Results for 'otherness'

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  1.  56
    Levinas’ Otherness: An Ethical Dimension for Enactive Sociality.Fabrice Métais & Mario Villalobos - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):327-339.
    What is or should be the place of the ethical dimension in a general enactive theory of sociality? How should such a dimension be understood and articulated within the more general picture of the enactive approach to social life? In this paper, building on Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy, we argue that ethics should be understood as a distinct dimension of the complex and multidimensional phenomenon of sociality; a dimension of radical otherness that intertwines with but does not reduce to the (...)
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    Engaging otherness: care ethics radical perspectives on empathy.Jolanda van Dijke, Inge van Nistelrooij, Pien Bos & Joachim Duyndam - 2023 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 26 (3):385-399.
    Throughout the years, care ethicists have raised concerns that prevalent definitions of empathy fail to adequately address the problem of otherness. They have proposed alternative conceptualizations of empathy that aim to acknowledge individual differences, help to extend care beyond one’s inner circle, and develop a critical awareness of biases and prejudices. We explore three such alternatives: Noddings’ concept of engrossment, Meyers’ account of broad empathy, and Baart’s concept of perspective-shifting. Based on these accounts, we explain that care ethics promotes (...)
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  3. The Educational Implications of Otherness and Responsibility in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas in Work with People with Special Needs.Arie Kizel - 2010 - Ma’Agalei Nefesh: Journal for Psychology, Psychotherapy, Emotional Development and Creative Education 3:3-11.
    Otherness was at the center of the Levinese project, and in his ethics theory. In doing so, Levinas moved his project away from ontology, epistemology, and reason, to a point where the others are confronted in all its "nudes," to the point where it is recognizable that it cannot be reduced. In this article, I will examine the concepts of responsibility and the connection of the other person's humanism from his major books.
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  4. III. Filosofía de la religión, de la historia y crítica de la facultad de juzgar.Ileana Paola Peade [and 10 Others] - 2018 - In Gustavo Leyva, Pelaéz Cedrés, J. Álvaro & Pedro Stepanenko, Los rostros de la razón: Immanuel Kant desde Hispanoamérica. Ciudad de México, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Consejo Editorial de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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  5. Costly punishment across human societies. Others - manuscript
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  6. Ethics and professionalism in health care : a position paper.Sarah Berger [and 10 Others] - 2016 - In Sabine Salloch & Verena Sandow, Ethics and Professionalism in Healthcare: Transition and Challenges. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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  7. II. Costanzo Preve marxiano.Contributi di Andrea Bulgarelli [and Nine Others] - 2014 - In Alessandro Monchietto & Giacomo Pezzano, Invito allo straniamento. Pistoia: Petite plaisance.
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  8. II. Filosofía moral, política y del derecho.SebastiáN Cabezas [and 12 Others] - 2018 - In Gustavo Leyva, Pelaéz Cedrés, J. Álvaro & Pedro Stepanenko, Los rostros de la razón: Immanuel Kant desde Hispanoamérica. Ciudad de México, México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, Consejo Editorial de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades.
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  9. Doubled Otherness in Ethnopsychiatry.Bernhard Waldenfels - 2009 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 1:51-65.
    Starting from the experience of the Other, phenomenology takes otherness as something which withdraws from my own experience and exceeds the limits of our common orders. Radical otherness is something extraordinary, arising in my own body, situated between us and striking us before we look for it. Psychiatry confronts us with a peculiar sort of pathological otherness which in ethnopsychiatry is doubled to an otherness of a higher degree. We encounter the anomalies of other orders as (...)
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  10. Otherness and Apophaticism: Yannaras’ Discourse of „Personhood” and the Divine Energy in the Apophatic Theognosia.Nichifor Tănase - 2014 - Philotheos 14:254-267.
    At Yannaras and to Zizioulas there is an absolutization and idealization of otherness, which, together with freedom, are two fundamental attributes of personhood. Alterity acquires value and meaning only in relation with relational factors: love, fellowship and, also, being/nature. Due to the fact that, at Yannaras, nature denies apriori the person as otherness (the ratio between person and nature is defined under the aspect of: priority, inclusion, transcendence or conflict). S. Agouridic qualified both Zizioulas and Yannaras as “fighter (...)
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  11. Cultural Otherness: Correspondence with Richard Rorty.Anindita Niyogi Balslev - 1999 - Oup Usa.
    This volume comprises a number of letters between author Anindita Niyogi Balslev and philosopher Richard Rorty. The letters explore ways to generate a creative and critical crosscultural discourse not only by challenging stereotypes about cultures and subcultures in general and traditions of thought in particular, but by being careful not to abolish the common ground on which stereotypes can be addressed.
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  12. Transcending Otherness: Overcoming Obstacles in the Mystical Journey in Shabestarī’s Rose Garden of Mystery.Rasoul Rahbari Ghazani - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 17 (45):267-282.
    This study explores the distinguished Persian Sufi mystic Shaykh Maḥmūd Shabestarī’s Golshan-e Rāz, or The Rose Garden of Mystery. Adopting a hermeneutic approach, it scrutinizes the intricate spiritual journey towards divine realization delineated in Shabestarī’s poetry, utilizing qualitative content analysis of original texts and interpretations by scholars such as Lāhījī and Ibn Turka Iṣfahānī. The main question the paper addresses is this: “How can the spiritual journeyer overcome obstacles—particularly ‘otherness’—and achieve unity with the divine Essence within the framework of (...)
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  13. Direct and indirect measures of statistical learning.Arnaud Destrebecqz [And Others] - 2015 - In Morten Overgaard, Behavioral Methods in Consciousness Research. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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  14. How do institutionalists matter : dialogue and directions from the closing plenary.Mary Ann Glynn [and 5 Others] - 2016 - In Joel Gehman, Michael Lounsbury & Royston Greenwood, How institutions matter! United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
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  15. The genes and the junk : recent advances in the studies of gene regulation.Matjaž Barboric̀.. [And Others] - 2009 - In Eva Zerovnik, Olga Markič & Andrej Ule, Philosophical Insights About Modern Science. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
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  16. Otherness and the problem of evil: How does that which is other become evil?Calvin O. Schrag - 2006 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 60 (1-3):149-156.
    In seeking to answer the question "How does that which is other become evil?" the author provides a discussion of four entwined aspects of the issue at stake: difficulty in achieving clarity on the grammar of evil; genocide as a striking illustration of otherness becoming evil; the challenge of postnationalism as a resource for dealing with otherness in the socio-political arena; and the ethico-religious dimension as it relates to the wider problem of evil.
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    Cultural Otherness: Correspondence with Richard Rorty.Anindita Niyogi Balslev - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (4):682-684.
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    Otherness” as a Conflict of Identities in the Digital Environment.L. Usanova & H. Suprun - 2021 - Philosophical Horizons 45:58-65.
    This paper presents an attempt to analyse the growth of conflict in the context of globalization processes of the XXI century, in particular the clash of cultural and social identities. The development of digital technologies has provoked an increased array of information flows, which bring disorienting sentiments to society. This resulted in the spread of such social phenomena as “echo chamber” and gaslighting. Conflict of identities is a response to the collapse of a unified society. Purpose and objectives of the (...)
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    (1 other version)The rhetorical turn to otherness: Otherwise than humanism.Ronald C. Arnett, Janie Harden Fritz & Annette M. Holba - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (1):115-133.
    While offering a public welcome of communicative participation, a communicative dark side of the moderate Enlightenment project emerged. Moderate Enlightenmentrsquo;s corollary companion to wresting power from a limited few is the staggering sense of confidence in the universal ground of assurance that is ldquo;bad faithrdquo; mdash;we fib to ourselves that we can stand above history and affect the future. Absolute conviction of universal access to truth propels through methodological confidence, undergirding the era of ldquo;the rationalrdquo; pursuit of truth, transporting the (...)
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  20.  16
    Literature as otherness of Theology. Theological assessment of the work Cuatro poetas desde la otra ladera by Olegario González de Cardedal.Soledad Aravena Aravena - 2022 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 52:73–94.
    Resumen: Esta investigación propone una valoración al diálogo teológico-literario desde la obra Cuatro poetas desde la otra ladera del teólogo español Olegario González de Cardedal. En primer lugar, se esbozan elementos que la obra -tangencialmente- sugiere para una lectura teológica fundamental, poniendo de relieve el diálogo con la literatura; la relación dialógica del ser humano con Dios, en su doble vertiente: homo capax Dei/Deus capax hominis; y el aspecto vivencial de los poetas como criterio de lectura para la comprensión de (...)
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  21.  41
    Otherness and individuation in Heidegger.François Raffoul - 1995 - Man and World 28 (4):341-358.
  22.  34
    Teaching, Otherness, and the Equalising Thing.Piotr Zamojski - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (5):563-568.
  23.  14
    Otherness and Feeling of Disgust: A Study on the Phenomenological Methods against the Feeling of Disgust. 박인철 - 2021 - Journal of the Society of Philosophical Studies 135:59-86.
    본 글은 현상학적 측면에서 혐오의 문제를 고찰하면서 혐오 현상의 극복이 어떻게 가능한지 그 대안을 모색하는 데 목적이 있다. 혐오감은 자신이 지닌 부정적 요소를 외부인 타자에게 전가하는 일종의 심리작용으로서, 자신과는 다르다고 여기는 특정 타자집단을 차별화하고 분리시키는 사회적 도구로 주로 사용된다. 이 혐오감의 극복을 위한 현상학적 대안으로서 고려될 수 있는 대표적인 이론이 레비나스와 후설의 타자이론이다. 레비나스와 후설 모두 타자에 대한 전적인 포용과 책임성을 강조한다는 점에서 양자의 타자이론은 혐오감의 극복을 위한 기본적인 형식적 조건은 갖추고 있다. 그러나 레비나스는 나와 타자 간의 이질성과 분리성에 바탕을 (...)
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    The otherness of God.Orrin F. Summerell (ed.) - 1998 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    This volume offers essays on the nature of God and the fundamental tasks of philosophy and theology written by internationally recognized thinkers in the ...
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    Unspeakable Otherness—an Essay on the Failure of Cognitive and Epis-temic Communication Tools in Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris.Sébastien Doubinsky - 2022 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (10):13-26.
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  26. Love, otherness and transcendence in the phenomenology of Max Scheler.Giovanni Ferretti - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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    The Otherness of Anselm.John Clayton - 1995 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 37 (2):125-143.
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    Otherness and Female Identities: Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex.Ngqarsungu Chiwengo - 2003 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 13 (1):167-176.
  29.  48
    (1 other version)Forgetting oneself or personal identity in relation to time and otherness in the Zhuangzi.Youru Wang - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (1):52-72.
    This article is one of the author’s serial writings to assimilate Ricoeur’s three-fold ethical investigation into various areas of human acts of forgetting, including 1) the therapeutic or pathological area, 2) the pragmatic area, dealing with individual and group’s self-identity in relation to time and otherness, and 3) the more explicitly ethical-political (social and institutional) area, in a wide context. Corresponding to the second area of the Ricoeurian three-fold investigation, this paper probes the ethical dimension of the Zhuangzian forgetfulness (...)
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  30.  28
    Pluralism, Otherness, and the Augustinian Tradition.Charles T. Mathewes - 1998 - Modern Theology 14 (1):83-112.
  31.  47
    The Value of Nature's Otherness.Simon A. Hailwood - 2000 - Environmental Values 9 (3):353-372.
    Environmentalist philosophers often paint a holistic picture, stressing such things as the continuity of humanity with wider nature and our membership of the 'natural community' . The implication seems to be that a non-anthropocentric philosophy requires that we strongly identify ourselves with nature and therefore that we downplay any human/non-human distinction. An alternative view, I think more interesting and plausible, stresses the distinction between humanity and a nature valued precisely for its otherness. In this article I discuss some of (...)
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  32. Temporal otherness and the "gifted child" in fiction.Adam Barrows - 2021 - In Arkadiusz Misztal, Paul Harris & Jo Alyson Parker, Time in variance. Boston: Brill.
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    Meta-narratives on machinic otherness: beyond anthropocentrism and exoticism.Min-Sun Kim - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (4):1763-1770.
    Intelligent machines are no longer distant fantasies of the future or solely used for industrial purposes; they are real “living” things that operate similarly to humans with verbal and nonverbal communication capabilities. Humans see in such technology the horrifying dangers and the bliss enabled by the saving power. Entrenched in the emotions of hope and fear concerning intelligent machines, humans’ attitudes toward intelligent machines are not free of expectations, judgments, strategies, and selfish agendas. As the discovery of the New Worlds (...)
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  34. Essays on Otherness.Jean Laplanche - 1998 - Routledge.
    Since the death of Jacques Lacan, Jean Laplanche is now considered to be one of the worlds foremost psychoanalytic thinkers. In spite of the influence of his work over the last thirty years, remarkably little has been available in English. Essays On Otherness presents for the first time in English many of Laplanche's key essays and is the first book to provide an overview of his thinking. It offers an introduction to many of the key themes that characterise his (...)
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    Revisiting Solaris: Encountering Otherness and the Limits of Representation.Monika Anna Slawkowska-Rode & Mikolaj Slawkowski-Rode - 2021 - Pro-Fil 22 (Special Issue):78-91.
    One of the core themes of Stanisław Lem’s 1961 novel Solaris is the encounter with radical otherness. The ocean planet being studied by scientists form earth is usually interpreted as a representation of radical otherness, which eludes human efforts of understanding. In this paper we argue that in Solaris Lem attempts to show not merely that the ocean is unknowable, but that the unknowability is itself impossible to adequately conceptualise and represent. However, we further argue that this impossibility (...)
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  36. Otherness kant on moral attunement / I. Geiger ; The proto-ethical dimension of moods / Shlomo Cohen ; When reason is in a bad mood: a fanonian philosophical portrait.L. Gordon - 2011 - In Hagi Kenaan & Ilit Ferber, Philosophy's moods: the affective grounds of thinking. New York: Springer.
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    These things of otherness and difference.Pirjo Jukarainen - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (3):88-93.
    This Thing of Darkness: A Sociology of the Enemy. By James A. Aho 224 pp. Identity/difference: Democratic Negotiations of Political Paradox. By William E. Connolly 244 pp. The Ethos of Pluralization. By William E. Connolly 244 pp.
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    The Gothic, Postcolonialism and Otherness: Ghosts From Elsewhere.Tabish Khair - 2009 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A lucid intervention in current debates about identity and difference, this book uses the concept of Otherness to look again at both Gothic fiction and Postcolonialism.
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    The Aesthetic Significance of Nature's Otherness.Marianne O'brien - 2006 - Environmental Values 15 (1):99-111.
    In this article I consider and reflect upon the aesthetic significance of Simon Hail-wood's conception of nature as articulated in an earlier volume of this journal in his paper ‘The Value of Nature's Otherness’ (Hailwood 2000: 353–72). I provide a brief elucidation of Hailwood's conception of nature as other and I maintain that recognition of the value of nature's otherness and respect for nature's otherness requires as a necessary condition that one know and perceive that nature is (...)
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  40.  35
    Otherness as a paradigm in anthropology.Bernhard Leistle - 2015 - Semiotica 2015 (204):291-313.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2015 Heft: 204 Seiten: 291-313.
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  41.  21
    The politicization of otherness and the privatization of the enemy: Cultural hindrances and assets for active citizenship.Terri Mannarini & Sergio Salvatore - 2020 - Human Affairs 30 (1):86-95.
    The purpose of the article is to discuss the cultural hindrances and assets that promote constructive self-to-others relationships and active citizenship. Building on Carl Schmitt’s friend-enemy distinction, we argue that in contemporary societies the public and the private dimensions of the enemy have conflated, as the result of two concurrent phenomena: the politicization of otherness and the privatization of enemies. An integrated framework including approaches of social psychology and semiotic cultural psychology is proposed to account for both phenomena. The (...)
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  42.  10
    Exile and Otherness: The Ethics of Shinran and Maimonides.Ilana Maymind - 2020 - Lexington Books.
    Following Levinas’ articulation that “truth is accessible only to the mind capable of experiencing an exile away from its preconceptions and prejudices,” Exile and Otherness posits that Shinran, the founder True Pure Land Buddhism, and Maimonides, a Jewish philosopher and Torah scholar, exhibit sensitivity to the neglected and suffering others.
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    Subjectivity and Otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2007 - MIT Press.
    The evolution of the concept of subjectivity in the works of Jacques Lacan.
  44. Ontology, Otherness, and Self-Alterity: Intersubjectivity in Sartre and Merleau-Ponty.Owen Ware - 2006 - Symposium 10 (2):503-513.
  45. Flesh and otherness.Claude Lefort - 1990 - In Galen A. Johnson & Michael Bradley Smith, Ontology and alterity in Merleau-Ponty. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. pp. 3--13.
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  46. Otherness and dissimilarity.C. H. Langford - 1930 - Mind 39 (156):454-461.
  47. Embodying Otherness.Drew Leder - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 9 (2):123-141.
    This paper explores the ability and desire of the embodied self to “shape-shift”—to experience from within the capacities of animals, or natural phenomena like trees and mountains. Shape-shifting is discussed insofar as it manifests in a broad range of cultural domains, including children’s play, mythico-religious iconography, spiritual practice, sports, the performing arts, and so on. This potential for shape-shifting is grounded not simply in our evolutionary history and biological kinships, but in the phenomenology of the lived-body. Our own powers are (...)
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    (De)constructing the "Otherness”.Ioana Constantin-Bercean - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):209-221.
    The problem of social and cultural diversity has been a classic issue in the humanities and the social sciences throughout the entire human history. Starting with the 1970s academics were interested in a specific feature of this inter-cultural problem, namely how Western societies have understood and interpreted oriental societies through the period of imperial expansion. Even nowadays, some of the most complicated academic dialogues (and not only) are centered around the theories of post-colonialism and nationalism. The ‘subjects’ of these debates (...)
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    Desire, dialectic, and otherness: an essay on origins.William Desmond - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
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  50. William Desmond, Art, Origins, Otherness: Between Philosophy and Art Reviewed by.Michael Funk Deckard - 2004 - Philosophy in Review 24 (6):402-404.
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