Results for 'interior'

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  1.  59
    Integrating interiority in community development.Gail Hochachka - 2005 - World Futures 61 (1 & 2):110 – 126.
    This article explores Integral community development; an approach that integrates material needs (such as economic growth, resource management, and decision-making structures) and interior needs (such as cultural, spiritual, and psychological wellness). Including "interiority" in development is unique to conventional and alternative development practices, and analysis suggests it is necessary for sustainability. Integral community development works in three domains of action/application, dialogue/process, and self-growth/reflection, and recognizes the importance of changes in worldviews. Using this approach in a case study in El (...)
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    Interior e exterior.José Manuel Heleno - 2023 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 6 (1):78-89.
    A distinção entre interior e exterior é um tema recorrente na história da filosofia. Embora a maioria das vezes seja assumido de forma implícita nas reflexões filosóficas, é fundamental procurar esclarecê-lo. Desde a noção socrática de interior como aquilo que importa realmente conhecer, passando pela conceção agostiniana de marca da transcendência até às perspetivas de Fernando Pessoa e Wittgenstein, percorre-se um caminho merecedor da nossa atenção.
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    Contemplative Interiority and Human Development.T. R. Raghunath - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:209-235.
    This paper will present an alternative to the mainstream Western approach to human development. The mainstream Western approach to human development does not countenance contemplative interiority as a means of cognitive inquiry and a domain of cognitive value. Hence, its conception of human development is narrowly confined to the domain of formal-operational thinking and its application to material exteriority. The alternative I will present is the work of the twentieth Indian philosopher Aurobindo (1872–1950) whose integral theory of human of development (...)
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    Generation, interiority and the phenomenology of Christianity in Michel Henry.Joseph M. Rivera - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (2):205-235.
    In this paper I focus on a central phenomenological concept in Michel Henry’s work that has often been neglected: generation. Generation becomes an especially important conceptual key to understanding not only the relationship between God and human self but also Henry’s adoption of radical interiority and his critical standpoint with respect to much of the phenomenological tradition in which he is working. Thus in pursuing the theme of generation, I shall introduce many phenomenological-theological terms in Henry’s trilogy on Christianity as (...)
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    From Interior Algebras to Unital ℓ-Groups: A Unifying Treatment of Modal Residuated Lattices.William Young - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (2):265-286.
    Much work has been done on specific instances of residuated lattices with modal operators . In this paper, we develop a general framework that subsumes three important classes of modal residuated lattices: interior algebras, Abelian ℓ-groups with conuclei, and negative cones of ℓ-groups with nuclei. We then use this framework to obtain results about these three cases simultaneously. In particular, we show that a categorical equivalence exists in each of these cases. The approach used here emphasizes the role played (...)
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    Vivencia interior de la Ley natural en san Buenaventura: sindéresis, superación de la dialéctica sujeto-objeto.Manuel Lázaro Pulido - 2008 - Anuario Filosófico 41 (91):83-98.
    Saint Bonaventure did not write specifically on the natural law; nevertheless, interesting contributions on the issue can be derived from his theological reflection. The natural law, understood in the context of his doctrine of exemplarism, is a characterization of the interior experience, where “synderesis” appears as a fundamental faculty. Within this context, the Franciscan teacher derives a conception wherein the subject-object dialectic is overcome at several levels: epistemological, anthropological, metaphysical and moral.
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    Interior of a Schwarzschild Black Hole Revisited.Rosa Doran, Francisco S. N. Lobo & Paulo Crawford - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (2):160-187.
    The Schwarzschild solution has played a fundamental conceptual role in general relativity, and beyond, for instance, regarding event horizons, spacetime singularities and aspects of quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. However, one still encounters the existence of misconceptions and a certain ambiguity inherent in the Schwarzschild solution in the literature. By taking into account the point of view of an observer in the interior of the event horizon, one verifies that new conceptual difficulties arise. In this work, besides providing (...)
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    Rethinking Interiority: Phenomenological Approaches , eds. Élodie Boublil and Antonio Calcagno. Book selected for special book session by the Centro Italiano di Ricerche Fenomenologiche, Rome, Italy, June 15, 2024.Elodie Boublil & Antonio Calcagno (eds.) - 2023 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    A philosophical investigation of the concept of interiority, presenting readers with its unmined aspects and senses.
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    SUP-Hesitant Fuzzy Interior Ideals in \(\Gamma\)-Semigroups.Pannawit Khamrot & Thiti Gaketem - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (2):155-171.
    In this paper, we defined the concept \(\mathcal{SUP}\)-hesitant fuzzy interior ideals in \(\Gamma\)-semigroups, which is generalized of hesitant fuzzy interior ideals in \(\Gamma\)-semigroups. Additionally, we study fundamental properties of \(\mathcal{SUP}\)-hesitant fuzzy interior ideals in \(\Gamma\)-semigroups. Finally, we investigate characterized properties of those.
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    Interior states: institutional consciousness and the inner life of democracy in the antebellum United States.Christopher Castiglia - 2008 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    "This book combines scope and depth in a way that will remind readers of some of the classics--F. O. Matthiessen, Leo Marx, Ann Douglas, Jane Tompkins.
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  11. An interior metaphysics.Pierre Scheuer - 1966 - Weston, Mass.,: Weston College Press. Edited by Daniel J. Shine.
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    Transforming Interior Spaces: Enriching Subjective Experiences Through Design Research.Tiiu Poldma - 2010 - Journal of Research Practice 6 (2):Article M13.
    This article explores tacit knowledge of lived experience and how this form of knowledge relates to design research. It investigates how interior designers interpret user lived experiences when creating designed environments. The article argues that user experience is the basis of a form of knowledge that is useful for designers. The theoretical framework proposed in the article examines the nature of user experience and how it can be utilized in the design process. The study of lived experiences is contextualized (...)
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    Interiority, Cognitional Operations, and Aesthetic Judgment: In Dialogue with John Dadosky and Mikel Dufrenne.James R. Pambrun - 2014 - Philosophy and Theology 26 (2):307-341.
    This article proposes to elaborate aesthetic judgment. The context is John Dadosky’s call for such an elaboration in light of the theological and philosophical import of a recovery of beauty. Following Dadosky’s suggestion that this be set within Lonergan’s appeal to interiority, the article signals two points in Dadosky’s program: patterns of experience and the role of cognitional operations. The article turns to Mikel Dufrenne’s work on the phenomenology of aesthetic experience. Based on this work, data is presented on behalf (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty, Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life and the World: Interiority and Exteriority, Psychic Life, and the World.Dorothea Olkowski & James Morley - 1999 - State University of New York Pressolkowski, Dorothea.
    This book demonstrates how Merleau-Ponty's understanding of the continuity of inner and psychological life (interiority) and the material world (exteriority) ...
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  15.  12
    El símbolo del castillo interior en Sohravardi y en Santa Teresa.José Antonio Antón Pacheco - 2023 - Isidorianum 9 (17):149-166.
    Aparte de los ejemplos añadidos por Miguel Asín Palacios y Luce López-Baralt, en los que se aprecia la presencia del símbolo de castillo interior en la mística islámica, el símil de los siete castillos del alma de los siete castillos del alma se encuentra también en el filósofo persa filósofo persa Shihaboddin Yahya Sohravardi (siglo XII). Por tanto, se trata de un antecedente de Santa Teresa de Ávila en el uso de este símbolo.
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  16. An illusory interiority: Interrogating the discourse/s of inclusion.Linda J. Graham & Roger Slee - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (2):277–293.
    It is generally accepted that the notion of inclusion derived or evolved from the practices of mainstreaming or integrating students with disabilities into regular schools. Halting the practice of segregating children with disabilities was a progressive social movement. The value of this achievement is not in dispute. However, our charter as scholars and cultural vigilantes is to always look for how we can improve things; to avoid stasis and complacency we must continue to ask, how can we do it better? (...)
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  17.  35
    Interiority and Human Experience: Dominicus de Flandria on the Interior Senses.Brian Garcia - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22 (1):219–237.
    This paper takes up the topic of the interior senses and sensible cognition as elaborated by Dominic of Flanders, a fifteenth-century Dominican thinker, in his short commentary, Expositio super libros De anima. At a time when Averroistic Aristotelianism was flourishing, and as nominalism spread across the Continent, Dominic’s account of the soul and the interior senses demonstrates a commitment to Thomas Aquinas and, more broadly, scholastic realism. Dominic adopts the fourfold model of the internal senses advanced by Thomas. (...)
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  18.  30
    El “espacio interior del cuerpo” y la localización del dolor físico: lecturas de Maine de Biran.Luís António Umbelino - 2019 - Isegoría 60:271.
    El objetivo de este artículo es estudiar la teoría del espacio interior del cuerpo de Maine de Biran a lo largo de sus tres componentes principales que son establecidos a lo largo de un diálogo crítico con Condillac y Destutt de Tracy, y desarrollados desde el punto de vista de la teoría del esfuerzo. Esos componentes son: la durabilidad del esfuerzo primordial; la posibilidad de percibir el espacio exterior; la consistencia del tiempo furtivo de la sensibilidad.
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  19.  20
    Interiority and law: Bahya ibn Paquda and the concept of inner commandments.Omer Michaelis - 2023 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    Interiority and Law presents a groundbreaking reassessment of a medieval Jewish classic, Baḥya ibn Paquda's Guide to the Duties of the Hearts. Michaelis reads this work anew as a revolutionary intervention in Jewish law, or halakha. Overturning perceptions of Baḥya as the shaper of an ethical-religious form of life that exceeds halakha, Michaelis offers a pioneering historical and conceptual analysis of the category of "inner commandments" developed by Baḥya. Interiority and Law reveals that Baḥya's main effort revolved around establishing a (...)
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  20.  25
    Interior Portraits in The Magic Mountain and Brain Imaging.Amihud Gilead - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (2):416-432.
    Thomas Mann's 'The Magic Mountain' conveys some insights into the distinction between images and reality. Like a prisoner in the Platonic cave, Hans Castorp is enslaved to images. His fascination for the X-ray images of the 'interior portrait,' especially of Clawdia Chauchat, may anticipate the current illusion that brain imaging may allow access to the minds of other persons, may draw their mental portraits. In Mann's novel, Director Behrens, the ardent materialist, anticipates such an illusion. It is only the (...)
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  21.  15
    Taste: media and interior design.Karin Tehve - 2023 - New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This book traces and explores the evolution of taste from a design perspective: what it is, how it works and what it does. Karin Tehve examines taste primarily through its recursive relationship to media. This ongoing process changes the relationship between designers and the public, and our understanding of the relationship of individuals to their social contexts. Through an analysis of taste, design is understood to be an active constituent of social life, not as autonomous from it. This book reclaims (...)
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  22.  81
    Strong Interiority and (Traditional) Theism: What's the Problem?Robert Oakes - 2012 - Ratio 25 (1):68-78.
    Central to Spinozism is the thesis that the immanence of the Divine Substance in the cosmos (in natural objects) is – like the immanence of the dancer in the dance –maximal or total. Just as the dance consists entirely of the dancer in aesthetically‐stylized motion, so the domain of nature is nothing in addition to God in cosmic guise. Accordingly, natural objects constitute modes of God. Hence, Spinozism and (traditional) theism are obviously irreconcilable. For it is indispensable to theism that (...)
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  23. The Interior Life: An Interreligious Approach.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2021 - Indian Catholic Matters.
    The interface between Roman Catholic Christianity and the Sanatana Dharma is often limited to Vedantic discourses and neglects the Shakta traditions to be found within the woof of Hinduism. And generally, this dialogue is between celibates of both religions. This blog-post after removing false notions about Tantra, goes on to show how Tantra as a lived faith is about interiority and a life of contemplation. This post also touches upon three crucial differences between Christianity and Tantra. To quote from the (...)
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  24.  39
    The Interior Life of the Christian.M. Eugene Boylan - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (1/2):237-243.
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    Interiority and Intellection.Alice Ramos - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 3:349-353.
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    Interior colors.Joseph Thomas Tolliver - 1994 - Philosophical Topics 22 (1/2):411-41.
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  27. The interior of a star.A. S. Eddington - 1918 - Scientia 12 (23):9.
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  28. Interior dialogue and the human image.Kenneth P. Kramer - 2011 - In Kenneth Kramer (ed.), Dialogically speaking: Maurice Friedman's interdisciplinary humanism. Eugene, Or.: Pickwick Publications.
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    The interior life of politics.Laura Pulido - 2003 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 6:46-51.
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  30.  37
    Interior swelling on the expansive effects of ancestral interventions in maputo, mozambique.Morten Nielsen - 2012 - Common Knowledge 18 (3):433-450.
    This article opens with the questions, What is on the inside of a relation? Might we imagine the inner workings of a relational form detached from the elements that it connects? Then, through an ethnographic examination of ancestral interventions among residents in a neighborhood on the outskirts of Maputo, the article challenges conventional understandings of relational forms as the connective “glue” holding together exterior and, to a certain extent, autonomous elements. In southern Mozambique, ancestral spirits intervene in the lives of (...)
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  31.  12
    Interiority and Thinking.Brian O'Shaughnessy - 2000 - In Consciousness and the World. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The stream of consciousness of the waking conscious manifests both meaningfulness and interiority as the dream does not. The variety of meaning involved is spelt out. It emerges that it is a derivative of the overall mental activeness of consciousness together with the fact that the activeness pre‐eminently includes the thinking process. This is the one active experiential line that carries its own rationale, for thinking is a mental willing, which par excellence knows where it is going, indeed is the (...)
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  32. Interiorized self-Augustinian epistemology and existential education.Jl Devitis - 1971 - Journal of Thought 6 (2):109-115.
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  33. Editorial: Projected interiorities or the production of subjectivity through spatial and performative means.Amir Djalali & Claudia Westermann - 2022 - Technoetic Arts 20 (3):159-165.
    Even those who consider themselves lucky to have escaped trauma, long-term illness and death, have experienced radical changes to their conception of life in its relation to public and private domains due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When public space turned into a dangerous realm, private interiors were assigned a new role and with these shifts, also new questions about the relation of interiority to any type of exteriority emerged. The first four contributions in this ‘Projected Interiorities’ issue of Technoetic Arts (...)
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  34.  11
    Interview and interior: Procedures of narrative surveys around 1900.Anke te Heesen - 2021 - Science in Context 34 (4):423-438.
    ArgumentIn the spring of 1893, the Austrian writer and critic Hermann Bahr began interviewing various people on antisemitism, a subject of heated discussion in the European feuilleton around 1900. “Once again, I am travelling the world sounding out people’s opinions and listening to what they have to say,” he wrote in his introduction to a series of articles on that issue that appeared in the feuilleton of the Deutsche Zeitung between March and September 1893. A year later, the Berlin publishing (...)
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  35.  54
    Interiority and epiphany: A reading in New Testament ethics.Rowan D. Williams - 1997 - Modern Theology 13 (1):29-51.
  36.  14
    Interior Color and Psychological Functioning in a University Residence Hall.Marco Costa, Sergio Frumento, Mattia Nese & Iacopo Predieri - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Behavior-Interior-Aware User Preference Analysis Based on Social Networks.Can Wang, Tao Bo, Yun Wei Zhao, Chi-Hung Chi, Kwok-Yan Lam, Sen Wang & Min Shu - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-18.
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  38. Framing -? interior.Suzie Attiwill - 2017 - In Practising with Deleuze: design, dance, art, writing, philosophy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    In interiore homine.Angela Ales Bello & Antonio Calcagno - 2023 - In Elodie Boublil & Antonio Calcagno (eds.), _Rethinking Interiority: Phenomenological Approaches_ , eds. Élodie Boublil and Antonio Calcagno. Book selected for special book session by the Centro Italiano di Ricerche Fenomenologiche, Rome, Italy, June 15, 2024. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 73-84.
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    El carácter reflexivo en los monólogos interiores de Franz Werfel en Escuchad la Voz.Marisel Adriana Somale - 2015 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 4 (1).
    Los monólogos interiores en “Escuchad la Voz” de Franz Werfel constituyen verdaderos momentos de introspección y reflexión profundas del protagonista, mensajero de la salvación para la humanidad. El monólogo es un elemento de comunicación directo de Jeeves, el personaje principal, con el lector, a la manera de un intercambio oral transmitido al interlocutor. La encarnación del mesiánico Jeremías en un personaje contemporáneo trae consigo el poder de la redención, ya que aunque el héroe trágico debe morir, nos entrega la vida (...)
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  41. The Interior of Things: The Origami of Being.Levi R. Bryant - 2016 - Przegląd Kulturoznawczy 29 (3).
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  42.  64
    Walking through Architectural Spaces: The Impact of Interior Forms on Human Brain Dynamics.Maryam Banaei, Javad Hatami, Abbas Yazdanfar & Klaus Gramann - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11:289961.
    Neuroarchitecture uses neuroscientific tools to better understand architectural design and its impact on human perception and subjective experience. The form or shape of the built environment is fundamental to architectural design, but not many studies have shown the impact of different forms on the inhabitants’ emotions. This study investigated the neurophysiological correlates of different interior forms on the perceivers’ affective state and the accompanying brain activity. To understand the impact of naturalistic three-dimensional (3D) architectural forms, it is essential to (...)
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  43.  26
    "In Interiore omine", la ricerca umana tra monito socratico ed esortazione agostiniana.Claudio D'Alessandro - 2009 - Idee 70:53-68.
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  44. Interiorized word and transforming spirit, johannine model of spirituality.A. Edanad - 1988 - Journal of Dharma 13 (3):238-247.
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    The Interior Castle as Mystical Sign.Felicia E. Kruse - 1988 - Semiotics:215-222.
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  46. Fisionomia interiore di P. Kolbe: Tre lineamenti spiritualu maggiori di P. Kolbe.Francesco Uricchio - 2005 - Miscellanea Francescana 105 (3-4):583-629.
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  47. Interiority, a universal search for contemplative experience.J. Aerthayil - 1992 - Journal of Dharma 17 (1):42-50.
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  48.  38
    Camera Interiors.Mervyn Arthur & Andrew Fisher - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):272-282.
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    Angelic Interiority.Gerard N. Casey - 1989 - Irish Philosophical Journal 6 (1):82-118.
    Howard Kainz, in his monograph ‘Active and Passive Potency’ in Thomistic Angelology, remarks that angelology is of some importance in Thomistic philosophy for bringing to a head what he calls ‘certain problematics’ arising from Thomistic presuppositions.1 An example of just such a problematic, in the form of an apparent inconsistency, is stated in the following extended passage.
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    Interiority and Revolution.James L. Marsh - 1985 - Philosophy Today 29 (3-4):191-202.
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