Results for 'philosophy of nature'

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  1.  7
    Philosophy of nature.Paul Feyerabend - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Helmut Heit & Eric Oberheim.
    Philosopher, physicist, and anarchist Paul Feyerabend was one of the most unconventional scholars of his time. His book Against Method has become a modern classic. Yet it is not well known that Feyerabend spent many years working on a philosophy of nature that was intended to comprise three volumes covering the period from the earliest traces of stone age cave paintings to the atomic physics of the 20th century – a project that, as he conveyed in a letter (...)
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    Philosophies of nature after Schelling.Iain Hamilton Grant - 2006 - London: Continuum.
    Preface to paperback edition -- Why Schelling? why naturephilosophy? -- The powers due to becoming: the reemergence of platonic physics in the genetic philosophy -- Antiphysics and neo-Fichteanism -- The natural history of the unthinged -- "What thinks in me is what is outside me". phenomenality, physics and the idea -- Dynamic philosophy, transcendental physics -- Conclusion: transcendental geology.
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    Philosophies of Nature: The Human Dimension: In Celebration of Erazim Kohák.Robert S. Cohen & A. I. Tauber - 1998 - American Mathematical Soc..
    Philosophical understandings of Nature and Human Nature. Classical Greek and modern West, Christian, Buddhist, Taoist, by 14 authors, including Robert Neville, Stanley Rosen, David Eckel, Livia Kohn, Tienyu Cao, Abner Shimoney, Alfred Tauber, Krzysztof Michalski, Lawrence Cahoone, Stephen Scully, Alan Olson and Alfred Ferrarin. Dedicated to the phenomenological ecology of Erazim Kohák, with 10 of his essays and a full bibliography. Overall theme: on the question of the moral sense of nature.
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    Philosophy of nature in cross-cultural dimensions: the result of the international symposium at the University of Vienna.Hashi Hisaki (ed.) - 2017 - Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac̆.
    This is the collected work of the?International Symposium: Philosophy of Nature?, given in May 2016 at the University of Vienna, organized by the?Verein für Komparative Philosophie und Interdisziplinäre Bildung / KoPhil? in Vienna. The elaborated documents by the 30 authors from Europe, Russia, East Asia, Northern America and Oceania aim to create a barrier-free dialogue between philosophers, human- and natural scientists. Focusing on interaction and productive communication, the collected documents present a model of the interdisciplinary research in cross-cultural (...)
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    A perspective on natural theology from continental philosophy.Avoidance of Natural Theology - 2013 - In J. H. Brooke, F. Watts & R. R. Manning (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Natural Theology. Oxford Up.
  6.  51
    Philosophy of nature and organism’s autonomy: on Hegel, Plessner and Jonas’ theories of living beings.Francesca Michelini, Matthias Wunsch & Dirk Stederoth - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (3):56.
    Following the revival in the last decades of the concept of “organism”, scholarly literature in philosophy of science has shown growing historical interest in the theory of Immanuel Kant, one of the “fathers” of the concept of self-organisation. Yet some recent theoretical developments suggest that self-organisation alone cannot fully account for the all-important dimension of autonomy of the living. Autonomy appears to also have a genuine “interactive” dimension, which concerns the organism’s functional interactions with the environment and does not (...)
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  7. The Philosophy of Nature: A Guide to the New Essentialism.Brian David Ellis - 2002 - Chesham: Routledge.
    In "The Philosophy of Nature," Brian Ellis provides a clear and forthright general summation of, and introduction to, the new essentialist position. Although the theory that the laws of nature are immanent in things, rather than imposed on them from without, is an ancient one, much recent work has been done to revive interest in essentialism and "The Philosophy of Nature" is a distinctive contribution to this lively current debate. Brian Ellis exposes the philosophical and (...)
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    Nature, Every Last Drop, is Good.Alan Holland & British Association of Nature Conservationists - 1996 - Department of Philosophy, Lancaster University.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of nature.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1970 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press. Edited by Arnold V. Miller & Karl Ludwig Michelet.
    This is a much-needed reissue of the standard English translation of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, originally published in 1970. The Philosophy of Nature is the second part of Hegel's Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, all of which is now available in English from OUP (Part I being his Logic, Part III being his Philosophy of Mind). Hegel's aim in this work is to interpret the varied phenomena of Nature from the standpoint of a dialectical (...)
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    Philosophy of nature.Francis J. Collingwood - 1961 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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    Hegel and the Philosophy of Nature.Stephen Houlgate (ed.) - 1998 - State University of New York Press.
    _Confirms that Hegel's philosophy of nature continues to have great significance for our understanding of the natural world._.
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  12. Philosophy of nature.R. J. Hankinson - 2008 - In The Cambridge Companion to Galen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Philosophy of Nature Today. Introductory Remarks.Włodzimierz Ługowski - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (11-12):7-14.
    The subject of the paper is the social function of the philosophy of nature. The author presents briefly his own position in this topic and gives an evaluation of the literature on the philosophy of nature in the recent decades. According to him, the opposition against the abuse of science for the purpose of social mystification stems mostly from (philosophizing) scientists themselves and sociologists of knowledge. Academic philosophers—regardless of the variety of their ontological orientations—are prone rather (...)
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  14. Philosophy of nature.Sebastian Walshe - 2023 - Charlotte, North Caroline: TAN Books.
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    Descartes' philosophy of nature.James Collins - 1971 - Oxford,: Blackwell.
  16.  29
    Computational Philosophy of Science.Paul Thagard - 1988 - MIT Press.
    By applying research in artificial intelligence to problems in the philosophy of science, Paul Thagard develops an exciting new approach to the study of scientific reasoning. This approach uses computational ideas to shed light on how scientific theories are discovered, evaluated, and used in explanations. Thagard describes a detailed computational model of problem solving and discovery that provides a conceptually rich yet rigorous alternative to accounts of scientific knowledge based on formal logic, and he uses it to illuminate such (...)
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  17.  31
    The Philosophy of Nature in Hegel's System.Errol E. Harris - 1949 - Review of Metaphysics 3 (2):213 - 228.
    The Encyclopädie der Philosophischen Wissenschaften contains what is rightly called the system of Hegel's philosophy, his other treatises being, in the main, more detailed developments of certain sections of the Encyclopädie. For him the body of philosophical knowledge consists of three main divisions, Logic, Nature-philosophy and the Philosophy of Spirit, forming the supreme triad of the Dialectic and continuous with each other in the dialectical movement of thought. The Philosophy of Nature, however, has been (...)
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    Early Greek philosophies of nature.Andrew Gregory - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    This book examines the philosophies of nature of the early Greek thinkers and argues that a significant and thoroughgoing shift is required in our understanding of them. In contrast with the natural world of the earliest Greek literature, often the result of arbitrary divine causation, in the work of early Ionian philosophers we see the idea of a cosmos: ordered worlds where there is complete regularity. How was this order generated and maintained and what underpinned those regularities? What analogies (...)
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    The philosophy of nature and the crisis of modern mathematics.Dumitru Daba - 2010 - Timișoara: Editura Politehnica.
  20.  77
    Merleau-Ponty’s Philosophy of Nature.Ted Toadvine - 2009 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    In our time, Ted Toadvine observes, the philosophical question of nature is almost entirely forgotten—obscured in part by a myopic focus on solving "environmental problems" without asking how these problems are framed. But an "environmental crisis," existing as it does in the human world of value and significance, is at heart a philosophical crisis. In this book, Toadvine demonstrates how Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology has a special power to address such a crisis—a philosophical power far better suited to the questions (...)
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    Philosophy of tort law.Benjamin C. Zipursky - 2004 - In Martin P. Golding & William A. Edmundson (eds.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 122--137.
    This chapter contains section titled: Pushed by Problems in Law and Policy The Nature of the Criminal Law Jurisprudence and Legal Theory Moral and Political Philosophy Conclusion References.
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    Philosophy of nature.Jacques Maritain & Yves René Marie Simon - 1951 - New York,: Philosophical Library. Edited by Yves Simon.
  23. The philosophy of natural sciences in the works of M. Zigo.J. Dubnicka - 2005 - Filozofia 60 (10):796-803.
    The papers deals with philosophical and methodological problems of natural scien-ces articulated in the writings of M. Zigo. In M. Zigo’s view one of the fundamental tasks of philosophy is analyze by philosophical means their conceptional and categorial apparatus, their attitudes and contribution to the conception and understanding of the world in general. The author examines the understanding of scientific concepts, such as cosmological model, the law of the preservation of energy, the world view, scientific rationality and their specific (...)
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    Introduction to the Philosophy of Nature.Florence M. Hetzler - 1990 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This commentary of Aquinas on the first book of the Physics of Aristotle is a summary of the thought of the Pre-Socratics and of Aristotle's approach to cosmology. A unit with all cross-references in English, it clarifies the thought of the ancients and of the medieval Aquinas with regard to the philosophy of nature; it presents all of this as a basis for subsequent philosophy of science. This work can be read by the layman; it can be (...)
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  25. Philosophy of nature today.Adam Świeżyński (ed.) - 2009 - Warszawa / Warsaw: Wydawnictwo UKSW / CSWU Press.
    Contents: Anna Lemańska, The Autonomous Philosophy of Nature ; Anna Latawiec, The Progress in the Philosophy of Nature ; Grzegorz Bugajak, Philosophy of Nature, Realism, and the Postulated Ontology of Scientific Theories ; Maria-Magdalena Weker, Multi-dimensional Image of the World ; Jarosław Kukowski, The Application of Principia Mathematica and Principia Metaphisica for Resolving the Incommensurate Paradigms. The Comparative Study in Philosophy of Physics and Philosophy of Nature ; Danuta Ługowska, The Dilemmas (...)
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    Karl Marx's philosophy of nature, action and society: a new analysis.Justin P. Holt - 2009 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    This work analyses Marx's philosophy of nature and shows how it is the basis for his practical philosophy. Previous analysis of Marx's philosophy of nature has considered humans as only natural beings and social beings. But, Marx analyzed humans' relationship to the natural world and to themselves as natural, social, and material. This material feature of human action can server as a basis for social critique and as the foundation for a practical analysis. The first (...)
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    The philosophy of natural theology.William Jackson - 2018 - New York: Snova.
    This book, originally published in 1876, was written in confutation of the Materialism of its time by arguments derived from Evidences of Intelligence, Design, Contrivance, and Adaptation of Means to Ends, in the Universe, and especially in Man considered in his Moral Nature, his Religious Aptitudes, and his Intellectual Powers; and in all Organic Nature. The observation also to be made and supported in the course of the book that the Will and Wisdom of the Creator may be (...)
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  28.  57
    Hume's Philosophy of Human Nature.John Laird - 1932 - New York: Routledge.
    The essence of Hume’s eighteenth-century philosophy was that all the sciences were ‘dependent on the science of man’, and that the foundations of any such science need to rest on experience and observation. This title, first published in 1932, examines in detail how Hume interpreted ‘the science of man’ and how he applied his experimental methodology to humankind’s understanding, passions, social duties, economic activities, religious beliefs and secular history throughout his career. Particular attention is paid to the English, French (...)
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    Philosophies of Nature.Ernan McMullin - 1969 - New Scholasticism 43 (1):29-74.
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    The philosophy of nature.Andreas Gerardus Maria van Melsen - 1953 - Pittsburgh,: Duquesne University.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and (...)
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  31. The Philosophy of Nature.I. Leclerc - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):715-716.
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    Proclus on Nature: Philosophy of Nature and its Methods in Proclus’ Commentary on Plato’s timaeus.Marije Martijn - 2010 - Brill.
    One of the hardest questions to answer for a (Neo)platonist is to what extent and how the changing and unreliable world of sense perception can itself be an object of scientific knowledge. My dissertation is a study of the answer given to that question by the Neoplatonist Proclus (Athens, 411-485) in his Commentary on Plato’s Timaeus. I present a new explanation of Proclus’ concept of nature and show that philosophy of nature consists of several related subdisciplines matching (...)
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  33.  6
    Biosemiotics and the Philosophy of Nature: Exploring the Significance of Communication in the Living World.Prof Amir Khan - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 5 (2):177-191.
    _This scholarly article delves into the interdisciplinary field of biosemiotics, examining its role in shaping the philosophy of nature. Biosemiotics, the study of signs and communication in living organisms, offers a unique lens through which we can understand the intricate relationships and meaningful exchanges within the natural world. This article aims to elucidate the significance of communication in the living world, drawing connections between biosemiotics and the broader philosophy of nature. By exploring the semiotic aspects of (...)
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  34.  14
    Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature.Errol E. Harris & Peter Heath (eds.) - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is an English translation of Schelling's Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, one of the most significant works in the German tradition of philosophy of nature and early nineteenth-century philosophy of science. It stands in opposition to the Newtonian picture of matter as constituted by inert, impenetrable particles, and argues instead for matter as an equilibrium of active forces that engage in dynamic polar opposition to one another. In the revisions of 1803 Schelling incorporated (...)
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  35.  57
    Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.Val Plumwood (ed.) - 1993 - Routledge.
    Two of the most important political movements of the late twentieth century are those of environmentalism and feminism. In this book, Val Plumwood argues that feminist theory has an important opportunity to make a major contribution to the debates in political ecology and environmental philosophy. _Feminism and the Mastery of Nature_ explains the relation between ecofeminism, or ecological feminism, and other feminist theories including radical green theories such as deep ecology. Val Plumwood provides a philosophically informed account of the (...)
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    Philosophy of Nature and Post-Nonclassical Rationality.Viacheslav S. Stiepin - 2008 - Dialogue and Universalism 18 (11-12):15-29.
    In modern European culture the explication and the understanding of nature is determined by the specific traits of systemic objects investigated by science. The paper singles out three types of systemic objects, i.e. simple (mechanical) objects, complex self-regulating, and complex self-developing systems. Categorical structures accounting for each of these types are analyzed.The paper shows that the investigation of every new type of systems changes the type of scientific rationality (classical, nonclassical, post-nonclassical).
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    Part of nature: self-knowledge in Spinoza's Ethics.Genevieve Lloyd - 1994 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  38. Laws of Nature.Tyler Hildebrand - 2023 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This Element provides an opinionated introduction to the metaphysics of laws of nature. The first section distinguishes between scientific and philosophical questions about laws and describes some criteria for a philosophical account of laws. Subsequent sections explore the leading philosophical theories in detail, reviewing the most influential arguments in the literature. The final few sections assess the state of the field and suggest avenues for future research.
  39. Beyond Environmentalism: A Philosophy of Nature.Jeffrey E. Foss - 2008 - Wiley.
    Beyond Environmentalism is the first book of its kind to present a timely and relevant analysis of environmentalism.
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    New Research on the Philosophy of Nicolai Hartmann.Keith Peterson & Roberto Poli (eds.) - 2016 - Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    The imposing scope and penetrating insights of German philosopher Nicolai Hartmann’s work have received renewed interest in recent years. The Neo-Kantian turned ontological realist established a philosophical approach unique among his peers, and it provides a wealth of resources for considering contemporary philosophical problems. The chapters included in this volume examine his ethics, ontology, aesthetics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of nature. They explore his ontology of values, autonomy and human enhancement, and law; his theory of levels (...)
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    The philosophy of superdeterminism is based on a single scientific fact about the universe, namely that cause and effect in physics are not real. In 2020, accomplished Swedish theoretical physicist, Dr. Johan Hansson published a physics proof using Albert Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity that our universe is superdeterministic meaning a predetermined static block universe without cause and effect in physics. In the absence of cause and effect in physics, past, present and future events must all exist equally in (...)
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  42.  16
    A Philosophy of Pain.Arne Vetlesen - 2009 - Reaktion Books.
    “Living involves being exposed to pain every second—not necessarily as an insistent reality, but always as a possibility,” writes Arne Vetlesen in A Philosophy of Pain, a thought-provoking look at an inevitable and essential aspect of the human condition. Here, Vetlesen addresses pain in many forms, including the pain inflicted during torture; the pain suffered in disease; the pain accompanying anxiety, grief, and depression; and the pain brought by violence. He examines the dual nature of pain: how we (...)
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  43.  14
    Tradition and Innovation: Newton's Metaphysics of Nature.J. E. McGuire - 1995 - Springer.
    There is a thematic unity to these essays on Newton's thought: they are concerned with the central categories of Newton's metaphysics of nature (matter, causation, force, space, time) and the ways in which Newton's work relates to cultural themes such as providence and creation. Focusing on questions of tradition and innovation and Newton's engaged response to the broader patterns of his contemporary culture, they present a unified, interpretive stance that often challenges the scholarly orthodoxies. The essays contain a large (...)
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  44. (1 other version)The Philosophy of Nature of Kant, Schelling and Hegel.Dieter Wandschneider - 2010 - In Dean Moyar (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 64.
    My presentation begins with Kant's philosophical project, which played a key role in understanding German Idealism, and then considers in detail the philosophical approaches developed by Schelling and Hegel.
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    Hegel, Naturalism and the Philosophy of Nature.Alison Stone - 2013 - Hegel Bulletin 34 (1):59-78.
    In this article I consider whether Hegel is a naturalist or an anti-naturalist with respect to his philosophy of nature. I adopt a cluster-based approach to naturalism, on which positions are more or less naturalistic depending how many strands of the clusternaturalismthey exemplify. I focus on two strands: belief that philosophy is continuous with the empirical sciences, and disbelief in supernatural entities. I argue that Hegel regards philosophy of nature as distinct, but not wholly discontinuous, (...)
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  46.  37
    State of Nature, Stages of Society: Enlightenment Conjectural History and Modern Social Discourse.Frank Palmeri - 2016 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Frank Palmeri sees the conjectural histories of Rousseau, Hume, Herder, and other Enlightenment philosophers as a template for the development of the social sciences in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Without documents or memorials, these thinkers, he argues, employed conjecture to formulate a naturalistic account of society's commercial and secular progression. This approach can be traced in the work of political economists, anthropologists, sociologists, and sociologists of religion, and its speculative framework creates a surprising ambivalence toward modernity in these (...)
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  47.  26
    Philosophy of Medicine: An Introduction.R. Paul Thompson & Ross Upshur - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Ross Upshur.
    What kind of knowledge is medical knowledge? Can medicine be explained scientifically? Is disease a scientific concept, or do explanations of disease depend on values? What is ‘evidence-based’ medicine? Are advances in neuroscience bringing us closer to a scientific understanding of the mind? The nature of medicine raises fundamental questions about explanation, causation, knowledge and ontology – questions that are central to philosophy as well as medicine. In this book Paul R. Thompson and Ross E. G. Upshur introduce (...)
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    Hegel's philosophy of nature: being part two of the Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences (1830), translated from Nicolin and Pöggeler's edition (1959), and from the Zusätze in Michelet's text (1847).Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 1970 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Arnold V. Miller.
    This is a much-needed reissue of the standard English translation of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature, originally published in 1970. The Philosophy of Nature is the second part of Hegel's Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, all of which is now available in English from OUP (Part I being his Logic, Part III being his Philosophy of Mind). Hegel's aim in this work is to interpret the varied phenomena of Nature from the standpoint of a dialectical (...)
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  49. Nature or Providence? On the Theoretical and Moral Importance of Kant’s Philosophy of History.Pauline Kleingeld - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (2):201-219.
    Kant’s use of the terms ‘Nature’ and ‘Providence’ in his essays on history has long puzzled commentators. Kant personifies Nature and Providence in a curious way, by speaking of them as “deciding” to give humankind certain predispositions, “wanting” these to be developed, and “knowing” what is best for humans Moreover, he leaves the relationship between the two terms unclear. In this essay, I argue that Kant’s use of ‘Nature’ and ‘Providence’ can be clarified and explained. Moreover, I (...)
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    (1 other version)Nietzsche's philosophy of nature and cosmology.Alistair Moles - 1990 - New York: P. Lang.
    Nietzsche's doctrine of the -eternal recurrence of the same- - the conception that the universe of events repeats itself in the same sequence, to infinity - is often taken to be logically incoherent: if an event recurs, it is not identically the same as the event itself, and if taken as self-identical cannot be the recurrence of anything. This book offers a new interpretation of the doctrine so as to rescue it from the charge of incoherence. It shows that the (...)
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