Results for 'language and social power'

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  1. Why Originalism Needs Critical Theory: Democracy, Language, and Social Power.Annaleigh Curtis - 2015 - Harvard Journal of Law and Gender 38 (2):437-459.
    I argue here that the existence of hermeneutical injustice as a pervasive feature of our collective linguistic and conceptual resources undermines the originalist task at two levels: one procedural, one substantive. First, large portions of society were (and continue to be) systematically excluded from the process of meaning creation when the Constitution and its Amendments were adopted, so originalism relies on enforcement of a meaning that was generated through an undemocratic process. Second, the original meaning of some words in those (...)
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    Language and power.Lewis A. Froman - 1992 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    v. 1. Books I and II -- v. 2. Books III, IV, and V -- v. 3. Books VI and VII -- v. 4. Books VIII and IX.
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    Freedom and Neurobiology: Reflections on Free Will, Language, and Political Power.John R. Searle - 2006 - Columbia University Press.
    Our self-conception derives mostly from our own experience. We believe ourselves to be conscious, rational, social, ethical, language-using, political agents who possess free will. Yet we know we exist in a universe that consists of mindless, meaningless, unfree, nonrational, brute physical particles. How can we resolve the conflict between these two visions? In _Freedom and Neurobiology_, the philosopher John Searle discusses the possibility of free will within the context of contemporary neurobiology. He begins by explaining the relationship between (...)
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    Researching Language: Issues of Power and Method.Deborah Cameron & Elizabeth Frazer - 1992 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1992. This book discusses the possibilities of developing the research process in social science so that it benefits the subjects as well as the researcher. The authors distinguish between 'ethical', 'advocate' and 'empowering' approaches to the relationship between researcher and researched, linking these to different ideas about the nature of knowledge, action, language, and social relations. They then use a series of empirical case studies to explore the possibilities for 'empowering research'. The book is (...)
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    From Perceived Supervisor Social Power to Employee Commitment: Definition and Scale Development.Léandre Alexis Chénard-Poirier, Christian Vandenberghe & Alexandre J. S. Morin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It has been theoretically proposed that employees’ perceptions of their supervisor social power in the organization entail a potential to influence their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. However, no study has investigated such potential. This lack of research stems from the absence of a common understanding around the meaning of perceived supervisor social power and the absence of any validated measure. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to establish PSSP definition and to validate a five-item scale (...)
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    Gender and Discourse: Language and Power in Politics, the Church and Organisations.Clare Walsh - 2016 - Routledge.
    Real Language Series General Editors:Jennifer Coates, Jenny Cheshire, Euan Reid This is a sociolinguistics series about the relationships between language, society and social change. Books in the series draw on natural language data from a wide range of social contexts. The series takes a critical approach to the subject, challenging current orthodoxies, and dealing with familiar topics in new ways. Gender and Discourse offers a critical new approach to the study of language and gender (...)
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    Power, Pedagogy, and Social Reality.Shaireen Rasheed - 2000 - Social Philosophy Today 16:203-214.
    Living Dangerously: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Difference, Henry Giroux critically examines the emphasis on “clarity” in educational discourse, the best known advocate for which is Michael Apple. Giroux points out that a new generation of social critics, particularly in feminist theory, literary studies, post-colonial analysis, and Afro-American cultural criticism, has broken with traditional conventions that call for writing in a clear, unambiguous discourse. In contrast to Apple’s interpretation of “clarity” in language, the present paper will emphasize Giroux’s (...)
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    Language and power.Lynne Tirrell - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young, A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 137–152.
    Language matters to feminism because language is a structure of significances that governs our lives. It contains and conveys the categories through which we understand ourselves and others, and through which we become who and what we are. Our linguistic practices are constituted largely by inferences which in turn constitute or contribute to our understanding of the connections (causal and otherwise) between things. These inferential roles and patterns, which are normatively inscribed, give order and significance to the categories. (...)
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  9. Language and Power.Lynne Tirrell - 1998 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Iris Marion Young, A companion to feminist philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell.
    This article argues that the real promise of feminist philosophy of language is in its account of articulated normativity. Feminist philosophy of language began within a descriptivist framework, seeking to identify and root out sexist discursive practices, like naming practices that subsume women’s identity under men’s, descriptive practices that erase or undermine women’s accomplishments and presence as subjects, and so on. This approach had its limits, and led to increased attention to the discursive practices through which we articulate (...)
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  10.  72
    The Social Power of Environmental Ethics.Joel Jay Kassiola - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (11-12):51-76.
    Environmental ethics has an identity and public image problem. Unlike the other applied ethics subfields like biomedical or business ethics, environmental ethics is surprisingly devalued and even rejected as a possible contributor to confronting effectively the global environmental crisis by anti-environmental philosophers and public policy analysts. Thus, environmental ethics has many critics, both within and outside of philosophy, who strongly challenge the contemporary, practical social relevance of this academic field.In contrast to this critical viewpoint, this essay argues for the (...)
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    Language and Revolution in Egypt.Reem Bassiouney - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (163):85-110.
    ExcerptI. Introduction The politicizing of language that took place in Egypt before and after the January 25th revolution provides a rich environment for linguistic analysis on many levels. It is no exaggeration to say that discussion of language always feeds into politics through identity construction. As Paul Gee contends, language is in essence political: Politics is not just about contending political parties. At a much deeper level it is about how to distribute social goods in a (...)
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  12.  22
    ‘Symbolic Power’ in the Official Covid-19 Field and Language.Costas S. Constantinou - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):105-116.
    The covid-19 pandemic caused countries around the globe to take measures, and to construct a specific set of language to talk about the virus. The present discussion paper aims to unpack this language based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of ‘symbolic power’, and social observations. The analysis indicates that the covid-19 field was formulated where an official language was produced, including scientific, war, enforcement and censorship linguistic practices. The paper discusses why there is not one covid-19 (...)
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    Uneasy companions: language and human collectivities in the remaking of Chinese society in the early twentieth century.Jeffrey Weng - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):75-100.
    How we think national standard languages came to dominate the world depends on how we conceptualize the way languages are linked to the people that use them. Weberian theory posits the arbitrariness and constructedness of a community based on language. People who speak the same language do not necessarily think of themselves as a community, and so such a community is an intentional, political, and inclusive production. Bourdieusian theory treats language as a form of unequally distributed cultural (...)
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    July 12, 2000.Richard Powers - unknown
    Do we need a Darwinian theory of cultural evolution? In one sense, certainly. It is obvious that there are patterns of cultural change-evolution in the neutral sense-and any theory of cultural change worth more than a moment's consideration will have to be Darwinian in the minimal sense of being consistent with the theory of evolution by natural selection of Homo sapiens. Our species name is well chosen, and it is culture that makes us the knowing hominid, so a minimally Darwinian (...)
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    Are Language Games Also Confidence Tricks? Technology as Embodied Power and Collective Disempowerment.Christopher John Müller - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):875-880.
    Mark Coeckelbergh’s mobilisation of Wittgensteinian language games makes an important contribution to exposing the social dimension of machine use. This commentary asks to what extent this social dimension of meaning and the wider imaginary that forms around technological objects on account of the transparency of language is also part of a technological “confidence trick”. It suggests that philosophical anthropology, especially the perspectives developed by Günther Anders and Helmut Plessner, can offer additional resources to trace and critique (...)
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    Linguistics and Social Sciences.Michel Foucault - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (1-2):259-278.
    Written with the suppression of the Tunisian students by their own government in view, Michel Foucault’s March 1968 ‘Linguistics and Social Sciences’ opens up a new horizon of historical inquiry and epitomises Foucault’s abiding interest in formulating new methods for studying the interaction of language and power. Translated into English for the first time by Jonathan D.S. Schroeder and Chantal Wright, this remarkable lecture constitutes Foucault’s most explicit and sustained statement of his project to revolutionise history by (...)
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    Illocution and Social Relations: A Critical Analysis.Ritu Sharma - 2021 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 38 (3):453-467.
    In this paper, I claim that even though the conventional account of illocution (Sbisà, in Lodz Pap Pragmat 5(1):33–52, 2009a; In: B Fraser, K Turner (eds) Language in life, and a life in language. Emerald, pp 351–357, 2009b) makes an attempt to theorize social relations in illocutions, the attempt is unsuccessful. Sbisà's conventional account fails to describe the ways in which a fair social agreement can be established. A fair social agreement is a key element (...)
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    Borrowed language and identity practices in a linguistic marketplace: A discourse analytic study of Chinese doctors’ journey online.Feifei Zhou - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (5):533-552.
    This article examines online identity practices of Chinese doctors mediated through borrowed linguistic resources in a leading medical app. Setting against rapid societal changes in China which open up traditionally ‘powerful’ professions to market competition, and the development of a booming digital economy, this app and its semiotic work drawing on Chinese Internet vernacular, I will argue, offer a fascinating lens to probe into the highly dynamic online discursive practices in contemporary China. Drawing on the notions of entextualization and resemiotization, (...)
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    Ethnic Bargains, Group Instability, and Social Choice Theory.Kanchan Chandra - 2001 - Politics and Society 29 (3):337-362.
    This article makes two arguments: first, it argues that theories connecting ethnic group mobilization with democratic bargaining are based, often unwittingly, on primordialist assumptions that bias them toward overestimating the intractability of ethnic group demands. Second, it proposes a synthesis of constructivist approaches to ethnic identity and social choice theory to show how we who study ethnic mobilization might build theories that rely on the more realistic and more powerful assumption of instability in ethnic group boundaries and preferences. It (...)
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    The Power of (Re)Creation and Social Transformation of Binomial ‘Art-Technology’ in Times of Crisis: Musical Poetic Narrative in Rozalén’s ‘Lyric Video’ “Aves Enjauladas”.María del Mar Rivas-Carmona - 2020 - Cultura 17 (2):217-231.
    The epidemic outbreak of the coronavirus has meant a sudden, temporary ceasing of activities as we knew them. The health crisis has led to a social and economic crisis, and these circumstances have revealed solidarity on a global scale. In moments of separation, when culture has brought us closer together, the global phenomenon of charity songs has emerged, generating financial aid for scientific research and care for the most vulnerable people. This work focuses on a charity song turned into (...)
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  21.  44
    Narrative and social justice from the perspective of governmentality.Naomi Hodgson - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):559-572.
    The use of narrative research is often informed by a commitment to social justice on the part of the researcher. An example of this literature, Morwenna Griffiths' Action for Social Justice in Education: Fairly Different (2003), is taken here to illustrate the understanding of power and the way in which the relationship between theory and practice is conceived. The language and tone of such texts illustrate the role of a certain inheritance of psychology in the construction (...)
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    Well-Being Through the Poet’s Speaking: A Reflective Analysis of Well-Being through Engagement with Poetry Underpinned by Phenomenological Philosophical Ideas about Language and Poetry.Kathleen Galvin - 2019 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 19 (2):71-80.
    The poet speaks in a particular way that can “bring things to nearness”. This particular way of bringing things to nearness may have some useful implications for understanding human well-being. Sometimes I have noticed that, when I read a poem that really “speaks to me”, the poetic language puts me in touch with well-being in a very palpable way, and this has brought me to wonder about this question: What is it that is taking place in a much loved (...)
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  23. Language, Power and the Social Construction of Animals.Arran Stibbe - 2001 - Society and Animals 9 (2):145-161.
    This paper describes how language contributes to the oppression and exploitation of animals by animal product industries. Critical Discourse Analysis, a framework usually applied in countering racism and sexism, is applied to a corpus of texts taken from animal industry sources. The mass confinement and slaughter of animals in intensive farms depend on the implicit consent of the population, signaled by its willingness to buy animal products produced in this way. Ideological assumptions embedded in everyday discourse and that of (...)
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    Resurrecting Language through Social Criticism.Sally J. Scholz - 2001 - Social Philosophy Today 17:203-216.
    Social criticism can take on many forms ranging from theoretical exposition to non-violent protests. This paper considers literary art as a form of social criticism and uses Morrison's novel Paradise as the exemplary case to show that the confrontation of unjust ideas through social criticism is essential in building non-oppressive relations open to diversity. In this sense, social criticism is a paradigm of communication that, although often entailing conflict, ultimately aims at reconciliation. I begin with a (...)
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    Strategies for Legitimising and Delegitimising Power in Nigerian Courtroom Discourse.Anthony Elisha Anowu, Tunde Ope-Davies & Mojisola Shodipe - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):379-398.
    This paper examines the strategies for the legitimisation of power in courtroom encounters. It focuses on how discourse becomes the instrument for power and control during the judicial process of witness examination in a Nigerian courtroom context. Legitimisation, as used in this study, therefore, provides more insight into how language use within an institutionalised setting becomes the locus of social interactions designed to achieve specific social goals. Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) was adopted as the theoretical (...)
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    Animals, Language, and Life.Bryan E. Bannon - 2009 - Environmental Philosophy 6 (1):21-34.
    This essay elaborates the meaning of Merleau-Ponty’s conception of life as “a power to invent the visible” by differentiating it from Heidegger’s claim, in The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics, that the essence of humanity is to be world-forming. By considering how history and language influence conceptions of life, the essay argues that the various forms of animal life are structurally similar to human life, while at the same time are different insofar as different species exhibit distinct ways of (...)
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    How Culture Displaced Structural Reform: Problem Definition, Marketization, and Neoliberal Myths in Bank Regulation.Anette Mikes & Michael Power - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-21.
    We use content analysis to show that the diagnosis of the financial crisis of 2007–2009 shifted significantly from a focus on the need for structural change in the banking industry to an emphasis on culture and reform at the organizational level. We consider four overlapping subsystems in which this shift in problem–solution clusters played out—political, regulatory, legal, and consulting—and show that the “structural reform agenda,” which was initially strong and publicly prominent in the political arena, lost attention. Over time it (...)
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    Social Protest and the Absence of Legalistic Discourse: In the Quest for New Language of Dissent.Shulamit Almog & Gad Barzilai - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (4):735-756.
    Legalistic discourse, lawyers and lawyering had minor representation during the 2011 summer protest events in Israel. In this paper we explore and analyze this phenomena by employing content analysis on various primary and secondary sources, among them structured personal interviews with leaders and major activists involved in the protest, flyers, video recordings made by demonstrators and songs written by them. Our findings show that participants cumulatively produced a pyramid-like structure of social power that is anchored in the enterprise (...)
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    Powers and Prospects: Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order.Noam Chomsky - 1996 - South End Press.
    World politics, international relations, representative government. Author's works in demand.
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    The Social Ontology Of African American Language, The Power Of Nommo, And The Dynamics Of Resistance And Identity Through Language.George Yancy - 2012 - In Reframing the Practice of Philosophy: Bodies of Color, Bodies of Knowledge. State University of New York Press. pp. 295-326.
  31. Social cognition, Stag Hunts, and the evolution of language.Richard Moore - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (6):797-818.
    According to the socio-cognitive revolution hypothesis, humans but not other great apes acquire language because only we possess the socio-cognitive abilities required for Gricean communication, which is a pre-requisite of language development. On this view, language emerged only following a socio-cognitive revolution in the hominin lineage that took place after the split of the Pan-Homo clade. In this paper, I argue that the SCR hypothesis is wrong. The driving forces in language evolution were not sweeping biologically (...)
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    Feminists Borrowing Language and Practice from Other Religious Traditions: Some Ethical Implications.Rhiannon Grant - 2012 - Feminist Theology 20 (2):146-159.
    Seeking new language for the Divine has encouraged Christian and Jewish feminists to explore other religious traditions which are richer in feminine language for God, and in some cases to borrow parts of what they find for their own use. However, these other religious traditions are often socially and politically less powerful, and borrowing their language and practice has ethical implications. Especially because the ethical dimensions of liturgy are bound up with theological issues, religious feminists have a (...)
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    On the edge of the cliff: history, language, and practices.Roger Chartier - 1997 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    The importance of history has been powerfully reaffirmed in recent years by the appearance of major new authors, pathbreaking works, and fresh interpretations of historical events, trends, and methods. Responding to these developments, Roger Chartier engages several of the most influential writers of cultural history whose works have spread far beyond academic audiences to become part of contemporary cultural argument. Challenging the assertion that history is no more than a "fiction-making operation" Chartier examines the relationships between history and fiction and (...)
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    ‘The Power of Language: How the Codes We Use to Think, Speak, and Live Transform Our Minds’, written by Viorica Marian.Ashley Chung-Fat-Yim & Sirada Rochanavibhata - 2025 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 25 (1-2):247-253.
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    Inside Notes from the Outside: The Politics of Gender, Race, Myth, Language and Spatiality in bell hooks and Margaret Fuller.Caroline Joan S. Picart - 1996 - Social Philosophy Today 12:83-108.
    Inside Notes From the Outside wrestles with issues that have loomed over anyone who has had to come to terms with concrete, pragmatic questions regarding identity within the interacting spheres of race, gender, class, and power. Based on the premise that discourse regarding these issues tend to be cast into a relationship of powerful vs. powerless, the author contends that power is not a fixed thing, but a subtle, complex matrix that shifts over time. A thoughtful approach toward (...)
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  36. The problem of the" external" and the" internal" in Bakhtin's philosophy of language and action.N. Lacko - 2000 - Filozofia 55 (7):534-544.
    The main task of the paper is to show Bachtin's rendering the "external" and the "internal" problematic in his Marxism and the Philosophy of Language, by which he meant the pertaining limits between ourselves and the world, between the individual - psychological and the social. The author argues, that these are not two distinctive contradictory spheres: according to Bachtin the "internal" is always organized by the "external" i. e. the independence of the former is denied. He supposes that (...)
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    Every word is a bird we teach to sing: encounters with the mysteries and meanings of language.Daniel Tammet - 2017 - New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company.
    Is vocabulary destiny? Why do clocks 'talk' to the Nahua people of Mexico? Will A.I. researchers ever produce true human-machine dialogue? In this mesmerizing collection of essays, Daniel Tammet answers these and many other questions about the intricacy and profound power of language. Tammet goes back in time to explore the numeric language of his autistic childhood; he looks at the music and patterns that words make, and how languages evolve and are translated. He meets one of (...)
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    Rebalance power and strengthen farmers’ position in the EU food system? A CDA of the Farm to Fork Strategy.Aziz Omar & Martin Hvarregaard Thorsøe - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):631-646.
    The Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy at the heart of the European Union’s Green Deal set out to create a “just transition” towards a sustainable food system, with benefits for all actors. We conducted a critical discourse analysis (CDA) to explore discourses around power in the food system and farmers’ position in the communication and implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy. Discourse analysis encapsulates various scientific methodologies for deciphering the meaning behind the creation and communication of different forms (...)
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  39. Beliefs in Action: Economic Philosophy and Social Change.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the role of economic philosophy in the processes of belief-formation and social change. Its aim is to further our understanding of the behaviour of the individual economic agent by bringing to light and examining the function of non-rational dispositions and motivations in the determination of the agent's beliefs and goals. Drawing on the work of David Hume and Adam Smith the book spells out the particular ways in which the passions come to affect our (...)
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    Language for those who have nothing: Mikhail Bakhtin and the landscape of psychiatry.Peter Good - 2001 - New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum.
    The aim of Language for those who have Nothing is to think psychiatry through the writings of Mikhail Bakhtin. Using the concepts of Dialogism and Polyphony, the Carnival and the Chronotope, a novel means of navigating the clinical landscape is developed. Bakhtin offers language as a social phenomenon and one that is fully embodied. Utterances are shown to be alive and enfleshed and their meanings realised in the context of given social dimensions. The organisation of this (...)
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    Marcuse and the Language of Power.Mark O'Brien - 2013 - Radical Philosophy Review 16 (1):187-203.
    This paper considers the political manipulation of language in the UK governmental fairness agenda. It employs Marcuse’s analytical notion of the suppression of the transitive meaning of “the word” within “the sentence.” Further to this it links the operationalizing of language with positivist and uncritical policy epistemologies used by the UK coalition government. Using this theoretical framework the paper draws out the two broad meanings of the term “fairness” used to legitimate public-sector cuts on the one hand, and (...)
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    Neutrality, Critique, and Social Visibility.Alice Crary - 2021 - Philosophical Topics 49 (1):187-194.
    This piece continues an exchange between David Beaver and Jason Stanley, on the one hand, and Alice Crary, on the other, to which Beaver’s and Stanley’s “Neutrality” (immediately above) is a contribution. All three authors agree that the critique of ideology, propaganda, and oppressive structures should not be conceived as eliminating socially-situated perspectives and subjectively-mediated sensibilities from an allegedly neutral discursive space. Their exchange began with Crary’s 2018 article, “The Methodological as Political: What’s the Matter with ‘Analytic Feminism’?” which attacks (...)
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    Power, Complexity and Post-Visual Attention.David Cornberg - 2009 - Cultura 6 (2):78-84.
    The transition from modernity to post-modernity features changes in values amplified by an enormous increase in visual stimuli. This increase motivates analysis of the power of attention to create the present. Complexity theory illuminates this power and leads to the startling conclusion that we spend much of our waking life in a gap of nonexistence.
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    Virtue blindness and hegemony: Qualitative evidence of negotiated ethical frameworks in the social language of university research administration.Timothy N. Atkinson & Diane S. Gilleland - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (2):195-220.
    The study used critical discourse analysis (CDA) to elucidate normative structures of ethical behavior in university research administration which may be useful for knowledge transference to future studies of research integrity. Research administration appears to support integrity in the research environment through four very strong normative domains: (1) respect for authority structures; (2) respect for institutional boundaries; (3) professionalism; and (4) a strong sense of virtue. The strong norm structure of research administration, however, appears to be threatened by the fifth (...)
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  45. (1 other version)Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization.John R. Searle (ed.) - 2009 - , US: Oxford University Press.
    The purpose of this book -- Intentionality -- Collective intentionality and the assignment of function -- Language as biological and social -- The general theory of institutions and institutional facts: -- Language and social reality -- Free will, rationality, and institutional facts -- Power : deontic, background, political, and other -- Human rights -- Concluding remarks : the ontological foundations of the social sciences.
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    The Instruction of Imagination: Language as a Social Communication Technology.Daniel Dor - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The book suggests a new perspective on the essence of human language. This enormous achievement of our species is best characterized as a communication technology - not unlike the social media on the Net today - that was collectively invented by ancient humans for a very particular communicative function: the instruction of imagination. All other systems of communication in the biological world target the interlocutors' senses; language allows speakers to systematically instruct their interlocutors in the process of (...)
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    Migrant Women and Social Reproduction under Austerity.Gwyneth Lonergan - 2015 - Feminist Review 109 (1):124-145.
    Since coming to power in 2010, the UK Coalition government has enacted a series of cuts to public spending, under the auspices of austerity. Underpinning these cuts is a neo-liberal model of citizenship, in which citizens are expected to be autonomous, independent and economically productive, and in which the responsibilities of citizenship outweigh the rights. This model of citizenship is characterised by a paradoxical approach to social reproduction. The Coalition government has taken a significant interest in social (...)
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    On Mathematical Naturalism and the Powers of Symbolisms.Murray Code - 2005 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 1 (1):35-53.
    Advances in modern mathematics indicate that progress in this field of knowledge depends mainly on culturally inflected imaginative intuitions, or intuitive imaginings—which mysteriously result in the growth of systems of symbolism that are often efficacious, although fallible and very likely evolutionary. Thus the idea that a trouble-free epistemology can be constructed out of an intuition-free mathematical naturalism would seem to be question begging of a very high order. I illustrate the point by examining Philip Kitcher’s attempt to frame an empiricist (...)
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    Power, Gender, and Individual Differences in Spatial Metaphor: The Role of Perceptual Stereotypes and Language Statistics.Bodo Winter, Sarah E. Duffy & Jeannette Littlemore - 2020 - Metaphor and Symbol 35 (3):188-205.
    English speakers use vertical language to talk about power, such as when speaking of people being “at the bottom of the social hierarchy” or “rising to the top.” Experimental research has shown tha...
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    Naming/Power: Linguistic Engineering and the Construction of Discourse in Early China.Ori Tavor - 2014 - Asian Philosophy 24 (4):313-329.
    The interplay between language and politics has been the subject of increased academic interest in the last few decades. The idea that language can be used as a device not only for communication but also for control and manipulation, however, is by no means new. This article traces the emergence of one of the first fully formed Chinese theories of language, Xunzi’s ‘rectification of names’ doctrine, in order to reconstruct a social history of language in (...)
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