Results for 'the pure We-relationship'

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  1. We‐Experiences, Common Knowledge, and the Mode Approach to Collective Intentionality.Olle Blomberg - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (1):183-203.
    According to we-mode accounts of collective intentionality, an experience is a "we-experience"—that is, part of a jointly attentional episode—in virtue of the way or mode in which the content of the experience is given to the subject of experience. These accounts are supposed to explain how a we-experience can have the phenomenal character of being given to the subject "as ours" rather than merely "as my experience" (Zahavi 2015), and do so in a relatively conceptually and cognitively undemanding way. Galotti (...)
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    Smith’s The Felt Meanings of the World and the Pure Appreciation of Being Simpliciter.Chad Allen - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Research 21:69-80.
    In The Felt Meanings of the World, Quentin Smith lays the groundwork for a metaphysical worldview that is meant to stand as an alternative to nihilism. Smith finds fault with nihilism inasmuch as it fails to account for the possibility that faculties other than reason, namely feelings or intuition, may be the source of important metaphysical insight. From this observation, Smith builds his “metaphysics of feeling,” which is not concemed with rational explanations of the world’s existence, but rather with the (...)
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    The Rich and the Pure: Philanthropy and the Making of Christian Society in Early Byzantium.Paul Stephenson - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):124-125.
    “Give to everyone who begs from you,” Jesus advised his followers. Most of us do not and rush on by, concerned for our safety, for what the beggar will buy with our gift of alms, for who will benefit from our gift. Fewer stop and give something: if not cash, then a snack or beverage, and their precious time. A century since Marcel Mauss published his famous essay, we all feel quite well informed about “the gift.” In this richly detailed (...)
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    Caring animals and the ways we wrong them.Birte Wrage & Judith Benz-Schwarzburg - 2023 - Biology and Philosophy 38 (4):1-23.
    Many nonhuman animals have the emotional capacities to form caring relationships that matter to them, and for their immediate welfare. Drawing from care ethics, we argue that these relationships also matter as objectively valuable states of affairs. They are part of what is good in this world. However, the value of care is precarious in human-animal interactions. Be it in farming, research, wildlife ‘management’, zoos, or pet-keeping, the prevention, disruption, manipulation, and instrumentalization of care in animals by humans is ubiquitous. (...)
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    “Let the motion happen”. The emergence of dance from the felt-bodily relationship with the world.Serena Massimo - 2022 - Studi di Estetica 23.
    Following Erika Fischer-Lichte’s notion of emergence as an unexpected phenome-non that questions the notion of agency, our aim is to investigate how dance emerges through movements that are spontaneous and yet learnt while not being reducible to a motor expertise. Through Hermann Schmitz’ theory of the felt body, and notions such as “kinaesthetic attention”, grace and “pure” presence, we will show how dance movements emerge from the mutual “affective” influence be-tween dancers and the surroundings thanks to dancers’ “pathic” state (...)
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    In Search of Pedigrees: Why Do We Harm the Dogs We Love?Randall Lockwood - 2019 - Journal of Animal Ethics 9 (2):220-225.
    Michael Brandow provides a unique analysis of the rise of the “dog fancy” in the United States and the United Kingdom. He attributes much of the motivation to acquire, breed, and show prestigious pure-bred dogs to a human need for status at the cost of serious detriment to the health and welfare of the many breeds developed to meet these needs. Although the many problems associated with the production of such dogs have been increasingly recognized by the veterinary and (...)
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  7. The Discipline of Pure Reason.S. J. John L. Treloar - 1982 - Idealistic Studies 12 (1):35-55.
    The present study is the result of two questions which arose in dealing with the Critique of Pure Reason. What is the relationship of the “Doctrine of Method” to the “Doctrine of Elements?” Does the “Doctrine of Method” tell us anything important about Kant and his philosophy? It will be the contention of this paper that the second half of the Critique relies heavily on the “Doctrine of Elements,” and is a natural expansion of the first half of (...)
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  8. Time Out of Joint: Hamlet and the Pure Form of Time.Henry Somers-Hall - 2011 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 5 (Suppl):56-76.
    The aim of this paper is to explore why Deleuze takes up Hamlet's claim that ‘time is out of joint’. In the first part of this paper, I explore this claim by looking at how Deleuze relates it to Plato's Timaeus and its conception of the relationship between movement and time. Once we have seen how time functions when it is ‘in joint’, I explore what it would mean for time to no longer be understood in terms of an (...)
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    The problem of intersubjectivity: A comparison of Martin Buber and Alfred Schutz.Frederick Grinnell - 1983 - Human Studies 6 (1):185 - 195.
    Alfred Schutz in his phenomenological studies on the social world, has systematically analyzed the nature of social relationships between individuals, and has arrived at an originating point involving intersubjectivity. This point is described by what he calls the Pure We-relationship. Comparison of Schutz's analysis of the Pure We relationship with Buber's description of his personal experience of intersubjectivity, i.e., the l-Thou relationship, reveals a remarkable convergence. For instance, fundamental to both Schutz and Buber are the (...)
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  10. Awake: the yoga of pure awareness. Nityananda - 2022 - Baltimore, MD: Darshan.
    Awake: The Yoga of Pure Awareness is based on talks given at the meditation community at Awake Yoga Meditation in Baltimore, Maryland, from February-April 2018. The talks are prepared by meditating on sacred teachings and are then spoken spontaneously without notes. This yogic practice is connected with Awakeness in action, inviting us to meditate on wisdom and pure love and open to new insight and kindness every moment. The book is created from transcribed talks and conveys the energy (...)
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    Image and Text, Relationships and Differences – The Role of Language in the Visual Fields.Kateřina Dytrtová - 2024 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 13 (2):106-131.
    The paper explores the relationships and distinctions between pictorial and linguistic symbolic systems. It addresses the issue of the interplay between these media and symbolic systems. The paper explains why we cannot speak of any “pure” approaches and why it is necessary to be familiar with these mixed strategies. The central hypothesis is based on the idea of mutual "lending" of strategies and influences, leading to the emergence of a "new homogeneity," or a new semanticity and conceptualization. The main (...)
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    Canada and Pure Land, a New Field and Buddha-Land: Womanists and Buddhists Reading Together.Jennifer Leath - 2012 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 32:57-65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Canada and Pure Land, a New Field and Buddha-Land:Womanists and Buddhists Reading TogetherJennifer LeathReligion, in theory and in praxis, is often a journey through and to territories known and unknown. Sometimes the paths of particular traditions seem to avoid intersection at all costs. Thus, it is no small accomplishment that Womanists and scholars and practitioners of Buddhism, who typically reflect very different demographic groups, have been in dialogue (...)
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  13. How applied mathematics became pure.Penelope Maddy - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (1):16-41.
    My goal here is to explore the relationship between pure and applied mathematics and then, eventually, to draw a few morals for both. In particular, I hope to show that this relationship has not been static, that the historical rise of pure mathematics has coincided with a gradual shift in our understanding of how mathematics works in application to the world. In some circles today, it is held that historical developments of this sort simply represent changes (...)
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    Path of No Path: Contemporary Studies in Pure Land Buddhism Honoring Roger Corless (review).Jeff Wilson - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:225-228.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Path of No Path: Contemporary Studies in Pure Land Buddhism Honoring Roger CorlessJeff WilsonPath of No Path: Contemporary Studies in Pure Land Buddhism Honoring Roger Corless. Edited by Richard K. Payne. Berkeley, CA: Institute of Buddhist Studies and Numata Center for Buddhist Translation and Research, 2009. 290 pp.Roger Corless (1938–2007)—Catholic devotee, Tibetan Buddhist meditator, Pure Land interpreter, and renowned professor of religious studies—was a frequent (...)
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  15. The structure of scientific knowledge and a fractal model of thought.Jean-Pierre Courtial & Rafael Bailon-Moreno - 2006 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 27 (2):149-165.
    We begin with a theory of thought as a biocognition not precisely situated in the individual, and still less in the brain alone, but deriving from a shared field of bioinformation. The structure of associations among elements of speech may reflect the structure of this field. Then we demonstrate that the analysis of the structure of the scientific discourse applied within this logic shows the fractal structure of the field of bioinformation. We also show that scientific culture can be interpreted (...)
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    On the relationship between instrument and specimen in chemical research.Daniel Rothbart - 1999 - Foundations of Chemistry 1 (3):255-268.
    Based on the design of many modern chemical instruments, information about a specimen is retrieved after the specimen undergoes agitation, manipulation and disturbance of its internal state. But can we retain the traditional ideal that instruments should reveal properties that are definable independently of all modes of detection? In this paper I argue that the capacity of chemical instruments to convert experimental phenomena to information places constraints on the way in which the specimen is characterized. During research, the specimen is (...)
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    Do We Collaborate With What We Design?Katie D. Evans, Scott A. Robbins & Joanna J. Bryson - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    The use of terms like “collaboration” and “co-workers” to describe interactions between human beings and certain artificial intelligence (AI) systems has gained significant traction in recent years. Yet, it remains an open question whether such anthropomorphic metaphors provide either a fertile or even a purely innocuous lens through which to conceptualize designed commercial products. Rather, a respect for human dignity and the principle of transparency may require us to draw a sharp distinction between real and faux peers. At the heart (...)
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  18.  57
    On the neural correlates of object recognition awareness: Relationship to computational activities and activities mediating perceptual awareness.Terence V. Sewards & Mark A. Sewards - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):51-77.
    Based on theoretical considerations of Aurell (1979) and Block (1995), we argue that object recognition awareness is distinct from purely sensory awareness and that the former is mediated by neuronal activities in areas that are separate and distinct from cortical sensory areas. We propose that two of the principal functions of neuronal activities in sensory cortex, which are to provide sensory awareness and to effect the computations that are necessary for object recognition, are dissociated. We provide examples of how this (...)
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    Education in the virtues: Tragic emotions and the artistic imagination.Derek L. Penwell - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (4):pp. 9-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Education in the Virtues: Tragic Emotions and the Artistic ImaginationDerek L. Penwell (bio)IntroductionThe profoundly thoughtful—not to mention extensive—character of the scholarship historically applied to the nature of the difference between Plato and Aristotle on the issue of the tragic emotions raises the obvious question: What new is there left to say? In this article I seek to hold together two separate issues that have occupied much of the scholarship (...)
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  20. Pure and Impure Philosophy in Kant's Metaphilosophy.Ernesto V. Garcia - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (3):17-48.
    Kant’s metaphilosophy has three main parts: (1) an essentialist project (“What is philosophy?”); (2) a methodological project (“How do we do philosophy?”); and (3) a taxonomic project (“What are the different parts of philosophy, and how are they related?”). This paper focuses on the third project. In particular, it explores one of the most intriguing yet puzzling aspects of Kant’s philosophy, viz. the relationship between what Kant calls ‘pure’ philosophy vs. ‘applied’, ‘empirical’ or what we can broadly refer (...)
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  21.  9
    The University Teacher and His World: A Sociological and Educational Study.Richard Startup - 2021 - London: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1979, the aim of this work was to analyse the occupational role of the university teacher, with the help of data collected within a specific university institution. This involves examining both what is expected of university teachers and what they actually do, and accounting for the patterns which their activities exhibit. Since the university teacher's occupation is multi-faceted it is necessary to examine several areas of activity including teaching, research and 'external' professional activities, as well as a (...)
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    The self and its causal powers between metaphysics and science.Rodolfo Giorgi & Andrea Lavazza - 2020 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-25.
    According to the thesis of powerism, our world is pervaded by causal powers which are metaphysically basic. The aim of this paper is to defend the existence of the self, defined as a substantial entity, and its mental powers. This claim, which may seem a bold one, should not be deemed as inconsistent with scientific evidence. In fact, this approach does not ignore empirical knowledge, but is not bound only to it in order to understand entities, properties, and the (...) between them. Aristotelian powerism may show that the self, as the subject of one’s mental acts, is a substance that has an essential nature. Firstly, we shall analyze the immediate evidence we have in support of the existence of the self as a substantial entity. We will show that the self is a substance because it possesses an essential character, i.e. an individual essence. We will take into account the Aristotelian perspective of substance, trying to show how the presence of a necessary property that makes every subject identical to itself and the phenomenal features of one’s private experience point to the existence of a substantial entity that corresponds to the self. Secondly, we will try to justify the adoption of a metaphysical theory of causation based on powers, analyzing it in comparison with the main competing theories, namely hypotheticalism and nomism. Then, we shall proceed to show the causal properties of the substance in question, namely the mental powers. In fact, thirdly, we will embrace the thesis of powerism by defending the existence of a set of mental powers that should be attributed to the self. We will describe the main features of mental powers and we will show that they are conceivable as the pure intentional acts we perform by directing an intentional state towards an intentional object. In this way we show how a classic problem of philosophy of mind, relevant to science as well, can be addressed in an original way by a metaphysical approach involving powers. (shrink)
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    Evaluating the subject-performed task effect in healthy older adults: relationship with neuropsychological tests.Ana Rita Silva, Maria Salomé Pinho, Céline Souchay & Christopher J. A. Moulin - 2015 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 5.
    Background : An enhancement in recall of simple instructions is found when actions are performed in comparison to when they are verbally presented – the subject-performed task effect. This enhancement has also been found with older adults. However, the reason why older adults, known to present a deficit in episodic memory, have a better performance for this type of information remains unclear. In this article, we explored this effect by comparing the performance on the SPT task with the performance on (...)
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    Untying Foucauldian Knots of Power/Knowledge and Tying Better Relationships with the Confucian Persuasion.Joseph Harroff - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):809-821.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Untying Foucauldian Knots of Power/Knowledge and Tying Better Relationships with the Confucian PersuasionJoseph Harroff (bio)Reconsidering the Life of Power: Ritual, Body, and Art in Critical Theory and Chinese Philosophy. By James Garrison. Albany: SUNY Press, 2021.Life is a self-renewing process through action upon the environment.—Dewey, Democracy and Education (2)There is no pure self to be redeemed here, but perhaps some kind of rehabilitation beyond the problematic trappings of (...)
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    Dei Filius IV: On the Development of Dogma.Andrew Meszaros - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (3):909-938.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Dei Filius IV:On the Development of DogmaAndrew MeszarosIntroductionHistorically, it is indisputable that the intention of the latter part of chapter 4 of Dei Filius was to restate the substantial immutability of the deposit of faith, not for the sake of rejecting doctrinal development, but for the sake of establishing parameters for a certain profectus fidei—progress or development in the faith—which no Catholic theologian doubted, not even nineteenth-century neo-Scholastics. Then-contemporary (...)
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    The Way We Are Together Today: Identity and Relationships in Contemporary Societies.Maria Menditto - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 19 (1-2):71-89.
    The last century has catapulted us into a world full of instability, uncertainty, and a sense of bewilderment. The financial-economic crisis has been added to our difficulties, further polluting our environment, our relationships, our feelings, our wounds. Pre-cariousness, lack of work and of a vision for the future have been added to our sense of emptiness and disorientation. Hope has given way to darkness. We are immersed in the crisis. The feeling of tranquillity and security that we desire is fading, (...)
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    On the relationship between mutual and tight stationarity.William Chen-Mertens & Itay Neeman - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic:102963.
    We construct a model where every increasing ω-sequence of regular cardinals carries a mutually stationary sequence which is not tightly stationary, and show that this property is preserved under a class of Prikry-type forcings. Along the way, we give examples in the Cohen and Prikry models of ω-sequences of regular cardinals for which there is a non-tightly stationary sequence of stationary subsets consisting of cofinality ω_1 ordinals, and show that such stationary sequences are mutually stationary in the presence of interleaved (...)
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    Development and Validation of the Purity Orientation–Pollution Avoidance Scale: A Study With Japanese Sample.Hideya Kitamura & Akiko Matsuo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The moral foundations theory (MFT) proposes that there are five moral foundations that work as the standard to make moral judgments. Among them, the purity foundation is a complex concept. It is considered to be a distinctive foundation compared with the other ones partly because it involves religious beliefs. The assumption underlying the purity foundation is Christian beliefs, so the MFT was developed and made prevalent mostly in the Western cultures. However, because of that assumption, cultural differences in perceiving the (...)
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    Religious Experience As An Argument For The Existence Of God: The Case of Experience of Sense And Pure Consciousness Claims.Hakan Hemşinli - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1633-1655.
    The efforts to prove God's existence in the history of thought have been one of the fundamental problems of philosophy and theology, and even the most important one. The evidences put furword to prove the existence of God constitute the center of philosophy of religion’s problems not only philosophy of religion, but also the disciplines such as theology-kalam and Islamic philosophy are also seriously concerned. When we look at the history of philosophy, it is clear that almost all philosophers are (...)
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    The Relationship Between Illusory Heaviness Sensation and the Motion Speed of Visual Feedback in Gesture-Based Touchless Inputs.Takahiro Kawabe, Yusuke Ujitoko & Takumi Yokosaka - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Interaction systems with gesture-based touchless inputs are becoming more common. Nevertheless, perceptual properties of the visual feedback used in the system have not been well documented. We investigated whether the speed of motion shown in visual feedback used in gesture-based touchless inputs could be a cue for the heaviness sensation of an object even when other incidental cues, such as changes in object size and spatial consistencies in direction between gestures and feedback, were eliminated from the stimuli. Participants were asked (...)
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  31. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection between monetary (...)
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    The Twelve Patriarchs, the Mystical Ark, Book Three of the Trinity. [REVIEW]B. W. A. - 1979 - Review of Metaphysics 33 (2):445-447.
    That "The Classics of Western Spirituality" should regard the man Dante hailed as "beyond the human in contemplation," and St. Bonaventure believed to be the medieval rival of the greatest patristic contemplative worthy of a special volume is not surprising. Richard of St. Victor’s masterful analysis of the ascent of the mind to God in contemplative prayer and meditation, emphasizing the individual’s relationship to other individuals as the paradigm of how the Three Divine Persons are related in their inner (...)
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  33. Existential Risk, Astronomical Waste, and the Reasonableness of a Pure Time Preference for Well-Being.S. J. Beard & Patrick Kaczmarek - 2024 - The Monist 107 (2):157-175.
    In this paper, we argue that our moral concern for future well-being should reduce over time due to important practical considerations about how humans interact with spacetime. After surveying several of these considerations (around equality, special duties, existential contingency, and overlapping moral concern) we develop a set of core principles that can both explain their moral significance and highlight why this is inherently bound up with our relationship with spacetime. These relate to the equitable distribution of (1) moral concern (...)
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  34. On the very idea of cosmopolitan justice: Constructivism and international agency.Saladin Meckled-Garcia - 2007 - Journal of Political Philosophy 16 (3):245-271.
    Cosmopolitan critics attack the scope-limitation of justice of egalitarian liberal theorists to states. They treat justice as the production of a given set of outcomes for people regardless of location or relationship. However, in doing so they either ignore the relevant agent towards whom principles of justice are addressed or see the question of agency as a practical, derivative question, of a secondary character. This paper argues that a principle of justice without a clearly justified agent is not a (...)
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    Towards a Schützian Approach to Group-membership.Frédéric Guillaume Gass-Quintero - 2018 - Schutzian Research 10:37-50.
    The aim of this paper is to show that we are entitled to see in Schütz’s article “Equality and the Social Meaning Structure” the proposal for a formal analysis of group membership understood as a kind of We-experience irreducible to pure We-relationships. First I argue that such an account defines the experience of group membership as a “situation definition process”. Then I show the relevance of this approach for the description of membership experiences and current debates on Collective Intentionality. (...)
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    A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music Education.Valerie L. Trollinger - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (2):193-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Reconception of Performance Study in the Philosophy of Music EducationValerie L. TrollingerThe actual place of performance in music education has been the subject of numerous debates over the years. Most debates have revolved within the paradigm of the performance ability of the teacher and consequently the performance ability of the students. Is the level to be attained that of a winning concert band/marching band/choir? Or, is the level (...)
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    Transcendental Frustration: A Critical Re-Evaluation of the Hegelian Legacy for Philosophy of Religion.W. Ezekiel Goggin - 2019 - Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory 3 (18):383-399.
    For philosophers who would think “with” religion, rather than simply to theorize “about” it, the question of the relationship between religious imagination and philosophical rationality is a matter of constitutive importance. The way we answer this question would have far reaching implications for how we understand the work we do as philosophers who take religion seriously, and how we situate ourselves within broader academic contexts. Indeed, the answer to such a question –insofar as we can give any sort of (...)
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  38. Do We Know All after Death? Thomas Aquinas on the Disembodied Soul’s Knowledge.Carl N. Still - 2001 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 75:107-119.
    This paper examines Aquinas’s epistemological treatment of the disembodied soul in order to reveal (1) its relationship to the person it once was, and (2) the nature and extent of its self-knowledge. I argue first that disembodiment entails not only loss of personhood, but severe restriction of one’s concept of self. Consequently, individual self-consciousness is minimized. By contrast, I argue that the soul’s knowledge of its nature is likely to be realized more perfectly in the separated state, not so (...)
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    Can we wrong a robot?Nancy S. Jecker - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):259-268.
    With the development of increasingly sophisticated sociable robots, robot-human relationships are being transformed. Not only can sociable robots furnish emotional support and companionship for humans, humans can also form relationships with robots that they value highly. It is natural to ask, do robots that stand in close relationships with us have any moral standing over and above their purely instrumental value as means to human ends. We might ask our question this way, ‘Are there ways we can act towards robots (...)
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    Religion and Science: Nishitani's View of Nihility and Emptiness-A Pure Land Buddhist Critique.Ryusei Takeda - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):155-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Religion and Science: Nishitani’s View of Nihility and Emptiness–A Pure Land Buddhist CritiqueRyusei TakedaIn general, philosophical critique of Nishida, Tanabe, and Nishitani, the so-called Kyoto school, has been mainly conducted from a Zen Buddhist perspective. One should not, however, overlook the fact that a profound regard for the philosophical aspects of Pure Land Buddhist thought, another major stream of Mahayana Buddhism, is deeply intertwined in the foundation (...)
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    The artful universe.John D. Barrow - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our likes and dislikes--our senses and sensibilities--did not fall ready-made from the sky, argues internationally acclaimed author John D. Barrow. We know we enjoy a beautiful painting or a passionate symphony, but what we don't necessarily understand is that these experiences conjure up latent instincts laid down and perpetuated over millions of years. Now, in The Artful Universe, Barrow explores the close ties between our aesthetic appreciation and the basic nature of the Universe, challenging the commonly held view that our (...)
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    The Transformation of Intimacy: Sexuality, Love, and Eroticism in Modern Societies.Anthony Giddens - 1992 - Stanford University Press.
    The sexual revolution: an evocative term, but what meaning can be given to it today? How does “sexuality” come into being, and what connections does it have with the changes that have affected personal life more generally? In answering these questions, the author disputes many of the dominant interpretations of the role of sexuality in modern culture. The author suggests that the revolutionary changes in which sexuality has become cauth up are more long-term than generally conceded. He sees them as (...)
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    For the Sake of Dasein: Praxis, Self-understanding, and Life.Bernardo Ainbinder - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (3):301-308.
    In his paper, Vardoulakis traces a genealogy of the concept of the ‘ineffectual’ that dominates many discussions in continental political philosophy back to Heidegger’s reading of Aristotle in the early 1920s. Although I sympathize with Vardoulakis’s suspicions concerning the ‘ineffectual’, I think his genealogy misses the main aspects of Heidegger’s analysis of praxis. In particular, Vardoulakis’s reading relies on two fundamentally ill-conceived assumptions: (a) that Heidegger’s thought can be read as a continuous endorsement of a series of fundamental claims, in (...)
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  44. Epistemic Blame Isn't Relationship Modification.Adam Piovarchy - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Epistemologists have recently argued that there is such a thing as ‘epistemic blame’: blame targeted at purely epistemic norm violations. Leading the charge has been Cameron Boult, who has argued across a series of papers that we can make sense of this phenomenon by building an account of epistemic blame off of Scanlon’s account of moral blame. This paper argues a relationship-based account of epistemic blame is untenable, because it eliminates any distinction between blameworthy and excused agents. Attempts to (...)
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  45.  77
    Regrounding the Unworldly: Carnap’s Politically Engaged Logical Pluralism.Noah Friedman-Biglin - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):110.
    Recent discussions of logical pluralism trace its origins to Rudolf Carnap’s principle of tolerance; indeed, the principle is seen as one of Carnap’s lasting philosophical contributions. In this paper, I will argue that Carnap’s reasons for adopting this principle are not purely logical, but are rather founded in the Vienna Circle’s manifesto—a programmatic document that brings the Circle’s philosophical work together with a program of social change. Building on work by Uebel, Romizi, and others, I argue that we must understand (...)
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    Right and Law: The Necessary Dualism.V. E. Semyonov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (3):56-76.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the relationship between right and law. The author identifies four types of understanding of right: positivist, natural-legal, general social, and the point of view of educational literature. These four types belong to different paradigms of understanding: the philosophical one (theory of natural right) and the legal one (three other points of view). The philosophy of right as a purely philosophical and not a legal discipline uses a philosophical approach to the substantiation (...)
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    Aquinas' Five Arguments in the Summa Theologiae 1 a 2, 3. [REVIEW]Brian J. Shanley - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (2):427-427.
    This slender volume is a polemical work on two fronts. First and foremost, it is an attempt to distinguish sharply the aim of Aquinas from that of post-Cartesian rationalism with respect to the role of philosophical argumentation in establishing the existence of God. Cartesian rationalism holds that it is possible to articulate presuppositionless, universal, compelling, and purely philosophical reasons to justify a foundational belief in God. Velecky criticizes this view on Wittgensteinian grounds and holds that there are significant affinities between (...)
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    Communitas as the “essential We”: The Possibility of Dialogical Relationships in a Community.N. S. Vorobyeva - 2019 - Sociology of Power 31 (4):155-184.
    This article aims to revise a common interpretation of V. Turner's concept of communitas in the context of the dialogical philosophy of М. Buber, whose influence has been mostly overlooked by researchers. Communitas is usually seen from the Durkheimian perspective and his notions of the sacred, solidarity and especially effervescence; it is conventionally defined as a transgressive collective experience when individual identities are supposed to submerge into a collective whole. Turner himself, however, has repeatedly noted that communitas is based on (...)
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    Reason on Trial: Legal Metaphors in the Critique of Pure Reason.Eve W. Stoddard - 1988 - Philosophy and Literature 12 (2):245-260.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Eve W. Stoddard REASON ON TRIAL: LEGAL METAPHORS IN THE CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON 6 6 r I 1WO things fill the mind with ever new and increasing admi_I_ ration and awe, the oftener and more steadily we reflect on them: the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me." ' These are perhaps Kant's most well-known and oft-repeated words. They reflect not only the profound (...)
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    The Public Philosopher in the Academies: Reflections on Merleau-Ponty's Eloge de la philosophie.T. Brian Mooney - unknown
    Recently we have come to witness an assault on the traditional conception of the university as a centre of detached concern for pure research. The economic rationalist vision which has occasioned this assault has deeply permeated almost every facet of contemporary life and even the specific kind of discourse emanating from this interpretation has managed to ensconce itself within the academies. Philosophers are at particular risk in the uncertain climate that has been created. However philosophers have not addressed the (...)
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