Results for 'ecstatic experience'

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  1. A Philosophical Reflection on Plotinus' Concept of Beauty as an Ecstatic Experience of the Soul.Justin Nnaemeka Onyeukaziri - 2021 - Aquino Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):98-110.
    This paper, aims at focusing on Plotinus’ concept of beauty, from the perspective of the human person. That is to say, what does beauty do to the human person and how beauty affects and transforms the human person, and by extension how the beautiful soul could transform the world. Attention has been given to Plotinus’ aesthetics mostly within the general scope of Platonism, focusing on the notion of beauty as form (intellectual beauty) and on the question whether or not beauty (...)
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    A sense of presence: the phenomenology of certain kinds of visionary and ecstatic experience, based on a thousand contemporary first-hand accounts.Timothy Beardsworth - 1977 - Oxford: Religious Experience Research Unit.
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    The ecstatic and the archaic: an analytical psychological inquiry.Paul Bishop & Leslie Gardner (eds.) - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The word 'archaic' derives from the Greek arkhaios, which in turn is related to the word archē, meaning 'principle', 'origin', or 'cause'; the notion of ecstasy, or ekstasis, implies standing outside or beyond oneself, a self-transcendence. How these two concepts are articulated and co-implicated constitutes the core question underlying this edited collection, which examines both the present day and antiquity in order to trace the insistent presence of the ecstatic amid the archaic. Presented in three parts, the contributors to (...)
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    Paul’s ecstatic trance experience near Damascus in Acts of the Apostles.John J. Pilch - 2002 - HTS Theological Studies 58 (2).
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  5. Figurations of the Ecstatic: Te Labor of Attention in Aesthetic Experience.David B. Dillard-Wright - 2011 - Janus Head 12:1.
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    Ecstatic loneliness: black genders and the politics of affect in Mykki Blanco's ‘Loner’.William H. Mosley - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (1):76-92.
    The rapper Mykki Blanco is lauded as a trailblazer in the contemporary queer hip hop movement, and it is this reputation that, in part, makes the single of her debut album so curious. The song ‘Loner’ is unequivocally pop and explores health, loneliness, love and sex, echoing Blanco's shifting relationship to gender, genre, sobriety and serostatus. Amidst three key performances of this song, Blanco's consciousness was at various stages of development and they reflect her journey into trans womanhood and through (...)
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    The Ecstatic Nature of Empathy.Lawrence J. Hatab - 2001 - Journal of Philosophical Research 26:359-380.
    This paper ventures an analysis of empathy along the lines of Heidegger’s ecstatic structure of being-in-the-world. Empathy is construed as a mode of attunement disclosing the existential weal and woe of others, and as such it serves a basic ethical function of opening up moral import, interest, and motivation. The following conclusions will be drawn: 1) empathy is a genuine possibility in human experience and should not be understood as a “subjective” phenomenon; 2) empathy is “natural” in a (...)
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    The Quest for Ecstatic Sovereignty: Georges Bataille’s Obsession with the Lingchi Photos.Meng-Shi Chen - 2019 - Culture and Dialogue 7 (2):213-236.
    This essay considers the way Georges Bataille associates sovereignty with ecstasy through his peculiar emotive reactions to the photographic images of lingchi execution. Aside from the traditional views relating to political authority, I show how Bataille holds an idiosyncratic notion of sovereignty that is firmly connected with ecstasy, which is disclosed and best exemplified in his fascination with the lingchi photos with intolerable imagery of torture and cruelty. I argue that the reasons for Bataille to seek ecstatic experience (...)
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    Ecstatic Ontology: Schelling and the Erotics of the Earth.Bruce Matthews - 2022 - Environment, Space, Place 14 (1):23-52.
    Abstract:In the following essay I attempt a Schellingian response to the question of what it means to do philosophy in anticipation of civilizational collapse and the end of nature as we know it. As early as 1804 Schelling foresees how the spirit of modernity would lead to what he called “the annihilation of Nature,” but he also advanced a host of ideas that speak directly to our current dilemma. Most importantly for our purposes he held that every significant idea is (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Exploring Heidegger's Ecstatic Temporality in the Context of Embodied Breakdown.David A. Stone & Christina Papadimitriou - 2010 - Schutzian Research. A Yearbook of Worldly Phenomenology and Qualitative Social Science 2:137-154.
    A well-worn trope used by phenomenologists is that things that remain invisible or unnoticed in the course of our everyday being in the world reveal themselves in instances of breakdown. This paper borrows this trope to explicate one instance of breakdown, that of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI). We use the phenomenology of Heidegger, especially his formulation of ecstatic temporality presented in Being and Time, to illuminate the temporal issues surrounding this radical rupture in Dasein’s being in the world (...)
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    Speaking With Ones Self: Autoscopic Phenomena in Writings from the Ecstatic Kabbalah.Shahar Arzy - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (11):4-29.
    Immediate experience localizes the self within the limits of the physical body. This spatial unity has been challenged by philosophical and mystical traditions aimed to isolate concepts of mind and body. A more direct challenge of the spatial unity comes from a well-defined group of experiences called 'autoscopic phenomena' , in which the subject has the impression of seeing a second own body in an extrapersonal space. AP are known to occur in many human cultures and have been described (...)
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    Laughing like a caveman: excess and experience inside Georges Bataille’s Lascaux.Marc-Alexandre Dumoulin - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-17.
    Towards the end of his life, Bataille became increasingly fascinated by prehistoric culture. His analysis of the Lascaux cave frames it as the symbolic site of our birth, envisioning in its art the final step to anthropogenesis: we, as a species, became human once we began smearing pigment on cave walls. Bataille’s account of this dual birth of art and humanity is neither an ode to our rational mind nor to our capacity for aesthetic contemplation. Rather, the murals adorning the (...)
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    Nature and spirit: an essay in ecstatic naturalism.Robert S. Corrington - 1992 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Nature and Spirit: An Essay in Ecstatic Naturalism develops an enlarged conception of nature that in turn calls for a transformed naturalism. Unline more descriptive naturalisms, such as those by Dewey, Santayana, and Buchler, ecstatic naturalism works out of the fundamental ontological difference between nature naturing(natura naturans) and nature natured (natura naturata). This difference underlies all other variations within a generic conception of nature. The spirit operates within a generic conception of nature. The spirit operates within a fragmented (...)
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    A Philosophy of Sacred Nature: Prospects for Ecstatic Naturalism ed. by Leon Niemoczynski and Nam T. Nguyen.Robert W. King - 2016 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 52 (1):114-118.
    What are the possibilities for religious experience in the twenty-first century? While aggressive atheists might respond “None,” in thunder, any good Peircean knows we should not foreclose inquiry. For those who retain a post-orthodox religious temperament in post-modernity, Robert S. Corrington’s evolving account of Ecstatic Naturalism might prove a challenging, engaging framework for a transcendental naturalism. If one can read Emerson and Thoreau and ignore their religious dimension, so be it—attunement is crucial for Corrington, cultivating the habits of (...)
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  15. Diabetes, Chronic Illness and the Bodily Roots of Ecstatic Temporality.David Morris - 2008 - Human Studies 31 (4):399-421.
    This article studies the phenomenology of chronic illness in light of phenomenology’s insights into ecstatic temporality and freedom. It shows how a chronic illness can, in lived experience, manifest itself as a disturbance of our usual relation to ecstatic temporality and thence as a disturbance of freedom. This suggests that ecstatic temporality is related to another sort of time—“provisional time”—that is in turn rooted in the body. The article draws on Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology of Perception and Heidegger’s (...)
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    Supplementing the Ecstatic: Plato, the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Phaedrus.Michael A. Rinella - 2000 - Polis 17 (1-2):61-78.
    The tradition of interpreting Plato's Phaedrus as simply a homage to passion ignores many passages that draw on ancient Greek religion, particularly the Eleusinian Mysteries. States of religious mania, particularly that experienced at Eleusis, included visions brought on by the use of some drug, or pharmakon. The experience of truth in the Phaedrus is read through the experience of ecstasy by initiates.
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    Hegel, Antigone, and the Possibility of Ecstatic Dialogue.Cynthia Willett - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):268-283.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cynthia Willett HEGEL, ANTIGONE, AND THE POSSIBILITY OF ECSTATIC DIALOGUE In his lectures on aesthetics, Hegel argues that drama is the highest form of art. Only drama can resolve, or sublate (auflieben), an opposition between objective and subjective poles ofaesthetic experience.1 This opposition takes its penultimate form in the difference between epic and lyric poetry. Subjective feelings expressed in lyric and the objective representation ofevents in epic (...)
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    Digital cinema and ecstatic technology: Frame rates, shutter speeds, and the optimization of cinematic movement.Todd Jurgess - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):3-17.
    This article examines the relationship between technology and aesthetics in contemporary Hollywood, using experiments with frame rates and shutter speeds to show how deep, systemic changes in cinematic technologies can alter our relation to the image’s referential functions. For eighty years, cinema’s registration of movement relied upon a standardized frame rate and shutter speed, meaning that cinema’s sense of motion was constant. With the proliferation of ever more powerful digital capture systems, however, these formerly inflexible options are made variable and (...)
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    Ritual Body Postures, Channeling, and the Ecstatic Body Trance.Felicitas D. Goodman - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (1):54-59.
    In this discussion, attention is focused on the neurophysiological changes recorded in the laboratory during experiences termed religious, since they facilitate contact with the alternate, the sacred reality. The experiences examined are "ritual body posture and ecstatic trance" and "channeling," that is possession. Contrary to previously held opinion based solely on observation, laboratory tests reveal certain differences, indicating that we are dealing with two distinct, albeit closely related, ASC's. Keywords: trance, altered states, channeling, consciousness.
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  20. On Experience and Illumination: Werner Herzog’s Dialectical Relation with Society.Stefanie Baumann - 2020 - In M. Blake Wilson & Christopher Turner (eds.), The Philosophy of Werner Herzog. Lexington Books. pp. 187-201.
    When Werner Herzog states, in his famous Minnesota Declaration, “[fa]cts create norms, and truth illumination”, he not only opposes his own idea of truth as spiritual experience to the notion of factual truth based on a seemingly unmediated representation of reality and purely rational principles. He also points to a societal problem inherent to such hegemonic attributions of veracity as advocated by the representatives of what he calls “Cinema Vérité”: their “truth of accountants” generates a normative perception and understanding (...)
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    Invited essay Peak experiences and the natural universe—Metaphysical explorations of a cosmological physicist.Attila Grandpierre - 1995 - World Futures 44 (1):1-13.
    Among the most exciting experiences in our lives are the ones that arouse a magical rapture within us. This may happen when we become engrossed in a musical piece, when dancing becomes ecstatic, when we are passionately in love (or making love) or when we experience an intuitive perception or an altered state of consciousness, get caught by the spell of the infinity of the Universe or the splendor of nature; it can also happen during telepathic contact or (...)
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    Characteristics of Kundalini-Related Sensory, Motor, and Affective Experiences During Tantric Yoga Meditation.Richard W. Maxwell & Sucharit Katyal - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:863091.
    Traditional spiritual literature contains rich anecdotal reports of spontaneously arising experiences occurring during meditation practice, but formal investigation of such experiences is limited. Previous work has sometimes related spontaneous experiences to the Indian traditional contemplative concept of kundalini. Historically, descriptions of kundalini come out of Tantric schools of Yoga, where it has been described as a “rising energy” moving within the spinal column up to the brain. Spontaneous meditation experiences have previously been studied within Buddhist and Christian practices and within (...)
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    Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experience in Medieval and Modern Times.Carol Zaleski - 1987 - Oup Usa.
    Carol Zaleski's book is the first objective, comprehensive survey of the mass of evidence surrounding near-death experiences: the extraordinary visions and ecstatic feelings reported by people who have survived a close brush with death. Comparing recent near-death narratives with those of a much earlier period she finds both profound similarities and striking contrasts.
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    Happiness and Meaning in Imprisonment: The Importance of Suffering in the Experiences of Nicolae Steinhardt and Viktor Frankl.Carmen Stadoleanu - 2022 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 67 (Special Issue):9-22.
    The paper describes the experiences of Nicolae Steinhardt and Viktor Frankl, both imprisoned despite their innocence, and their discovery of happiness and meaning through suffering and pain. Nicolae Steinhardt was a Romanian political prisoner of the communist regime and Viktor Frankl was a Jew imprisoned in the Auschwitz concentration camp. While in prison, Nicolae Steinhardt is secretly baptized and his life takes a very interesting turn. The discovery of God gives him access to the phenomenon of happiness and as he (...)
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    Existentialism and Ecstasy: Colin Wilson’s Phenomenological Account of Peak Experiences.Biagio Gerard Tassone - 2019 - PhaenEx 13 (1):46-85.
    This paper critically examines the philosophical foundations of Colin Wilson’s New Existentialism. I will show how Wilson’s writings promoted a phenomenological strategy for understanding states of ecstatic affirmation within so-called ‘peak experiences’. Wilson subsequently attempted to use the life affirming insights bestowed by peak states to establish an ontological ground for values to serve as a foundation for his New Existentialism. Because of its psychological focus however, I argue that Wilson’s New Existentialism contains an ambivalent framework for establishing ontological (...)
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    Methodist Personality Transformation in Context: A Response to Haartman.H. Newton Malony - 2007 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 29 (1):51-58.
    Haartman's analysis of ecstatic experience in early Methodism is contextualized within a brief review of the history of the movement and the theological assertions that underlay these religious behaviors. Wesley emphasized individual, as opposed to institutional religion and affrmed inductive as contrasted with deductive theology. "Sanctification," Wesley's term for personality transformation, is seen as positive ego development rather than regressive splitting of the ego. Maslow's "peak experience" is affrmed as a valid model for analyzing ecstatic behaviors. (...)
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    (1 other version)Letter Permutation Techniques, Kavannah and Prayer in Jewish Mysticism.Adam Afterman - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):52-78.
    The article presents an analysis of a mystical practice of letter permutation conceived as part of the practice of “kavannah” in prayer. This practice was articulated by a 13th century anonymous ecstatic kabbalist writing in Catalonia. The anonymous author draws on earlier sources in the kabbalah and Ashkenazi spirituality. The article explores the wider connection between ecstasy and ritual, particularly prayer in the earlier stages of Judaism and its development in medieval theology and kabbalah. The anonymous author describes a (...)
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    The Issue of Social Control in Late Modernity: Alienation and Narrativity.Jorge Martínez-Lucena - 2023 - Scientia et Fides 11 (1):137-154.
    This article shows to what extent the new situation in our late-modern societies can see a further deepening of the social control typical of soft totalitarianism we experience in our globalised democracies, through the mechanisms already denounced by Arendt in her The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951): the promotion of rootlessness and superfluity. In particular, the paper focus on what Eliot (1927) called the hollow man or what philosophy and sociology have called the one-dimensional man, the absent subject or the (...)
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    Bataille and Mysticism: A "Dazzling Dissolution".Amy M. Hollywood - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (2):74-85.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bataille and Mysticism: A “Dazzling Dissolution”Amy Hollywood (bio)Within Georges Bataille’s texts of the late 1930s and 1940s, in particular those later brought together in the tripartite Atheological Summa, he repeatedly suggests that his primary models for writing and experience are the texts of the Christian and non-Western mystical traditions (often represented, in Bataille, by women’s writings) and those of Friedrich Nietzsche. 1 Inner Experience opens with evocations (...)
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  30. The Philosophy of Improvisation.Gary Peters - 2009 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Improvisation is usually either lionized as an ecstatic experience of being in the moment or disparaged as the thoughtless recycling of clichés. Eschewing both of these orthodoxies, _The Philosophy of Improvisation_ ranges across the arts—from music to theater, dance to comedy—and considers the improvised dimension of philosophy itself in order to elaborate an innovative concept of improvisation. Gary Peters turns to many of the major thinkers within continental philosophy—including Heidegger, Nietzsche, Adorno, Kant, Benjamin, and Deleuze—offering readings of their (...)
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    A Experiência do Tempo nos Zollikoner Seminare de Heidegger.Irene Borges-Duarte - 2008 - Phainomenon 16-17 (1):261-276.
    This paper seeks to understand Heidegger’s phenomenological analysis of the time experience in Sein und Zeit, from the formal point of view of the Care-structure, and in the Seminars of Zollikon, where time is described as world-time in its fullness. Aimed is to show that the early anthropological reception of his major work of 1927 by some of his pupils, like Löwith, who detected similarities with Psychoanalysis, is somehow strengthed by Heidegger himself later on, as he comes with Medard (...)
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    Losing Self: The Application of Zhuangzian Wuwei and Balinese Taksu to the Development of Musicianship.Jui-Ching Wang - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (2):133.
    Abstract:To respond to the current advocacy of a transcultural inquiry into music education philosophy rooted deeply in Western civilization, the primary purpose of this essay is to provide a broader alternative to examine the phenomena of music teaching and learning to bridge the philosophical gap between the West and the East. This essay also attempts to expand the discussion of Eastern philosophies by including Balinese taksu, an aesthetic and ecstatic experience rarely discussed in music education literature. I juxtapose (...)
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    Esoteric Symbolism of the ‘Tree of Life’: A Cross-cultural Perspective.Relic Ratka - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (2):73-80.
    The article reviews about esoteric symbolism of the tree of life in shamanic cultures and oriental traditions including classical Hindu and Buddhist systems, together with various esoteric and indigenous traditions. The very idea of the tree of life, in indigenous cultures, which is often called the ‘world tree’ or ‘shamanic tree’, is connected with human illumination process in the form of mystical or ecstatic experience gained through the process of the self-realization. These various forms of mystico-religious experiences could (...)
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    Suñña at the Bone: Emily Dickinson’s Theravadin Romanticism.Adam Katz - 2015 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 35:111-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Suñña at the Bone:Emily Dickinson’s Theravadin RomanticismAdam KatzA narrow Fellow in the GrassOccasionally rides—You may have met him? Did you notHis notice instant is—The Grass divides as with a Comb—A spotted Shaft is seen,And then it closes at your FeetAnd opens further on—He likes a Boggy Acre—A Floor too cool for Corn—But when a Boy and BarefootI more than once at NoonHave passed I thought a Whip LashUnbraiding in (...)
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    Seeing the World: Visions of Being in the Anthropocene.Cory Austin Knudson - 2020 - Environment, Space, Place 12 (1):52-82.
    Abstract:This essay excavates the “spherical” and “global” ontological optics that have emerged from Martin Heidegger's thought considered in the context of the whole earth image and global climate change, focusing on the work of Timothy Ingold and Timothy Morton. Probing the boundaries of Morton's perspective in particular, I show how his global vision of Being ultimately reinscribes a fundamentally anthropocentric position in which the human “interior” is privileged and universalized while the inhuman “exterior” is either violently incorporated or altogether rejected. (...)
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    Animal Metaphors Revisited: New Uses of Art, Literature, and Science in an Environmental Studies Course.Kathleen Hart - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):159-172.
    This article describes a team-taught environmental studies course called Animal Metaphors. Focusing on animal metaphors in literature and film, the course emphasizes various cognitive and perceptual biases that lead humans to place ourselves above and beyond nature, making us more likely to engage in practices destructive to the environment. Whereas the first iteration of the course underscored various ways in which humans are less rational or moral than we imagine, the new iteration shifted more of the focus to what inspires (...)
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    Johannes Fabian. Out of Our Minds: Reason and Madness in the Exploration of Central Africa. xvi + 320 pp., illus., app., bibl., index. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. $50 ; $19.95. [REVIEW]Peder Anker - 2002 - Isis 93 (2):291-292.
    This book undertakes a voyage back to the colonial heritage of anthropology to investigate the connection between imperial colonialism and ethnographic research. It is a history of explorers' being “out of our minds” with alcohol, drugs, opiates, fatigue, fear, delusions, and anger in their search for knowledge. In short, it is a story about scientific “travel as tripping” .Nineteenth‐century explorers of Africa often fashioned themselves as intrepid, heroic, and courageous seekers and promoters of rational knowledge in a wild and savage (...)
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    Contributions of Neuropsychology to the Study of Ancient Literature.Franco Fabbro, Anastasia Fabbro & Cristiano Crescentini - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:350114.
    The present work introduces the neuropsychological paradigm as a new approach to studying ancient literature. In the first part of the article, an epistemological framework for the proper use of neuropsychology in relation to ancient literature is presented. The article then discusses neuropsychological methods of studying different human experiences and dimensions already addressed by ancient literatures. The experiences of human encounters with gods among ancient cultures are first considered, through the contributions of Julian Jaynes and Eric R. Dodds. The concepts (...)
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    Atheistic Platonism: A Manifesto.Eric Charles Steinhart - 2022 - Springer Verlag.
    Atheistic Platonism is an alternative to both theism and nihilistic atheism. It shows how any jobs allegedly done by God are better done by impersonal Platonic objects. Without Platonic objects, atheism degenerates into an illogical nihilism. Atheistic Platonism instead provides reality with foundations that are eternal, necessary, rational, beautiful, and utterly mindless. It argues for a plenitude of mathematical objects, and an infinite plurality of possible universes. It provides mindless rational grounds for objective values, and for objective moral laws for (...)
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    The?Magic? Of Music: Archaic Dreams in Romantic Aesthetics and an Education in Aesthetics.Alexandra Kertz-Welzel - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):77-94.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The “Magic” of Music:Archaic Dreams in Romantic Aesthetics and an Education in AestheticsAlexandra Kertz-WelzelO, then I close my eyes to all the strife of the world—and withdraw quietly into the land of music, as into the land of belief, where all our doubts and our sufferings are lost in a resounding sea....1Music serves many different functions in human life, accompanying everyday activities such as working, shopping, or watching TV, (...)
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  41. Education and the Concept of Time.Leena Kakkori - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (5):571-583.
    As we speak about time in the context of everyday life, we have no problem with what we mean by time. We take time as given. Different kinds of theories of development rely on the ordinary concept of time. Time is a sequence of instants, and we are moving along from the past to the future, from birth to death. Moving in time also means development. It does not take into account how a human being is in the time. It (...)
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    Paul Tillich and Pitirim A. Sorokin on Love.Mary Montgomery Clifford - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):103-110.
    An analysis of Paul Tillich's three‐volume Systematic Theology and Pitirim A. Sorokin's The Ways and Power of Love: Types, Factors, and Techniques of Moral Transformation reveals how a metaphysical dialogue on God and love contributes to scientific and theological scholarship on altruism. This article focuses on similarities and differences in Tillich and Sorokin. Similarities include a belief in the importance of the ontological/love connection and the conclusion that a special state, ecstasy, is integral to the experience of genuine love. (...)
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    The “God Module” and the Complexifying Brain.Carol Rausch Albright, John R. Albright, Jensine Andresen, Robert W. Bertram, David M. Byers, Anna Case-Winters, Michael Cavanaugh, Philip Clayton, Gerald A. Cory Jr & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi - 2000 - Zygon 35 (4):735-744.
    Recent reports of the discovery of a “God module” in the human brain derive from the fact that epileptic seizures in the left temporal lobe are associated with ecstatic feelings sometimes described as an experience of the presence of God. The brain area involved has been described as either (a) the seat of an innate human faculty for experiencing the divine or (b) the seat of religious delusions.In fact, religious experience is extremely various and involves many parts (...)
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    The "God Module" and the Complexifying Brain.Carol Rausch Albright - 2000 - Zygon 35 (4):735-744.
    Recent reports of the discovery of a “God module” in the human brain derive from the fact that epileptic seizures in the left temporal lobe are associated with ecstatic feelings sometimes described as an experience of the presence of God. The brain area involved has been described as either (a) the seat of an innate human faculty for experiencing the divine or (b) the seat of religious delusions.In fact, religious experience is extremely various and involves many parts (...)
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    (1 other version)Moshe Idel's Phenomenology and its Sources.Ron Margolin - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (18):41-51.
    This article opens with a brief phenomenological comparison between Gershom Scholem’s Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism and Moshe Idel’s Kabbalah: New Perspectives. Scholem’s book is diachronic or historical in approach while Idel’s is primarily synchronistic, focusing on devekut (devotion) in Jewish Mysticism, the concept of Unio Mystica, a variety of mystical techniques, Kabbalistic theosophy, theurgy, and Kabbalistic hermeneutics. The author concentrates on four characteristics of Idel’s studies in Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism: ecstatic Kabbalah, the definition of Jewish mysticism, Hasidism (...)
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  46. De overwinning op de dood in het oudste indische denken.J. Gonda - 1960 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 22 (2):174-204.
    Whereas the Upanishads contain much which is, strictly speaking, of little interest to the historian of Indian thought, the Pre-Upanishadic texts are not completely devoid of passages which are of special importance for anyone who endeavours to trace the origin and oldest form of the main texts of classical Indian philosophy. Too often the difference between Upanishads and Pre-Upanishadic literature has been exaggerated ; too often the philosophical importance of the ritualistic speculations contained in the Brahmanas has been undervalued ; (...)
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    Aspecte ale raportului dintre filosofie si esoterism în intepretarea lui Moshe Idel/ Aspects of the Relation between Philosophy and Esotericism in Moshe Idel's Perspective.Sandu Frunza - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):102-115.
    This text deals with Moshe Idel’s perspective on the connections between Maimonide’s philosophy and Abulafia’s esoteric thought. Idel analyses their thinking under the aspect of their appearance, inter-relation, and inner dynamics. Idel’s analysis reveals that Maimonide’s attempt to issue an esoteric book, one that would give back to Judaism a lost esoteric science, gave a particular impulse to the development of Jewish mysticism, and especially to the ecstatic Kabbalah. Maimonide attempted to transform philosophy into a mystic instrument of understanding (...)
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    Neuroscience and the Free Exercise of Religion.Steven Goldberg - unknown
    Recent developments in neuroscience that purport to reduce religious experience to specific parts of the brain will not diminish the fundamental cultural or legal standing of religion. William James debunked this possibility in The Varieties of Religious Experience when he noted that “the organic causation of a religious state of mind” no more refutes religion than the argument that scientific theories are so caused refutes science. But there will be incremental legal change in areas like civil commitment where (...)
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  49. From expressions to ecstasy: Understanding the phenomenon of experientialinteraction between the performer and audience in dance.Contzen Pereira & Jumpal Shashi Kiran Reddy - 2018 - Dance, Movement and Spiritualities 1 (5):89 - 99.
    The act of dance appears as a pattern of conscious movements in space and time, but a dancer who has the ability to go beyond the limits of space and time (experientially) can bring about a non-local experience of oneself and the audience making it an ecstatic communion. In this paper, we are interested in examining the extent of subjective experience of a dancer and his audience; hence, we take up a case study in first-person to understand (...)
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    Genocide as Transgression.Dan Stone - 2004 - European Journal of Social Theory 7 (1):45-65.
    The origins of genocide have been sought by scholars in many areas of human experience: politics, religion, culture, economics, demography, ideology. All these of course are valid explanations, and go a long way to getting to grips with the objective conditions surrounding genocide. But, as Berel Lang put it some time ago, there remains an inexplicable gap between the idea and the act of mass murder. This article aims to be a step towards bridging that gap by adding a (...)
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