Results for 'psychiatrie, épistémologie sociale, priorités, ignorance épistémique, patients, science bien ordonnée'

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  1.  17
    L’établissement des priorités en matière de santé mentale : un essai d’épistémologie sociale comparée.Luc Faucher - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):101-133.
    Luc Faucher Dans cet article, je soulèverai un problème qui a été négligé jusqu’ici dans les écrits portant sur la philosophie de la psychiatrie au sujet du Research Domain Criteria : le fait que l’initiative découle des priorités de recherche du National Institute of Mental Health et que l’orientation de celles-ci ne permet pas de traiter certains aspects des conditions des patients qui sont jugés essentiels par ceux-ci. Après avoir démontré l’existence de ce problème, je vais tenter de voir par (...)
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  2. Constructionism in Psychiatry. From Social Causes to Psychiatric Explanation.Raphael van Riel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 7:1-25.
    It is common to note that social environment and cultural formation shape mental disorders. The details of this claim are, however, not well understood. The paper takes a look at the claim that culture has an impact on psychiatry from the perspective of metaphysics and the philosophy of science. Its aim is to offer, in a general fashion, partial explications of some significant versions of the thesis that culture and social environment shape mental disorders and to highlight some of (...)
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  3.  43
    Psychiatry and Postmodern Theory.Bradley Lewis - 2000 - Journal of Medical Humanities 21 (2):71-84.
    Psychiatry, as a subspecialty of medicine, is a quintessentially modernist project. Yet across the main campus, throughout the humanities and social sciences, there is increasing postmodern consensus that modernism is a deeply flawed project. Psychiatry, the closest of the medical specialties to the humanities and social sciences, will be the first to encounter postmodern theory. From my reading, psychiatry, though likely defensive at first, will eventually emerge from a postmodern critique, not only intact, but rejuvenated. Postmodern theory, at its best, (...)
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    Les structures bourbakistes: objets ou concepts épistémiques?Paola Cantù & Frédéric Patras - 2023 - Philosophia Scientiae 2:233-259.
    Deux courants de pensée jouent un rôle important dans la philosophie des mathématiques contemporaine. Le structuralisme, s’il n’est pas une idée nouvelle, continue de se déployer en des directions multiples – de la pratique mathématique jusqu’à ses dimensions ontologiques –, et de faire l’objet d’études, par exemple en direction des modalités de sa genèse. L’épistémologie historique, dont la conception classique a été largement enrichie récemment, est également au cœur de débats qui renouvellent la philosophie des sciences bien au-delà (...)
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    Les savoirs de sciences humaines et sociales en débat: controverses et polémiques.Sophie Richardot & Sabine Rozier (eds.) - 2018 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
    Comment expliquer que les savoirs de sciences humaines et sociales soient à ce point contestés voire ignorés dans les lieux où ils pourraient pourtant éclairer la réflexion et l'action? Comment expliquer la défiance et l'incompréhension qu'ils suscitent parfois? Les savoirs de sciences humaines et sociales ont la particularité de circuler dans des espaces variés et de devoir composer avec une critique prompte à remettre en cause leur validité et leur légitimité. Leur acceptabilité sociale ne se joue pas dans la seule (...)
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    Empirical ethics in psychiatry.Guy Widdershoven (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Psychiatry presents a unique array of difficult ethical questions. However, a major challenge is to approach psychiatry in a way that does justice to the real ethical issues. Recently there has been a growing body of research in empirical psychiatric ethics, and an increased interest in how empirical and philosophical methods can be combined. Empirical Ethics in Psychiatry demonstrates how ethics can engage more closely with the reality of psychiatric practice and shows how empirical methodologies from the social sciences can (...)
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    Quand le social vient au sens: philosophie des sciences historiques et sociales.Johann Michel - 2015 - Bruxelles: P.I.E. Peter Lang.
    L'ouvrage offre toute une palette de réflexions qui concernent aussi bien l'épistémologie de l'histoire que la sociologie des institutions et l'anthropologie sociale du soi.
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    Psychiatry as Normative Practice.Gerrit Glas - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (1):33-48.
    One of paradoxes of current mental health care is that we never have known more about mental disorder and at the same time been more uncertain about the conceptual basis—and, therefore, the legitimacy—of psychiatry.This is remarkable. Psychiatry as a science flourishes. Over the last three decades, there has been an enormous increase in empirical research on the genetic, neurobiological, psychological, and social determinants of mental disorder. At the same time, mental health care has improved a lot, at least in (...)
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  9.  47
    Modèles et simulations à base d’agents dans les sciences économiques et sociales : de l’exploration conceptuelle à une variété de manières d’expérimenter.Denis Phan & Franck Varenne - 2017 - In Gilles Campagnolo & Jean-Sébastien Gharbi, Philosophie économique: un état des lieux. Paris: Éditions matériologiques. pp. 347-382. Translated by Gilles Campagnolo.
    Les modèles basés sur des agents en interactions, constituent des systèmes sociaux complexes, qui peuvent être simulés par informatiques. Ils se répandent dans les sciences économiques et sociales - comme dans la plupart des sciences des systèmes complexes. Des énigmes épistémologiques (ré)apparaissent. On a souvent opposé modèles et investigations empiriques : d’un côté, on considère les sciences empiriques fondées sur une observation méthodique (enquêtes, expériences) tandis que de l’autre, on conçoit les approches théoriques et la modélisation comme s’appuyant sur une (...)
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  10. Social Science Objectivity and Value Neutrality: Historical Problems and Projections.Irving Louis Horowitz - 1962 - Diogenes 10 (39):17-44.
    For the most part, American sociology has accepted the appealing formula of neutrality with regard to political and ideological values, a formula especially put forward by the functionalist school. It has the golden merit of posing issues in a seemingly natural science manner. The sociologist can adopt the physicist's pose toward his work. We provide society with carefully sifted information, comparative analysis of social structures, and at the upper range, the likely consequences of performing or not performing an action (...)
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    (1 other version)Psychiatry, language and freedom.Ronald Leifer - 1982 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 3 (3):397-416.
    For political reasons, the social control functions of psychiatry are not openly recognized as such but are disguised as benevolent medical treatment. The roots of this disguise may be traced to the political revolutions in which the rule of man was replaced by the rule of law. This transformation generated a conflict between the desire for freedom under law and the desire for a greater degree of social control than is provided by law. Involuntary mental hospitalization is the neurotic resolution (...)
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    Epistemic oppression and the concept of coercion in psychiatry.Mirjam Faissner, Esther Braun & Christin Hempeler - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-20.
    Coercion is still highly prevalent in contemporary psychiatry. Qualitative research indicates, however, that patients and psychiatric staff have different understandings of what they mean by ‘coercion’. Psychiatric staff primarily employ the concept as referring to instances of formal coercion regulated by law, such as involuntary hospital admission or treatment. Patients, on the other hand, use a broader concept, which also understands many instances of informal psychological pressure as coercive. We point out that the predominance of a narrow concept of coercion (...)
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  13.  32
    Le corps comme Autre : violence épistémique auto-infligée dans l’expérience de l’anorexie mentale.Cécile Gagnon - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):209-226.
    Dans ce texte, je suggère que les personnes souffrant d’anorexie mentale s’infligent une forme particulière de violence épistémique lorsqu’elles ignorent volontairement les symptômes de leur maladie. Pour ce faire, dans une démarche inspirée par celle de Havi Carel, je présente d’abord le rapport particulier qu’entretiennent les personnes souffrant d’anorexie avec leur corps, et ce, à l’aide de trois axes d’analyse empruntés à Susan Bordo, soit le dualisme Corps/Esprit, les idéaux de contrôle et d’autonomie, et les rapports de genre. Je propose (...)
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    The Contingent Object of Psychiatry.David McCallum - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):69-71.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Contingent Object of PsychiatryDavid McCallum (bio)Keywordsmental illness, dangerousness, law, genealogyWilson and Adhead’s plea that the British Government’s proposed new mental health legislation might entail a misappropriation of psychiatry’s true mission will strike a chord in numerous jurisdictions. Many European countries during the last northern summer will adopt mental health legislation that moves in the opposite direction to the United Nations Convention on Human Rights for persons with disabilities, (...)
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    Re-Visioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience, and Global Mental Health, written by Laurence J. Kirmayer, Robert Lemelson, Constance A. Cummings.Mads Gram Henriksen - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):149-154.
    The task of being oneself lies at the heart of human existence and entails the possibility of not being oneself. In the case of schizophrenia, this possibility may come to the fore in a disturbing way. Patients often report that they feel alienated from themselves. Therefore, it is perhaps unsurprising that schizophrenia sometimes has been described with the heideggerian notion of inauthenticity. The aim of this paper is to explore if this description is adequate. We discuss two phenomenological accounts of (...)
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    Computers in Psychiatry.Peter Lauritsen Lauritsen & Peter Elsass - 2001 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 3 (2):25-33.
    Within psychiatric research, the field of 'technotherapy' has been centred primarily on attempts to assess the computer as a treatment tool. The situation of daily clinical usage is, however, often ignored within such research, as for instance in controlled clinical trials. Our empirical study illustrates how health professionals and clients use different concepts of science and health in the attempts of formulating standards for using computers in psychiatric practice. The psychiatrists at a major psychiatric hospital decided and justified clients' (...)
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  17. Nurse-patient relationship boundaries and power: A critical discursive analysis.Jeanette Varpen Unhjem & Marit Helene Hem - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Introduction: Mental health nursing is dependent on nurses’ ability to engage in therapeutic relationships with patients. The ability to manage professional boundaries is equally important, but less explored. This study aims to address the following research questions: How do nurses define their professional, personal, and private roles? What are nurses’ experiences with professional boundaries? What are the implications of nurses’ understanding of these boundaries? Background: Nurse–patient relationships are characterized by asymmetrical power dynamics, which places the responsibility of delineating professional boundaries (...)
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    Positive emotions, spirituality and the practice of psychiatry.George E. Vaillant - 2008 - Mens Sana Monographs 6 (1):48.
    This paper proposes that eight positive emotions: awe, love , trust , compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, joy and hope constitute what we mean by spirituality. These emotions have been grossly ignored by psychiatry. The two sciences that I shall employ to demonstrate this definition of spirituality will be ethology and neuroscience. They are both very new. I will argue that spirituality is not about ideas, sacred texts and theology; rather, spirituality is all about emotion and social connection. Specific religions, for all (...)
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  19.  27
    Wikipédia au prisme de l’épistémologie sociale et des études des sciences.Pierre Willaime & Alexandre Hocquet - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 141 (2):68-86.
    Une grande partie des changements produits par l’informatique et le numérique concerne notre manière d’acquérir des connaissances. Wikipédia est ainsi devenue une source très populaire d’informations. Dans cet article, nous nous proposons d’analyser en quoi les possibilités techniques introduites par l’informatique personnelle et le Web influencent certaines questions de philosophie de la connaissance.
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    Théories et modèles en sciences humaines. Le cas de la géographie.Franck Varenne - 2017 - Paris, France: Editions Matériologiques.
    Face à la diversité et à la complexification des modes de formalisation, une épistémologie des méthodes scientifiques doit confronter directement ses analyses à une pluralité d’études de cas comparatives. C’est l’objectif de cet ouvrage. -/- Aussi, dans une première partie, propose-t-il d’abord une classification large et raisonnée des différentes fonctions de connaissance des théories, des modèles et des simulations (de fait, cette partie constitue un panorama d’épistémologie générale particulièrement poussé). C’est ensuite à la lumière de cette classification que (...)
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  21.  32
    Can The Psychopathologized Speak? Notes on Social Objectivity and Psychiatric Science.Awais Aftab - 2022 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 29 (4):267-270.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Can The Psychopathologized Speak?Notes on Social Objectivity and Psychiatric ScienceAwais Aftab*, MD (bio)In "Exclusion of Psychopathologized Standpoints Due to Hermeneutical Ignorance Undermines Psychiatric Objectivity" (2022), Bennett Knox offers a compelling argument that failure of psychiatric community to engage with the "psychopathologized" in processes such as the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) constitutes a form of epistemic injustice and threatens the social objectivity (...)
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  22.  60
    Participatory Interactive Objectivity in Psychiatry.Şerife Tekin - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (5):1166-1175.
    This paper challenges the exclusion of patients from epistemic practices in psychiatry by examining the creation and revision processes of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), a document produced by the American Psychiatric Association that identifies the properties of mental disorders and thereby guides research, diagnosis, treatment, and various administrative tasks. It argues there are epistemic—rather than exclusively social/political—reasons for including patients in the DSM revision process. Individuals with mental disorders are indispensable resources to enhance psychiatric epistemology, (...)
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  23.  12
    Phenomenology and the social sciences: a dialogue.Joseph Bien (ed.) - 1978 - Boston: M. Nijhoff.
    Zaner, R. M. Eidos and science.--Tiryakian, E. A. Durkheim and Husserl.--Ricoeur, P. Can there be a scientific concept of ideology?--Natanson, M. The problem of anonymity in the thought of Alfred Schutz. -- Dallmayr, F. R. Genesis and validation of social knowledge.
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    “To go mad”. The Generation of Feminist Criticism of Psychiatry: The Example of the Magazine Courage, 1978–1980.Susanne Doetz - 2024 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 32 (4):415-444.
    Using the example of the feminist magazine Courage, the article shows how its participatory production process enabled a psy-feminist knowledge generation that also included women with psychiatric experience. The magazine makers combined the women’s observations, perceptions and interpretations with visual representations and a canon of literature that extended far beyond the field of psychiatry (criticism). Instead of medical psychopathologies, the women of Courage implemented writing styles and visual languages, which emphasised the experience of mental suffering and alterity and related it (...)
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  25. Essai introductif : la crédibilité de l’expertise en contexte de risque.Alexandre Guay - 2018 - In Risque et expertise. Besançon, France: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. pp. 15-25.
    Dans cet essai, je compte me concentrer sur certains aspects épistémologiques de l’expertise car le risque engendre de nouveaux et difficiles défis dans ce domaine. Ma question sera d’identifier et de circonscrire des facteurs qui diminuent la confiance qu’un agent cognitif pourrait avoir envers un expert et ce, en contexte de risque. Ceci n’exclut bien sûr pas que d’autres aspects (par exemple sociaux et politiques) soient importants et je renvoie le lecteur à la vaste littérature sur le sujet. De (...)
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    Exclusion of the Psychopathologized and Hermeneutical Ignorance Threaten Objectivity.Bennett Knox - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):253-266.
    Abstract:This article brings together considerations from philosophical work on standpoint epistemology, feminist philosophy of science, and epistemic injustice to examine a particular problem facing contemporary psychiatry: the conflict between the conceptual resources of psychiatric medicine and alternative conceptualizations like those of the neurodiversity movement and psychiatric abolitionism. I argue that resistance to fully considering such alternative conceptualizations in processes such as the revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders emerges in part from a particular form of (...)
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  27.  23
    L’épistémologie sociale de Peirce.Jean-Marie Chevalier & Charles Sanders Peirce - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 142 (3):107-120.
    Le philosophe Charles Peirce a accordé un rôle prépondérant à la communauté des enquêteurs, à la fois comme groupe de chercheurs et comme idéal conduisant vers la vérité. Si Peirce parlait pour sa part de « théorie sociale de la réalité », les trois textes qui suivent – inédits en français, et en anglais pour le dernier – justifient d’y voir une véritable épistémologie sociale. Ils montrent dans quelle mesure la connaissance scientifique, et même commune, trouve son fondement dans (...)
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  28.  14
    Repenser la condition humaine: hommages à Gustave Guillaume, 1883-1960 et Jean Piaget, 1896-1980.Gustave Guillaume, Jean Piaget & André Jacob (eds.) - 2012 - Paris: Riveneuve éditions.
    La réflexion philosophique, dont l'ouverture à l'univers dans lequel nous nous découvrons - avec une acuité proportionnelle à un étonnement renouvelé - n'a pas de limites, n'en est que plus tributaire des sciences et des techniques, des arts et de multiples activités qui régissent plus ou moins fructueusement notre expérience. Or, au sein des sciences humaines, privilégiées pour éclairer une condition que nous ne saurions cesser d'interpréter, peu d'oeuvres du dernier siècle auront enrichi en le précisant notre être-au-monde, comme la (...)
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    Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and Praxis.Katherine Arens - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):147-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Wilhelm Griesinger: Psychiatry between Philosophy and PraxisKatherine Arens (bio)AbstractThis essay discusses Wilhelm Griesinger’s seminal work on mental illness, Mental Pathology and Therapeutics (1867, trans. 1882), in the context of transcendental idealism, as an outgrowth of the work of Kant, Herbart, and Hegel. Griesinger drew on an adaptation of Hegel’s dialectical model of history and science to offer both a new way to interpret mental illness as a product (...)
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    Introduction.Pierre Willaime & Olivier Ouzilou - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:5-15.
    1 Analyse sociale de la connaissance et études de cas L’épistémologie sociale est un domaine de recherche en construction. L’usage généralisé de cette expression trouve son origine dans la philosophie analytique contemporaine, bien que des auteurs en sociologie des sciences puissent également l’utiliser. L’épistémologie sociale répond à une exigence d’utilité publique, à un souci d’application de la philosophie de la connaissance à des problèmes de société. Mais son développement répond égale...
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  31. Diagnosis and Causal Explanation in Psychiatry.Hane Htut Maung - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 60 (C):15-24.
    In clinical medicine, a diagnosis can offer an explanation of a patient's symptoms by specifying the pathology that is causing them. Diagnoses in psychiatry are also sometimes presented in clinical texts as if they pick out pathological processes that cause sets of symptoms. However, current evidence suggests the possibility that many diagnostic categories in psychiatry are highly causally heterogeneous. For example, major depressive disorder may not be associated with a single type of underlying pathological process, but with a range of (...)
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    Doubt or punish: on algorithmic pre-emption in acute psychiatry.Chiara Carboni, Rik Wehrens, Romke van der Veen & Antoinette de Bont - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Machine learning algorithms have begun to enter clinical settings traditionally resistant to digitalisation, such as psychiatry. This raises questions around how algorithms will be incorporated in professionals’ practices, and with what implications for care provision. This paper addresses such questions by examining the pilot of an algorithm for the prediction of inpatient violence in two acute psychiatric clinics in the Netherlands. Violence is a prominent risk in acute psychiatry, and professional sensemaking, corrective measures (such as patient isolation and sedation), and (...)
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    “That proves you mad, because you know it not”: impaired insight and the dilemma of governing psychiatric patients as legal subjects.Neil Gong - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (3):201-228.
    This article investigates “impaired insight,” a controversial psychiatric category describing a mad person unable to know his or her madness. Like “moral insanity” and other concepts before it, impaired insight offers a way to link the disparate logics of human responsibility in psychiatry and the law. I attribute its development to changes wrought by deinstitutionalization, the rise of antipsychotic medication, and patient incarceration in penal settings. In a system that aims to govern psychiatric patients through their freedom, the logic of (...)
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  34. Public Health and Safety: The Social Determinants of Health and Criminal Behavior.Gregg D. Caruso - 2017 - London, UK: ResearchLinks Books.
    There are a number of important links and similarities between public health and safety. In this extended essay, Gregg D. Caruso defends and expands his public health-quarantine model, which is a non-retributive alternative for addressing criminal behavior that draws on the public health framework and prioritizes prevention and social justice. In developing his account, he explores the relationship between public health and safety, focusing on how social inequalities and systemic injustices affect health outcomes and crime rates, how poverty affects brain (...)
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    Memory and the Instituting Social Imaginary.Nancy Nyquist Potter - 2022 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 29 (4):241-242.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Memory and the Instituting Social ImaginaryNancy Nyquist Potter*, PhD (bio)Emily Walsh's Article on the way that colonialism is perpetuated in psychiatry through dominant collective memory is simultaneously exciting and challenging, and merits active engagement toward making changes (Walsh, 2022). This presents a challenge to clinicians to address entrenched, often subconscious, ways of being with and helping racialized people with historical memories and current experiences.Such changes are necessary in that (...)
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  36. Misprision of Identity.Harold Merskey - 2004 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 11 (4):351-355.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Misprision of IdentityHarold Merskey (bio)Misprision the deliberate concealment of one's knowledge of a crime...A misreading, misunderstanding, etc.A failure to appreciate the value of a thing...(Concise Oxford Dictionary)There are options in the forms of identity that Charland's subjects assume. There are options as well in the meaning of this title, which may apply severally or individually to the choices under consideration. Are those who change their identity with labels—or reject (...)
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    Tumult in Therapyland.Reuben Bitensky - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (94):110-120.
    There is no profession where social change receives more approbation and less application than psychiatry. It is considered salubrious for patients and clinicians alike. This zeal for the innovative has produced an amazing proliferation of therapies. Beyond this psychiatry even preempts a trailblazing role among the behavioral sciences for its evolutionary approach. Freud's social side has been resurrected and now it is acknowledged that the founding father devoted considerable attention to the social aspects of psychoanalysis. That this tendency is alive (...)
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    Alien Landscapes?: Interpreting Disordered Minds.Jonathan Glover - 2014 - Harvard University Press.
    We have made huge progress in understanding the biology of mental illnesses, but comparatively little in interpreting them at the psychological level. The eminent philosopher Jonathan Glover believes that there is real hope of progress in the human interpretation of disordered minds. -/- The challenge is that the inner worlds of people with psychiatric disorders can seem strange, like alien landscapes, and this strangeness can deter attempts at understanding. Do people with disorders share enough psychology with other people to make (...)
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    Talking back to psychiatry: the psychiatric consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement.Linda Joy Morrison - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    Linda Morrison brings the voices and issues of a little-known, complex social movement to the attention of sociologists, mental health professionals, and the general public. The members of this social movement work to gain voice for their own experience, to raise consciousness of injustice and inequality, to expose the darker side of psychiatry, and to promote alternatives for people in emotional distress. Talking Back to Psychiatry explores the movement's history, its complex membership, its strategies and goals, and the varied response (...)
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    Les deux sources de l’épistémologie sociale.Jean-Marie Chevalier - 2015 - Cahiers Philosophiques 142 (3):73-91.
    Deux grandes manières de faire de l’épistémologie sociale se sont développées depuis une trentaine d’années. L’une relève de la philosophie analytique, l’autre hérite de la sociologie des sciences. Tandis que le relativisme menace celle-ci, la première souffre d’un parti pris fondamentalement individualiste. Ces limites ont servi de base à une critique réciproque qui a viré à la concurrence, voire à l’hostilité. Le présent article suggère qu’en appliquant leurs propres méthodes d’analyse à l’opposition même des épistémologies sociales, leurs représentants auraient (...)
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  41. L’épistémologie des croyances religieuses au prisme des sciences sociales.Yann Schmitt - 2015 - Archives de Sciences Sociales des Religions 169:157-177.
    L’épistémologie des croyances religieuses qui pose la question de la rationalité des croyances peut être mise en question en introduisant des éléments de sciences sociales des religions et vice-versa. Un modèle épistémologique souligne que les croyances peuvent être garanties sans examen réflexif de la part du croyant. Mais dans un contexte pluraliste où la croyance particulière est mise en débat, l’exigence critique d’examen est une condition nécessaire de rationalité. En cela, l’épistémologie retrouve certains aspects de la sociologie de (...)
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  42. Neuroimaging in psychiatry: Evaluating the ethical consequences for patient care.Alison C. Boyce - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (6):349-359.
    According to many researchers, it is inevitable and obvious that psychiatric illnesses are biological in nature, and that this is the rationale behind the numerous neuroimaging studies of individuals diagnosed with mental disorders. Scholars looking at the history of psychiatry have pointed out that in the past, the origins and motivations behind the search for biological causes, correlates, and cures for mental disorders are thoroughly social and historically rooted, particularly when the diagnostic category in question is the subject of controversy (...)
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    Drug Labels and Reproductive Health: How Values and Gender Norms Shape Regulatory Science at the FDA.Christopher ChoGlueck - 2019 - Dissertation, Indiana University
    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is fraught with controversies over the role of values and politics in regulatory science, especially with drugs in the realm of reproductive health. Philosophers and science studies scholars have investigated the ways in which social context shapes medical knowledge through value judgments, and feminist scholars and activists have criticized sexism and injustice in reproductive medicine. Nonetheless, there has been no systematic study of values and gender norms in FDA drug regulation. I (...)
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  44. Fritz Machlup's "Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences". [REVIEW]Joseph Bien - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (1):135.
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    (1 other version)Marc Fleurbaey, Capitalisme ou démocratie ? L'alternative du xxie siècle, Paris, Grasset, 2006, 214 pages, 13,50 €.Caroline Guibet Lafaye, Justice sociale et éthique individuelle, Laval, Presses de l'Université, 2006, 441 pages, 32 €. [REVIEW]Vincent Bourdeau - 2009 - Astérion 6 (6).
    S’il est un champ de la philosophie qui a connu un essor considérable dans les pays anglo-saxons et qui demeure encore trop peu exploré en France, c’est bien celui de la philosophie économique. Ce terme ne désigne pas une « épistémologie » de la science économique, même si certains spécialistes de « philosophie économique » peuvent travailler aussi ce domaine, mais plutôt une approche philosophique des problèmes économiques et sociaux, en dialogue avec les débats des économistes, en (...)
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    Enactive psychiatry and social integration: beyond dyadic interactions.Mads J. Dengsø - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-25.
    Enactive approaches to psychiatry have recently argued for an understanding of psychiatric conditions based within relational interactions between individuals and their environments. A central motivation for these enactive approaches is the goal of social integration: the integration of a naturalistic approach to psychiatric conditions with their broader sociocultural dimensions. One possible issue, however, is whether appeals to the autonomy and authenticity of relationally constituted enactive individuals can provide a means of adjudicating between harmful and beneficial social constraints upon individual behaviour. (...)
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  47. Taking the long view: an emerging framework for translational psychiatric science.Bill Fulford, Lisa Bortolotti & Matthew Broome - 2014 - World Psychiatry 13 (2):110-117.
    Understood in their historical context, current debates about psychiatric classification, prompted by the publication of the DSM-5, open up new opportunities for improved translational research in psychiatry. In this paper, we draw lessons for translational research from three time slices of 20th century psychiatry. From the first time slice, 1913 and the publication of Jaspers’ General Psychopathology, the lesson is that translational research in psychiatry requires a pluralistic approach encompassing equally the sciences of mind (including the social sciences) and of (...)
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  48. Interview With Dr. Alfred Schutz November 20, 1958 New York City.Bettina Bien Greaves - 2011 - Schutzian Research 3:25-32.
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    User participation in district psychiatry. The social construction of ‘users’ in handovers and meetings.Vår Mathisen, Aud Obstfelder, Geir F. Lorem & Per Måseide - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (2):169-177.
    An ideal in mental health care is user participation. This implies inclusion and facilitation by clinicians to enable users to participate in decisions about themselves and in the design of suitable treatment. However, much of the work of clinicians consists of handovers and other meetings where patients are not present. It is therefore interesting to study how the patient perspective is handled in such meetings and whether it forms a basis for user participation. We conducted fieldwork in three different inpatient (...)
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    Herbert Marcuse. [REVIEW]Joseph Bien - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (2):427-428.
    Another book on Marcuse... is it really necessary? Few things in life are necessary, but this particular work is certainly very helpful. It is written by one of France's more important, younger, social philosophers who is more than sufficiently acquainted with the cultural, literary, and historical background to produce a high quality, scholarly work of this sort. For some years Raulet has been a codirector of the annual Praxis gathering in Dubrovnik and the director of the Weimar Cultural Study Group (...)
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