, dc.Terry A. Repak - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (4):507-524.
    This case study of Central American migration to Washington, DC closely examines how gender is related to the decision to migrate, as well as the choice of destination. The study investigates the social and economic conditions in sending Central American countries as well as those in a receiving city in the United States to determine why women predominate in certain labor migrations. A macrostructural analysis accounts for the conditions that delimit the flow of international migrants, but a concept termed (...)
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  26.  53
    Labor-Friendly Corporate Practices: Is What is Good for Employees Good for Shareholders? [REVIEW]Olubunmi Faleye & Emery A. Trahan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (1):1 - 27.
    As corporate managers interact with nonshareholder stakeholders, potential tradeoffs emerge and questions arise as to how these interactions impact shareholder value. We argue that this shareholder—stakeholder debate is an important issue within the overall corporate governance and corporate policy domain and examine one such stakeholder group - employees - by studying labor-friendly corporate practices. We find that announcements of labor-friendly policies are associated with positive abnormal stock returns. Labor-friendly firms also outperform otherwise similar firms, both in terms (...)
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  27.  14
    Competitive Strategy of Firms’ Participation in the Global Value Chains and Labor Income Share.Zhaoji Sun, Danling Tang & Qing Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-18.
    The division of labor in the global value chain has reshaped the competitive advantage of enterprises participating in the international market and has a significant influence on the distribution of their factor income. Based on the perspective of market choice, this paper uses China’s industrial enterprises’ data, Customs Statistical Data on Import and Export, Word Input and Output Database, and BACI database from 2000 to 2007 to analyze the effect of competitive strategy of a firm’s GVC participation on its (...)
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    Learning to divide the labor: an account of deficits in light and heavy verb production.Jean K. Gordon & Gary S. Dell - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (1):1-40.
    Theories of sentence production that involve a convergence of activation from conceptual‐semantic and syntactic‐sequential units inspired a connectionist model that was trained to produce simple sentences. The model used a learning algorithm that resulted in a sharing of responsibility (or “division of labor”) between syntactic and semantic inputs for lexical activation according to their predictive power. Semantically rich, or “heavy”, verbs in the model came to rely on semantic cues more than on syntactic cues, whereas semantically impoverished, or “light”, (...)
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  29.  33
    Mixing for Parlak and Bowing for a Büyük Ses: The Aesthetics of Arranged Traditional Music in Turkey.Eliot Bates - 2010 - Ethnomusicology 54 (1):81-105.
    In this paper I explore the production aesthetics that define the sound of most arranged traditional music albums produced in the early 2000s in Istanbul,Turkey. I will focus on two primary aesthetic characteristics, the achievement of which consume much of the labor put into tracking and mix- ing: parlak (“shine”) and büyük ses (“big sound”). Parlak, at its most basic, consists of a pronounced high frequency boost and a pattern of harmonic distortion characteristics,and is often described by studio musicians (...)
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  30.  16
    Labor Studies in Samara Philosophy.Евгений Александрович Тюгашев - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (2):67-80.
    The article discusses the works of Samara researchers T.N. Sosnina and L.B. Chetyrova in the field of the philosophy of labor. The analysis is carried out in the context of the need to resolve the socio-epistemological situation of the “death of labor” and to rethink the content of the concept of labor. T.N. Sosnina opened this thematic field of research in Samara in the 1970s with the development of philosophical theory of the subject of labor. As (...)
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  31.  21
    Tracking Affective Labour for Agility in the Quantified Workplace.Phoebe V. Moore - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (3):39-67.
    Sensory and tracking technologies are being introduced into workplaces in ways Taylor and the Gilbreths could only have imagined. New work design experiments merge wellness with productivity to measure and modulate the affective and emotional labour of resilience that is necessary to survive the turbulence of the widespread incorporation of agile management systems, in which workers are expected to take symbolic direction from machines. The Quantified Workplace project was carried out by one company that fitted sensory algorithmic devices to workers’ (...)
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  32.  36
    Farm labor contractors: The processors of new immigrant labor from Mexico for Californian agribusiness. [REVIEW]Fred Krissman - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (4):18-46.
    The deteriorating living and working conditions suffered by California's farm workers and their families is associated with the escalating proportion of the agricultural labor market (ALM) provisioned by the state's farm labor contractors (FLCs). The increasing use of FLCs is the result of a restructuring strategy undertaken by Californian agribusiness to reduce the cost of labor, as well as responsibility for work place, labor, and immigration laws. The FLCs' rise to prominence as the bulwark between growers (...)
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    Emotional labor among Turkish nurses: A cross‐sectional study.Ayşegül Tuğba Yıldız & Leyla Dinc - 2023 - Nursing Inquiry 30 (3):e12544.
    Nurses are the closest healthcare providers to patients and emotional labor is the most invisible part of nursing work. However, the management of emotions to promote organizational goals and to ensure patient satisfaction may have both positive and negative impacts on nurses' working life. The purpose of this cross‐sectional, descriptive study was to examine the emotional labor behaviors of nurses and their opinions on emotional labor. Two hundred nineteen nurses working at public hospitals in Ankara between September (...)
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  34.  25
    Straight from the Source? Media Framing of Creative Crowd Labor and Resultant Ethical Concerns.Kim Bartel Sheehan & Matthew Pittman - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (2):575-585.
    Increasing numbers of marketers are turning to the crowd—members of the public engaged with brands via the Internet—to develop marketing and advertising campaigns. Some marketers use social media to connect directly with customers, while others use crowdsourcing agencies to harness the power of crowd labor. As more members of the public become aware of creative crowdsourcing, they look to the media to understand more about it. As a result, it is important to examine how the media currently frame creative (...)
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    Use and completion of partograph during labour is associated with a reduced incidence of birth asphyxia: a retrospective study at a peri-urban setting in Ghana.Reindolf Anokye, Enoch Acheampong, Judith Anokye, Amy Budu-Ainooson, Evelyn Amekudzie, Isaac Owusu, Naomi Gyamfi, Agyei Gyimah Akwasi & Wisdom Kwadwo Mprah - 2019 - Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 38 (1):12.
    Morbidity of birth asphyxia has been estimated to be 42 million disability-adjusted life years. The study sought to assess the impact of the use and completion of partograph during labour on reducing birth asphyxia at the St Anthony’s Hospital, Dzodze, in the Volta Region of Ghana. A retrospective study design using a quantitative approach was adopted for the study. A simple random sampling technique was used to select a total of 200 folders of labouring women who were admitted and delivered (...)
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    The Impact of Education on the Youth Labour Market in Serbia.Dejana Pavlović, Ivana S. Domazet & Milena Lazić - 2018 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 83:11-18.
    Publication date: 27 August 2018 Source: Author: Dejana Pavlović, Ivana S. Domazet, Milena Lazić The high rate of youth unemployment is an issue that is largely present in developing countries, such as Serbia. The results of the research will provide a major contribution whether education has an impact on the labour market among young people in Serbia. Decision tree was performed to identify impact constructs. In order to define public policies, an insight is provided into the characteristics of young (...)
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    Situation of residential migration in the labor field in Ecuador, period 2016-2021.René Faruk Garzozi-Pincay & Yamel Sofía Garzozi-Pincay - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 20 (1):1-11.
    Know the current situation of Ecuador with the analysis of migration, its economic and demographic effects. The methods used are exploratory and descriptive research, which allows us to approach the reality facing the country. The result is that in Ecuador it is preferred to hire the migrant for his lower payment, and labor exploitation is incurred towards him. A part of the migrants in Ecuador are professionals, they do not exercise their profession due to the non-legalization of their documents. (...)
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    The impact of employee compensation restrictions on labor productivity in state-owned enterprises: Evidence from China.Bao Zhu, Zhong Ma & Xiaojie Qu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Employees are important stakeholders in an organization. This paper aims to examine the effectiveness of limits on employee compensation in state-owned enterprises, a policy for employees of state-owned enterprises issued by the China State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission in 2010. Employing a difference-in-differences analysis for a sample of Chinese listed companies from 2007 to 2013, the results show that employee compensation restriction enhances the labor productivity of SOEs. This policy effect is mainly due to the contribution of (...)
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    The Impact of Emotional Labor on User Stickiness in the Context of Livestreaming Service—Evidence From China.Yunxia Shi, Chunhao Ma & Yuxin Zhu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Improving the user stickiness becomes increasingly valued, due to the severe user churn of livestreaming services. Previous studies pay much attention to the influencing factors of technology on user stickiness, ignoring the emotional factors. This study examined the impact of the emotional labor of network anchors on user stickiness in the context of livestreaming service. We extended prior findings in three ways. The results of Study 1 demonstrated that the emotional labor of network anchor positively influenced user (...)
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  40. A Unified Model of the Division of Cognitive Labor.Rogier De Langhe - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (3):444-459.
    Current theories of the division of cognitive labor are confined to the “context of justification,” assuming exogenous theories. But new theories are made from the same labor that is used for developing existing theories, and if none of this labor is ever allocated to create new alternatives, then scientific progress is impossible. A unified model is proposed in which theories are no longer given but a function of the division of labor in the model itself. The (...)
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    Theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation of in a single-industry town.Olga Antonova, Elena Kolesnik & Elena Maslennikova - 2021 - Sotsium I Vlast 3:25-45.
    Introduction. On the territory of the Chelyabinsk region there are 16 single-industry towns, the labor market and employment of which depend on the socio-economic situation of the single-industry enterprise. This state of matters results in the growth of unemployment, decrease in the level of human capital, the population’s life quality, and the loss of scientific and production potential. According to the authors, developing the theoretical foundations of the labor market and employment digital transformation in a single-industry town (...)
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    Labor Insertion of Graduates from the Faculty of Technology of the National University of Education, 2023.Fidel Ramos Ticlla, Enrique Alejandro Barbachán Ruales, María Angélica Valenzuela Rodríguez, Gilberto Guizado Salazar, Aida Beatriz Orosco Naveros & Lourdes Basilia Pareja Perez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:586-598.
    The objective of this research work was to determine what are the factors that condition the labor insertion of graduates of the 14 Study Programs of the Faculty of Technology, in the Technical Variant Educational Institutions, the Productive Technical Centers and in the Higher Institutions. Technological, in the year 2023, with its two dimensions of employability and occupancy; The methodology applied was quantitative, type of applied research, non-experimental research method, simple descriptive design, 13 questions were prepared for the employability (...)
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    The “Beloved and Deplored” Memory of Harriet Taylor Mill: Rethinking Gender and Intellectual Labor in the Canon.Menaka Philips - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (4):626-642.
    In his Autobiography, John Stuart Mill tells us that though his conviction regarding the equality of the sexes was a result of his earliest engagements with political subjects, it remained an abstract idea before his relationship with Harriet Taylor began. Crediting her as the author of “all that was best” in his writings, Mill's praise of his wife has not been well received by many of his readers, and scholars have long questioned her capacities as an intellectual and as a (...)
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    Understanding the Impact of Machine Learning on Labor and Education: A Time-Dependent Turing Test.Joseph Ganem - 2023 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book provides a novel framework for understanding and revising labor markets and education policies in an era of machine learning. It posits that while learning and knowing both require thinking, learning is fundamentally different than knowing because it results in cognitive processes that change over time. Learning, in contrast to knowing, requires time and agency. Therefore, “learning algorithms”—that enable machines to modify their actions based on real-world experiences—are a fundamentally new form of artificial intelligence that have potential (...)
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    Reasons for the Movement of Female Immigrants to the Republic of Turkey: Research and Analysis.Oksana Koshulko - 2019 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 85:14-20.
    Publication date: 24 January 2019 Source: Author: Oksana Koshulko The article presents the results of studies on reasons why female immigrants coming to Turkey as well as basic problems for married female immigrants in Turkey. The article has presented several groups of female immigrants and reasons why female immigrants coming to Turkey. The first group were married female immigrants who gave their reason for coming to Turkey as marriage; the second group were female labor immigrants who came to (...)
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  46. Use of the Labour-Intensive Method in the Repair of a Rural Road Serving an Indigenous Community in Jocotán (Guatemala).Rodrigo Ares, José-María Fuentes, Eutiquio Gallego, Francisco Ayuga & Ana-Isabel García - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):315-338.
    Abstract This paper reports the results obtained in an aid project designed to improve transport in the municipal area of Jocotán (Guatemala). The rural road network of an area occupied by indigenous people was analysed and a road chosen for repair using the labour-intensive method–something never done before in this area. The manpower required for the project was provided by the population that would benefit from the project; the involvement of outside contractors and businesses was avoided. All payment for (...)
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    Recruitment interviews for intermediate labour markets: Identity construction under ambiguous expectations.Tea Lempiälä & Sanni Tiitinen - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (6):758-780.
    Intermediate labour markets provide fixed-term work opportunities and coaching for people in disadvantaged positions in labour markets. We study 46 sequences from six audio-recorded recruitment interviews for an ILM job targetted at people who have been unemployed for a prolonged period. Using an ethnomethodological approach to identity, membership categorisation analysis and conversation analysis, we study how interviewers and candidates construct and negotiate who is fit for the ILM job. We present interactional moves through which the participants jointly construct the ‘fit (...)
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    Export-oriented industrialization and the demand for female labor:: Puerto Rican women in the manufacturing sector, 1952-1980.Palmira N. Ríos - 1990 - Gender and Society 4 (3):321-337.
    This article examines the relationship between Puerto Rico's export-oriented development program and the demand for women workers in the manufacturing sector from 1952 to 1980. Its central proposition is that the consistently high proportion of women in the manufacturing sector was the result of an employment structure characterized by specialization in assembly-type activities and low wages. Although the Puerto Rican government pursued a development strategy designed to increase job opportunities for men, the manufacturing industries attracted to the island by its (...)
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    Labor Migration Policy and the Governance of the Construction Industry in Israel and Japan.David Bartram - 2004 - Politics and Society 32 (2):131-170.
    Significant “guestworker” immigration occurs when the state lacks the capacity to inhibit rent-seeking by private interests that benefit from imported labor. Policies allowing imported labor result in government subsidies for employers’ profits. These subsidies are usefully conceived as rents. A developmentalist state will constrain the creation of such rents, especially because imported labor carries long-term costs not borne by employers and inhibits productivity growth and positive structural change. A clientelist state falls prey to this type of rent-seeking (...)
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    The dual-use problem, scientific isolationism and the division of moral labour.Thomas Douglas - 2014 - Monash Bioethics Review 32 (1-2):86-105.
    The dual-use problem is an ethical quandary sometimes faced by scientists and others in a position to influence the creation or dissemination of scientific knowledge. It arises when an agent is considering whether to pursue some project likely to result in the creation or dissemination of scientific knowledge, that knowledge could be used in both morally desirable and morally undesirable ways, and the risk of undesirable use is sufficiently high that it is not clear that the agent may permissibly pursue (...)
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