Results for 'Reinhard Junge'

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    System der lebensphilosophie.Reinhard Junge - 1937 - Berlin,: Junker und Dünnhaupt.
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    System der Lebensphilosophie.Reinhard Junge - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48 (2):226-227.
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  3. Matthias Jung: Dilthey zur Einführung. [REVIEW]Reinhard Margreiter - 1997 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50 (2).
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    Thomas Mann: Joseph und seine Brüder I. Die Geschichten Jaakobs/Der junge Joseph. Kommentar , hrsg. von Jan Assmann, Dieter Borchmeyer und Stephan Stachorski, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag 2018, 937 S.; ders.: Joseph und seine Brüder II. Joseph in Ägypten/Joseph, der Ernährer. Kommentar , hrsg. von Jan Assmann, Dieter Borchmeyer und Stephan Stachorski, Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Verlag 2018, 1142 S. [REVIEW]Reinhard Mehring - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 71 (4):425-427.
  5. Klaus Christian Köhnke: Der junge Simmel in Theoriebeziehungen und sozialen Bewegungen. [REVIEW]Reinhard Mehring - 1997 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 50 (4).
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    Descartes' Konzeption des Systems der Philosophie.Reinhard Lauth - 1998
    Gegen die zur Zeit in Frankreich herrschende realistische Interpretation, die ein angemessenes Verstandnis des Grundgedankens von Descartes' Philosophie unmoglich leisten kann, weist der Verfasser in der Fortfuhrung des Ansatzes von M. Gueroult nach, dass Descartes die Aufgabe der Philosophie strikt transzendental (ante litteram) konzipiert hat. Die von ihm geforderte analytische Methode (im Gegensatz zur geometrischen) muss eine deduzierende im Sinne Euklids sein; ihr Gegenstand ist aber nicht der Raum, sondern der Geist, der seinerseits nicht nur das Sein, sondern auch sein (...)
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  7. Reinhard Buchwald, Schiller. Erster Band: Der junge Schiller. Zweiter Band: Schillers Wander- und Meisterjahre. [REVIEW]Hermann Glockner - 1939 - Zeitschrift für Deutsche Kulturphilosophie 5:303.
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    Multi-use and constraints from original use.Justin A. Jungé & Daniel C. Dennett - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):277-278.
    Anderson's theory is plausible and largely consistent with the data. However, it remains underspecified on several fronts, and we highlight areas for potential improvement. Reuse is described as duplicating a functional component, preserving one function and tinkering to add another function. This is a promising model, but Anderson neglects other reasonable alternatives and we highlight several. Evidence cited in support of reuse fails to uniquely support it among a broader set of multi-use theories. We suggest that a more stringent criterion (...)
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  9. Medien als Selbstreferenzunterbrecher.Kay Junge - 1993 - In Dirk Baecker (ed.), Kalkül der Form. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Indirect scaling methods for testing quantitative emotion theories.Martin Junge & Rainer Reisenzein - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1247-1275.
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    Hazarapatiš.P. J. Junge - 1940 - Klio 33 (1-4):13-38.
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  12. Corporations, Stakeholders and Sustainable Development I: A Theoretical Exploration of Business–Society Relations.Reinhard Steurer, Markus E. Langer, Astrid Konrad & André Martinuzzi - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (3):263-281.
    Sustainable development (SD) – that is, “Development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs and aspirations” – can be pursued in many different ways. Stakeholder relations management (SRM) is one such way, through which corporations are confronted with economic, social, and environmental stakeholder claims. This paper lays the groundwork for an empirical analysis of the question of how far SD can be achieved through SRM. It describes the so-called SD–SRM (...)
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    (1 other version)Plato's Republic: A Dialogue in 16 Chapters.Alain Badiou & Kenneth Reinhard - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    Plato's _Republic_ is one of the best-known and most widely-discussed texts in the history of philosophy. But how might we get to the heart of this work today, 2,500 years after its original composition? Alain Badiou breathes life into Plato's landmark text and revives its universality. Rather than producing yet another critical commentary, he has instead worked closely on the original Greek and, through spectacular changes, adapted it to our times. In this innovative reimagining of Plato's work, Badiou has removed (...)
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  14.  46
    Is There a “Hilbert Thesis”?Reinhard Kahle - 2019 - Studia Logica 107 (1):145-165.
    In his introductory paper to first-order logic, Jon Barwise writes in the Handbook of Mathematical Logic :[T]he informal notion of provable used in mathematics is made precise by the formal notion provable in first-order logic. Following a sug[g]estion of Martin Davis, we refer to this view as Hilbert’s Thesis.This paper reviews the discussion of Hilbert’s Thesis in the literature. In addition to the question whether it is justifiable to use Hilbert’s name here, the arguments for this thesis are compared with (...)
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    Pre-verbal infants perceive emotional facial expressions categorically.Yong-Qi Cong, Caroline Junge, Evin Aktar, Maartje Raijmakers, Anna Franklin & Disa Sauter - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):391-403.
    ABSTRACTAdults perceive emotional expressions categorically, with discrimination being faster and more accurate between expressions from different emotion categories than between two stimuli from the same category. The current study sought to test whether facial expressions of happiness and fear are perceived categorically by pre-verbal infants, using a new stimulus set that was shown to yield categorical perception in adult observers. These stimuli were then used with 7-month-old infants using a habituation and visual preference paradigm. Infants were first habituated to an (...)
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    Vom Ethos der Freiheit zur Ordnung der Freiheit : Staatlichkeit bei Karl Jaspers.Karl-Heinz Breier & Alexander Gantschow (eds.) - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Auch als originar politischer Denker ist Karl Jaspers reich an Einsichten: Ausgehend vom Ethos der Freiheit jedes Einzelnen richtet er seinen Blick auf die konkrete politische Gestaltung einer Freiheitsordnung. Dabei steht fur ihn im Hinblick auf die noch junge Bundesrepublik die Selbsterziehung in Freiheit im Zentrum seiner oft mahnenden Worte. Ganz im sokratischen Sinne fordert er intellektuelle Redlichkeit und politische Wahrhaftigkeit ein, um den beiden grossen Gegenwartsherausforderungen gewachsen zu sein: einer atomwaffenbestuckten Welt, die sich jederzeit selbst ausloschen kann, und (...)
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    Strukturelle Evolution.Bernhard Giesen & Kay Junge - 1995 - ProtoSociology 7:116-125.
    Starting from one of the classical criticisms of evolutionary thinking accusing it of being based on tautological reasoning and being unable to predict future events, the authors propose an escape route from this attack by programmatically specifying the notion of fitness with reference to three particular aspects: cultural context, individual choice and social networks. Paralleling recent developments in economics, that try to explain preference formation endogeneously, the authors argue for an endogeneous explanation of the evolutionary fitness landscape to explain the (...)
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    Climaxes and Turning Points of German Military History. [REVIEW]Hans Christoph Junge - 1985 - Philosophy and History 18 (2):189-190.
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    Killing or letting die? Proposal of a (somewhat) new answer to a perennial question.Reinhard Merkel - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):353-360.
    There is as yet no widely agreed-upon solution to the standard textbook problem whether actively shutting off a life-sustaining medical device, e.g. a respirator, and thus bringing about a patient9s death amounts to active killing or just to an omission of further treatment. Apart from a range of astutely contrived case examples and respective particular solutions proposed in the literature, there seems to be no consensus on the normative principles such solutions should be grounded in, not even on the need (...)
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  20.  22
    Peace Talks: Who Will Listen?Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 2004
    In his Complaint of Peace, the great sixteenth-century humanist Erasmus allows "Peace" to talk. Peace speaks as a plaintiff, protesting her shabby treatment at the hands of humankind and our ever-ready inclination to launch wars. Against this lure of warfare, Erasmus pits the higher task of peace-building, which can only succeed through the cultivation of justice and respect for all human life. First articulated in 1517, the complaint of peace has echoed through subsequent centuries and down to our age--an age (...)
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    Preface.Wilfried Buchholz & Reinhard Kahle - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 133 (1-3):1.
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    Philosophie des Lebendigen: der Begriff des Organischen bei Kant, sein Grund und seine Aktualität.Reinhard Löw & Ulf Erdmann Ziegler - 1980 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  23.  6
    G W F Hegel: Modernity and Politics.Fred Reinhard Dallmayr - 1993 - SAGE Publications.
    Dallmayr argues that G W F Hegel is perhaps the leading philosopher of modernity and explores his philosophy as it pertains to the meaning of modernity and postmodernity: its celebration of individual freedom and the importance of a network of social relationships, public justice and civic virtue. This important text explains Hegel's work in the context of current theoretical and philosophical debates about modernity, illustrating his response to contemporary issues and recognizing him as a major figure in the history of (...)
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    Universes in explicit mathematics.Gerhard Jäger, Reinhard Kahle & Thomas Studer - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 109 (3):141-162.
    This paper deals with universes in explicit mathematics. After introducing some basic definitions, the limit axiom and possible ordering principles for universes are discussed. Later, we turn to least universes, strictness and name induction. Special emphasis is put on theories for explicit mathematics with universes which are proof-theoretically equivalent to Feferman's.
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    The Dark Triad and the PID-5 Maladaptive Personality Traits: Accuracy, Confidence and Response Bias in Judgments of Veracity.Benno G. Wissing & Marc-André Reinhard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:273619.
    The Dark Triad traits—narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy—have been found to be associated with intra- or interpersonal deception production frequency. This cross-sectional study ( N = 207) investigated if the Dark Triad traits are also associated with deception detection accuracy, as implicated by the recent conception of a deception-general ability. To investigate associations between maladaptive personality space and deception, the PID-5 maladaptive personality traits were included to investigate if besides Machiavellianism, Detachment is negatively associated with response bias. Finally, associations between the (...)
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  26.  20
    The Incident at Antioch/L'Incident d'Antioche: A Tragedy in Three Acts / Tragédie en trois actes.Alain Badiou & Kenneth Reinhard - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    _The Incident at Antioch_ is a key play marking Alain Badiou's transition from classical Marxism to a "politics of subtraction" far removed from party and state. Written with striking eloquence and extraordinary poetic richness, and shifting from highly serious emotional and intellectual drama to surreal comic interlude, the work features statesmen, workers, and revolutionaries struggling to reconcile the nature and practice of politics. This bilingual edition presents _L'Incident d'Antioche_ in its original French and, on facing pages, an expertly executed English (...)
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    Erfahrung Und Mystik: Grenzen der Symbolisierung.Reinhard Margreiter - 1997 - De Gruyter.
    Diese großangelegte Studie, die überarbeitete Fassung einer von der Berliner Humboldt-Universität 1994 angenommenen Habilitationsschrift, behandelt das Phänomen der mystischen Erfahrung in der Philosophie.
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    Within-Subject Associations between Mood Dimensions and Non-exercise Activity: An Ambulatory Assessment Approach Using Repeated Real-Time and Objective Data.Markus Reichert, Heike Tost, Iris Reinhard, Alexander Zipf, Hans-Joachim Salize, Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg & Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  29. Kants Begründung der Adäquationstheorie der Wahrheit in der transzendentalen Deduktion der Ausgabe B.Reinhard Hiltscher - 1993 - Kant Studien 84 (4):426-447.
  30.  17
    John Henry Newman's Theology of History: Historical Consciousness, Theological "Imaginaries", and the Development of Tradition by Christopher Cimorelli.Reinhard Hütter - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1339-1347.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:John Henry Newman's Theology of History: Historical Consciousness, Theological "Imaginaries", and the Development of Tradition by Christopher CimorelliReinhard HütterJohn Henry Newman's Theology of History: Historical Consciousness, Theological "Imaginaries", and the Development of Tradition by Christopher Cimorelli (Leuven: Peeters, 2017), xii + 356.There is no end of books on John Henry Newman, and this is a good thing, because Newman's importance is not waning, but—arguably—increasing. Christopher Cimorelli's study, the (...)
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  31. David Hilbert and Principia mathematica.Reinhard Kahle - 2013 - In Nicholas Griffin & Bernard Linsky (eds.), The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica. London and Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  32. St. Thomas on Grace and Free Will in the Initium Fidei: The Surpassing Augustinian Synthesis.Reinhard Hütter - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 5:521-554.
  33.  8
    Iterum: Paulo maiora canamus.Reinhard Häussler - 1995 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 139 (1):15-22.
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    Herrschaft und Versöhnung: Einführung in das Denken Theodor W. Adornos.Reinhard Kager - 1988 - New York: Campus.
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    Mathematical proof theory in the light of ordinal analysis.Reinhard Kahle - 2002 - Synthese 133 (1/2):237 - 255.
    We give an overview of recent results in ordinal analysis. Therefore, we discuss the different frameworks used in mathematical proof-theory, namely "subsystem of analysis" including "reverse mathematics", "Kripke-Platek set theory", "explicit mathematics", "theories of inductive definitions", "constructive set theory", and "Martin-Löf's type theory".
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  36. Towards a Proof-Theoretic Semantics of Equalities.Reinhard Kahle - 2015 - In Peter Schroeder-Heister & Thomas Piecha (eds.), Advances in Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Logik und Wirtschaftswissenschaft.Reinhard Kamitz (ed.) - 1979 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Positivismus.Reinhard Kamitz - 1973 - [München]: Langen Müller.
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    Science for Loss and Damage: Findings and Propositions.Reinhard Mechler, Elisa Calliari, Laurens M. Bouwer, Thomas Schinko, Swenja Surminski, JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer & Kian Mintz-Woo - 2019 - Mechler, Bouwer Et Al. (Hg.) 2019 – Loss and Damage From Climate 1 (1):3-36.
    This introductory chapter summarises key findings of the twenty-two book chapters in terms of five propositions. These propositions, each building on relevant findings linked to forward-looking suggestions for research, policy and practice, reflect the architecture of the book, whose sections proceed from setting the stage to critical issues, followed by a section on methods and tools, to chapters that provide geographic perspectives, and finally to a section that identifies potential policy options. The propositions comprise (1) Risk management can be an (...)
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    Goethes Flüchtlinge: Poetisierung des Dramas.Reinhard Mehring - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 68 (4):313-333.
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    Discriminating Non-native Vowels on the Basis of Multimodal, Auditory or Visual Information: Effects on Infants’ Looking Patterns and Discrimination.Sophie Ter Schure, Caroline Junge & Paul Boersma - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Law and Society East and West, Dharma, Li, and Nomos, Their Contribution to Thought and to Life.Ludo Rocher & Reinhard May - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):520.
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    The American Revolution. An Introduction. [REVIEW]Hans-Christoph Junge - 1983 - Philosophy and History 16 (2):185-187.
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    Philosophie in Bildern: von Giorgione bis Magritte.Reinhard Brandt - 2000
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    Heideggers Überlieferungsgeschick: eine dionysische Selbstinszenierung.Reinhard Mehring - 1992 - Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Humboldt-Urgestein. Nachruf auf Christian Möckel.Reinhard Mehring - 2023 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 76 (4):317-320.
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    Kants Ehe- und Kindesrecht.Reinhard Brandt - 2004 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 52 (2):199.
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    The Interplay between Gaze Following, Emotion Recognition, and Empathy across Adolescence; a Pubertal Dip in Performance?Rianne van Rooijen, Caroline M. M. Junge & Chantal Kemner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Seeking Orientation in the Pandemic: Uncertainties and Moral Orientation.Reinhard G. Mueller - 2020 - Essays Concerning the Coronavirus Pandemic.
    This essay provides an orientation-philosophical engagement with the current Coronavirus pandemic. It explores how this crisis brings to the fore the very processes of orientation and how the current emergency mode is accompanied by an overall shift to moral orientation.
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    Grounding from a Syntactic Point of View: A Sentential-Logical Approach.Alexander Zimmermann, Reinhard Kleinknecht & Georg J. W. Dorn - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (2):717-746.
    We define the term \a set T of sentential-logical formulae grounds a sentential-logical formula A from a syntactic point of view\ in such a way that A is a syntactic sentential-logical consequence of T, and specific additional syntactic requirements regarding T and A are fulfilled. These additional requirements are developed strictly within the syntactics of sentential-logical languages, the three most important being new, namely: to be atomically minimal, to be minimal in degree, and not to be conjunction-like. Our approach is (...)
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