Results for 'declarative frameworks'

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  1.  15
    MiningZinc: A declarative framework for constraint-based mining.Tias Guns, Anton Dries, Siegfried Nijssen, Guido Tack & Luc De Raedt - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 244 (C):6-29.
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    The View from Declarative Syntax 1.Peter Sells - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 243–266.
    This chapter focuses on the frameworks of Head‐Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) as it developed from Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG), and Lexical‐Functional Grammar (LFG). Declarative frameworks are not generative, as they do not ‘generate’ anything in the sense of the preceding paragraph. Pullum refers to that kind of approach as Generative‐Enumerative Syntax and differentiates it from Model‐Theoretic Syntax: GPSG, HPSG, and LFG essentially fall in the latter category. It describes some key aspects of declarative (...), and the motivation for them. The chapter considers how declarative frameworks instantiate a view of Generative Grammar directly inspired by Noam Chomsky's early work, but without the procedural component. It presents some of the core design features which motivate declarative frameworks, and explores how syntactic phenomena are factorized and formalized in declarative frameworks, with a view to comparison with Minimalist Program analyses. (shrink)
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    Creating a new declaration of rights : a critical reconstruction of earth jurisprudence's global legislative framework.Georges Alexandre Lenferna - 2012 - Dissertation, Rhodes University
    This thesis aims to critique the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth and its underlying moral justification in order to provide a stronger and improved version of both. In Chapter 1 I explore what sort of moral justification is necessary to establish the Universal Declaration on firm grounds and explore its relation to environmental ethics and rights discourse. I argue that a non-anthropocentric perspective is necessary to justify the Universal Declaration’s rights. In Chapter 2 I explore the underlying (...)
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    A verification framework for agent programming with declarative goals.F. S. de Boer, K. V. Hindriks, W. van der Hoek & J. -J. Ch Meyer - 2007 - Journal of Applied Logic 5 (2):277-302.
  5.  25
    Are my religious beliefs anyone’s business? A framework for declarations in health and biomedicine.Narcyz Ghinea, Miriam Wiersma, Ian Kerridge & Wendy Lipworth - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):803-806.
    Conflicts of interests are typically divided into those that are financial and those that are not. While there is general agreement that financial COIs have a significant impact on decisions and need to be declared and managed, the status of non-financial COIs continues to be disputed. In a recentBMJfeature article it was proposed that religious beliefs should be routinely declared as an interest. The article generated over 41 responses from the medical community and health researchers, which put forward diverse and (...)
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    Declarative Representation of Revision Strategies.Gerhard Brewka - 2001 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 11 (1-2):151-167.
    In this paper we introduce a nonmonotonic framework for belief revision in which reasoning about the reliability of different pieces of information based on meta-knowledge about the information is possible, and where revision strategies can be described declaratively. The approach is based on a Poole-style system for default reasoning in which entrenchment information is represented in the logical language. A notion of inference based on the least fixed point of a monotone operator is used to make sure that all theories (...)
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    The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and Genomics: Ethical Complementarity for Just Research.Ibrahim Garba & Stephanie Russo Carroll - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (S2):120-125.
    Governance of biomedical research in the United States has been characterized by ethical individualism, a mode of reasoning that treats the individual person as the center of moral concern and analysis. However, genomics research raises ethics issues that uniquely affect certain genetically related communities as collectives, not merely as aggregates of individuals. This is especially true of identifiable populations—including Indigenous Peoples—that are often minoritized, socially marginalized, or geographically isolated. We propose an alternative, complementary framework based on the United Nations Declaration (...)
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    The Declaration of Interdependence! Feminism, Grounding and Enactivism.Anya Daly - 2021 - Human Studies 45 (1):43-62.
    This paper explores the issue whether feminism needs a metaphysical grounding, and if so, what form that might take to effectively take account of and support the socio-political demands of feminism; addressing these demands I further propose will also contribute to the resolution of other social concerns. Social constructionism is regularly invoked by feminists and other political activists who argue that social injustices are justified and sustained through hidden structures which oppress some while privileging others. Some feminists (Haslanger and Sveinsdóttir, (...)
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    Declarations, accusations and judgement: examining conflict of interest discourses as performative speech-acts.Christopher Mayes, Wendy Lipworth & Ian Kerridge - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):455-462.
    Concerns over conflicts of interest in academic research and medical practice continue to provoke a great deal of discussion. What is most obvious in this discourse is that when COIs are declared, or perceived to exist in others, there is a focus on both the descriptive question of whether there is a COI and, subsequently, the normative question of whether it is good, bad or neutral. We contend, however, that in addition to the descriptive and normative, COI declarations and accusations (...)
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    Re-Reading the Declaration of Independence as Perlocutionary Performative.Yarran Hominh - 2016 - Res Publica 22 (4):423-444.
    This paper addresses the question of the constitution of ‘the people’. It argues that J.L. Austin’s concept of the ‘perlocutionary’ speech act gives us a framework for understanding the constitutive force of a specific constitutional document: the American Declaration of Independence. It does so through responding to Derrida’s analysis of the Declaration, which itself draws on Austin’s work. Derrida argues that the Declaration’s constitutive force lies in the fact that it cannot be simply understood as either ‘performative’ or ‘constative’, in (...)
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  11.  15
    Ordinary Situations and Artworld Declarations.Otto Muller - 2023 - Open Philosophy 6 (1).
    Socially engaged art presents social situations to be understood, experienced, and evaluated as works of art while they simultaneously retain everyday non-art functionality. This article begins with an account of the definitional and evaluative concerns that socially engaged art engenders, outlining the debates around the relative importance of ethical and aesthetic values that result from this unsettled relationship between art and non-art. Based on this account, I argue that all socially engaged art requires successful performative bids that declare the work (...)
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    A logical framework for view updating in indefinite databases.Luciano Caroprese, Irina Trubitsyna, Miroslaw Truszczyński & Ester Zumpano - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (6):777-811.
    This paper introduces and studies a declarative framework for updating views over indefinite databases. An indefinite database is a database with null values that are represented, following the standard database approach, by a single null constant. Typically a database is represented by a single set of facts |$D$| that model what is known to be true. This paper proposes a model of an indefinite extensional database that is more expressive with respect to the closed-world assumption (CWA) adapted for the (...)
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  13. Semantics for Non-Declaratives.Kirk Ludwig & Dan Boisvert - 2005 - In Ernie Lepore & Barry C. Smith (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This article begins by distinguishing force and mood. Then it lays out desiderata on a successful account. It sketches as background the program of truth-theoretic semantics. Next, it surveys assimilation approaches and argues that they are inadequate. Then it shows how the fulfillment-conditional approach can be applied to imperatives, interrogatives, molecular sentences containing them, and quantification into mood markers. Next, it considers briefly the recent set of propositions approach to the semantics of interrogatives and exclamatives. Finally, it shows how to (...)
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  14. The Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists: A Culture-Sensitive Model for Creating and Reviewing a Code of Ethics.Jean Pettifor, Janel Gauthier & Andrea Ferrero - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (3-4):179-196.
    Psychologists live in a globalizing world where traditional boundaries are fading and, therefore, increasingly work with persons from diverse cultural backgrounds. The Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists provides a moral framework of universally acceptable ethical principles based on shared human values across cultures. The application of its moral framework in developing codes of ethics and reviewing current codes may help psychologists to respond ethically in a rapidly changing world. In this article, a model is presented to demonstrate how (...)
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  15. Normative framework of informed consent in clinical research in Germany, Poland, and Russia.Marcin Orzechowski, Katarzyna Woniak, Cristian Timmermann & Florian Steger - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1):1-10.
    Background: Biomedical research nowadays is increasingly carried out in multinational and multicenter settings. Due to disparate national regulations on various ethical aspects, such as informed consent, there is the risk of ethical compromises when involving human subjects in research. Although the Declaration of Helsinki is the point of reference for ethical conduct of research on humans, national normative requirements may diverge from its provisions. The aim of this research is to examine requirements on informed consent in biomedical research in Germany, (...)
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    Christian Personalism as a Source of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.Miša Đurković - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):270-286.
    To mark the 70th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the author embarked on an attempt to analyze the theoretical and historical framework that contributed to the adoption of the document. The first part of the article discusses the development of the philosophy of personalism from Mounier to Maritain and analyzes Maritain’s views on human rights. In the second part of the article, the author shows the decisive influence of the personalists Charles Malik and Rene (...)
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    A Framework for International Marketing Ethics: Preliminary Considerations and Emerging Perspectives.Georges Enderle - 1998 - Journal of Human Values 4 (1):25-43.
    Globalization is a major challenge not only for marketing, but also for marketing ethics. Is it possible to delineate a conceptual framework that helps identify some major issues in this unchartered field? This paper assumes that the development of such a framework needs both serious reflection on the very concept of marketing and a thorough exploration of universal ethical values. Among a number of competing concepts of marketing, those concepts seem preferable which go beyond a merely 'instru mental' or 'value (...)
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  18. On the semantics and logic of declaratives and interrogatives.Ivano Ciardelli, Jeroen Groenendijk & Floris Roelofsen - 2015 - Synthese 192 (6):1689-1728.
    In many natural languages, there are clear syntactic and/or intonational differences between declarative sentences, which are primarily used to provide information, and interrogative sentences, which are primarily used to request information. Most logical frameworks restrict their attention to the former. Those that are concerned with both usually assume a logical language that makes a clear syntactic distinction between declaratives and interrogatives, and usually assign different types of semantic values to these two types of sentences. A different approach has (...)
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  19.  22
    Developing an Ethical Evaluation Framework for Coercive Antimicrobial Stewardship Policies.Tess Johnson - 2024 - Public Health Ethics 17 (1-2):11-23.
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been declared one of the top ten global public health threats facing humanity. To address AMR, coercive antimicrobial stewardship policies are being enacted in some settings. These policies, like all in public health, require ethical justification. Here, I introduce a framework for ethically evaluating coercive antimicrobial stewardship policies on the basis of ethical justifications (and their limitations). I consider arguments from effectiveness; duty of easy rescue; tragedy of the commons; responsibility-tracking; the harm principle; paternalism; justice and (...)
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  20.  39
    The Universal Declaration’s Problematic Rights Justification.Georges Alexandre Lenferna - 2012 - South African Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):314-327.
    In this paper I aim to critically analyse the underlying moral justification of the rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. The aim of the critique is to highlight some of the problematic areas that underpin the Declaration’s rights and in doing so to point to ways that one can begin to rectify the problems with them and the Universal Declaration itself. The paper aims to critically examine the moral justification for the Universal Declaration’s rights, (...)
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  21.  44
    Societal-level ethical responsibilities regarding active euthanasia: an analysis using the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists.Carole Sinclair - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (1):14-27.
    Using the Universal Declaration of Ethical Principles for Psychologists as an ethical framework, some of the major successes, challenges and needs that psychology has regarding its responsibilities to society in the area of end-of-life decision making and active euthanasia are outlined in this paper. Four particular responsibilities are highlighted: (a) increase professional and scientific knowledge; (b) use psychological knowledge for beneficial purposes; (c) adequately train its members: and (d) encourage beneficial social structures and policies. For each responsibility, some of the (...)
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  22.  67
    Perceptions of Justice and the Human Rights Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework.Matthew Murphy & Jordi Vives - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (4):781-797.
    Human rights declarations are instruments used to introduce universal standards of ethics. The UN’s Protect, Respect, and Remedy Framework (Ruggie, Protect, respect, and remedy: A Framework for business and human rights. UN Doc A/HRC/8/5, 2008; Guiding principles on business and human rights: Implementing the United Nations “Protect, Respect, and Remedy” framework. UN Doc A/HRC/17/31, 2011) intends to provide guidance for corporate behavior in regard to human rights. This article applies concepts from the field of organizational justice to the arena of (...)
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  23.  93
    Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural model.Michael T. Ullman - 2004 - Cognition 92 (1-2):231-270.
    The structure of the brain and the nature of evolution suggest that, despite its uniqueness, language likely depends on brain systems that also subserve other functions. The declarative / procedural model claims that the mental lexicon of memorized word- specific knowledge depends on the largely temporal-lobe substrates of declarative memory, which underlies the storage and use of knowledge of facts and events. The mental grammar, which subserves the rule-governed combination of lexical items into complex representations, depends on a (...)
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    Commentary on "Non-Cartesian Frameworks".Rom Harre - 1996 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 3 (3):185-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Commentary on “Non-Cartesian Frameworks”Rom Harré (bio)There are three points in Dr. Berger’s paper that seem to me to call for immediate comment:1. There is the familiar (but in Berger’s case, only a partial) misunderstanding of the upshot of the third phase of Wittgenstein’s private-language argument. Having shown that expressive and descriptive discourse are radically different, and that expressive discourse can be learned only in contexts of action in (...)
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    Climate Change and Professional Responsibility: A Declaration of Helsinki for Engineers.Rob Lawlor & Helen Morley - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1431-1452.
    In this paper, we argue that the professional engineering institutions ought to develop a Declaration of Climate Action. Climate change is a serious global problem, and the majority of greenhouse gas emissions come from industries that are enabled by engineers and represented by the engineering professional institutions. If the professional institutions take seriously the claim that a profession should be self-regulating, with codes of ethics that go beyond mere obedience to the law, and if they take their own ethical codes (...)
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    International Business, Human Rights, and Moral Complicity: A Call for a Declaration on the Universal Rights and Duties of Business.W. Michael Hoffman & Robert E. Mcnulty - 2009 - Business and Society Review 114 (4):541-570.
    The purpose of this article is to call for the formulation and adoption of a declaration on the universal rights and duties of business. We do not attempt to define the specific contents of such a declaration, but rather attempt to explain why such a declaration is needed and what would be some of its general characteristics. The catalyst for this call was the recognition that even under optimal conditions, good companies sometimes are susceptible to moral lapses, and when companies (...)
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  27.  24
    A Four-Valued Logical Framework for Reasoning About Fiction.Newton Peron & Henrique Antunes - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-32.
    In view of the limitations of classical, free, and modal logics to deal with fictional names, we develop in this paper a four-valued logical framework that we see as a promising strategy for modeling contexts of reasoning in which those names occur. Specifically, we propose to evaluate statements in terms of factual and fictional truth values in such a way that, say, declaring ‘Socrates is a man’ to be true does not come down to the same thing as declaring ‘Sherlock (...)
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    The Problem of Using Ijtihads Declared Specific to Historical Conditions as a Source of Ifta.Ahmet Özdemir - 2024 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (2):1543-1562.
    Ijtihad is the mujtahid's putting forward all his efforts on a fiqh issue within the framework of methodological principles. Fatwa, on the other hand, are the explanations made regarding the questions asked in fiqh issues. Therefore, although there are similarities between fatwa and ijtihad in terms of declaring a fiqh knowledge, there are also some differences that distinguish both scientific activities from each other. Because of this difference, not every ijtihad qualifies as a fatwa that a Muslim can apply in (...)
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    “I Have No Comment”: Confrontational Maneuvering by Declaring a Standpoint Unallowed or Indisputable in Spokespersons’ Argumentative Replies at the Regular Press Conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Peng Wu - 2019 - Argumentation 33 (4):489-519.
    As part of a research project on confrontational maneuvering in the spokespersons’ argumentative replies at the regular press conferences of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2015 and 2018, this article analyzes, within the framework of Pragma-Dialectics, how the spokespersons declare a standpoint at issue unallowed or indisputable in order to avoid having to resolve a difference of opinion as it is, according to the questioning journalist, presented by their immediate opponents. Starting from the various rationales the spokespersons presuppose to (...)
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  30. Nondescriptivist Cognitivism: Framework for a New Metaethic.Terry Horgan & Mark Timmons - 2000 - Philosophical Papers 29 (2):121-153.
    Abstract We propose a metaethical view that combines the cognitivist idea that moral judgments are genuine beliefs and moral utterances express genuine assertions with the idea that such beliefs and utterances are nondescriptive in their overall content. This sort of view has not been recognized among the standard metaethical options because it is generally assumed that all genuine beliefs and assertions must have descriptive content. We challenge this assumption and thereby open up conceptual space for a new kind of metaethical (...)
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    Normative autonomy and normative co-ordination: Declarative power, representation, and mandate. [REVIEW]Jonathan Gelati, Antonino Rotolo, Giovanni Sartor & Guido Governatori - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 12 (1-2):53-81.
    In this paper we provide a formal analysis of the idea of normative co-ordination. We argue that this idea is based on the assumption that agents can achieve flexible co-ordination by conferring normative positions to other agents. These positions include duties, permissions, and powers. In particular, we explain the idea of declarative power, which consists in the capacity of the power-holder of creating normative positions, involving other agents, simply by proclaiming such positions. In addition, we account also for the (...)
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    March 11th: the Legal Framework of the Restoration of Independence (text only in Lithuanian).Vytautas Sinkevičius - 2010 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 121 (3):55-71.
    The article deals with the legal acts which were adopted by the Supreme Council Reconstituting the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania on 11 March 1990, and which are related to the restoration of the independent State of Lithuania. The author discloses the chronology of the legal acts adopted on that day and investigates why some particular act was adopted first, and only later another act was passed; he investigates the circumstances which determined the content of the legal acts and (...)
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    Towards a New Analytical Framework for Legal Communication.Hanneke van Schooten - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (3):425-461.
    This article develops a model first proposed in my book Jurisprudence and communication [67]. It takes as its starting point the generally conception that legal rules are valid norms, involving a normative content and expressing themselves in reality through observable conduct. This dualistic character of law is central. Law is both fiction and factual, ideal and real. But the viewpoint that a legal rule is a manifestation of validity in reality, through empirical acts, raises the question how rules as (valid) (...)
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    Extending the boundaries of the Declaration of Helsinki: a case study of an unethical experiment in a non-medical setting.E. D. Richter - 2001 - Journal of Medical Ethics 27 (2):126-129.
    To examine the ethical issues involved in governmental decisions with potential health risks, we review the history of the decision to raise the interurban speed limit in Israel in light of its impact on road death and injury. In 1993, the Israeli Ministry of Transportation initiated an “experiment” to raise the interurban speed limit from 90 to 100 kph. The “experiment” did not include a protocol and did not specify cut-off points for early termination in the case of adverse results. (...)
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    Answer-set programming encodings for argumentation frameworks.Uwe Egly, Sarah Alice Gaggl & Stefan Woltran - 2010 - Argument and Computation 1 (2):147-177.
    Answer-set programming (ASP) has emerged as a declarative programming paradigm where problems are encoded as logic programs, such that the so-called answer sets of theses programs represent the solutions of the encoded problem. The efficiency of the latest ASP solvers reached a state that makes them applicable for problems of practical importance. Consequently, problems from many different areas, including diagnosis, data integration, and graph theory, have been successfully tackled via ASP. In this work, we present such ASP-encodings for problems (...)
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  36. Beyond subgoaling: A dynamic knowledge generation framework for creative problem solving in cognitive architectures.Antonio Lieto - 2019 - Cognitive Systems Research 58:305-316.
    In this paper we propose a computational framework aimed at extending the problem solving capabilities of cognitive artificial agents through the introduction of a novel, goal-directed, dynamic knowledge generation mechanism obtained via a non monotonic reasoning procedure. In particular, the proposed framework relies on the assumption that certain classes of problems cannot be solved by simply learning or injecting new external knowledge in the declarative memory of a cognitive artificial agent but, on the other hand, require a mechanism for (...)
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  37. Bioethics: An export product? Reflections on hands-on involvement in exploring the “external” validity of international bioethical declarations. [REVIEW]Mairi Levitt & Hub Zwart - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):367-377.
    As the technosciences, including genomics, develop into a global phenomenon, the question inevitably emerges whether and to what extent bioethics can and should become a globalised phenomenon as well. Could we somehow articulate a set of core principles or values that ought to be respected worldwide and that could serve as a universal guide or blueprint for bioethical regulations for embedding biotechnologies in various countries? This article considers one universal declaration, the UNESCO Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights ( 2005a (...)
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  38. MRCT Center Post-Trial Responsibilities Framework Continued Access to Investigational Medicines. Guidance Document. Version 1.0, December 2016.Carmen Aldinger, Barbara Bierer, Rebecca Li, Luann Van Campen, Mark Barnes, Eileen Bedell, Amanda Brown-Inz, Robin Gibbs, Deborah Henderson, Christopher Kabacinski, Laurie Letvak, Susan Manoff, Ignacio Mastroleo, Ellie Okada, Usharani Pingali, Wasana Prasitsuebsai, Hans Spiegel, Daniel Wang, Susan Briggs Watson & Marc Wilenzik - 2016 - The Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard (MRCT Center).
    I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The MRCT Center Post-trial Responsibilities: Continued Access to an Investigational Medicine Framework outlines a case-based, principled, stakeholder approach to evaluate and guide ethical responsibilities to provide continued access to an investigational medicine at the conclusion of a patient’s participation in a clinical trial. The Post-trial Responsibilities (PTR) Framework includes this Guidance Document as well as the accompanying Toolkit. A 41-member international multi-stakeholder Workgroup convened by the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University (...)
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  39. Donald Davidson's Truth-theoretic semantics.Ernest Lepore & Kirk Ludwig - 2007 - Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kirk Ludwig.
    This book is an examination of the foundations and applications of the program of truth-theoretic semantics for natural languages introduced in 1967 by Donald Davidson in his classic paper “Truth and Meaning.” This is the second of two books on Donald Davidson’s central philosophical project. The first, Donald Davidson: Meaning, Truth, Language and Reality (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), dealt with the basic framework of Davidson’s truth-theoretic approach to providing a meaning theory for a natural language, and then with his (...)
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  40. The Common Basis of Memory and Consciousness: Understanding the Brain as a Write–Read Head Interacting With an Omnipresent Background Field.Joachim Keppler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10 (Article 2968):1-13.
    The main goal of this article consists in addressing two fundamental issues of consciousness research and cognitive science, namely, the question of why declarative memory functions are inextricably linked with phenomenal awareness and the question of the physical basis of memory traces. The presented approach proposes that high-level cognitive processes involving consciousness employ a universal mechanism by means of which they access and modulate an omnipresent background field that is identified with the zero-point field (ZPF) specified by stochastic electrodynamics, (...)
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    Synoptic Introduction.Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 1–17.
    This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book deals with the nature of hierarchical relations, in particular the computational procedure needed to generate such relations. It discusses the importance of linguistic diversity in Chomsky's work. Chomsky's own work has mostly focused on synchronic grammatical analyses. The book describes ways in which work on second language acquisition has embraced theoretical developments in syntax, and how it has sometimes informed those developments (...)
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    An Ethical Exploration of Privacy and Radio Frequency Identification.Alan R. Peslak - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (4):327-345.
    This manuscript reviews the background of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as well as the ethical foundations of individual privacy. This includes a historical perspective on personal privacy, a review of the United States Constitutional privacy interpretations, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, European Union Regulations, as well as the positions of industry and advocacy groups. A brief review of the information technology ethics literature is also included. The RFID privacy concerns are three-fold: pre-sales activities, sales transaction activities, and post-sales (...)
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    Use of BP Neural Networks to Determine China’s Regional CO2 Emission Quota.Yawei Qi, Wenxiang Peng, Ran Yan & Guangping Rao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    China declared a long-term commitment at the United Nations General Assembly in 2020 to reduce CO2 emissions. This announcement has been described by Reuters as “the most important climate change commitment in years.” The allocation of China’s provincial CO2 emission quotas is crucial for building a unified national carbon market, which is an important policy tool necessary to achieve carbon emissions reduction. In the present research, we used historical quota data of China’s carbon emission trading policy pilot areas from 2014 (...)
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    The Role Of Man İn Troubles And Disasters (From The Verses Of The Qur'an And Hadiths).Mesut Şen & Nizamettin Çelik - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):119-135.
    Declaring that the universe was created in a certain order, Almighty Allah said, "Do not make mischief on earth after it has been brought into order." With this statement she made, she warned humanity not to disturb the established order. Natural disasters such as epidemics, earthquakes, floods and landslides that we face in the 21st century make it necessary to draw attention to the actions of people once again. Human beings, who interfere with nature irresponsibly, disrupt the balances in the (...)
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  45.  39
    Value-Enhancing Social Responsibility: Market Reaction to Donations by Family vs. Non-family Firms with Religious CEOs.Min Maung, Danny Miller, Zhenyang Tang & Xiaowei Xu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):745-758.
    Using a signaling framework, we argue that ethical behavior as evidenced by charitable donations is viewed more positively by investors when seen not to be based on self-serving motives but rather on authentic generosity that builds moral capital. The affirmed religiosity of CEOs may make their ethical position more credible, while their embeddedness within a family business suggests that CEOs are backed by powerful owners with long-time horizons and a desire to build moral capital with stakeholders. We find in a (...)
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    Exploration of Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivity and Diffusion Coefficient for Thermal and Mass Transportation in Sutterby Nanofluid Model over a Stretching Cylinder.Rabeeah Raza, Muhammad Sohail, Thabet Abdeljawad, Rahila Naz & Phatiphat Thounthong - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-14.
    This declaration ponders the impacts of Joule warm, separation, and warming radiation for the progression of MHD Sutterby nanofluid past over an all-inclusive chamber. The wonder of warmth and mass conduction is demonstrated under warm conductivity relying upon temperature and dispersion coefficients individually. Besides, the conventional Fourier and Fick laws have been applied in the outflows of warm and mass transport. The control model comprising of a progression of coupled incomplete differential conditions is changed over into a standard arrangement of (...)
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    Ethical Guidelines for SARS-CoV-2 Digital Tracking and Tracing Systems.Jessica Morley, Josh Cowls, Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - 2021 - In Josh Cowls & Jessica Morley (eds.), The 2020 Yearbook of the Digital Ethics Lab. Springer Verlag. pp. 89-95.
    The World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on 11th March 2020, recognising that the underlying SARS-CoV-2 has caused the greatest global crisis since World War II. In this chapter, we present a framework to evaluate whether and to what extent the use of digital systems that track and/or trace potentially infected individuals is not only legal but also ethical.
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    Research Methods in Indigenous Contexts.Arnold Groh - 2018 - New York, USA: Springer.
    This forward-looking resource offers readers a modern contextual framework for conducting social science research with indigenous peoples. Foundational chapters summarize current UN-based standards for indigenous rights and autonomy, with their implications for research practice. Coverage goes on to detail minimally-invasive data-gathering methods, survey current training and competency issues, and consider the scientist’s role in research, particularly as a product of his/her own cultural background. From these guidelines and findings, students and professionals have a robust base for carrying out indigenous research (...)
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  49. The American Founding Documents and Democratic Social Change: A Constructivist Grounded Theory.A. I. Forde & Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Dissertation, Walden University
    Existing social disparities in the United States are inconsistent with the promise of democracy; therefore, there was a need for critical conceptualization of the first principles that undergird American democracy and the genesis of democratic social change in America. This constructivist grounded theory study aimed to construct a grounded theory that provides an understanding of the process of American democratic social change as it emerged from the nation’s founding documents. A post hoc polytheoretical framework including Foucault’s, Bourdieu’s, and Marx and (...)
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  50. The US Founding Documents Through the Lenses of Bourdieu, Foucault, and Marx: A Power Analysis.Angelina Inesia-Forde - 2023 - Asian Journal of Basic Science and Research 5 (3): 77–93.
    Few scholars have explored the founding documents to identify the deliberate social change strategy that led to America's independence and a new form of government that was of, by, and for the people. This study aimed to apply a post-hoc polytheoretical framework of power to the findings of a democratic social change study to understand the dynamics of power between Great Britain and the American colonists. The original study employed the constructivist grounded theory tradition to explore democracy in the Declaration (...)
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