Results for 'thymós'

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  1.  7
    Thymos to Eros - Love Is a Weapon Against Fear -. 김솔 - 2022 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 109:141-156.
    코로나 바이러스 감염증(COVID-19)의 유행으로 인하여 우리 삶은 기반 자체가 흔들리고 있으며, 질병으로 인한 고통 뿐 아니라 심각한 수준의 경제적 혼란 또한 야기되고 있다. 21세기의 과학 기술 문명의 성과에 안주하던 우리는 역사상 처음으로 인종, 지역, 세대, 계층을 막론한 인류 공통의 문제에 직면하게 되었다. 울리히 벡은 이같은 전염병의 유행, 자연 재해, 기후 변화 등 일상적인 위험들에 무고한 시민들이 노출되어 있는 현대 사회를 위험 사회라고 규정했다. 우리는 위험에 대한 두려움과 불안에 마주했을 때 thymos, 즉 분노라는 감정을 기반으로 행동할 수도 있고, eros, 즉 사랑이라는 (...)
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    Sartre and Hegel on Thymos, History and Freedom.Jennifer Ang - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):229-249.
    Most Sartrean scholarship attributed Sartre’s ontology of hostile intersubjectivity to Hegel’s theory of recognition, and a Sartrean politics of violence to Hegel’s master-slave dyad. This article sets out to examine Sartre and Hegel in three areas of their work: first, a reassessment of Sartre’s ontology which was commonly thought to be founded on Hegel’s thymos; second, a reconsideration of Fukuyama’s conceptualisation of democracy as the end of Hegel’s historical progress and Sartre’s critique of democracy based on a humanist version of (...)
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    Yukio Mishima: Thymos Between Aesthetics and Ideological Fanaticism.Rodica Frentiu - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (25):69-90.
    This study attempts to explore the possible motivations, both obvious and problematic, behind the ritual suicide (seppuku) committed by the Japanese writer in the name of the Emperor at the Eastern Headquarters of Japan’s Self-Defense Forces in 1970. History does not seem to be a coherent or intelligible process, as man’s struggle for nourishment is most often replaced by thymos, the desire for others to recognize his value or the value system of the ideals or noble purposes he is ready (...)
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    Thymos/Psyche and Animus/Anima: from origins to classic forms.Elvira Chukhray - 2010 - Sententiae 23 (2):139-142.
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  5. Thymos i historia (Francis Fukuyama: Koniec historii. Ostatni Człowiek).Michał Graban - 1998 - Civitas 2 (2).
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    Krytyczne spojrzenie na koncepcję thymos Francisa Fukuyamy.Alfred Skorupka - 2021 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 26:167-178.
    Francis Fukuyama nie potrzebuje specjalnej prezentacji, ponieważ ten amerykański filozof polityczny zasłynął w świecie tezą o „końcu historii”. Autor omawia w artykule koncepcję thymos Fukuyamy, która została skrytykowana. Według autora, Fukuyama upraszcza rzeczywistość, kiedy z koncepcji thymos wywodzi przechodzenie państw do demokracji, co jest nieuzasadnione.
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    Filosofía del deseo 1: Aristóteles y el thymós.Leonardo Ramos-Umaña - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 62:65-95.
    Whit the aim of clariflying what exactly is the human phenomenon of akrasía or incontinence in the fullest sense, in Nicomachean Ethics VII.4-10 Aristotle introduces a type of incontinence by analogy, that is, incontinence due to thymós or courage. Despite his intentions, the explanation of the latter only complicates understanding the former, and the reader ends up without a clear understandingof either. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the subject of akrasía due to (...), trying, specifically, to answer three questions: what exactly is this passion? Who are worse, those who get carried away by their appetites or those who get carried away by their anger, and why? Finally, are we responsible for the mistakes we make in a fit of anger? (shrink)
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    Simbolo e violenza: thymós, thánatos e pólemos.Emiliano Bazzanella - 2018 - Trieste: Asterios Editore.
  9.  3
    Eros e thymos: interessi e passioni al tempo della guerra russa all'Ucraina.Paolo Martelli - 2023 - Milano: Meltemi.
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    Platon: La médiation des émotions. L’éducation du thymos dans les dialogues, written by O. Renaut.Laura Candiotto - 2016 - Méthexis 28 (1):158-161.
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  11.  22
    The Battle of psychê and thymos: A Reappraisal of Heraclitus’ Psychology.Andrew J. Mason - 2020 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 102 (4):525-555.
    Heraclitus is generally recognised as the first of the Greek thinkers to develop a psychology, but the understanding of his psychology is held back by the assumptions that his soul is a life-principle and is ‘comprehensive’ of the various faculties we regard as psychological. The fragment that best displays the revolutionary character of Heraclitus’ soul doctrine, from a properly psychological viewpoint, is B 85. I offer an extended analysis of this fragment in order to bear out the claims, firstly, that (...)
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  12.  8
    Olivier Renaut, Platon, la médiation des émotions : l’éducation du thymos dans les dialogues.Charlotte Murgier - 2015 - Philosophie Antique 15:258-262.
    L’ouvrage d’O. Renaut enquête sur le rôle des émotions dans la pensée platonicienne, prenant pour fil conducteur la notion de θυμός. Cet objet en quelque sorte double permet une traversée à la fois diachronique – des premiers dia­logues dits socratiques jusqu’aux Lois – et synchronique de l’œuvre platonicienne, en en articulant les différents pans (psychologie, éthique, pédagogie, politique). L’intérêt de cette étude tient d’abord dans l’ampleur de la prise de vue qu’elle fournit, non seuleme...
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  13.  33
    Renaut Platon. La médiation des émotions: l'éducation du Thymos dans les dialogues. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2014. Pp. 376. €38. 9782711625307. [REVIEW]Josh Wilburn - 2016 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 136:284-285.
  14.  43
    THUMOS IN PLATO. O. Renaut Platon. La médiation des émotions. L'éducation du thymos dans les dialogues. Pp. 376. Paris: Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 2014. Paper, €38. ISBN: 978-2-7116-2530-7. [REVIEW]Robert Zaborowski - 2015 - The Classical Review 65 (2):374-376.
  15.  18
    Ostatni człowiek a idea pokolenia, czyli jak Fukuyama odkrywał naturę ludzką.Krzysztof Wawrzonkowski - 2013 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (3):91-118.
    The aim of the article is to verify a thesis Fukuyama once advanced: the forthcoming end of history is related to the replacing of human need for appreciation by equality and mutual appreciation last men achieve in liberal democracies. I also analyze the conception of human nature which Fukuyama takes for granted and treats as the base for defining the essence of the last man. Another question I consider concerns the role of Platon’s thymos and can be stated as follows: (...)
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  16.  28
    International Law as Language—Towards a “Neo” New Haven School.Jared Wessel - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (2):123-144.
    This paper examines the tension between the mainstream belief in international law as a source of objectivity distinct from politics and its new stream critics that question the validity of such a distinction. It is argued that, as a type of language, international law is not distinct from politics as a function of objectivity, but rather by the fact that it serves the international community’s thymos. The phenomena of global administrative law and NATO’s use of force in Kosovo are analyzed (...)
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  17.  28
    Heraclitus’s DK 22 B 85 Revisited.Tomáš Vítek - 2024 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (2):143-171.
    In Heraclitus’ time, thymos and psyche carried highly similar or even identical meanings, because both could refer to life, courage, personality, emotions, and reason. Heraclitus probably worked with all of these meanings. He may have been partly inspired by Homer and post-Homeric literature, where the two terms were likewise placed side by side and often used interchangeably. In Heraclitus, thymos and psyche are not opposites in terms of signification. Oftentimes, they can be “swapped,” and their meaning and “costs” exchanged. The (...)
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  18.  24
    La función propia de lo thymoeidés en la República.Jose Antonio Gimenez - 2021 - Hypnos. Revista Do Centro de Estudos da Antiguidade 47 (2):123-146.
    The just person controls his appetites by virtue of an alliance between his rational and spirited parts: while the first determines the object of the action, the second gives stability and strength to the prescription of reason. This essay aims to show that the spirited part can give strength to reason’s orders, only if it also receives value (i.e. the restoration of the individual’s damaged image). From this, I argue that the spirited part (i) always takes the side of reason (...)
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  19.  32
    Religious Zeal, Affective Fragility, and the Tragedy of Human Existence.Ruth Rebecca Tietjen - 2021 - Human Studies (1):1-19.
    Today, in a Western secular context, the affective phenomenon of religious zeal is often associated, or even identified, with religious intolerance, violence, and fanaticism. Even if the zealots’ devotion remains restricted to their private lives, “we” as Western secularists still suspect them of a lack of reason, rationality, and autonomy. However, closer consideration reveals that religious zeal is an ethically and politically ambiguous phenomenon. In this article, I explore the question of how this ambiguity can be explained. I do so (...)
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  20.  20
    Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation.Peter Sloterdijk - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    While ancient civilizations worshipped strong, active emotions, modern societies have favored more peaceful attitudes, especially within the democratic process. We have largely forgotten the struggle to make use of _thymos_, the part of the soul that, following Plato, contains spirit, pride, and indignation. Rather, Christianity and psychoanalysis have promoted mutual understanding to overcome conflict. Through unique examples, Peter Sloterdijk, the preeminent posthumanist, argues exactly the opposite, showing how the history of Western civilization can be read as a suppression and return (...)
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  21. The Development of the Notion of Will in the Pagan Ancient Philosophy: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.Martyna Koszkało - 2015 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 63 (2):157-186.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie i analiza kształtowania się pojęcia woli w starożytnej filozofii pogańskiej. W kontekście poglądów Sokratesa, Platona i Arystotelesa autor przedstawia wiele greckich intuicji dotyczących psychologii aktów moralnych i ludzkiego działania. Po pierwsze artykuł przedstawia doktrynę intelektualizmu etycznego, przypisywaną Sokratesowi, według której kognitywne elementy są głównym motywem naszych działań. Z tego powodu trudno znaleźć pojęcie wolnej woli w sokratejskiej antropologii. Po drugie artykuł prezentuje interpretację platońskiej antropologii, według której sferę thymos można nazwać proto-wolą. Ostatecznie autor ukazuje, jak trudno (...)
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  22.  16
    Sobre o sentimento do sublime.Marc Richir & Jeison Andrés Suárez-Astaiza - 2024 - Phenomenology, Humanities and Sciences 5 (3):61-66.
    ¿En qué consiste el sentimiento de lo sublime? ¿Cual es su naturaleza, su estatuto? ¿Qué tipo de relaciones teje con la imaginación y la intuición intelectual del “elemento de lo inteligible”? ¿Cómo están presentes allí afectividad y Gemüt? ¿Cómo entender su relación con los afectos, lo afectivo, el sentir y el sentimiento? Las respuestas a estas cuestiones son empren didas por Richir en este corto texto en el que comenta y analiza detalladamente algunos de los parágrafos más notables de la (...)
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    Slave Emotion. Anger, Reason and Moral Responsibility in Aristotelian Ethics.Esteban Bieda - 2023 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 33:03322-03322.
    In the present work, I will review how Aristotle understood the connection between reason and emotion - particularly, angry actions - in order to demonstrate that it is due to the presence of intellectual factors that emotions become ethically relevant and not merely an uncontrolled reaction. Then, I will summarize Aristotle's repeated analogies between reason as the master and anger as the slave to explain their connection. My specific contribution to the topic will be to reverse this analogy and, instead (...)
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  24.  9
    A Critical Examination of Fukuyama’s Argumentation on the Struggle for Recognition. 백훈승 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 99:117-143.
    헤겔의 윤리학 내지 사회 · 정치철학에서 아주 많이 거론되고 있는 핵심문제들 가운데 하나가 바로 인정(認定) 내지 승인(承認)의 문제다. 그리고 많은 연구자들은 이 문제를 논의할 때 헤겔의 『정신현상학』(Phänomenologie des Geistes, 1807)을 그 중심 텍스트로 삼고 있다. 물론, 사회 속에서 발생하는 인간 상호간의 인정(승인)문제는 실로 중요한 문제가 아닐 수 없다. 사소한 다툼에서부터, 죽음을 초래하기까지 하는 전쟁에 이르기까지의 거의 모든 투쟁의 배경 내지 근저에는 바로 인간 상호간의 인정 내지 무시(無視)가 깔려있기 때문이다. 그러나 적어도 헤겔이 정신현상학에서 말하고 있는 생사를 건 인정투쟁은, 국가가 성립하기 이전의 (...)
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  25.  6
    La musica degli Auli a Sparta: una questione testuale.Francesco Becchi - 2016 - Hermes 144 (1):109-117.
    To demonstrate that courage is tempered by reason and has no need of anger, that denounces weakness of mind, Plutarch (coh. ira 458E) cites the custom of the Spartans to arouse thymos before the fight with the sound of flutes and at the same time to sacrifice to the Muses, so that in the soul of the fighters remains the reason to regulate the judgments. If this is the sense of the passage, confirmed by the comparison with the loci similes, (...)
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  26.  21
    ¿Es Leoncio un incontinente? Ira y apetito en la República de Platón.Esteban Bieda - 2012 - Dianoia 57 (69):127-150.
    Conminado por su deseo apetitivo de mirar unos cadáveres en descomposición, Leoncio no puede resistir y, encolerizado, cede a la tentación (República 439e-440a). El episodio pretende mostrar que la impulsividad y el apetito constituyen dos partes distintas del alma. La pregunta es: si no hay intervención de la racionalidad, ¿según qué parámetro el thymós considera que mirar los cadáveres es algo que no se debe hacer? Si, como creen algunos especialistas, el thymós actúa según un marco axiológico aportado (...)
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  27.  25
    Vida y existencia en Emilio Lledó.Lluís X. Álvarez Fernández & Cristina Alvarado Díaz - 2020 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 12 (1):293-305.
    La introducción al ensayo relaciona la escritura y la supervivencia en Unamuno y en Lledó -en el primero como voluntad multidimensional y en el segundo como memoria viva colectiva- y después compendia la vida y la obra de Emilio Lledó El ensayo comenta varios textos de la obra de Lledó Memoria de la ética acerca de la muerte y de la existencia extendida en la época clásica de la cultura y la filosofía griegas. Como conclusión, y a partir del epicureísmo (...)
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  28.  19
    Macrobius, saturnalia 5.11.1–3 and a Virgilian reading.Salvatore Monda - 2013 - Classical Quarterly 63 (1):445-447.
    Macrobius devotes almost the whole morning of the third day in his Saturnalia to Virgil. Eustathius, in response to a question from Euangelus, examines what Virgil drew from the Greeks and from Homer in particular. In chapter 11 of Book 5, the expositor quotes and comments on some loci similes, judging in favour of the Roman poet. At the start of the chapter, he compares the bee simile in Aeneid 1.430–6 with a passage from Homer, Iliad 2.87–93: Et haec quidem (...)
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  29.  11
    Normal and abnormal and the body-soul relationship in some ancient medical texts.Mihaela Pop - 2012 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):185-196.
    This essay intends to reveal the contribution of some Aristotelian concepts – such as “just measure” (metron, meson) and “lack of measure” (alloiosis) as well as some other connected pathological affections (pathe) of the human volitive part of the soul (thymos), caused by certain changes of the humoral mixtures, especially the ones of the black bile, a humoral substance that was considered largely responsible for the severe alterations of the normal rational activity of the human soul (logismos). – to the (...)
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  30.  22
    “Uproar, bulk, rage, suffocation, effort unceasing, frenzied and vain”: Beckett’s Transports of Rage.Russell Smith - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (2):137-147.
    In a 1961 interview, Beckett warded off philosophical interpretations of his work: ‘I’m no intellectual. All I am is feeling’. Despite the emotional intensity of Beckett’s post-war writing, Beckett criticism has tended to ignore this claim, preferring the kinds of philosophical readings that Beckett here rejects. In particular, Beckett criticism underestimates the element of rage in his work. This paper argues that Beckett’s post-war breakthrough is enabled by a radical reconsideration of the nature of feeling and of rage in particular. (...)
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  31. [Phaidros (romanized form)]: a search for the typographic form of Plato's Phaedrus.Jack Werner Stauffacher & Plato (eds.) - 1978 - San Francisco: Greenwood Press.
    Introduction.--Illustrations of manuscripts and printed books.--Pettas, W. Notes on English translations of Phaedrus.--Lee, P. On the wings of Thymós.--Blaisdell, G. A nobler seduction.--Appendix: The Parmenides fragments.
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    The secret history of the soul: physiology, magic and spirit forces from Homer to St. Paul.Richard Sugg - 2013 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    What would Christianity be like without the soul? While most people would expect the Christian bible to reveal a highly traditional opposition of matter and spirit, the spirit forces of the Old and New Testaments are often surprisingly physical, dynamic, and practical, a matter of energy as much as ethics. The Secret History of the Soul examines the forgotten or suppressed models of body, soul, and human consciousness found in the literature, philosophy and scripture of the ancient and classical worlds. (...)
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    Le livre de Philodème La Colère.Voula Tsouna - 2008 - Philosophie Antique 8:215-258.
    Depuis Homère, les penseurs de l’antiquité se sont intéressés à la nature, à l’usage et au contrôle de la colère. Cet article porte sur le plus ancien ouvrage sur le sujet qui ait survécu de l’antiquité jusqu’à nous, à savoir le traité Sur la Colère de Philodème, un important philosophe épicurien, actif en Italie du Sud au ier siècle av. J.-C. De façon générale, il s’agit dans cet article de présenter, du point de vue historique, sémantique et méthodologique, le contexte (...)
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    „Koniec historii” Francisa Fukuyamy z perspektywy dwudziestu lat od ukazania się dzieła.Krzysztof Wawrzonkowski - 2013 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 4 (1):131-152.
    In the article I focus on a few philosophical issues which are characteristic for Fukuyama’s theory, such as: historicalness, idea of common history, freedom, human nature and thymos, being the component of human mentality propelling the course of history, according to Fukuyama’s reading of Plato. We are also able to take a look at the role of natural science in the development of history process and specific mechanism propelling human actions. The mechanism is Hegelian attitude of the struggle for recognition (...)
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  35.  19
    Sextus’ Interpretation of Parmenides’ Prologue.Harold Tarrant - unknown
    This article examines the interpretation of Parmenides’ prologue (28 B 1, 1-30 DK) in Sextus’ account of the Criterion of Truth (M. vii 49-260). It proceeds by three ap- proaches, each telling part of the story regarding Sextus’ sources. The rst identi es two sets of source-material by means of the ideas and language. Here basic features of the interpre- tation of the prologue emerge. The second discusses why 28 B 1, 1-30 and 28 B 7, 2-B 8, 2 DK (...)
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    Possessed and Inspired: Hermias on Divine Madness.Christina-Panagiota Manolea - 2013 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 7 (2):156-179.
    Hermias of Alexandria wrote down the lectures given on the Phaedrus by his teacher Syrianus, Head of the Neoplatonic School of Athens. In the preserved text the Platonic distinction of madness is presented in a Neoplatonic way. In the first section of the article we discuss Hermias’ treatment of possession. The philosopher examines four topics in his effort to present a Neoplatonic doctrine concerning possession. As he holds that divine possession is evident in all parts of the soul, he first (...)
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    Il desiderio: precedenti storici e concettualizzazione platonica.Antonio Malo - 1996 - Acta Philosophica 5 (2).
    Beyond the terms used by the various pre-Socratic thinkers (thymós, kardia, eros, etc.) and beyond also the different settings adopted in their discussion,it is possible to find the reference to a reality which is susceptiblebut to be described in the three essential characteristics of desire:1) The change of a previous situation, which is almost always understood as an exit from one reality to another.2) The push, placed at the origin of this exit, which appears as opposition or attraction about (...)
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  38.  15
    On Courage. The Sense Of θυμός.Tiziana Migliore - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (35).
    This study provides an integrated analysis of ϑυμός. A psychosomatic concept, found in Greek epics and medicine, θυμός designates courage as a “vital force around the chest”. Later, its meaning has been specified in two fields: 1) ϑυμός, thymós, the irascible soul, parallel to the concupiscible soul and opposite to the rational one, according to Plato’s tripartition; 2) ϑύμος, thymus, a cardiac gland of the vascular system. Today, the idea that θυμός, courage, and ϑύμος, cardiac gland, could have a (...)
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    Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation.Mario Wenning (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    While ancient civilizations worshipped strong, active emotions, modern societies have favored more peaceful attitudes, especially within the democratic process. We have largely forgotten the struggle to make use of _thymos_, the part of the soul that, following Plato, contains spirit, pride, and indignation. Rather, Christianity and psychoanalysis have promoted mutual understanding to overcome conflict. Through unique examples, Peter Sloterdijk, the preeminent posthumanist, argues exactly the opposite, showing how the history of Western civilization can be read as a suppression and return (...)
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  40. Heraclitus, Plato, and the philosophic dogs.Enrique Hülsz Piccone - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 15:105-115.
    The paper focuses on a neglected instance of the Platonic reception of Heraclitus in the Republic, trying to show that it’s likely that Plato’s passage makes an allusion to Heraclitus’ B97 and B85. The main claim is that Plato’s use of the image of dogs looks back to Heraclitus, which invites an exploration of the possibility that at least some elements of Plato’s kallipolis might derive from Heraclitus – particularly from some ethical and political fragments. A brief survey of these (...)
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  41.  25
    Platon, le Désir et la Cité. [REVIEW]Terence E. Marshall - 1983 - Review of Metaphysics 36 (4):917-919.
    An attempt to understand a problem fundamental to Plato's thought, and in a way which avoids the pitfalls of modern opinion, the author's expressed intention is to understand Plato as he understood himself. Though not indicated by the table of contents, her expository procedure is to present a sequential interpretation of the dialogues in relation to one another. As a result, the book does not relate in any systematic detail what might be the similarities and differences within the family of (...)
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  42.  16
    Dies irae: ¿Por qué las democracias liberales no logran domesticar la ira y la violencia?Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (52).
    El siglo XXI ha estado marcado por innumerables protestas callejeras en diferentes regiones del mundo desatadas a su vez por disímiles coyunturas políticas. El artículo tiene dos objetivos: primero, proponer las emociones políticas de la rabia, el resentimiento y el deseo de reconocimiento como categorías interpretativas de las expresiones de inconformidad ciudadanas frente a la política contemporánea. Segundo, advertir que la incapacidad de las democracias liberales para domesticar la violencia constituye uno de los mayores fracasos de la modernidad política. Así, (...)
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  43. Review of: Jorgenson, Chad, The Embodied Soul in Plato’s Later Thought (Cambridge Classical Studies), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2018. [REVIEW]Rafael Ferber - 2020 - Augustiniana 70:407-410.
    This review tries to show that even if Plato ties the soul in the later dialogues more to the body, he still adheres in the Timaeus to the separation of the soul from the body as far as it is possible for humans, and in the Laws to the soul as a separated entity whose union with the body is in no way better than separation.
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