Results for 'hermeneutic nominalism'

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  1.  21
    Nominalism Reconsidered.John P. Burgess & Gideon Rosen - 2005 - In Stewart Shapiro (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    Nominalism is the view that mathematical objects do not exist. This chapter delimits several types of nominalistic projects: revolutionary programs that attempt to change mathematics and hermeneutic programs that attempt to interpret mathematics. Some programs accord with naturalism, and some oppose naturalism. Steven Yablo’s fictionalism is brought into the fold and discussed at some length.
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  2. Nominalism and History.Cody Franchetti - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):401-412.
    The paper focuses on Nominalism in history, its application, and its historiographical implications. By engaging with recent scholarship as well as classic works, a survey of Nominalism’s role in the discipline of history is made; such examination is timely, since it has been done but scantily in a purely historical context. In the light of recent theoretical works, which often display aporias over the nature and method of historical enquiry, the paper offers new considerations on historical theory, which (...)
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  3. Hermeneutic fictionalism.Jason Stanley - 2001 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25 (1):36–71.
    Fictionalist approaches to ontology have been an accepted part of philosophical methodology for some time now. On a fictionalist view, engaging in discourse that involves apparent reference to a realm of problematic entities is best viewed as engaging in a pretense. Although in reality, the problematic entities do not exist, according to the pretense we engage in when using the discourse, they do exist. In the vocabulary of Burgess and Rosen (1997, p. 6), a nominalist construal of a given discourse (...)
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  4. Gadamer – Cheng: Conversations in Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (3):245-249.
    1 Introduction1 In the 1980s, hermeneutics was often incorporated into deconstructionism and literary theory. Rather than focus on authorial intentions, the nature of writing itself including codes used to construct meaning, socio-economic contexts and inequalities of power,2 Gadamer introduced a different perspective; the interplay between effects of history on a reader’s understanding and the tradition(s) handed down in writing. This interplay in which a reader’s prejudices are called into question and modified by the text in a fusion of understanding and (...)
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  5. What Mathematicians' Claims Mean : In Defense of Hermeneutic Fictionalism.Gábor Forrai - 2010 - Hungarian Philosophical Review 54 (4):191-203.
    Hermeneutic fictionalism about mathematics maintains that mathematics is not committed to the existence of abstract objects such as numbers. Mathematical sentences are true, but they should not be construed literally. Numbers are just fictions in terms of which we can conveniently describe things which exist. The paper defends Stephen Yablo’s hermeneutic fictionalism against an objection proposed by John Burgess and Gideon Rosen. The objection, directed against all forms of nominalism, goes as follows. Nominalism can take either (...)
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    The Seeing Eye: Hermeneutical Phenomenology in the Study of Religion.Walter L. Brenneman & Stanley O. Yarian - 1982 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Establishing a link between phenomenology and hermeneutics as seen by philosophers and as applied by students of religion is the pioneering aim of this book. No existing book ties together the cross-disciplinary strands in a way that is useful for religious studies. A phenomenological and therefore hermeneutical approach to religion "prides itself on being aware of its own presuppositions and those of others that are brought to bear on data to be interpreted." Thus it "seeks to gain an access to (...)
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    Passage to Modernity: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Nature and Culture.Louis K. Dupré - 1993 - Yale University Press.
    Did modernity begin with the Renaissance and end with post-modernism? Dupre challenges both these assumptions, discussing the roots, development and impact of modern thought and tracing the principles of modernity to the late 14th century.
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  8. BURGESS, JP and ROSEN, G.-A Subject with No Object.M. Detlefsen - 2000 - Philosophical Books 41 (3):153-162.
    Review of John Burgess' and Gideon Rosen's A Subject with no Object.
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    Schriften zur Ars vetus.Heinrich Totting von Oyta - 2015 - München: Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, in Kommission beim Verlag C.H. Beck. Edited by Harald Berger & Heinrich Totting von Oyta.
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    “What makes a reasoning sound” is the proof of its truth: A reconstruction of Peirce’s semiotics as epistemic logic, and why he did not complete his realistic revolution.Dan Nesher - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (221):29-52.
    Charles S. Peirce attempted to develop his semiotic theory of cognitive signs interpretation, which are originated in our basic perceptual operations that quasi-prove the truth of perceptual judgment representing reality. The essential problem was to explain how, by a cognitive interpretation of the sequence of perceptual signs, we can represent external physical reality and reflectively represent our cognitive mind’s operations of signs. With his phaneroscopy introspection, Peirce shows how, without going outside our cognitions, we can represent external reality. Hence Peirce (...)
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  11.  10
    Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism.José Ignacio Cabezón - 1994 - SUNY Press.
    Taking language as its general theme, this book explores how the tradition of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist philosophical speculation exemplifies the character of scholasticism. Scholasticism, as an abstract and general category, is developed as a valuable theoretical tool for understanding a variety of intellectual movements in the history of philosophy of religion. The book investigates the Buddhist Scholastic theory and use of scripture, the nature of doctrine and its transcendence in experience, Mahayana Buddhist hermeneutics, the theory and practice of exegesis, and questions (...)
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  12. Autonomy, Community, and Solidarity: Some Implications of Heidegger's Thought for the Feminist Alliance with Poststructuralism.Patricia J. Huntington - 1993 - Dissertation, Fordham University
    My dissertation traces key aspects of the conceptual influence of Heidegger's work on feminist poststructuralist theories. This archeology enables me to indicate that poststructualism cannot provide the foundation necessary to forming three normative ideals requisite to a viable feminist theory: personal autonomy, heterogeneous community, and solidarity. I argue that certain versions of poststructuralism repeat Heidegger's abstraction from an hermeneutics of suspicion and his totalizing rejection of modernity. Without a theory of willed ignorance, post-Lacanian feminism undercuts women's agency. And, without tying (...)
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    Word as bread.Peter J. Casarella - 2017 - Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
    This study examines the Verbum speculation of Nicholas of Cusa. The investigation concentrates equally on the concept of language that he inherited from medieval and Quattrocento sources and on the Christian theology of the Word that he wove together using his own resources and distinctive approaches. It includes a consideration of the resonances between Gadamer's hermeneutical theory and Cusanus's unfolding of a productive and rhetorically-oriented concept of the Word. The next section offers a detailed examination of the medieval and humanistic (...)
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    A Vindication.Wim Klever - 1991 - Hume Studies 17 (2):209-212.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A Vindication Wim Klever Comparing Hume with Spinoza I am accused ofhaving misread both, at least in certain respects; I would have gone too far in considering Spinoza as an influential root of Hume's thought. On occasion of Dr. Leavitt's criticism I would like to stress the following points: 1. In spite ofWolfson'sendeavourtoreduceSpinozatoAristotelian, scholastic and Jewish sources ofthe Middle Ages, many texts—in fact all texts in which Aristotle ismentioned—constitute (...)
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    The integrity of discourse in the anglican eucharistic tradition: A consideration of philosophical assumptions.Brian Douglas & Terence Lovat - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (5):847-861.
    This article explores the integrity of the discourse in the Anglican eucharistic tradition by considering the philosophical assumptions that underlie eucharistic theology. It argues that where the conversation of the Anglican eucharistic tradition is open and unfinished then the integrity of the discourse is facilitated as opposed to the conversations of party positions and particular interests which suggest exclusive versions of truth. The conversation or dialogue of Anglican eucharistic theology is seen to be enhanced through the consideration of the philosophical (...)
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  16.  25
    Berkeley's Thought (review).Gary L. Cesarz - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (2):297-299.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.2 (2003) 297-299 [Access article in PDF] Pappas, George S. Berkeley's Thought. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2000. Pp. xi + 261. Cloth, $39.95. Pappas' work is a judicious interpretation of three major themes in Berkeley's thought: his denial of abstract general ideas, theory of immediate perception, and appeal to common sense. Pappas modestly characterizes his aim to illuminate how these themes are connected (...)
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    Deconstruction and Communication.Robert Scholes - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (2):278-295.
    “Signature Event Context” offers a critique of previous theories of communication, a critique of previous theories of communication, a critique that seems to open the way toward a new and freer notion of reading. My response to this view will be to point out that the proffered freedom is quite illusory, partly because off certain problems in the theory itself but especially because there is no path open from that theory to any practice, a point that is merely underscored by (...)
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  18.  45
    Loose Talk about Religion from William James.Gerald L. Bruns - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 11 (2):299-316.
    In this paper I want to say some things about the way William James talks—as, for example, in The Varieties of Religious Experience , the famous Gifford Lectures in which James attempted to rehabilitate religion as a subject fit for philosophical discourse, or as something still worth talking about.1 Some familiar background for this matter is provided by the epigraph I have just given from “What Pragmatism Means,” in which James shows himself to be a nominalist as against a metaphysical (...)
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  19.  23
    Can Intellectual History be Done Otherwise?Mohamed 'Arafa, Nader El-Bizri, Nauman Faizi, Lena Salaymeh & Shahzad Bashir - 2023 - Journal of World Philosophies 7 (2).
    Using Shahzad Bashir’s open-access publication A New Vision for Islamic Pasts and Futures as a baseline, this symposium debates whether and how intellectual history can be done otherwise. Mohamed ‘Arafa follows Bashir’s invitation to explore the potential of open-ended historiographies when he thinks about the viability of a flexible method to interpret Sharī ʿ a. Nader El-Bizri interrogates whether the assemblage of personal experiential accounts offered by Bashir can be framed within the discourse of intellectual history at all. Nauman Faizi (...)
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  20. Did Foucault Revolutionize History?Cody Franchetti - 2011 - Open Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):84-89.
    With the pretext of analyzing Foucault’s contribution to history, the paper is an essay on the philosophy of history. It is shaped, fundamentally, as an answer to the historian Paul Veyne’s essay, “Foucault Revolutionizes History” (1978) and his assertions on Foucault and historical methodology; Veyne claimed Foucault to have revolutionized the discipline of history thanks to his singular gaze and his profound skepticism. The paper counters Veyne’s assertions on both Foucault and Veyne’s historiography and seeks to provide a concept of (...)
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  21.  21
    The possibility of absent qualia, Earl Conee.Nominalist Platonism - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (3).
  22. 5 dilthets hermeneutics: Between idealism and realism Ronald L. Schultz.Dilthets Hermeneutics - 1999 - In TM Powers & P. Kamolnick (ed.), From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory. pp. 83.
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    Thomas M. Lennon.Gassendi'S. Nominalist Objection - 1995 - In Roger Ariew & Marjorie Grene (eds.), Descartes and His Contemporaries: Meditations, Objections, and Replies. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. pp. 159.
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    Interpretation: The Poetry of Meaning : [philosophical, Religious, and Literary Inquiries Into the Expression of Human Experience Through Language].Stanley Romaine Consultation on Hermeneutics, David L. Hopper & Miller - 1967 - Harcourt, Brace & World.
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    Hermeneutics and Science.Márta Fehér, Olga Kiss, L. Ropolyi & International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 458.Hermeneutical Epistemology - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2).
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    On Not Reading Derrida s Texts.Mistaking Hermeneutics & Neutralizing Narration - 1997 - In Ellen K. Feder, Mary C. Rawlinson & Emily Zakin (eds.), Derrida and Feminism: Recasting the Question of Woman. New York: Routledge. pp. 87.
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    Against Theory 2: Sentence Meaning, Hermeneutics : Protocol of the Fifty-second Colloquy, 8 December 1985.Steven Knapp, Walter Benn Michaels & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1986
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  29. Hermeneutic Labor: The Gendered Burden of Interpretation in Intimate Relationships Between Women and Men.Ellie Anderson - 2023 - Hypatia 38 (1):177-197.
    In recent years, feminist scholarship on emotional labor has proliferated. I identify a related but distinct form of care labor, hermeneutic labor. Hermeneutic labor is the burdensome activity of: understanding and coherently expressing one’s own feelings, desires, intentions, and movitations; discerning those of others; and inventing solutions for relational issues arising from interpersonal tensions. I argue that hermeneutic labor disproportionately falls on women’s shoulders in heteropatriachal societies, especially in intimate relationships between women and men. I also suggest (...)
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  30. Hermeneutic Dimensions of Global and East Asian Medical Ethics.Ole Doering - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Second Asian Bioethics Seminar, Global Bioethics From Asian Perspectives Ii, Nihon University, Tokyo.
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  31.  13
    The Hermeneutic Turn in Philosophy of Nature in the Nineteenth Century.Philippe Huneman - unknown
  32. Essence As A Modality: A Proof-Theoretic and Nominalist Analysis.Preston Stovall - 2021 - Philosophers' Imprint 21 (7):1-28.
    Inquiry into the metaphysics of essence tends to be pursued in a realist and model-theoretic spirit, in the sense that metaphysical vocabulary is used in a metalanguage to model truth conditions for the object-language use of essentialist vocabulary. This essay adapts recent developments in proof-theoretic semantics to provide a nominalist analysis for a variety of essentialist vocabularies. A metalanguage employing explanatory inferences is used to individuate introduction and elimination rules for atomic sentences. The object-language assertions of sentences concerning essences are (...)
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  33.  47
    ¿ Es fundamental la hermenéutica?Is Hermeneutics Fundamental - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152).
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  34. Science Without Numbers: A Defence of Nominalism.Hartry H. Field - 1980 - Princeton, NJ, USA: Princeton University Press.
    Science Without Numbers caused a stir in 1980, with its bold nominalist approach to the philosophy of mathematics and science. It has been unavailable for twenty years and is now reissued in a revised edition with a substantial new preface presenting the author's current views and responses to the issues raised in subsequent debate.
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    15 Hermeneutic methods in trust research.Gerard Breeman - 2012 - In Fergus Lyon, Guido Möllering & Mark Saunders (eds.), Handbook of research methods on trust. Northampton, Mass.: Edward Elgar. pp. 149.
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    (1 other version)Material hermeneutic of digital technologies in the age of AI.Galit Wellner - 2020 - AI and Society:1-8.
    Digital technologies are frequently considered as lacking material aspects. Today, it is evident that behind digital technologies lies a huge and complex material infrastructure in the form of fiber optic cables, servers, satellites, and screens. Postphenomenology has theorized the relations to material things as embodiment relations. Taking into account that technologies can also have hermeneutic aspects, this theory defines hermeneutic relations as those in which we read the world through technologies. The article opens with a review of some (...)
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    Hermeneutic Experience and the Law of Karma.Binod Kumar Agarwala - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh & Raghunath Ghosh (eds.), Language and interpretation: hermeneutics from East-West perspective. New Delhi: Northern Book Centre. pp. 17.
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  38. A Hermeneutic of Wisdom: Recovering the Formative Agency of Scripture.[author unknown] - 2018
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  39. The hermeneutic in contemporary Bourgeois philosophy-its break and conciliation with science.J. Cerny - 1981 - Filosoficky Casopis 29 (3):351-362.
  40. A hermeneutic study of nurses workload–the dialectic tension between 'to be or not to be'a good nurse.L. Fagerström - 1994 - In Ian E. Thompson, Kath M. Melia & Kenneth M. Boyd (eds.), Nursing ethics. New York: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. pp. 13--6.
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    Hermeneutic issues in qualitative research.Lawrence Ferrara - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Hermeneutic Phenomenology and Logical Intuitionism.Carl Friedrich Gethmann - 2003 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 3:143-160.
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    The Hermeneutic Conception of Scientific Traditions in Karl R. Popper.Ambrosio Velasco Gomez - 2007 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 93 (1):129.
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  44. A Hermeneutic Inquiry into Heidegger's Gelassenheit: Thought through Beckett's Waiting for Godot.G. McNeely - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 53:213-232.
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  45. The hermeneutic interplay.L. Orr - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (4):85-97.
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    Hermeneutic Cosmopolitanism, or: Toward a Cosmopolitan Public Sphere.H. Kogler - 2011 - In Maria Rovisco & Magdalena Nowicka (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism. Ashgate. pp. 225.
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  47. Language, Hermeneutic, and Word of God. The Problem of Language in the New Testament and Contemporary Theology.Robert W. Funk - 1966
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  48. The Hermeneutic Construal of Psychoanalytic Theory and Therapy: An Ill-Conceived Paradigm for the Human Sciences.Adolf GrOnbaum - 1984 - In James T. Cushing, Cornelius F. Delaney & Gary Gutting (eds.), Science and Reality: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Science. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 54.
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    Hermeneutic Cosmopolitanism, or: Toward.Public Sphere - 2011 - In Maria Rovisco & Magdalena Nowicka (eds.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Cosmopolitanism. Ashgate. pp. 225.
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    “The hermeneutic turn” in Husserl's phenomenology of language.Keiichi Noé - 1992 - Human Studies 15 (1):117 - 128.
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