Results for 'Rodrigo Ares'

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  1. Use of the Labour-Intensive Method in the Repair of a Rural Road Serving an Indigenous Community in Jocotán (Guatemala).Rodrigo Ares, José-María Fuentes, Eutiquio Gallego, Francisco Ayuga & Ana-Isabel García - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):315-338.
    Abstract This paper reports the results obtained in an aid project designed to improve transport in the municipal area of Jocotán (Guatemala). The rural road network of an area occupied by indigenous people was analysed and a road chosen for repair using the labour-intensive method–something never done before in this area. The manpower required for the project was provided by the population that would benefit from the project; the involvement of outside contractors and businesses was avoided. All payment for labour (...)
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  2. Do Employees Care About CSR Programs? A Typology of Employees According to their Attitudes.Pablo Rodrigo & Daniel Arenas - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):265-283.
    This paper examines employees’ reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility programs at the attitudinal level. The results presented are drawn from an in-depth study of two Chilean construction firms that have well-established CSR programs. Grounded theory was applied to the data prior to the construction of the conceptual framework. The analysis shows that the implementation of CSR programs generates two types of attitudes in employees: attitudes toward the organization and attitudes toward society. These two broad types of attitudes can then be (...)
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  3. Do People Think Consciousness Poses a Hard Problem?: Empirical Evidence on the Meta-Problem of Consciousness.Rodrigo Díaz - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):55-75.
    In a recent paper in this journal, David Chalmers introduced the meta-problem of consciousness as “the problem of explaining why we think consciousness poses a hard problem” (Chalmers, 2018, p. 6). A solution to the meta-problem could shed light on the hard problem of consciousness. In particular, it would be relevant to elucidate whether people’s problem intuitions (i.e. intuitions holding that conscious experience cannot be reduced to physical processes) are driven by factors related to the nature of consciousness, or rather (...)
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    Crisis and critique in Jürgen Habermas’s social theory.Rodrigo Cordero - 2014 - European Journal of Social Theory 17 (4):497-515.
    At a time when ideas of crisis and critique are at the forefront of public discourse, this article seeks to understand moments of crisis vis-à-vis critique as a key feature of critical social theory. It addresses Jürgen Habermas’s strong claim that this relationship accounts for a ‘model of analysis’ concerned with grasping the ‘diremptions’ of social life. To elaborate this reading, the article pays attention to the main problems Habermas identifies in conventional ways of understanding the concepts of ‘crisis’ and (...)
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    The Legal Image’s Forgotten Aesthetics.Rodrigo Ferrada Stoehrel - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (3):555-577.
    Aesthetics and communications theories are often applied to art, media and popular culture but not within legal empirical (audiovisual) material—despite the fact that a judicial and legal process comprises a palpable utilisation of the visual as evidence of an historical reality. Based on four distinct Swedish cases, this study analyses the court’s reasoning, interpretation and use of (audio)visual evidence. Inspired by an embodied film theory, Benjamin’s thoughts on the technical-dramaturgical components of the camera and the later Barthes’ notion of the (...)
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  6. You are just being emotional! Testimonial injustice and folk-psychological attributions.Rodrigo Díaz & Manuel Almagro - 2019 - Synthese 198 (6):5709-5730.
    Testimonial injustices occur when individuals from particular social groups are systematically and persistently given less credibility in their claims merely because of their group identity. Recent “pluralistic” approaches to folk psychology, by taking into account the role of stereotypes in how we understand others, have the power to explain how and why cases of testimonial injustice occur. If how we make sense of others’ behavior depends on assumptions about how individuals from certain groups think and act, this can explain why (...)
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    Exploring mindfulness in/as education from a Heideggerian perspective.Rodrigo Brito, Stephen Joseph & Edward Sellman - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (2):302-313.
    Over the past decade or so within this journal, there have been critical debates concerning the role of mindfulness within education, the influence of neoliberalism on education in general and well-being interventions specifically, and the relevance of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger for critiquing modernity including the nature and purpose afforded education. In this article, we propose that these debates are sufficiently interrelated to develop a more unified argument. We will show how a Heideggerian perspective is conceptually rich, in both (...)
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    Duns scotus, escotistas E o debate em torno à extensão predicativa in quid da noção de ente no século XIV.Rodrigo Guerizoli - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (131):07-23.
    O objetivo de meu texto consiste em reconstruir um aspecto da recepção da compreensão de Duns Scotus sobre a noção de ente em dois autores pertencentes à geração que imediatamente o sucedeu: no franciscano Guilherme de Alnwick e em seu confrade Francisco de Meyronnes. O problema que surge nessa primeira recepção de Scotus pode ser assim resumido: uma vez que tenhamos aceitado que a noção de ente é simultaneamente unívoca, primeira, a mais geral e a mais simples das noções, como (...)
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  9. Levels of immersion, tacit knowledge and expertise.Rodrigo Ribeiro - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (2):367-397.
    This paper elaborates on the link between different types and degrees of experience that can be gone through within a form of life or collectivity—the so-called levels of immersion—and the development of distinct types of tacit knowledge and expertise. The framework is then probed empirically and theoretically. In the first case, its ‘predictions’ are compared with the accounts of novices who have gone through different ‘learning opportunities’ during a pre-operational training programme for running a huge nickel industrial plant in Brazil. (...)
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  10.  49
    Dogmatic Evidence of “The Given”.Rodrigo Laera - 2017 - Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (2):185-201.
    This paper addresses the epistemological problem of the myth of “the given” from an evidentialist and pragmatic perspective concerning the attribution of knowledge: if the evidence supporting p may be based on «the given» for S, how can “the given” be considered the basis of the evidence if it is a myth? The principal objective is to introduce a pragmatic solution to the above question. The main thesis is that there is a dogmatic relationship between the evidence necessary for the (...)
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    Trabalho, Informação e Conhecimento: Relendo Marx Na Era da Informação.Rodrigo Moreno Marques - 2015 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 2 (1):47-71.
    Dentre os problemas que têm norteado nossas investigações, duas indagações ganham destaque. Como a informação e o conhecimento estão inseridos no arcabouço teórico de Karl Marx? Que janelas o pensamento de Marx nos abre para discutir do papel da informação e do conhecimento no universo do trabalho, na atualidade? Fazendo dessa perspectiva objeto de pesquisa, busca-se apreender a inserção da informação e do conhecimento no arcabouço teórico marxiano, tendo como referências principais O Capital, Teorias da mais-valia e Capítulo VI Inédito. (...)
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  12. Feeling the right way: Normative influences on people's use of emotion concepts.Rodrigo Díaz & Kevin Reuter - 2020 - Mind and Language 36 (3):451-470.
    It is generally assumed that emotion concepts are purely descriptive. However, recent investigations suggest that the concept of happiness includes information about the morality of the agent's life. In this study, we argue that normative influences on emotion concepts are not restricted to happiness and are not about moral norms. In a series of studies, we show that emotion attribution is influenced by whether the agent's psychological and bodily states fit the situation in which they are experienced. People consider that (...)
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    Jurema In Contemporary Brazil: Ritual Re‐Actualizations, Mysticism, Consciousness, And Healing.Rodrigo de A. Grünewald, Robson Savoldi & Mark I. Collins - 2022 - Anthropology of Consciousness 33 (2):307-332.
    This article proposes an exposition and analysis of perceptions intrinsic to rituals carried out with the use of the jurema plant, especially when mixed with Syrian rue (juremahuasca) in contexts of contemporary esoteric re-actualizations in Brazil. These rituals are conducted by people who look at jurema as a spiritual path, once acquainted with its psychedelic properties. We highlight the mystical attributes and the cultural bricolage elaborated by these individuals, who conduct ceremonies in ritual spaces in which participants experience altered states (...)
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    Ário Dídimo, Epítome de Ética Estoica, 2.7.5A- 2.7.5B.Rodrigo Pinto de Brito & Aldo Dinucci - 2016 - Trans/Form/Ação 39 (2):255-274.
    RESUMO: Tradução dos passos 2.7.5A- 2.7.5B da Epitome de Etica Estoica, do filósofo estoico e doxógrafo alexandrino Ário Dídimo. Não há traduções em língua moderna das obras completas de Ário Dídimo. Assim, para esta tradução, usamos a fixação da exposição sobre a ética estoica presente em Estobeu, realizada por Pomeroy. A seção que traduzimos versa sobre o conceito estoico de excelência, explicando o que ela é, quais as virtudes que dela participam, e como. Por antítese, Ário Dídimo também elucida o (...)
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    A Nova Paróquia e a solicitude pelos pobres: o compromisso cristão no mundo.Rodrigo Fernando Alves - 2016 - Revista de Teologia 10 (17):94-106.
    The New Parish, beloved by the most recent church documents, meets several challenges for its renewal, among them the caring for the poor. This commitment, the agape expression of Christ, is fundamental in this world in which the seeds of individualism and neo-paganism are gaining strength. Thus, in an exercise of systematic theology that re-connects biblical theology and pastoral, an important way is to look at the caring for the poor in the example of the Apostle Paul. Paul organized a (...)
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    Spirituality and post-graduate students' attitudes towards blood donation.Rodrigo G. S. Almeida, Edson Z. Martinez, Alessandra Mazzo, Maria A. Trevizan & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):0969733012465999.
    College students have become more representative as blood donors, mainly to help other people. This study ascertained the association between spirituality and adherence or intention to donate blood in post-graduate students. In this quantitative and cross-sectional study, participants were 281 students from a post-graduate programme at a Brazilian public university. After complying with ethical requirements, data were collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic characterization and identification of blood donation practices, followed by the Spiritual Well-Being Scale. Descriptive statistics and parametric tests (...)
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    El estrés como posibilidad originaria de la existencia. Una interpretación del fenómeno del estrés desde el pensamiento de Heidegger.Rodrigo Lagos Berríos - 2022 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 64:279-306.
    This article aims to make a philosophical interpretation of the phenomenon of stress based on Heidegger’s thought. Firstly, I present a general review of the scientific concept of stress as well as the main theories about it. Secondly, the concept of stress in Heidegger’s thought is analyzed and I propose to understand it as a load or requests that are directed to the Dasein in its openness to the entities of the world. Finally, this shows that the approach to the (...)
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  18.  35
    John Buridan on the Possibility of Defining Definition.Rodrigo Guerizoli - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (3):201-209.
    The study of the medieval reception of Aristotle’s Topics has largely been oriented toward debates on dialectical argumentation. And this is surely right. Nonetheless, I wish to approach John Buridan’s commentary on the Topics from another perspective, which highlights some semantic features of the set of predicates around which the work is organized. Thus, in my paper I will first reconstruct Buridan’s account of the identification of the predicates discussed in the Topics. I will argue that, for him, they are (...)
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    The temporalization of critique and the open riddle of history.Rodrigo Cordero - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 137 (1):55-71.
    The main goal of this paper is to offer a reading of Reinhart Koselleck’s work as an ally of critical theory. My contention is that, despite customary accusations of Koselleck being an anti-Enlightenment historian detrimental to social criticism and emancipatory politics, his investigations on the semantic fabric of modern society may actually expand our resources for the critique of domination. In order to make this argument plausible, I reconstruct some antinomies that are at the basis of Koselleck’s work (state/society, language/reality, (...)
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  20. Emotions and the body. Testing the subtraction argument.Rodrigo Díaz - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology 35 (1):47-65.
    Can we experience emotion without the feeling of accelerated heartbeats, perspiration, or other changes in the body? In his paper “What is an emotion”, William James famously claimed that “if we fancy some strong emotion and then try to abstract from our consciousness of it all the feelings of its bodily symptoms, we find we have nothing left behind” (1884, p. 193). Thus, bodily changes are essential to emotion. This is known as the Subtraction Argument. The Subtraction Argument is still (...)
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    Health assessment and the capability approach.Rodrigo López Barreda, Joelle Robertson-Preidler & Paula Bedregal García - 2019 - Global Bioethics 30 (1):19-27.
    Health has an important role in the achievement of a good quality of life. Many public policies intended to enhance individual and population health. Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach (CA) offers a framework to assess well-being, as well as interventions seeking to increase it. There are, however, important practical challenges that must be faced before applying CA to concrete situations, such as health. One of these challenges is defining whether it is functioning or a capability that is the feature to be (...)
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  22. What do people think is an emotion?Rodrigo Díaz - 2022 - Affective Science 3:438–450.
    In emotion research, both conceptual analyses and empirical studies commonly rely on emotion reports. But what do people mean when they say that they are angry, afraid, joyful, etc.? Building on extant theories of emotion, this paper presents four new studies (including a pre-registered replication) measuring the weight of cognitive evaluations, bodily changes, and action tendencies in people’s use of emotion concepts. The results of these studies suggest that the presence or absence of cognitive evaluations has the largest impact on (...)
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    Precisiones al concepto de trabajo. Correspondencia inédita: Y. R. Simon - H. Arendt.Rodrigo Muñoz - 2002 - Anuario Filosófico 35 (74):731-752.
    The transcription of two hitherto unpublished letters between Yves Simon and Hanna Arendt in 1953 is offered. The documents contain valuable reflections on the concept and meaning of work.The texts are preceded by an introduction, which attempts to establish the relevance of the texts in the general body of Yves Simon's thinking about work.
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    (1 other version)Exploring the Co-occurrence of Manual Verbs and Actions in Early Mother-Child Communication.María José Rodrigo, Mercedes Muñetón-Ayala & Manuel de Vega - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The embodiment approach has shown that motor neural networks are involved in the processing of action verbs. There is developmental evidence that embodied effects on verb processing are already present in early years. Yet, the ontogenetic origin of this motor reuse in action verbs remains unknown. This longitudinal study investigates the co-occurrence of manual verbs and actions during mother-child daily routines when children were 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 years old. Eight mother-child dyads were video-recorded in 3-month intervals (...)
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    Catequesis visual: análisis iconográfico de las imágenes de los catecismos escolares en la educación franquista.Isabel Rodrigo-Martín, Luis Mañas-Viniegra, Luis Rodrigo-Martín & Patricia Núñez-Gómez - 2022 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 26:117-136.
    The use of images in education has received little attention despite the dual role of images in school textbooks, one aimed at the acquisition of knowledge and the other at the transmission of attitudes, values and norms, that constitute a valuable source of historical, educational and communicative research. We will study, through the analysis of content, the characteristics of the catechisms, the legislation of the time related to the publication of school textbooks, the presence of images, types, the didactic function (...)
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  26. Against Gettier.Rodrigo Cid - manuscript
    In “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?” Edmund Gettier (1963) attacked the thesis ‘S knows that P iff P is true, S believes that P, and S is justified in believing that P’. His intention was to sustain that someone can have a justified true belief without knowing that belief. He made that by creating two counter-examples to that thesis. In this article, I try to show that Gettier’s arguments are based in a weak account of justification, and that such a (...)
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    Epistemic Challenges to Moral Expressivism.Rodrigo Valencia Pacheco - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (11):e70011.
    We ordinarily use epistemic concepts to evaluate our moral views. We know certain things are wrong, we are sometimes uncertain about the morally best thing to do, we think there are rational and irrational ways of reaching moral conclusions, etc. Like most meta ethicists, expressivists aim to explain this; they want to offer accounts of our moral thought, talk, and practice. However, most expressivists think moral thought and talk are fundamentally non-representational or desire-like. Critics have argued that this makes the (...)
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    O-minimal de Rham Cohomology.Rodrigo Figueiredo - 2022 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 28 (4):529-529.
    O-minimal geometry generalizes both semialgebraic and subanalytic geometries, and has been very successful in solving special cases of some problems in arithmetic geometry, such as André–Oort conjecture. Among the many tools developed in an o-minimal setting are cohomology theories for abstract-definable continuous manifolds such as singular cohomology, sheaf cohomology and Čech cohomology, which have been used for instance to prove Pillay’s conjecture concerning definably compact groups. In the present thesis we elaborate an o-minimal de Rham cohomology theory for abstract-definable $C^{\infty (...)
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  29. Reasons for Fear: Against the Reactive Theory of Emotion.Rodrigo Díaz & Christine Tappolet - forthcoming - In Ami Harbin (ed.), The Philosophy of Fear: Historical and Interdisciplinary Approaches. Bloomsbury.
    It is often claimed that fear has an important epistemological function in making us aware of danger. Reactive theories challenge this view. According to them, fear is a response to real or apparent danger. In other words, real or apparent danger is the reason for which we experience fear. Thus, fear depends on awareness of danger instead of making us aware of danger. Proponents of the reactive theory have appealed to phenomenological and, most prominently, linguistic observations to support their views. (...)
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    First-Order Logic and First-Order Functions.Rodrigo A. Freire - 2015 - Logica Universalis 9 (3):281-329.
    This paper begins the study of first-order functions, which are a generalization of truth-functions. The concepts of truth-table and systems of truth-functions, both introduced in propositional logic by Post, are also generalized and studied in the quantificational setting. The general facts about these concepts are given in the first five sections, and constitute a “general theory” of first-order functions. The central theme of this paper is the relation of definition among notions expressed by formulas of first-order logic. We emphasize that (...)
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    From Instrumental to Integral Mindfulness: Toward a More Holistic and Transformative Approach in Schools.Rodrigo Brito, Stephen Joseph & Edward Sellman - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):91-109.
    Although the implementation of mindfulness-based interventions in educational contexts appear to have demonstrated some benefits for students and teachers in research studies conducted over the last two decades, there are also those who criticize MBI’s for their instrumental focus. Exploring this debate, this article offers a case for the implementation of a more holistic and integral approach to mindfulness in educational settings. It will draw upon the philosophical legacy of Martin Heidegger and other critical theorists, who contest the dominant framing (...)
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    « Chair » Et « Figure » Chez Merleau-Ponty Et Deleuze.Pierre Rodrigo - 2011 - Chiasmi International 13:179-191.
    “Flesh” and “Figure” in Merleau-Ponty and DeleuzeGilles Deleuze points out, in his work on Francis Bacon, that “the phenomenological hypothesis is perhaps insufficient because it invokes only the lived body. But the lived body is still very little in relation to a more profound and almost unlivable Power.” The present study fi rst seeks to specify what is this intensive Power of a life carried out at the limit of the unlivable. This leads to an analysis of Deleuze’s notion of (...)
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    No reason to focus on emotional episodes.Rodrigo Díaz - forthcoming - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum.
    Christine Tappolet’s book Philosophy of Emotion: A contemporary introduction, and many other works in emotion theory, focus primarily on emotional episodes at the expense of so-called “emotional dispositions.” I argue that there are no reasons for theories of emotion to focus on emotional episodes, or to reserve the term “emotion” for emotional episodes.
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    Ocio y recreación en América Latina: conceptos, abordajes y posibilidades de resignificación.Rodrigo Elizalde & Christianne Gomes - 2010 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 26.
    This article was compiled from a bibliographic review and aims to: analyze what a concept is; present the two main approaches by which leisure and recreation are understood in Latin America, expanding thus the possibilities for new meanings to these concepts; and discuss the alternatives that these concepts -from a new perspective- can provide to the construction of participative, solidary and sustainable societies. In conclusion, it's emphasized that most of the concepts of leisure and recreation widespread in Latin America , (...)
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    What (Do People Think) Is an Emotion?Rodrigo Diaz - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Zurich
    This work shows how systematically studying people’s use of emotion concepts (what people think emotions are), can inform debates regarding the nature of emotion (what emotions are). As such, it makes a contribution both in terms of method and content. In regards to the methodological approach, this work constitutes the first experimental philosophy Intuitions Project approach (see Article 4) to general questions regarding the nature of emotion. It does not only bring together the philosophical and scientific literature on emotion (as (...)
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    Vida individual, vida social y conocimiento dialéctico.Rodrigo Steimberg - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3).
    This paper seeks to show that the link between individual human life and social life is governed by dialectical movement. First, life is characterized as a process in which the own presuppositions are posited. Subsequently, the process of human social metabolism is explained. Finally, the dialectical form taken by the relationship between the individual self and the process of social individuation is highlighted. It is concluded that the process of individual human life is a potency that actualizes itself as a (...)
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    “Atmosphere”, a Precursor of “Cognitive Schemas”: Tracing Tacit Phenomenological Influences on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.Rodrigo Becerra - 2004 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 4 (1):1-13.
    Whilst individuals deal with divergent sorts of stimuli from the environment, they also tend to display some regularity in the way they respond to related patterns. These consistent responses can be conceptualised as cognitive schemas. A paramount component of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is the notion of cognitive schemas as they are a favoured point of therapeutic intervention. CBT as articulated by Beck in the 1960s owes intellectual acknowledgment to Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger and their notions of “atmosphere” and “clearing” respectively. (...)
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    Capabilities of Bottom of the Pyramid Organizations.Rodrigo L. Morais-da-Silva & Farley Simon Nobre - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (8):2115-2155.
    Bottom of the Pyramid organizations are the ones that develop a set of capabilities that contribute to create short- and long-term sustainability values inside and outside the boundaries of BoP ecosystems. Capabilities have an important role in BoP organizations’ strategies that aim to solve BoP issues. Notwithstanding its developments, BoP research still lacks theoretical contributions for the analysis of organizations. We suggest special attention to the need of advancing knowledge on capabilities of BoP organizations because this field is scattered and (...)
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    Life After 'Life After Kant' Other Minds with Jonas and Merleau-Ponty.Rodrigo Benevides, Tim Elmo Feiten & Anthony Chemero - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (11):104-130.
    This paper examines two twenty-first-century developments in the enactive approach in philosophy and the cognitive sciences. The first is the surging interest in Hans Jonas, which begins with Weber and Varela's 'Life After Kant' (2002) and continues up to the present. The second is the 'social turn' that the enactive approach has taken, especially after De Jaegher and Di Paolo's (2007) work on participatory sense-making. We look at these two developments through the lens of the problem of other minds. We (...)
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  40. ETHICA EX MACHINA. Exploring artificial moral agency or the possibility of computable ethics.Rodrigo Sanz - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (2):223-239.
    Since the automation revolution of our technological era, diverse machines or robots have gradually begun to reconfigure our lives. With this expansion, it seems that those machines are now faced with a new challenge: more autonomous decision-making involving life or death consequences. This paper explores the philosophical possibility of artificial moral agency through the following question: could a machine obtain the cognitive capacities needed to be a moral agent? In this regard, I propose to expose, under a normative-cognitive perspective, the (...)
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    Spirituality and post-graduate students’ attitudes towards blood donation.Rodrigo G. S. Almeida, Edson Z. Martinez, Alessandra Mazzo, Maria A. Trevizan & Isabel A. C. Mendes - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (4):392-400.
    College students have become more representative as blood donors, mainly to help other people. This study ascertained the association between spirituality and adherence or intention to donate blood in post-graduate students. In this quantitative and cross-sectional study, participants were 281 students from a post-graduate programme at a Brazilian public university. After complying with ethical requirements, data were collected through a questionnaire for sociodemographic characterization and identification of blood donation practices, followed by the Spiritual Well-Being Scale. Descriptive statistics and parametric tests (...)
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  42. The Preoccupation with Death.Rodrigo Laera - 2013 - Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4 (1):110-133.
    Against the epicurean position, the rationality about the preoccupation with death is discussed by the present paper. For this purpose two elemental thesis are proposed. The first one supports that it is rational to worry about death before dying because we conceive the idea of a discourse in which the impossibility of interfere in the world to satisfy our pending goals is lamented. The second thesis is that death afflicts any prejudice only to whom wonders about it, because this question (...)
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    Ontologie du mouvement, peinture et cinéma chez Merleau-Ponty.Pierre Rodrigo - 2016 - Studia Phaenomenologica 16:111-133.
    The present paper investigates the late ontology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty, which considers being as expressive movement. The paper takes as its point of departure Merleau-Ponty’s reflections on painting, sculpture and especially cinema. Two reasons justify this choice. On the one hand, Merleau-Ponty’s reflections on film as a work of art are now starting to be better known, after they have been overshadowed by his writings on painting, sculpture or literature for a long time. This entails a considerable enrichment of our (...)
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  44. Are the laws of nature metaphysically necessary? / São as leis da natureza metafisicamente necessárias?Rodrigo Cid - 2016 - Dissertation, Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro
    The main intent of this thesis is to defend that the laws of nature are better thought as transcendent universals, such as platonic governism suggests, and that they are metaphysically necessary in a strong way, such as the heterodox version of such platonism defends. With this intention, we sustain that physical symmetries are essential consequences of the laws of nature – what solves the challenge of symmetries – thus being metaphysically necessary, without being governist's necessitation laws. First, we will show (...)
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  45. Against Emotions as Feelings: Towards an Attitudinal Profile of Emotion.Rodrigo Díaz - 2023 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 30 (7):223-245.
    Are feelings an essential part or aspect of emotion? Cases of unconscious emotion suggest that this is not the case. However, it has been claimed that unconscious emotions are better understood as either (a) emotions that are phenomenally conscious but not reflectively conscious, or (b) dispositions to have emotions rather than emotions proper. Here, I argue that these ways of accounting for unconscious emotions are inadequate, and propose a view of emotions as non-phenomenal attitudes that regard their contents as relevant (...)
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    The Ratio Decidendi through Mexican Lens.Rodrigo Camarena González - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    In March 2021, the Mexican Constitution was amended to transition to a system of precedents. This amendment mandates that the “reasons” of Supreme Court rulings will be binding on the lower courts. However, the reform is rooted in a long-standing practice of ‘Tesis’, i.e., abstract statements that the Court itself identifies when deciding a case. Moreover, there is no consensus as to what these reasons are and why they should be binding. The aim of this article is to identify the (...)
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  47. Two kinds of metaphysical possibilities / Dois tipos de possibilidades metafísicas.Rodrigo Cid - 2010 - Theoria: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia 2.
    In this article, I intend to show what the metaphysical possibility is, distinguishing it from the logical and the physical possibilities, and then to indicate that at least there is two kinds of metaphysical possibilities, i.e., the potentialities of the things and the possibilities of the events to occur. This is an important goal because it makes clearer the discussion about possibilities. To show what the metaphysical possibility is, I try to show that we need an absolute modality for the (...)
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    The Expressive Power of the N-Operator and the Decidability of Logic in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.Rodrigo Sabadin Ferreira - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (1):33-53.
    The present text discusses whether there is a tension between aphorisms 6.1-6.13 of the Tractatus and the Church-Turing theorem about the decidability of predicate logic. We attempt to establish the following points: (i) Aphorisms 6.1-6.13 are not consistent with the Church-Turing theorem. (ii) The logical symbolism of the Tractatus, built from the N-operator, can (and should) be interpreted as expressively complete with respect to first-order formulas. (iii) Wittgenstein’s reasons for believing that Logic is decidable were purely philosophical and the undecidability (...)
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  49. Philosophical Practices and Pedagogical Practices in Philosophy / Práticas Filosóficas e Práticas Pedagógicas em Filosofia.Rodrigo Cid - 2009 - Cadernos UFS de Filosofia 6:87-95.
    These days philosophy teaching in universities follows two main views: the continental philosophy and the analytic philosophy. Each one of those traditions has very different philosophical and pedagogical practices. My objectives in this article are: 1. to show the distinctions between the practices that continental and analytical philosophies cultivated at the universities; 2. to indicate that there is a confusion at the characterization of what is analytic philosophy, and that the critics driven to it are in fact driven to logical (...)
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    Interpersonal Coordination in Soccer: Interpreting Literature to Enhance the Representativeness of Task Design, From Dyads to Teams.Rodrigo Santos, Ricardo Duarte, Keith Davids & Israel Teoldo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:422594.
    Interpersonal coordination in soccer has become a trending topic in sports sciences, and several studies have examined how interpersonal coordination unfolds at different levels (i.e., dyads, sub-groups, teams). Investigations have largely focused on interactional behaviors at micro and macro levels through tasks from dyadic (i.e., 1 vs. 1) to team (i.e., 11 vs. 11) levels. However, as the degree of representativeness of a task depends on the magnitude of the relationship between simulated and intended environments, it is necessary to address (...)
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