Results for 'type theory'

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  1.  79
    Treatise on intuitionistic type theory.Johan Georg Granström - 2011 - New York: Springer.
    Prolegomena It is fitting to begin this book on intuitionistic type theory by putting the subject matter into perspective. The purpose of this chapter is to ...
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  2. A contextual type theory with judgemental modalities for reasoning from open assumptions.Giuseppe Primiero - 2012 - Logique and Analyse 220:579-600.
    Contextual type theories are largely explored in their applications to programming languages, but less investigated for knowledge representation purposes. The combination of a constructive language with a modal extension of contexts appears crucial to explore the attractive idea of a type-theoretical calculus of provability from refutable assumptions for non-monotonic reasoning. This paper introduces such a language: the modal operators are meant to internalize two different modes of correctness, respectively with necessity as the standard notion of constructive verification and (...)
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    The Type Theory of Law: An Essay in Psychoanalytic Jurisprudence.Marko Novak - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume presents a Type Theory of Law (TTL), claiming that this is a unique theory of law that stems from the philosophical understanding of Jung's psychological types applied to the phenomenon of law. Furthermore, the TTL claims to be a universal, general and descriptive account of law. To prove that, the book first presents the fundamentals of Jungian psychological types, as they had been invented by Jung and consequently developed further by his followers. The next part (...)
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    Programming in Martin-Löf’s Type Theory: An Introduction.Bengt Nordström, Kent Petersson & Jan M. Smith - 1990 - Clarendon Press.
    In recent years, several formalisms for program construction have appeared. One such formalism is the type theory developed by Per Martin-L f. Well suited as a theory for program construction, it makes possible the expression of both specifications and programs within the same formalism. Furthermore, the proof rules can be used to derive a correct program from a specification as well as to verify that a given program has a certain property. This book contains a thorough introduction (...)
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    The act-type theory of propositions as a theory of cognitive distinctness.Thomas Hodgson - 2023 - Studia Semiotyczne 37 (2):57-79.
    Soames and others have proposed that propositions are types of acts of predication. Soames has extended the act-type theory by proposing a distinction between direct and mediate predication. He does this in order to distinguish between the propositions expressed by sentences containing complex singular terms and those expressed by sentences containing proper names which denote the objects that those complex singular terms denote. In particular, he uses his extension to account for the cognitive distinctness of such propositions. I (...)
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  6. Probabilistic Type Theory and Natural Language Semantics.Robin Cooper, Simon Dobnik, Shalom Lappin & Stefan Larsson - 2015 - Linguistic Issues in Language Technology 10 (1):1--43.
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  7. Against Cumulative Type Theory.Tim Button & Robert Trueman - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (4):907-49.
    Standard Type Theory, STT, tells us that b^n(a^m) is well-formed iff n=m+1. However, Linnebo and Rayo have advocated the use of Cumulative Type Theory, CTT, has more relaxed type-restrictions: according to CTT, b^β(a^α) is well-formed iff β > α. In this paper, we set ourselves against CTT. We begin our case by arguing against Linnebo and Rayo’s claim that CTT sheds new philosophical light on set theory. We then argue that, while CTT ’s (...)-restrictions are unjustifiable, the type-restrictions imposed by STT are justified by a Fregean semantics. What is more, this Fregean semantics provides us with a principled way to resist Linnebo and Rayo’s Semantic Argument for CTT. We end by examining an alternative approach to cumulative types due to Florio and Jones; we argue that their theory is best seen as a misleadingly formulated version of STT. (shrink)
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    Modal Homotopy Type Theory: The Prospect of a New Logic for Philosophy.David Corfield - 2020 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Modal Homotopy Type Theory: The Prospect of a New Logic for Philosophy provides a reasonably gentle introduction to this new logic, thoroughly motivated by intuitive explanations of the need for all of its component parts, and illustrated through innovative applications of the calculus.
  9. Austinian truth, attitudes and type theory ∗.Robin Cooper - unknown
    This paper is part of a broader project whose aim is to present a coherent unified approach to natural language dialogue semantics using tools from type theory. Here we explore aspects of our approach which relate to situation theory and situation semantics. We first point out a relationship between type theory and the Austinian notion of truth. We then consider how records in type theory might be used to represent situations and how dependent (...)
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  10. Ordinal Type Theory.Jan Plate - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Higher-order logic, with its type-theoretic apparatus known as the simple theory of types (STT), has increasingly come to be employed in theorizing about properties, relations, and states of affairs—or ‘intensional entities’ for short. This paper argues against this employment of STT and offers an alternative: ordinal type theory (OTT). Very roughly, STT and OTT can be regarded as complementary simplifications of the ‘ramified theory of types’ outlined in the Introduction to Principia Mathematica (on a realist (...)
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  11. A type theory for Mahlo universes. Abstract for Logic Colloquium 95.A. Setzer - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3:128-129.
  12.  21
    Elaboration in Dependent Type Theory.Leonardo de Moura, Jeremy Avigad, Soonho Kong & Cody Roux - unknown
    To be usable in practice, interactive theorem provers need to provide convenient and efficient means of writing expressions, definitions, and proofs. This involves inferring information that is often left implicit in an ordinary mathematical text, and resolving ambiguities in mathematical expressions. We refer to the process of passing from a quasi-formal and partially-specified expression to a completely precise formal one as elaboration. We describe an elaboration algorithm for dependent type theory that has been implemented in the Lean theorem (...)
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  13. Constructive type theory.Aarne Ranta - 1996 - In Shalom Lappin (ed.), The handbook of contemporary semantic theory. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Blackwell Reference.
  14.  73
    Church's type theory.Peter Andrews - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Church’s type theory, aka simple type theory, is a formal logical language which includes classical first-order and propositional logic, but is more expressive in a practical sense. It is used, with some modifications and enhancements, in most modern applications of type theory. It is particularly well suited to the formalization of mathematics and other disciplines and to specifying and verifying hardware and software. It also plays an important role in the study of the formal (...)
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  15. Intensional type theory for higher-order contingentism.Peter Fritz - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    Things could have been different, but could it also have been different what things there are? It is natural to think so, since I could have failed to be born, and it is natural to think that I would then not have been anything. But what about entities like propositions, properties and relations? Had I not been anything, would there have been the property of being me? In this thesis, I formally develop and assess views according to which it is (...)
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  16. Constructive Type Theory, an appetizer.Laura Crosilla - 2024 - In Peter Fritz & Nicholas K. Jones (eds.), Higher-Order Metaphysics. Oxford University Press.
    Recent debates in metaphysics have highlighted the significance of type theories, such as Simple Type Theory (STT), for our philosophical analysis. In this chapter, I present the salient features of a constructive type theory in the style of Martin-Löf, termed CTT. My principal aim is to convey the flavour of this rich, flexible and sophisticated theory and compare it with STT. I especially focus on the forms of quantification which are available in CTT. A (...)
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  17.  18
    Type theory and formal proof: an introduction.R. P. Nederpelt & Herman Geuvers - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Herman Geuvers.
    Type theory is a fast-evolving field at the crossroads of logic, computer science and mathematics. This gentle step-by-step introduction is ideal for graduate students and researchers who need to understand the ins and outs of the mathematical machinery, the role of logical rules therein, the essential contribution of definitions and the decisive nature of well-structured proofs. The authors begin with untyped lambda calculus and proceed to several fundamental type systems culminating in the well-known and powerful Calculus of (...)
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  18. Selection type theories.Lindley Darden & Joseph A. Cain - 1989 - Philosophy of Science 56 (1):106-129.
    Selection type theories solve adaptation problems. Natural selection, clonal selection for antibody production, and selective theories of higher brain function are examples. An abstract characterization of typical selection processes is generated by analyzing and extending previous work on the nature of natural selection. Once constructed, this abstraction provides a useful tool for analyzing the nature of other selection theories and may be of use in new instances of theory construction. This suggests the potential fruitfulness of research to find (...)
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  19.  17
    Constructive Type Theory and the Dialogical Turn.Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - 2015 - In Jürgen Mittelstrass & Christopher von Bülow (eds.), Dialogische Logik. Münster: Mentis. pp. 91-148.
  20.  52
    Type theories, toposes and constructive set theory: predicative aspects of AST.Ieke Moerdijk & Erik Palmgren - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 114 (1-3):155-201.
    We introduce a predicative version of topos based on the notion of small maps in algebraic set theory, developed by Joyal and one of the authors. Examples of stratified pseudotoposes can be constructed in Martin-Löf type theory, which is a predicative theory. A stratified pseudotopos admits construction of the internal category of sheaves, which is again a stratified pseudotopos. We also show how to build models of Aczel-Myhill constructive set theory using this categorical structure.
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  21.  24
    Homotopy limits in type theory.Jeremy Avigad, Krzysztof Kapulkin & Peter Lefanu Lumsdaine - unknown
    Working in homotopy type theory, we provide a systematic study of homotopy limits of diagrams over graphs, formalized in the Coq proof assistant. We discuss some of the challenges posed by this approach to the formalizing homotopy-theoretic material. We also compare our constructions with the more classical approach to homotopy limits via fibration categories.
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  22. Act‐type theories of propositions.Thomas Hodgson - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (11).
    Many philosophers believe in things, propositions, which are the things that we believe, assert etc., and which are the contents of sentences. The act-type theory of propositions is an attempt to say what propositions are, to explain how we stand in relations to them, and to explain why they are true or false. The core idea of the act-type theory is that propositions are types of acts of predication. The theory is developed in various ways (...)
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  23. Formal semantics in modern type theories with coercive subtyping.Zhaohui Luo - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (6):491-513.
    In the formal semantics based on modern type theories, common nouns are interpreted as types, rather than as predicates of entities as in Montague’s semantics. This brings about important advantages in linguistic interpretations but also leads to a limitation of expressive power because there are fewer operations on types as compared with those on predicates. The theory of coercive subtyping adequately extends the modern type theories and, as shown in this paper, plays a very useful role in (...)
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  24.  39
    Should Type Theory Replace Set Theory as the Foundation of Mathematics?Thorsten Altenkirch - 2023 - Axiomathes 33 (1):1-13.
    Mathematicians often consider Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory with Choice (ZFC) as the only foundation of Mathematics, and frequently don’t actually want to think much about foundations. We argue here that modern Type Theory, i.e. Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT), is a preferable and should be considered as an alternative.
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  25.  39
    Intuitionistic Type Theory.Per Martin-Löf - 1980 - Bibliopolis.
  26. A modal type theory for formalizing trusted communications.Giuseppe Primiero & Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (1):92-114.
    This paper introduces a multi-modal polymorphic type theory to model epistemic processes characterized by trust, defined as a second-order relation affecting the communication process between sources and a receiver. In this language, a set of senders is expressed by a modal prioritized context, whereas the receiver is formulated in terms of a contextually derived modal judgement. Introduction and elimination rules for modalities are based on the polymorphism of terms in the language. This leads to a multi-modal non-homogeneous version (...)
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  27.  20
    Core Type Theory.Emma van Dijk, David Ripley & Julian Gutierrez - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 52 (2):145-186.
    Neil Tennant’s core logic is a type of bilateralist natural deduction system based on proofs and refutations. We present a proof system for propositional core logic, explain its connections to bilateralism, and explore the possibility of using it as a type theory, in the same kind of way intuitionistic logic is often used as a type theory. Our proof system is not Tennant’s own, but it is very closely related, and determines the same consequence relation. (...)
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  28. Homotopy Type Theory and Structuralism.Teruji Thomas - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    I explore the possibility of a structuralist interpretation of homotopy type theory (HoTT) as a foundation for mathematics. There are two main aspects to HoTT's structuralist credentials. First, it builds on categorical set theory (CST), of which the best-known variant is Lawvere's ETCS. I argue that CST has merit as a structuralist foundation, in that it ascribes only structural properties to typical mathematical objects. However, I also argue that this success depends on the adoption of a strict (...)
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  29. A Comparison of Type Theory with Set Theory.Ansten Klev - 2019 - In Stefania Centrone, Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya (eds.), Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Univalent Foundations, Set Theory and General Thoughts. Springer Verlag. pp. 271-292.
    This paper discusses some of the ways in which Martin-Löf type theory differs from set theory. The discussion concentrates on conceptual, rather than technical, differences. It revolves around four topics: sets versus types; syntax; functions; and identity. The difference between sets and types is spelt out as the difference between unified pluralities and kinds, or sorts. A detailed comparison is then offered of the syntax of the two languages. Emphasis is placed on the distinction between proposition and (...)
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    Intuitionist type theory and foundations.J. Lambek & P. J. Scott - 1981 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 10 (1):101 - 115.
    A version of intuitionistic type theory is presented here in which all logical symbols are defined in terms of equality. This language is used to construct the so-called free topos with natural number object. It is argued that the free topos may be regarded as the universe of mathematics from an intuitionist's point of view.
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  31. Type Theory and Homotopy.Steve Awodey - 2012 - In Peter Dybjer, Sten Lindström, Erik Palmgren & Göran Sundholm (eds.), Epistemology Versus Ontology: Essays on the Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics in Honour of Per Martin-Löf. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 183-201.
    The purpose of this informal survey article is to introduce the reader to a new and surprising connection between Logic, Geometry, and Algebra which has recently come to light in the form of an interpretation of the constructive type theory of Per Martin-Löf into homotopy theory and higher-dimensional category theory.
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    Twenty Five Years of Constructive Type Theory.Giovanni Sambin & Jan M. Smith (eds.) - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    Martin-Löf Type Theory is both an important and practical formalization and a focus for a charismatic view of the foundations of mathematics. Per Martin-Löf's work has been of huge significance in the fields of logic and the foundations of mathematics, and has important applications in areas such as computing science and linguistics. This volume celebrates the twenty-fifth anniversary of the birth of the subject, and is an invaluable record both of areas of currentactivity and of the early development (...)
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  33. Naive cubical type theory.Bruno Bentzen - 2021 - Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 31:1205–1231.
    This article proposes a way of doing type theory informally, assuming a cubical style of reasoning. It can thus be viewed as a first step toward a cubical alternative to the program of informalization of type theory carried out in the homotopy type theory book for dependent type theory augmented with axioms for univalence and higher inductive types. We adopt a cartesian cubical type theory proposed by Angiuli, Brunerie, Coquand, Favonia, (...)
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    Type Theory with Opposite Types: A Paraconsistent Type Theory.Juan C. Agudelo-Agudelo & Andrés Sicard-Ramírez - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (5):777-806.
    A version of intuitionistic type theory is extended with opposite types, allowing a different formalization of negation and obtaining a paraconsistent type theory (⁠|$\textsf{PTT} $|⁠). The rules for opposite types in |$\textsf{PTT} $| are based on the rules of the so-called constructible falsity. A propositions-as-types correspondence between the many-sorted paraconsistent logic |$\textsf{PL}_\textsf{S} $| (a many-sorted extension of López-Escobar’s refutability calculus presented in natural deduction format) and |$\textsf{PTT} $| is proven. Moreover, a translation of |$\textsf{PTT} $| into (...)
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  35. Problems for Russellian Act-Type Theories.Arvid Båve - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    I here discuss two problems facing Russellian act-type theories of propositions, and argue that Fregean act-type theories are better equipped to deal with them. The first relates to complex singular terms like '2+2', which turn out not to pose any special problem for Fregeans at all, whereas Soames' theory currently has no satisfactory way of dealing with them (particularly, with such "mixed" propositions as the proposition that 2+2 is greater than 3). Admittedly, one possibility stands out as (...)
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  36. Identity in Homotopy Type Theory, Part I: The Justification of Path Induction.James Ladyman & Stuart Presnell - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (3):386-406.
    Homotopy Type Theory is a proposed new language and foundation for mathematics, combining algebraic topology with logic. An important rule for the treatment of identity in HoTT is path induction, which is commonly explained by appeal to the homotopy interpretation of the theory's types, tokens, and identities as spaces, points, and paths. However, if HoTT is to be an autonomous foundation then such an interpretation cannot play a fundamental role. In this paper we give a derivation of (...)
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  37. Does Homotopy Type Theory Provide a Foundation for Mathematics?James Ladyman & Stuart Presnell - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axw006.
    Homotopy Type Theory is a putative new foundation for mathematics grounded in constructive intensional type theory that offers an alternative to the foundations provided by ZFC set theory and category theory. This article explains and motivates an account of how to define, justify, and think about HoTT in a way that is self-contained, and argues that, so construed, it is a candidate for being an autonomous foundation for mathematics. We first consider various questions that (...)
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  38. Set Theory, Type Theory, and Absolute Generality.Salvatore Florio & Stewart Shapiro - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):157-174.
    In light of the close connection between the ontological hierarchy of set theory and the ideological hierarchy of type theory, Øystein Linnebo and Agustín Rayo have recently offered an argument in favour of the view that the set-theoretic universe is open-ended. In this paper, we argue that, since the connection between the two hierarchies is indeed tight, any philosophical conclusions cut both ways. One should either hold that both the ontological hierarchy and the ideological hierarchy are open-ended, (...)
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  39. Type Theory with Records and Unification-based Grammar.Robin Cooper - unknown
    We suggest a way of bringing together type theory and unification-based grammar formalisms by using records in type theory. The work is part of a broader project whose aim is to present a coherent unified approach to natural language dialogue semantics using tools from type theory.
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    Type Theory in the Semantics of Propositional Attitudes.Oleg A. Domanov - 2018 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 55 (4):26-37.
    The article deals with an approach to the analysis of propositional attitudes based on the type-theoretical semantics proposed by A. Ranta and originating from the type theory of P. Martin-Löf. Type-theoretical semantics contains the notion of context and tools of extracting information from it in an explicit form. This allows us to correctly formalize the dependence on contexts typical of propositional attitudes. In the article the context is presented as a dependent sum type (Record (...) in the proof assistant Coq). Ranta’s approach is refined and applied to the analysis of Quine’s phrase “Ralph believes that someone is a spy”. Three variants of formalization for this phrase are described which differ in the content of contextual knowledge and the way the truth values of the phrase are derived. Contexts are connected through the function of conversion, making it possible to relate truth values. As a result, it is shown that the instruments for working with contexts provided by type-theoretical semantics allow us to avoid the problem of opacity described by Quine. Provided formalization along with proofs is coded in Coq and made freely available. (shrink)
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    Towards transfinite type theory: rereading Tarski’s Wahrheitsbegriff.Iris Loeb - 2014 - Synthese 191 (10):2281-2299.
    In his famous paper Der Wahrheitsbegriff in den formalisierten Sprachen (Polish edition: Nakładem/Prace Towarzystwa Naukowego Warszawskiego, wydzial, III, 1933), Alfred Tarski constructs a materially adequate and formally correct definition of the term “true sentence” for certain kinds of formalised languages. In the case of other formalised languages, he shows that such a construction is impossible but that the term “true sentence” can nevertheless be consistently postulated. In the Postscript that Tarski added to a later version of this paper (Studia Philosophica, (...)
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    Hybrid Partial Type Theory.María Manzano, Antonia Huertas, Patrick Blackburn, Manuel Martins & Víctor Aranda - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-43.
    In this article we define a logical system called Hybrid Partial Type Theory ( $\mathcal {HPTT}$ ). The system is obtained by combining William Farmer’s partial type theory with a strong form of hybrid logic. William Farmer’s system is a version of Church’s theory of types which allows terms to be non-denoting; hybrid logic is a version of modal logic in which it is possible to name worlds and evaluate expressions with respect to particular worlds. (...)
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  43. Towards a dynamic type theory.Michael Kohlhase - unknown
    Over the past few years, there have been a series of attempts Zee89, GS90, EK95, Mus94, KKP95] to combine the Montagovian type theoretic framework Mon74] with dynamic approaches, such as DRT Kam81]. The motivation for these developments is to obtain a general logical framework for discourse semantics that combines compositionality and dynamic binding.
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  44. Computational Semantics, Type Theory, and Functional Programming.Jan van Eijck - unknown
    An emerging standard for polymorphically typed, lazy, purely functional programming is Haskell, a language named after Haskell Curry. Haskell is based on (polymorphically typed) lambda calculus, which makes it an excellent tool for computational semantics.
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  45. Hybrid Type Theory: A Quartet in Four Movements DOI:10.5007/1808-1711.2011v15n2p225.Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn, Antonia Huertas & María Manzano - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (2):225-247.
    This paper sings a song — a song created by bringing together the work of four great names in the history of logic: Hans Reichenbach, Arthur Prior, Richard Montague, and Leon Henkin. Although the work of the first three of these authors have previously been combined, adding the ideas of Leon Henkin is the addition required to make the combination work at the logical level. But the present paper does not focus on the underlying technicalities rather it focusses on the (...)
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  46. Analyticity and Syntheticity in Type Theory Revisited.Bruno Bentzen - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (4).
    I discuss problems with Martin-Löf's distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments in constructive type theory and propose a revision of his views. I maintain that a judgment is analytic when its correctness follows exclusively from the evaluation of the expressions occurring in it. I argue that Martin-Löf's claim that all judgments of the forms a : A and a = b : A are analytic is unfounded. As I shall show, when A evaluates to a dependent function (...) (x : B) → C, all judgments of these forms fail to be analytic and therefore end up as synthetic. Going beyond the scope of Martin-Löf's original distinction, I also argue that all hypothetical judgments are synthetic and show how the analytic-synthetic distinction reworked here is capable of accommodating judgments of the forms A type and A = B type as well. Finally, I consider and reject an alternative account of analyticity as decidability and assess Martin-Löf's position on the analytic grounding of synthetic judgments. (shrink)
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  47. A weak ramified type theory.W. A. van der Moore - 1968 - In P. Braffort & F. van Scheepen (eds.), Automation in language translation and theorem proving. Brussels,: Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Dissemination of Information.
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    Propositional Type Theory of Indeterminacy.Víctor Aranda, Manuel Martins & María Manzano - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1409-1438.
    The aim of this paper is to define a partial Propositional Type Theory. Our system is partial in a double sense: the hierarchy of (propositional) types contains partial functions and some expressions of the language, including formulas, may be undefined. The specific interpretation we give to the undefined value is that of Kleene’s strong logic of indeterminacy. We present a semantics for the new system and prove that every element of any domain of the hierarchy has a name (...)
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  49. Brief Reminder of Constructive Type Theory.Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout - 2015 - In Shahid Rahman & Nicolas Clerbout (eds.), Linking Game-Theoretical Approaches with Constructive Type Theory: Dialogical Strategies, Ctt Demonstrations and the Axiom of Choice. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
  50.  34
    Does Homotopy Type Theory Provide a Foundation for Mathematics?Stuart Presnell & James Ladyman - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 69 (2):377-420.
    Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT) is a putative new foundation for mathematics grounded in constructive intensional type theory that offers an alternative to the foundations provided by ZFC set theory and category theory. This article explains and motivates an account of how to define, justify, and think about HoTT in a way that is self-contained, and argues that, so construed, it is a candidate for being an autonomous foundation for mathematics. We first consider various questions (...)
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