Results for 'deterrence'

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  1. ''Deterrent Punishment and Respect for Persons''.Zachary Hoskins - 2011 - Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 8 (2):369-384.
    This article defends deterrence as an aim of punishment. Specifically, I contend that a system of punishment aimed at deterrence (with constraints to prohibit punishing the innocent or excessively punishing the guilty) is consistent with the liberal principle of respect for offenders as autonomous moral persons. I consider three versions of the objection that deterrent punishment fails to respect offenders. The first version, raised by Jeffrie Murphy and others, charges that deterrent punishment uses offenders as mere means to (...)
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    Minimum Deterrence as a Vulnerability in the Market Provision of National Defense.Joseph Michael Newhard - 2017 - Libertarian Papers 9.
    Minimum deterrence, though consistent with the nonaggression principle, is inadequate to deter states from invading anarchist territory and provides inadequate means of territorial defense when deterrence fails. In order to be effective, and thus attract clients, private defense agencies may want to adopt a military posture that incorporates first-strike counterforce and second-strike countervalue capabilities. To this end, they must acquire weapons of mass destruction—including tactical and strategic nuclear weapons—and long-range delivery vehicles capable of penetrating deep into enemy territory. (...)
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  3. A deterrence theory of punishment.Anthony Ellis - 2003 - Philosophical Quarterly 53 (212):337–351.
    I start from the presupposition that the use of force against another is justified only in self-defence or in defence of others against aggression. If so, the main work of justifying punishment must rely on its deterrent effect, since most punishments have no other significant self-defensive effect. It has often been objected to the deterrent justification of punishment that it commits us to using offenders unacceptably, and that it is unable to deliver acceptable limits on punishment. I describe a sort (...)
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  4. Taking Deterrence Seriously: The Wide-Scope Deterrence Theory of Punishment.Lee Hsin-wen - 2017 - Criminal Justice Ethics 36 (1):2-24.
    A deterrence theory of punishment holds that the institution of criminal punishment is morally justified because it serves to deter crime. Because the fear of external sanction is an important incentive in crime deterrence, the deterrence theory is often associated with the idea of severe, disproportionate punishment. An objection to this theory holds that hope of escape renders even the severest punishment inapt and irrelevant. -/- This article revisits the concept of deterrence and defend a more (...)
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  5. Nuclear Deterrence, Morality, and Realism.John Finnis, Joseph M. Boyle & Germain Gabriel Grisez - 1987 - Clarendon Press.
    Nuclear deterrence requires objective ethical analysis. In providing it, the authors face realities - the Soviet threat, possible nuclear holocaust, strategic imperatives - but they also unmask moral evasions - deterrence cannot be bluff, pure counterforce, the lesser evil, or a step towards disarmament. They conclude that the deterrent is unjustifiable and examine the new question of conscience that this raises for everyone.
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    Deterrence.Thom Brooks (ed.) - 2014 - Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate.
    Deterrence is a theory which claims that punishment is justified through preventing future crimes, and is one of the oldest and most powerful theories about punishment. This volume brings together the leading work on deterrence from the dominant international figures in the field. Deterrence is examined from various critical perspectives, including its diversity, relation with desert, the relation of deterrence with incapacitation and prevention, the role deterrence has played in debates over the death penalty, and (...)
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    Deterrence and Norms to Foster Stability in Cyberspace.Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (3):323-329.
    Deterrence in cyberspace is possible. But it requires an effort to develop a new domain-specific, conceptual, normative, and strategic framework. To be successful, cyber deterrence needs to shift from threatening to prevailing. I argue that by itself, deterrence is insufficient to ensure stability of cyberspace. An international regime of norms regulating state behaviour in cyberspace is necessary to complement cyber deterrence strategies and foster stability. Enforcing this regime requires an authority able to ensure States compliance with (...)
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    Nuclear Deterrence and the Morality of Intentions.Kenneth W. Kemp - 1987 - The Monist 70 (3):276-297.
    Nuclear deterrence has recently come under attack from many quarters. And philosophers, no less than others, have participated in the attack. The philosophical attacks have come both from consequentialists and deontologists. Deterrence has also, of course, found its defenders, but the latter have tended to be consequentialist or contractarian. I have not yet seen what I take to be a wholly adequate deontological defense of nuclear deterrence. In this essay, I attempt to make such a defense.
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    Assertions: Deterrent or Handicap? A Reply to Graham (2020).Justin P. Bruner - forthcoming - Episteme.
    According to one influential tradition, to assert that p is to express a belief that p. Yet how do assertions provide strong evidence for belief? Philosophers have recently drawn on evolutionary biology to help explain the stability of assertive communication. Mitchell Green suggests that assertions are akin to biological handicaps. Peter Graham argues against the handicap view and instead claims that the norms of assertion are deterrents. Contra Graham, I argue that both mechanisms may play a role in assertive communication, (...)
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    Deterrents to parenthood.Joan Hope - 1943 - The Eugenics Review 35 (2):47.
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    (1 other version)Deterrence and Moral Theory.Russell Hardin - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (sup1):161-193.
    (1986). Deterrence and Moral Theory. Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 16, Supplementary Volume 12: Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence and Disarmament, pp. 161-193.
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  12. Deterrent Punishment in Utilitarianism.Steven Sverdlik - manuscript
    This is a presentation of the utilitarian approach to punishment. It is meant for students. A note added in July, 2022 advises the reader about the author's current views on some topics in the paper. The first section discusses Bentham's psychological hedonism. The second briefly criticizes it. The third section explains abstractly how utilitarianism would determine of the right amount of punishment. The fourth section applies the theory to some cases, and brings out how utilitarianism could favor punishments more or (...)
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    Can Deterrence be Moral?: A Review Discussion.Robert Barry - 1988 - The Thomist 52 (4):719-736.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:CAN DETERRENCE BE MORAL? A Review Discussion I HE AUTHORS OF A RECENT BOOK on the subject of nuclear deterrence 1 contend that the United States' nuclear deterrence policy is immoral because its credibility ultimately depends upon U.S. willingness to kill directly and intentionally innocent non-combatants, either in attacks on some cities to establish intra-war deterrence, or in final massive retaliation in response to an (...)
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    Deterrence and Criminal Attempts.David Schmidtz - 1987 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):615 - 623.
    It is widely held that the proper role of criminal punishment is to ensure in a cost-efficient manner that criminal laws will be obeyed. As James Buchanan puts it,the reason we have courts is not that we want people to be convicted of crimes but that we want people not to commit them. The whole procedure of the law is one, essentially, of threatening people with unpleasant consequences if they do things which are regarded as objectionable.According to the deterrence (...)
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    Deterrence and Self-Defence.Nadine Elzein - 2021 - The Monist 104 (4):526-539.
    Measures aimed at general deterrence are often thought to be problematic on the basis that they violate the Kantian prohibition against sacrificing the interests of some as a means of securing a greater good. But even if this looks like a weak objection because deterrence can be justified as a form of societal self-defence, such measures may be regarded as problematic for another reason: Harming in self-defence is only justified when it’s necessary, i.e., when there are no relatively (...)
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  16. Deterrence, maximization, and rationality.David Gauthier - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):474-495.
  17. Nuclear Deterrence and Wrongful Intentions.Victoria M. Davion - 1989 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    My thesis explores the possibility that the wrongful intentions principle might not apply in certain deterrent situations. WIP states that if it is wrong to do something under certain conditions, it is wrong to intend to do it should those conditions arise. Questions about applications of WIP are frequently raised in discussions about the morality of nuclear deterrence. Some philosophers, such as Gregory Kavka, maintain that in certain situations where gaining deterrence is important, it is morally permissible, and (...)
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    Nuclear Deterrence and Just War Theory.Robert L. Phillips - 1987 - Analyse & Kritik 9 (1-2):142-154.
    The just war tradition stands as the moral and prudential alternative to both pacifism and realism. It forms the only reasonable ethical basis for the understanding of state initiated force. As applied to questions of nuclear deterrence, just war theory is incompatible with Mutual Assured Destruction and with the threat of MAD. Just war theory entails a move toward counterforce with discriminate targeting of military capabilities and away from city targeting. This is now becoming possible technically and is morally (...)
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    Moral Paradoxes of Nuclear Deterrence.Gregory S. Kavka - 1987 - Cambridge University Press.
    This volume examines the complex and vitally important ethical questions connected with the deployment of nuclear weapons and their use as a deterrent. A number of the essays contained here have already established themselves as penetrating and significant contributions to the debate on nuclear ethics. They have been revised to bring out their unity and coherence, and are integrated with new essays. The books exceptional rigor and clarity make it valuable whether the reader's concern with nuclear ethics is professional or (...)
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    The Limits of Deterrence Theory in Cyberspace.Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (3):339-355.
    In this article, I analyse deterrence theory and argue that its applicability to cyberspace is limited and that these limits are not trivial. They are the consequence of fundamental differences between deterrence theory and the nature of cyber conflicts and cyberspace. The goals of this analysis are to identify the limits of deterrence theory in cyberspace, clear the ground of inadequate approaches to cyber deterrence, and define the conceptual space for a domain-specific theory of cyber (...), still to be developed. (shrink)
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  21. "Deterrence,".S. M. Amadae - 2015 - In Prisoners of Reason: Game Theory and Neoliberal Political Economy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 99-140.
  22. Kantianism, Consequentialism and Deterrence.Steven Sverdlik - 2018 - In Christian Seidel (ed.), Consequentialism: New Directions, New Problems. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 237-57.
    It is often argued that Kantian and consequentialist approaches to the philosophy of punishment differ on the question of whether using punishment to achieve deterrence is morally acceptable. I show that this is false: both theories judge it to be acceptable. Showing this requires attention to what the Formula of Humanity in Kant requires agents to do. If we use the correct interpretation of this formula we can also see that an anti-consequentialist moral principle used by Victor Tadros to (...)
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  23. (2 other versions)Deterrent Punishment.W. A. Wall - 1898 - Philosophical Review 7:317.
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  24. The Permissibility of Deterrence.Steven Sverdlik - 2018 - In Christian Seidel (ed.), Consequentialism: New Directions, New Problems. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many philosophers argue that is morally objectionable in principle to punish people in order to deter others from committing crimes. Such punishment is said to treat the offender simply as a means to benefit others. This Kantian argument rests on a certain reading of the Formula of Humanity. However, the central concept in that formula is not ‘treating a person simply as a means’, but rather ‘treating a person as an end’. This conclusion speaks against the moral principle that Victor (...)
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    Deterrence or Appeasement? or, On Trying to be Rational about Nuclear War[1].S. I. Benn - 1984 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 1 (1):5-20.
    ABSTRACT This paper is about the problem of the moral responsibility resting on any person to form rational beliefs about, and moral attitudes towards, the deterrent threat of mutual assured destruction (MAD), which still lies behind the graduated nuclear response strategies now more fashionably discussed by military experts. The problem is to decide what kinds of reasons there are, and how to arrive in the light of them at determinate conclusions about deterrence and unilateral disarmament. Consequential arguments would be (...)
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  26. The Logic of Deterrence.Anthony Kenny, Avner Cohen & Steven Lee - 1987 - Ethics 97 (3):638-653.
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    Deterrence by Norms to Stop Interstate Cyber Attacks.Mariarosaria Taddeo - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):387-392.
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    Optimal Deterrence.Steven J. Brams & D. Marc Kilgour - 1985 - Social Philosophy and Policy 3 (1):118.
    1. Introduction The policy of deterrence, at least to avert nuclear war between the superpowers, has been a controversial one. The main controversy arises from the threat of each side to visit destruction on the other in response to an initial attack. This threat would seem irrational if carrying it out would lead to a nuclear holocaust – the worst outcome for both sides. Instead, it would seem better for the side attacked to suffer some destruction rather than to (...)
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  29. (4 other versions)Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism.John Finnis, Joseph M. Boyle & Germain Grisez - 1988 - The Personalist Forum 4 (1):44-46.
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    Deterrence, utility, and rational choice.Gregory S. Kavka - 1980 - Theory and Decision 12 (1):41-60.
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    Nuclear deterrence and deontology.William H. Shaw - 1984 - Ethics 94 (2):248-260.
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    Death, Deterrence, and the Method of Common Sense.Michael Davis - 1981 - Social Theory and Practice 7 (2):145-177.
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    Deterrence and deontology.Jeff McMahan - 1985 - Ethics 95 (3):517-536.
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    A Misfit model: irrational deterrence and bounded rationality.Karl Sörenson - 2023 - Theory and Decision 94 (4):575-591.
    Contemporary theories of deterrence place a strong emphasis on coherency between model and theory. Schelling’s contention of irrational threats for successful deterrence abandons the rationality assumption to explain how a player can deter, thereby departing from the standard game theoretic solution concepts. It is a misfit model in relation to a deterrence theory and, therefore, excluded. The article defends and remodels Schelling’s intuition by employing the level-k model. It is shown that an unsophisticated player that randomizes over (...)
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    The Ethics of Choosing Deterrence.Sharon K. Weiner - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (1):29-38.
    Any threat to use nuclear weapons inherently carries the possibility of escalation to a level such that both parties in a conflict, and likely many others, would be destroyed. Yet nuclear weapons are also seen as necessary for securing the very things that would be destroyed if the weapons were ever used. The fix for this nuclear dilemma relies on the strategy of deterrence. Deterrence provides a rationale for why nuclear weapons are necessary, even though they may seem (...)
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    Nuclear Deterrence and Nuclear Paternalism.R. Paul Churchill - 1989 - Social Philosophy Today 2:191-204.
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    Deterrence in Cyberspace: a Silver Bullet or a Sacred Cow?Ewan Lawson - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (3):431-436.
    This commentary briefly reviews the challenges associated with the concept of cyber deterrence. It considers the concept of deterrence more broadly before identifying the specific issues that make both deterrence by denial and by punishment particularly difficult in cyberspace. However, overall, it argues that the concept is valid and indeed essential in contributing to delivering strategic stability.
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    Deterrence and the fragility of rationality.Frederick Kroon - 1996 - Ethics 106 (2):350-377.
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    Warfighting for Cyber Deterrence: a Strategic and Moral Imperative.David J. Lonsdale - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (3):409-429.
    Theories of cyber deterrence are developing rapidly. However, the literature is missing an important ingredient—warfighting for deterrence. This controversial idea, most commonly associated with nuclear strategy during the later stages of the Cold War, affords a number of advantages. It provides enhanced credibility for deterrence, offers means to deal with deterrence failure, improves compliance with the requirements of just war and ultimately ensures that strategy continues to function in the post-deterrence environment. This paper assesses whether (...)
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    Retribution, Deterrence, and Organ Donation.Molly Gardner - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (10):7 - 9.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 11, Issue 10, Page 7-9, October 2011.
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    (1 other version)Reason and Nuclear Deterrence.Alan Gewirth - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (sup1):129-159.
    (1986). Reason and Nuclear Deterrence. Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 16, Supplementary Volume 12: Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence and Disarmament, pp. 129-159.
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    Deterrence, utility, and rational choice? A comment.Georges Bernard - 1982 - Theory and Decision 14 (1):89-97.
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    Self-Defense, Deterrence, and the Use Objection: A Comment on Victor Tadros’s Wrongs and Crimes.Derk Pereboom - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (3):439-454.
    In Wrongs and Crimes, Victor Tadros argues that wrongdoers acquire special duties to those they’ve wronged, and from there he generates wrongdoers’ duties to contribute to general deterrence by being punished. In support, he contends that my manipulation argument against compatibilism fails to show that causal determination is incompatible with the proposed duties wrongdoers owe to those they’ve wronged. I respond that I did not intend my manipulation argument to rule out a sense of moral responsibility that features such (...)
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    (1 other version)Individual Responsibility, Nuclear Deterrence, and Excusing Political Inaction.Steven C. Patten - 1986 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 16 (sup1):213-236.
    (1986). Individual Responsibility, Nuclear Deterrence, and Excusing Political Inaction. Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 16, Supplementary Volume 12: Nuclear Weapons, Deterrence and Disarmament, pp. 213-236.
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    From deterrence to peace without fear.Eduard Pestel - 1989 - World Futures 27 (1):17-23.
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    Nuclear Deterrence: The Rational and the Political.George H. Quester - 1987 - Analyse & Kritik 9 (1-2):82-96.
    While it is often argued that U.S. military strategy has gone through substantial changes over the post three decodes, it is not so clear if this is so, or why this should be so. Some changes in the real strategic problem of the west must be considered, including the growth of the Soviet nuclear arsenal. Changes in our perception of the problem may be at least as important, however, amid some possibilities of ‘Finlandisation’. Changes in the West’s opportunities must also (...)
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  47. Deterrence and the Just Distribution of Harm*: DANIEL M. FARRELL.Daniel M. Farrell - 1995 - Social Philosophy and Policy 12 (2):220-240.
    It is extraordinary, when one thinks about it, how little attention has been paid by theorists of the nature and justification of punishment to the idea that punishment is essentially a matter of self-defense. H. L. A. Hart, for example, in his famous “Prolegomenon to the Principles of Punishment,” is clearly committed to the view that, at bottom, there are just three directions in which a plausible theory of punishment can go: we can try to justify punishment on purely consequentialist (...)
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    Just and Unjust Nuclear Deterrence.Scott D. Sagan - 2023 - Ethics and International Affairs 37 (1):19-28.
    In this essay, I propose five principles to make U.S. nuclear deterrence policy more just and effective in the future: sever the link between the mass killing of innocent civilians and nuclear deterrence by focusing targeting on adversaries’ military power and senior political leadership, not their population; never use or plan to use a nuclear weapon against any target that could be destroyed or neutralized by conventional weapons; reject “belligerent reprisal” threats against civilians even in response to enemy (...)
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    The Power of Deterrence: Emotions, Identity, and American and Israeli Wars of Resolve.Amir Lupovici - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    Why do states persist in using force to enhance their deterrent posture, even though it is not clear that it is effective? This book develops an innovative framework to answer this question, viewing deterrence as an idea. This allows the author to explain how countries institutionalize deterrence strategy, and how this internalization affects policy. He argues that the US and Israel have both internalized deterrence ideas and become attached to these practices. For them, deterrence is not (...)
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    Deterrence and utility again: A response to Bernard.Gregory S. Kavka - 1982 - Theory and Decision 14 (1):99-102.
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