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Drew Leder [25]Drew Lance Leder [1]
  1. The Absent Body.Drew Leder - 1990 - University of Chicago Press.
    We are even less aware of our internal organs and the physiological processes that keep us alive. In this fascinating work, Drew Leder examines all the ways in which the body is absent—forgotten, alien, uncontrollable, obscured.
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    The Distressed Body: Rethinking Illness, Imprisonment, and Healing.Drew Leder - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Bodily pain and distress come in many forms. They can well up from within at times of serious illness, but the body can also be subjected to harsh treatment from outside. The medical system is often cold and depersonalized, and much worse are conditions experienced by prisoners in our age of mass incarceration, and by animals trapped in our factory farms. In this pioneering book, Drew Leder offers bold new ways to rethink how we create and treat distress, clearing the (...)
  3. A tale of two bodies: the Cartesian corpse and the lived body.Drew Leder - 1992 - In The body in medical thought and practice. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 17--35.
  4. The Experiential Paradoxes of Pain.Drew Leder - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):444-460.
    Pain is far more than an aversive sensation. Chronic pain, in particular, involves the sufferer in a complex experience filled with ambiguity and paradox. The tensions thereby established, the unknowns, pressures, and oscillations, form a significant part of the painfulness of pain. This paper uses a phenomenological method to examine nine such paradoxes. For example, pain can be both immediate sensation and mediated by complex interpretations. It is a certainty for the experiencer, yet highly uncertain in character. It pulls one (...)
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    The body in medical thought and practice.Drew Leder (ed.) - 1992 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This is the first volume to systematically explore the range of contemporary thought concerning the body and draw out its crucial implications for medicine.
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  6. Medicine and paradigms of embodiment.Drew Leder - 1984 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 9 (1):29-44.
    This paper suggests that the paradigm of the lived-body developed by Straus, Merleau-Ponty and others has important implications for medical practice and theory. Certain recognized flaws in modern medicine, such as its reductionist tendencies and lack of emphasis on preventive measures are shown to be related to the exclusive use of a Cartesian notion of embodiment. Increased attention to the paradigm of the lived-body emphasizing its unity, purposiveness and "enworldment" could help to beneficially reorient practice. Moreover, this portrayal of the (...)
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  7. Clinical interpretation: The hermeneutics of medicine.Drew Leder - 1990 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 11 (1).
    I argue that clinical medicine can best be understood not as a purified science but as a hermeneutical enterprise: that is, as involved with the interpretation of texts. The literary critic reading a novel, the judge asked to apply a law, must arrive at a coherent reading of their respective texts. Similarly, the physician interprets the text of the ill person: clinical signs and symptoms are read to ferret out their meaning, the underlying disease. However, I suggest that the hermeneutics (...)
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    Healing time: the experience of body and temporality when coping with illness and incapacity.Drew Leder - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):99-111.
    The lived body has structures of ability built up over time through habit. Serious illness, injury, and incapacity can disrupt these capacities, and thereby, one’s relationship to the body, and to time itself. This paper focuses attention on a series of healing strategies individuals then employ on the “chessboard” of possibilities intrinsic to lived embodiment. This can include restoring past abilities (pointing to the future to recreate the past); and/or transforming one’s bodily structure or use-patterns, or the external environment, to (...)
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  9. Lived Body.Drew Leder - 1998 - In Donn Welton, Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 117.
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    Anorexia: That Body I Am-With.Drew Leder - 2021 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 28 (1):59-61.
    Lucy Osler's piece, "Controlling the noise: A phenomenological account of Anorexia Nervosa and the threatening body," lays out an important new interpretation of anorexia. Anorexia Nervosa is no longer viewed as primarily a perceptual distortion of body-image, an obsession with thinness, or an attempt to dematerialize—to free the subject from its inert thing-like body. Rather, the body itself, and the visceral body in particular, takes on a "voice" which the anorexic experiences as demanding and threatening. Anorexic monitoring and self-starvation beckons (...)
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  11. Troubles with token identity.Drew Leder - 1985 - Philosophical Studies 47 (January):79-94.
    The thesis of "token identity" or "token physicalism" advanced by fodor and others attempts to reconcile materialism with a non-Reductionist view of the special sciences. However, I argue that since the individual events or "tokens" of any science are only designated according to its general types, The former cannot be specified physicalistically while the latter are not. Though attempting to combat a positivistic view of the sciences, Fodor's thesis rests on a positivistic opposition of token and type.
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  12. Health and disease: the experience of health and illness.Drew Leder & Kirsten Jacobson - 2014 - Encyclopedia of Bioethics 3:1434-1443.
  13.  39
    The Phenomenology of Healing: Eight Ways of Dealing With the Ill and Impaired Body.Drew Leder - 2022 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 47 (1):137-154.
    Encounters with illness, impairment, and aging can disrupt one’s experiential relationship with self, body, others, and world. “Healing” takes place when the individual is able to re-integrate his or her world, even if the condition is not medically curable. Drawing on work in the phenomenology of the body, this article examines a series of eight “healing strategies” individuals employ, each representing a different way of orienting toward the painful or impaired body. One may lean into freeing oneself from the body, (...)
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    Anorexia: A Disease of Doubling.Drew Leder - forthcoming - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (1):93-96.
  15. Moving beyond" mind" and" body".Drew Leder - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (2):109-113.
  16.  23
    The Rule of the Device: Borgmann's Philosophy of Technology.Drew Leder - 1988 - Philosophy Today 32 (1):17-29.
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  17. Embodying Otherness.Drew Leder - 2012 - Environmental Philosophy 9 (2):123-141.
    This paper explores the ability and desire of the embodied self to “shape-shift”—to experience from within the capacities of animals, or natural phenomena like trees and mountains. Shape-shifting is discussed insofar as it manifests in a broad range of cultural domains, including children’s play, mythico-religious iconography, spiritual practice, sports, the performing arts, and so on. This potential for shape-shifting is grounded not simply in our evolutionary history and biological kinships, but in the phenomenology of the lived-body. Our own powers are (...)
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    Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration (book chapter).Eric Anthamatten, Anders Benander, Natalie Cisneros, Michael DeWilde, Vincent Greco, Timothy Greenlee, Spoon Jackson, Arlando Jones, Drew Leder, Chris Lenn, John Douglas Macready, Lisa McLeod, William Muth, Cynthia Nielsen, Aislinn O’Donnell & Andre Pierce - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    Western philosophy’s relationship with prisons stretches from Plato’s own incarceration to the modern era of mass incarceration. Philosophy Imprisoned: The Love of Wisdom in the Age of Mass Incarceration draws together a broad range of philosophical thinkers, from both inside and outside prison walls, in the United States and beyond, who draw on a variety of critical perspectives (including phenomenology, deconstruction, and feminist theory) and historical and contemporary figures in philosophy (including Kant, Hegel, Foucault, and Angela Davis) to think about (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and the Critique of Kant.Drew Leder - 1983 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 9 (2):61-75.
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    Modes of Totalization: Heidegger on Modern Technology and Science.Drew Leder - 1985 - Philosophy Today 29 (3):245-256.
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  21. Old McDonald’s Had a Farm: The Metaphysics of Factory Farming.Drew Leder - 2012 - Journal of Animal Ethics 2 (1):73-86.
    This article explores the cultural and philosophical foundations of factory farming. Modes of capitalist production play a role: Marx’s analysis of the fourfold alienation of labor can be applied to animal-laborers. However, the harshness with which animals are treated exceeds the harshness directed toward human workers. At root is a cultural anthropocentrism that prohibits viewing animals as moral subjects, removing ethical restraints. Ultimately, the modernist ways in which animals are treated as both like and unlike human workers are related to (...)
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    The healing body: creative responses to illness, aging, and affliction.Drew Leder - 2024 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Philosopher and physician Drew Leder shows how a phenomenology of lived embodiment reveals a series of healing strategies available in the face of the bodily breakdowns and challenges that are a part of the human condition.
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    The hermeneutic role of the consultation-liaison psychiatrist.Drew Leder - 1988 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 13 (4):367-378.
    Case examples are studied in order to ascertain what best characterizes the work of consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatrists. Such practitioners play the role of "inter-interpreter": they are able and called upon to mediate between different conceptual worlds. In certain instances this may involve reconciling or choosing between physicalistic and mentalistic interpretations of the case. At other times it is the opposing world-views of patient and staff that must be reconciled. The mediating position of the C-L psychiatrist is thus found to be (...)
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    The Soul Knows No Bars: Inmates Reflect on Life, Death, and Hope.Drew Leder - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    The Soul Knows No Bars compiles all of the authors' reactions to texts by Foucault, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and others.
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  25. Flesh and blood: A proposed supplement to Merleau-ponty. [REVIEW]Drew Leder - 1990 - Human Studies 13 (3):209 - 219.