Results for 'Bertie Squire'

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  1.  38
    Structural coercion in the context of community engagement in global health research conducted in a low resource setting in Africa.Deborah Nyirenda, Salla Sariola, Patricia Kingori, Bertie Squire, Chiwoza Bandawe, Michael Parker & Nicola Desmond - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background While community engagement is increasingly promoted in global health research to improve ethical research practice, it can sometimes coerce participation and thereby compromise ethical research. This paper seeks to discuss some of the ethical issues arising from community engagement in a low resource setting. Methods A qualitative study design focusing on the engagement activities of three biomedical research projects as ethnographic case studies was used to gain in-depth understanding of community engagement as experienced by multiple stakeholders in Malawi. Data (...)
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    ‘We are the eyes and ears of researchers and community’: Understanding the role of community advisory groups in representing researchers and communities in Malawi.Deborah Nyirenda, Salla Sariola, Kate Gooding, Mackwellings Phiri, Rodrick Sambakunsi, Elvis Moyo, Chiwoza Bandawe, Bertie Squire & Nicola Desmond - 2017 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (4):420-428.
    Community engagement to protect and empower participating individuals and communities is an ethical requirement in research. There is however limited evidence on effectiveness or relevance of some of the approaches used to improve ethical practice. We conducted a study to understand the rationale, relevance and benefits of community engagement in health research. This paper draws from this wider study and focuses on factors that shaped Community Advisory Group members’ selection processes and functions in Malawi. A qualitative research design was used; (...)
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  3.  35
    Aristotle: metaphysics and practical philosophy: essays in honour of Enrico Berti.Enrico Berti & Carlo Natali (eds.) - 2011 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    Enrico Berti has had a profound influence on the birth and development of Italian studies in ancient philosophy. His sizable work has shaped a great part of Italian studies on Aristotle and other ancient philosophers. To celebrate him and express their gratitude for his work, some of his disciples, under the impulse of the late Franco Volpi, have brought together a volume in his honour, requesting the participation of some foreign scholars particularly close to him. The volume comprises essays by (...)
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  4. L'etica delle virtù: commenti a Berti.Enrico Berti - 2005 - Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics 7 (2):1-14.
    I discuss Enrico Berti “Saggezza o filosofia pratica?” published in the current issue of “Ethics & Politics”. I argue that Kant’s normative ethics was in fact a kind of virtue ethics and most of the opposition between Aristotelianism and Kantian ethics in the last three decades has been basically an exercise in cross-purpose.
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    Silent Soliloquy: Roger Squires.Roger Squires - 1973 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 7:208-225.
    Speaking is so closely associated with making noises that such descriptions as ‘silent soliloquy’ and ‘soundless monologue’ have an air of paradox. Yet people frequently say things to themselves in such a way that not even a close observer has any reason to think they have done so. It is therefore tempting to suppose that on such occasions a sequence of surrogate speech sounds is produced in the person's head which he alone hears or introaudits, as if what distinguishes silent (...)
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  6.  57
    Memory and the hippocampus: A synthesis from findings with rats, monkeys, and humans.Larry R. Squire - 1992 - Psychological Review 99 (2):195-231.
  7.  43
    Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting.Roger Squires - 1986 - Philosophical Quarterly 36 (143):308-310.
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  8. Visual processing without awareness: Evidence from unilateral neglect.Anna Berti & G. Rizzolatti - 1992 - Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 4:345-51.
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    Discussions: Dream Time.Roger Squires - 1995 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 95 (1):83-92.
    Roger Squires; Discussions: Dream Time, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 95, Issue 1, 1 June 1995, Pages 83–92,
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  10.  69
    Punishment: The Supposed Justifications.Roger Squires & Ted Honderich - 1970 - Philosophical Quarterly 20 (80):302.
  11.  24
    Hippocampal lesions: reconciling the findings in rodents and man.Larry R. Squire & Neal J. Cohen - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):345-346.
  12.  10
    Aristote et la philosophie pratique d’aujourd’hui.Enrico Berti - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:858-863.
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  13. Malcolm Wilson, Aristotle's Theory of the Unity of Science.E. Berti - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 23 (2):295-296.
  14. Originarietà dell'idea e ultimità del principio.Enrico Berti - 1985 - Giornale di Metafisica 7 (2):381.
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  15.  44
    Negotiating Equality and Diversity in Britain: Towards a Differentiated Citizenship?Judith Squires - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (4):531-559.
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  16. Jonathan Edwards und seine willenslehre..William Harder Squires - 1901 - [Lucka,: Druck von Berger & Behrend].
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    Studies from the psychological laboratory of the University of Chicago. Fatigue; Suggestions for a new method of investigation.C. R. Squire - 1903 - Psychological Review 10 (3):248-267.
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  18.  21
    ¿Por qué traducir nuevamente la Metafísica?Berti Enrico & Luz Gloria Cárdenas Mejía - 2018 - Co-herencia 15 (58):19-28.
    Esta traducción al español corresponde a la intervención oral del Profesor Enrico Berti en el Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici el 13 junio de 2017. Berti es profesor emérito de la Universidad de Padua, con ocasión de la publicación de su traducción de la Metafísica de Aristóteles en el 2017, en el encuentro de estudio La metafísica de Aristóteles, en el Instituto de Estudios Filosóficos de Nápoles. Considero que al hacerlo se contribuye a la divulgación de esta nueva traducción (...)
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  19.  10
    Ovidio, Cicerone e il finale delle Metamorfosi.Emanuele Berti - 2024 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 168 (2):147-167.
    The finale of Ovid’s Metamorphoses contains a sphragis in which the poet proclaims the immortality of his poetic work and the eternal survival of his pars melior (Ov. Met. 15.871–879). These lines present a number of rather close parallels with excerpts from the seventh suasoria of Seneca the Elder’s collection, whose theme is Deliberat Cicero an scripta sua comburat promittente Antonio incolumitatem, si fecisset. Allusions to this declamatory exercise may activate in the Ovidian passage a reference to the theme of (...)
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  20.  22
    Principled positions: postmodernism and the rediscovery of value.Judith Squires (ed.) - 1993 - London: Lawrence & Wishart.
    The deconstruction of all 'principled positions' creates a value vacuum which, in turn, leads to a state of ethical and political paralysis. The contributors to Principled Positions ponder these dilemmas and try to build bridges between the modernist absolutes of truth, value and justice and the anti-totalising spirit of postmodernism.
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  21. Round table: The sense of a philosophical review today.Enrico Berti - 2009 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 101 (1):431-434.
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  22.  32
    “‘Beans from Rochel and Manioc from Prince's Island”: West Africa, French Atlantic Commodity Circuits, and the Provisioning of the French Middle Passage’.Bertie R. Mandelblatt - 2008 - History of European Ideas 34 (4):411-423.
    Based on seventeenth- and eighteenth-century accounts written by and for slavers, this article investigates the provisioning of the French Middle Passage. As the transatlantic trade in African captives developed, foodstuffs for the feeding of both Europeans and Africans figured prominently in a specifically Atlantic system of commodity exchanges. The trade in foodstuffs depended most heavily on African subsistence systems encountered along the coasts of West Africa, but a surprising quantity of French and other European foodstuffs were embarked specifically for the (...)
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  23.  27
    Mental arithmetic.Roger Squires - 1994 - Ratio 7 (1):43-57.
    The popular idea that mental calculation involves covert operations as counterparts to the scribblings, sayings or manipulations involved in classroom calculation is rejected by familiar arguments in Section I. Philosophers do not readily agree on an alternative account. Section II considers reasons why they are puzzled, reasons which encourage a return to the discredited position. The currently fashionable Causal or Functionalist view is criticised in Section III. Section IV reconsiders the stubborn fact that when someone calculates in their head they (...)
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  24. Declarative and nondeclarative memory in humans and animals: Experimental analysis and historical origins.L. R. Squire - 1994 - In D. Schacter & E. Tulving, Memory Systems. MIT Press. pp. 203--232.
  25.  22
    Flew's Moving Claims.Roger Squires - 1991 - Philosophy Now 2:16-16.
  26.  45
    Jerome on Sinlessness: a Via Media between A ugustine and P elagius.Stuart Squires - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (4):697-709.
    This article will exploreJerome's understanding of sinlessness and will argue that he saw himself just as opposed toAugustine as toPelagius. I begin by exposing Jerome's context in thePelagianControversy. I then expose his understanding of sinlessness. Next, I turn to his arguments inEp.133 and the first two books of hisDialogi contraPelagianos. In book three of that text, we notice a change in his arguments which indicates that Jerome is no longer arguing only againstPelagius; he now disagrees withAugustine as well. I then (...)
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  27.  22
    Matteo D’Acunto, Il mondo del vaso Chigi. Pittura, guerra e società a Corinto alla metà del VII secolo a. C.Michael Squire - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):315-322.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 315-322.
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  28.  89
    The unresolved quantum dilemma.Euan J. Squires - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 27 (3):389-395.
  29. La causalità del Motore immobile secondo Aristotele.Enrico Berti - 2002 - Gregorianum 83 (4):637-654.
    Cet article étudie la doctrine aristotélicienne du moteur immobile, cause de tout mouvement et de tout savoir, cause efficiente et cause finale, que l'A. assimile à Dieu.
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  30. Unconscious processing in neglect.Anna Berti - 2002 - In Hans-Otto Karnath, David Milner & Giuseppe Vallar, The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Spatial Neglect. Oxford University Press. pp. 313-326.
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  31. Zombies v. Materialists.Robert Kirk & Roger Squires - 1974 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 48:135-163.
  32.  67
    Critical reflections on a realist interpretation of Friedman’s ‘Methodology of Positive Economics’.Edward Mariyani-Squire - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (1):69-89.
    Uskali Mäki has offered an innovative scientific realist account of Milton Friedman’s 1953 essay, ‘The Methodology of Positive Economics’, which directly challenges the dominant instrumentalist interpretation. This paper offers critical reflections on Mäki’s approach and interpretation. It is argued that Mäki’s method of rereading-rewriting the text is problematic; that an unforced instrumentalist account of unrealistic assumptions can be extracted from the text itself; and that seemingly realist passages can be plausibly read as expressing an instrumentalist stance.
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  33.  41
    Heidegger and the platonic concept of truth.Enrico Berti - 2005 - In Catalin Partenie & Tom Rockmore, Heidegger and Plato: toward dialogue. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 96.
  34. Essere, divenire e mondo nel pensiero classico.E. Berti - 1998 - Studium 94 (2-3):215-229.
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  35. Ontologia analitica e metafisica classica.Enrico Berti - 2007 - Giornale di Metafisica 29 (2):305-316.
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    Orion's club. A note on germanicus, Arati phaenomena 651.Emanuele Berti - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (2):916-917.
    In lines 646–60 of his translation of Aratus’ Phaenomena, Germanicus narrates the story of Orion, the mythical hunter killed by a scorpion sent by Diana because of his attempt to rape the goddess, and then transformed into a star. In particular, line 651 describes Orion's hunting:nudabatque feris angusto stipite siluas.
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  37. Storia dell’ontologia.Enrico Berti - 2012 - Rivista di Estetica 49.
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    Storicità e attualità di Aristotele.Enrico Berti - 2020 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
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    What is Aristotle’s Metaphysics?Enrico Berti - 2018 - In Demetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, Aristotle - Contemporary Perspectives on His Thought: On the 2400th Anniversary of Aristotle's Birth. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 245-256.
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    Il Libro Iota (X) della Metafisica di Aristotele.Enrico Berti (ed.) - 2005 - Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag.
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  41.  40
    Confidence Tricks.Roger Squires - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (269):371 - 375.
  42.  17
    Another Determined Effort.Roger Squires - 1992 - Philosophy Now 4:9-10.
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  43. Index numbers and productivity measurement in multispecies Fisheries: an application to the pacific coast trawl fleet.Dale Squires - 1987 - Laguna 53:56.
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    Mechanical Brains: Autism and Artificial Intelligence.David Squires - 2020 - Diacritics 48 (1):52-79.
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  45. Why are quantum theorists interested in consciousness?Euan J. Squires - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
  46. Conscious Mind in the Physical World.Euan J. Squires - 1990 - Adam Hilger.
    The book explores philosophical issues such as idealism and free will and speculates on the relationship of consciousness to quantum mechanics.
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  47. IX -Multiplicity And Unity Of Being In Aristotle.Enrico Berti - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (2):185-207.
    I. In analytic philosophy, so-called 'univocalism' is the prevailing interpretation of the meaning of terms such as 'being' or 'existence', i.e. the thesis that these terms have only one meaning (see Russell, White, Quine, van Inwagen). But some analytical philosophers, inspired by Aristotle, maintain that 'being' has many senses (Austin, Ryle). II. Aristotle develops an argument in favour of this last thesis, observing that 'being' and 'one' cannot be a single genus, because they are predicated of their differences (Metaph. B (...)
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  48.  6
    The Mystery of the Quantum World.Euan J. Squires - 1986 - Institute of Physics Publishing (GB).
    Quantum mechanics stands as one of the most remarkable achievements of the twentieth century: at once a new and startling insight into the nature of matter and a spectacularly successful predictive theory. However, while the predictive abilty of the quantum theory has been rigorously tested time and time again, so that it now satisfies any criterion of reliability as a tool of scientific inquiry, surprisingly fundamental difficulties remain with its interpretation. This book introduces the general reader to the philosophical issues (...)
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  49. Struttura e significato del" Parmenide" di Platone.Enrico Berti - 1971 - Giornale di Metafisica 26:497-527.
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  50. Declarative and nondeclarative memory: Multiple brain systems supporting brain systems.L. R. Squire - 1994 - In D. Schacter & E. Tulving, Memory Systems. MIT Press.
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