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Peter Andrews [11]Peter B. Andrews [9]Peter Bruce Andrews [2]Peter W. Andrews [2]
  1.  78
    Resolution in type theory.Peter B. Andrews - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (3):414-432.
  2.  86
    General models and extensionality.Peter B. Andrews - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (2):395-397.
  3.  73
    Church's type theory.Peter Andrews - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Church’s type theory, aka simple type theory, is a formal logical language which includes classical first-order and propositional logic, but is more expressive in a practical sense. It is used, with some modifications and enhancements, in most modern applications of type theory. It is particularly well suited to the formalization of mathematics and other disciplines and to specifying and verifying hardware and software. It also plays an important role in the study of the formal semantics of natural language. When utilizing (...)
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  4.  77
    General models, descriptions, and choice in type theory.Peter B. Andrews - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (2):385-394.
  5.  30
    A transfinite type theory with type variables.Peter Bruce Andrews - 1965 - Amsterdam,: North-Holland Pub. Co..
  6.  31
    TPS: A hybrid automatic-interactive system for developing proofs.Peter B. Andrews & Chad E. Brown - 2006 - Journal of Applied Logic 4 (4):367-395.
  7.  6
    Germ cell tumors, cell surface markers, and the early search for human pluripotent stem cells.Peter W. Andrews - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400094.
    Many strands of research by different groups, starting from teratocarcinomas in the laboratory mouse, later moving the corresponding human tumors, contributed to the isolation and description of human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs). In this review, I highlight the contributions from my own research, particularly at the Wistar Institute during the 1980s, when with my colleagues we characterized one of the first clonal lines of pluripotent human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells, the stem cells of teratocarcinomas, and identified key features including cell (...)
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  8.  20
    Burton Dreben and John Denton. A supplement to Herbrand. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 31 , pp. 393–398.Peter Andrews - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):521-522.
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  9.  1
    From cancer to pluripotent stem cells–A long and winding road.Peter W. Andrews - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (12):2400192.
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  10.  38
    On simplifying the matrix of a WFF.Peter Andrews - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (2):180-192.
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  11.  27
    (1 other version)Provability in Elementary Type Theory.Peter B. Andrews - 1974 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 20 (25‐27):411-418.
  12.  22
    Richard Goldberg. On the solvability of a subclass of the Surányi reduction class. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 28 no. 3 , pp. 237–244.Peter Andrews - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):391.
  13.  42
    W. V. Quine. A proof procedure for quantification theory. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 20 , pp. 141–149.Peter Andrews - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):657.
  14.  21
    False Lemmas in Herbrand.Burton Dreben & Peter Andrews - 1966 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (4):657-659.
  15.  30
    Resolution and the consistency of analysis.Peter B. Andrews - 1974 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 15 (1):73-84.
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  16.  87
    Burton Dreben and Warren D. Goldfarb. The decision problem. Solvable classes of quantificational formulas. Advanced Book Program. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Mass., 1979, xii + 271 pp. [REVIEW]Peter B. Andrews - 1982 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 47 (2):452-453.
  17.  44
    A. H. Lightstone. The axiomatic method. An introduction to mathematical logic.Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1964, x + 246 pp. [REVIEW]Peter Andrews - 1964 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 31 (1):106-108.
  18.  8
    Burton Dreben and Stål Aanderaa. Herbrand analyzing functions. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 70 , pp. 697–698. [REVIEW]Peter Andrews - 1968 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (4):521.
  19.  22
    Dreben Burton S.. Solvable Surányi subclasses: an introduction to the Herbrand theory. Proceedings of a Harvard symposium on digital computers and their applications, 3-6 April 1961, The annals of the Computation Laboratory of Harvard University, vol. 31, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1962, pp. 32–47. [REVIEW]Peter Andrews - 1965 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):390-391.