Results for 'preservation of content'

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  1.  14
    The Origin of Everything, via Universal Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Systems in Contention for Existence by D. B. Kelley.Mikel Aickin - 2012 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 26 (4).
    The great problem in writing a theory of everything is that it may turn out to be a theory of nothing. Here is how it works. If you develop a theory that only explains some small, simple Thing, then the theory is very strong. It is precise, understandable, and it always works. As you expand the theory to encompass another Thing, it becomes weaker. It may still be precise and understandable, but it is now more complicated, and because it involves (...)
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    Art Selection, or the Preservation of Artworks in the Struggle for Art.Christopher Perricone - 2004 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 38 (2):53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.2 (2004) 53-66 [Access article in PDF] Art Selection, or the Preservation of Artworks in the Struggle for Art Christopher Perricone The argument of George C. Williams's book Adaptation and Natural Selection is against what biologists call the group selectionist view — that individuals will act on behalf of their species, or at least on behalf of the group to which they (...)
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  3. The Miscellaneous Works of Charles Blount, Esq Containing I. The Oracles of Reason, &C. Ii. Anima Mundi, or the Opinions of the Ancients Concerning Man's Soul After This Life, According to Uninlightned Nature. Iii. Great is Diana of the Ephesians, or the Original of Priestcraft and Idolatry, and of the Sacrifices of the Gentiles. Iv. An Appeal From the Country to the City for the Preservation of His Majesties Person, Liberty and Property, and the Protestant Religion. V. A Just Vindication of Learning, and of the Liberty of the Press. Vi. A Supposed Dialogue Betwixt the Late King James and King William on the Banks of the Boyne, the Day Before That Famous Victory. To Which is Prefixed the Life of the Author, and an Account and Vindication of His Death. With the Contents of the Whole Volume.Charles Blount, Gildon & John Milton - 1695 - [S.N.].
  4. Qualitative Analysis of Content by.Yan Zhang & Barbara M. Wildemuth - 2005 - Human Brain Mapping 30 (7):2197-2206.
    The article describes an approach of systematic, rule guided qualitative text analysis, which tries to preserve some methodological strengths of quantitative content analysis and widen them to a concept of qualitative procedure. First the development of content analysis is delineated and the basic principles are explained (units of analysis, step models, working with categories, validity and reliability). Then the central procedures of qualitative content analysis, inductive development of categories and deductive application of categories, are worked out. The (...)
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    Environmental Ethics And Yellowstone: Preservation Of Geological Rarities.Jane Duran - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (4):510-520.
    This article uses a core group of three arguments to support the contention that Yellowstone National Park's thermal sites deserve special efforts to preserve them, and that this goes above and beyond the general spirit motivating the national parks. It considers arguments having to do with educational value and rarity, and an argument that relies on aesthetic constructs. For purposes of evaluating the notion of rarity, comparison is made to work on the rare saline water preserve of Mono Lake. Part (...)
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  6. Memory, anaphora, and content preservation.Krista Lawlor - 2002 - Philosophical Studies 109 (2):97-119.
    Tyler Burge defends the idea that memory preserves beliefswith their justifications, so that memory's role in inferenceadds no new justificatory demands. Against Burge's view,Christensen and Kornblith argue that memory is reconstructiveand so introduces an element of a posteriori justificationinto every inference. I argue that Burge is right,memory does preserve content, but to defend this viewwe need to specify a preservative mechanism. Toward thatend, I develop the idea that there is something worthcalling anaphoric thinking, which preserves content inBurge's sense (...)
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    Testimonial knowledge and content preservation.Joey Pollock - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (10):3073-3097.
    Most work in the epistemology of testimony is built upon a simple model of communication according to which, when the speaker asserts that p, the hearer must recover this very content, p. In this paper, I argue that this ‘Content Preservation Model’ of communication cannot bear the weight placed on it by contemporary work on testimony. It is popularly thought that testimonial exchanges are often successful such that we gain a great deal of knowledge through testimony. In (...)
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  8. Is memory preservation?Mohan Matthen - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 148 (1):3-14.
    Memory seems intuitively to consist in the preservation of some proposition (in the case of semantic memory) or sensory image (in the case of episodic memory). However, this intuition faces fatal difficulties. Semantic memory has to be updated to reflect the passage of time: it is not just preservation. And episodic memory can occur in a format (the observer perspective) in which the remembered image is different from the original sensory image. These difficulties indicate that memory cannot be (...)
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    Cartesian Concept of Love and Egoisme of Contentment - Early Modern Theories of Affect and Ethics of Power (I) -. 김은주 - 2018 - The Catholic Philosophy 30:155-186.
    데카르트가 정의하는 사랑의 정념은 자기 보존과 유용성 중심의이기적인 것으로도 해석될 여지가 있고, 사랑의 대상을 위해 자기희생까지 감수하는 이타적인 것으로 해석될 여지도 있다. 여기서나는 데카르트의 입장을 이기주의에 가까운 것으로 보되, 그가 심신합일의 바탕에 심신이원론을 설정함으로써 이타주의나 공동체주의와 완전히 양립 가능한 독특한 에고이즘을 벼려냄을 보여준다. 이를 위해 나는 첫째, 사랑에 대한 데카르트의 정의가 ‘대상의 좋음’을 사랑의 핵심에 두는 아퀴나스적 관점과 결별하고 있음을 보여준다. 둘째, 사랑의 동기가 대상에서 주체로 옮겨온다고 해서, 데카르트의 사랑 개념이 홉스 류의 생물학적 이기주의를 함축한다고볼 수는 없음을 보여준다. 마지막으로, 사랑이 (...)
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  10. The Content of Deduction.Mark Jago - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (2):317-334.
    For deductive reasoning to be justified, it must be guaranteed to preserve truth from premises to conclusion; and for it to be useful to us, it must be capable of informing us of something. How can we capture this notion of information content, whilst respecting the fact that the content of the premises, if true, already secures the truth of the conclusion? This is the problem I address here. I begin by considering and rejecting several accounts of informational (...)
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    To the issue of the essential content of the digital environment of the provision of medical services.Vladimir Vasil'evich Safonov - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):73-77.
    The purpose of the study is to reveal the essential content of the digital environment for the provision of medical services. The article discusses various scientific approaches to the formation and development of the digital health care environment. Scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the definition of a digital environment for the provision of medical services, which will allow developing a scientific and methodological approach to designing a digital ecosystem for the development of the regional economy based on (...)
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  12. Anti-Individualism, Content Preservation, and Discursive Justification.Sanford C. Goldberg - 2007 - Noûs 41 (2):178-203.
    Most explorations of the epistemic implications of Semantic Anti- Individualism (SAI) focus on issues of self-knowledge (first-person au- thority) and/or external-world skepticism. Less explored has been SAIs implications forthe epistemology of reasoning. In this paperI argue that SAI has some nontrivial implications on this score. I bring these out by reflecting on a problem first raised by Boghossian (1992). Whereas Boghos- sians main interest was in establishing the incompatibility of SAI and the a priority of logical abilities (Boghossian 1992: 22), (...)
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  13. Toward the redevelopment of Kohlberg's theory: Preserving essential structure, removing controversial content.Bill Puka - 1991 - In William M. Kurtines & Jacob L. Gewirtz, Handbook of moral behavior and development. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum. pp. 1--373.
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    Preserving the Natural Order of Learning.W. Scott Clifton - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (1):1-19.
    Because learning is a biological process, pedagogical approaches should conform to the ways the brain learns. One of the findings of brain-based pedagogical research is that context matters to learning. More specifically, the order of learning must be preserved: content should be introduced in a concrete context, followed by attempts to isolate abstract elements found in the case. There are better and worse strategies to preserve this order. In this paper I discuss the research and provide what I have (...)
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    Echoes of the Sacred: Philosophical and Spiritual Dimensions of Preserving and Digitally Transmitting American Musical Heritage.Meng Zhou & Shushan Deng - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):156-173.
    In the contemporary world, the safeguarding and transmission of cultural heritage have garnered increasing attention, emphasizing the need for comprehensive strategies to preserve such legacies. American vocal music, with its rich spiritual and cultural connotations, represents a critical element of this heritage. This paper explores the unique characteristics and historical significance of American singing styles, particularly focusing on how these forms embody broader philosophical and spiritual narratives. Employing digital technologies, this study not only seeks to preserve the authentic essence of (...)
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  16. Meaning-preserving contraposition of conditionals.Gilberto Gomes - 2019 - Journal of Pragmatics 1 (152):46-60.
    It is argued that contraposition is valid for a class of natural language conditionals, if some modifications are allowed to preserve the meaning of the original conditional. In many cases, implicit temporal indices must be considered, making a change in verb tense necessary. A suitable contrapositive for implicative counterfactual conditionals can also usually be found. In some cases, the addition of certain words is necessary to preserve meaning that is present in the original sentence and would be lost or changed (...)
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  17. The hybrid contents of memory.André Sant’Anna - 2020 - Synthese 197 (3):1263-1290.
    This paper proposes a novel account of the contents of memory. By drawing on insights from the philosophy of perception, I propose a hybrid account of the contents of memory designed to preserve important aspects of representationalist and relationalist views. The hybrid view I propose also contributes to two ongoing debates in philosophy of memory. First, I argue that, in opposition to eternalist views, the hybrid view offers a less metaphysically-charged solution to the co-temporality problem. Second, I show how the (...)
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    A content semantics for quantified relevant logics. I.Ross T. Brady - 1988 - Studia Logica 47 (2):111 - 127.
    We present an algebraic-style of semantics, which we call a content semantics, for quantified relevant logics based on the weak system BBQ. We show soundness and completeness for all quantificational logics extending BBQ and also treat reduced modelling for all systems containing BB d Q. The key idea of content semantics is that true entailments AB are represented under interpretation I as content containments, i.e. I(A)I(B) (or, the content of A contains that of B). This is (...)
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  19. Content and cluster analysis: Assessing representational similarity in neural systems.Aarre Laakso & Garrison Cottrell - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):47-76.
    If connectionism is to be an adequate theory of mind, we must have a theory of representation for neural networks that allows for individual differences in weighting and architecture while preserving sameness, or at least similarity, of content. In this paper we propose a procedure for measuring sameness of content of neural representations. We argue that the correct way to compare neural representations is through analysis of the distances between neural activations, and we present a method for doing (...)
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    The Role of Cultural Diplomacy in Preserving Oriental Identity in the Context of Digital Transformation.Tran Thi Hoai Diem, Nguyen Minh Giang & Tran Xuan Hiep - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1732-1741.
    Cultural diplomacy is a special form of cultural application to improve diplomatic effectiveness, create, and promote national culture. Since the Cold War until now, South Korea, Japan, and India have been continuously promoting cultural diplomacy based on the dissemination of increasingly interconnected literary and cinematic publications. Cultural diplomacy with Vietnam has also helped South Korea, Japan, and India maximize their role as responsible powers for a typical Southeast Asian country, Vietnam. Through three typical cases in promoting the role of cultural (...)
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    The Contents of Imagination.Jordi Fernández - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (8):828-842.
    Our imaginings seem to be similar to our perceiving and remembering episodes in that they all represent something. They all seem to have content. But what exactly is the structure and the source of the content of our imaginings? In this paper, I put forward an account of imaginative content. The main tenet of this account is that, when a subject tries to imagine a state of affairs by having some experience, their imagining has a counterfactual (...). What the subject imagines is that perceiving the state of affairs would be, for them, like having that experience. I discuss three alternative views of imaginative content, and argue that none of them can account for two types of error in imagination. The proposed view, I suggest, can account for both types of error while, at the same time, preserving some intuitions which seem to motivate the alternative views. (shrink)
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    Conservation or preservation? A qualitative study of the conceptual foundations of natural resource management.Ben A. Minteer & Elizabeth A. Corley - 2007 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 20 (4):307-333.
    Few disputes in the annals of US environmentalism enjoy the pedigree of the conservation-preservation debate. Yet, although many scholars have written extensively on the meaning and history of conservation and preservation in American environmental thought and practice, the resonance of these concepts outside the academic literature has not been sufficiently examined. Given the significance of the ideals of conservation and preservation in the justification of environmental policy and management, however, we believe that a more detailed analysis of (...)
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    Written monuments of historical and cultural heritage of Yakutia: problems of preservation and interpretation.Tat'yana Vladimirovna Pavlova-Borisova & Andrian Afanas'evich Borisov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article is devoted to an important area of scientific research related to the history and culture of Yakutia. Written monuments of historical and cultural heritage, along with material ones, occupy their permanent place. The solution to the problem of their preservation and interpretation is inextricably linked with publishing activities – modern technical capabilities increase its effectiveness. In the article we study the existing experience in this field by the example of the publication of Russian cursive sources of the (...)
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    Taking Advantage of the Aesthetic Values of Asiri Art Decorations to Enrich and Sustain the Printing of Modern Women’s Clothing Supplements to Preserve Saudi Heritage Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques.Naglaa Muhammad Farouk Ahmed - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:584-614.
    Sustainability is the result of modern-day design philosophy as a result of major industrial developments and many conflicts and wars. This concept is what prompted this research to focus on the possibility of achieving the principles of sustainability practically - in field reality - through the use of artificial intelligence techniques to create contemporary designs derived from the Saudi Asiri heritage and employ them in printing sustainable clothing supplements. Heritage-inspired design has cultural meaning and importance, and its purpose is to (...)
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  25. Predicting the Past from Minimal Traces: Episodic Memory and its Distinction from Imagination and Preservation.Markus Werning - 2020 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 11 (2):301-333.
    The paper develops an account of minimal traces devoid of representational content and exploits an analogy to a predictive processing framework of perception. As perception can be regarded as a prediction of the present on the basis of sparse sensory inputs without any representational content, episodic memory can be conceived of as a “prediction of the past” on the basis of a minimal trace, i.e., an informationally sparse, merely causal link to a previous experience. The resulting notion of (...)
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  26. The quantitative epistemological content of Bohr's correspondence principle.Arthur Komar - 1970 - Synthese 21 (1):83 - 92.
    The basic dynamical quantities of classical mechanics, such as position, linear momentum, angular momentum and energy, obtain their fundamental epistomological content by means of their intimate relationship to the symmetries of the space-time manifold which is the arena of physics. The program of canonical quantization can be understood as a two stage process. The first stage is Bohr's Correspondence Principle, whereby the basic dynamical quantities of the quantum theory are required to retain precisely the same relationship to the symmetries (...)
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    Patients' perception of dignity in Iranian healthcare settings: a qualitative content analysis: Table 1.Hossein Ebrahimi, Camellia Torabizadeh, Eesa Mohammadi & Sousan Valizadeh - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):723-728.
    Next SectionPurpose The importance of recognising patient dignity has been realised in recent years. Despite being a central phenomenon in medicine, dignity is a controversial concept, the definition of which in healthcare centres is influenced by a multitude of factors. The aim of this study was to explore the perspective of Iranian patients on respect for their dignity in healthcare centres. Methods With the use of purposeful sampling, 20 patients were interviewed over an 11-month period in three educational hospitals affiliated (...)
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  28. In the belly of the whale: Some thoughts on preserving the integrity of the new bioethics commission.F. Daniel Davis - 2010 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20 (3):291-297.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:In the Belly of the Whale:Some Thoughts on Preserving the Integrity of the New Bioethics CommissionF. Daniel Davis (bio)10 July 2010. Washington, D.C. President Obama's Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues has just concluded its inaugural meeting, designed as a primer—the first of three that it plans to hold—on synthetic biology. As a topic for deliberation by a national bioethics commission, "synbio" is ideal. A cloud (...)
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  29. Preservation or Transformation: A Daoist Guide to Griefbots.Pengbo Liu - forthcoming - In Henry Shevlin, AI in Society: Relationships (Oxford Intersections). Oxford University Press.
    Griefbots are chatbots modeled on the personalities of deceased individuals, designed to assist with the grieving process and, according to some, to continue relationships with loved ones after their physical passing. The essay examines the promises and perils of griefbots from a Daoist perspective. According to the Daoist philosopher Zhuangzi, death is a natural and inevitable phenomenon, a manifestation of the constant changes and transformations in the world. This approach emphasizes adaptability, flexibility, and openness to alternative ways of relating to (...)
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  30. rethinking machine ethics in the era of ubiquitous technology.Jeffrey White (ed.) - 2015 - Hershey, PA, USA: IGI.
    Table of Contents Foreword .................................................................................................... ......................................... xiv Preface .................................................................................................... .............................................. xv Acknowledgment .................................................................................................... .......................... xxiii Section 1 On the Cusp: Critical Appraisals of a Growing Dependency on Intelligent Machines Chapter 1 Algorithms versus Hive Minds and the Fate of Democracy ................................................................... 1 Rick Searle, IEET, USA Chapter 2 We Can Make Anything: Should We? .................................................................................................. 15 Chris Bateman, University of Bolton, UK Chapter 3 Grounding Machine Ethics within the Natural System ........................................................................ 30 Jared Gassen, JMG Advising, USA Nak Young Seong, Independent Scholar, South (...)
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  31. Spinoza on self-preservation and self-destruction.Mitchell Gabhart - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (4):613-628.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spinoza on Self-Preservation and Self-DestructionMitchell GabhartI wish to examine a difficulty that arises in Spinoza’s treatment of selfhood as it pertains to the possibility of self-destruction. The troublesome problem of selfhood is one which I will not solve but which I hope to illuminate. What I hope to do is shed light on Spinoza’s conception of human essence as necessarily self-affirming, and therefore of willful self-destruction as (...)
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    "The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies" The Best is Yet to Come.Chris Matthew Sciabarra - 2012 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 12 (1):1-3.
    Since 1999, The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies has published over 250 essays, written by over 130 authors, working across scholarly disciplines and specialties. Starting in 2013 with Volume 13, Number 1, the JARS Foundation will begin a collaboration with Pennsylvania State University Press. PSUP will manage distribution and subscription fulfillment for print and online editions, while the Editorial Board will focus exclusively on journal content. Extensive digital dissemination and preservation of the journal is guaranteed through PSUP partnerships (...)
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    Christian ethics: the basis and content of the Christian life.A. D. Mattson - 1938 - Rock Island, Ill.: Augustana Book Concern.
    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.
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    (1 other version)Whole set of volume 1 no 1 (2010) of comparative philosophy.Bo Mou - 2010 - Comparative Philosophy 1 (1).
    Whole Set of Contents of Current Issue (for cross-reference reading and hard-copy preservation of the whole issue).
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  35. Content, interpretation, and consciousness.David M. Rosenthal - 2000 - ProtoSociology 14:67-84.
    According to Dennett, the facts about consciousness are wholly fixed by the effects consciousness has on other things. But if a mental state's being conscious consists in one's having a higher-order thought about that state, we will in principle have an independent way to fix those facts. Dennett also holds that our speech acts sometimes determine what our thoughts are, since speech acts often outrun in content the thoughts they express.I argue that what thoughts we have is independent of (...)
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  36. A Framework Proposal for Developing Historical Video Games Based on Player Review Data Mining to Support Historic Preservation.Sarvin Eshaghi, Sepehr Vaez Afshar & Mahyar Hadighi - 2023 - In Saif Haq, Adil Sharag-Eldin & Sepideh Niknia, ARCC 2023 CONFERENCE PROCEEDING: The Research Design Interface. Architectural Research Centers Consortium, Inc.. pp. 297-305.
    Historic preservation, which is a vital act for conveying people’s understanding of the past, such as events, ideas, and places to the future, allows people to preserve history for future generations. Additionally, since the historic properties are currently concentrated in urban areas, an urban-oriented approach will contribute to the issue. Hence, public awareness is a key factor that paves the way for this conservation. Public history, a history with a public audience and special methods of representation, can serve society (...)
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    Should Future Generations be Content with Plastic Trees and Singing Electronic Birds?Danielle Zwarthoed - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (2):219-236.
    The aim of this paper is to determine whether the present generation should preserve non-human living things for future generations, even if in the future all the contributions these organisms currently make to human survival in decent conditions were performed by adequate technology and future people's preferences were satisfied by this state of affairs. The paper argues it would be wrong to leave a world without non-human living plants, animals and other organisms to future generations, because such a world would (...)
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    Content internalism and testimonial knowledge.Joey Pollock - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (6):1947-1968.
    It is commonly assumed that content preservation is required for success in testimonial exchanges. Many content internalists, however, cannot endorse this assumption. They must claim instead that testimonial exchanges can often succeed when the content grasped by the hearer is not the content of the speaker’s testimony, p, but some merely similar content, p*. Goldberg (2007. Anti-Individualism: Mind and Language, Knowledge and Justification. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) argues that this internalist approach is epistemically problematic: (...)
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  39. Tracking Privilege‐Preserving Epistemic Pushback in Feminist and Critical Race Philosophy Classes.Alison Bailey - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (4):876-892.
    Classrooms are unlevel knowing fields, contested terrains where knowledge and ignorance are produced and circulate with equal vigor, and where members of dominant groups are accustomed to having an epistemic home-terrain advantage. My project focuses on one form of resistance that regularly surfaces in discussions with social-justice content. Privilege-preserving epistemic pushback is a variety of willful ignorance that many members of dominant groups engage in when asked to consider both the lived and structural injustices that members of marginalized groups (...)
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  40. Content externalism without thought experiments?Jonathan Brink Morgan - 2022 - Analysis 82 (1):61-67.
    A recent argument against content internalism bucks tradition: it abandons Twin-Earth-style thought experiments and instead claims that internalism is inconsistent with plausible principles relating belief contents and truth values. Call this the transparency argument. Here, it is shown that there is a structurally parallel argument against content internalism’s foil: content externalism. Preserving the transparency argument while fending off the parallel argument against externalism requires that content-determination and truth-value-determination are implausibly linked together and that eternalism about belief (...)
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    Autonomy and the Ownership of Our Own Destiny: Tracking the External World and Human Behavior, and the Paradox of Autonomy.Lorenzo Magnani - 2020 - Philosophies 5 (3):12.
    Research on autonomy exhibits a constellation of variegated perspectives, from the problem of the crude deprivation of it to the study of the distinction between personal and moral autonomy, and from the problem of the role of a “self as narrator”, who classifies its own actions as autonomous or not, to the importance of the political side and, finally, to the need of defending and enhancing human autonomy. My precise concern in this article will be the examination of the role (...)
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  42. A search for the physical content of luders' rule.Sergio Martinez - 1990 - Synthese 82 (1):97 - 125.
    An interpretation of quantum mechanics that rejects hidden variables has to say something about the way measurement can be understood as a transformation on states of individual systems, and that leads to the core of the interpretive problems posed by Luders' projection rule: What, if any, is its physical content? In this paper I explore one suggestion which is implicit in usual interpretations of the rule and show that this view does not stand on solid ground. In the process, (...)
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    "Out of the Order of Number": Benjamin and Irigaray Toward a Politics of Pure Means.Peter D. Fenves - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (1):43-58.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Out of the Order of Number”: Benjamin and Irigaray Toward a Politics of Pure MeansPeter Fenves* (bio)At the heart of the legal orders that arose in conjunction with the Enlightenment idea of law as rules of conduct universally applicable to all those who belong to a properly instituted political body lies a formula for the justification of the violence on which the law depends in order for it (...)
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    Digital Images: Content and Compositionality.Alistair M. C. Isaac - 2017 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 3 (1):106-126.
    Typical accounts of imagistic content have focused on the apparent analog character or continuous variability of images. In contrast, I consider the distinctive features of digital images, those composed of finite sets of discrete pixels. A rich source of evidence on digital imagistic content is found in the content-preserving algorithms that resize and reproduce digital images on computer screens and printers. I argue that these algorithms reveal a distinctive structural feature: digital images are always compositional (their parts (...)
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    Justus of Tiberias.Tessa Rajak - 1973 - Classical Quarterly 23 (02):345-.
    Justus of Tiberias played a part in the first Jewish revolt against the Romans. He was also the author of an historical work, or works, now lost. Various distinctions have been attributed to his writings; the loss of Jewish Antiquities comparable to those of Josephus, and of an account of the Jewish War far more reliable than Josephus', have at different times been regretted. Certainly, the writings would have been of great value to us, and it will be seen that (...)
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    Patients’ perception of dignity in Iranian general hospital settings.Fahimeh Alsadat Hosseini, Marzieh Momennasab, Shahrzad Yektatalab & Armin Zareiyan - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1777-1790.
    Background: Dignified care is one of the main objectives of holistic care. Furthermore, paying attention to dignity as one of the fundamental rights of patients is extremely important. However, in many cases, the dignity of hospitalized patients is not considered. Dignity is an abstract concept, and comprehensive studies of the dignity of Iranian patients hospitalized in general hospital settings are limited. Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the concept of dignity from the perspective of patients hospitalized in (...)
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    Forests Forever: Their Ecology, Restoration, and Preservation.John J. Berger & Charles E. Little - 2008 - Center for American Places.
    Fragile kingdoms of innumerable organisms and rich beauty, forests today are both our most plentiful and our most endangered natural resource. Understanding their workings and how to sustain them is imperative to ensuring the future of humanity. John Berger urges us to learn what can be done to preserve these treasures, and he offers here a compelling guide to the complex issues surrounding forest preservation. An expanded and revised version of Berger’s bestselling Understanding Forests, Forests Forever offers a clear (...)
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  48. The presidential address: nature, respect for nature, and the human scale of values.David Wiggins - 2000 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 100 (1):1–32.
    I. The development of the earth has not progressed in the way that Leibniz so hopefully envisaged three hundred years ago. Late twentieth century disillusion demonstrated by citation. II-IV. In making sense of that disillusion it is a good beginning to abstain from speculative extravagance and simply to bring the human scale of values to bear; then to inquire how far the destruction of that which we prize has been gratuitous or economically subsidized. The human scale of values is not (...)
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    Manuscritos Filosóficos Coloniales conservados en el Archivo Nacional Histórico de Santiago de Chile / Colonial Philosophical Manuscripts Preserved in the National Historical Archive of Santiago de Chile. Abel Aravena Zamora.Abel Aravena Zamora - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:289.
    Our knowledge about colonial philosophical manuscripts preserved in the «Fondo Antiguo» and «Fondo Varios» at the National Historical Archive is limited almost exclusively to its listing and location. In some cases, there is a very brief description of the contents, identification of their philosophical tendency and some information about their authors. In order to expand our knowledge about them, we have tried here, on the one hand, to provide a more detailed description of the contents of the works, and, on (...)
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    Caregivers’ perception of women’s dignity in the delivery room: A qualitative study.Fateme Mohammadi, Hadise Sadate Tabatabaei, Farzaneh Mozafari & Mark Gillespie - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (1):116-126.
    Introduction: Dignified care is one of the moral responsibilities of professional caregivers. However, in many cases the dignity of hospitalized patients, especially women in the delivery room, is not maintained. Dignity is an abstract concept and there has been no previous research exploring the dignity of pregnant women in the delivery room in Iran. Objectives: The objective of this study is to define and explain the concept of dignity for pregnant women in the delivery room from the perspectives of professional (...)
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