Results for 'occidente'

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  1.  16
    El debate sobre la filosofía en la Rusia contemporánea.Grupo de Investigación Oriente-Occidente - 2003 - Endoxa 1 (17):103.
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    Occidental Eschatology.David Ratmoko (ed.) - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    _Occidental Eschatology_, originally Jacob Taubes's doctoral thesis and the one book he published in his lifetime, seeks to renegotiate the historical synthesis and spiritual legacy of the West through the study of apocalypticism. Covering the origins of apocalypticism from Hebrew prophecy through antiquity and early Christianity to its medieval revival in Joachim of Fiore, Taubes reveals its later secularized forms in Kant, Hegel, Marx, and Kierkegaard. His aim is to show the lasting influence of revolutionary, messianic teleology on Western philosophy, (...)
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    El Occidente islámico a la luz de las fuentes de la primera época abasí (ss. VIII-X): un mundo invisible.Aurélien Montel - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (2):e28.
    Dentro de la riquísima literatura producida en el círculo del poder abasí entre los siglos VIII y X, el Occidente islámico (es decir, al-Andalus, el Magreb y las islas del Mediterráneo occidental) ocupa un lugar insignificante, a pesar de las pretensiones universalistas que tenían sus autores. Este silencio afecta a todos los géneros literarios, con excepción de la geografía, que experimentó un gran desarrollo en ese periodo. ¿Cómo puede explicarse esta circunstancia? Contextualizar estos textos permite considerar dos argumentos. El (...)
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  4. Occidente: la apatridia como existencia.L. Flores - 1995 - Diálogo Filosófico 33:409-422.
    En el proceso de configuración de "Occidente" como Cultura, hoy ya planetaria, han continuado permanentemente activas ciertas claves muy reconocibles en la larga historia de su pensamiento, rastreables desde el rigen mismo de éste y que nos han servido, a manera de huellas, para guiar nuestra comprensión de sus modos medulares de ser, pensar y de actuar. Poner, pues, en una íntima relación ese cierto destino suyo de tragedia respecto a la experiencia de lo sagrado -y su indisociable máscara (...)
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    Occidental Eschatology.Jacob Taubes - 2009 - Stanford University Press.
    One of the great Jewish intellectuals of the twentieth century, Taubes published only this one book during his life, and here the English translation finally becomes available.
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    Neither Occidentalism nor Orientalism in Al Hajari’s Nasir al- Din ala al-Qawm al-Kafirin 1611–1613.Omar Moumni - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):1034-1047.
    Many Western historians, cultural and literary critics have viewed travel and exploration as purely western. This total exclusion of Arabo-Islamic travel has been done to demonstrate the Western sense of modernity and cultural superiority over the constructed weak “other”. However, Moroccans, Arabs and Muslims in general have been curious about the lands of the Christians and managed to break the cultural and religious barriers by reaching such lands. In this paper 1 I examine the Moroccan presence in the lands of (...)
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    Islamic philosophy and occidental phenomenology on the perennial Issue of microcosm and macrocosm.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.) - 2006 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    By proposing the Microcosm and Macrocosm analogy for dialogue between Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology, the authors of this volume are reviving the perennial positioning of the human condition in the play of forces within and without the human being. This theme has run from Plato through the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Modernity, and has been ignored by contemporaries. It now acquires a new pertinence and striking significance due to the scientific discoveries into the "infinitely small" in life, on the (...)
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    Occidentalism: Jack Goody and Comparative History.Mike Featherstone - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):1-15.
    This article introduces the special section on the contribution of Jack Goody, which focuses on The Theft of History (2006). Goody attacks the notion of a radical division between Europe and Asia, which has become built into the commonsense academic wisdom and categorical apparatus of the social sciences and humanities. Eurocentrism is a constant target as he scrutinizes and finds wanting the claims of the West to have invented modern science, cultural renaissances, the free city, capitalism, democracy, love and secularism. (...)
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    Occidentalism and the Categories of Hegemonic Rule.Jonathan Friedman - 2009 - Theory, Culture and Society 26 (7-8):85-102.
    This article applies Jack Goody’s critique of Western classifications of historical and ethnographical phenomena to the current discourses of orientalism themselves in an endeavor to understand the sociological basis of what might be called the shift from orientalism to occidentalism. The argument compares the current emergence of anti-civilizational and self-critical discourses to historical examples of similar phenomena and argues that the current shift itself, so well represented in works that may seem similar to Goody’s but which are very more narrowly (...)
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    Hassan hanafi’s epistemology on occidentalism: Dismantling western superiority, constructing equal civilization.Ridho Al-Hamdi - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (1):73-106.
    This paper examines Hanafi’s concept of Occidentalism in the epistemological approach. It aims to investigate the character, study source, research method,validity, and objectives of Occidentalism. The paper findings demonstrate that Occidentalism is a science which aims to dismantle the myth of Western superiority and, in turn, to build an equal civilization. The study root of Occidentalism is the formation, structure, and fate of the European consciousness. The formation comprises the exposed and unexposed sources of the European consciousness. The structure en (...)
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  11.  21
    Occidentalism: modernity and subjectivity.Couze Venn - 2000 - London ;aThousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
    This important book critically addresses the `becoming West' of Europe and investigates the `becoming Modern' of the world. Drawing on the work of Derrida, Foucault, Levinas, Lyotard, Merleau-Ponty and Ricoeur, the book proposes that the question of postmodernity is inseparable from that of postcoloniality. The argument fully conveys the sense that modernity is in crisis. It maps out a new genealogy of the birth of the modern and suggests a new way of grounding the idea of an emancipation of being. (...)
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    Strategic Occidentalism: Meiji Buddhists at the World's Parliament of Religions.James E. Ketelaar - 1991 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 11:37.
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  13. Cultura occidental y culturas indígenas.Fernando Suazo - 1993 - Ciencia Tomista 120 (390):101-115.
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    Occidental Poetics: Tradition and Progress (review).David Herman - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):397-399.
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  15. Occidente, "ancora uno sforzo"...!Pier Paolo Ottonello - 2006 - Filosofia Oggi 29 (115):259-262.
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    Occidentalism: Images of the West.James G. Carrier - 1995 - Oxford University Press on Demand.
    This work is an investigation of images of Western cultural identity. Said's Orientalism revolutionized Western understanding of non-Western cultures by showing how Western images shaped the Occidental view of the Orient, but those who follow Said have not until now reflected that understanding back onto Western societies. This volume shows how images of the West shape people's conceptions of themselves and others, and how these images are in turn shaped by members of Western and non-Western societies alike. The contributors describe (...)
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    Occidente y el problema del ser. Una conversación con Pierre Aubenque en Madrid.Teresa Oñate - 1993 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 9:207.
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    Orientalism, Occidentalism, Nativism: The Culturalist Quest for Indigenous Science and Knowledge.Zaheer Baber - 2002 - The European Legacy 7 (6):747-758.
  19. Occidente e società extra-europee in Karl Marx e in Max Weber.Pietro Rossi - 1988 - Rivista di Filosofia 79 (1):59-95.
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    Occidental College.Saul Traiger - unknown
    IDEAS. LOCKE used the term "to stand for whatsoever is the Object of the Understanding when a Man thinks." (Essay , Ii8) Although theorizing about ideas figures prominently in philosophy before him, Locke introduced what became known as the "New Way of Ideas," by considering all metaphysical and epistemological questions through an examination of the nature and origin of the mind's content. Although sometimes disagreeing with him on important details, other empiricists of the modern era follow Locke by first theorizing (...)
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    Occidentalism, the very idea: An essay on enlightenment and enchantment.Akeel Bilgrami - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (3):381-411.
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  22. Occidente y el Pensamiento cristiano.Regis Jolivet - 1950 - Sapientia 5 (18):254.
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    Más allá de Occidente. Frankfurt, entre antropología e historia cultural.Luciano Arcella - 2016 - Universitas Philosophica 33 (66):217-236.
    With the beginning of the XXth century in Germany prevailed a common ideology based on the reject of Western rationalism. It was seen an ineffective instrument to understand ancient civilizations and traditional or “primitive” civilizations. Therefore, one felt the need of a different form of understanding based on intuitive abilities, on an emotional involvement. However, in order to apply positively this view and to gain an effective awareness of the other, one realized that it was necessary “to be” the other, (...)
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    Occidentalism as Counterdiscourse: "He Shang" in Post-Mao China.Xiaomei Chen - 1992 - Critical Inquiry 18 (4):686-712.
    In the years since its introduction, Edward Said’s celebrated study Orientalism has acquired a near-paradigmatic status as a model of the relationships between Western and non-Western cultures. Said seeks to show how Western imperialist images of its colonial others—images that, of course, are inevitably and sharply at odds with the self-understanding of the indigenous non-Western cultures they purport to represent—not only govern the West’s hegemonic policies, but were imported into the West’s political and cultural colonies where they affected native points (...)
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    Occidentalism, elitism; answer to two critiques.Paulin J. Hountondji - 1989 - Quest - and African Journal of Philosophy 3 (2):3-30.
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  26. Para Descolonizar Occidente: Más Alla Del Pensamiento Abismal.Boaventura de Sousa Santos - 2010 - Prometeo Libros.
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    L'Occidente della verità: identità e destino della cultura europea.Claudio Ciancio & Federico Vercellone (eds.) - 1998 - Milano: Guerini e associati.
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    Marxisme orthodoxe ou marxisme occidental? La réception de Lukács en France dans les années 1940 et 1950.Alix Bouffard & Alexandre Feron - 2021 - Actuel Marx 69 (1):11-27.
    En France, Lukács est considéré aussi bien comme un représentant de l’orthodoxie marxiste que comme un auteur subversif fondateur de la tradition du marxisme hétérodoxe. Cet article revient sur la genèse de cette appréciation ambivalente, qui trouve ses sources dans les années 1940 et 1950. C’est durant ces années que s’élaborent les cadres et présupposés de la réception française de son œuvre, à travers une série d’épisodes dont les enjeux sont à la fois théoriques, éditoriaux et politiques : l’intervention de (...)
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    El juego geopolítico de Marruecos y Arabia Saudí en África Occidental.Antonio de Diego - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41):415-438.
    África Occidental representa a día de hoy un lugar clave para la geopolítica del islam contemporáneo. Esta situación no es una nueva, al contrario, ya que es un territorio que históricamente ha estado ligado a la religión musulmana. Actualmente, esta región supone un lugar estratégico prioritario para los intereses de los países occidentales, de países musulmanes aliados de estos y de insurgentes y rebeldes ligados a ideologías neo-fundamentalistas. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar desde una perspectiva transdisciplinar el juego (...)
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    Oriental roots of occidental philosophy.Emerita S. Quito - 1974 - Kuala Lumpur: ASAIHL.
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  31. Occidentalism: The West in the Eyes of Its Enemies. By Ian Buruma and Avishai Margalit.D. J. Murphy - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (7):765.
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  32. Oriente-Occidente. Strutture linguistiche e concettuali a confronto.Francesco Barone - 1988 - Nuova Civiltà Delle Macchine 6 (3):83-94.
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  33. Pos-Oksidentalisme: Identitas dan Alteritas Pos-Kolonial (Post-Occidentalism: Post-Colonial's Identity and Alterity).Zainul Maarif - 2013 - Jakarta, Indonesia: Dapur Buku.
    Hassan Hanafi proposes Occidentalism, as a critique of orientalism. This book criticizes orientalism and occidentalism and rethinks the relation between the self and the other in the postcolonial condition.
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  34. Riflessione sul senso dell'Occidente.Gianfraco Guida - 1980 - Filosofia Oggi 3 (4):547-551.
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  35. La religiosidad de Occidente en este final del siglo XX.A. Lobato - 1996 - Espíritu 45 (113):5-17.
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    Islamic and Occidental Philosophy in Dialogue, 7.Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka, Nazif Muhtaroglu & Detlev Quintern (eds.) - 2014 - Springer.
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  37. América ante Occidente.Leopoldo Zea - 1962 - Dianoia 8 (8):82.
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    Ex Occidente Lux? Aquinas and Eastern Orthodox Theology.Bruce D. Marshall - 2004 - Modern Theology 20 (1):23-50.
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    Heidegger's overcoming of occidental rationalism.Jürgen Habermas - unknown
    Recorded in Ithaca, NY by Cornell University., Speaker: Professor of sociology at the Frankfurt School, West Germany., Lecture, September 10, 1984.
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    Migraciones en África. El caso de África Occidental y por qué no existe una “invasión” a Europa.Pablo Blanco - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 32:158-186.
    El presente trabajo tiene como principal objetivo analizar las dinámicas migratorias que se llevan adelante en África Occidental a partir del interrogante que se desprende de los discursos dominantes respecto de la supuesta invasión de migrantes africanos a Europa, especialmente después de 2015. Desde ese año, la consigna más frecuente ha sido “Grandes oleadas de refugiados arriban a Europa”. Sin embargo, la realidad muestra que no existe tal invasión en términos cuantitativos absolutos, además de profundizarse el discurso racista y xenófobo (...)
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  41. La esquizofrenia europea: La teoría de Pierre Legendre sobre Occidente.José Luis Villacañas Berlanga - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):51-69.
    La reciente muerte de Pierre Legendre (1930-2023), tras una vida dedicada al estudio de la estructura jurídica de Occidente, permite una evaluación de su importante obra ya concluida. Este ensayo solo quiere identificar el núcleo de su teoría de Occidente en una específica esquizofrenia entre la mentalidad jurídica romana, de estructura patriarcal, y su cruce con la religión cristiana, de aspiración mundial y potencialmente anómica. El resultado ofrece ese especial desequilibrio permanente de Europa, su pulsión expansiva, su incapacidad (...)
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    Autoconocimiento en Occidente.Félix Schwartzmann - 1993 - Santiago [Chile]: Ediciones Dolmen.
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  43. Racionalidad occidental y biopolítica: una crítica desde el "nuevo pensamiento".María Teres de la Garza Camino - 2001 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 34 (102):315-338.
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    Groenlandés occidental kumaruaq 'caribú'.José Andrés Alonso de la Fuente - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:7-14.
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  45. Occidente atlantico ed Europa cristiana (Parte prima).Ada Ferrari - 1987 - Humanitas 42 (1):33-59.
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  46. Oltre il naso dell'occidente: riflessioni tra la filosofia europea e la cultura indiana.Tommaso Geri - 2007 - Humana Mente 1 (2):16-18.
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  47. Essai sur le pouvoir occidental. Démocratie et despotisme dans l'Antiquité, coll. « Questions ».Chantal Millon-Delsol & Julien Freund - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (1):155-156.
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  48. Fuori dall’«occidente»: prospettive «asiatiche» sulla legittimità internazionale.Elisa Orrù - 2012 - In Colombo Alessandro (ed.), Crisi della legittimità e ordine internazionale. Lo scontro sui principi costitutivi della giustizia internazionale. Guerini e Associati. pp. 155-168.
    Il concetto di legittimità è al tempo stesso definito e indefinito, chiaro e sfuggente. Da un lato, esso evoca immediatamente e spontaneamente un sentimento di approvazione, perché chiaramente collegato nel linguaggio comune a un giudizio valutativo positivo. Dall’altro lato, se analizzato da vicino, il suo contenuto appare sfuggente, polisemico, controverso. Questo ne fa una categoria potente dal punto di vista politico ed estremamente affascinante da un punto di vista scientifico. Nelle pagine seguenti verranno analizzate le teorie di tre autori che (...)
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    Schopenhauer interprete dell' Occidente.Giuseppe Riconda - 1969 - Milano,: U. Mursia.
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    Patterns of Modernity: Christianity, Occidentalism and Islam.Christian Tămaş - 2012 - Human and Social Studies 1 (1):139-148.
    The shift of interest from community to individuality and freedom brought by modernity challenged the central place once occupied by religion, pushing it to the outskirts of human life. All these led to an increased indifference towards any transcendental guarantor that could act in a neutral reason-governed space. In the case of Islam, such a situation is impossible to tolerate, because it would mean God’s desecration by reducing the Qur’an to the statute of a simple book like many others that (...)
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