Results for 'heavenly journey'

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  1.  25
    Preparation for the heavenly journey: Jn 13:1-10 and the footwashing of the Mandaean coronation ritual.Majella Franzmann - 1993 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 1 (1):79-92.
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    Journey to heaven: exploring Jewish views of the afterlife.Leila Leah Bronner - 2011 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Lambda Publishers.
    The Hebrew Bible: glimpses of immortality -- Early post-biblical literature: gateways to heaven and hell -- The mishnah: who will merit the world to come? -- The Talmud: what happens in the next world? -- Medieval Jewish philosophy: faith and reason -- Mysticism: reincarnation in Kabbalah -- Modernity: what do we believe? -- The Messiah: the eternal thread of hope.
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    The Journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, from the Baptism to becoming the Son of God and from the Earthly to the Heavenly Kingdom from the Point of View of Allegorical Interpretation.Eva Kovacheva - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (1):73-80.
    The article discusses two historical events taken from texts from the Holy Scripture – the Old and the New Testaments, and a spiritual view on human soul, as found in the Holy tradition of the Orthodox church: they support the thesis that, according to the method of allegorical interpretation, the three evidences point to three inner stages through which human soul passes in its transition to a holistic spiritual development: from the act of the Holy Baptism to the entry into (...)
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    Eben Alexander: ‘Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife’ (2012) – is consciousness cortical?Simon van Rysewyk - 2013
  5.  9
    Heaven, Hecate, and Hallmark.Marion G. Mason - 2010 - In Scott C. Lowe (ed.), Christmas: Philosophy For Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 197–207.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Childhood and Christmas Heaven is at Stake Moving around the Spiral Hecate at the Crossroads It's Not about Me? It's Not Me or You: It's Hallmark Spiraling Around the Christmas Tree.
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    Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife. [REVIEW]Scott D. G. Ventureyra - 2014 - Science Et Esprit 66 (3):473-475.
  7.  10
    My Grandmothers Baked Cakes for the Queen of Heaven: A Journey from Judaism to Goddess Spirituality.Jacqueline daCosta - 2022 - Feminist Theology 30 (2):153-166.
    In this article, I trace my story from Jewish ‘war baby’ to thealogian embracing Goddess talk; a search for spirituality, as well as for roots. I explore, in particular, Asherah, whom I accept as the Hebrew Goddess, and I share some of the insights of academics who illuminated my path. I also touch on the latest DNA evidence for the origins of Ashkenazi Jewry and my own search for identity.
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    Chasing my son across heaven: a story of life, loss and the strength of enduring love.V. Joy Pavelich - 2020 - Virginia Beach, VA: Rainbow Ridge Books, LC.
    In the early morning hours of August 4, 2013, Joy Pavelich's world was shattered when she found out that her twenty-year-old son Eric had taken his own life at the family farm in Saskatchewan. Struggling to make sense of Eric's sudden and unexpected suicide, Joy takes a deeply personal and difficult journey through his past--from his happy childhood, to his mental health struggles in his early teens, to his death and the resulting aftermath of his passing. CHASING MY SON (...)
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    The Journey of Woman Image with Faith From Past to Present:Freud, Jung and Fromm’s Projections Regarding Woman.Gülüşan Göcen - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1121-1141.
    The aim of this article is to reveal with an overall approach, how the psycho-social background, starting from woman image in first periods and reach modern day, is embraced by outstanding theorists of modern psychology, and also how these collected works are reflected in their definitions of woman. If it is considered that woman has been discussed with reflections against and not from primary sources throughout history, it can be seen that the most essential roots of woman narrations can be (...)
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    Zen and the Kingdom of Heaven (review).Robert E. Kennedy - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):174-178.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 174-178 [Access article in PDF] Zen and the Kingdom of Heaven. By Tom Chetwynd. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001. 153 pp. Tom Chetwynd brings many strengths to his book of reflections on Zen and Christianity. Because his most obvious strength is his craft as a professional writer, he offers us a book that is well written, carefully organized, and a pleasure to read. He divides his (...)
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    Confessions of an American Psycho: James Hogg’s and Bret Easton Ellis’s Anti-Heroes’ Journey from Vulnerability to Violence.Daniel Cojocaru - 2008 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 15:185-200.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Confessions of an American PsychoJames Hogg’s and Bret Easton Ellis’s Anti-Heroes’ Journey from Vulnerability to ViolenceDaniel Cojocaru (bio)My vitals have all been torn, and every faculty and feeling of my soul racked, and tormented into callous insensibility.... I could perceive no bottom, and then—not till then, did I repeat the tremendous prayer!—I was instantly at liberty; and what I now am, the Almighty knows! Amen.—James Hogg, The Private (...)
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    Was leistet Lehrdichtung?Thomas Kuhn-Treichel - 2020 - Hermes 148 (4):492.
    Concentrating on the motif of the heavenly journey in Manilius’s “Astronomica”, this contribution raises the question as to whether the combination of poetry and teaching in didactic poetry can bring about intrinsic advantages. It is argued that the motif does not just transport the poet’s claim to have privileged access to knowledge, but can also have objective functions in the transfer of knowledge. According to recent cognitive studies, perception is deeply rooted in the sensorimotor system; in light of (...)
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  13.  44
    Wishing I Were Here: Postcards from My Religious Journey.Grace G. Burford - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):39-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 39-41 [Access article in PDF] Wishing I Were Here:Postcards from My Religious Journey Grace G. Burford Prescott College Summer 1966, Bowling Green, Kentucky An energetic ten-year-old, sitting on a red-cushioned wooden pew in a Presbyterian church leans over to her mother to whisper, "Which is it? Are we supposed to be like little children, or leave behind our childish ways?" After church, her mother (...)
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  14.  21
    Allegory and Philosophy in Avicenna (Ibn Sîn'): With a Translation of the Book of the Prophet Muhammad's Ascent to Heaven.Peter Heath & Avicenna - 1992 - University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Explores the use of allegory in the writing of the renowned 11th- century Muslim philosopher known in the West as Avicenna, showing how it fit into the tradition of Islamic allegory, and has influenced later developments in the East and West. His Mi'rag Nama is translated here as a prime example of the journey allegory. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  15.  21
    The Phenomenology of Near‐Death and Out‐of‐Body Experiences: No Heavenly Excursion for “Soul”.Michael N. Marsh - 2018 - In Jonathan J. Loose, Angus John Louis Menuge & J. P. Moreland (eds.), The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 247–266.
    This chapter examines certain claims made for near‐death and out‐of‐body experiences (ND/OBE), adding neuro‐physiological and theological insights. ND/OBE aredecidedly this‐worldly events and have nothing to do with supposed journeys to spiritualized or nonphysical realms, nor amalgamations with so‐called cosmic consciousness. Classical spiritual encounters were discussed by William James, and by William P. Alston. The chapter compares classic examples of divine disclosure with those given by NDE subjects. Considering the “spiritual” properties of NDE reports, one might be somewhat reluctant to credit (...)
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  16.  49
    Cathedral of Kairos: Rhetoric and Revelation in the "National House of Prayer".Richard Benjamin Crosby - 2013 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 46 (2):132-155.
    And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not. And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.Having been forbidden by his father to marry a Canaanite, the Old Testament patriarch Jacob travels to the house of his grandfather where he must choose a wife from among his female cousins. (...)
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  17.  37
    The Essential Augustine.Vernon J. Bourke (ed.) - 1973 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _TABLE OF CONTENTS:_ Foreword to the Second Edition. I. THE MAN AND HIS WRITINGS: How Augustine Came to the Episcopacy ; Augustine Chooses Eraclius as His Successor ; Augustine on His Own Writings. II. FAITH AND REASON: Belief is Volitional Consent ; To Believe Is to Think with Assent ; Believing and Understanding ; Authority and Reason ; Two Ways to Knowledge ; Reason and Authority in Manicheism ; The Relation of Authority to Reason ; If I Am Deceived, I (...)
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  18. The morality of huck Finn.Carol Freedman - 1997 - Philosophy and Literature 21 (1):102-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Morality of Huck FinnCarol FreedmanA familiar refrain is that emotions threaten our capacity for moral judgment because they infringe on our ability to be impartial. Some hold that emotions lead us to serve personal rather than impersonal ends. And most Kantians argue that even when emotions influence us to pursue impartial ends, they still fail to be moral motives. Barbara Herman argues, however, that emotions can play an (...)
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  19.  7
    Cosmos, Chaos, and the World to Come: The Ancient Roots of Apocalyptic Faith.Norman Cohn - 1993 - Yale University Press.
    The author of the classic work The Pursuit of the Millennium takes readers on a journey of exploration, through the world-views of ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and India, through the innovations of Iranian and Jewish prophets and sages, to the earliest Christian imaginings of heaven and earth, to illuminate a major turning point in the history of human consciousness: when the forces of good would finally be victorious over the forces of evil.
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    Eight lessons on infinity: a mathematical adventure.Haim Shapira - 2019 - London: Duncan Baird Publishing, an imprint of Watkins Media.
    In this book, best-selling author and mathematician Haim Shapira presents an introduction to mathematical theories which deal with the most beautiful concept ever invented by humankind: infinity. Written in clear, simple language and aimed at a lay audience, this book also offers some strategies that will allow readers to try their ability at solving truly fascinating mathematical problems. Infinity is a deeply counter-intuitive concept that has inspired many great thinkers. In this book we will meet many sages, both familiar and (...)
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  21.  17
    Georgius Frommius (1605–1651) and Danish Astronomy in the Post-Tychonian Era.Helge Kragh - 2015 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 3 (1):45-68.
    Danish astronomy in the first half of the seventeenth century reflected the enduring legacy of Tycho Brahe and was dominated by his former assistant Longomontanus. This paper focuses on his successor as professor of astronomy, Jørgen From or Georgius Frommius in the Latin version, who was also the second director of the Round Tower observatory in Copenhagen. Before becoming a professor, Frommius travelled to the Netherlands and other countries. The letters from his journey cast light on the training of (...)
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  22.  24
    In Search of the Origin of the Enumeration of Hell-kings in an Early Medieval Chinese Buddhist Scripture: Why did King Bimbis?ra become Yama after his Disastrous Defeat in Battle in the Wen diyu jing???? (‘S?tra on Questions on Hells’)?Frederick Shih-Chung Chen - 2014 - Buddhist Studies Review 31 (1):53-64.
    The idea of a purgatorial journey to the Ten Kings of the Ten Hells is a distinctive feature of funerals and ancestral worship in Chinese Buddhism and Chinese popular religions. In Indian Buddhism ideas emerged of chief deities presiding over others in a few of many heavens and of various hells with different tortures governed by Yama and his messengers, yet the idea that each hell was governed by a ‘king’ is not found in early Indian Buddhist sources. This (...)
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    Re-Creating Christian Community: A Response to Rita M. Gross.Donald W. Mitchell - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):21-32.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 21-32 [Access article in PDF] Re-Creating Christian Community:A Response to Rita M. Gross Donald W. Mitchell Purdue University In Rita M. Gross's well-written, insightful, and provocative paper entitled "Some Reflections about Community and Survival," Rita says: "I am challenging my Christian colleagues to consider what role Western religious concepts about the individual may have played in getting us into the current hyper-individualism. I also am (...)
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    Otto von Guericke und die Kosmologie im 17.?Jahrhundert.Eberhard Knobloch - 2003 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 26 (4):237-250.
    Otto von Guericke's scientific method was based on reason and experimental science. His cosmology was embedded in theology and can be interpreted as a refutation of Descartes's worldview. He used Nicolaus Cusanus's theory of quantities in order to characterize the space. The notion of space has to be distinguished from that of world or heaven. Forces play a crucial role in this respect described by Kircher in his ‘Celestial journey’. Guericke read this work very diligently. In spite of some (...)
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    From fantasy to faith.Dewi Zephaniah Phillips - 1991 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    Is religion necessarily a form of fantasy, a superstitious childishness we should have put aside by now? If so, what takes the place of empty heaven? May idle dreams threaten secular moralities as much as they threaten religion ? If so, are there authentic forms of religion as well as authentic forms of morality which transcend these threats? He takes us on a journey from religion conceived as a 'somewhere over the rainbow, ' to possibilities of living under a (...)
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  26.  29
    A Critical Approach to Views of Muhammad Hamîdullah regarding The location of Al-Aqsā Mosque.İsmail Altun - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (1):293-316.
    According to the consencus of Muslim world, al-Aqsā Mosque is located in the land of al-Quds (Jerusalem). In this matter, especially the old Sunnite sources are in agreement with each other. However, there are recently some different views regarding the location of al-Aqsā Mosque. It has been argued that al-Aqsā Mosque most likley was built in a location differnet from Jerusalem. One of the defenders of this opinion is Muhammad Hamīdullah, who is a prominent scholar of Islamic studies and considered (...)
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  27. Reviews : Images of the Sky (A Chronicle).Maria Villela-Petit & Jean Burrell - 1999 - Diogenes 47 (188):98-102.
    Does living on Earth not also for human beings mean being open to the sky? Watching day alternate with night, relying on the seasonal cycle, finding their way according to the position of the stars, humans have always been aware of their dependence on the sky and tried to understand the origin of life in relation to it. And it is up to the sky again that their imagination and thoughts fly whenever they feel cramped in their earthly habitat. Following (...)
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  28.  13
    L’Arbre du Bœuf. Motifs mythiques dans un conte folklorique pyrénéenL’Arbre du Bœuf. Myth Motifs in a Pyrenean Folk Tale.Gerald Unterberger - 2020 - Iris 40.
    Das Volksmärchen L’Arbre du Bœuf vom Typ ATU 511 [Ein-, Zwei-, Dreiäuglein] ist nach P. Delarue und M.-L. Tenèze das einzige französische Märchen, welches dem Subtyp AT 511 A [Kleiner Roter Ochse] angehört. L’Arbre du Bœuf ist darüber hinaus aufgrund einiger Motive besonders interessant, weil sie vermutlich aus archaischen Glaubensvorstellungen stammen: So ist die mystische „Reise zur Sonne“ ein bestimmendes Thema, welches seinen Ursprung im indoeuropäischen Mythos findet. Der Weltbaum als Axis Mundi und die Seelenbrücke sind Verbindungen zwischen dem Dies- (...)
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    'Religion' reviewed.Grace M. Jantzen - 1985 - Heythrop Journal 26 (1):14–25.
    Book Reviewed in this article: Traditional Sayings in the Old Testament. By Carole R. Fontaine. Pp. viii, 279, Sheffield, The Almond Press, 1982, £17.95, £8.95. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimirs Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The First Day of the New Creation: The Resurrection and the Christian Faith. By Vesilin Keisch. Pp.206, Crestwood, New York, St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1982, £6.25. The Resurrection of Jesus: (...)
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  30.  30
    The Confucian Vision of an Ideal Society Arising out of Moral Emotions, with a Focus on the Sishu Daquan.Choi Young-jin & Lee Haeng-Hoon - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (2):394-417.
    Our discussion should open with a story in the “Weizi” 微子 chapter of the Analects. Confucius, while traveling on a long journey, sent his disciple Zi Lu 子路 to ask two hermits, Chang Zu 長沮 and Jie Ni 桀溺, where a ferry could be found. Sneering at Confucius for canvassing around the country, they retorted: “Turbulent waves are sweeping away everything under Heaven. With whom, then, are you to change the world?” Zi Lu reported their words back to Confucius, (...)
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    Gautama the Buddha through Christian Eyes.John Dominic Crossan - 1999 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 19 (1):97-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exclusivity and ParticularityJohn Dominic CrossanSeveral of the authors spoke of the imperial exclusivity so characteristic of Christianity. For José Ignacio Cabezón, “What Buddhists find objectionable is (a) the Christian characterization of the deity whose manifestation Jesus is said to be, and (b) the claim that Jesus is unique in being such a manifestation” (p. 56). For Bokin Kim, “most Christians hold to an exclusive view of Christ that claims (...)
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    Cosmic cradle: spiritual dimensions of life before birth.Elizabeth Carman - 2013 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books. Edited by Neil J. Carman.
    Where was your soul before you were born? If your soul is immortal, did it have a "life" prior to birth? Did you choose your life and parents? Is reincarnation real? Elizabeth and Neil Carman, the authors of Cosmic Cradle, address these questions through interviews with adults and children who report pre-birth experiences (PBEs) not based on regression, hypnosis, or drugs. Instead, interviewees recall their pre-birth existence completely sober and awake. In contrast to near-death experiences (NDEs), which have been well (...)
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  33.  20
    Jean 1,51 et l’annonce de la glorification du Fils de l’homme.Michel Roberge - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (2):193-217.
    This article tries to demonstrate that the promise made to Nathanael through Gen 38:12-19 in Jn 1:51, foretells the glorification of the Son of Man at the end of his terrestrial journey, described as a descent and an ascent. But this glorification will be carried out by means of the crucifixion ; hence the recourse to two other texts of the O.T. to prove, first in Jn 3:14-15, that the crucifixion of Jesus would be a salvific elevation prefigurated by (...)
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    2005 International Lotus Sutra Conference.Leo D. Lefebure - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):195-197.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:2005 International Lotus Sutra ConferenceLeo D. LefebureIn May 2005 Rissho Kosei-kai sponsored its annual conference on the Lotus Sutra for the first time in China, at the new conference center of Beijing Normal University. Chinese Buddhist scholars Zhang Fenglei and Wei Dedong of Renmin University participated, offering discussions of "Earthly Orientation of Tiantai Buddhist Doctrine" and "Zhanran's Doctrine about the Nature of Insentient Beings and Its Ecological Implications," respectively. (...)
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    The Christian as Homo Viator: A Resource in Aquinas for Overcoming “Worldly Sin and Sorrow”.David Elliot - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):101-121.
    Thomas Aquinas describes the Christian as homo viator: the "human wayfarer" or pilgrim journeying through this world to the heavenly city. This journey is vulnerable to "worldly sin" or "worldliness": an excessive attachment to wealth, status, honors, prestige, and power. A major cause of apathy to the poor and the underprivileged, worldliness treats our identity as purely this-worldly and therefore shuts the door to eschatological hope through subtle forms of presumption and despair. Drawing upon Aquinas and other sources (...)
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    The Ethics of Courage: Volume 1: From Greek Antiquity to the Middle Ages.Jacques M. Chevalier - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This two-volume work examines far-reaching debates on the concept of courage from Greek antiquity to the Christian and mediaeval periods, as well as the modern era. Volume 1 begins with Homeric poetry and the politics of fearless demi-gods thriving on war. The tales of lion-hearted Heracles, Achilles, and Ulysses, and their tragic fall at the hands of fate, eventually give way to classical views of courage based on competing theories of rational wisdom and truth. Fears of the enemy and anxieties (...)
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    The Emperor’s Daughter, the Wise Rabbi, and the Realtor’s Facelift.John Davidson & Ruhama Weiss - 2014 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 4 (3):194-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Emperor’s Daughter, the Wise Rabbi, and the Realtor’s FaceliftJohn Davidson and Ruhama WeissFour decades ago during the clinical years of medical school, my (JD) first patient–care efforts included serendipitous contacts with three non–physician mentors. Each a rabbi. Each a Texan. Each of a different generation. Each acting in a pastoral care role in Houston’s Texas Medical Center. By sharing with all–comers their command of the two–millennia–old rabbinic literary (...)
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    Dante and the Blessed Virgin.Ralph McInerny - 2010 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    __Dante and the Blessed Virgin __is distinguished philosopher Ralph McInerny's eloquent reading of one of western literature's most famous works by a Catholic writer. The book provides Catholic readers new to Dante's _The Divine Comedy _ with a concise companion volume. McInerny argues that the Blessed Virgin Mary is the key to Dante. She is behind the scenes at the very beginning of the _Commedia_, and she is found at the end in the magnificent closing cantos of the _Paradiso_. McInerny (...)
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    Şeyh H'lid Efendi’nin Divan’ında İnsan-ı K'mil Düşüncesi.Kadir Özköse - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):385-385.
    Sheikh Halid Sufi, as a Sufi poet, addresses human being as the main subject of his sufist dicourse. He is an important figure of our recent history as he primarily adopted the goal of human perfection and revealed a doctrine of humanity in the school of knowledge. In advance of our current century, when human is seen just in physical respect, he lived as a man of heart who handled human being with an integrated approach within the aspects of matter (...)
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    (1 other version)Spirituality of Nourishing life in the Book of Mengzi.Yao Xinzhong - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (S1):740-751.
    As a moral system open to spiritual values, Confucianism demonstrates a strong commitment to the cultivation of life and believes that this cultivation can lead to the spiritual ultimate. In this sense the interconnection between religiousness and morality underlies all Confucian discourses on human qualities and is the foundation on which their moral universe is established. This article is an attempt to examine how Mengzi explores the multiple meaning of “nourishing or nurturing” and makes it essentially instrumental for completing one's (...)
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    The Migration to Medina in Ṣaḥāba’s Poetry.Mehmet Ylmaz - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):149-170.
    After receiving the divine authorization from Allah to openly notify people of Islam, the Messenger of Allah started to publicly to invite the people of Mecca to Islam. Idolaters however felt heavy shame to give up the faith of their ancestors, and the pagans did not accept the Prophet's invitation to Islam. They applied various pressures to the Messenger of Allah and the believers to renounce the cause of Islam. When the animosity against the new Muslims became intolerable, Almighty Allah (...)
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  42. The Psychedelic Gospels: The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity.Jerry B. Brown & Julie M. Brown - 2016 - Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press / Inner Traditions.
    hroughout medieval Christianity, religious works of art emerged to illustrate the teachings of the Bible for the largely illiterate population. What, then, is the significance of the psychoactive mushrooms hiding in plain sight in the artwork and icons of many European and Middle-Eastern churches? Does Christianity have a psychedelic history? -/- Providing stunning visual evidence from their anthropological journey throughout Europe and the Middle East, including visits to Roslyn Chapel and Chartres Cathedral, authors Julie and Jerry Brown document the (...)
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    The great divorce: a dream.C. S. Lewis - 1946 - [San Francisco]: HarperSanFrancisco.
    C. S. Lewis takes us on a profound journey through both heaven and hell in this engaging allegorical tale. Using his extraordinary descriptive powers, Lewis introduces us to supernatural beings who will change the way we think about good and evil.
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  44. Gadamer – Cheng: Conversations in Hermeneutics.Andrew Fuyarchuk - 2021 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48 (3):245-249.
    1 Introduction1 In the 1980s, hermeneutics was often incorporated into deconstructionism and literary theory. Rather than focus on authorial intentions, the nature of writing itself including codes used to construct meaning, socio-economic contexts and inequalities of power,2 Gadamer introduced a different perspective; the interplay between effects of history on a reader’s understanding and the tradition(s) handed down in writing. This interplay in which a reader’s prejudices are called into question and modified by the text in a fusion of understanding and (...)
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  45. The significance of κατά πάντ΄ ὰ́<s>τη in Parmenides fr 1.J. H. Lesher - 1994 - Ancient Philosophy 14 (1):1-20.
    Fragment B 1 of Parmenides describes a youth’s journey to the house of a goddess who enlightens him as to the nature of all things. The task of translating Parmenides’ Greek text is beset with many difficulties, most notably the phrase kata pant’ atê at B 1.3. There, the neuter accusative plural panta (‘all things’) combines with the feminine nominative singular atê (‘heaven sent blindness’) to render translation impossible. Some have proposed emending the text to read astê (‘down to (...)
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    (1 other version)Introduction to the Special Theme Religious Experience and Psychopathology.Mohammed Abouelleil Rashed - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (3):195-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Introduction to the Special Theme Religious Experience and PsychopathologyMohammed Abouelleil Rashed, MD, PhDIn the first verse of the seventeenth sura of the Qur’an, Al-Isra’,1 we learn about Prophet Mohammed’s night-time journey to Al-Quds (Jerusalem):Glory to Him who made His servant travel by night from the sacred place of worship [in Mecca] to the furthest place of worship [in Al-Quds], whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some (...)
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    An Analysis on the Symbolic Meaning of'Buildings' in Samak Ayyar Story.Zainab Choghadi & Mahdi Noorian - 2013 - Asian Culture and History 5 (2):p174.
    Old stories, rather than being a means to shorten the long winter nights or make children's eyelids heavy, were the hidden treasures of peoples’ social and psychological history. They contained, more than anything else, archetypal motifs which were expressed through various symbols. One such old stories was SamakAyyar which appeared in the north-eastern region of the Iranian plateau. The initial narrators of SamakAyyar were most probably the Aryan branch of the Indo-Aryan settlers. The fact that Aryans were neighbouring the Hindu (...)
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  48. A New Negentropic Subject: Reviewing Michel Serres' Biogea.A. Staley Groves - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):155-158.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 155–158 Michel Serres. Biogea . Trans. Randolph Burks. Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing. 2012. 200 pp. | ISBN 9781937561086 | $22.95 Conveying to potential readers the significance of a book puts me at risk of glad handing. It’s not in my interest to laud the undeserving, especially on the pages of this journal. This is not a sales pitch, but rather an affirmation of a necessary work on very troubled terms: human, earth, nature, and the problematic world we made. (...)
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    Sunlight in the Mirror of Mithraism.Mohammadreza Azimi - 2023 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 3 (6):1-5.
    Sunlight carried an extensive tapestry of significance in Mithraism, indicating divine strength, illumination, spiritual rebirth, and ethical instruction. It was a deep metaphor for the riddles of life, death, and the search for heavenly understanding, not just a physical phenomenon. With its sophisticated rituals and symbolic language, the Mithraic Mysteries employed sunlight as a potent tool to transmit spiritual concepts and assist initiates on their transformational journey from the dark into the bright light of Mithras. While Mithraism’s exact (...)
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  50. Risalat al-Tayr: the Symbolic Metanarrative of the Meaning of Life.Saham Mokhles, Reza Akbari, Reza Sharabini & Gita Moghimi - 2016 - Avicennian Philosophy Journal 20 (56):103-118.
    Risalat-al-Tayr is the symbolic story of the fall of the soul/intellect from the heavenly world, its being captivated in the mundane world, and its effort for liberation and eternal unification with intellectus agens. There are many symbols in the story including bird, hunter, trap, homesickness, journey, captivity, mountain etc. In this treatise, Avicenna proposes a supernaturalistic theory of the meaning of life, according to which the life will be meaningful only if a person discovers an essential goal in (...)
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