Results for 'resource ensemble'

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  1.  13
    Big Archive-Assisted Ensemble of Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms.Wen Zhong, Jian Xiong, Anping Lin, Lining Xing, Feilong Chen & Yingwu Chen - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms have witnessed prosperity in solving many-objective optimization problems over the past three decades. Unfortunately, no one single MOEA equipped with given parameter settings, mating-variation operator, and environmental selection mechanism is suitable for obtaining a set of solutions with excellent convergence and diversity for various types of MaOPs. The reality is that different MOEAs show great differences in handling certain types of MaOPs. Aiming at these characteristics, this paper proposes a flexible ensemble framework, namely, ASES, which is (...)
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    Consciousness and cognition may be mediated by multiple independent coherent ensembles.E. Roy John, Paul Easton & Robert Isenhart - 1997 - Consciousness and Cognition 6 (1):3-39.
    Short-term or working memory provides temporary storage of information in the brain after an experience and is associated with conscious awareness. Neurons sensitive to the multiple stimulus attributes comprising an experience are distributed within many brain regions. Such distributed cell assemblies, activated by an event, are the most plausible system to represent the WM of that event. Studies with a variety of imaging technologies have implicated widespread brain regions in the mediation of WM for different categories of information. Each kind (...)
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    Estimation of Suspended Sediment Load Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Ensemble Model.Vahid Nourani, Huseyin Gokcekus & Gebre Gelete - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-19.
    Suspended sediment modeling is an important subject for decision-makers at the catchment level. Accurate and reliable modeling of suspended sediment load is important for planning, managing, and designing of water resource structures and river systems. The objective of this study was to develop artificial intelligence- based ensemble methods for modeling SSL in Katar catchment, Ethiopia. In this paper, three single AI-based models, that is, support vector machine, adaptive neurofuzzy inference system, feed-forward neural network, and one conventional multilinear regression (...)
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    Non-Renewable Resources: The Poetics and Politics of Vivan Sundaram’s Trash.Tania Roy - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (7-8):265-276.
    This article approaches the recent work of pre-eminent Indian conceptual artist Vivan Sundaram, Trash, as a supplement to dominant representational practices of, and within, the Indian megacity. Re-purposing tropes that motivate both popular and specialist discourses, Sundaram’s recent ensemble rehearses the discursive construction of the megacity-as-waste, by representing an urban totality through elaborate, ordered arrangements of garbage. Working collaboratively with waste-pickers who are members of the non-governmental organization Chintan: Environmental and Research Action Group in New Delhi, the artist sorts, (...)
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    Metaphors and Paradigms of the Language Animal—or—The Advantage of seeing “Time Is a Resource” as a Paradigm.Gesche Keding - 2017 - Dialogue 56 (4):693-704.
    One of the features of an encompassing account of language that Charles Taylor examines in Chapter Five, “The Figuring Dimension of Language,” ofThe Language Animalis a special kind of metaphor, which is rooted in the embodiment of humans. Their perspective-taking, their intuition of position in space, etc., provide ‘structural templates’ for thinking and leave their traces in their expressions. Taylor compares these metaphors with paradigms. My paper discusses the differences between the two. Taylor’s example ‘Time Is a Resource’ is (...)
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    „Trotz mancher Schwierigkeiten“. Zu den Auslandsreisen deutscher Geisteswissenschaftler zwischen 1933 und 1945.Andrea Albrecht & Ralf Klausnitzer - 2020 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 43 (1):48-73.
    In the years of National Socialism, and even during World War II, German scientists traveled abroad extensively. While international travels by natural scientists were studied in some detail, travels by scholars in the humanities have been studied to a much lesser degree, even though travel documents offer valuable insights into the regulated internationality of National Socialism. – We provide a first overview of international travels of scholars in the humanities between 1933 and 1945. The examples demonstrate how travelling academics dealt (...)
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  7. Thinking through other minds: A variational approach to cognition and culture.Samuel P. L. Veissière, Axel Constant, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead, Karl J. Friston & Laurence J. Kirmayer - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e90.
    The processes underwriting the acquisition of culture remain unclear. How are shared habits, norms, and expectations learned and maintained with precision and reliability across large-scale sociocultural ensembles? Is there a unifying account of the mechanisms involved in the acquisition of culture? Notions such as “shared expectations,” the “selective patterning of attention and behaviour,” “cultural evolution,” “cultural inheritance,” and “implicit learning” are the main candidates to underpin a unifying account of cognition and the acquisition of culture; however, their interactions require greater (...)
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    Clothes make the man: butch fashion in digital visual cultures.Naveen Minai - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (3):370-385.
    There are few sartorial ensembles as heavily signified as masculine as a suit. This article focuses on the suit within queer fashion digital cultures and spaces to explore how butch of colour digital fashion suits up to offer us different ways to think about masculinity. Intervening in the erasure of women of colour in histories of fashion – including menswear – and histories of sexuality – butch, dapper, tomboy, dandy – I argue that butch digital fashion works as a site (...)
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    (1 other version)Objectivité et réalité en mathématiques.Jean Ladriegre - 1966 - Dialectica 20 (2):215-241.
    Persée est un programme de publication électronique de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales. L'intégralité des collections imprimées de revues est numérisée et mise en ligne sur un portail qui offre un accès à l'ensemble de ces collections et des possibilités avancées d'exploitation de ces corpus numérisés. Les revues font l'objet d'une sélection pour garantir la cohérence de l'offre éditoriale et scientifique du portail. / Persée is a program which was created for the digital publication of scientific journals (...)
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  10. The given and the hard problem of content.Pietro Salis - 2024 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (4):797-821.
    Wilfrid Sellars’ denunciation of the Myth of the Given was meant to clarify, against empiricism, that perceptual episodes alone are insufficient to ground and justify perceptual knowledge. Sellars showed that in order to accomplish such epistemic tasks, more resources and capacities, such as those involved in using concepts, are needed. Perceptual knowledge belongs to the space of reasons and not to an independent realm of experience. Dan Hutto and Eric Myin have recently presented the Hard Problem of Content as an (...)
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    La volonté et l'objet extérieur.Patrick Cerutti - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (3):435-450.
    Cette section décrit comment le vouloir se porte sur un objet extérieur, c’est-à-dire s’intuitionne dans son produit tout en s’en distinguant. Comment s’effectue le passage du subjectif dans l’objectif si, conformément au principe du système, agir et intuitionner ne font qu’un ? Est-ce une limite de l’idéalisme que de ne concevoir l’action que comme une intuition ou ce point de vue nous offre-t-il de nouvelles ressources pour penser ensemble la liberté de la volonté et sa nécessaire phénoménalisation ? La (...)
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    Response to June Boyce-Tillman, "Towards an Ecology of Music Education".Claudia Gluschankof - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):181-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 12.2 (2004) 181-186 [Access article in PDF] Response to June Boyce-Tillman, "Towards an Ecology of Music Education" Claudia Gluschankof Levinsky College of Education, Israel I begin with two confessions. First, music was not my favorite class at school. I cannot even recall what we did there. It did not at all connect with the powerful, meaningful place that music had in my private life, (...)
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    Moving Toward a Quasifederal System: Intergovernmental Relations in Italy.Giorgio Brosio - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (4).
    The paper illustrates the evolution of the territorial system of government in Italy. A traditionally centralized state is turning into a quasifederation. The reasons underpinning this transformation are the growing insatisfaction with the inefficiency of the central government, the quest for autonomy by the fastest growing regions and the opposition by the latter to the interterritorial redistribution of resources made by the central government with the use of nontransparent and inefficient instruments.A substantial degree of subnational tax autonomy has been reintroduced. (...)
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    Modeling Magnitude Discrimination: Effects of Internal Precision and Attentional Weighting of Feature Dimensions.Emily M. Sanford, Chad M. Topaz & Justin Halberda - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (2):e13409.
    Given a rich environment, how do we decide on what information to use? A view of a single entity (e.g., a group of birds) affords many distinct interpretations, including their number, average size, and spatial extent. An enduring challenge for cognition, therefore, is to focus resources on the most relevant evidence for any particular decision. In the present study, subjects completed three tasks—number discrimination, surface area discrimination, and convex hull discrimination—with the same stimulus set, where these three features were orthogonalized. (...)
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  15. Understanding pluralism in climate modeling.Wendy Parker - 2006 - Foundations of Science 11 (4):349-368.
    To study Earth’s climate, scientists now use a variety of computer simulation models. These models disagree in some of their assumptions about the climate system, yet they are used together as complementary resources for investigating future climatic change. This paper examines and defends this use of incompatible models. I argue that climate model pluralism results both from uncertainty concerning how to best represent the climate system and from difficulties faced in evaluating the relative merits of complex models. I describe how (...)
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    Situated Ethics in Development: STS Insights for a Pragmatic Approach to Development Policy and Practice.Carmen Bain, Lauren Trepanier, Caitlin Grady & Elizabeth Ransom - 2023 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 48 (1):190-211.
    Technology has played a central role in development programming since the inception of development assistance. Recent development organizations, like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, believe technological innovation can improve development outcomes. Development ethics, a field of study focused on the ethical questions posed by development policies and practices, has yet to fully appreciate the ethical dimensions of the science and technology. Addressing this important research and policy gap, we contend that science and technology studies (STS) offers important insights that (...)
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  17.  8
    On public imagination: a political and ethical imperative.Victor Faessel, Richard A. Falk & Michael Curtin (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    In this wide-ranging and multidisciplinary volume, leading scholars, activists, journalists, and public figures deliberate about the creative and critical potential of public imagination in an era paradoxically marked by intensifying globalization and resurgent nationalism. Divided into five sections, these essays explore the social, political, and cultural role of imagination and civic engagement, offering cogent, ingenious reflections that stand in stark contrast to the often grim rhetoric of our era. Short and succinct, the essays engage with an interconnected ensemble of (...)
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  18. (Re)conceptualizing the genesis of a “we is greater than me” psychological orientation: Sartre meets Tomasello.Lucia Angelino - 2022 - Journal of Social Ontology 8 (1):68–93.
    Drawing on many areas of expertise, from paleontology to psychology, Tomasello offers a plausible, evolutionary story abouthow our ancestors are likely to have developed cooperative behaviors and collaborative lifeways in order to survive and thrive.He also claims that this narrative explains why they would have begun to think in characteristically cooperative and moral ways,developing a “we is greater than me” [we>me] psychological orientation. Do the arguments offered support this extra claim? Thisarticle suggests that they do not. It seeks to alleviate (...)
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  19. The Gilgamesh Complex: The Quest for Death Transcendence and the Killing of Animals.Jared Christman - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (4):297-315.
    Because the fauna of the world possess a blood-driven vitality so comparable to that of people, they serve as an unwitting resource in the anthropocentric quest to ward off the ravages of death and decay, to create a cornucopia of human life amid the caprices of the cosmos. Fueled by the human fear of the grave, the “Gilgamesh complex” is the ensemble of beliefs and desires underlying a spectrum of zoocidal practices ranging from religious immolation to scientific experimentation. (...)
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  20. De la protection de la nature au développement durable : Genèse d'un oxymore éthique et politique.Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):103-142.
    Le concept de développement durable s’enracine dans l’histoire des mouvements de préservation de la nature et de conservation des ressources naturelles et de leurs relations avec les sciences de la nature, en particulier l’écologie. En tant que paradigme sociétal, à la fois écologique, politique et économique, il se présente comme un projet politique idéal applicable à l’ensemble des sociétés, qui prétend dépasser l’opposition entre ces deux visions profondément divergentes des relations homme‑nature. L’analyse des textes internationaux pertinents permet de dégager (...)
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  21.  10
    Voltaire's Correspondence: Digital Readings.Nicholas Cronk & Glenn Roe - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Voltaire's correspondence has been described as his 'greatest masterpiece' – but if it is, it is also his least studied. One of the most prodigious correspondences in Western literature, it poses significant interpretative challenges to the critic and reader alike. Considered individually, the letters present a series of complex, subtle, and playful literary performances; taken together, they constitute a formidable, and even forbidding, ensemble. How can modern readers even attempt to understand such an imposing work? This Element addresses this (...)
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    The Elephant in the Nursery: Paediatric Exceptionalism?James Anderson, Randi Zlotnik Shaul & Andria Bianchi - 2024 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 7 (2-3):150-158.
    Avant la pandémie de COVID-19 (ci-après « la pandémie »), l’adéquation des ressources en matière de soins de santé dans l’ensemble du Canada suscitait déjà de nombreuses inquiétudes. La pandémie de COVID-19 a exacerbé ces inquiétudes de manière exponentielle, en élargissant les fissures déjà importantes dans les systèmes de santé provinciaux. Actuellement, le système est confronté à l’exacerbation des délais d’attente pour les opérations chirurgicales qui avaient été retardées par les fermetures obligatoires pendant la pandémie. En Ontario, les retards (...)
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  23.  10
    The American Politics of French Theory: Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault in Translation by Jason Demers (review).Kenneth Surin - 2023 - Substance 52 (2):127-132.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The American Politics of French Theory: Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault in Translation by Jason DemersKenneth SurinDemers, Jason. The American Politics of French Theory: Derrida, Deleuze, Guattari, and Foucault in Translation. University of Toronto Press, 2019. 218pp.This most welcome book gets off on the right foot by eschewing such problematic terms as “post-structuralism” or “French theory” in studying the work of French thinkers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, (...)
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    Une Enquete Sur L'Existence De Dieu Dans Les Ecrits De S Thomas.Fernand van Steenberghen - 1981 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 79 (February):5-27.
    Persée est un programme de publication électronique de revues scientifiques en sciences humaines et sociales. L'intégralité des collections imprimées de revues est numérisée et mise en ligne sur un portail qui offre un accès à l'ensemble de ces collections et des possibilités avancées d'exploitation de ces corpus numérisés. Les revues font l'objet d'une sélection pour garantir la cohérence de l'offre éditoriale et scientifique du portail. / Persée is a program which was created for the digital publication of scientific journals (...)
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    Response to Alexandra Kertz-Wezel, "The Magic of Music".Joyce Eastlund Gromko - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):117-120.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Alexandra Kertz-Wezel, “The Magic of Music”Joyce Eastlund GromkoIn her paper, "The Magic of Music," Kertz-Wezel proposes that music be "a means to transform emotions and experience life more intensely." She goes on to speculate that "not only the way of listening and performing Western European art music in educational settings, but also the music itself may prevent individuals from further involvement in classical music." Her goals are (...)
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  26.  20
    Digital Tradition: Arrangement and Labor in IstanbuL’s Recording Studio Culture.Eliot Bates - 2016 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Istanbul is home to a multimillion dollar transnational music industry, which every year produces thousands of digital music recordings, including widely distributed film and television show soundtracks. Today, this centralized industry is responding to a growing global demand for Turkish, Kurdish, and other Anatolian ethnic language productions, and every year, many of its top-selling records incorporate elaborately orchestrated arrangements of rural folksongs. What accounts for the continuing demand for traditional music in local and diasporic markets? How is tradition produced in (...)
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  27. Reimagining the War Machine.C. A. Ensemble - 2005 - Body and Society 9 (4).
  28. Interactive art as reflective experience: Imagineers and ultra-technologists as interaction designers.Marianna Charitonidou - 2020 - Visual Resources 36 (4):382-396.
    The article investigates how the use of extended reality technologies and interactive digital interfaces have affected the design of exhibition spaces. Its main objective is to shed light on how these technologies have influenced the ways in which immersive art installations are conceived and experienced. Particular emphasis is placed on the impact of interactive technologies on how visitors experience exhibition spaces. The article examines an ensemble of immersive art cases, paying special attention to the distinction between immersion and interactivity. (...)
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    Kierkegaard: Resources and Results.Alastair Mckinnon & Kierkegaard: Resources and Results Conference - 1982 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    Papers presented at the Kierkegaard: Resources and Results Conference, held at McGill University, June 6-8, 1980.
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    erG A.Brief Guide Resource-Sensitivity-A. - 2003 - In R. Oehrle & J. Kruijff (eds.), resource sensitivity, binding, and anaphora. kluwer.
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  31. The Survival Lottery.John Harris Allocation of Scarce Resources & Quality of Life - 2001 - In John Harris (ed.), Bioethics. Oxford University Press.
  32. Economic and Biophysical Perspectives.Natural Resource Scarsity - 1991 - In Robert Costanza (ed.), Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press. pp. 992.
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  33.  9
    The movement of the whole and the stationary earth: ecological and planetary thinking in Georges Bataille.Educational Philosophy Jon Auring Grimm General Education, His Research is Centred Around ‘General Ecology’ The Danish Poet Inger Christensen, Poetry He Considers His Current Work as A. Natural Extension of His Magart Thesis on Nietzsche Nature, Which Was Published After Completion He has Published Extensively in Danish on Topics Such as Eroticism Heraclitus, Ecology Nature, Wrote the Afterword To Poetry & Notably Story of the Eye by the Avantgarde Ensemble Logen Inhe is the Cofounder of Eksistensfilosofisk Akademi [the Academy of Existential Philosophy] Was Involved in the Translation of Colette ‘Laure’ Peignot’S. Le Sacré as Well as A. Collection of Bataille’S. Texts on General Economy He has Been A. Consultant on Numerus Theatre Productions - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-18.
    We have become estranged from the cosmic movements, according to Bataille. We are confined by the error linked to the representation of ‘the stationary earth’. We have negated the immersive immanence of the whole and made nature into a fixed world of tools and things. How then do we recognise ourselves as part of the ‘rapture of the heavens’? Bataille urges us to consider life as a solar phenomenon, the free play of solar energy on the earth. This paper argues (...)
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  34. Resource Allocation, Treatment, Disclosure, and Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques: Some Comments on de Melo-Martin and Harris.César Palacios-gonzález - 2017 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26 (2):278-287.
    Some Comments on de Melo-Martin and Harris.
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    Incidental Findings in Low‐Resource Settings.Haley K. Sullivan & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (3):20-28.
    Much new global genetic research employs whole genome sequencing, which provides researchers with large amounts of data. The quantity of data has led to the generation and discovery of more incidental or secondary findings and to vigorous theoretical discussions about the ethical obligations that follow from these incidental findings. After a decade of debate in the genetic research community, there is a growing consensus that researchers should, at the very least, offer to return incidental findings that provide high‐impact, medically relevant (...)
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  36.  45
    Model Coupling in Resource Economics: Conditions for Effective Interdisciplinary Collaboration.MacLeod Miles & Michiru Nagatsu - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (3):412-433.
    In this article we argue for the importance of studying interdisciplinary collaborations by focusing on the role that good choice and design of model-building frameworks and strategies can play overcoming the inherent difficulties of collaborative research. We provide an empirical study of particular collaborations between economists and ecologists in resource economics. We discuss various features of how models are put together for interdisciplinary collaboration in these cases and show how the use of a coupled-model framework in this case to (...)
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    Ageing, justice and resource allocation.Tom Walker - 2016 - Journal of Medical Ethics 42 (6):348-352.
    Around the world, the population is ageing in ways that pose new challenges for healthcare providers. To date these have mostly been formulated in terms of challenges created by increasing costs, and the focus has been squarely on life-prolonging treatments. However, this focus ignores the ways in which many older people require life-enhancing treatments to counteract the effects of physical and mental decline. This paper argues that in doing so it misses important aspects of what justice requires when it comes (...)
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    Structural coercion in the context of community engagement in global health research conducted in a low resource setting in Africa.Deborah Nyirenda, Salla Sariola, Patricia Kingori, Bertie Squire, Chiwoza Bandawe, Michael Parker & Nicola Desmond - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background While community engagement is increasingly promoted in global health research to improve ethical research practice, it can sometimes coerce participation and thereby compromise ethical research. This paper seeks to discuss some of the ethical issues arising from community engagement in a low resource setting. Methods A qualitative study design focusing on the engagement activities of three biomedical research projects as ethnographic case studies was used to gain in-depth understanding of community engagement as experienced by multiple stakeholders in Malawi. (...)
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    Mistrust and inconsistency during COVID-19: considerations for resource allocation guidelines that prioritise healthcare workers.Alexander T. M. Cheung & Brendan Parent - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (2):73-77.
    As the USA contends with another surge in COVID-19 cases, hospitals may soon need to answer the unresolved question of who lives and dies when ventilator demand exceeds supply. Although most triage policies in the USA have seemingly converged on the use of clinical need and benefit as primary criteria for prioritisation, significant differences exist between institutions in how to assign priority to patients with identical medical prognoses: the so-called ‘tie-breaker’ situations. In particular, one’s status as a frontline healthcare worker (...)
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    Ethical decision making during a healthcare crisis: a resource allocation framework and tool.Keegan Guidolin, Jennifer Catton, Barry Rubin, Jennifer Bell, Jessica Marangos, Ann Munro-Heesters, Terri Stuart-McEwan & Fayez Quereshy - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (8):504-509.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has strained healthcare resources the world over, requiring healthcare providers to make resource allocation decisions under extraordinary pressures. A year later, our understanding of COVID-19 has advanced, but our process for making ethical decisions surrounding resource allocation has not. During the first wave of the pandemic, our institution uniformly ramped-down clinical activity to accommodate the anticipated demands of COVID-19, resulting in resource waste and inefficiency. In preparation for the second wave, we sought to make (...)
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    Socially Responsible Human Resource Management and Employee Moral Voice: Based on the Self-determination Theory.Hongdan Zhao, Yuanhua Chen & Weiwei Liu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):929-946.
    Behind the frequent occurrence of business scandals, it is often the silence and connivance of organizational immorality. Moral voice, a kind of employee active moral behavior, inhibits and prevents the organizational unethical phenomenon. Some researchers have sought to explore how to arouse employee moral voice. However, the limited studies mainly investigated the antecedents of leadership styles, ignoring the impact of the organizational factor on moral voice. Based on the self-determination theory, the current study constructs a theoretical model about how socially (...)
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    Opportunity Costs and Resource Allocation Problems: Epistemology for Finite Minds.Endre Begby - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 53 (5):400-417.
    Overwhelmingly, philosophers tend to work on the assumption that epistemic justification is a normative status that supervenes on the relation between a cognitive subject, some body of evidence, and a particular proposition (or “hypothesis”). This article will explore some motivations for moving in the direction of a rather different view. On this view, we are invited to think of the relevant epistemic norm(s) as applying more widely to the competent exercise of epistemic agency, where it is understood that cognitive subjects (...)
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    Exploring human resource management roles in corporate social responsibility: the CSR‐HRM co‐creation model.Dima R. Jamali, Ali M. El Dirani & Ian A. Harwood - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2):125-143.
    Formulating and translating corporate social responsibility strategy into actual managerial practices and outcome values remain ongoing challenges for many organizations. This paper argues that the human resource management function can potentially play an important role in supporting organizations to address this challenge. We argue that HRM could provide an interesting and dynamic support to CSR strategy design as well as implementation and delivery. Drawing on a systematic review of relevant strategic CSR and HRM literatures, this paper highlights the important (...)
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    Evaluations Versus Expectations: Children's Divergent Beliefs About Resource Distribution.Jasmine M. DeJesus, Marjorie Rhodes & Katherine D. Kinzler - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):178-193.
    Past research reveals a tension between children's preferences for egalitarianism and ingroup favoritism when distributing resources to others. Here we investigate how children's evaluations and expectations of others' behaviors compare. Four- to 10-year-old children viewed events where individuals from two different groups distributed resources to their own group, to the other group, or equally across groups. Groups were described within a context of intergroup competition over scarce resources. In the Evaluation condition, children were asked to evaluate which resource distribution (...)
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    A Stakeholder’s Perspective on Human Resource Management.Michel Ferrary - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):31-43.
    In order to understand the system wherein human resource management practices are determined by the interactions of a complex system of actors, it is necessary to have a conceptual framework of analysis. In this respect, the works of scholars concerning stakeholder theory opened new perspectives in management theory. An organisation is understood as being part of a politico-economic system of stakeholders who interact and influence management practices. Each stakeholder tries to optimise and protect his interests, 61-75). The framework of (...)
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    Ethics in practice: the state of the debate on promoting the social value of global health research in resource poor settings particularly Africa.Geoffrey M. Lairumbi, Michael Parker, Raymond Fitzpatrick & Michael C. English - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):22.
    BackgroundPromoting the social value of global health research undertaken in resource poor settings has become a key concern in global research ethics. The consideration for benefit sharing, which concerns the elucidation of what if anything, is owed to participants, their communities and host nations that take part in such research, and the obligations of researchers involved, is one of the main strategies used for promoting social value of research. In the last decade however, there has been intense debate within (...)
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  47. Justified Commitments? Considering Resource Allocation and Fairness in Médecins Sans Frontières‐Holland.Lisa Fuller - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (2):59-70.
    Non‐governmental aid programs are an important source of health care for many people in the developing world. Despite the central role non‐governmental organizations play in the delivery of these vital services, for the most part they either lack formal systems of accountability to their recipients altogether, or have only very weak requirements in this regard. This is because most NGOs are both self‐mandating and self‐regulating. What is needed in terms of accountability is some means by which all the relevant stakeholders (...)
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    Resource bounded belief revision.Renata Wassermann - 1999 - Erkenntnis 50 (2-3):429-446.
    The AGM paradigm for belief revision provides a very elegant and powerful framework for reasoning about idealized agents. The paradigm assumes that the modeled agent is a perfect reasoner with infinite memory. In this paper we propose a framework to reason about non-ideal agents that generalizes the AGM paradigm. We first introduce a structure to represent an agent's belief states that distinguishes different status of beliefs according to whether or not they are explicitly represented, whether they are currently active and (...)
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    Meaning-making: a underestimated resource for health? A discussion of the value of meaning-making in the conservation and restoration of health and well-being.Birthe Loa Knizek, Sissel Alsaker, Julia Hagen, Gørill Haugan, Olga Lehmann, Marianne Nilsen, Randi Reidunsdatter & Wigdis Sæther - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (59):5-18.
    This article discusses the function, development and maintenance of meaning and the importance of meaning-making from different perspectives, as it is based on a collaboration between professionals from health science and psychology. The aim is to discuss how meaning-making processes can be employed in the health context to enhance individuals’ well-being. Starting point is a description of the common basis of the understanding of meaning-making. Afterwards brief examples from the different professional areas will show how meaning-making can improve health care (...)
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    Activating Corporate Environmental Ethics on the Frontline: A Natural Resource-Based View.Colin B. Gabler, Omar S. Itani & Raj Agnihotri - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (1):63-86.
    Corporate environmental ethics has moved from a niche issue within business strategy to a potential source of competitive advantage. Firms, however, are comprised of individuals who vary in their personal beliefs regarding environmental responsibility. Environmental stewards are those employees whose attitudes and actions reflect environmental concern. Top management can convey similar environmental values through the creation of eco-capabilities. Applying logic from the natural resource-based view of the firm, we build a model to test how the alignment of environmental values (...)
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