Results for 'free groups'

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  1.  19
    Almost free groups and long Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé games.Pauli Väisänen - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 123 (1-3):101-134.
    An Abelian group G is strongly λ -free iff G is L ∞, λ -equivalent to a free Abelian group iff the isomorphism player has a winning strategy in an Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé game of length ω between G and a free Abelian group. We study possible longer Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé games between a nonfree group and a free Abelian group. A group G is called ε -game-free if the isomorphism player has a winning strategy in an Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé game (...)
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    Almost free groups and Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé games for successors of singular cardinals.Saharon Shelah & Pauli Väisänen - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 118 (1-2):147-173.
    We strengthen nonstructure theorems for almost free Abelian groups by studying long Ehrenfeucht–Fraı̈ssé games between a fixed group of cardinality λ and a free Abelian group. A group is called ε -game-free if the isomorphism player has a winning strategy in the game of length ε ∈ λ . We prove for a large set of successor cardinals λ = μ + the existence of nonfree -game-free groups of cardinality λ . We concentrate on (...)
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    The τ-theory for free groups is undecidable.Libo Lo - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):700-703.
    In this paper we give short proofs to the undecidability of the τ-theory for free groups and other relevant theories.
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    Hyperbolic Towers and Independent Generic Sets in the Theory of Free Groups.Larsen Louder, Chloé Perin & Rizos Sklinos - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):521-539.
    We use hyperbolic towers to answer some model-theoretic questions around the generic type in the theory of free groups. We show that all the finitely generated models of this theory realize the generic type $p_{0}$ but that there is a finitely generated model which omits $p^{}_{0}$. We exhibit a finitely generated model in which there are two maximal independent sets of realizations of the generic type which have different cardinalities. We also show that a free product of (...)
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    Semifree actions of free groups.Martin Hils - 2007 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 46 (2):93-105.
    We study countable universes similar to a free action of a group G. It turns out that this is equivalent to the study of free semi-actions of G, with two universes being transformable iff one corresponding free semi-action can be obtained from the other by a finite alteration. In the case of a free group G (in finitely many or countably many generators), a classification is given.
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    Homogeneity in relatively free groups.Oleg Belegradek - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (7-8):781-787.
    We prove that any torsion-free, residually finite relatively free group of infinite rank is not \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}1{\aleph_1}\end{document} -homogeneous. This generalizes Sklinos’ result that a free group of infinite rank is not \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}1{\aleph_1}\end{document} -homogeneous, and, in particular, gives a new simple proof of that result.
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  7.  20
    The profinite topology of free groups and weakly generic tuples of automorphisms.Gábor Sági - 2021 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 67 (4):432-444.
    Let be a countable first order structure and endow the universe of with the discrete topology. Then the automorphism group of becomes a topological group. A tuple of automorphisms is defined to be weakly generic iff its diagonal conjugacy class (in the algebraic sense) is dense (in the topological sense) and the ‐orbit of each is finite. Existence of tuples of weakly generic automorphisms are interesting from the point of view of model theory as well as from the point of (...)
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    Does the Free Group Agency Account of Legitimacy Require Democracy?Palle Bech-Pedersen & Finn Haberkost - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (1):51-61.
    In this critical comment, we argue that nondemocratic, but decent regimes fail to constitute legitimate governance under Applbaum’s free group agency account. To make this case, we first introduce the three principles of liberty, equality and agency that Applbaum takes to flow directly from his free agency conception of legitimacy. Against this backdrop, we discuss Applbaum’s claim that a nondemocratic regime along the lines of a Rawlsian decent consultation hierarchy could meet the threshold of legitimacy. Contrary to this (...)
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  9.  28
    Generating sets of free groups and the axiom of choice.Philipp Kleppmann - 2014 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 60 (3):239-241.
    Write F(X) for the free group generated by X. We show that the statement for infinite sets is equivalent to the Axiom of Choice, whereas the statement is strictly weaker than the Axiom of Choice.
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    Some lower bounds on Shelah rank in the free group.Javier de la Nuez González, Chloé Perin & Rizos Sklinos - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (6):102794.
    We give some lower bounds on the Shelah rank of varieties in the free group whose coordinate groups are hyperbolic towers.
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    Applying Different Concepts and Conceptions of Legitimacy to the International Level: Service, Free Group Agents, and Autonomy.Antoinette Scherz - 2023 - Moral Philosophy and Politics (1):63-85.
    International institutions are facing increasing criticism of the legitimacy of their authority. But what does it mean for an international institution to be legitimate? Arthur Applbaum’s latest book provides a convincing new concept of legitimacy, namely, the power-liability view, and a new normative conception, the free group agent account. However, it is not clear how they can be applied to the international level. First, this paper examines how different concepts of legitimacy can be applied to international institutions. Second, it (...)
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  12.  37
    Classifying torsion free groups in o-minimal expansions of real closed fields.Eliana Barriga & Alf Onshuus - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (12):1267-1297.
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    Subgroups of a free group and the axiom of choice.Paul E. Howard - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):458-467.
  14.  56
    On the generic type of the free group.Rizos Sklinos - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (1):227 - 234.
    We answer a question raised in [9], that is whether the infinite weight of the generic type of the free group is witnessed in F ω . We also prove that the set of primitive elements in finite rank free groups is not uniformly definable. As a corollary, we observe that the generic type over the empty set is not isolated. Finally, we show that uncountable free groups are not N₁-homogeneous.
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  15.  27
    “Data makes the story come to life:” understanding the ethical and legal implications of Big Data research involving ethnic minority healthcare workers in the United Kingdom—a qualitative study.Robert Free, David Ford, Kamlesh Khunti, Sue Carr, Louise Wain, Martin D. Tobin, Keith R. Abrams, Amit Gupta, Ibrahim Abubakar, Katherine Woolf, I. Chris McManus, Catherine Johns, Anna L. Guyatt, Laura B. Nellums, Laura Gray, Manish Pareek, Ruby Reed-Berendt & Edward S. Dove - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    The aim of UK-REACH (“The United Kingdom Research study into Ethnicity And COVID-19 outcomes in Healthcare workers”) is to understand if, how, and why healthcare workers (HCWs) in the United Kingdom (UK) from ethnic minority groups are at increased risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19. In this article, we present findings from the ethical and legal stream of the study, which undertook qualitative research seeking to understand and address legal, ethical, and social acceptability issues around data protection, privacy, and (...)
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  16. Hyperbolic towers and independent generic sets in the theory of free groups, to appear in the Proceedings of the conference" Recent developments in Model Theory.Lars Louder, Chloé Perin & Rizos Sklinos - forthcoming - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic.
  17. Knapsack and subset sum problems in nilpoint, polycyclic, and co-context-free groups.Daniel König, Markus Lohrey & George Zetzsche - 2016 - In Delaram Kahrobaei, Bren Cavallo & David Garber, Algebra and computer science. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
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  18.  27
    Against Biological Determinism.Steven Peter Russell Rose & Dialectics of Biology Group (eds.) - 1982 - New York, N.Y.: Distributed in the USA by Schocken Books.
  19. Generic properties of subgroups of free groups and finite presentations.Frédérique Bassino, Cyril Nicaud & Pascal Weil - 2016 - In Delaram Kahrobaei, Bren Cavallo & David Garber, Algebra and computer science. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society.
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  20. (1 other version)Do group agents have free will?Christian List - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    It is common to ascribe agency to some organized collectives, such as corporations, courts, and states, and to treat them as loci of responsibility, over and above their individual members. But since responsibility is often assumed to require free will, should we also think that group agents have free will? Surprisingly, the literature contains very few in-depth discussions of this question. The most extensive defence of corporate free will that I am aware of (Hess [2014], “The (...) Will of Corporations (and Other Collectives)”, Philosophical Studies 168 (1): 241–260) rests on a compatibilist understanding which takes reasons-responsiveness and acting from one’s own ‘actional springs’ as key conditions for free will but says little about a condition that free-will libertarians emphasize: the possibility of doing otherwise. In this paper, I will argue that group agents can have free will not only in a (less demanding) compatibilist sense, but also in a recognizably libertarian sense, which includes the possibility of doing otherwise. In developing this account of corporate free will, I will bring together recent work on group agency and recent work on free will. (shrink)
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  21.  17
    What does a group algebra of a free group “know” about the group?Olga Kharlampovich & Alexei Myasnikov - 2018 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 169 (6):523-547.
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  22.  23
    On the (non) superstable part of the free group.Chloé Perin & Rizos Sklinos - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (1-2):88-93.
    In this short note we prove that a definable set X over is superstable only if.
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  23.  40
    (1 other version)The Existence of Level Sets in a Free Group Implies the Axiom of Choice.Paul E. Howard - 1987 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 33 (4):315-316.
  24.  23
    Group Theoretical Derivation of Consistent Free Particle Theories.Giuseppe Nisticò - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (9):977-1007.
    The difficulties of relativistic particle theories formulated by means of canonical quantization, such as those of Klein–Gordon and Dirac, ultimately led theoretical physicists to turn to quantum field theory to model elementary particle physics. In order to overcome these difficulties, the theories of the present approach are developed deductively from the physical principles that specify the system, without making use of canonical quantization. For a free particle these starting assumptions are invariance of the theory and covariance of position with (...)
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  25.  14
    Fact Sheet for “Consistency of Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends in the Tropical Troposphere”.Ben Santer, Peter Thorne, Leo Haimberger, Karl Taylor, Tom Wigley, John Lanzante, Susan Solomon, Melissa Free, Peter Gleckler, Phil Jones, Tom Karl, Steve Klein, Carl Mears, Doug Nychka, Gavin Schmidt, Steve Sherwood & Frank Wentz - 2018 - In Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Eric Winsberg, Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Springer Verlag. pp. 73-84.
    Using state-of-the-art observational datasets and results from a large archive of computer model simulations, a consortium of scientists from 12 different institutions has resolved a long-standing conundrum in climate science—the apparent discrepancy between simulated and observed temperature trends in the tropics. Research published by this group indicates that there is no fundamental discrepancy between modeled and observed tropical temperature trends when one accounts for: the uncertainties in observations; and the statistical uncertainties in estimating trends from observations. These results refute a (...)
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  26. Research on group differences in intelligence: A defense of free inquiry.Nathan Cofnas - 2020 - Philosophical Psychology 33 (1):125-147.
    In a very short time, it is likely that we will identify many of the genetic variants underlying individual differences in intelligence. We should be prepared for the possibility that these variants are not distributed identically among all geographic populations, and that this explains some of the phenotypic differences in measured intelligence among groups. However, some philosophers and scientists believe that we should refrain from conducting research that might demonstrate the (partly) genetic origin of group differences in IQ. Many (...)
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  27.  68
    Finitely generated free MV-algebras and their automorphism groups.Antonio Di Nola, Revaz Grigolia & Giovanni Panti - 1998 - Studia Logica 61 (1):65-78.
    The MV-algebra S m w is obtained from the (m+1)-valued ukasiewicz chain by adding infinitesimals, in the same way as Chang's algebra is obtained from the two-valued chain. These algebras were introduced by Komori in his study of varieties of MV-algebras. In this paper we describe the finitely generated totally ordered algebras in the variety MV m w generated by S m w . This yields an easy description of the free MV m w -algebras over one generator. We (...)
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  28.  10
    Free Constructions in Hoops via \ell -Groups.Valeria Giustarini, Francesco Manfucci & Sara Ugolini - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-49.
    Lattice-ordered abelian groups, or abelian\ell ℓ -groups in what follows, are categorically equivalent to two classes of 0-bounded hoops that are relevant in the realm of the equivalent algebraic semantics of many-valued logics: liftings of cancellative hoops and perfect MV-algebras. The former generate the variety of product algebras, and the latter the subvariety of MV-algebras generated by perfect MV-algebras, that we shall call DLMV\textsf{DLMV} DLMV. In this work we focus on these two varieties and their relation to (...)
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  29.  43
    Makanin G. S.. Equations in a free group. Mathematics of the USSR—Izvestiya, vol. 21 no. 3 , pp. 483–546. , pp. 1199–1273.). [REVIEW]J. L. Britton - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (4):1071-1073.
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    Free recall of grouped words.Rosamond Gianutsos - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):419.
  31.  85
    Jump degrees of torsion-free abelian groups.Brooke M. Andersen, Asher M. Kach, Alexander G. Melnikov & Reed Solomon - 2012 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 77 (4):1067-1100.
    We show, for each computable ordinal α and degree $\alpha > {0^{\left( \alpha \right)}}$, the existence of a torsion-free abelian group with proper α th jump degree α.
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    Groups elementarily equivalent to a free nilpotent group of finite rank.Alexei G. Myasnikov & Mahmood Sohrabi - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (11):916-933.
    In this paper, we give a complete algebraic description of groups elementarily equivalent to the P. Hall completion of a given free nilpotent group of finite rank over an arbitrary binomial domain. In particular, we characterize all groups elementarily equivalent to a free nilpotent group of finite rank.
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    Free abelian lattice-ordered groups.A. M. W. Glass, Angus Macintyre & Françoise Point - 2005 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 134 (2-3):265-283.
    Let n be a positive integer and FAℓ be the free abelian lattice-ordered group on n generators. We prove that FAℓ and FAℓ do not satisfy the same first-order sentences in the language if m≠n. We also show that is decidable iff n{1,2}. Finally, we apply a similar analysis and get analogous results for the free finitely generated vector lattices.
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    Torsion-free abelian groups with optimal Scott families.Alexander G. Melnikov - 2018 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 18 (1):1850002.
    We prove that for any computable successor ordinal of the form α = δ + 2k there exists computable torsion-free abelian group that is relatively Δα0 -categorical and not Δα−10 -categorical. Equivalently, for any such α there exists a computable TFAG whose initial segments are uniformly described by Σαc infinitary computable formulae up to automorphism, and there is no syntactically simpler family of formulae that would capture these orbits. As far as we know, the problem of finding such optimal (...)
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    Torsion-Free Abelian Groups of Finite Rank and Fields of Finite Transcendence Degree.H. O. Meng-Che “Turbo”, Julia Knight & Russell Miller - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-29.
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    (1 other version)Intuitionistic Free Abelian Groups.D. van Dalen & F. J. De Vries - 1988 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 34 (1):3-12.
  37.  32
    On Superstable Expansions of Free Abelian Groups.Daniel Palacín & Rizos Sklinos - 2018 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 59 (2):157-169.
    We prove that has no proper superstable expansions of finite Lascar rank. Nevertheless, this structure equipped with a predicate defining powers of a given natural number is superstable of Lascar rank ω. Additionally, our methods yield other superstable expansions such as equipped with the set of factorial elements.
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    Two remarks on elementary theories of groups obtained by free constructions.Eric Jaligot - 2013 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 59 (1-2):12-18.
    We give two slight generalizations of results of Poizat about elementary theories of groups obtained by free constructions. The first-one concerns generic types and the non-superstability of such groups in many cases. The second-one concerns the connectedness of most free products of groups without amalgamation.
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  39.  23
    The additive groups of and with predicates for being square-free.Neer Bhardwaj & Chieu-Minh Tran - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (4):1324-1349.
    We consider the structures ,, , ,and, and where $\mathbb {Z}$ is the additive group of integers, $\mathrm {SF}^{\mathbb {Z}}$ is the set of $a \in \mathbb {Z}$ such that $v_{p} < 2$ for every prime p and corresponding p-adic valuation $v_{p}$, $\mathbb {Q}$ and $\mathrm {SF}^{\mathbb {Q}}$ are defined likewise for rational numbers, and $<$ denotes the natural ordering on each of these domains. We prove that the second structure is model-theoretically wild while the other three structures are (...)
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  40.  45
    ∀-Free metabelian groups.Olivier Chapuis - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):159-174.
  41.  57
    Existentially complete torsion-free nilpotent groups.D. Saracino - 1978 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 43 (1):126-134.
  42.  47
    Altruism, the free rider problem and group size.John W. Sweeney - 1974 - Theory and Decision 4 (3-4):259-275.
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    Existentially closed torsion-free nilpotent groups of class three.Berthold J. Maier - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):220-230.
  44.  15
    Saturated Free Algebras Revisited.Anand Pillay & Rizos Sklinos - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):306-318.
    We give an exposition of results of Baldwin–Shelah [2] on saturated free algebras, at the level of generality of complete first order theoriesTwith a saturated modelMwhich is in the algebraic closure of an indiscernible set. We then make some new observations whenM isa saturated free algebra, analogous to (more difficult) results for the free group, such as a description of forking.
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    Erratum to “Free abelian lattice-ordered groups” [Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 134 (2–3) (2005) 265–283].A. M. W. Glass, Angus Macintyre & Françoise Point - 2016 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 167 (4):431-433.
  46.  34
    On stable torsion-free nilpotent groups.Claus Grünenwald & Frieder Haug - 1993 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 32 (6):451-462.
    We show that an infinite field is interpretable in a stable torsion-free nilpotent groupG of classk, k>1. Furthermore we prove thatG/Z k-1 (G) must be divisible. By generalising methods of Belegradek we classify some stable torsion-free nilpotent groups modulo isomorphism and elementary equivalence.
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  47.  29
    Coherent extension of partial automorphisms, free amalgamation and automorphism groups.Daoud Siniora & Sławomir Solecki - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (1):199-223.
    We give strengthened versions of the Herwig–Lascar and Hodkinson–Otto extension theorems for partial automorphisms of finite structures. Such strengthenings yield several combinatorial and group-theoretic consequences for homogeneous structures. For instance, we establish a coherent form of the extension property for partial automorphisms for certain Fraïssé classes. We deduce from these results that the isometry group of the rational Urysohn space, the automorphism group of the Fraïssé limit of any Fraïssé class that is the class of all ${\cal F}$-free structures, (...)
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  48.  80
    Decidability and Computability of Certain Torsion-Free Abelian Groups.Rodney G. Downey, Sergei S. Goncharov, Asher M. Kach, Julia F. Knight, Oleg V. Kudinov, Alexander G. Melnikov & Daniel Turetsky - 2010 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 51 (1):85-96.
    We study completely decomposable torsion-free abelian groups of the form $\mathcal{G}_S := \oplus_{n \in S} \mathbb{Q}_{p_n}$ for sets $S \subseteq \omega$. We show that $\mathcal{G}_S$has a decidable copy if and only if S is $\Sigma^0_2$and has a computable copy if and only if S is $\Sigma^0_3$.
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    The additive groups of ℤ and ℚ with predicates for being square‐free.Neer Bhardwaj & Minh Chieu Tran - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-26.
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    Individual and group predictions of item difficulty for free learning.Benton J. Underwood - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (5):673.
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