Results for 'Laura Mori'

976 found
  1.  42
    Proprioceptive Rehabilitation of Upper Limb Dysfunction in Movement Disorders: A Clinical Perspective.Giovanni Abbruzzese, Carlo Trompetto, Laura Mori & Elisa Pelosin - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  2.  9
    Systematic Review of Fatigue in Individuals With Cerebral Palsy.Luca Puce, Ilaria Pallecchi, Karim Chamari, Lucio Marinelli, Tiziano Innocenti, Riccardo Pedrini, Laura Mori & Carlo Trompetto - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    In this systematic review, we collected and analyzed literature works comparing self-reported fatigue and objectively-measured fatigue in individuals with cerebral palsy and in age-matched typically developing/typically developed controls. The search was conducted on four electronic databases/platforms using the key words “cerebral palsy” combined with “fatig*,” where the asterisk was used as a wildcard. As a critical appraisal tool, the Joanna Briggs Institute Critical Appraisal Checklist for Quasi-Experimental Studies was used. A total of 22 studies passed the critical appraisal rating and (...)
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  3. Does size matter? The state of the art in small business ethics.Laura J. Spence - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (3):163–174.
    In this paper the exclusive focus on large firms in the field of business ethics is challenged. Some of the idiosyncrasies of small firms are explained, and links are made between these and potential ethical issues. A review of the existing literature on ethics in small firms demonstrates the lack of appropriate research, so that to date we can draw no firm conclusions in relation to ethics in the small firm. Recommendations are made as to the way forward for small (...)
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    Business ethical values in china and the U.s.Laura L. Whitcomb, Carolyn B. Erdener & Chen Li - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (8):839-852.
    The research presented in this paper focuses on business ethical values inChina, a country in which the process of institutional transformation has left cultural values in a state of flux. A survey was conducted in China and the U.S. by using five business scenarios. Survey results show similarities between the Chinese and American decision choices for three out of five scenarios. However, the results reveal significant differences in rationales, even forsimilar decisions. The implications of similarities and differences between the U.S. (...)
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  5. Illusion of transparency.Laura Schroeter - 2007 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):597 – 618.
    It's generally agreed that, for a certain a class of cases, a rational subject cannot be wrong in treating two elements of thought as co-referential. Even anti-individualists like Tyler Burge agree that empirical error is impossible in such cases. I argue that this immunity to empirical error is illusory and sketch a new anti-individualist approach to concepts that doesn't require such immunity.
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  6. The rationalist foundations of Chalmers's 2-d semantics.Laura Schroeter - 2004 - Philosophical Studies 118 (1-2):227-255.
    In Epistemic Two-Dimensional Semantics, David Chalmers seeks to develop a version of 2-D semantics which can vindicate the rationalist claim that there are constitutive connections between meaning, possibility and a priority. Chalmers lays out different ways of filling in his preferred epistemic approach to 2-D semantics so as to avoid controversial philosophical assumptions. In these comments, however, I argue that there are some distinctively rationalist commitments in Chalmers's epistemic approach to 2-D semantics. I start by explaining why Chalmers's approach requires (...)
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    Whose “loyal agent”? Towards an ethic of accounting.Laura S. Westra - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (2):119 - 128.
    In order to move towards an Ethic of Accounting, one must start by defining the function and role of the accountant. This in turn depends to a great extent on the identity of the client or whatever party the Accountant owes his loyal agency to. The issue is one of cardinal importance, and it is perceived as such by the accountants themselves. Loeb for instance says that the client-identity issue is overriding importance now, and will become even more crucial in (...)
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  8. Moods in the music and the man: A response to Kivy and Carroll.Laura Sizer - 2007 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 65 (3):307-312.
    This is a response to the debate between Peter Kivy and Noel Carroll over whether music qua music can induce emotions or moods. I critically examine Kivy’s arguments in light of work in the psychology and neuroscience of music and argue in support of Carroll that music can induce moods. I argue that Kivy’s notion of formalist ‘canonical listening’ is problematic, both as an argument against Carroll and as a claim about how we ought to listen to music, and that (...)
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  9.  75
    The promise of empirical research in the study of informed consent theory and practice.Laura A. Siminoff, Marie Caputo & Christopher Burant - 2004 - HEC Forum 16 (1):53-71.
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  10. For labour : Ajeet's accident and the ethics of technological fixes in time.Laura Bear - 2014 - In Doubt, conflict, mediation: the anthropology of modern time. Malden, MA: Wiley.
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  11.  24
    Françoise Baylis and Angela Ballantyne : Clinical research involving pregnant women: Springer, 2016, 301 pp, $199.99, ISBN: 978-3-319-26510-0.Laura Palazzani - 2019 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 40 (4):343-345.
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  12.  15
    A religião como fundamento ético para os direitos humanos segundo o pensamento de John Finnis.Laura Souza Pires do Rio - forthcoming - Horizonte:1651.
    A presente pesquisa propõe apresentar, pela primeira vez na área de conhecimento das Ciências da Religião, a análise do pensamento jusnaturalista de John Finnis acerca do aspecto humano da religião. Nas obras de sua autoria, Finnis apresenta uma reconstrução inovadora da teoria do direito natural de Aristóteles e Tomás de Aquino. Tal inovação foi publicada em 1980, sob a orientação de Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart, que foi seu mentor quando na conclusão de seu doutorado, sendo que este último lhe propôs (...)
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  13.  46
    The dead donor rule: Not dead yet.Laura A. Siminoff - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):30.
  14.  95
    On effective interdisciplinary alliances in european business ethics research: Discussion and illustration.Laura Spence - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (9-10):1029-1044.
    Cooperation in business ethics research is important across disciplines, to help strengthen the base of a field which is still new in Europe. A study on recruitment interviewing in Germany, U.K. and the Netherlands is used to demonstrate the value of interdisciplinary business ethics research, particularly across cultures.
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  15.  57
    Independence in corporate governance: The audit committee role.Laura Spira - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (4):262–273.
    The Code of Best Practice produced by the Cadbury Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance may be viewed as an ethical code in that it prescribes standards of board behaviour. The Code’s specific recommendations with regard to audit committees appear to offer a practical mechanism for the promotion of ethical behaviour through the inhibition of potentially unethical influences exerted by executive directors over external auditors. The rationale for these recommendations centres on the independence of audit committee members, implying (...)
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  16.  53
    Post-normal science, the precautionary principle and the ethics of integrity.Laura Westra - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (2):237-262.
    Present laws and regulations even in democratic countries are not sufficient to prevent the grave environmental threats we face. Further, even environmental ethics, when they remain anthropocentric cannot propose a better approach. I argue that, taking in considerations the precautionary principle, and adopting the perspective of post-normal science, the ethics of integrity suggest a better way to reduce ecological threats and promote the human good globally.
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  17.  20
    Bayle philosophe.Gianluca Mori - 1999 - Honoré Champion.
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    L'esercizio della meraviglia: studi in onore di Alfonso M. Iacono.Giovanni Paoletti, Luca Mori, Francesco Marchesi & Alfonso M. Iacono (eds.) - 2019 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  19. Hobbes, Descartes, and Ideas: A Secret Debate.Gianluca Mori - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2):197-212.
    The author proposes that the anonymous letter dated May 19, 1641, which Mersenne delivered to Descartes, should be attributed to Thomas Hobbes. Although the text is known, it is usually considered not so much in itself as for Descartes’s two replies, which contain important clarifications on the proof of God’s existence. Hobbes’ hand is revealed by various thematic, conceptual, and lexical analogies and, above all, by the presence of two doctrines characteristic of his thought: 1) the denial of the existence (...)
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  20.  85
    Kant's noumenon and sunyata.Laura E. Weed - 2002 - Asian Philosophy 12 (2):77 – 95.
    This paper compares Kant's positions on space, time, the relational character of noumena, and the relational character of the self, with the somewhat similar accounts of those things in two philosophers of the Kyoto school: Keiji Nishitani and Nishida Kitaro. I will argue that the philosophers of the Kyoto school had a more coherent and better integrated account of those ideas, that was open to Kant. I think that the comparison both clarifies Kant's position on these topics, and elucidates the (...)
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  21.  28
    Spending Time between Internet and Mobile Phones.Laura Sartori - 2009 - Polis: Research and studies on Italian society and politics 23 (3):463-480.
  22.  32
    (1 other version)European Business Ethics.Laura J. Spence - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (4):723-732.
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  23. Autism and Emotion: Situating Autistic Emotionality in Interactional, Sociocultural, and Political Contexts.Laura Sterponi & Rachel Chen - 2020 - In Sonya E. Pritzker, Janina Fenigsen & James MacLynn Wilce, The Routledge handbook of language and emotion. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
  24.  43
    In Quest of an heuristic approach to the study of mankind.Laura Thompson - 1946 - Philosophy of Science 13 (1):53-66.
    The epoch-making revolution that has been taking place in mathematics and physics during the past hundred years is gradually changing our whole conception of reality and of the function of science in regard to it. We have discovered that the “common sense” view of the world which has become ingrained in the feeling-thought habits of Western man, especially since the seventeenth century, contains elements of serious limitation and even an illusion both from the standpoint of immediately intuited experience and from (...)
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  25. Music and technology. Virtuality and metadesign : Sound art in the age of connectivity.Laura Ahonen - 2006 - In Erkki Pekkilä, David Neumeyer & Richard Littlefield, Music, meaning and media. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
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    Neurophysiological Correlates of User Experience in Smart Home Systems (SHSs): First Evidence From Electroencephalography and Autonomic Measures.Laura Angioletti, Federico Cassioli & Michela Balconi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Replacing the Patient: The Fiction of Prosthetics in Medical Practice.Laura L. Behling - 2005 - Journal of Medical Humanities 26 (1):53-66.
    The invention of computer simulations used for practicing surgical maneuvers in a video game-like format has an ancestry in the artificial limbs of history and is reflected, grotesquely, in Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, “The Man That Was Used Up” (1850). The nineteenth century worked to ensure that the incomplete body did indeed retain a sense of self by creating prostheses to mimic corporeal wholeness. Our present-day technology seems intent on doing precisely the opposite, deliberately fragmenting the body and challenging (...)
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  28. Descartes y Bacon. Algunos aspectos metodológicos.Laura Benítez - 1992 - Analogía Filosófica 6 (2):85.
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  29. Sobre "Fenomenalismo y realismo". Homenaje al Doctor Wonfilio Trejo.Laura Benítez - 1988 - Dianoia 34 (34):300.
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  30.  25
    In Support of a Modest Realism.Laura Duhan Kaplan - 1998 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 5 (2-3):23-26.
    The “modest realism” described by Joe Frank Jones, III offers a sound methodological model for developing both self-understanding and philosophical theories. Claire Chafee’s play Why We Have a Body illustrates the pitfalls of living both a thoroughgoing realism and a thoroughgoing idealism and argues for the conception of a life story as a project in which discovery and invention play side by side.Stanley Cavell argues that the shape of a philosophy mirrors the shape of a philosopher’s life. Thereby he suggests (...)
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  31.  11
    Three Applications of Gadamer's Hermeneutics.Laura Duhan Kaplan - 2003 - In Lorraine Code, Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer. Pennsylvania State University Press.
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  32.  14
    Learning to Look at the Bright Side of Life: Attention Bias Modification Training Enhances Optimism Bias.Laura Kress & Tatjana Aue - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  33. L'hypermodernité ou l'ovation de la volonté.Laura Lange - 2016 - In Claude Brunier-Coulin, Institutions et destitutions de la totalité: explorations de l'oeuvre de Christian Godin: actes du colloque des 24-25-26 septembre 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, Université Blaise Pascal, Paris, Université Paris Descartes. Paris: Orizons.
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    "Loose Bits of Paper" and "Uncorrect Thoughts": Hume's Early Memoranda in Context.Emilio Mazza & Gianluca Mori - 2019 - Hume Studies 42 (1):9-60.
    What are the Early Memoranda?1 When were they written? What are their sources? What is their purpose and their relation to Hume's works? These questions, usually addressed separately, are in fact tightly interwoven: they require an articulated response that embraces them all. Our response could be summarised as follows: far from being current reading notes, or even less the exhaustive diary of Hume's intellectual experience, the Early Memoranda are most likely second-tier texts, or—as James Harris recently conjectured—"notes taken from notes."2 (...)
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  35. Modalidad y atenuación. Análisis de un poco y de sus alteraciones morfológicas en las conversaciones coloquiales.Laura Mariottini - 2012 - Oralia 15:177 - 204.
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  36.  23
    The Increasing Effect of Interoception on Brain Frontal Responsiveness During a Socially Framed Motor Synchronization Task.Laura Angioletti & Michela Balconi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    This research explored the effect of explicit Interoceptive Attentiveness manipulation on hemodynamic brain correlates during a task involving interpersonal motor coordination framed with a social goal. Participants performed a task requiring interpersonal movement synchrony with and without a social framing in both explicit IA and control conditions. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy was used to record oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin changes during the tasks. According to the results, the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in high-order social cognition and interpersonal relations processing, was (...)
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  37. New Developments in Logic and Philosophy of Science.Laura Felline - 2016
  38.  9
    Service-Learning for Peace and Justice.Laura Finley - 2015 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 25 (1):52-80.
    This article provides a review of sociology student’s reflection papers discussing their service-learning hours with the College Brides Walk (CBW). CBW is a campus-community collaboration in its fifth year. Based in South Florida, the initiative is intended to help raise awareness about domestic and dating violence and to inspire a community response. It is designed as a form of Human Rights Education (HRE). Student papers show that most gained knowledge of sociological concepts and theories as well as personal insights through (...)
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  39. Schelling and Plato : the idea of the world-soul in Schelling's Timaeus.Laura Follesa - 2020 - In Valery Rees, Anna Corrias, Francesca Maria Crasta, Laura Follesa & Guido Giglioni, Platonism: Ficino to Foucault. Boston: BRILL.
  40.  5
    Single Woman Her Adjustment to Life.Laura Hutton - 1960 - Barrie & Rockliff.
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  41.  54
    The twilight of "medicine" and the dawn of "health care": Reflections on bioethics at the turn of the millennium.Maurizio Mori - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (6):723 – 744.
    The traditional paradigm of medicine assumes that health is a natural given depending on a body's intrinsic teleology, and that medicine aims at restoring or preserving health, making a physician only an "assistant to nature." I argue that nowadays this paradigm is becoming obsolete, because the concept of health is no longer a "natural given" and interventions on the human body attempt not only to help nature's teleology, but also to change it whenever doing so can satisfy human needs and (...)
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  42. " The Family Is a Factory": Gender, Citizenship, and the Regulation of Reproduction in Postwar Egypt.Laura Bier - 2010 - Feminist Studies 36 (2):404-432.
  43.  32
    John Greco (ed.), Ernest Sosa and His Critics.Laura Blažetić - 2005 - Prolegomena 4 (1):142-145.
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    Hannah Arendt: un umanesimo difficile.Laura Boella - 2020 - Milano: Feltrinelli.
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    Interpreting Patients’ Beliefs About Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression: The Need for Caution and for Context.Laura Y. Cabrera & Robyn Bluhm - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 9 (4):230-232.
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    The Need for Guidance around Recruitment and Consent Practices in Intracranial Electrophysiology Research.Laura Yenisa Cabrera - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):1-2.
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  47. Emotions in Plato.Laura Candiotto & Olivier Renaut (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Emotions in Plato_, through a detailed analysis of emotions such as shame, anger, fear, and envy, but also pity, wonder, love and friendship, offers a fresh account of the role of emotions in Plato’s psychology, epistemology, ethics and political theory.
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  48.  12
    Exodos. Storia di un vocabolo, edd. Eberhard Bons - Anna Mambelli - Daniela Scialabba.Laura Carnevale - 2021 - Augustinianum 61 (2):629-633.
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    Chronic and intermittent AIDS: Related bereavement in a panel of homosexual men in New York City.Laura Dean, William E. Hall & John L. Martin - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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    The “Nonexceptionalism” of Social Media Used for Subject Recruitment.Laura M. Odwazny - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (3):17-19.
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