Results for 'Louise Wain'

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  1.  27
    “Data makes the story come to life:” understanding the ethical and legal implications of Big Data research involving ethnic minority healthcare workers in the United Kingdom—a qualitative study.Robert Free, David Ford, Kamlesh Khunti, Sue Carr, Louise Wain, Martin D. Tobin, Keith R. Abrams, Amit Gupta, Ibrahim Abubakar, Katherine Woolf, I. Chris McManus, Catherine Johns, Anna L. Guyatt, Laura B. Nellums, Laura Gray, Manish Pareek, Ruby Reed-Berendt & Edward S. Dove - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    The aim of UK-REACH (“The United Kingdom Research study into Ethnicity And COVID-19 outcomes in Healthcare workers”) is to understand if, how, and why healthcare workers (HCWs) in the United Kingdom (UK) from ethnic minority groups are at increased risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19. In this article, we present findings from the ethical and legal stream of the study, which undertook qualitative research seeking to understand and address legal, ethical, and social acceptability issues around data protection, privacy, and information (...)
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    A Taste of Words: Linguistic Context and Perceptual Simulation Predict the Modality of Words.Max Louwerse & Louise Connell - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (2):381-398.
    Previous studies have shown that object properties are processed faster when they follow properties from the same perceptual modality than properties from different modalities. These findings suggest that language activates sensorimotor processes, which, according to those studies, can only be explained by a modal account of cognition. The current paper shows how a statistical linguistic approach of word co-occurrences can also reliably predict the category of perceptual modality a word belongs to (auditory, olfactory–gustatory, visual–haptic), even though the statistical linguistic approach (...)
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    Claiming reality: phenomenology and women's experience.Louise Levesque-Lopman - 1988 - Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
    An important, yet little explored, area of feminist research is women's subjective experience of everyday life. Claiming Reality is the first study to apply the insights of the growing discipline of phenomenological sociology to women's experience, particularly the experience of childbirth, in an attempt to develop a feminist phenomenological perspective.
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    Listen, and You Will-Hear: Reflections on Interviewing from a Feminist Phenomenological Perspective.Louise Levesque-Lopman - 2000 - In Linda Fisher & Lester Embree, Feminist phenomenology. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, c. pp. 103--132.
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    A. Verbanck-Piérard, D. Viviers, Culture et Cité.Louise-Marie L'Homme-Wéry - 1997 - Kernos 10:358-361.
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    Benvenuto da Imola's literary approach to Virgil's Eclogues.Mary Louise Lord - 2002 - Mediaeval Studies 64 (1):287-362.
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    Chapter 2. Aristotle on Self-Motion.Mary Louise Gill - 2017 - In Mary Louise Gill & James G. Lennox, Self-Motion: From Aristotle to Newton. Princeton University Press. pp. 15-34.
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    Psychiatry as Mind-shaping.Jodie Louise Russell - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-24.
    I argue that psychiatric researchers, clinicians, and the wider public actively regulate the minds of individuals with mental disorder through the prescriptive processes of mind-shaping (see Andrews in South J Philos 53:50–67, 2015a; Andrews in Philos Explor 18(2):282–296, 2015b; McGeer, in: Folk psychology re-assessed, Springer, Berlin, 2007; McGeer in Philos Explor 18:259–281, 2015; Mameli in Biol Philos 16(5):595–626, 2001; Zawidzki in Philos Explor 11(3):193–210, 2008; Zawidzki, in: Kiverstein (ed) The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of the Social Mind, Taylor and Francis (...)
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    Dieu garant de véracité ou Reid critique de Descartes.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1975 - Dialogue 14 (4):584-605.
    Récemment, dans The Problem of the Criterion, Roderick M. Chisholm distinguait deux stratégies visant à résoudre le problème du cercle vicieux, à savoir, celle des «particularistes» pour lesquels il faut d'abord établir ce qu'on sait, partant, formuler les criteres de la connaissance et celle des « méthodistes » qui entendent établir d'abord les critères de la connaissance, partant, son étendue. Voici done notre problème formulé, puisque Chisholm considère Descartes comme un exemple de stratégic «méthodiste» et Thomas Reid ainsi que G.E. (...)
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  10.  36
    L’héritage cartésien : l’égalité épistémique.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1988 - Philosophiques 15 (1):77-94.
    Le mot célèbre de Descartes sur le bon sens a fait l’objet de commentaires antithétiques mettant en évidence soit son ironie , soit son démocratisme. Les philosophes du sens commun avaient néanmoins entrevu une autre interprétation qui mettait l’accent sur le concept d’égalité épistémique et son rapport à la méthode. À la lumière du texte même du Discours de la Méthode, il est montré que la thèse de l’ironie interprète à contre-sens la distinction cartésienne entre l’égalité des raisons et l’égalité (...)
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  11.  29
    Perelman et la philosophie anglo-saxonne.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1990 - Dialogue 29 (2):247-.
    En parlant des rapports entre la Nouvelle Rhétorique et la France, Pierre-André Taguieff décrivait la situation comme celle d'un rendez-vous manqué. En parlant des rapports entre la philosophie pérelmanienne et la philosophie anglo-saxonne, il faut surtout parler de rendez-vous clandestins. Car dans l'ensemble, ces rendez-vous divers sont d'autant plus évidents qu'ils témoignent sans doute de l'influence réelle d'une philosophie. D'une philosophie dont on retrouve, dans le milieu anglo-saxon, un «air de famille» mais sans que Chaïm Perelman ne soit expressément nommé.
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    Pourquoi faut-il qu'Émile soit borné?Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1980 - Dialogue 19 (4):612-626.
    Dans les études consacrées aux écrits politiques et éducatifs de Rousseau, on a beaucoup insisté sur la loi qui commande son anthropologie, à savoir que l'altérité corrompt. Cependant, on a moins insisté sur une notion fondamentale de cette anthropologie, celle des bornes et des places, ce qui explique un certain nombre de malentendus quant au caractère plus ou moins pessimiste ou conser vateur des écrits de Rousseau. Pourtant, un lien existe entre la loi de l'altérité et le concept des bornes, (...)
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    Working memory deficits in Individuals with Friedreich Ataxia: The IMAGE-FRDA study.Georgiou-Karistianis Nellie, Stagnitti Monique, Egan Gary, Storey Elsdon, Delatycki Martin & Corben Louise - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14.  43
    Dal sistema al senso comune. Studi sul newtonismo e gli illiministi britannici. Luigi Turco.Louise Marci-Lacoste - 1978 - Isis 69 (1):135-137.
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    Hypothéses sur l’historicité du savoir philosophique.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1978 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 52:204-212.
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  16. La Raison en procès : essais sur la philosophie et le sexisme, coll. « Brèches ».Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (2):465-466.
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    Quand l'État devient philosophe..Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1975 - Philosophiques 2 (2):354-363.
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    How to Change the World: An Introduction to Badiou’s Subtractive Ontology, Militant Subjectivity, and Ethic of Truths.Kelly Louise Rexzy P. Agra - 2017 - Kritike 11 (2):160-197.
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    Racismes, antiracismes André Béjin et Julien Freund, directeurs de la publication Paris: Méridiens-Klincksieck, 1986. 326 p. [REVIEW]Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1988 - Dialogue 27 (2):374.
  20. Deuxième partie Louise labé, lionnoise.Louise Labé Et Sa Famille - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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    What part of ‘No’ don’t you understand? —Talking the Tough Stuff of the Bible: A Creative Reading of the Rape of Tamar—2 Sam. 13:1-22. [REVIEW]Keree Louise Casey - 2010 - Feminist Theology 18 (2):160-174.
    The Bible is full of stories. Many are read each week as part of the liturgy of the Service of the Lord’s Day. They are reflected on during personal and group Bible studies—even in Sunday school. They are stories that inspire, challenge, encourage and nurture our journey of Christian faith. However, there are also stories in the Bible we would prefer were not re-told. These particular stories confront, offend and profoundly challenge our understanding of God. We ask where God is (...)
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  22.  13
    Between Truth and Freedom: Rousseau and Our Contemporary Political and Educational Culture.Kenneth Wain - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Engaging Political Philosophy introduces readers to the central problems of political philosophy. Presuming no prior work in the area, the book explores the fundamental philosophical questions regarding freedom, authority, justice, and democracy. More than a survey of the central figures and texts, Engaging Political Philosophy takes readers on a philosophical exploration of the core of the field, directly examining the arguments and concepts that drive the contemporary debates. Thus the fundamental issues of political philosophy are encountered first-hand, rather than through (...)
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    Foucault, education, the self and modernity.Kenneth Wain - 1996 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 30 (3):345–360.
    Michel Foucault is often criticised in English-speaking circles for being interested only in power as domination, and of being uninterested in freedom and social reform. This paper shows, however, that Foucault's overarching concern was with the constitution of the self under conditions of modernity. It emphasises the significance of his interest in the Classical project of ‘Self-care’, and of his countermodernist educational programme in which the skills of self-governance and the ethical (non-dominating) governance of others, as well as the practice (...)
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    Making a Case for Adult Educational Rights.Kenneth Wain - 1992 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 6 (1):27-37.
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  25. Murri: The tale of a condiment.David Waines - 1991 - Al-Qantara 12 (2):371-388.
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    Rejoinder.Kenneth Wain - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (4):575-581.
  27.  28
    Thinking again.Kenneth Wain - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 33 (2):295–307.
    Book reviewed in this article:Nigel Blake, Thinking Again: Education after Postmodernism.
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    The Case of Lifelong Education — A Reply to Rozycki.Kenneth Wain - 1989 - Educational Theory 39 (2):151-162.
  29. Up on the Roof. A park for the city of Khorog in the harsh. Tajik Pamir mountain range.Anthony Wain - 2013 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 82:84.
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  30. ILouise M. Antony.Louise M. Antony - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71 (1):177-208.
  31.  11
    The Learning Society in a Postmodern World: The Education Crisis.Kenneth Wain - 2004 - Peter Lang.
    Lifelong learning has become a key concern as the focus of educational policy has shifted from mass schooling toward the learning society. The shift started in the mid 1960s and early 1970s under the impetus of a group of writers and adult educators, gravitating around UNESCO, with a humanist philosophy and a leftist agenda. The vocabulary of that movement was appropriated in the 1990s by other interests with a very different performativist agenda emphasizing effectiveness and economic outcomes. This change of (...)
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  32.  47
    Contingency, Education, and the Need for Reassurance.Kenneth Wain - 2006 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 25 (1):37-45.
    This short paper is a response to Richard Smith’s ‘ion and finitude: education, chance and democracy’. In his paper Smith contends that a rationalist agenda dominates education and democracy today, and that this agenda by rendering us insensitive to the tragic dimension of life, breeds a sense of hubris, or arrogance towards fate which is fuelled by an inordinate confidence in our knowledge. In the worlds of education and politics it has led to an obsession with management and transparency, and (...)
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  33.  48
    Competing conceptions of the educated public.Kenneth Wain - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (2):149–160.
    Alasdair MacIntyre's paper ‘The idea of an educated public’ followed on his frontal attack in After Virtue on the ‘failed’ intellectual project of the Enlightenment and on its liberal heritage. His argument, in the paper, was that the only way we can save ourselves from that failure is by restoring the idea of an educated public modelled on the type found in eighteenth century Scotland. This article takes up the issue of the ‘crisis’ of modernity, and argues that MacIntyre's ‘public’ (...)
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  34.  59
    Lifelong Education: Illiberal and Repressive?Kenneth Wain - 1993 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 25 (1):58-70.
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    James D. Marshall, Michel Foucault: Personal Autonomy and Education.Kenneth Wain - 1998 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 17 (2/3):163-176.
  36.  21
    Schistosomiasis vaccine development — the current picture.Gary J. Waine & Donald P. McManus - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (5):435-443.
    Development of a vaccine for schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease currently affecting over 200 million people worldwide, has been targeted as a priority by the World Health Organisation. Research demonstrating the ability of humans to acquire natural immunity to schistosome infection, together with the successful use of attenuated vaccines in animals both under laboratory and field conditions, suggest that development of a human vaccine is feasible. Attenuated vaccines for schistosomiasis are considered neither safe nor practicable for human use, however, and therefore (...)
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  37. The darmak decree.David Waines - 1992 - Al-Qantara 13 (1):267-270.
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    The Future of Education... and its Philosophy.Kenneth Wain - 2008 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 27 (2):103-114.
    Alasdair MacIntyre and Richard Rorty, in their different ways, have represented the tension between acculturation and individuation, truth and freedom, as central to modern education systems, a tension which, both agree, they have failed to resolve. The paper argues that an additional complication is that in the contemporary postmodern landscape, which prioritises the notion of lifelong learning in its policy discourse, the very notion of education is threatened, and asks whether we should care. It considers MacIntyre’s suggestion that the notion (...)
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  39. Feminism Without Metaphysics or a Deflationary Account of Gender.Louise Antony - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (3):529-549.
    I argue for a deflationary answer to the question, “What is it to be a woman?” Prior attempts by feminist theorists to provide a metaphysical account of what all and only women have in common have all failed for the same reason: there is nothing women have in common beyond being women. Although the social kinds man and woman are primitive, their existence can be explained. I say that human sex difference is the material ground of systems of gender; gender (...)
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    Ethical Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility in China: A Multilevel Study of Their Effects on Trust and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Louise Tourigny, Jian Han, Vishwanath V. Baba & Polly Pan - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):427-440.
    Using multisource data and multilevel analysis, we propose that the ethical stance of supervisors influences subordinates’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility which in turn influences subordinates’ trust in the organization resulting in their taking increased personal social responsibility and engagement in organizational citizenship behaviors oriented toward both the organization and other individuals. Using a multilevel model, we assessed the extent to which ethical leadership and CSR at the work unit level impacts subordinates’ behaviors mediated by organizational trust at the individual (...)
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  41.  35
    Lifelong education—a Deweyian challenge.Kenneth Wain - 1984 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 18 (2):257–264.
    Kenneth Wain; Lifelong Education—a Deweyian challenge, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 18, Issue 2, 30 May 2006, Pages 257–264,
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    Retrospectivity and the rule of law / C. Sampford ; with the assistance of J. Louise, S. Blencowe, and T. Round.C. Sampford, J. Louise, S. Blencowe & T. Round - unknown
    Retrospective rule-making has few supporters and many opponents. Defenders of retrospective laws generally do so on the basis that they are a necessary evil in specific or limited circumstances, for example to close tax loopholes, to deal with terrorists or to prosecute fallen tyrants. Yet the reality of retrospective rule making is far more widespread than this, and ranges from ’corrective’ legislation to ’interpretive regulations’ to judicial decision making. The search for a rational justification for retrospective rule-making necessitates a reconsideration (...)
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    Gender and race in the modernist middlebrow: Louise faure-favier’s Blanche et noir.Louise Hardwick - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (3-4):91-111.
    This article marks a decisive step towards the recovery of the French woman writer, journalist, and aviation pioneer Louise Faure-Favier, who today is virtually forgotten. The article begins by sit...
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    Does it matter who speaks?: postmodern papers on politics, ethics, and education.Kenneth Wain - 2014 - Msida, Malta: Malta University Press.
    Kenneth Wain's excellent publication brings together a number of papers on postmodern issues. They reflect the author's lifelong professional interest in the areas of Politics, Ethics, and Education as well as his deep involvement with writers collectively referred to as postmodernists. Originally rough scripts or notes prepared for talks given in public lectures, seminars, and conferences, these papers are therefore much more polished than in the original version but still manage to preserve much of the freshness of the live (...)
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  45. Symposium on Louise Richardson’s “Flavour, Taste and Smell”.Louise Richardson, Fiona Macpherson, Mohan Matthen & Matthew Nudds - 2013 - Mind and Language Symposia at the Brains Blog.
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    Communities of Women: An Idea in Fiction.Louise Yelin & Nina Auerbach - 1981 - Feminist Studies 7 (2):328.
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  47. The Varieties of Reference.Louise M. Antony - 1987 - Philosophical Review 96 (2):275.
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  48.  27
    Muslim piety and food of the gods = Piedad musulmana y alimentos de los dioses.David Waines - 2000 - Al-Qantara 21 (2):411-424.
    Este artículo analiza un concepto fundamental en la tradición islámica, el de "piedad" o taqwa tal como aparece en el Corán y algunos comentarios tempranos. Los problemas surgen cuando se intenta la aproximación al concepto a través de las traducciones del Corán a lenguas europeas (en este artículo los ejemplos se toman del inglés y del español) que a menudo proponen "temor" como equivalente a taqwa. Al examinar un paisaje coránico clave (2:177) el artículo conecta con la discusión de los (...)
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    The Origins of European Thought.Louise Robinson Heath - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (4):572-574.
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    Sharing Your Adventures Has Been an Interesting Experience:’ Indiana Jones and Professional Archaeology.Louise Hitchcock - 2023 - In Dean A. Kowalski, Indiana Jones and Philosophy: Why Did It Have to be Socrate? Wiley. pp. 178-187.
    What Indiana Jones can teach us about the ethics of practicing and teaching archeology.
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