Results for 'liquid modernity'

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  1. Liquid Modernity.Zygmunt Bauman - 2000 - Polity Press ; Blackwell.
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    Liquid Modernity and Cultural Analysis.Griselda Pollock - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):111-116.
    This extended introductory article sets the scene for consideration of liquid modernity and Bauman’s recent work in general. His ideas are placed against Pollock’s concept of the ‘trans-disciplinary’. The ramifications of Bauman’s work for cultural analysis are discussed, particularly his ideas about migration, tourism, borders and the impact of global social trends on citizenship and agency. One central theme is deterritorialization - both in terms of academic disciplines and the shift from solid, defined, localized, territorialized, nation-bound modernity (...)
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  3. Bauman, Liquid Modernity and Dilemmas of Development.Raymond L. M. Lee - 2005 - Thesis Eleven 83 (1):61-77.
    The concept of liquid modernity proposed by Zygmunt Bauman suggests a rapidly changing order that undermines all notions of durability. It implies a sense of rootlessness to all forms of social construction. In the field of development, such a concept challenges the meaning of modernization as an effort to establish long lasting structures. By applying this concept to development, it is possible to address the nuances of social change in terms of the interplay between the solid and (...) aspects of modernization. (shrink)
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    Higher education in liquid modernity.Marvin Oxenham - 2013 - New York: Routledge.
    Based in sociologist Zygmunt Bauman's theory of liquid modernity, this volume describes and critiques key aspects and practices of liquid education--education as market-driven consumption, short life span of useful knowledge, overabundance of information--through a systematic comparison with ancient Greek "paideia" and medieval university education, producing a sweeping analysis of the history and philosophy of education for the purpose of understanding current higher education, positing a more holisitic alternative model in which students are embedded in a learning commutity (...)
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    Liquid Modernity, Complexity and Turbulence.Antony Bryant - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):127-135.
    The main ideas underlying Bauman’s liquid modernity are explained and then extended to incorporate current ideas about complexity and turbulence. This combination is used to argue that although Bauman himself refuses to offer any resolution to the paradoxes of liquid modernity, complexity theory may be useful: in particular the argument that the seemingly chaotic may actually result in some sort of order. The section also points to the ways in which liquid modernity provides a (...)
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    Culture in a Liquid Modern World.Zygmunt Bauman - 2011 - In Association the National Audiovisual Institute. Edited by Lydia Bauman.
    In its original formulation, ‘culture’ was intended to be an agent for change, a mission undertaken with the aim of educating ‘the people’ by bringing the best of human thought and creativity to them. But in our contemporary liquid-modern world, culture has lost its missionary role and has become a means of seduction: it seeks no longer to enlighten the people but to seduce them. The function of culture today is not to satisfy existing needs but to create new (...)
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    Educational Challenges of the Liquid-Modern Era.Zygmunt Bauman - 2003 - Diogenes 50 (1):15-26.
    A liquid modernity, where the traditional certainties have become fluid and blurred, presents a major challenge for education. The world is changing so quickly that homo sapiens, learning animal par excellence, can no longer rely on strategies acquired through learning experiences, let alone those derived from traditional values or wisdom. The excess of useless information creates a glut. When saturation level is reached, accumulation ceases to be a sign of wealth and becomes undesirable. Knowledge is confined - discarded (...)
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    Liquid Modernity: Liquid Arts.Antony Bryant - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):109-110.
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  9. Can Ritual Be Modern? Liquid Modernity, Social Acceleration and Li-Inspired Ritual.Geir Sigurdsson - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (2):65-89.
    Our late modernity has been characterized by Zygmunt Bauman and Hartmut Rosa as, respectively, “liquid” and “accelerated”. These are demanding aspects of reality that have elicited both adaptive and resisting responses. While the drive to adapt has generally been favoured, especially by the corporate sector, a certain resistance to the tendency is also notable among ordinary citizens. It will be argued in this paper, first, that while adaptation evokes Daoist insights, such an association is misleading and an unqualified (...)
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    The Role of the Intellectual in Liquid Modernity: An Interview with Zygmunt Bauman.Simon Dawes - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (3):130-148.
    The 85th birthday of Zygmunt Bauman in November 2010 presented the occasion for TCS to publish a special section of commissioned commentary pieces on a number of central themes in his work. The section, edited and introduced by editorial board member Roy Boyne, featured articles by Martin Jay, John Milbank and Julia Hell, and concentrated respectively upon the themes of modernity, the role of the intellectual, and the gaze of/at the other, highlighting the dependence on metaphor and the significance (...)
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    Charles Taylor’s Ideal of Modern Identity in the Context of the "Liquid Modernity" Realities.V. V. Liakh - 2022 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 21:103-114.
    _Purpose._ The article aims, through a comparison of the modern identity as presented in Charles Taylor’s concept with the Postmodern era identities, to show the strengths and weaknesses of Charles Taylor’s position on preserving or prolonging the Modern era identity to our time, as well as to define the specifics of _liquid modernity_ compared to the New Age. _Theoretical basis._ Given the relevance of the topic of the human search for authentic existence in the modern world, the author analyzes Taylor’s (...)
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    Self-critical appropriation: An assessment of Bauman’s view of education in liquid modernity.Ariel Sarid - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (5):462-472.
    Zygmunt Bauman has devoted considerable amount of attention to the discussion of the educational challenges in liquid modernity. While a good deal of professional attention has been given to Bauman’s concept in various fields and disciplines, his views on education have received relatively little response by educational theorists and practitioners. The aim of this article is to assess Bauman’s prognosis and diagnosis for education in liquid modernity and argue that even if one generally accepts Bauman’s portrayal (...)
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    Reinventing Modernity: Reflexive Modernization vs Liquid Modernity vs Multiple Modernities.Raymond L. M. Lee - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (3):355-368.
    Modernity has not collapsed under the weight of postmodern criticisms. On the contrary, it has rebounded with greater vigour as witnessed by the emergence of new terms such as reflexive modernization, liquid modernity and multiple modernities. These terms suggest that modernity can no longer be conceptualized in the singular. Yet the pluralization of modernity does not necessarily imply that there is a new consensus about the meaning of modernity. The appearance of these terms can (...)
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    An Assessment of Reflexive Sociology within the Framework of Bauman's Theory of Liquid Modernity.Semanur Gürbüz Tepeler - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (2):493-523.
    Modernity has firmly laid the foundations of modern life by melting the constants that kept pre-modern human life afloat, pouring them into patterns again within its ideal framework. But the failure of modern life to fulfill the promise of absolute happiness has led to some deterioration, thawing, fragmentation and melting in its structure. Based on this approach, Bauman underlines the transition from the solid modern age to the liquid modern age. Liquid life, which lacks a certain systematic, (...)
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  15. Management in a Liquid Modern World. [REVIEW]Michael Klenk - 2015 - Ethical Perspectives 22 (2):345-349.
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    Tuning Out of This World: Silence and Mantra at an Urban Ashram in Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Modernity.S. A. Bliss - 2018 - Educational Studies 54 (4):448-464.
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    Chapter Four. Hurried Life, or Liquid-Modern Challenges to Education.Zygmunt Bauman - 2008 - In Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Harvard University Press. pp. 144-193.
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    Chapter Three. Freedom in the Liquid-Modern Era.Zygmunt Bauman - 2008 - In Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? Harvard University Press. pp. 110-143.
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    Book review: Liquid Surveillance, Moral Blindness: The Loss of Sensitivity in Liquid Modernity[REVIEW]Robin Vandevoordt - 2014 - Thesis Eleven 123 (1):138-141.
    ‘Tragedy’ is one of those curiously elastic words reserved for life's saddest spheres and events, irrespective of the forms in which they appear. Even though a vast body of genre studies has emerged, however, only a handful of studies have drawn cross-historical comparisons between tragic forms. This essay demonstrates how Walter Benjamin’s reflections on Attic tragedy may contribute to such a line of thought, focusing both on tragedies’ subversive potential and on the social-historical constellations in which they first emerged. In (...)
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    Liquidity Crisis: Zygmunt Bauman and the Incredible Lightness of Modernity.Martin Jay - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (6):95-106.
    After having promoted and then tacitly abandoned the rhetoric of postmodernism, Zygmunt Bauman settled on the metaphor of a modernity that was growing more ‘liquid’ and ‘lighter’ than before. This essay explores the strengths and weaknesses of these metaphors, and attempts to contextualize Bauman’s insights in what has been called by the historian Yuri Slezkine the ‘Mercurian’ culture of diasporic Jewish life.
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    Zygmunt Bauman: Culture in a Liquid Modern World. Cambridge: Polity, 2011. [REVIEW]Jensen Sass - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (6):635-640.
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    Liquid evil: living with TINA.Zygmunt Bauman - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    There is nothing new about evil; it has been with us since time immemorial. But there is something new about the kind of evil that characterizes our contemporary liquid-modern world. The evil that characterized earlier forms of solid modernity was concentrated in the hands of states claiming monopolies on the means of coercion and using the means at their disposal to pursue their ends ends that were at times horrifically brutal and barbaric. In our contemporary liquid-modern societies, (...)
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    Liquid Arts.Zygmunt Bauman - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (1):117-126.
    Bauman offers an exposition of his ideas against the context of art and artistic practices. He draws links between his work on ‘liquid modernity’ and the practices of Gustav Metzger dating back to the 1960s. In particular he stresses how Metzger’s concept of ‘auto-destructive art’ anticipates his own argument on the ways in which contemporary consumerism demands constant novelty, and hence a relentless flow of waste and dissipation - ‘disposal is already contained in the original design’. He develops (...)
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    Liquid Populism Applied to Anti-Media Hostility.Rui Alexandre Novais & Andreas Gonçalves Lind - 2024 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (1):39-55.
    This work attempts to deconstruct Jair Bolsonaro’s hostile policy vis-à-vis the Brazilian media during his presidency by applying Zygmunt Bauman’s description of “liquid modernity” and its aversion to “strangeness” as the sociological-philosophical apparatus combined with the presidential-press relationship and the enemy construction dynamics of the communication research. The explorative qualitative empirical analysis of three-dimensional anti-media categories traditionally associated with right-wing populists—the discrediting and blaming of the press and detaching it from the people—throughout the “honeymoon” period of Bolsonaro’s presidency (...)
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    Liquid Learning and Educational Work: Boundary Politics in Global Transitions.Terri Seddon - 2014 - Routledge.
    Over the last 30 years the effects of economic globalisation have transformed education and its relationship to work and everyday working lives. Market reform and the appropriation of ‘learning’ to fuel the knowledge economy produced a lifelong learning educational order, complemented by social inclusion to manage residual and resistant populations. In the process education was decentred, learning spaces were diversified within an education market that served the world of work. Educators were remaindered by a rising tide of coaches, counsellors, learning (...)
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    The suitability of modern liquid crystal displays for vision research.Masoud Ghodrati, Adam P. Morris & Nicholas Seow Chiang Price - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  27. Liquid culture, the art of life and dancing with Tracey Emin: A feminist art historian/cultural analyst’s perspective on Bauman’s missing cultural hermeneutics.Griselda Pollock - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 156 (1):10-26.
    In this article I chart an indirect if not oblique path through my own theoretical formation as a social and feminist art historian, informed by Marxist cultural studies but deeply engaged with issues of difference and gender, to the response Zygmunt Bauman made to a book I gave him that I had reason to believe would resonate with his work. It did not. Indeed, my kind of theoretically informed visual and cultural analysis was indecipherable despite the influence of his writing (...)
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    Clarifying Liquidity.Rolf Hugoson - 2019 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 14 (2):46-66.
    This article is a history of liquidity presented as interaction between metaphors and theoretical concepts in social contexts. While taking note of Zygmunt Bauman’s metaphor “liquid modernity,” the study instead surveys the wider conceptual field. The text turns around mercantile liquidity and liquidity in modern economics, as well as older metaphors, notably the famous phrase of the Communist Manifesto, “all that is solid melts into air”, which is revealed to have resonance in texts by poets, notably Heinrich Heine. (...)
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    The Liquidation of Art in Contemporary Art.Wolfram Bergande - 2015 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 24 (48).
    In this paper, the concept of liquidation from the chapter on Self-consciousness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit is reconstructed and then used to deconstruct the systematic transition from sculpture to painting in the passage on the “System of the individual arts” in G.W.F. Hegel’s Aesthetics: Lectures on Fine Art. The aim is to show that such a deconstructed version of Hegel’s art philosophy provides a valid conceptual framework for the analysis of modern, particularly postmodern and contemporary art, which results as (...)
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    Pedagogy for a Liquid Time.Larry Green & Kevin Gary - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 35 (1):47-62.
    Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman characterizes our time as a time of “liquid modernity”. Rather than settled meanings, categories, and frames of reference Bauman contends that meaning is always in flux, open ended rather than closed. Given Bauman’s assessment, pedagogies that are directed towards finding, accepting, or imposing meaning come up short. They offer closed, ‘finished’ meanings instead of an examination of the ongoing, open ended, process of meaning making. What might a pedagogy for a liquid time look like? (...)
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    Liquid uncertainty, chaos and complexity: The gig economy and the open source movement.Antony Bryant - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 156 (1):45-66.
    The gig economy has become a hot topic. The term itself derives from the world of entertainment, particularly live music, where performers striving for recognition hope to get a few ‘gigs’ – i.e. short-term and sporadic opportunities for paid employment, with the understanding that such engagements are limited and without any future obligation on either party – employer or employee. This seemingly gives both parties significant autonomy, albeit not in equal measure. Indeed, the terms ‘employer’ and ‘employee’, with respective connotations (...)
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    Fears in the Light of Zygmunt Bauman’s Liquid Post-Modernity.Rafał Matera & Paulina Matera - 2022 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 67 (1):451-473.
    Main task of the paper is to recall sociologist and philosopher – Zygmunt Bauman’s observations and concepts on the fears, anxieties, and uncertainties that appear in the modern world. Main focus was directed to Europe as Bauman was particularly concerned about its future and its role in the global society. The paper is illustrated using current examples from political, social, and economic life to confirm and/or negate Bauman’s concepts. We ask: are fears stable or changeable? Are they stronger or weaker? (...)
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    Moral sentiments in modern society: a new answer to classical questions.Gabriël van den Brink (ed.) - 2016 - Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
    CONTENTS: 1. The question: from Adam Smith to our days. 2. Theoretical perspectives on modernization. 3. Introduction to Dutch society: Liquid modernity. 4. Symptoms of moral erosion: nuisance and violence. 5. Ordinary people and their highest ideals. 6. Modernization and the change of values. 7. Moral behaviour and professional life. 8. Moral sentiments and social imagination. 9. The moral healing of modern wounds. 10. Dutch society in the European context. 11. Modern society and moral defence. 12. Conclusion: Reinventing (...)
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  34. Born liquid: transformations in the third millennium.Zygmunt Bauman - 2018 - Medford, MA: Polity Press. Edited by Thomas Leoncini.
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    Modernity and Postmodernity in Zygmunt Bauman's Thoughts.Jytte Holmqvist - 2017 - Epokhé Sosyal Bilimler Dergis 1 (1):145-153.
    Zygmunt Bauman wrote tirelessly on the ever-changing world that we live in, lucidly analysing our contemporary times in an intelligent and insightful manner in both oral and written discourses where the topics ranged from Holocaust reflections, modernity and postmodernity, urban and social liquidity and mobility, and utopia and dystopia, to mention but a few. In his astute observations Bauman paints an often sombre and depressing picture of society and the role we play in it. Writing at length on (...) and postmodernity (the latter dependent on the former for its existence), the Polish sociologist, who was impressively prolific during his lengthy career at the University of Leeds, presents us with a world in flux, one in which citizens likened to hunters lead an increasingly solitary and rootless existence in the name of staunch individualism while, all along, they seemingly push faster and increasingly desperately into an uncertain future. In Bauman’s many accounts, these members, or denizens, of the postmodern habitat lead an ambivalent existence in an apparent utopia that is far from as utopic as one would have hoped for. This article will discuss Bauman’s views on modernity and postmodernity, social fluidity and identity change, ultimately highlighting the importance of his works and the great legacy Zygmunt Bauman has left behind. -/- Key words: Zygmunt Bauman, Fluid, Liquid, Modernity, Postmodernity . (shrink)
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    Fundamentals of Algorithmic Markets: Liquidity, Contingency, and the Incomputability of Exchange.Laura Lotti - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (1):43-58.
    In light of the structural role of computational technology in the expansion of modern global finance, this essay investigates the ontology of contemporary markets starting from a reformulation of liquidity—one of the tenets of financial trading. Focusing on the nexus between financial and algorithmic flows, the paper complements contemporary philosophies of the market with insights into recent theories of computation, emphasizing the functional role of contingency, both for market trading and algorithmic processes. Considering the increasing adoption of advanced computational methods (...)
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    Searching After the Answer to an Undefined Question: Zygmunt Bauman and Sociology of Liquid Consumption.Ozren Biti - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (1):109-119.
    U ovom se radu, krećući od sociološke teorije Zygmunta Baumana, raspravljaju s jedne strane izazovi života u lakoj moderni, a s druge strane izazovi znanstvenog promišljanja različitih aspekata lake moderne. U tu se svrhu Baumanove knjige i članci uspoređuju s djelima drugih velikih imena suvremene sociologije poput Jeana Baudrillarda, Anthonyja Giddensa i Ulricha Becka. Ukrštavanje njihovih teza i ocjena o učincima globalizacije na pojedinačne živote te o novim identitetnim politikama navodi na zaključak da je Baumanov doprinos osebujan i iskoristiv za (...)
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    Interview with Zygmunt Bauman: From the Modern Project to the Liquid World.Simon Tabet - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):131-146.
    In these conversations with Simon Tabet, Zygmunt Bauman narrates important parts of his biographical and intellectual itineraries, from his formative years at the University of Warsaw to his Polish exile and final settlement in England, and how this influenced his sociological vision, as an ‘outsider’. Bauman considers some central concepts of his thought, his main sources of critical inspiration, and his position on such contemporary phenomena as the rise of populism and terrorism in Europe and the consequent relationship between politics (...)
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  39. Two Forms of Conservatism. On Liquid Values and Paradoxical Consequences.Guido Vanheeswijck - 2015 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 77 (1):133-147.
    In the first part of this critical study on Herman De Dijn’s Vloeibare waarden, I offer a concise presentation of the central ideas in this book against the backdrop of Zygmunt Bauman’s view of late modernity. In the second part, I try to characterize De Dijn’s so-called conservatism with the assistance of a few quotations from the work of Leszek Kolakowski, a Polish philosopher with whom De Dijn feels congenial. In the third part, I make two critical observations concerning (...)
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    Rethinking Populism: Peak democracy, liquid identity and the performance of sovereignty.Felix Butzlaff & Ingolfur Blühdorn - 2019 - European Journal of Social Theory 22 (2):191-211.
    Despite the burgeoning literature on right-wing populism, there is still considerable uncertainty about its causes, its impact on liberal democracies and about promising counter-strategies. Inspired by recent suggestions that (1) the emancipatory left has made a significant contribution to the proliferation of the populist right; and (2) populist movements, rather than challenging the established socio-political order, in fact stabilize and further entrench its logic, this article argues that an adequate understanding of the populist phenomenon necessitates a radical shift of perspective: (...)
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  41. Socratic and Cartesian Personae: Undismembering and Liquidation.Richard Polt - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):330-339.
    The essay investigates two personae: Socrates as depicted by Plato and Descartes as narrator of the Discourse on Method and Meditations. Socrates is aware of his ignorance and insists on remembering to care for the self; Descartes claims to have overcome ignorance through a method that breaks problems into simple and certain elements, establishing a self-certain yet impersonal subject that comprehends and controls objects. The Cartesian approach has led to the modern process of “liquidation” that reduces beings, property, and truth (...)
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    Moral Education in Late Modernity.Per Bjørn Foros & Arne Johan Vetlesen - 2016 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 277 (3):305-325.
    This article argues that there should be a stronger emphasis on morality, involving a clear articulation of a normative point of view, in education as well as in child raising, with a continuity from early childhood to higher age levels, such that the asymmetry of roles (child – adult) gradually gives way to genuine reciprocity and a shared sense of responsibility. Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman’s work, we explore the historical conditions of moral education. Solid modernity was an age of (...)
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    Economic precarity, modern liberal arts and creating a resilient graduate.Adam J. Smith - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (11):1037-1044.
    From the perspective of a recent graduate, this article offers a critique of non-STEM higher education in England as unfit for purpose. Whilst universities blindly focus on employability, transferable skills and narrow bands of subject knowledge, the economic world around them has collapsed into absurdity. The graduate today is now faced with economic, social and cultural precarity which is unreflected in the rigid structures and narrow focus of their degree. This article seeks a radical return to the ancient principles of (...)
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    Statistical Properties of Strongly Correlated Quantum Liquids.M. L. Ristig & K. A. Gernoth - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (9-10):1253-1262.
    Modern microscopic theory is employed to construct a powerful analytical algorithm that permits a clear description of characteristic features of strongly correlated quantum fluids in thermodynamic equilibrium. Using recently developed formal results we uncover an intricate relationship between strongly correlated systems and free quantum gases of appropriately defined constituents. The latter entities are precisely defined renormalized bosons or fermions. They carry all the information contained in the statistical correlations of the strongly interacting many-particle system by virtue of their effective masses. (...)
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    The temporal horizon of ‘the choice’.Tom Campbell - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 118 (1):19-32.
    ‘Time’ has been central to Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of modernity and his subsequent account of its solid and liquid variants. The experience of time in these accounts announces the coming of new opportunities, but it also signals a corrosion of our moral sensitivity. In this article, I assess Bauman’s contribution to the sociology of time and the centrality of our temporal character for his philosophical anthropology. There is a unique chance to be moral in liquid modernity, (...)
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    Teaching Philosophy: An Optimization-Liquidation or a New Start?V. M. Rozin - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (2):42-57.
    In the article, I analyze the current situation in the field of teaching philosophy and also other social sciences and humanities. The point is that in higher school, under various pretexts, many departments and philosophy councils are closed, hours for teaching philosophical courses and seminars are reduced. Teachers of philosophy and other disciplines in higher education, in addition to being overwhelmed, have to spend a lot of time on unnecessary reporting, which for the most part does not reflect the essence (...)
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    Hurried lives.Mark Davis - 2013 - Thesis Eleven 118 (1):7-18.
    Zygmunt Bauman tells us that liquid modernity is an age of both chances and dangers. It is a paradoxical age in which our attempts ‘to relate’ to each other are thwarted by the threat of ‘being related’, our hope for collective security and togetherness at odds with our desire for individual freedom and choice. As such, it is an age in which we prefer to roam freely in virtual networks, choosing when and how to connect with others. Facilitating (...)
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    Identity Discourses in Western Late Modernity and the Notion of “Liminal Space”.Hartmut Behr & Felix Rösch - 2023 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2023 (202):103-121.
    1. IntroductionConstructing narratives that can combat people’s unease about their sense of belonging, by providing a sense of certainty and steadfastness, is a recurrent affect in the history of humanity.1 Perhaps change is, however, the only constant in this history. Over a hundred years ago, Max Weber bemoaned the transition to a rationalized modernity as “the disenchantment of the world,”2 which in turn had been inspired by similar concerns expressed by Friedrich Schiller in his poem “The Gods of Greece” (...)
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    Liminality and the Modern: Living Through the in-Between.Bjørn Thomassen - 2014 - Routledge.
    Liminality and the Modern offers a comprehensive introduction to this concept, discussing its development and laying out a conceptual and experiential framework for thinking about change in terms of liminality. Applying this framework to questions surrounding the implosion of ‘non-spaces’, the analysis of major historical periods and the study of political revolution, the book also explores its possible uses in social science research and its implications for our understanding of the uncertainty and contingency of the liquid structures of modern (...)
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    Crisis and change: religion, ethics and theology under late modern conditions.Jan-Olav Henriksen & Tage Kurtén (eds.) - 2012 - Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    A common basis for the project on which this volume is based is that one cannot understand religion and ethics without paying attention to the different contexts in, and by means of which, these cultural elements are expressed. This approach makes both religion and ethics liquid, and allows us to see them as based on specific contingencies rather than as expressions of some essential features. The changing societal and cultural conditions in late modern Western societies pose new challenges for (...)
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