Results for 'system opieki zdrowotnej'

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  1.  14
    Dylematy i konflikty moralne polityków i lekarzy w ustanawianiu zadań systemu opieki zdrowotnej.Mieczysław Gałuszka - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):55-65.
    Medicine is the field of knowledge and set of clinical practices, characterized by the presence of politics and ethics on all the levels. Politics should be treated as a domain of power, which aims to make strategic decisions concerning health of the citizens leading to form socially accepted objectives of health care policy. Ethics sets axiological frames for morally just decisions both political and medical in the field of health care. The article analyzes the reasons of conflicts and moral dilemmas (...)
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    Providing and financing therapies outside the catalog of benefits guaranteed in the German health insurance.Daniel Lach - 2024 - Diametros 21 (81):52-65.
    Przedmiotem opracowania jest omówienie dopuszczalności udzielania i finansowania terapii spoza katalogu świadczeń gwarantowanych w niemieckim ubezpieczeniu zdrowotnym. Punktem wyjścia jest analiza tzw. uchwały mikołajkowej niemieckiego federalnego trybunału konstytucyjnego (BverfG) oraz konkretyzujących zawarte w niej wytyczne wyroków federalnego sądu socjalnego (BSG). Następnie na tym tle przedstawiona zostanie kodyfikująca je regulacja § 2 ust. 1a księgi piątej niemieckiego kodeksu socjalnego (SGB V), statuująca – na zasadzie wyjątku – prawo ubezpieczonych do świadczeń opieki zdrowotnej nie objętych systemową gwarancją.
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    Dwa modele zaufania w opiece zdrowotnej.Aleksandra Głos - 2015 - Diametros 45:82-106.
    Trust is a fundament of decent and just health care. In a subtle relation between patient and physician trust not only fuels the process of therapy but also plays a therapeutic role itself. Trust is a precondition of successful cooperation – it lowers its costs, increases efficiency and brings satisfaction to the partners. Only altruistic trust acts as such. Philosophical arguments as well as experiments analysing birth of trust in health care praxis prove the validity of the altruistic model. Distinction (...)
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    Sprzeciw sumienia w zawodzie farmaceuty. Badanie opinii farmaceutów na temat klauzuli sumienia.Justyna Czekajewska, Dominik Langer & Ewa Baum - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 78 (1):171-198.
    Streszczenie Klauzula sumienia została wprowadzona do obszaru prawnych regulacji międzynarodowych w związku z uchwałą Rady Europy o nr 1763 z dnia 7 października 2010 r. Zgodnie z treścią dokumentu istnieje przyzwolenie odstąpienia od wykonania określonego świadczenia medycznego ze względu na zastrzeżenia moralne (religijne lub światopoglądowe) zgłaszane przez przedstawicieli opieki zdrowotnej. W przepisach polskiego prawa medycznego powołanie się na zasadę klauzuli sumienia jest dozwolone, ale wyłącznie dla lekarzy, pielęgniarek i położnych. Farmaceuci są pozbawieni tej możliwości. Jednak wykonywanie niektórych czynności (...)
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    Allocating Hospital Beds in the Pandemic.Katarzyna de Lazari-Radek & Peter Singer - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 60:5-20.
    Pandemia Covid-19 poddała próbie poglądy bioetyków na temat alokacji ograniczonych zasobów opieki zdrowotnej. Rozważamy stanowiska zajmowane przez organizacje medyczne i krajowe rady etyki we Włoszech, Hiszpanii, Wielkiej Brytanii, Niemczech i Szwecji. W kilku wypowiedziach tych organów pojęcie godności ludzkiej odgrywa kluczową rolę. Twierdzimy, że użycie tego pojęcia nie pomaga w debacie etycznej. Bronimy poglądu, że decyzje dotyczące alokacji ograniczonych zasobów powinny być podejmowane na podstawie zasady maksymalizacji korzyści netto dla dotkniętych nimi osób. Kończymy pytaniem, czy fakt, że w (...)
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    George Khushf.Christianity as an Alternative Healing System - 1997 - Bioethics Yearbook: Volume 5-Theological Developments in Bioethics: 1992-1994 5:123.
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    System of transcendental philosophy (excerpt).Friedrich Schelling - unknown
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    The Nervous System.Sander L. Gilman - 1992
    Based on anthropological fieldwork in Australia and Colombia, this collection of essays uses the workings of the human nervous system to illustrate concepts of culture.
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    Normativity, system-integration, natural detachment and the hybrid hominin.Lenny Moss - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (1):21-37.
    From a subjective point of view, we take the existence of integrated entities, i.e., ourselves as the most unproblematic given, and blithely project such integrity onto untold many “entities” far and wide. However, from a naturalistic perspective, accounting for anything more integral than the attachments and attractions that are explicable in terms of the four fundamental forces of physics has been anything but straightforward. If we take it that the universe begins as an integral unity and explodes into progressive stages (...)
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  10. Immune System.Thomas Pradeu - 2009 - Science 325:393--393.
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  11. A Tax System That Embraces Fairness And Equality.John Edwards - 2006 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 73 (2):431-442.
    President Lincoln's platform included a recommendation of "a vigorous and just system of taxation," because he believed that if you had been blessed by living in America and had benefited from what this country has to offer, then you should do more for your country. One hundred forty years later, we still need a "vigorous and just system of taxation," not because we like taxes, but because, as Oliver Wendell Holmes said, taxes are the price we pay for (...)
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    Hegels System und seine Geschichtsphilosophie.Friedrich Blaschke - 1924 - Rohland & Berthold Verlag.
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  13. System der idealen Logik.Bernd Brassel - 2015 - In Vittorio Hösle & Fernando Suarez Müller (eds.), Idealismus heute: aktuelle Perspektiven und neue Impulse. Darmstadt: WBG.
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  14. The System of Thomas Aquinas.Maurice de Wulf - 1961 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 16 (2):282-282.
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    The system of Thomas Aquinas.Maurice De Wulf - 1959 - New York,: Dover Publications.
    “The pedagogical aim which we have before us in this little book forces us to limit ourselves to the consideration of the great and central doctrines of Thomism, and to leave aside the innumerable applications of those doctrines which may be found scattered up and down the extensive works of Thomas Aquinas”.
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    Das system; das philosophisch-rationale grundproblem und die exacte methode der philosophie.Hugo Dingler - 1930 - München,: E. Reinhardt.
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    System der staats- und nationalerziehung bei Karl Heinrich Ludwig Pölitz und ihre philosophischen grundlagen.Peter Pohle - 1936 - Münster i. W.,: Heinrich Buschmann, Abteilung Helios-verlag.
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    Ethics at the Intersection of Technology and Dementia Care: The Case of WanderGuard.Jessica Ginsberg Rogers Jason Lesandrini WellStar Health System - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):157-159.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 157-159.
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  19. A system of rational faculties: Additive or transformative?Karl Schafer - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (4):918-936.
    In this essay, I focus on two questions. First, what is Kant's understanding of the sense in which our faculties form a unified system? And, second, what are the implications of this for the metaphysical relationships between the faculties within this system? To consider these questions, I begin with a brief discussion of Longuenesse's groundbreaking work on the teleological unity of the understanding as the faculty for judgment. In doing so, I argue for a generalization of Longuenesse's account (...)
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    Hegel: Phenomenology and System.Henry Silton Harris - 1995 - Hackett Publishing.
    A distillation of the author's masterful Hegel's Ladder, this lucid introduction to Hegel's thought articulates the conceptual unity of the Phenomenology as well as the structure of Hegel's system and the place of the Phenomenology within it.
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    Unfinished System of Nonknowledge.Georges Bataille - 2001 - Univ of Minnesota Press. Edited by Stuart Kendall.
    This volume collects the most intimate writings of one of the foremost French thinkers of the twentieth century on the central topic of his oeuvre.
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    National Innovation System: The System Approach in Historical Perspective.Benoît Godin - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (4):476-501.
    In the late 1980s, a new conceptual framework appeared in the science, technology, and innovation studies: the National Innovation System. The framework suggests that the research system's ultimate goal is innovation, and that the system is part of a larger system composed of sectors such as government, university, and industry and their environment. The framework also emphasized the relationships between the components or sectors, as the ``cause'' that explains the performance of innovation systems. Most authors agree (...)
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  23.  8
    System der lebensphilosophie.Reinhard Junge - 1937 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
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  24. System, Space, And Intellect In Renaissance Symbolism.Walter Ong - 1956 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 18 (2):222-239.
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    Das system des Aristoteles.Kurt Reidemeister - 1943 - Berlin,: B. G. Teubner.
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  26. Das System des Aristoteles.Kurt Reidemeister - 1947 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 1 (4):620-621.
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  27. A system of pragmatic's idealism, vol. II : The validity of values.Nicholas Rescher - 1994 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (4):537-537.
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  28. A SYSTEM OF RIGHTS. By Rex Martin. Oxford: Clarendon. 1993. Pp. 439.Gianfrancesco Zanetti - 1994 - Ratio Juris 7 (3):372-82.
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  29.  58
    The Ancient and Modern System of the Arts.James O. Young - 2015 - British Journal of Aesthetics 55 (1):1-17.
    Paul Oskar Kristeller famously argued that the modern ‘ system of the arts ’ did not emerge until the mid-eighteenth century, in the work of Charles Batteux. On this view, the modern conception of the fine arts had no parallel in the ancient world, the middle-ages or the modern period prior to Batteux. This paper argues that Kristeller was wrong. The ancient conception of the imitative arts completely overlaps with Batteux’s fine arts : poetry, painting, music, sculpture, and dance. (...)
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  30. An intelligent tutoring system for teaching advanced topics in information security.Ali O. Mahdi, Mohammed I. Alhabbash & Samy S. Abu Naser - 2016 - World Wide Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development 2 (12):1-9.
    Recently there is an increasing technological development in intelligent tutoring systems. This field has become interesting to many researchers. In this paper, we present an intelligent tutoring system for teaching information security. This intelligent tutoring systems target the students enrolled in Advanced Topics in Information Security in the faculty of Engineering and Information Technology at Al-Azhar University in Gaza. Through which the student will be able to study the course and solve related problems. An evaluation of the intelligent tutoring (...)
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  31.  56
    A Game-Based Formal System for Ł ${}_{\infty}$.Alan Adamson & Robin Giles - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (1):49 - 73.
    A formal system for Ł ${}_{\infty}$ , based on a "game-theoretic" analysis of the Łukasiewicz propositional connectives, is defined and proved to be complete. An "Herbrand theorem" for the Ł ${}_{\infty}$ predicate calculus (a variant of some work of Mostowski) and some corollaries relating to its axiomatizability are proved. The predicate calculus with equality is also considered.
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    The Earth System, Justice, and Governance in a Planetary Age.Stefan Pedersen, Dimitris Stevis & Agni Kalfagianni - 2022 - Environmental Philosophy 19 (2):221-240.
    This commentary on Dipesh Chakrabarty’s Climate of History initially frames the work in the context of the ongoing transdisciplinary project of creating synergies or more precisely “consilience” between the sciences and humanities. When this project is engaged in on the premises of the humanities (and the social sciences), we end up with the Earth system and the planetary as the basic lifeblood of human society—what foregrounds existence in common. That this realization is already bringing forth new justificatory principles for (...)
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  33.  14
    The Influence of System Dynamics Resource Sharing on Collaborative Manufacturing Efficiency—Based on the Multiagent System and System Dynamics Method.Xiaoxia Zhu, Xu Guo, Hao Liu, Shuang Li & Xiaohong Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    To improve the problems of inconvenient communication in the manufacturing industry, the ineffective use of resources, and the inability to efficiently complete manufacturing tasks, resource sharing has become an important model to promote the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry. We used multiagent modeling to construct a resource-sharing model and take Baosteel as the micro background and the manufacturing industry as the macro background. Under this model, we discovered the effect of resource sharing on the efficiency of intelligent manufacturing (...)
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  34.  10
    System der ästhetik.Johannes Volkelt (ed.) - 1905 - München,: Beck.
    Bd. 1: Grundlegung der Ästhetik. Bd. 2: Die ästhetischen Grundgestalten. Bd. 3: Kunstphilosophie und Metaphysik der Ästhetik Bd. 1 , XII- 560, Bd. 2 , XX-602 und Bd. 3 : XX-600.
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    Vom System Der Kategorien.W. Windelband - 2018 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Toward A Visual Proof System: Lewis Carroll’s Method of Trees.Francine F. Abeles - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3-4):521-534.
    In the period 1893–1897 Charles Dodgson, writing as Lewis Carroll, published two books and two articles on logic topics. Manuscript material first published in 1977 together with letters and diary entries provide evidence that he was working toward a visual proof system for complex syllogistic propositional logic based on a mechanical tree method that he devised.
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  37. Induction in aristotle's system of scientific knowledge.Dušan Galik - 2006 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 13 (4):495-505.
    There are many disputes about induction in the logic and philosophy of science. One of the problem is that we often use the term „induction“ in different meanings. This is precisely the point of Aristotle, the first thinker who analyzed induction systematically. The aim of the paper is to show that we are confronted with at least four different meanings of induction in Aristotleś writings, to analyze them and to show the role of induction in acquiring scientific knowing and the (...)
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  38. (1 other version)System and disease: On the fundamental problem of theoretical pathology.Peter Hucklenbroich - 1984 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 5 (3).
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  39. A system of Christian ethics.Leander Sylvester Keyser - 1913 - Philadelphia, Pa.,: The Lutheran publication society.
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  40. Das System der Kunste.O. Kleinenberg - 1895 - Philosophical Review 4:331.
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    A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive 2 Volume Paperback Set: Being a Connected View of the Principles of Evidence, and the Methods of Scientific Investigation.John Stuart Mill - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This two-volume work, first published in 1843, was John Stuart Mill's first major book. It reinvented the modern study of logic and laid the foundations for his later work in the areas of political economy, women's rights and representative government. In clear, systematic prose, Mill disentangles syllogistic logic from its origins in Aristotle and scholasticism and grounds it instead in processes of inductive reasoning. An important attempt at integrating empiricism within a more general theory of human knowledge, the work constitutes (...)
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  42. The system of electronic registration of information about patients treated for infertility with the ivf icsi/et method.Milewski Robert, Jamiołkowski Jacek, Milewska Anna Justyna, Domitrz Jan & Wolczynski Slawomir - 2009 - In Dariusz Surowik (ed.), Logic in knowledge representation and exploration. Białystok: University of Białystok.
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    System levels.Pieter R. Roelfsema - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (5):226-233.
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    System und Performanz: symboltheoretische Grundlagen von Medientheorie und Sprachwissenschaft.Christian Stetter - 2005 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
  45. Poznání jako systém.Ladislav Tondl - 1999 - Filosoficky Casopis 47:227-246.
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    A Tableau system for a first-order hybrid logic.Jens Ulrik Hansen - 2007 - In Jørgen Villadsen, Thomas Bolander & Torben Braüner (eds.), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hybrid Logic 2007 (HyLo 2007).
    In this paper a first-order version of hybrid logic is presented. The language is obtained by adding nominals, satisfaction operators and the down-arrow binder to classical first-order modal logic. The satisfaction operators are applied to both formulas and terms. Moreover adding the universal modality is discussed. This first-order hybrid language is interpreted over varying domains and a sound and complete, fully internalized tableau system for this logic is given.
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    Against the “System” Module.John Zerilli - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (3):231-246.
    Modularity is a fundamental doctrine in the cognitive sciences. It holds a preeminent position in cognitive psychology and generative linguistics, as well as a long history in neurophysiology, with roots going all the way back to the early nineteenth century. But a mature field of neuroscience is a comparatively recent phenomenon and has challenged orthodox conceptions of the modular mind. One way of accommodating modularity within the new framework suggested by these developments is to go for increasingly soft versions of (...)
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    The Forum, the System, and the Polity: Three Varieties of Democratic Theory.John S. Dryzek - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (5):610-636.
    The theory of deliberative democracy is here furthered in terms of three images that locate its essence in respectively a single forum, a deliberative system, and an encompassing polity featuring particular integrative norms. The first two are ubiquitous, though contested, the third is stated here. Deliberative theorists need to contemplate how practices that make sense in each image connect to the other two. Forums only make sense when linked in a system that can synthesize very different deliberative virtues (...)
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  49. System, Subsystem, Hive: boundary problems in computational theories of consciousness.Tomer Fekete, Cees van Leeuwen & Shimon Edelman - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:175618.
    A computational theory of consciousness should include a quantitative measure of consciousness, or MoC, that (i) would reveal to what extent a given system is conscious, (ii) would make it possible to compare not only different systems, but also the same system at different times, and (iii) would be graded, because so is consciousness. However, unless its design is properly constrained, such an MoC gives rise to what we call the boundary problem: an MoC that labels a (...) as conscious will do so for some – perhaps most – of its subsystems, as well as for irrelevantly extended systems (e.g., the original system augmented with physical appendages that contribute nothing to the properties supposedly supporting consciousness), and for aggregates of individually conscious systems (e.g., groups of people). This problem suggests that the properties that are being measured are epiphenomenal to consciousness, or else it implies a bizarre proliferation of minds. We propose that a solution to the boundary problem can be found by identifying properties that are intrinsic or systemic: properties that clearly differentiate between systems whose existence is a matter of fact, as opposed to those whose existence is a matter of interpretation (in the eye of the beholder). We argue that if a putative MoC can be shown to be systemic, this ipso facto resolves any associated boundary issues. As test cases, we analyze two recent theories of consciousness in light of our definitions: the Integrated Information Theory and the Geometric Theory of consciousness. (shrink)
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    Support System for the Assessment and Intervention During the Manual Material Handling Training at the Workplace: Contributions From the Systematic Observation.Mariona Portell, Anna M. Sene-Mir, M. Teresa Anguera, Gudberg K. Jonsson & José L. Losada - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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