Results for 'semi-systematic review'

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  1.  11
    An Analytical Approach to Discourse in the Study of Propaganda: A Semi-Systematic Review of the Literature.Rūta Kupetytė - 2022 - Filosofija. Sociologija 33 (4).
    Diskurso analitinis požiūris propagandos tyrime gali padėti ne tik ištirti propagandos turinį, žodyną, bet ir jo kūrimo kontekstą, kurio analizė tampa vis svarbesnė, plėtojantis sunkiau atpažįstamoms propagandos formoms. Šiame straipsnyje, taikant pusiau sisteminę literatūros apžvalgą ir dedukcinę teminę analizę, nagrinėjama, kaip jungiant propagandos ir diskurso terminus suvokiama propaganda bei kokiose tyrimų tematikose, interpretaciniuose kontekstuose ir kokius metodus pasitelkiant naudojama tokia jungtis. Į apžvalgą įtraukti anglų kalba 2012–2021 m. publikuoti mokslo darbai, kurių pavadinimuose minimi propagandos, diskurso ar propagandinio diskurso terminai. Tyrimo (...)
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  2.  30
    A review of the comparative study of Mo Yan and Faulkner in China. [REVIEW]Xiuguo Huang - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (227):19-29.
    Mo Yan’s multi-layered and allegorical tales were highly inspired by William Faulkner. Mo Yan’s semi-fictional Gaomi Northeast Township was often linked to William Faulkner’s fictional Yoknapatawpha, and he himself was extolled by the Chinese scholars to be “China’s Faulkner.” Inside China, there have emerged a great number of comparative studies on Faulkner and Mo Yan, which are usually conducted from the perspectives of literary forms, native-soil complex, attitudes towards tradition, the influence of local culture, and so on. However, despite (...)
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    Tremor-Suppression Orthoses for the Upper Limb: Current Developments and Future Challenges.Hoai Son Nguyen & Trieu Phat Luu - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Introduction: Pathological tremor is the most common motor disorder in adults and characterized by involuntary, rhythmic muscular contraction leading to shaking movements in one or more parts of the body. Functional Electrical Stimulation and biomechanical loading using wearable orthoses have emerged as effective and non-invasive methods for tremor suppression. A variety of upper-limb orthoses for tremor suppression have been introduced; however, a systematic review of the mechanical design, algorithms for tremor extraction, and the experimental design is still missing.Methods: (...)
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    Ethical Theories Used by Neurosurgery Residents to Make Decisions in Challenging Cases of Medical Ethics.Sahar Sobhani, Anoosheh Ghasemian, Farshad Farzadfar, Hosein Mashhadinejad & Bahram Hejrani - 2016 - Neuroethics 9 (3):253-261.
    Neurosurgeons have an especially high rate of exposure to serious ethical challenges in their line of work. The aim of this study was to assess the type and frequency of ethical theories used by neurosurgery residents to make extra- ethical decisions in challenging situations and their relation with the level of residency, and curricular training about medical ethics. A total of 12 neurosurgery residents in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (MUMS) were interviewed; all the participants were male and aged 29–40 (...)
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    The Relationship Between Internal Employer Branding and Talent Retention: A Theoretical Investigation for the Development of a Conceptual Framework.Rizwan Raheem Ahmed, Muhammad Azam, Jawaid Ahmed Qureshi, Alharthi Rami Hashem E., Vishnu Parmar & Nor Zafar Md Salleh - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The focus of this paper is to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework for the relationship between internal employer brand image and talent retention. An extensive and semi-systematic literature review identified a number of antecedents and consequences that have been empirically tested in various cutting-edge research studies that were conducted around the world. The existing literature is reviewed using a topical approach, and 66 research studies, most recent from various repositories, were carefully chosen and reviewed based on the (...)
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    Virtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. Anderson (review).Thomas V. Berg - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1421-1425.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Virtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. AndersonThomas V. BergVirtue and Grace in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas by Justin M. Anderson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020), xiii + 327 pp.To ignore Aquinas's theological backstory to his account of the virtues—namely, his account of grace in its relation to human action—is to distort his account of the virtues. This is the very valid (...)
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    Perceptions of the general public and physicians regarding open disclosure in Korea: a qualitative study.Minsu Ock, Hyun Joo Kim, Min-Woo Jo & Sang-il Lee - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):50.
    BackgroundExperience with open disclosure and its study are restricted to certain western countries. In addition, there are concerns that open disclosure may be less suitable in non-western countries. The present study explored and compared the in-depth perceptions of the general public and physicians regarding open disclosure in Korea.MethodsWe applied the COREQ checklist to this qualitative study. We conducted 20 in-depth interviews and four focus group discussions with 16 physicians and 18 members of the general public. In-depth interviews and focus group (...)
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    A Systematic Review of Emoji: Current Research and Future Perspectives.Qiyu Bai, Qi Dan, Zhe Mu & Maokun Yang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:476737.
    A growing body of research explores emoji, which are visual symbols in computer mediated communication (CMC). In the 20 years since the first set of emoji was released, research on it has been on the increase, albeit in a variety of directions. We reviewed the extant body of research on emoji and noted the development, usage, function and application of emoji. In this review article, we provide a systematic review of the extant body of work on emoji, (...)
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  9.  30
    Moderne aus dem Untergrund: Radikale Fruhaufklarung in Deutschland, 1680-1720 (review).John Christian Laursen - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):419-420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 419-420 [Access article in PDF] Martin Mulsow. Moderne aus dem Untergrund: Radikale Frühaufklärung in Deutschland, 1680-1720. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2002. Pp. x + 514. Paper, € 58.00.This is a marvelous, detailed, textured study of a large number of minor works and minor figures that developed and transmitted many of the elements of modern philosophy in early modern Germany. Many of (...)
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  10.  44
    A Systematic Review Into the Psychological Causes and Correlates of Plagiarism.Simon A. Moss, Barbara White & Jim Lee - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (4):261-283.
    Interventions that are designed to stem plagiarism do not always override the motivation of individuals to cheat and, therefore, may not diminish misconduct. To inform more effective approaches, we conducted a systematic review to clarify the psychological causes of plagiarism. This review of 83 empirical papers showed that a specific blend of circumstances may foster plagiarism: an emphasis on competition and success rather than development and cooperation coupled with impaired resilience, limited confidence, impulsive tendencies, and biased cognitions. (...)
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  11.  27
    Systematic review of research focused on pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV: A relational ethics perspective.Alison Z. Weber, Abigail Harrison & Jennifer A. Pellowski - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):829-838.
    ABSTRACT Historically, maternal HIV research has focused on prevention of mother‐to‐child transmission and child outcomes, with little focus on the health outcomes of mothers. Over the course of the HIV epidemic, the approach to including pregnant women in research has shifted. The current landscape lends itself to reviewing the public health ethics of this research. This systematic review aims to identify ethical barriers and considerations for including pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV in treatment adherence and retention (...)
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  12.  21
    A systematic review of instruments measuring patients′ perceptions of patient‐centred nursing care.Stefan Köberich & Erik Farin - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (2):106-120.
    This systematic review identified and evaluated instruments measuring patients' perceptions of patient‐centred nursing care. Of 2629 studies reviewed, 12 were eligible for inclusion. Four instruments were reported: The Individualized Care Scale, the Client‐Centred Care Questionnaire, the Oncology patients' Perceptions of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale and the Smoliner scale. These instruments cover themes addressing patient participation and the clinician–patient relationship. Instruments were shown to have satisfactory psychometric properties, although not all were adequately assessed. More research is needed (...)
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  13.  14
    A Systematic Review Approach to Find Robust Items of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory.Chunhua Peng, Caizhen Yue, Andrew Avitt & Youguo Chen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory is one of the most well-known and widely used measures of time perspective. Various short versions were proposed to resolve the psychometric problems of the ZTPI. The present study conducted a systematic review to obtain 25 short versions, calculated the frequency of each item of the ZTPI in short versions, and hypothesized that the more frequent the item is, the more robust it becomes. The hypothesis was tested by assessing the structural validity and (...)
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  14. A Systematic Review of Youth-to-Parent Aggression: Conceptualization, Typologies, and Instruments.Izaskun Ibabe - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The goal of this study was to analyze the conceptualization of YPA in relation to terms, definitions, typologies and assessment instruments. To achieve this aim, a systematic review was carried out using the PRISMA protocol. Assessment instruments for YPA were examined in accordance with COSMIN. After reviewing the literature on conceptualization and measuring instruments, some gaps were found. The use of some particular terms was justified depending on the age of children and severity of case. Taking into account (...)
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  15.  16
    Clearing the air: A systematic review of mass media campaigns to increase indoor radon testing and remediation.Sofie Apers, Heidi Vandebosch & Tanja Perko - 2024 - Communications 49 (1):144-165.
    Indoor radon is a natural radioactive gas that enters homes through cracks in the foundations. It is one of the leading causes of lung cancer. Although radon can be detected with an indoor radon test and can be mitigated by means of either ventilation or professional measures, testing and mitigating rates of the at-risk population remain insufficient. The objective of this study is to systematically review the current level of evidence regarding the design and effectiveness of mass media campaigns (...)
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  16.  59
    A Systematic Review of Public Attitudes, Perceptions and Behaviours Towards Production Diseases Associated with Farm Animal Welfare.Beth Clark, Gavin B. Stewart, Luca A. Panzone, I. Kyriazakis & Lynn J. Frewer - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):455-478.
    Increased productivity may have negative impacts on farm animal welfare in modern animal production systems. Efficiency gains in production are primarily thought to be due to the intensification of production, and this has been associated with an increased incidence of production diseases, which can negatively impact upon FAW. While there is a considerable body of research into consumer attitudes towards FAW, the extent to which this relates specifically to a reduction in production diseases in intensive systems, and whether the increased (...)
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  17.  53
    Systematic reviews of empirical bioethics.D. Strech, M. Synofzik & G. Marckmann - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (6):472-477.
    Background: Publications and discussions of survey research in empirical bioethics have steadily increased over the past two decades. However, findings often differ among studies with similar research questions. As a consequence, ethical reasoning that considers only parts of the existing literature and does not apply systematic reviews tends to be biased. To date, we lack a systematic review (SR) methodology that takes into account the specific conceptual and practical challenges of empirical bioethics. Methods: The steps of systematically (...)
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  18.  9
    Systematic reviews of empirical literature on bioethical topics: Results from a meta-review.Marcel Mertz, Hélène Nobile & Hannes Kahrass - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (4):960-978.
    Background In bioethics, especially nursing ethics, systematic reviews are increasingly popular. The overall aim of a systematic review is to provide an overview of the published discussions on a specific topic. While a meta-review on systematic reviews on normative bioethical literature has already been performed, there is no equivalent for systematic reviews of empirical literature on ethical topics. Objective This meta-review aims to present the general trends and characteristics of systematic reviews of (...)
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  19.  67
    Systematic Reviews in Bioethics: Types, Challenges, and Value.R. Mcdougall - 2014 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 39 (1):89-97.
    There has recently been interest in applying the techniques of systematic review to bioethics literature. In this paper, I identify the three models of systematic review proposed to date in bioethics: systematic reviews of empirical bioethics research, systematic reviews of normative bioethics literature, and systematic reviews of reasons. I argue that all three types yield information useful to scholarship in bioethics, yet they also face significant challenges particularly in relation to terminology and time. (...)
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  20.  17
    Development of a core outcome set for informed consent for therapy: An international key stakeholder consensus study.Liam J. Convie, Joshua M. Clements, Scott McCain, Jeffrey Campbell, Stephen J. Kirk & Mike Clarke - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.
    Background 300 million operations and procedures are performed annually across the world, all of which require a patient’s informed consent. No standardised measure of the consent process exists in current clinical practice. We aimed to define a core outcome set for informed consent for therapy. Methods The core outcome set was developed in accordance with a predefined research protocol and the Core OutcoMes in Effectiveness Trials methodology comprising systematic review, qualitative semi structured interviews, a modified Delphi process (...)
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  21.  43
    Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials: the need for complete data.Michael J. Clarke & Lesley A. Stewart - 1995 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 1 (2):119-126.
  22.  93
    A systematic review of empirical bioethics methodologies.Rachel Davies, Jonathan Ives & Michael Dunn - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):15.
    Despite the increased prevalence of bioethics research that seeks to use empirical data to answer normative research questions, there is no consensus as to what an appropriate methodology for this would be. This review aims to search the literature, present and critically discuss published Empirical Bioethics methodologies.
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  23.  28
    Systematic Review of Socio-Emotional Values Within Organizations.Tancredi Pascucci, Giuseppina Maria Cardella, Brizeida Hernández-Sánchez & Jose C. Sánchez-García - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The theory of separation assumes, with provocation, that an organization cannot reconcile profits and social function. Organizations can reconcile these two, apparently contrasting, missions, by considering emotions, especially moral emotions, to create a genuine motivation for focusing on goals beyond simple economic earnings and protecting organizations or groups of people from dysfunctional attitudes and behaviors, as well as considering the important role of the stakeholder accountability. Using the PRISMA method, we created a review of records using keywords relating to (...)
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  24.  6
    A systematic review of ethical and legal issues in elder care.Nertila Podgorica, Magdalena Flatscher-Thöni, Daniela Deufert, Uwe Siebert & Michael Ganner - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (6):895-910.
    Background: Ethical and legal issues are increasingly being reported by health caregivers; however, little is known about the nature of these issues in geriatric care. These issues can improve work and care conditions in healthcare, and consequently, the health and welfare of older people. Aim: This literature review aims to identify research focusing on ethical and legal issues in geriatric care, in order to give nurses and other health care workers an overview of existing grievances and possible solutions to (...)
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  25.  10
    Systematic Review of Typologies Used to Characterize Clinical Ethics Consultations.Armand H. Matheny Antommaria, Michelle L. McGowan & Jennifer E. deSante-Bertkau - 2018 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 29 (4):291-304.
    IntroductionClassifying the ethical issues in clinical ethics consultations is important to clinical practice and scholarship. We conducted a systematic review to characterize the typologies used to analyze clinical ethics consultations.MethodsWe identified empirical studies of clinical ethics consultation that reported types of ethical issues using PubMed. We screened these articles based on their titles and abstracts, and then by a review of their full text. We extracted study characteristics and typologies and coded the typologies.ResultsWe reviewed 428 articles; 30 (...)
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  26.  21
    A Systematic Review of Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Indigenous and Minority Peoples.Kate Anderson, Allan ‘Ben' Smith, Abbey Diaz, Joanne Shaw, Phyllis Butow, Louise Sharpe, Afaf Girgis, Sophie Lebel, Haryana Dhillon, Linda Burhansstipanov, Boden Tighe & Gail Garvey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    While cancer survivors commonly experience fear and anxiety, a substantial minority experience an enduring and debilitating fear that their cancer will return; a condition commonly referred to as fear of cancer recurrence. Despite recent advances in this area, little is known about FCR among people from Indigenous or other ethnic and racial minority populations. Given the high prevalence and poor outcomes of cancer among people from these populations, a robust understanding of FCR among people from these groups is critical. The (...)
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  27.  25
    A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence on Art Therapy With Traumatized Refugee Children and Youth.Nadia Annous, Anies Al-Hroub & Farah El Zein - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current global refugee crisis revealed that refugee children, youth, and adults are uniquely vulnerable to traumatic events. Yet, there are only a few studies available that report robust systematic data on art therapy interventions with mental health in recent refugee populations. The purpose of the study is to synthesize and evaluate the available research evidence on the use of art therapy in reducing post-traumatic stress disorder levels in refugees, and the quality of empirical evidence for each of the (...)
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  28.  15
    A Systematic Review of Technologies to Teach Control Structures in Preschool Education.Ewelina Bakala, Anaclara Gerosa, Juan Pablo Hourcade, Gonzalo Tejera, Kerry Peterman & Guillermo Trinidad - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    There is growing interest in teaching computational thinking to preschool children given evidence that they are able to understand and use CT concepts. One of the concepts that is central in CT definitions, is the concept of control structures, but it is not clear which tools and activities are successful in teaching it to young learners. This work aims at providing a comprehensive overview of tools that enable preschool children to build programs that include control structures, and analyzing empirical evidence (...)
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  29.  24
    Systematic review of ethics consultation: A route to curriculum development in post-graduate medical education.Paul S. Mueller & Barbara A. Koenig - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):21 – 23.
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  30.  69
    A Systematic Review of the Bottom/Base of the Pyramid Literature: Cumulative Evidence and Future Directions.Krzysztof Dembek, Nagaraj Sivasubramaniam & Danielle A. Chmielewski - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3):365-382.
    Sixteen years ago, Prahalad and Hart introduced the possibility of both profitably serving the poor and alleviating poverty. This first iteration of the Bottom/Base of the Pyramid approach focused on selling to the poor. In 2008, after ethical criticisms leveled at it, the field moved to BoP 2.0, instead emphasizing business co-venturing. Since 2015, we have witnessed some calls for a new iteration, with the focus broadening to a more sustainable development approach to poverty alleviation. In this paper, we seek (...)
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  31.  24
    A systematic review of almost three decades of value sensitive design (VSD): what happened to the technical investigations?Anne Gerdes & Tove Faber Frandsen - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (2):1-16.
    This article presents a systematic literature review documenting how technical investigations have been adapted in value sensitive design (VSD) studies from 1996 to 2023. We present a systematic review, including theoretical and applied studies that either discuss or conduct technical investigations in VSD. This systematic review contributes to the VSD community when seeking to further refine the methodological framework for carrying out technical investigations in VSD.
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  32.  86
    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Association Between Complexity of Emotion Experience and Behavioral Adaptation.Mia S. O’Toole, Megan E. Renna, Emma Elkjær, Mai B. Mikkelsen & Douglas S. Mennin - 2019 - Emotion Review 12 (1):23-38.
    This article systematically reviews studies investigating the effect of three operationalizations of complexity in emotion experience on situat...
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  33.  61
    A Systematic Review of Activities at a High-Volume Ethics Consultation Service.Courtenay R. Bruce, Martin L. Smith, Sabahat Hizlan & Richard R. Sharp - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 22 (2):151-164.
    We describe the ethics consultation service (ECS) at the Cleveland Clinic and report on its activities over a 24-month period in which 478 consultations were performed. To our knowledge, this is the largest case series of ethics consultations reported to date. Established more than 25 years ago, the ECS at the Cleveland Clinic is staffed by multiple consultants with advanced training in bioethics. Several of these ethicists work closely with specialized clinical units and research departments, where they participate in multidisciplinary (...)
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  34.  15
    Systematic review of ethical issues in perinatal mental health research.Mickie de Wet, Susan Hannon, Kathleen Hannon, Anna Axelin, Susanne Uusitalo, Irena Bartels, Jessica Eustace-Cook, Ramón Escuriet & Deirdre Daly - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (4):482-499.
    Background Maternal mental health during the peripartum period is critically important to the wellbeing of mothers and their infants. Numerous studies and clinical trials have focused on various aspects of interventions and treatments for perinatal mental health from the perspective of researchers and medical health professionals. However, less is known about women’s experiences of participating in perinatal mental health research, and the ethical issues that arise. Aim To systematically review the literature on the ethical issues that emerge from pregnant (...)
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  35.  26
    Systematic review of the quality of clinical guidelines for aphasia in stroke management.Alexia Rohde, Linda Worrall & Guylaine Le Dorze - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):994-1003.
  36. The need for systematic reviews of reasons.Neema Sofaer & Daniel Strech - 2012 - Bioethics 26 (6):315-328.
    There are many ethical decisions in the practice of health research and care, and in the creation of policy and guidelines. We argue that those charged with making such decisions need a new genre of review. The new genre is an application of the systematic review, which was developed over decades to inform medical decision-makers about what the totality of studies that investigate links between smoking and cancer, for example, implies about whether smoking causes cancer. We argue (...)
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  37. How to write a systematic review of reasons.Daniel Strech & Neema Sofaer - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (2):121-126.
    Systematic reviews, which were developed to improve policy-making and clinical decision-making, answer an empirical question based on a minimally biased appraisal of all the relevant empirical studies. A model is presented here for writing systematic reviews of argument-based literature: literature that uses arguments to address conceptual questions, such as whether abortion is morally permissible or whether research participants should be legally entitled to compensation for sustaining research-related injury. Such reviews aim to improve ethically relevant decisions in healthcare, research (...)
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    Systematic Review of the Literature About the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives of School Children.Javier Cachón-Zagalaz, María Sánchez-Zafra, Déborah Sanabrias-Moreno, Gabriel González-Valero, Amador J. Lara-Sánchez & María Luisa Zagalaz-Sánchez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    A systematic review of the literature on ethical aspects of transitional care between child- and adult-orientated health services.Moli Paul, Lesley O’Hara, Priya Tah, Cathy Street, Athanasios Maras, Diane Purper Ouakil, Paramala Santosh, Giulia Signorini, Swaran Preet Singh, Helena Tuomainen & Fiona McNicholas - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):73.
    Healthcare policy and academic literature have promoted improving the transitional care of young people leaving child and adolescent mental health services. Despite the availability of guidance on good practice, there seems to be no readily accessible, coherent ethical analysis of transition. The ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, justice and respect for autonomy can be used to justify the need for further enquiry into the ethical pros and cons of this drive to improve transitional care. The objective of this systematic (...)
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    Systematic Review of Psychological and Behavioral Correlates of Recreational Running.Hugo Vieira Pereira, António Labisa Palmeira, Jorge Encantado, Marta Moreira Marques, Inês Santos, Eliana Veiga Carraça & Pedro J. Teixeira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: The aim of this review was to systematically synthesize the published literature describing the psychological and behavioral correlates of recreational running in adults, defined as running for leisure, with or without a competitive component.Methods: Quantitative research published in peer-reviewed journals until January 2021 were included. Studies were identified through MEDLINE, PsycINFO, SPORTDiscus, and Web of Science and were included in this review if they were aimed at recreational running, included general adult samples, and assessed psychological or behavioral (...)
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  41.  21
    A systematic review of research on augmentative and alternative communication brain-computer interface systems for individuals with disabilities.Betts Peters, Brandon Eddy, Deirdre Galvin-McLaughlin, Gail Betz, Barry Oken & Melanie Fried-Oken - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Augmentative and alternative communication brain-computer interface systems are intended to offer communication access to people with severe speech and physical impairment without requiring volitional movement. As the field moves toward clinical implementation of AAC-BCI systems, research involving participants with SSPI is essential. Research has demonstrated variability in AAC-BCI system performance across users, and mixed results for comparisons of performance for users with and without disabilities. The aims of this systematic review were to describe study, system, and participant characteristics (...)
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  42.  9
    Systematic Review of Fatigue in Individuals With Cerebral Palsy.Luca Puce, Ilaria Pallecchi, Karim Chamari, Lucio Marinelli, Tiziano Innocenti, Riccardo Pedrini, Laura Mori & Carlo Trompetto - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    In this systematic review, we collected and analyzed literature works comparing self-reported fatigue and objectively-measured fatigue in individuals with cerebral palsy and in age-matched typically developing/typically developed controls. The search was conducted on four electronic databases/platforms using the key words “cerebral palsy” combined with “fatig*,” where the asterisk was used as a wildcard. As a critical appraisal tool, the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Quasi-Experimental Studies was used. A total of 22 studies passed the critical appraisal (...)
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    Organizational Ethics Research: A Systematic Review of Methods and Analytical Techniques.Michael S. McLeod, G. Tyge Payne & Robert E. Evert - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 134 (3):429-443.
    Ethics are of interest to business scholars because they influence decisions, behaviors, and outcomes. While scholars have increasingly shown interest in business ethics as a research topic, there are a mounting number of studies that examine ethical issues at the organizational level of analysis. This manuscript reports the results of a systematic review of empirical research on organizational ethics published in a broad sample of business journals over a 33-year period. A total of 184 articles are analyzed to (...)
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  44.  57
    A systematic review of patient access to medical records in the acute setting: practicalities, perspectives and ethical consequences.Zoë Fritz, Isla L. Kuhn & Stephanie N. D’Costa - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-19.
    BackgroundInternationally, patient access to notes is increasing. This has been driven by respect for patient autonomy, often recognised as a primary tenet of medical ethics: patients should be able to access their records to be fully engaged with their care. While research has been conducted on the impact of patient access to outpatient and primary care records and to patient portals, there is no such review looking at access to hospital medical records in real time, nor an ethical analysis (...)
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    Systematic review and metasummary of attitudes toward research in emergency medical conditions.Alexander T. Limkakeng, Lucas Lentini Herling de Oliveira, Tais Moreira, Amruta Phadtare, Clarissa Garcia Rodrigues, Michael B. Hocker, Ross McKinney, Corrine I. Voils & Ricardo Pietrobon - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (6):401-408.
    Emergency departments are challenging research settings, where truly informed consent can be difficult to obtain. A deeper understanding of emergency medical patients’ opinions about research is needed. We conducted a systematic review and meta-summary of quantitative and qualitative studies on which values, attitudes, or beliefs of emergent medical research participants influence research participation. We included studies of adults that investigated opinions toward emergency medicine research participation. We excluded studies focused on the association between demographics or consent document features (...)
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    The place of systematic reviews in education research.Richard Andrews - 2005 - British Journal of Educational Studies 53 (4):399-416.
    The use of systematic reviews in educational research is a growing phenomenon in the UK, but is highly controversial. This article argues that such reviews have a useful place in a research cycle that wishes to inform and be informed by practice and policy. It proposes and discusses a model of educational research, showing how reviews relate to small or large-scale primary studies.
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    A Systematic Review on the Effect of Transcranial Direct Current and Magnetic Stimulation on Fear Memory and Extinction.Vuk Marković, Carmelo M. Vicario, Fatemeh Yavari, Mohammad A. Salehinejad & Michael A. Nitsche - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent mental disorders. Present treatments such as cognitive behavior therapy and pharmacological treatments show only moderate success, which emphasizes the importance for the development of new treatment protocols. Non-invasive brain stimulation methods such as repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and transcranial direct current stimulation have been probed as therapeutic option for anxiety disorders in recent years. Mechanistic information about their mode of action, and most efficient protocols is however limited. Here the fear extinction model can (...)
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    A Systematic Review of Momentary Assessment Designs for Mood and Anxiety Symptoms.Mila Hall, Paloma V. Scherner, Yannic Kreidel & Julian A. Rubel - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:642044.
    Background:Altering components of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) measures to better suit the purposes of individual studies is a common and oftentimes necessary step. Though the inherent flexibility in EMA has its benefits, no resource exists to provide an overview of the variability in how convergent constructs and symptoms have been assessed in the past. The present study fills that gap by examining EMA measurement design for mood and anxiety symptomatology.Methods:Various search engines were used to identify 234 relevant studies. Items administered, (...)
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    A Systematic Review of Arts-Based Interventions Delivered to Children and Young People in Nature or Outdoor Spaces: Impact on Nature Connectedness, Health and Wellbeing.Zoe Moula, Karen Palmer & Nicola Walshe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe time that children and young people spend in nature and outdoor spaces has decreased significantly over the past 30 years. This was exacerbated with a further 60% decline post-COVID-19. Research demonstrating that natural environments have a positive impact on health and wellbeing has led to prescription of nature-based health interventions and green prescribing, although evidence for its use is predominantly limited to adults. Growing evidence also shows the impact of arts on all aspects of health and wellbeing. However, what (...)
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  50. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Correlates of FFMQ Mindfulness Facets.Josef Mattes - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Background: A number of meta-analyses of mindfulness have been performed, but few distinguished between different facets of mindfulness, despite it being known that facets of mindfulness behave differently in different populations; and most studied the outcome of interventions, which tend to involve additional ingredients besides mindfulness. Furthermore, there has recently been some concern regarding possible publication bias in mindfulness research. -/- Objective: Systematic review and meta-analysis of the relationship of different facets of mindfulness with various outcomes, taking into (...)
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