Results for 'regulatory focus theory'

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  1.  86
    The Influence of Ethical Leadership and Regulatory Focus on Employee Outcomes.Mitchell J. Neubert, Cindy Wu & James A. Roberts - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):269-296.
    ABSTRACT:Regulatory focus theory is proposed as offering an explanation for the influence of ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behaviors and employee commitments. The prevention focus mindset of an employee is argued to be the mechanism by which an ethical leader influences extra-role compliance behavior as well as normative commitment, whereas the promotion focus mindset of an employee is argued to be the mechanism by which an ethical leader influences extra-role voice behavior as well as affective (...)
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    CEO Regulatory Focus, Analysts’ Optimism Bias, and Firm Strategic Change: Evidence From Chinese-Listed Companies.Chun Huang & Wangxiongjie Zheng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, technological, socio-political, and institutional changes have led to a “new normal” competitive landscape, firms must make longer-term strategic changes to deal with short-term discontinuities and great uncertainties to acquire sustainable advantage. Based on regulatory focus theory and upper echelons theory, this study explores the relationship between CEO regulatory focus and corporate strategic change and examines the moderating effects of analysts’ optimism bias in earning forecasts. The study uses (...)
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    Sustaining eSports Industry and Regulatory Focus: Empirical Evidence From Chinese Universities.Gongyan Zhao, Yue Cheng, Xinggue Liu & Wentao Meng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study examined the factors that affect the attitude and behavioral intentions toward electronic sports among students of higher education institutions based on the technology acceptance model. The conditional impact of preventive regulatory focus was analyzed in various aspects developed on the regulatory focus theory. These aspects comprised of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and perceived risk on the attitude toward eSports. Accordingly, data were collected from 293 students of higher education institutions in China's (...)
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  4.  40
    A role for regulatory focus in explaining and combating clinical inertia.Peter J. Veazie & Feng Qian - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1147-1152.
  5.  68
    The Effect of Leadership Style, Framing, and Promotion Regulatory Focus on Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior.Katrina A. Graham, Jonathan C. Ziegert & Johnna Capitano - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):423-436.
    The goal of this paper is to examine the impact of leadership and promotion regulatory focus on employees’ willingness to engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior . Building from a person–situation interactionist perspective, we investigate the interaction of leadership style and how leaders frame messages, as well as test a three-way interaction with promotion focus. Using an experimental design, we found that inspirational and charismatic transformational leaders elicited higher levels of UPB than transactional leaders when the leaders used (...)
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    Need Support and Regulatory Focus in Responding to COVID-19.Leigh Ann Vaughn, Chase A. Garvey & Rachael D. Chalachan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Prevention focus is a self-regulatory orientation that serves the need for security, and promotion focus is a self-regulatory orientation that serves the need for growth. From mid-March to early April 2020, did people judge prevention focus to be more useful than promotion focus for responding to COVID-19? Our study tested and showed support for this hypothesis with 401 American and Canadian participants, who we sampled in 100-person waves on the first four Thursdays of the (...)
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    Focus meets motivation: When regulatory focus aligns with approach/avoidance motivation in creative processes.Christina Mühlberger, Paul Endrejat, Julius Möller, Daniel Herrmann, Simone Kauffeld & Eva Jonas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    According to Regulatory Focus Theory, two systems determine our strategies to pursue goals – the promotion and the prevention system. Individuals with a dominant promotion system focus on achieving gains, i.e., promoters, and individuals with a dominant prevention system focus on avoiding losses, i.e., preventers. Regulatory Fit Theory suggests that a fit between this focus and the situation causes superior performance and makes individuals feel right. We transfer the fit idea to the (...)
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  8.  37
    Consequences of Moral Transgressions: How Regulatory Focus Orientation Motivates or Hinders Moral Decoupling.Kirsten Cowan & Atefeh Yazdanparast - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):115-132.
    How can firms mitigate the impact of moral violations on consumer evaluations? This question has pervaded the business ethics literature. Though prior research has identified decoupling as a moral reasoning strategy where consumers separate moral judgments from evaluations, it is unclear what motivates individuals to decouple. It is the objective of this research to explore regulatory focus theory as a motivating factor for moral decoupling. Three experiments are undertaken. Study one demonstrates that with a prevention mindset as (...)
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    The Moderating Effect of Supervisor’s Behavioral Integrity on the Relationship between Regulatory Focus and Impression Management.K. Michele Kacmar & Reginald Tucker - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 135 (1):87-98.
    The desire to control how others see us is a ubiquitous phenomenon. Decades of research have suggested that the results associated with how others see us are too great an influence to ignore. The tactics we use and behaviors we engage in to control how others see us is known as impression management. This study examines the relationship between regulatory focus and the use of exemplification or supplication impression management tactics. We use regulatory focus theory (...)
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  10.  16
    The Enormous Potential of Job Crafting Behavior: A Conceptual Paper Based on Regulatory Focus.Rabeea Ishaq, Syed Ali & Noor Ul Ain - 2023 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 62 (1):17-41.
    _This paper explores the theoretical review of job crafting behavior in service organizations by reviewing the literature on innovation capabilities. A workforce with proactive traits faces less environmental restriction and shows more groundbreaking behaviors of novel change. The current study has moved its emphasis from the influence of organizational job design on worker consequences to the inspection of the part that the workforce plays in defining task, social, and cognitive limits of work to verify innovation. Thus, innovation change is sighted (...)
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  11.  11
    The psychological motives of prevention and promotion focus behind the Kantian conception of practical ideas and ideals: commentary and extension to Englert’s (2022) ‘How a Kantian ideal can be practical’.Antonio Fabio Bella - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The present brief commentary to Englert’s recent article on Kant’s distinction between practical ideas and ideals extends the significance of its contribution by considering the psychological dimensions underpinned by those ethical concepts. According to regulatory focus theory, in the moral domain the prevention focus subsumes duties and obligations, whereas the promotion focus underlies aspirations toward virtue. I argue here that prevention motives induce the enactment of behaviours consistent with ethical rules corresponding to Kant’s practical idea, (...)
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    Regulatory Fit Demonstrates That Prohibitive Voice Does Not Lead to Low Performance Evaluation.Lu Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Voice behavior, the extra-role behavior of employees based on their sense of responsibility, plays an important role in organizational development. Research shows that an employee’s voice can have a positive impact on both the quality of decision-making and organizational performance. This study explores the relationship between the prohibitive voice and employees’ safety performance based on the theory of regulatory fit. The study examined 372 employees and their leaders in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of China through a questionnaire (...)
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  13. Counterfactual Thinking and Regulatory Fit.Keith Markman, Matthew McMullen, Ronald Elizaga & Nobuko Mizoguchi - 2006 - Judgment and Decision Making 1 (2):98-107.
    According to regulatory fit theory (Higgins, 2000), when people make decisions with strategies that sustain their regulatory focus orientation, they “feel right” about what they are doing, and this “feeling-right” experience then transfers to subsequent choices, decisions, and evaluations. The present research was designed to link the concept of regulatory fit to functional accounts of counterfactual thinking. In the present study, participants generated counterfactuals about their anagram performance, after which persistence on a second set of (...)
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  14.  2
    Garrison on Beauty in Artworks as a Response to Regulatory Power: A Focus on Butler and Kant.Kelly Coble - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (4):821-833.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Garrison on Beauty in Artworks as a Response to Regulatory PowerA Focus on Butler and KantKelly Coble (bio)As Garrison concedes, critical theory and Confucian philosophy will strike many of his readers as unlikely interlocutors. One would be hard-pressed to find two intellectual traditions more historically and culturally remote, and at least at first glance, more antithetical in their stances on authority and cultural power. In Reconsidering (...)
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    Stick to Convention or Bring Forth the New? Research on the Relationship Between Employee Conscientiousness and Job Crafting.Xiayi Liu, Ting Yu & Wenhai Wan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Integrating regulatory focus theory and personality literature, we develop and test a moderated mediation model to specify the underlying mechanisms and boundary conditions of the linkage between employee conscientiousness and job crafting. Two-wave data collected from 389 employees and 95 supervisors showed that: Employee conscientiousness had a positive effect on work promotion focus and work prevention focus. Employee conscientiousness was positively related to job crafting via work promotion focus, negatively related to job crafting via (...)
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  16.  16
    Understanding the Relative Impact of Dual Identification on Brand Loyalty on Social Media: The Regulatory Fit Perspective in Different Cultures.Shang Chen, Qingfei Min & Xuefei Xu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study explorers whether the relative impacts of brand identification and identification with other users of brand pages on brand loyalty vary according to consumers’ regulatory focus. By integrating social identification theory with regulatory focus theory, this study adopts a dual identification framework to compare the differential impacts of promotion regulatory fit and prevention regulatory fit on brand loyalty. Besides, the moderating effects of product type on the relationship between promotion/prevention regulatory (...)
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  17.  4
    Effects of Two Face Regulatory Foci About Ethical Fashion Consumption in a Confucian Context.Xiaoyong Wei & Bin Shen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-19.
    Previous studies offer conflicting evidence on whether face consciousness, which is a Confucian cultural value, promotes (or inhibits) the ethical aspects of fashion consumption. Building on the theory of regulatory focus and Confucian virtue ethics, we reconcile this discrepancy by conceptualising face consciousness as two distinct face regulatory foci in Confucian culture, namely, gaining mianzi and avoiding losing lian. We argue that in Confucian society, the ethics of fashion consumption are delineated by the Confucian virtues of (...)
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  18.  24
    Approach versus Avoidance: A Self-Regulatory Perspective on Hypocrisy Induction in Anti-Cyberbullying CSR Campaigns.Yuhosua Ryoo & WooJin Kim - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Governments, institutions, and brands try various intervention strategies for countering growing cyberbullying, but with questionable effectiveness. The authors use hypocrisy induction, a technique for subtly reminding consumers that they have acted contrary to their moral values, to see whether it makes consumers more willing to support brand-sponsored anti-cyberbullying CSR campaigns. Findings demonstrate that hypocrisy induction evokes varying reactions depending on regulatory focus, mediated by guilt and shame. Specifically, consumers who have a dominant promotion (prevention) focus feel guilt (...)
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  19.  11
    Feeling Socially Connected and Focusing on Growth: Relationships With Wellbeing During a Major Holiday in the COVID-19 Pandemic.Leigh Ann Vaughn, Patricia G. Burkins, Rachael D. Chalachan, Janak K. Judd, Chase A. Garvey & John W. Luginsland - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Numerous major holidays celebrate socially gathering in person. However, in major holidays that happened during the pandemic, desires to nurture relationships and maintain holiday traditions often conflicted with physical distancing and other measures to protect against COVID-19. The current research sought to understand wellbeing during American Thanksgiving in 2020, which happened 8months into the COVID-19 pandemic, after months of physical distancing and stay-at-home orders. American Thanksgiving is a major holiday not limited to any religion. We asked 404 American adults how (...)
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  20.  19
    The Crowdsourcing of Regulatory Monitoring and Enforcement.Sharon Yadin - 2023 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 17 (1):95-125.
    Crowdsourced regulation has been discussed to date by legal and social science scholars mainly in the context of legislation and rulemaking, without paying sufficient attention to non-legislative regulatory functions. This article provides a richer theory of crowdsourced regulation which extends to all regulatory functions, focusing on monitoring and enforcement. Regulatory agencies worldwide harness the power of the public using digital platforms to carry out monitoring and enforcement tasks in regulated markets and sectors. For example, agencies operate (...)
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  21.  13
    Inspiring or annoying? A new measure of broadening and defensive self-regulatory responses to moral exemplars applied to two real-life scenarios of moral goodness.Antonio Fabio Bella - 2024 - Journal of Moral Education 53 (1):31-55.
    ABSTRACT I present a new model of the self-regulation of virtue that integrates perspectives on emotion, cognition, and motivation. Across three vignette-based studies in US/uk (N = 1,540), I developed through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis a multi-item measure of broadening and defensive responses, the Self-Regulation of Virtue Inventory (SRVI). I applied that measurement model to two new scenarios portraying prototypical moral exemplars (selected from a set of 12) and fitted structural models that identify key antecedents: motivational dispositions (regulatory (...)
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    A socio‐epistemological program for the philosophy of regulatory science.Guillermo Marín Penella - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (4):480-492.
    This paper presents a program of action for the philosophy of regulatory science, based on a general theory of social epistemology. Two candidates are considered. The first one, offered by Alvin Goldman, is not fit for our purposes because it is focused on a veritism incompatible with non‐epistemic aims of regulatory science. The second, championed by Steve Fuller, sociologically investigates the existing means of producing knowledge, to modify them with the goal of obtaining democratic aims through action (...)
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  23.  2
    Implementing Neurorights: Legal and Regulatory Considerations.Walter G. Johnson, Lucille M. Tournas & Reina Magistro Nadler - 2024 - Neuroethics 18 (1):1-17.
    While neurorights are emerging as a potentially novel set of human rights in an age of neurotechnologies, most scholarly and policy debate to date has focused on defining and justifying these norms and their connection to existing rights. This article instead assumes some form of neurorights claims will find recognition in at least some existing or novel law and seeks to anticipate potential legal and regulatory hurdles to the successful implementation of this class of norms. After reviewing the ongoing (...)
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  24.  43
    Ethical and regulatory implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the medical devices industry and its representatives.Guy Maddern, Bernadette Richards, Robyn Clay-Williams, Katrina Hutchison, Quinn Grundy, Jane Johnson, Wendy Rogers & Brette Blakely - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-7.
    The development and deployment of medical devices, along with most areas of healthcare, has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has had variable ethical implications, two of which we will focus on here. First, medical device regulations have been rapidly amended to expedite approvals of devices ranging from face masks to ventilators. Although some regulators have issued cessation dates, there is inadequate discussion of triggers for exiting these crisis standards, and evidence that this may not be feasible. (...)
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  25.  47
    What are the odds of being an organic or local food shopper? Multivariate analysis of US food shopper lifestyle segments.Lydia Zepeda & Cong Nie - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (4):467-480.
    The growth in organic and local foods consumption has been examined using two different approaches to identify characteristics and motivations of food shoppers: market segmentation and economic models using multivariate analysis. The former approach, based on Means-end Chain theory, examines how intrinsic characteristics of foods affect food choices. The latter microeconomic approach examines economic constraints and extrinsic factors. This study demonstrates value in combining the two approaches to generate better empirical predictions of who buys organic and local food. It (...)
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  26.  24
    Understanding the Effects of Political Environments on Unethical Behavior in Organizations.Matthew Valle, K. Michele Kacmar & Suzanne Zivnuska - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1):173-188.
    Based on a framework that integrates job demands-resources theory, social cognitive theory Handbook of personality, Guilford Press, New York, pp 154–196, 1999) and regulatory focus theory, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and subsequent moral disengagement and unethical behavior. We conducted a laboratory study and also collected data in two separate surveys 6 weeks apart from 206 individuals working full time to investigate the relationships presented in (...)
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  27.  68
    The oxidative stress theory of disease: levels of evidence and epistemological aspects.Pietro Ghezzi, Vincent Jaquet, Fabrizio Marcucci & Harald H. H. W. Schmidt - unknown
    The theory stating that oxidative stress is at the root of several diseases is extremely popular. However, so far, no antioxidant is recommended or offered by healthcare systems neither approved as therapy by regulatory agencies that base their decisions on evidence-based medicine. This is simply because, so far, despite many preclinical and clinical studies indicating a beneficial effect of antioxidants in many disease conditions, randomised clinical trials have failed to provide the evidence of efficacy required for drug approval. (...)
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  28.  50
    Democratic Theory for a Market Democracy: The Problem of Merriment and Diversion When Regulators and the Regulated Meet.Wayne Norman & Aaron Ancell - 2018 - Journal of Social Philosophy 49 (4):536-563.
    Democratic theorists, especially since the advent of the deliberative democracy paradigm in the 1980s, have focused primarily on relationships involving citizens and their political representatives, and have thus paid scant attention to the bureaucratic agencies within the modern state that are presumed merely to “flesh out,” implement, and enforce the decisions made by elected officials. This undertheorized space between markets and democratic decision making, in brief, is where corporations and other interested parties inter- act with regulatory agencies, their bureaucrats, (...)
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  29.  16
    The Study of the Impact of Empowering Leadership on Adaptive Performance of Faculties Based on Chain Mediating.Ying Xu & Mengliu Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    High-quality faculties are the fundamental guarantee to achieving the connotation development of higher education. Hence, performing university faculties determines the quality of teaching and the level of talent cultivation. Facing the change in teaching demand and environment, faculties need to change their working methods spontaneously to achieve high-level performance. Relevant empirical studies have shown that empowering leadership positively affects adaptive performance. However, some researchers have found that leadership effectiveness even has a negative effect. There may be two reasons for the (...)
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  30.  19
    Examining the Contingency Value of Certification on Regulatory Burden in a Transitional Economy.Xiaohua Meng, Xuemei Xie, Guoyou Qi & Hailiang Zou - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (3):489-517.
    In transitional economies, the governing central authorities impose heavy regulatory burdens on firms, which results in great costs for business in terms of time, resources, and other constraints. However, quality assurance through decentralized institutions (such as private certified management standards) is rapidly becoming more prevalent. This study examines the contingent implications that such decentralized institutions have for centralized regulation by focusing on the relationship between international certifications and regulatory burdens. As two prominent features of the institutional environment in (...)
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    Dodging Monsters and Dancing with Dreams: Success and Failure at Different Levels of Approach and Avoidance.Abigail A. Scholer & E. Tory Higgins - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (3):254-258.
    Many models of motivation suggest that goals can be arranged in a hierarchy, ranging from higher-level goals that represent desired end-states to lower-level means that operate in the service of those goals. We present a hierarchical model that distinguishes between three levels—goals, strategies, and tactics—and between approach/avoidance and regulatory focus motivations at different levels. We focus our discussion on how this hierarchical framework sheds light on the different ways that success and failure are defined within the promotion (...)
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  32. Turn your gaze upward! emotions, concerns, and regulatory strategies in Kierkegaard’s Christian Discourses.Paul Carron - 2018 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 84 (3):323-343.
    This essay argues that there are concrete emotion regulation practices described, but not developed, in Kierkegaard’s Christian Discourses. These practices—such as attentiveness to emotion, attentional deployment, and cognitive reappraisal—help the reader to regulate her emotions, to get rid of negative, unwanted emotions such as worry, and to cultivate and nourish positive emotions such as faith, gratitude, and trust. An examination of the Discourses also expose Kierkegaard’s understanding of the emotions; his view is akin to a perceptual theory of the (...)
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  33. Understanding Older Adults' Memory Distortion in the Light of Stereotype Threat.Marie Mazerolle, Amy M. Smith, McKinzey Torrance & Ayanna K. Thomas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Numerous studies have documented the detrimental impact of age-based stereotype threat on older adults' cognitive performance and especially on veridical memory. However, far fewer studies have investigated the impact of ABST on older adults' memory distortion. Here, we review the subset of research examining memory distortion and provide evidence for the role of stereotype threat as a powerful socio-emotional factor that impacts age-related susceptibility to memory distortion. In this review we define memory distortion as errors in memory that are associated (...)
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    Usage, Pleasure, Price, and Feeling: A Study on Shopping Orientation and Consumer Outcome.Shaoqiong Zhao, Pu Chen, Yan Zhu, Feng Wei & Fangmei Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Understanding the behavior of consumers and especially the purchase-related behavior has been a focus of research for the past decades. Thus, researchers and practitioners are curious to know how purchase patterns are different under different conditions such as product category, price, feeling, and so on. The primary focus of this study was to examine how the price of the products influences the purchase behavior of consumers across hedonic and utilitarian categories under regulatory focus theory. The (...)
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  35.  73
    Governance theory and practice for nonprofit organisations.Debbie M. Thorne & Beverly T. Venable - 2008 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 4 (2):148.
    Recent corporate scandals in the USA forced regulatory change and brought the governance dialogue to new heights and domains. In an attempt to strengthen understanding of the role of governance in the nonprofit organisational setting, this manuscript reviews theoretical directions and practical approaches to corporate governance and discusses the applicability of these factors to nonprofit organisations. Instead of examining inter-organisational relationships, the focus is on the governance dimensions that inform stakeholders of the general operations and performance of nonprofits. (...)
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    “Lubricant” or “Stumbling Block”?: The Paradoxical Association Between Team Authoritarian Leadership and Creative Deviance.Jing Xu, Yong-Zhou Li, De-Qun Zhu & Jing-Zhi Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recently, creative deviance has been lauded to be an innovation-enhancing approach with applications in many new and high-tech domains. Previous study on antecedents to creative deviance remains scattered and vague. Our research conceptualizes creative deviance from the perspective of independent innovation and explores its antecedents, mechanisms, as well as conditions. Team authoritarian leadership is conceptualized as a contradictory unity as it mixes advantages and disadvantages. However, it is surprising to find that there are very few researches that have examined its (...)
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    Characterizing Animal Development with Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms.Frédérique Théry - 2011 - Biological Theory 6 (1):16-24.
    Although developmental biology is an institutionalized discipline, no unambiguous account of what development is and when it stops has so far been provided. In this article, I focus on two sets of developmental molecular mechanisms, namely those underlying the heterochronic pathway in C. elegans and those involving Hox genes in vertebrates, to suggest a conceptual account of animal development. I point out that, in these animals, the early stages of life exhibit salient mechanistic features, in particular in the way (...)
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    Egoism or Altruism? The Influence of Cause-Related Marketing on Customers’ Extra-Role Behavior.Zhang Hui & Hu Wenan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:799336.
    Based on attribution theory and regulatory focus theory, this paper discusses the influence mechanism of cause-related marketing on customers’ extra-role behavior and the moderating effects of customer promotion focus and customer prevention focus. The results show that egoistic cause-related marketing (ECRM) has a negative impact on customer extra-role behavior, while altruistic cause-related marketing has a positive impact on customer extra-role behavior. Customer promotion focus has a significant positive moderating effect on the negative impact (...)
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    Dancing with robots: acceptability of humanoid companions to reduce loneliness during COVID-19 (and beyond).Guy Moshe Ross - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2557-2568.
    The purpose of this research is to explore the acceptance of social robots as companions. Understanding what affects the acceptance of humanoid companions may give society tools that will help people overcome loneliness throughout pandemics, such as COVID-19 and beyond. Based on regulatory focus theory, it is proposed that there is a relationship between goal-directed motivation and acceptance of robots as companions. The theory of regulatory focus posits that goal-directed behavior is regulated by two (...)
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    Effects of Negative Emotions and Cognitive Characteristics on Impulse Buying During COVID-19.Yongjuan Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously disrupted the individual buying habits along with their consumption patterns. Previous studies indicated that anxiety and depression were related to impulse buying. However, no research has explored the mechanism possibly underlying the association between anxiety, depression, and impulse buying. Based on the regulatory focus theory and the emotion-cognition-behavior loop, this study aimed to examine the impacts of negative emotions on impulse buying and the mediating role of cognitive characteristics during the COVID-19 pandemic. (...)
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    The Effect of COVID-19 on College Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions.Fan Sheng & Yangyang Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The new coronary pneumonia epidemic has had a tremendous impact on the world economic situation, causing a large number of enterprises to suffer from serious losses, but also bringing a large number of entrepreneurial opportunities. For college students, whether the opportunities brought by the epidemic can attract them to step into the entrepreneurial path becomes a question worthy of attention in the process of restoring economic vitality and guiding students’ employment and entrepreneurship. In this article, a mediation model was constructed (...)
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    Uncovering prospective teachers’ sense of moral agency within a multi-layered framework: an integrative grounded theory approach.Altay Eren & Anıl Rakıcıoğlu-Söylemez - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (7):522-544.
    Using an integrative grounded theory design, this study investigated prospective teachers’ moral perceptions, emotions, behavioral intentions, and reasons for their moral behavioral intentions concerning their future teaching to uncover whether prospective teachers’ sense of moral agency would be explained within a multi-layered framework. The data were collected through semi-structured focus-group interviews with 40 conveniently sampled prospective teachers. The results revealed that prospective teachers’ sense of moral agency encompassed perceptual (i.e. moral perceptions, emotions, behavioral intentions, and reasons for moral (...)
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    The Aims and Structures of Research Projects That Use Gene Regulatory Information with Evolutionary Genetic Models.Steve Elliott - 2017 - Dissertation, Arizona State University
    At the interface of developmental biology and evolutionary biology, the very criteria of scientific knowledge are up for grabs. A central issue is the status of evolutionary genetics models, which some argue cannot coherently be used with complex gene regulatory network (GRN) models to explain the same evolutionary phenomena. Despite those claims, many researchers use evolutionary genetics models jointly with GRN models to study evolutionary phenomena. This dissertation compares two recent research projects in which researchers jointly use the two (...)
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    Better Regulation of End-Of-Life Care: A Call For A Holistic Approach.Ben P. White, Lindy Willmott & Eliana Close - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):683-693.
    Existing regulation of end-of-life care is flawed. Problems include poorly-designed laws, policies, ethical codes, training, and funding programs, which often are neither effective nor helpful in guiding decision-making. This leads to adverse outcomes for patients, families, health professionals, and the health system as a whole. A key factor contributing to the harms of current regulation is a siloed approach to regulating end-of-life care. Existing approaches to regulation, and research into how that regulation could be improved, have tended to focus (...)
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  45.  13
    The Good Samaritan Parable Revisited: A Survey During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Yong Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    From an integrative approach of parable interpretation that combines ethical, evolutionary, historical, and psychological perspectives, the current research empirically examined the purely theorized assumption elucidating the behaviors of the priest, Levite, and Samaritan in the good Samaritan parable by the regulatory focus theory. In one experiment conducted during the COVID-19 outbreak, 93 Polish participants were randomly assigned to a simulated vignette of the good Samaritan parable where either the prevention or promotion regulatory focus was manipulated. (...)
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  46. [Book review] passions and constraint, on the theory of liberal democracy. [REVIEW]Stephen Holmes - 1996 - Social Theory and Practice 22 (2).
    In this collection of essays on the core values of liberalism, Stephen Holmes—noted for his scathing reviews of books by liberalism's opponents—challenges commonly held assumptions about liberal theory. By placing it into its original historical context, _Passions and Constraints_ presents an interconnected argument meant to fundamentally change the way we conceive of liberalism. According to Holmes, three elements of classical liberal theory are commonly used to attack contemporary liberalism as antagonistic to genuine democracy and the welfare state: constitutional (...)
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  47.  14
    Government and Markets: Toward a New Theory of Regulation.Edward J. Balleisen & David A. Moss (eds.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    After two generations of emphasis on governmental inefficiency and the need for deregulation, we now see growing interest in the possibility of constructive governance, alongside public calls for new, smarter regulation. Yet there is a real danger that regulatory reforms will be rooted in outdated ideas. As the financial crisis has shown, neither traditional market failure models nor public choice theory, by themselves, sufficiently inform or explain our current regulatory challenges. Regulatory studies, long neglected in an (...)
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    Local or localized? Exploring the contributions of Franco-Mediterranean agrifood theory to alternative food research.Sarah Bowen & Tad Mutersbaugh - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (2):201-213.
    Notions such as terroir and “Slow Food,” which originated in Mediterranean Europe, have emerged as buzzwords around the globe, becoming commonplace across Europe and economically important in the United States and Canada, Latin America, Africa, and Asia. Given the increased global prominence of terroir and regulatory frameworks like geographical indications, we argue that the associated conceptual tools have become more relevant to scholars working within the “alternative food networks” framework in the United States and United Kingdom. Specifically, the Local (...)
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    Technology, institutions and regulation: towards a normative theory.Marcus Smith & Seumas Miller - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Technology regulation is one of the most important public policy issues facing society and governments at the present time, and further clarity could improve decision making in this complex and challenging area. Since the rise of the internet in the late 1990s, a number of approaches to technology regulation have been proposed, prompted by the associated changes in society, business and law that this development brought with it. However, over the past decade, the impact of technology has been profound and (...)
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    Death from Failed Protection? An Evolutionary-Developmental Theory of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.Herbert Renz-Polster, Peter S. Blair, Helen L. Ball, Oskar G. Jenni & Freia De Bock - 2024 - Human Nature 35 (2):153-196.
    Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been mainly described from a risk perspective, with a focus on endogenous, exogenous, and temporal risk factors that can interact to facilitate lethal outcomes. Here we discuss the limitations that this risk-based paradigm may have, using two of the major risk factors for SIDS, prone sleep position and bed-sharing, as examples. Based on a multipronged theoretical model encompassing evolutionary theory, developmental biology, and cultural mismatch theory, we conceptualize the vulnerability to SIDS (...)
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