Results for 'Palle Bech-Pedersen'

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  1. On blind deference in Open Democracy.Palle Bech-Pedersen - forthcoming - European Journal of Political Theory.
    In this article, I critically assess Hélène Landemore's new model of Open Democracy, asking whether it requires of citizens to blindly defer to the decisions of the mini-public. To address this question, I, first, discuss three institutional mechanisms in Open Democracy, all of which can be read to grant citizens democratic control. I argue that neither the capacity to authorize the selection mechanism (random sortition), nor the lottocratic conception of political equality, nor the self-selection mechanisms of Landemore's model deliver the (...)
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    Does the Free Group Agency Account of Legitimacy Require Democracy?Palle Bech-Pedersen & Finn Haberkost - 2024 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 11 (1):51-61.
    In this critical comment, we argue that nondemocratic, but decent regimes fail to constitute legitimate governance under Applbaum’s free group agency account. To make this case, we first introduce the three principles of liberty, equality and agency that Applbaum takes to flow directly from his free agency conception of legitimacy. Against this backdrop, we discuss Applbaum’s claim that a nondemocratic regime along the lines of a Rawlsian decent consultation hierarchy could meet the threshold of legitimacy. Contrary to this suggestion, we (...)
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    Law, justice and the state: essays on justice and rights: proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Reykjavík, 26 May-2 June, 1993.Mikael M. Karlsson (ed.) - 1995 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag.
    Aus dem Inhalt: Views from the North: Hans Petter Graver: Law, Justice and the State: Nordic Perspectives u Jacob Dahl Rendtorff: The Danish Welfare State: Philosophical Ideals and Systemic Reality u Sigri!Dur *orgeirsdottir: Feminist Ethics and Feminist Politics u Kuellike Lengi: The Situation of Human Rights in Estonia u Einar Palsson: Pythagoras and Early Icelandic Law u Law, Discourse and Rationality: Mats Flodin: Internal and External Rationality of Legal Systems u Logi Gunnarsson: A Discourse About Discourse u Hjordi!s Hakonardottir: Legal (...)
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    Adam Smith's Science of Morals.Páll S. Árdal - 1973 - Philosophical Review 82 (4):542.
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    De los “límites de la fenomenología” a la “embriología del ser”. RESEÑA de: Bech, Josep María. Merleau-Ponty : Una aproximación a su pensamiento. Barcelona : Anthropos, 2005. [REVIEW]Josep María Bech - 2005 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:243.
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    Review Essay: Reflections on Kurt GodelReflections on Kurt Godel.Palle Yourgrau & Hao Wang - 1989 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 50 (2):391.
  7. The dead.Palle Yourgrau - 1987 - Journal of Philosophy 84 (2):84-101.
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    XI*—The Path Back to Frege.Palle Yourgrau - 1987 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 87 (1):169-210.
    Palle Yourgrau; XI*—The Path Back to Frege, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 87, Issue 1, 1 June 1987, Pages 169–210,
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    Demonstratives.Palle Yourgrau (ed.) - 1990 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The aim of this series is to bring together important recent writings in major areas of philosophical inquiry, selected from a variety of sources, mostly periodicals.
  10. Knowledge and relevant alternatives.Palle Yourgrau - 1983 - Synthese 55 (2):175 - 190.
    Traditionally, skeptics as well as their opponents have agreed that in order to know that p one must be able, by some preferred means, to rule out all the alternatives to p. Recently, however, some philosophers have attempted to avert skepticism not (merely) by weakening the preferred means but rather by articulating a subset of the alternatives to p — the so-called relevant alternatives — and insisting that knowledge that p requires only that we be able (by the preferred means) (...)
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    Proof vs Provability: On Brouwer’s Time Problem.Palle Yourgrau - 2020 - History and Philosophy of Logic 41 (2):140-153.
    Is a mathematical theorem proved because provable, or provable because proved? If Brouwer’s intuitionism is accepted, we’re committed, it seems, to the latter, which is highly problematic. Or so I will argue. This and other consequences of Brouwer’s attempt to found mathematics on the intuition of a move of time have heretofore been insufficiently appreciated. Whereas the mathematical anomalies of intuitionism have received enormous attention, too little time, I’ll try to show, has been devoted to some of the temporal anomalies (...)
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    On Gadamer's Heteronomy Argument: The "Irruption" of Reality vs. its "Strategic Excision".Josep Maria Bech - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):96-112.
    The aim of this paper is to find out whether Gadamer is entitled to hold together his finitist commitment to the heteronomy of art and thought, and his advocacy of an "endless conversation with itself" of humankind. We focus on three texts: Gadamer’s dismis­sal of Carl Schmitt’s outside-in account of the heteronomy implied by the "irrup­tion of reality" in the play Hamlet and, as Archimedean point, Shakespeare’s "excision of reality" according to Stephen Greenblatt, and its inside-out heteronomic consequences. The results: (...)
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    David Hume's theory of value.Pall S. Ardal - unknown
    This thesis is neither e page to page commentary nor en assessment of Hume's place in the history of Philosophy. It mainly consists in an attempt at justifying a certain approach to the Interpretation of his theory of value with special reference to morals.
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  14. La radicalización heideggeriana del método fenomenológico.Josep María Bech - 2000 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 13:60-90.
    Contends that Heideggerian “fundamental ontology” and Husserlian phenomenology, while linked by methodological affinities (hermeneutics would be the operational correlative to phenomenology’s transcendental embrace), are thematically incongruent. It also holds that the self-display of Being clashes with the un-methodical dimension assigned to immediacy by the phenomenological tradition. Through reshaping Husserl’s presentialist transcendentalism, Heidegger cast anew the methodology grounded upon “presentifying intuitiveness” and tailored it to an expanded notion of “phenomenon”.
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    (1 other version)Riassunto: L’istituzione al bivio.Josep M. Bech - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:246-247.
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    For Goodness' Sake: More on Nicomachean Ethics I vii 5.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 1981 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 63 (1):17-40.
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    Furries, freestylers, and the engine of social change: The struggle for recognition in a mediatized world.Leif Hemming Pedersen - 2022 - Communications 47 (4):590-609.
    This article merges the ‘terminologies of social change’ from recognition theory and mediatization research to argue that the mediatization of society has eased and accelerated processes of what recognition theorist Axel Honneth calls individualization and social inclusion. This, however, cannot be understood unambiguously as moral progress. Thus, the first part of the article outlines the conceptualization of social change in Honneth’s recognition-theoretical framework, including the critique of recognition theory’s account of power, which problematizes Honneth’s inherent idea of moral progress. Considering (...)
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  18. Indledning til en almen pragmatologi.Palle Jessen - 1952 - København,:
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    Métaphore et paraphrase.Palle Leth - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):579-598.
    Le texte récuse l’opinion selon laquelle la métaphore ne se paraphrase pas. La paraphrase est censée ne rendre que la référence, non le sens d’une expression. Afin de montrer que la paraphrase peut bien intervenir au sens d’une métaphore, le personnage fictif est invoqué comme paradigme pour la constitution du sens. L’entité de sens qu’est un personnage fictif n’est pas réductible à une expression unique, mais dépend de l’interaction au sein d’un réseau d’expressions différentes. Si le sens de la métaphore (...)
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  20. Professional Domesticity in the Victorian Novel: Women, Work and Home. By Monica F. Cohen.J. S. Pedersen - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (3):469-470.
  21. Passions, Promises and Punishment.PÁLL S. ÁRDAL - 1998
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    Of Sympathetic Imagination.Páll S. Árdal - 1979 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 1:65-71.
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    Gödel’s Temporal Idealism: A Reply to Prof. Kahle.Palle Yourgrau - 2023 - In Oliver Passon, Christoph Benzmüller & Brigitte Falkenburg, On Gödel and the Nonexistence of Time – Gödel und die Nichtexistenz der Zeit: Kurt Gödel essay competition 2021 – Kurt-Gödel-Preis 2021. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 37-50.
    In his Kurt Gödel Award 2021 essay, “The Philosophical Meaning of the Gödel Universe,” Prof. Kahle takes a fresh look at the philosophical ramifications of Gödel’s cosmology and helps clarify what Gödel’s intentions were and what the significance is of his arguments. I have several reservations, however, concerning Kahle’s discussion which will be discussed in this essay.
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    Passion and value in Hume's Treatise.Páll Steinthórsson Árdal - 1966 - Edinburgh,: Edinburgh University Press.
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    The Stoic Theory of Oikeiosis: Moral Development and Social Interaction in Early Stoic Philosophy.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 1990 - Aarhus University Press.
    This second volume in the series "Studies in Hellenistic Civilization", published for the Danish Research Council for the Humanities, offers a comprehensive analysis of the Stoic theory of Oikeiosis.
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    From Stoicism to Platonism: The Development of Philosophy, 100 Bce–100 Ce.Troels Engberg-Pedersen (ed.) - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    From Stoicism to Platonism describes the change in philosophy from around 100 BCE, when monistic Stoicism was the strongest dogmatic school in philosophy, to around 100 CE, when dualistic Platonism began to gain the upper hand - with huge consequences for all later Western philosophy and for Christianity. It is distinguished by querying traditional categories like 'eclecticism' and 'harmonization' as means of describing the period. Instead, it highlights different strategies of 'appropriation' of one school's doctrines by philosophers from the other (...)
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    The tradition of the topics in the Middle Ages: the commentaries on Aristotle's and Boethius' Topics.Niels Jørgen Green-Pedersen - 1984 - München: Philosophia Verlag.
  28. Penser le visuel, visualiser la pensée. Le modèle perceptif et la politique de la vision.Josep Maria Bech - 2012 - Chiasmi International 14:295-321.
    Thinking the Visual, Visualizing the Thought.A perceptual and Political Model of VisionMerleau-Ponty’s program of perceptivizing thought has depoliticizing effects that, though he does not recognize them, undermine his understanding of politics. These anti-political consequences, moreover, bring out the internal difficulties of his anti-intellectualist starting point. There are three areas in which Merleau-Ponty gave a thorough application, though with unequal success, of his perception-based model: the presentation of his own thought, in which his program of picturalization had a striking success; the (...)
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    Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 2010 - Oxford University Press.
    This book presents an innovative challenge to the traditional reading of Paul. Troels Engberg-Pedersen argues that the usual, mainly cognitive and metaphorical ways of understanding central Pauline concepts must be supplemented by a literal understanding that directly reflects Paul's materialist cosmology.
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  30. Hume and Davidson on Pride.Páll S. Árdal - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (2):387-394.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume and Davidson on Pride Pall S. krdal In reading the Treatise one has to be alive to the fact that Hume gives certain crucial words new meanings. He does not always draw the reader's attention to this and sometimes explicitly claims to be using terms with their ordinarymeaningswhen heis clearlygiving the words special technical uses by expanding or contracting their usual meanings. "Passion," "love," "hatred," "pride," and "humility" (...)
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    Ethics and Population, Edited by Michael D. Bayles Schenkman Publishing Company Inc.: Cambridge, Mass.1976.Páll Árdal - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (1):163-171.
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    Utterance Interpretation and Actual Intentions.Palle Leth - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (3):1-20.
    In this paper I argue, from the consideration of what I hope is the complete variety of a hearer’s approaches to a speaker’s utterance, that (1) the speaker’s intention does not settle the meaning of her utterance and (2) the hearer does not take a genuine interest in the speaker’s actual intention. The reason why the speaker’s intention does not settle utterance meaning is simply that no utterance meaning determination, as presupposed by intentionalists and anti-intentionalists alike, takes place. Moreover, in (...)
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    Al filo del milenio: nihilismo, escepticismo, religiosidad.Julio Amador Bech - 1994 - México, D.F.: Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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  34. El pensamiento de la no-coincidencia.Josep María Bech - 2003 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 16:57-94.
    Argues that Merleau-Ponty’s thought grounds itself on “non-coincidence” or, as he puts it, on “divergence or écart”, “non-transparence” or “non-adequacy”, since neither perception nor knowledge, in his view, actually conveys the things perceived or known. Reality comes up drenched in transcendence, and likewise thought has to span the “uncanny distance” that severs the subject from itself and every object from its own identity. Thus appear groundless an array of received views on the “reversibility” ascribed by Merleau-Ponty to the doublet “distance (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty y las orientaciones fenomenológicas en historiografía del pensamiento.Josep Maria Bech - 2008 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 1:17.
    Contends that Merleau-Ponty’s doctrine of the “philosophical shadow” that went together with all eminent doctrines of the past and which he discloses as their chief (though concealed) operative resource and the main cause of their ground-breaking viewpoints, both synthesizes and transcends all precedent phenomenological attempts (Heidegger’s and Fink’s prominent among them) to solve the theoretical and methodological puzzles uncovered by philosophical historiography.
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  36. Temporalidad finita y diferencia ontológica.Josep María Bech - 1998 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 11:102-127.
    Attempts to elucidate the tension between the finitist compromise and the ontological scaffolding in Heidegger’s early thought, while acknowledging that this twofold commitment entails a methodology of a bafflingly circular character. This pessimistic claim appears reinforced by the evidence that the grounding of “Being” upon “the beings” cannot exclude the “paradoxical grounding of Being” by “the beings” themselves.
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  37. Un caso sorprendente de mutación conceptual: el avatar contemporáneo de la comprensión y la explicación.Josep María Bech - 2011 - In David Pérez Chico, Rodríguez Suárez & Luisa Paz, Explicar y comprender. Pozuelo de Alarcón: Plaza y Valdés.
    The age-old controversy pitting explanation against understanding has amazingly mutated in our time because nowadays each of these procedures attempts to replicate and even occasionally mimetizes the features traditionally ascribed to the competing practice.
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    Studier i filosofi.Carsten Bengt-Pedersen (ed.) - 1981 - [Odense]: Odense universitetsforlag.
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  39. Radulphus Brito: Commentary on Boethius’ De differentiis topicis & The Sophism ”Omnis homo est omnis homo”.Niels Green-Pedersen & Jan Pinborg - 1978 - Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 26:1-121.
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    Machine Learning Techniques show Sensory and Association Network Alterations in Severe Epilepsy.Pedersen Mangor, Curwood Evan, Archer John, Abbott David & Jackson Graeme - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  41. Social determinants of thought: Neither anomalism nor funcionalization.Josep Maria Bech - 2008 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 21:175-196.
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    Motives, intentions and responsibility.Páll S. Árdal - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (59):146-154.
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    Í skjóli heimspekinnar: erindi og greinar.Páll Skúlason - 1995 - Reykjavík: Háskoli Íslands, Háskólaútgáfan.
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  44. Non-Evidentialist Epistemology: Introduction and Overview.Nikolaj Jang Linding Pedersen & Luca Moretti - 2021 - In . pp. 1-24.
    This is the introduction to Moretti, Luca and Nikolaj Pedersen (eds), Non-Evidentialist Epistemology. Brill. Contributors: N. Ashton, A. Coliva, J. Kim, K. McCain, A. Meylan, L. Moretti, S. Moruzzi, J. Ohlorst, N. Pedersen, T. Piazza, L. Zanetti.
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    Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen & Cory Wright (eds.) - 2012 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    The relative merits and demerits of historically prominent views such as the correspondence theory, coherentism, pragmatism, verificationism, and instrumentalism have been subject to much attention in the truth literature and have fueled the long-lived debate over which of these views is the most plausible one. While diverging in their specific philosophical commitments, adherents of these historically prominent views agree in at least one fundamental respect. They are all alethic monists. They all endorse the thesis that there is only one property (...)
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    On the Logic of Indeterminist Time.Palle Yourgrau - 1985 - Journal of Philosophy 82 (10):548.
  47. The Stoic Theory of Oikeiosis.Troels Engberg-Pedersen - 1993 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 28.
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    Frege on truth and reference.Palle Yourgrau - 1987 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 28 (1):132-138.
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    Religious Ethics and the Environment.Kusumita P. Pedersen - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (3):558-585.
    This essay discusses three recent books which each offer an integrative account of religious ethics and the environment. Religious environmental ethics is an area of inquiry within the larger field of religion and ecology. After a narrative that contextualizes the development of religious environmental ethics in relation to the environmental social movement, I describe the formation of the field including its focus on worldview, the “cosmological turn,” and its engagement with science, the “cosmic turn.” Elizabeth Johnson exemplifies the cosmic turn (...)
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  50. Stabilizing alethic pluralism.Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (238):92-108.
    Alethic pluralism is the view that the nature of truth is not uniform across domains. There are several ways of bang true $(T_1 ...\,T_n )$ A simple argument, the 'instability challenge', purports to show that this view is inherently unstable. One can simply say that something is uniformly true if and only if it is T₁ or ... or $\,T_n $ . Being uniformly true is a single truth property that applies across the board, and so the nature of truth (...)
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