Results for 'innovation system'

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  1.  17
    National Innovation System: The System Approach in Historical Perspective.Benoît Godin - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (4):476-501.
    In the late 1980s, a new conceptual framework appeared in the science, technology, and innovation studies: the National Innovation System. The framework suggests that the research system's ultimate goal is innovation, and that the system is part of a larger system composed of sectors such as government, university, and industry and their environment. The framework also emphasized the relationships between the components or sectors, as the ``cause'' that explains the performance of innovation (...)
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    Innovation Systems Approach: a Philosophical Appraisal.Arash Moussavi & Ali Kermanshah - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):59-77.
    The innovation systems approach has swiftly spread out worldwide in the last three decades and stood as an important framework for policy-making in the fields of science, technology, and innovation. At the same time, there have been serious and untreated concerns in the literature about the theoretical soundness of this approach. Our discussion in this paper is based on the belief that a detailed analysis on epistemological foundations of the approach could shed a judgmental light on the aforementioned (...)
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    National innovation Systems and Evolutionary Theory: a panorama of the Literature.Jean-Louis Caccomo - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (4):553-574.
    Cet article étudie l’apparente convergence qui s’opère, depuis quelques années, entre l’ approche en termes de Systèmes Nationaux d’Innovation et la théorie évolutionniste du changement technologique. Ce processus s’appuie sur une conception spécifique du processus d’innovation lui-même. Dans ce contexte, l’innovation est un processus cognitif, qui s’exprime à plusieurs niveaux – local, national, sectoriel et international – et dans de nombreuses dimensions – technologique, organisationnelle et institutionnelle. Cette approche attribue un rôle central aux acteurs publics et aux (...)
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    Rural innovation systems and networks: findings from a study of Ethiopian smallholders. [REVIEW]David J. Spielman, Kristin Davis, Martha Negash & Gezahegn Ayele - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (2):195-212.
    Ethiopian agriculture is changing as new actors, relationships, and policies influence the ways in which small-scale, resource-poor farmers access and use information and knowledge in their agricultural production decisions. Although these changes suggest new opportunities for smallholders, too little is known about how changes will ultimately improve the wellbeing of smallholders in Ethiopia. Thus, we examine whether these changes are improving the ability of smallholders to innovate and thus improve their own welfare. In doing so, we analyze interactions between smallholders (...)
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  5. National innovation systems.R. D. Whitley - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes (eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 10303--10309.
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    The innovation system and regional growth strategy in Denmark.Sang-Chul Park & Seong-Keun Lee - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (3):292-308.
  7. Regional innovation systems.David Doloreux & Saeed Parto - forthcoming - A Critical Review.
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    Innovation Systems in Transition: Preconditions for Success”: The Electronics Sector in the Former Soviet Union.Heidi Smith - 2002 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 22 (6):496-512.
    During the Soviet period, the microelectronics industry in the former Soviet Union (FSU) owed its existence to the political and military objectives of the Communist Party. Consequently, investment in the industry was planned to meet the security needs of the Cold War international environment. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union, there has been a reduction in emphasis away from the mass production of electronic devices suited to military and defense needs. The emergence of a huge rise in consumer demand (...)
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    Adapting the innovation systems approach to agricultural development in Vietnam: challenges to the public extension service. [REVIEW]Rupert Friederichsen, Thai Thi Minh, Andreas Neef & Volker Hoffmann - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (4):555-568.
    Competing models of innovation informing agricultural extension, such as transfer of technology, participatory extension and technology development, and innovation systems have been proposed over the last decades. These approaches are often presented as antagonistic or even mutually exclusive. This article shows how practitioners in a rural innovation system draw on different aspects of all three models, while creating a distinct local practice and discourse. We revisit and deepen the critique of Vietnam’s “model” approach to upland rural (...)
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    Complexity in discrete innovation systems.Masaaki Hirooka - 2006 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 8 (2).
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    The Legitimation and Dissemination Processes of the Innovation System Approach: The Case of the Canadian and Québec Science and Technology Policy.Suzanne Laberge & Mathieu Albert - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (2):221-249.
    A new approach in science policy making named the innovation system approach has been developed during the past three decades. Its primary goal is to better understand the processes through which scientific knowledge is produced and transferred to businesses to improve their competitiveness and develop national and/or regional economies. This approach has been adopted as an analytical framework and guideline for science policy making by numerous public sector organizations around the world. Using a case study of the Canadian (...)
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    Mitigating South Africa’s HIV Epidemic: The Interplay of Social Entrepreneurship and the Innovation System.Michael Kahn - 2016 - Minerva 54 (2):129-150.
    With the struggle against apartheid achieved, South Africa faced the new struggle of overcoming the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This paper examines the response of government, the innovation system and civil society in rising to the challenge. The response included a fatal denialism concerning the etiology of AIDS, a fatalism that constitutes political market failure. This political market failure was counteracted through the emergence of social entrepreneurship in the form of the Treatment Action Campaign that mobilized civil society and like-minded (...)
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    Economic cohesion and innovation systems in Europe.Michel Quéré - 1994 - AI and Society 8 (2):131-141.
    This paper leads to apply some recent developments in the economic literature dealing with the concept of innovation systems to the problem of economic cohesion in Europe. Starting from a definition of innovation systems, it allows to consider firms and sets of intstitutions as two main but different types of innovation systems. This distinction is the source of a discussion about the nature of the coordination problems which appear when considering the European diversity of innovation systems. (...)
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    Contributions from the sociology of technology to the study of innovation systems.Naubahar Sharif - 2004 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 17 (3):83-105.
    Literature in the area of innovation systems (IS) has been growing in importance and the IS approach has become well established. It is widely used in North America, Western Europe and Scandinavia, both in academic contexts and also as a framework or tool for policymaking. This paper examines work by sociologists, historians and others who have attempted to provide new insights into the nature of technology, in order to determine how the new sociology of technology literature—particularly social construction of (...)
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    Rhetoric of Innovation Policy Making in Hong Kong Using the Innovation Systems Conceptual Approach.Naubahar Sharif - 2010 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 35 (3):408-434.
    Since its introduction in the 1980s, use of the innovation systems conceptual approach has been growing, particularly on the part of national governments including, recently, the Hong Kong Government. In 2004, the Hong Kong Government set forth a ‘‘new strategy’’ for innovation and technology policy making. Because it marked a significant break from the past, it was necessary to convince a wider audience to accept this new strategy, a strategy that included the IS conceptual approach. Adopting a science (...)
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  16.  34
    Beyond the “Charmed Circle” of OECD: New Directions for Studies of National Innovation Systems. [REVIEW]Pierre Delvenne & François Thoreau - 2012 - Minerva 50 (2):205-219.
    In this paper, we engage with the widespread and influential approach of National Innovation Systems (NIS). We discuss its adequacy to non-OECD countries, especially in Latin America where it tends to be reified. Although the NIS approach is meant to address the most pressing needs of the economies it applies to, we argue that it would benefit from developing a more encompassing scope, allowing integration of greater diversity and complexity. By retracing the history of regimes of science, technology and (...)
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    Innovation systems in Malaysia: a perspective of university—industry R&D collaboration. [REVIEW]V. G. R. Chandran, Veera Pandiyan Kaliani Sundram & Sinnappan Santhidran - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (3):435-444.
    Collaborative research and development (R&D) activities between public universities and industry are of importance for the sustainable development of the innovation ecosystem. However, policymakers especially in developing countries show little knowledge on the issues. In this paper, we analyse the level of university–industry collaboration in Malaysia. We further examine the fundamental conditions that hinder university–industry collaboration despite the government’s initiatives to improve such linkages. We show that the low collaboration is a result of an R&D gap between the entities. (...)
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  18.  33
    Globalisation and local innovation system: The implementation of government policies to the formation of science parks in Japan. [REVIEW]Sang-Chul Park - 2001 - AI and Society 15 (3):263-279.
  19.  20
    Repositioning Universities in Multi‐spatial Innovation Systems: The Japanese Case.Fumi Kitagawa - 2006 - Social Epistemology 20 (3 & 4):299 – 314.
    Universities are increasingly part of wider geographical processes including international, national and sub-national actors. Universities now find themselves having to pay attention to many more political centres than before, as seen, for example, with research grants, assessments and teaching accreditation from transnational bodies, individual states and regional authorities. As an institution, the university constitutes a place which needs to be situated within a wider space and the geography of power-relations. This article traces these spatial developments in relation to recent policy (...)
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  20.  47
    The regional innovation system in Sweden: a study of regional clusters for the development of high technology. [REVIEW]Sang-Chul Park & Seong-Keun Lee - 2004 - AI and Society 18 (3):276-292.
  21.  46
    Resisting the deficit model of development in Africa: Re-thinking through the making of an African national innovation system.Mammo Muchie - 2004 - Social Epistemology 18 (4):315 – 332.
    When in Africa we speak and dream of and work for, a rebirth of that continent as a full participant in the affairs of the world in the next century, we are deeply conscious of how dependent that is on the mobilisation and strengthening of the continent's resources of learning. Nelson Mandela Address at Harvard University, September, 1998 quoted in East African, September 1-7, 2003 A paradigm can, for that matter, even insulate the community from those socially important problems that (...)
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    (1 other version)Forschung AlS innovatives system: Entwurf einer integrativen sehweise, die modelle erstellt zur beschreibung und kritik Von forschungsprozessen.Håkan Törnebohm & Gerard Radnitzky - 1971 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 2 (2):239-290.
    Summary Research is regarded as transformations of complexes composed of knowledge, problems and (hardware and software) instruments. Sequences of such transformations are embedded in human settings in which they are given directions. Problems and the work of solving them are divided into empirical and theoretical ones. In an advanced science like physics empirical and theoretical work are interrelated by means of flows of problem-generating information. Empirical and theoretical researchers work also on problems of their own making. Residuals of knowledge which (...)
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  23.  12
    Identification of Driving Factors of Scientific and Technological Innovation in the New Material Industry Based on the Theory of Complex Adaptive System: Taking the Construction of Green Innovation System as an Example.Tengfei Ma & Chao Liu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    Complex adaptation systems are the main development direction of China’s current green innovation research. New material industry is one of the key entry points to accelerate the construction of modern industrial system and promote innovation, green, and efficient development. Under the requirements of China’s current low-carbon development, China’s green innovation system is developing rapidly. Green innovation complicates traditional innovation models and their functions and improves economic development. The purpose of this paper is to (...)
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  24. Elias G. Carayannis and David F. J. Campbell, Mode 3 Knowledge Production in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems: 21st-Century Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Development. [REVIEW]Barbara Prainsack - 2012 - Minerva 50 (1):139-142.
    Elias G. Carayannis and David F. J. Campbell, Mode 3 Knowledge Production in Quadruple Helix Innovation Systems: 21st-Century Democracy, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship for Development Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 139-142 DOI 10.1007/s11024-012-9194-6 Authors Barbara Prainsack, Department of Sociology and Communications, Brunel University, Kingston Lane, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, UK Journal Minerva Online ISSN 1573-1871 Print ISSN 0026-4695 Journal Volume Volume 50 Journal Issue Volume 50, Number 1.
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  25.  16
    Complex System Models and Their Application in Industrial Cluster and Innovation Systems.Su Yi, Yang Zaoli, Xie Xuemei & Garg Harish - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-3.
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    Systemic Social Innovation: Co-Creating a Future Where Humans and all Life Thrive.Raymond Fisk, Angie Fuessel, Christopher Laszlo, Patrick Struebi, Alessandro Valera & Carey Weiss - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (2):191-214.
    Society is at a crossroads. Interconnected systems, radical transparency, and rapidly increasing sophistication in skills, communications, and technologies provide a unique context for fostering social innovation at a planetary scale. We argue that unprecedented rates of systemic social change are possible for co-creating a future where humans and all life can thrive. Yet, this requires innovation in the conceptions, practice, teaching, and researching of social innovation itself to reimagine what it is and can be. As a multidisciplinary (...)
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    Environmental Innovation Strategy and Organizational Performance: Enabling and Controlling Uses of Management Control Systems.Chaminda Wijethilake, Rahat Munir & Ranjith Appuhami - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 151 (4):1139-1160.
    This study examines the extent to which enabling and controlling uses of management control systems moderate the relationship between environmental innovation strategy and organizational performance. Partial least squares structural equation modeling is used to analyze survey data collected from top managers in 175 manufacturing and services sectors representing multinational and local organizations operating in Sri Lanka. We find that while the enabling use of MCS positively moderates the relationship between environmental innovation strategy and organizational performance, in contrast, the (...)
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  28.  37
    Social Movements as Catalysts for Corporate Social Innovation: Environmental Activism and the Adoption of Green Information Systems.Abhijit Chaudhury, David L. Levy, Pratyush Bharati & Edward J. Carberry - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (5):1083-1127.
    Although the literature on social innovation has focused primarily on social enterprises, social innovation has long occurred within mainstream corporations. Drawing upon recent scholarship on social movements and institutional complexity, we analyze how movements foster corporate social innovation (CSI). Our context is the adoption of green information systems (“green IS”), which are information systems employed to transform organizations and society into more sustainable entities. We trace the historical emergence of green IS as a corporate response to increasing (...)
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  29.  14
    “Sociocultural and Socioeconomic Factors of the Development of Innovative Systems in Regions.” 14th All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference. Tula, October 15–17, 2018. [REVIEW]V. I. Mosin - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (2):142-147.
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    Systems design thinking for social innovation: a learning perspective.Bowon Kim - 2023 - Business and Society Review 128 (2):217-250.
    We define social innovation as strategic decision making to improve social conditions and facilitate social changes in a desirable direction by dealing with crucial issues and solving fundamental societal problems. This paper proposes a framework that enables the decision maker to implement social innovation effectively. The framework consists of three influential theories or ways of thinking, that is, design thinking, systems thinking, and learning organization. This paper shows how these three approaches can be integrated to tackle a critical (...)
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    An Innovation Design Approach for Product Service Systems Based on TRIZ and Function Incentive.Jie Jiang, Yan Li, Lidan Li, Changchun Zhou, Yuxiang Huo & Qian Li - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-11.
    Good balance between product and service is the key in the innovative design of product service systems. In this study, the evolution route of the PSS based on Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch ideal final result was provided. The function model of the PSS was constructed according to the service blueprint and function system diagrams. On this basis, an innovation design method of the PSS based on function incentive was established. The function incentive strategies included function synergy, function supplement, (...)
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  32. Management innovation in the system of modern business decisions.Igor Kryvovyazyuk - 2022 - Economic Forum 1 (1):127-134.
    This article summarizes the question of finding effective solutions to ensure the excellence of modern business through the introduction of managerial innovations. The main purpose of the study is to improve the theoretical and methodological approach to the implementation of managerial innovations in the system of modern business solutions. Systematization of literature sources and approaches to solving the problem of improving business management through the introduction of managerial innovations indicates the widespread use of methodological approaches and methods of managerial (...)
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    Limited by Design: R&D Laboratories in the U.S. National Innovation System. Michael Crow, Barry Bozeman.Albert Teich - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):631-632.
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    A system of innovation? Integrated water resources management complemented with co-evolution: Examples from palestinian and israeli joint water management.Urooj Quezon Amjad - 2006 - World Futures 62 (3):157 – 170.
    A concept of co-evolution is argued to complement Integrated Water Resource Management's gap in administrative integration. Co-evolution's complement to Integrated Water Resource Management is explored through issues surrounding joint water management arrangements between the Israelis and Palestinians in the late 1990s and early 21st century. How co-evolution contributes to such a water management approach highlights how we might think about what it means to encourage innovation. Conclusions of the article suggest co-evolution provides the language and description for the changing (...)
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    Innovation on the Reservation: Information Technology and Health Systems Research among the Papago Tribe of Arizona, 1965–1980.Jeremy A. Greene, Victor Braitberg & Gabriella Maya Bernadett - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):443-470.
    In May 1973 a new collaboration between NASA, the Indian Health Service, and the Lockheed Missiles and Space Company promised to transform the way members of the Papago (now Tohono O’odham) Tribe of southern Arizona accessed modern medicine. Through a system of state-of-the-art microwave relays, slow-scan television links, and Mobile Health Units, the residents of the third-largest American Indian reservation began to access physicians remotely via telemedical encounters instead of traveling to distant hospitals. Examining the history of the STARPAHC (...)
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  36.  17
    Unlocking Energy Innovation: How America Can Build a Low-Cost, Low-Carbon Energy System.Richard Keith Lester & David M. Hart - 2011 - MIT Press.
    Energy innovation offers us our best chance to solve the three urgent and interrelated problems of climate change, worldwide insecurity over energy supplies, and rapidly growing energy demand. But if we are to achieve a timely transition to reliable, low-cost, low-carbon energy, the U.S. energy innovation system must be radically overhauled. Unlocking Energy Innovation outlines an up-to-the-minute plan for remaking America's energy innovation system by tapping the country's entrepreneurial strengths and regional diversity in both (...)
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  37.  13
    Integrated System of Enterprises' Innovative Development Management Under the Conditions of Post-Fordism.Yuliia Horiashchenko, Iryna Taranenko, Svitlana Yaremenko, Valentyna Shevchenko, Tetiana Mishustina & Inna Klimova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1):45-60.
    Basic tendencies of enterprises' innovative development management have been considered from the perspective of postfordist tranformations. It has been determined that mobility is a specificity of postfordist industrial management. Mobility provides dispersion of structural subdivisions all over the world, it doesn't need any governmental support and strict control. Total diversification of the kind allows to implement «high» technologies through global data revolution practically into all spheres of social life. The evolution of social relations types from feudalism up to Post-Fordism has (...)
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    Innovation in a Learning Healthcare System.Henry S. Sacks & Rosamond Rhodes - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (6):19-21.
    Volume 19, Issue 6, June 2019, Page 19-21.
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    Innovation and systems change: the example of mobile, collaborative workplaces. [REVIEW]Hans Schaffers - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (4):334-347.
    Forces such as increasing globalisation, demographic change, European enlargement, and the emergence of networked organisations stimulate the emergence of new forms of organisation and collaborative working. Mobility, sharing of information and knowledge, and collaboration across organisational networks are key aspects of workplace innovations. New information and communication technologies enable a diversity of future workplace scenarios. However, coping with the human and organisational aspects involved will determine their success or failure. In order to exploit the potential of workplace innovations we, therefore, (...)
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    Commentary on "Systemic Social Innovation: Co-Creating a Future Where Humans and all Life Thrive".Hunter Lovins - 2019 - Humanistic Management Journal 4 (2):215-217.
    Comment on “Systemic Social Innovation” critiques the paper as being neither particularly systemic not innovative. It lists a dozen examples of systemic collaborations now underway that are more transformative. The Comment also takes issue with the article’s creation of a fifteen-part taxonomy that it asserts is necessary to assess transformative collaborations and urges readers to engage in a little less talk and a lot more action.
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  41. Responsible Innovation in Social Epistemic Systems: The P300 Memory Detection Test and the Legal Trial.John Danaher - forthcoming - In Van den Hoven (ed.), Responsible Innovation Volume II: Concepts, Approaches, Applications. Springer.
    Memory Detection Tests (MDTs) are a general class of psychophysiological tests that can be used to determine whether someone remembers a particular fact or datum. The P300 MDT is a type of MDT that relies on a presumed correlation between the presence of a detectable neural signal (the P300 “brainwave”) in a test subject, and the recognition of those facts in the subject’s mind. As such, the P300 MDT belongs to a class of brain-based forensic technologies which have proved popular (...)
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    e-Agricultural innovation using a human-centred systems lens, proposed conceptual framework.Sinead Somers & Larry Stapleton - 2014 - AI and Society 29 (2):193-202.
    Historically, farmers have been amongst the most innovative people in the world. However, agriculture now lags behind other sectors in its uptake of new information technologies for the control and automation of farming systems. In spite of decades of research into innovation, we still do not have a good understanding as to why this is the case. With the globalisation of food markets, IT adoption in agricultural communities is perceived to be increasingly important by policy makers. As the most (...)
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    Recirculation Aquaculture Systems: Sustainable Innovations in Organic Food Production?Michèle Stark & Simon Meisch - 2019 - Food Ethics 4 (1):67-84.
    EU regulations explicitly preclude recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) for aquaculture grow-out from organic certification because they are not close enough to nature (Regulation (EEC) No. 710/2009). Meanwhile, according to another EU regulation, one criterion for organic food production is its contribution to sustainable development (Regulation (EEC) No. 834/2007). Against this background, one might argue that in spite of their distance to nature RAS are innovative solutions to sustainability issues in food production. The paper will deal with the claim that RAS (...)
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    Responsible research and innovation in food systems: a critical review of the literature and future research avenues.R. P. Sabio & P. Lehoux - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-14.
    The integration of a Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach to food systems can contribute to redirect research and innovation toward the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2 - Zero hunger - as well as other intertwined SDGs. Even though the scientific literature bridging RRI and food systems has grown over the past years, no critical reviews of this scholarship are currently available. This paper fills this gap by producing a critical review of the scientific literature on RRI in (...)
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  45. Food systems narratives in Colombia: embracing diverse perspectives can enable hybrid innovation pathways that address food system challenges.Sebastián Dueñas-Ocampo, Margaret Hegwood, Angela Daniela Rojas-Becerra, Juan Pablo Rodríguez-Pinilla & Peter Newton - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-20.
    When analyzing food systems challenges, considering multiple different narratives might lead to solutions that are more innovative and grounded in the local context relative to considering just a single narrative. However, the relationship between narrative diversity and innovation in food systems is not fully understood. Understanding the structure of and interactions between different food systems narratives can help researchers to identify opportunities (e.g., policies, interventions, and institutions) that could facilitate food systems transformations. This paper explores how narratives about food (...)
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    Linking Psychological Ownership to Innovative Behaviour in the Workplace: Empirical Evidence from Complex Management Systems in Pakistan.Minhas Mahsud, Hao Jinxing, Zafar Mahsud, Zhiqiang Chen & Mumuni Napari Hanifatu - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This research work investigates the association between psychological ownership and innovative behaviour with knowledge hiding and knowledge sharing as mediators. The latter variables are presented as focal antecedents of preventive and promotive psychological ownership. To conduct the study, a theoretical framework was proposed, and data was collected from professionals working in complex management systems in Pakistan. The analysis revealed that knowledge hiding and knowledge sharing can exist simultaneously, and psychological ownership can evoke both positive and negative feelings in employees, which (...)
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    Cognitive Innovation, Cumulative Cultural Evolution, and Enculturation.Regina E. Fabry - 2017 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 17 (5):375-395.
    Cognitive innovation has shaped and transformed our cognitive capacities throughout history. Until recently, cognitive innovation has not received much attention by empirical and conceptual research in the cognitive sciences. This paper is a first attempt to help close this gap. It will be argued that cognitive innovation is best understood in connection with cumulative cultural evolution and enculturation. Cumulative cultural evolution plays a vital role for the inter-generational transmission of the products of cognitive innovation. Furthermore, there (...)
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    The Shanghai model: An innovative approach to promote teacher professional development through teaching-research system.Xiaowei Yang, Hua Ran & Meng Zhang - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (10):1581-1592.
    Chinese students’ outstanding performance in several rounds of PISA tests has attracted extensive attention on Chinese teacher professional development practices and system. The school-based teachi...
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    Health systems innovation: addressing the dynamics of multilayered 'complex bundles' of knowledge.Carmel M. Martin - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (6):1085-1086.
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    Systèmes fracturés, libertés et innovations retrouvées.Bonaventure Mve-Ondo - 2006 - Hermes 45:173.
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