Results for 'society of creators'

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  1.  9
    Two types of resources: non-replicable material and replicable information, and their different distribution in society.Yehui Zhang - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-8.
    Resources are typically discussed in economics as factors of production. This article proposes defining resources from the perspective of human needs, thereby dividing resources into two categories: material resources and information resources. The key distinction lies in whether they can be replicated, which determines if their marginal cost of supply is zero, and leads to their different distribution in society. For material resources, the main indicator is wealth, and the distribution of wealth follows a power law. This means that (...)
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    Evolution of Society in the Light of the Philosophy of Technology.Александр Юрьевич Нестеров, Антон Владимирович Дорошин, Артем Владимирович Никоноров & Виктор Александрович Сойфер - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 65 (2):7-32.
    The article provides the general opinion of philosophers, scientists, and engineers heading institutes and centers of Samara National Research University regarding the issues of scientific and technological progress, social management problems under the condition of digital reality, human functions in new artificial environments. The technology is classically understood as satisfaction of human needs through the ability to apply knowledge of the laws of universe or nature in the broad sense. With advances in technology, the artificial human environment, the metacosmos, emerges. (...)
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    The use of managing stress strategies in the profession of a media creator.Radovan Kopečný & Zuzana Ihnátová - 2014 - Creative and Knowledge Society 4 (1).
    Purpose of the article Mentally demanding job of a media creator exposes an individual to a high amount of stress. The latter one disturbs the balance of external expectations and internal capabilities, leading to disruption of psychological well-being and reduction of the quality of life. The key to proper stress management is usage of positive coping strategies. The aim of this paper is to research the usage of coping strategies by the students of mass media – the future media (...). Methodology/methods By means of a standardized questionnaire, we examined the use of positive and negative coping with stress strategies on probands – the future media creators, i.e. students on the faculty of mass media. The questionnaire was distributed personally in amount of 105 with a 95% return of 100 questionnaires. As the sampling method we used the choice of participants based on availability. Findings The results showed that probands elected more positive strategies, and thus they are able to handle stress in a healthy and rational way. As the trend of feminization is constantly evolving in the media, we also examined ability of female students to cope with stress. Our assumption, that women handle stress better than men, was not confirmed. They chose rather negative strategies. On the other hand, the male part of probands was inclined to choose positive strategies. Behind the ability to handle stress in a positive way, in the case of media creators, probably lies the complexity and integrity of personality, and other factors. Limits of research The main limit of presented research is the composition of research sample, i.e. students even though they study in the programs of the mass media, are not the representative sample of the group of media creators in practice. Therefore, we suggest executing similar studies on the sample of the media creators that are already working in the field of media to verify our findings. (shrink)
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    The Creator's Boundless Palace: William Bartram's Philosophy of Nature.Kerry S. Walters - 1989 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 25 (3):309 - 332.
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    Created Co-creator, a Theory of Human Becoming in an Era of Science and Technology.Ahenkora Siaw Kwakye - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):285-305.
    Scientific discoveries and the emergence of cosmological theories such as the Big Bang Theory and evolution have challenged the Christian doctrine of creation and its reliability on many fronts, because the discoveries appear to contradict the Christian account as to how creation unfolded. Hefner sees the situation as an additional interpretative task to theologians. He, however, posits that scientific discoveries are an opportunity to communicate the Christian message through social and scientific experience to bring meaning to broader society. He (...)
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    The Poverty of Secularism: An Open World Governed by the Creator Versus a Closed, Imaginary World That Develops on its Own.Benjamin Fain - 2013 - Urim.
    In this book, the author presents two worldviews. The first is the theocentric view of divine providence: God governs and is involved in the development of the world, including that of the animal kingdom. The second worldview is atheistic-materialistic and secular. It regards the abundance of different life forms, human society, economics, beliefs, and emotions as the products of one factor: matter and its movement. Through an analysis of the foundations and assumptions of the secular worldview, the author demonstrates (...)
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    The Creators Aspiring for the Future of Mankind: N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin.V. E. Lepskiy - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):63-75.
    The article discusses the affinity of the ideas of two prominent Russian scholars N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin. This affinity of their ideas is above all expressed in the global scale of their thinking, in their orientation toward the search for the ways of mankind development. Both thinkers sought a way out of the limitations and crisis of technological civilization through the promotion of basic values of harmony in the evolution of society and the biosphere. They made an enormous (...)
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    The Forms of Expression Of Society Virtualization as a Post-Historical Phenomenon.Vira Okorokova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The article aims to study of one of the relevant issues in the field of the modern post-history, namely, the virtualization of society. The latter is considered as a result of the postmodern worldview and the simulative nature of knowledge about social reality. The subject of the research involves the forms of virtual culture reflected in today’s Ukrainian society. Given the specifics of the identified issue, the author of the article draws attention to the specific methodological apparatus of (...)
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    The Problem of Interests in Socialist Society.S. F. Oduev - 1991 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 30 (3):25-42.
    The problem of the dialectical interconnection of the interests of the individual, the collective, and society is one of the key problems in the study and interpretation of the role of man as a subject of social practice, an active—interested and responsible—creator of new forms of existence, a builder of socialist society, and the pioneer of transformations in all spheres of his life activity.
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    Confronting the Spirit of Our Age as a Creator of Chaos.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (5):438-446.
    Contemporary civilization has created a fundamental contradiction between the intellectual approach to knowing and the technical approach to doing on the one hand, and the results of their application on the other. These approaches to knowing and doing begin with a process of abstraction that trades breadth for depth, while their application reveals a multitude of problems associated with ignoring the fact that everything is related to everything else in our world. Scientific disciplines and technical specialties create “pure” domains of (...)
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  11.  44
    The Open Society and the Democracy to Come: Bergson, Deleuze and Guattari.Bruce Baugh - 2016 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 10 (3):352-366.
    In Bergsonism, Deleuze refers to Bergson's concept of an ‘open society’, which would be a ‘society of creators’ who gain access to the ‘open creative totality’ through acting and creating. Deleuze and Guattari's political philosophy is oriented toward the goal of such an open society. This would be a democracy, but not in the sense of the rule of the actually existing people, but the rule of ‘the people to come,’ for in the actually existing situation, (...)
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  12.  23
    Review of Everything as One: A Linguistic View of the Egyptian Creator in the Pyramid Texts. [REVIEW]Christoffer Theis - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (2):462-463.
    Everything as One: A Linguistic View of the Egyptian Creator in the Pyramid Texts. By Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska. Travaux de l’Institut des Cultures Méditerranéennes et Orientales de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, vol. 5. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2020. Pp. 400. €71 (paper).
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    The Constitution of Good Societies.Karol Edward Soltan & Stephen L. Elkin (eds.) - 2004 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The purpose of this volume is to help develop, through a variety of exploratory essays, the art and science of institutional design. The authors look at a variety of good societies as artifacts, as products—at least partly—of design, and consider how such societies can be crafted. They identify themselves with the New Constitutionalism movement, which aims to develop and promote the knowledge necessary for institutional reform and institutional creation through understanding the designer's, creator's, founder's, or reformer's perspective. The first part (...)
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  14. Under God and the Law Papers Read to the Thomas More Society of London : Second Series. --.Richard O'sullivan & Thomas More Society of London - 1949 - Blackwell.
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    Cosmology, society, and humanity: Tian in the guodian texts (part I)1.Shirley Chan - 2011 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 38 (s1):64-77.
    In this sequel of my previous publication, I will continue my discussion of the word tian as it appears in the Guodian texts. I shall argue that, from natural order arises xing, human's distinctive potentiality, which is endowed by heaven to follow and be guided by the heavenly principle. I thereafter will elaborate the sages' role as cultural creators. The distinct roles of heaven and humanity are further deepened when tian and ming are perceived as the determinants of an (...)
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  16. Petition to Include Cephalopods as “Animals” Deserving of Humane Treatment under the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.New England Anti-Vivisection Society, American Anti-Vivisection Society, The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, The Humane Society of the United States, Humane Society Legislative Fund, Jennifer Jacquet, Becca Franks, Judit Pungor, Jennifer Mather, Peter Godfrey-Smith, Lori Marino, Greg Barord, Carl Safina, Heather Browning & Walter Veit - forthcoming - Harvard Law School Animal Law and Policy Clinic.
  17.  13
    Theories of World Governance: A Study in the History of Ideas.Cornelius F. Murphy - 1999 - Catholic University of Amer Press.
    For centuries, philosophers, political scientists, and jurists have struggled to understand the possibilities for justice and peace among a multiplicity of sovereign states. Like Dante, who sought to organize the world under the authority of the Holy Roman Empire, many theorists have tried to explain how sovereign states should be governed to ensure stability and peace in the absence of any established higher authority. Theories of World Governance traces the various conceptual approaches to world harmony from the close of the (...)
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  18.  11
    The Wander society.Keri Smith - 2016 - New York, New York: Penguin Books.
    From the internationally bestselling creator of Wreck This Journal... wan·der verb \ˈwän-dər\ to walk/explore/amble in an unplanned or aimless way with a complete openness to the unknown Several years ago when Keri Smith, bestselling author of Wreck This Journal, discovered cryptic handwritten notations in a worn copy of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass, her interest was piqued. Little did she know at the time that those simple markings would become the basis of a years-long, life-changing exploration into a mysterious group (...)
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  19. Medical research on apes should be banned.Humane Society of the United States - 2006 - In William Dudley, Animal rights. Detroit, [Mich.]: Thomson Gale.
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  20. Diffusing the Creator: Attributing Credit for Generative AI Outputs.Donal Khosrowi, Finola Finn & Elinor Clark - 2023 - Aies '23: Proceedings of the 2023 Aaai/Acm Conference on Ai, Ethics, and Society.
    The recent wave of generative AI (GAI) systems like Stable Diffusion that can produce images from human prompts raises controversial issues about creatorship, originality, creativity and copyright. This paper focuses on creatorship: who creates and should be credited with the outputs made with the help of GAI? Existing views on creatorship are mixed: some insist that GAI systems are mere tools, and human prompters are creators proper; others are more open to acknowledging more significant roles for GAI, but most (...)
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  21.  29
    Theology for Liberal Protestants: God the Creator by Douglas F. Ottati. [REVIEW]Rubén Rosario Rodríguez - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (1):214-215.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Theology for Liberal Protestants: God the Creator by Douglas F. OttatiRubén Rosario RodríguezTheology for Liberal Protestants: God the Creator Douglas F. Ottati GRAND RAPIDS, MI: EERDMANS, 2013. 377 PP. $38.00Douglas Ottati offers the first volume of a two-volume systematic theology that is firmly and unapologetically grounded in the nineteenth-century liberal Protestant tradition. To paraphrase Gary Dorrien, Ottati's work can be categorized as among those contributors to the discipline (...)
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    Social environment of creativity.Pranas Baltrėnas, Edita Baltrėnaitė & Tomas Kačerauskas - 2015 - Filosofija. Sociologija 26 (1).
    The article deals with the issues of creative society’s environment. The theses have been developed as follows. 1. Creative venture enters unknown environment concerning consuming. 2. Outstanding society is hardly recognized in consuming environment, which has been forced to change. 3. Creative society is outstanding as much as by arising in consumi+ng environment does not regard consuming logic and blocks communicative channels of the consumers. 4. A creative worker is rich not by having a lot of things (...)
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  23.  18
    Creator Gods.Crawford H. Toy - 1902 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 23:29-37.
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    Memoirs of the Twentieth Century.Ugo Spirito (ed.) - 2000 - Rodopi.
    Ugo Spirito's Memoirs of the Twentieth Century is the intellectual autobiography of one of the most original and anticonformist contemporary Italian philosophers. In it, Spirito makes an evaluation of his long career (spanning from the decade of the 20's to that of the 70's of the twentieth century) as a thinker who was never satisfied with any theoretical or philosophical system, while constantly aiming at finding a definitive truth: the "incontrovertible" or absolute. The various stages of his search deal with (...)
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    Genetics and the Law.Aubrey Milunsky, George J. Annas, National Genetics Foundation & American Society of Law and Medicine - 2012 - Springer.
    Society has historically not taken a benign view of genetic disease. The laws permitting sterilization of the mentally re tarded~ and those proscribing consanguineous marriages are but two examples. Indeed as far back as the 5th-10th centuries, B.C.E., consanguineous unions were outlawed (Leviticus XVIII, 6). Case law has traditionally tended toward the conservative. It is reactive rather than directive, exerting its influence only after an individual or group has sustained injury and brought suit. In contrast, state legislatures have not (...)
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  26.  7
    Intellectuals in Search of Salvation: Ideological Virtuosi of the XX Century — A Historical and Sociological Perspective.Timofey A. Dmitriev - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (2):19-43.
    The article is devoted to the problem of studying the activities of revolutionary and ideological virtuosi of the XX century by means of the historical sociology of modernity. It attempts both to identify the main trends in the participation of intellectually active strata of modern societies in the radical transformation of social reality, and to clarify the reasons that pushed them to do so. It is noted that the ideological background of such forms of socio-political radicalism were the symbolic means (...)
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  27. Imperfect men in perfect societies: Human nature in utopia.Gorman Beauchamp - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):280-293.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Imperfect Men in Perfect Societies:Human Nature in UtopiaGorman BeauchampIUtopists view man as a product of his social environment. Nothing innate in the psychic make-up of man—no inherent flaw in his nature, no inheritance of original sin—prevents his being perfected, or at least radically ameliorated, once the social structure that shapes character can be properly reordered. Utopists, in short, deny that there is such a thing as "human nature"—if, as (...)
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  28.  16
    Evolution of the display of high technologies and social networks in the «terminator» universe in 1984-2022.К. В Каспарян, М. В Рутковская & А. С Линец - 2023 - Philosophical Problems of IT and Cyberspace (PhilITandC) 2:33-52.
    The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the transformation of the reflection of computer technologies and network resources in the Terminator cinematic and literary universe created by the American director J. Cameron in the mid 1980s and early 2020s. In this study the authors substantiate the relevance and scientific component of the problem under study. The paper considers the degree of importance of high technologies and social networks in modern public life. The article provides a justification for the (...)
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  29.  9
    The Influence of Mythology on Modern Social and Market Communications.Людмила Анатоліївна ОРОХОВСЬКА - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):71-77.
    The problems of the influence of the second generation of myths on the consciousness of man and society are considered. The study is conditioned by the growing influence of the latest political and social myths, which are created on the basis of archetypes that formed the cultural foundations of modern civilisations. Crisis situations in society, when individuals in society are unable to explain the events taking place from the point of view of reason, intensify irrational factors in (...)
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    Effects of Innovation, Total Quality Management, and Internationalization on Organizational Performance of Higher Education Institutions.Joaquín Texeira-Quiros, Maria do Rosário Justino, Marina Godinho Antunes, Pedro Ribeiro Mucharreira & António de Trindade Nunes - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this research is to analyze the effects of innovation strategies, Total Quality Management dimensions, and internationalization strategies that Higher Education Institutions might adopt, and their effects on their organizational performance. Due to globalization and the constant changes and demands that have taken place today, HEIs are forced to seek new quality assurance instruments in higher education, to ensure greater competitiveness in the markets and their survival. To examine the association between the independent variables, namely, TQM dimensions, innovation (...)
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  31.  26
    The Conquest of the New World: The Conflict of Civilizations - The conflict of Rationalities.Marina Burgete Ayala - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 6:63-72.
    The article examines the conquest of the New World in the focus of interaction of different types of thinking in the clash and conflict of two civilizations, which develop in different ways and which are at different levels of social and economic development. The result of this clash was the destruction of the material, spiritual and intellectual traditions of indigenous cultures that existed on the American continent. The conquest of America is one of the most revealing examples of the clash (...)
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  32. The functionality of the australian psychological society's 1997 and 2007 codes of ethics.Alfred Allan - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love, Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley.
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    Plutarch's Advice on Keeping Well: A Lecture Delivered at the International Congress of Psychopathology of Expression and Art Therapy which Met in September 2000 at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts, Together with an Anthology of Relevant Texts from Plutarch's Works.Constantine Cavarnos & American Society of Psychopathology of Expression - 2001 - Belmont, Mass.: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies.
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    Social and ethical engagement of auto-destructive art.Željka Metesi Deronjić - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (2):51-65.
    Far from the harmony of the Greek statues, the Renaissance proportions in which is reflected metaphysical beauty, the clarity of Realism and the tranquility of Impressionism, the art of the 20th century is turning to new expressive possibilities and new, often incomprehensible, perhaps even meaningless, forms of communication. One of the most provoking artistic expressions is auto‑destructive art that appears in the 60s of the last century. The creator of the concept and author of the manifesto on auto‑destructive art, Gustav (...)
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  35. “The End of all our Exploring” in Science and Theology.Arthur Peacocke - 2004 - Zygon 39 (2):413-429.
    The present malaise of religion—and of theology, its intellectual formulation—in Western society is analyzed, with some personal references, especially with respect to its history in the United Kingdom and the United States. The need for a more open theology that takes account of scientific perspectives is urged. An indication of the understandings of God and of God's relation to the world which result from an exploration starting from scientific perspectives is expounded together with their fruitful relation to some traditional (...)
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  36.  13
    Legality, Morality, and Ethics in Criminal Justice.Nicholas N. Kittrie, Jackwell Susman & American Society of Criminology - 1979 - Praeger Publishers.
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    The australian psychological society's 2007 code of ethics : An observer's perspective.David Collier - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love, Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley. pp. 53--60.
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  38.  45
    Cosmology, Society, and Humanity: Tian in the Guodian Texts.Shirley Chan - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (1):106-120.
    In this sequel of my previous publication, I will continue my discussion of the word tian as it appears in the Guodian texts. I shall argue that, from natural order arises xing, human’s distinctive potentiality, which is endowed by heaven to follow and be guided by the heavenly principle. I thereafter will elaborate the sages’ role as cultural creators. The distinct roles of heaven and humanity are further deepened when tian and ming are perceived as the determinants of an (...)
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    Message to Buddhists for the Feast of Vesakh 2007.Paul Poupard & Pier Luigi Celata - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):131-132.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Message to Buddhists for the Feast of Vesakh 2007:Christians and Buddhists: Educating Communities to Live in Harmony and PeacePaul Cardinal Poupard, President and Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata, SecretaryDear Buddhist Friends,1. On the occasion of the festival of Vesakh, I am writing to Buddhist communities in different parts of the world to convey my own good wishes, as well as those of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.2. We, Catholics (...)
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    Virtues in conflict: tradition and the Korean woman today.Martina Deuchler, Sandra Mattielli & Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland - 1983 - Published for the Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch by the Samhwa Pub. Co.
  41.  3
    Holy Teaching, the Idea of Theology According to St Thomas Aquinas.Victor White & Aquinas Society of London - 1958 - Blackfriars.
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  42.  19
    God, the Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of Religion.Clemens Cavallin - 2022 - Nova et Vetera 20 (4):1207-1229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:God, the Absolute Wise Man, and the Study of ReligionClemens CavallinThe Absolute Wise ManIn the beginning of the Summa contra gentiles [SCG], Thomas Aquinas remarks that, according to the Philosopher (that is, Aristotle), the wise man orders "things rightly and governs them well."1 To do this, the wise man needs to pay attention to the proper goal of his activity, that is, the good toward which he is to (...)
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    Violence as Institution in African Religious Experience: A Case Study of Rwanda.Malachie Munyaneza - 2001 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 8 (1):39-68.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:VIOLENCE AS INSTITUTION IN AFRICAN RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE: A CASE STUDY OF RWANDA Malachie Munyaneza UnitedReform Church, London I. Introduction Violence is a phenomenon. It is multidimensional and multifarious. It is physical, geographical, spiritual, psychological, sudden or latent. It is metaphysical, because for some religious beliefs, it involves the deed-consequences scheme in terms of rewards and punishments, even beyond this world into the otherworldly life. It is an instrument used (...)
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    On Astronomia: an Arabic critical edition and English translation of Epistle 3.F. J. Ragep, Taro Mimura & Nader El-Bizri (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press, in association with The Institute of Ismaili Studies.
    The Epistles of the Brethren of Purity' is an encyclopedic compendium, probably composed in tenth-century Iraq by a society of adepts with Platonic, Pythagorean, and Shi'i tendencies. Its 52 sections ('epistles') are divided into four parts (Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Sciences of the Soul and Intellect, and Theology). The current volume provides an edition, translation, and notes to Epistle 3 ('On Astronomia'), which forms one of the 14 sections on Mathematics. The content is a mixture of elementary astronomy and astrology, (...)
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    Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri as Reformer of Islam: An Historical Overview.Masood Riaz, Fouzia Ahmed & Fizza Ali - 2023 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 62 (1):81-92.
    _In 1497, Syed Muhammad Jaunpuri of India claimed to be a reformer with the mission to purify Islam by justifying his claim according to the teachings and sayings of the Prophet of Islam. He started by curbing the innovations, focusing on belief in Allah, offering prayers, search for God and the truth, and also challenging the religious scholars of his time. Thus, he was criticized by religious scholars by refuting Jaunpuri’s claim of being a reformer, interestingly, academicians have also ignored (...)
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  46. Open Science and Intellectual Property Rights. How can they better interact? State of the art and reflections. Report of Study. European Commission.Javier de la Cueva & Eva Méndez - 2022 - Brussels: European Commission.
    Open science (OS) is considered the new paradigm for science and knowledge dissemination. OS fosters cooperative work and new ways of distributing knowledge by promoting effective data sharing (as early and broadly as possible) and a dynamic exchange of research outcomes, not only publications. On the other hand, intellectual property (IP) legislation seeks to balance the moral and economic rights of creators and inventors with the wider interests and needs of society. Managing knowledge outcomes in a new open (...)
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  47. Myths of the Underworld Journey: Plato, Aristophanes, and the 'Orphic' Gold Tablets.Iii Edmonds - 2004 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book was first published in 2004. Plato, Aristophanes and the creators of the 'Orphic' gold tablets employ the traditional tale of a journey to the realm of the dead to redefine, within the mythic narrative, the boundaries of their societies. Rather than being the relics of a faded ritual tradition or the products of Orphic influence, these myths can only reveal their meanings through a close analysis of the specific ways in which each author makes use of the (...)
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  48. Psychoanalyzing artificial intelligence: the case of Replika.Luca M. Possati - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1725-1738.
    The central thesis of this paper is that human unconscious processes influence the behavior and design of artificial intelligence (AI). This thesis is discussed through the case study of a chatbot called Replika, which intends to provide psychological assistance and friendship but has been accused of inciting murder and suicide. Replika originated from a trauma and a work of mourning lived by its creator. The traces of these unconscious dynamics can be detected in the design of the app and the (...)
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    Styles of Discourse.Ioannis Vandoulakis & Tatiana Denisova (eds.) - 2021 - Kraków: Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie.
    The volume starts with the paper of Lynn Maurice Ferguson Arnold, former Premier of South Australia and former Minister of Education of Australia, concerning the Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition of Art and Technology in Modern Life) that was held from 25 May to 25 November 1937 in Paris, France. The organization of the world exhibition had placed the Nazi German and the Soviet pavilions directly across from each other. Many papers are devoted (...)
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    Some Implications of Pierre Bourdieu’s Works for a Theory of Social SelfOrganization.Christian Fuchs - 2003 - European Journal of Social Theory 6 (4):387-408.
    The philosophical implications of the sciences of complexity suggest that complex systems (such as society) function according to a dialectic of chance and necessity, multidimensionality, non-linearity and circular causality. It is argued that one could employ aspects of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory in order to establish a consistent theory of social self-organization. Bourdieu describes society in epistemological terms as consisting of mutual relationships of subjectivity/objectivity, individual/society, homogeneity/diversity, freedom/necessity, externalization of internality/internalization of externality, embodiment/objectification, modus operandi/opus operatum. The concept (...)
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