Results for 'przeżycie etyczne'

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  1. Przeżycie etyczne w badaniach Edyty Stein.Piotr Janik - 2017 - Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 22 (2):179-199.
    The expression “moral experience”, along with the concomitant notion of experience itself, seems to have been understood in divergent ways. Taking as a background three views currently operative in our culture - emotivism, the ethics of duty, and the notion of an ethics “beyond good and evil” - a conception of ethical experience will be presented based on the findings of Edith Stein as elaborated in her work "Philosophy of Psychology and the Humanities".
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    Etyczne aspekty relacji lekarz-przedstawiciel medyczny.Wojciech Słomski - 2008 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 14:277-292.
    Zadaniem przedstawiciela handlowego firmy farmaceutycznej jest promocja produktów tej firmy w bezpośrednich kontaktach z lekarzami. Przedstawiciel medyczny pełni funkcję zbliżoną do funkcji przedstawiciela handlowego: reprezentuje firmę farmaceutyczną, jednak reprezentuje w sposób szczególny, bo w bezpośrednich kontaktach z lekarzami. Jego zadaniem jest polecanie" lekarzowi produktów danej firmy. Owo „polecanie" w praktyce nie sprowadza się do udzielenia prostych informacji na temat skuteczności leku, jego skutków ubocznych, zalet i wad w porównaniu z innymi lekami itd., gdyż taką wiedzę lekarz czerpie z fachowych pism. (...)
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    Etyczne aspekty koncepcji odosobnienia Mistrza Eckharta.Adriana Mickiewicz - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (3):27-47.
    Artykuł omawia kategorię odosobnienia (Gelassenheit, Abgeschiedenheit) Mistrza Eckharta jako propozycję etyczną. W pierwszej części artykułu autorka omawia kwestie metodologiczne oraz translatorskie. Następnie przedstawiony zostaje kontekst teologii apofatycznej, w którym Eckhart wprowadza pojęcie odosobnienia. Trzecia i czwarta część została poświęcona ideałowi ubóstwa oraz teorii cnoty. Autorka pokazuje w jaki sposób pojęcie odosobnienia może być odczytywane jako przede wszystkim postulat z zakresu filozofii moralnej.
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  4. Dylematy etyczne specjalistów Public Relations w procesie zarządzania kryzysem.Anna Adamus-Matuszyńska - 2008 - Prakseologia 148 (148):81-106.
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  5. Wartości etyczne i estetyczne w myśli Kierkegaarda.Malina Barcikowska - 2009 - Ruch Filozoficzny 66 (2).
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  6. Etyczne aspekty edukacji obronnej.Tadeusz Berliński - 2005 - Prakseologia 145 (145):183-192.
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    Etyczne zagadnienia transplantacji.Dieter Biernbacher - 1997 - Etyka 30:137-148.
    The author discusses some ethical problems connected with taking human organs for transplantation from living and dead people. First of all, he asks whether being an organ giver should be taken as our moral duty. It seems to be the duty of heart in Kantian terms. Various possibilities in the legal regulation of taking organs are considered here as well as the criteria and forms of their distribution. None of them, however, can be satisfying because of the inescapable conflict between (...)
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    Poglądy etyczne Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego: studium historyczno-analityczne.Jan F. Choroszy - 1997 - Wrocław: Wdawn. Uniwersytetu Wrocawskiego.
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    Rękopisy etyczne (do druku przygotowali Ulrich Schrade i Bogusław Wolniewicz).Henryk Elzenberg - 1988 - Etyka 24:249-264.
    Henryk Elzenberg is one of the most prominent Polish philosophers of this century. His main publications are: the brilliant Foundations of Leibniz’s Metaphysics of 1917; a philosophical diary published in 1963 as Trouble with Being; and a collection of papers Man and Value. Elzenberg’s principal field of inquiry was axiology, in which he put forward a deep and original conception of his own. That, however, remains still mostly in the form of manuscripts and lecture notes, of which we publish two (...)
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  10. Przezycie, Dziel, Warto s C.Roman Ingarden - 1966 - Wydawn. Literackie.
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  11. Problemy etyczne jako wieloaspektowe problemy projektowe.Jacek J. Jaśtal - 2007 - Diametros 13:91-101.
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    Etyczne aspekty kredytu.Anna Lewicka-Strzałecka - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (1):215-223.
    A financial crisis of 2008 showed a global meaning of ethical dimension of the credit institution because lack of financial subjects’ responsibility is regarded as one of the causes of the world breakdown. The author attempts to reconstruct the role of credit in the society and economy, especially an evolution of its ethical aspects is analysed. It is aimed to catch and understand the phenomenon of responsibility for the effects of this institution activity which proved dramatic more and more often (...)
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    Poglądy etyczne Mariana Morawskiego SJ.Tadeusz Ślipko - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1):127-138.
    Father Marian Morawski was born on the fifteenth of August 1845 in Gräfenberg. He joined the order of the Jesuits in 1863 in Stara Wieś. He began his philosophical studies there in 1866, which he finished in Cracow in 1868. Next he studied theology there during the years 1868-1872. In 1870 he was ordained in Śrem. So educated, he lectured philosophy to young Jesuits at Stara Wieś College. It was at that time, that he prepared and published the work by (...)
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  14. Konflikty etyczne u kresu życia w relacji lekarz-pacjent. Refleksja w kontekście projektu powołania szpitalnych komisji etycznych.M. S. F. Machinek - 2009 - Diametros 22:64-75.
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  15. Etyczne i informacyjne przesłanki trwałego rozwoju,[w:] Unia Europejska, Geneza–rozwój–perspektywy, red. Dołęga JM.L. Michnowski - 2002 - Episteme 25.
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  16. Etyczne fundamenty konsultingu.Małgorzata Mrówka - 2009 - Prakseologia 149 (149):133-150.
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    Etyczne problemy ochrony danych osobowych pracownika w stosunkach pracy.Arleta Nerka - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (1):107-121.
    This study concerns the ethical problems of personal data protection at work. The aim of this project is the analysis of the law structures, which determine the range of protection personal data of the employee and the candidate to work and the rights of data collecting and processing by the employer. The employee privacy protection at work is the principle of labour law expressed in Article 11 of the Labour Code. However personal data protection problem is directly regulated by Article (...)
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  18. Przeżycie a wiedza obiektywna (Realny charakter wiedzy na gruncie ewolucyjnej teorii poznania).Aldona Pobojewska - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 283 (6).
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    Stanowisko etyczne Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego (Tadeusz Kotarbiński, Studia z zakresu filozofii, etyk i nauk społecznych).Tadeusz Pszczołowski - 1971 - Etyka 9:227-231.
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    Etyczne i historyczne uzasadnienie socjalizmu.Roman Rudziński - 1970 - Etyka 7:77-99.
    The author analyses the problematic of historical necessity and ethical regularity of socialism, taking the marxist philosophy as a point of departure. He criticizes opinions represented in philosophical and ideological discussions of this problem in the period of the Second International and argues that the above problematic, which results from a confrontation of marxism with a new historical situation and with the current of the neo-Kantian philosophy, was an axis which has brought into focus the theoretical decisions both of revisionists (...)
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    Dylematy etyczne w świecie biznesu.Wojciech Słomski - 2018 - Warszawa: Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych i Edukacji Humanum Sp. z o.o..
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  22. Standardy etyczne pracowników przedsiębiorstw polskich i portugalskich - analiza porównawcza.Olgierd Swiatkiewicz - 2007 - Prakseologia 147 (147):209-230.
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    Etyczne aspekty cutanazji.Josef Ziegler - 1976 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 24 (2):109-121.
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  24. Etyczne i estetyczne aspekty czułości Olgi Tokarczuk [Ethical and aesthetic aspects of Olga Tokarczuk’s tenderness].Natalia Anna Michna - 2023 - Edukacja Biologiczna I Środowiskowa 1 (79):28-43.
    In the article, tenderness, a category presented in the Nobel Prize speech by Olga Tokarczuk, is analyzed as a new ethical imperative, developing the feminist relational ethics, i.e. the ethics of care. In the proposed interpretation, tenderness is a broader category than care understood in feminist terms: it is more universal, inclusive, and unifying. Tenderness also applies to – or perhaps most of all – the world beyond-the-human, as it goes beyond the anthropocentric perspective of the ethics of care. The (...)
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    Zagadnienia etyczne w procesach przekształceń własnościowych Województwa Łódzkiego.Danuta Barańska & Marek Jacek Michalak - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (2):121-129.
    The Polish society has perceived privatization as an issue of special importance which enables a free market economy in a short time. Privatization has always raised hopes and expectations. It is the lack of experience in the field of ownership transformations, the level of their complexity and the economic, legal, psychological and other conditionings that have confronted those transformations with many hindrances. They have also raised numerous moral and ethical dilemmas among the staff of privatized companies and founding organs including (...)
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    Etyczne aspekty zapobiegania i udzielania pomocy w samobójstwie.Dieter Biernbacher - 1988 - Etyka 23:63-90.
    Whereas traditional ethical discussions of suicide have primarily dealt with questions relating to the moral rightness or wrongness of suicidal acts, the problem of which moral criteria should govern acts of preventing, admitting and aiding suicide has rarely been discussed systematically. In the present paper it is argued that suicide is morally neutral in all cases in which it does not constitute grave damage, material or psychological, to others, that this does not imply that non-prevention, in the same range of (...)
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  27. Szkice etyczne.Joseph M. Bochenski - 1953 - Londyn,: Veritas.
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    Paradygmaty etyczne (Wasil K. Prodanow, Poznanie i cennosti).Wiktor Ganżyn - 1981 - Etyka 19:220-221.
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    Teksty etyczne w spuściźnie naukowej Kazimierza Twardowskiego.Ryszard Jadczak - 1996 - Etyka 29:237-245.
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  30. Etyczne aspekty konkurencji w świetle religii dalekiego, środkowego i południowego wschodu.Leszek Karczewski - 2000 - Prakseologia 140 (140).
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    Etyczne i polityczno-prawne dylematy samorządu terytorialnego w Polsce.Michał Kasiński - 2009 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 12 (2):141-153.
    The reform of Polish self-government in the 90's has led to the restoration of local democracy. However, the self-governmental institutions soon fell into crisis, having nearly lost the social trust required for the realisation of their mission. The principal cause behind this phenomenon was the atrophy of moral, political and legal responsibility of the local authorities towards the communities that have elected them. There is a twofold source of weaknesses and dangers for Polish self-government: the erroneous way of introducing changes (...)
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    Aspekty etyczne badań naukowych w polskim pielęgniarstwie.Danuta Kunecka - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (3):109-118.
    Recent years in Poland have been characterized by the dynamic development of scientific activity among nurses. It might have been caused by several factors, namely: the rising needs and expectations of representatives of this professional group, the necessity of adjusting to EU standards, changes in the system of education, as well as the individual “research needs” of those representatives. However, is there a correlation between the increase in the quantity of scientific research and its quality? An attempt to answer that (...)
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    Etyczne aspekty obywatelskiego sprzeciwu.Ija Lazari-Pawłowska - 1990 - Etyka 25:139-172.
    The author draws a distinction between active and passive resistance. The latter is defined as a mental protest against some events in public life that is not followed by additional action. The former, or active resistance, is further divided by the author into resistance with the use of violence and resistance which renounced violence. She concentrates on the concept of violence and puts the question if, and in what circumstances, a recourse to violence is justified. She quotes various opinions on (...)
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    Etyczne wyzwania współpracy pomiędzy lekarzami a przemysłem farmaceutycznym.Marta Makowska - 2011 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 14 (2):69-80.
    Over the recent years more and more often we can hear in public debate that pharmaceutical industry is using aggressive marketing to increase the market growth. Their marketing actions are addressed mainly to physicians, because doctors are those who raise gains of pharmaceutical companies in the most considerable extent. The main aim of this paper is to answer the question what kinds of methods pharmaceutical companies are using to influence physicians’ prescribing practice. On examples will be shown how pharmaceutical sales (...)
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  35. Konflikty etyczne u kresu życia w relacji lekarz-pacjent. Refleksja w kontekście projektu powołania szpitalnych komisji etycznych.Marian Machinek Msf - 2009 - Diametros 22:64-75.
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  36. Pisma etyczne.Tadeusz Kotarbi Nski & Pawel Smoczy Nski - 1987 - Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. Edited by Paweł Smoczyński.
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    Dylematy etyczne rozwoju sportu zawodowego.Zbigniew Pawlak & Andrzej Smoleń - 2010 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 13 (2):107-116.
    This paper discusses in detail the ethical issues in the contemporary professional sports and shows how these issues are addressed in the European Union countries and in the United States. From the ethical perspective it was decided that it is disputable to finance companies in competitive sports from a public purse (central and local government purse), to sponsor football clubs by bookmaking companies, to pay compensations (financial equivalents) for the change of membership in clubs by the players (the so called (...)
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    Etyczne problemy działania agentów zawodników w piłce nożnej.Zbigniew Pawlak & Andrzej Smoleń - 2012 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 15:131-142.
    The players’ agent is a middleman who, on the strength of an agent contract and with pay, becomes obliged to act as a go-between in concluding contracts between players and clubs or transfer contracts between clubs. According to data of the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), at the end of March 2011 there were 5794 licensed agents of football players in 219 national federations. According to the FIFA’s regulations, players, as well as clubs, have right to engage licensed agents (...)
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    Etyczne problemy w działalności gospodarczej spółek kapitałowych w sporcie kwalifikowanym.Zbigniew Pawlak & Andrzej Smoleń - 2011 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 14 (2):109-118.
    This paper focuses on some ethical issues of companies operating in the field of competitive sports including in particular: limited liability vis-à-vis creditors of the companies that discontinued their activities, but were not subject to liquidation, nor bankruptcy petition has been filed; hampered recognisability of individual companies due to frequent changing of their names and names of teams participating in the tournaments; legal and financial status, rights and duties of contestants of these companies are underdefined; company identity is violated due (...)
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    Przezycie i Wartosc.Max Rieser & Mieczyslaw Wallis - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (4):548.
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    Etyczne postawy przedsiębiorców regionu tarnobrzeskiego. Studium z socjologii moralności.Robert Rogowski - 2011 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 14 (2):57-68.
    The article presents results of empirical research made amongst entrepreneurs of the Tarnobrzeg region concerning moral dimension of their activities. A few hundred persons were examined (mainly owners of small companies). They were asked about their businesses in moral aspect. Entrepreneurs work hard, have respect to other people and try to be honest. Most important values for them are family, health and love. The work is also very important for entrepreneurs, but they complain about lack of free time.
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    Etyczne aspekty farmakoterapii.Zbigniew Szawarski - 1998 - Etyka 31:147-167.
    Said Paracelsus – “All substances are poisonous; there is none that is not a poison. The right dose distinguishes a poison and a remedy.” Most clinical problems can be boiled down to the following practical syllogism: “If a patient has a condition p, then he should be treated with q, r, or t or whatever combination of them. The patient X has the condition p. Therefore, the patient X should be treated with q, or r, or t, or whatever combination (...)
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    Etyczne problemy samobójstwa (Margaret Pabst Battin, Ethical Issues in Suicide).Krzysztof Tittenbrun - 1986 - Etyka 22:293-297.
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  44. Etyczne aspekty rozwoju kapitalizmu w Polsce.Jadwiga Tomczyk-tołkacz - 1996 - Prakseologia 136 (136).
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    Etyczne determinanty zarządzania ośrodkami szkolenia kierowców w świetle zmian prawnych obowiązujących od 2013 r.Paweł Żuraw - 2014 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 17 (2):85-96.
    From 19th January 2013 there have been changes in the operation of driver training centres due to the legislation regarding vehicle drivers coming into force. Changes related to the conduct of driving schools concern four major areas. The first one is a new form of enrolment on driving courses by candidates for drivers, which is done by using the so-called Profile of Candidate for Driver (PCD) generated by the county authorities. The second aspect is the new formula of the theoretical (...)
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    Etyczne dylematy medycyny w Chinach i Polsce.Danuta Walczak-Duraj & Tian Min Xu (eds.) - 1998 - Łódź: Katedra Socjologii Zawodu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego.
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    Aspekty etyczne badań klinicznych zlecanych przez zachodnie firmy farmaceutyczne w NRD.Anja Werner, Christian König, Jan Jeskow & Florian Steger - 2016 - Etyka 53:85-104.
    Between 1983 and 1990, at least 163 Western drugs were tested in the GDR. On the basis of archival documentation, relevant literature, and interviews we examined the clinical trials of five drugs more thoroughly; two of these individual case studies are introduced in this article. In the case of the clinical trials of the synthetic human growth hormone Saizen we found extensive trial and patient documentation, which allows for a detailed analysis of ethical aspects such as parent information and informed (...)
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  48. Etyczne aspekty transplantacji (Organtransplatation, „Studium Generale”.Zbigniew Zwoliński - 1971 - Etyka 9.
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    Etyczne aspekty transplantacji.Zbigniew Zwoliński - 1971 - Etyka 9:256-258.
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    Problemy etyczne transplantologii. Perspektywa niedoboru narządów do przeszczepu.Piotr Grzegorz Nowak - 2014 - Diametros 42:150-177.
    The article provides a critical overview of the Polish bioethics literature concerning the shortage of organs for transplantation. Problems related to this issue bear, to a considerable degree, on the attempt to answer the question how to increase the number of organs available in ethically acceptable ways. Polish authors have focused, in this respect, on the analysis and assessment of two solutions: an opt out system of acquiring organs and a system that allows the aquisition of organs on a “free (...)
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