Results for 'cultural evolution, finance, monetary incentives, financial innovation, global economy'

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  1.  8
    Cultural Evolution of Finance: A Study on Monetary Incentives and Financial Innovation.Gissela Karina Meza Rivadeneira, José Luis Rivera Velasco, Diego Omar Guevara Torrecillas, Heshan Sameera Kankanam Pathiranage & Diego Alexander Haro Ávalos - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:107-114.
    This study explores the cultural evolution of finance through the analysis of monetary incentives and their impact on financial innovation. Through an interdisciplinary approach, it investigates how financial practices have changed due to economic and cultural pressures, and how these changes have driven new forms of innovation in global financial markets. The results reveal that monetary incentives play a crucial role in the evolution of financial structures, promoting the adoption of new (...)
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    Veblen, Bataille and Financial Innovation.Earl Gammon & Duncan Wigan - 2015 - Theory, Culture and Society 32 (4):105-131.
    This article advances towards the reconceptualization of financial innovation. It examines the calamitous role of financial innovation in the global financial crisis, developing a non-rational theorization of finance within the social economy that factors in the role of affect. Outlining the foundations for such an approach, the analysis draws on Thorstein Veblen and Georges Bataille, whose work encompasses psycho-social conceptions of political-economic agency. From the more anthropological lens of Veblen and Bataille's theorizations, it is possible (...)
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    Social Finance Meets Financial Innovation: Contemporary Experiments in Payments, Money and Debt.Chris Clarke & Lauren Tooker - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (3):3-11.
    This special section explores the intersection of social finance and financial innovation in contemporary technologies of relational finance. The articles that follow study detailed cases of contemporary experiments in payments, money and credit-debt relations. By way of introduction, in this short piece we outline three paradoxes at the heart of these experiments: the feudal life of capitalist financial innovation; the social life of supposedly asocial crypto-currencies; and the market life of relational financial dissent.
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  4. Money as Media: Gilson Schwartz on the Semiotics of Digital Currency.Renata Lemos-Morais - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):22-25.
    continent. 1.1 (2011): 22-25. The Author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento do Ensino Superior), Brazil. From the multifarious subdivisions of semiotics, be they naturalistic or culturalistic, the realm of semiotics of value is a ?eld that is getting more and more attention these days. Our entire political and economic systems are based upon structures of symbolic representation that many times seem not only to embody monetary value but also to determine it. The connection (...)
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    Justice Not Greed.Richard A. Hoehn - 2012 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 32 (2):208-209.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Justice Not GreedRichard A. HoehnJustice Not Greed Edited by Pamela Brubaker and Rogate Mshana Geneva: WCC Publications, 2010. 224 pp. $14.00The World Council of Churches (WCC) Advisory Group on Economic Matters (AGEM) advises the WCC and congregations on global economic issues. AGEM members from diverse backgrounds produced the papers in this volume. The introduction is by Rogate Mshana, WCC director for Peace, Justice, and Creation. Samuel Kobia, (...)
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    Innovation and ethics ethical considerations in the innovation business.Yves Fassin - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):193 - 203.
    In our global economy knowledge-based industry is takingmore importance. Recent years have seen the success of anincreasing number of start-up companies, most technology-basedenterprises financed by private persons or companies, or through venture capital funds and public offering. In manyyears, those companies are faced at certain critical momentswith matters involving intellectual property rights, insiderinformation and raising money. These facts all have an ethicaldimension. There is an increasing need for ethical behaviourfrom all parties involved. A code of conduct of all (...)
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    Towards a New International Monetary Order.Koen Byttebier - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents a thorough and critical evaluation of the monetary and financial system prevalent in Western economies. Further, it seeks to explain why this system so often leads to financial crises and why they have been dealt with unsatisfactorily in the past. In order to provide answers to these questions, the book investigates the monetary and financial system from a multidisciplinary perspective, with a strong focus on the ethical value choices which throughout history have (...)
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    Van devaluatie tot euro : Het economische en meer bepaald het monetaire beleid van België 1980-2000.Alfons Verplaetse - 2000 - Res Publica 42 (1):3-21.
    This article on the evolution of economic and monetary policy in Belgium, which turned the "sick man of Europe" into one of the stronger European economies and allowed it to enter into EMU, stresses the role of the monetary authorities as a stabilising force in Belgium. It gives a detailed analysis of how these changes have allowed Belgium to regain the confidence of both monetary authorities and international investors after the devaluation of 1982. The policy responses to (...)
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    Monetary Policy, Credit Extension, and Housing Bubbles: 2008 and 1929.Steven Gjerstad & Vernon L. Smith - 2009 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 21 (2-3):269-300.
    ABSTRACT Asset‐market bubbles occur dependably in laboratory experiments and almost as reliably throughout economic history—yet they do not usually bring the global economy to its knees. The Crash of 2008 was caused by the bursting of a housing bubble of unusual size that was fed by a massive expansion of mortgage credit—facilitated, in turn, by the longest sustained expansionary monetary policy of the past half century. Much of this mortgage credit was extended to people with little net (...)
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    The Academic Spin-Off Ecosystem: a comparative analysis between Colombia and Global Trends (8th edition).Alexander Romero-Sánchez & Maria Stephania Aponte-Garcia - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture.
    Academic entrepreneurship and the formation of spin-offs from educational institutions have been consolidated as essential elements to promote innovation and stimulate economic growth worldwide. However, the evolution of these initiatives shows marked differences between developed countries and emerging economies, such as Colombia. This study focuses on analyzing how research in this area has progressed, identifying the key factors that determine the success of spin-offs and suggesting a framework for action for Colombia in comparison with international dynamics. The findings reveal a (...)
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    Financial Eschatology and the Libidinal Economy of Leverage.Amin Samman & Stefano Sgambati - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (3):103-121.
    Apocalyptic thinking has a long religious and political tradition, but what place does it occupy within the temporal universe of contemporary capitalism? In this essay, we use the figure of the eschaton to draw out the loaded and ambiguous character of the future as it emerges through the condition of indebtedness. This entails a departure from political economy accounts of capitalist futurity, which stress the structural logic of financial speculation, in favour of an existential account that begins instead (...)
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    Securitization: A Financing Vehicle for All Seasons?Bonnie G. Buchanan - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (3):559-577.
    Securitization is considered to be one of the biggest financial innovations of the last century. It is also regarded as both a catalyst and a solution to the 2008 financial crisis. Once a popular method of financing the mortgage and consumer credit markets, aspects of the global securitization market are now struggling to revive. In this paper, I discuss the role that ethics played in securitization prior to the 2008 financial crisis and find that it is (...)
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  13.  56
    La monnaie et la finance globale.Christian Marazzi - 2008 - Multitudes 32 (1):115.
    The various institutional reforms which have led since the end of the 70s to the « privatisation of currency » have formed the main base on which the subsequent power of finance has been built, and, concurently, the dismantling of Welfare could take place. Core of this was the so-called autonomy of central banks, as their « umbilical cord » to national treasuries was severed. From then on, deficit financing and « keynesian » social expenditures became near-impossible. Emphasizing the autonomy (...)
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    The Lingua Franca of Human Rights and the Rise of a Global Bioethic.Lori P. Knowles - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (3):253-263.
    Globalization is often discussed as if it were a recent phenomenon relating primarily to the development of world financial markets and improvements in information and travel technologies. But globalization is an ancient process, beginning with mercantile and cultural exchanges and facilitated by advances in transportation. In the twentieth century, the results of globalization can be seen in the rise of global capitalism and in the construction of a global economy. Most recently, the process of globalization (...)
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    The Capitalist Conjuncture: Overaccumulation, Financial Crises, and the Retreat from Globalization.Walden Bello - 2007 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 3:1-24.
    This article argues that the key crisis that has overtaken today’s global economy is the classical capitalist crisis of over-accumulation. Reaganism and structural adjustment were efforts to overcome this crisis in the 1980s, with little success, followed by globalization in the 1990s. The Clinton administration embraced globalization as the “Grand Strategy” of the United States, its two key prongs being the accelerated integration of markets and production by transnational corporations and the creation of a multilateral system of (...) governance, the pillars of which were the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. The goal of creating a functionally integrated global economy, however, stalled, and the multilateral system began to unravel,thanks among other things to the multiple crises created by the globalization of finance, which was the main trend of the period. In response partly to these crises, partly to increasing competition with traditionally subservient centre economies, and partly to political resistance in the South, Washington under the Bush administration has retreated from the globalist project, adopting a nationalist strategy consisting of disciplining the South through unilateralist military adventures, reverting to methods of primitive accumulation in exploiting the developing world, and making other centre economies bear the brunt of global adjustments necessitated by the crisis of over-accumulation. (shrink)
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    Performative innovation: Data governance in China's fintech industries.Jing Wang - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    The financial applications of data technology have enabled the rise of Chinese fintech industries. As part of people's everyday lives, fintech apps have helped companies collect vast amounts of user data for business profit and social good. This paper takes an open-systems approach to study the constructs of this emerging idea of data governance, particularly its operational logic, involved stakeholders, and socio-cultural consequences in the context of fintech industries in China. It asserts that data governance at the company (...)
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    The Crisis of Invented Money: Liquidity Illusion and the Global Credit Meltdown.Anastasia Nesvetailova - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):125-147.
    In this Article I argue that the global credit crunch of 2007-2009 is the result of the multifaceted phenomenon of liquidity illusion. Fundamentally, the problem of liquidity illusion derives from the hollow conceptualization of "liquidity" in mainstream financial theory and practice. Represented most recently by the market completion theory, this paradigm has led to a widespread misunderstanding of the dynamics of the relationship between the process of financial innovation and the liquidity of the financial system. In (...)
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    Foreword.Bart Pattyn - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (2):165-169.
    The discussion concerning the patenting of academic knowledge is already closed for many people. It has become a type of credo, solemnly intoned at all levels: universities must commercially valorize the knowledge that they generate as extensively as possible.The public means that are reserved for universities can never increase at the same rate as the mounting costs for highly specialized research. So universities, if they want to work at the top level, must increasingly appeal to private resources. Universities are increasingly (...)
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  19.  32
    Global Elites, Privilege and Mobilities in Post-organized Capitalism.Javier Caletrío - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (2):135-149.
    The four books under review form part of a resurgent social science interest in elites as obligatory entry points in understanding changing relations of power and growing inequalities in a post-organized capitalism. All four books demonstrate, in differing but often complementary ways, that in an age of formal meritocracy, rising powers, government outsourcing, weightless information economies, financial deregulation, and increasingly dense digitized networked information and communication systems, elites have changed. Their mobile lives, their ability to feel at ease in (...)
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    Noise as Information: Finance Economics as Second-Order Observation.Jesse Cunningham & Huon Curtis - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (5):51-74.
    In noise we hear the possibility of a signal, indeed different signals, and in the multiplicity of signals we hear noise. With variation and selection comes dynamic evolution, a contingent state, one that could be otherwise. The term ‘polemogenous’ (from the French, polémogène) means that which generates polemics. And polemics are creative. If everyone, every system, were to reason in the same way, there would be silence. Every remark would be redundant, having no informational value. Thus noise is not bad. (...)
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  21.  25
    Postcolonial Finance.Cecilia Schultz - 2021 - Theoria 68 (166):60-86.
    This article politicises the discourse of emerging markets in global finance. The black-boxed appearance of credit markets easily obscures the significant amount of subjective evaluation and cultural work that underpins capital flows. This article reveals the colonial, masculine, and racial imagination that informs the articulation of emerging markets as geographies of risk and profit. This brings into view the postcolonial nature of contemporary finance and how colonialism’s regimes of power and knowledge remain crucial for the reproduction of the (...)
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  22.  14
    World Bank Financing of Education: Lending, Learning and Development.Phillip Worner Jones - 2007 - Routledge.
    Based on detailed analysis of thousands of confidential World Bank documents, this book demonstrates that the World Bank lies at the centre of the major changes in global education of our time. It outlines the evolution of World Bank lending policies in education, and assesses the policy impact of the Bank's educational projects, looking at how it has: shaped the economic and social policies of many governments, including policies that affect education been an influential proponent of the rapid expansion (...)
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  23.  37
    Cultural economy at work in the city of Kristiansand: cultural policy as incentive for urban innovation. [REVIEW]Hans Kjetil Lysgård & Oddgeir Tveiten - 2005 - AI and Society 19 (4):485-499.
    In 2002, as part of its urban policy, the city of Kristiansand set up a giant foundation, for the purpose of soliciting projects, talents and strategies for growth in the city’s cultural economy. There was conflict over core values in the promotion of culture and heritage, and discussion on the transformation of power and democracy. The article assesses the challenges facing the foundation “Cultiva”, including institutional ramifications related to régimes of public planning and governance. Cultiva introduces new discourses (...)
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  24.  17
    Global Finance, Labor Politics, and the Political Economy of Housing Prices.Aidan Regan & Alison Johnston - 2017 - Politics and Society 45 (3):327-358.
    International political economy identifies declining nominal interest rates, securitization, and financial liberalization as drivers of rising housing prices. Despite witnessing these common credit shocks, however, developed economies experienced divergent trends in housing inflation since the 1980s. We offer a comparative political economy explanation of variation in house prices, arguing that by restraining household incomes, wage-setting institutions can blunt financial liberalization’s inflationary impact on housing markets. Employing quantitative analysis and a comparative study of Ireland and the Netherlands, (...)
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  25.  14
    A World Without Wall Street?Krzysztof Fijalkowski & Michael Richardson (eds.) - 2013 - Seagull Books.
    As the aftershocks of the latest economic meltdown reverberate throughout the world, and people organize to physically occupy the major financial centers of the West, few experts and even fewer governments have dared to consider a world without the powerful markets that brought on the crash. Yet, as François Morin explains in _A World Without Wall Street?_, this is the very step that needs to be taken as quickly as possible to avoid a perpetual future of dehumanizing working conditions, (...)
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    Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in "Perfect Balance".Judith Simmer-Brown - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):31-46.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 31-46 [Access article in PDF] Remedying Globalization and Consumerism: Joining the Inner and Outer Journeys in "Perfect Balance" Judith Simmer-Brown Naropa University One hundred forty years ago, Abraham Lincoln wrote in a prophetic voice: I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country.... Corporations have been enthroned and an era of (...)
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    A World Without Wall Street?François Morin - 2013 - Seagull Books.
    As the aftershocks of the latest economic meltdown reverberate throughout the world, and people organize to physically occupy the major financial centers of the West, few experts and even fewer governments have dared to consider a world without the powerful markets that brought on the crash. Yet, as François Morin explains in A World Without Wall Street?, this is the very step that needs to be taken as quickly as possible to avoid a perpetual future of dehumanizing working conditions, (...)
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    Розвиток цифрових технологій у сфері медицини в умовах «глобалізації 4.0» : Соціально-філософські виміри.Svetlana Sydorenko - 2019 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 76:44-55.
    The relevance of this topic is determined by the processes of “globalization 4.0”, taking place in a new industrial revolution, which brings about both positive and negative consequences in science, medicine, engineering, financial sphere, geopolitical, and cultural dimensions. Digital technologies based on software and social networks become more effective and integrated, causing transformation in all spheres of the global economy. The purpose of the study is to analyze the development of smart technologies in medicine in conditions (...)
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  29. Trustworthiness and Motivations.Natalie Gold - 2014 - In N. Morris D. Vines, Capital Failure: Rebuilding trust in financial services. Oxford University Press.
    Trust can be thought of as a three place relation: A trusts B to do X. Trustworthiness has two components: competence (does the trustee have the relevant skills, knowledge and abilities to do X?) and willingness (is the trustee intending or aiming to do X?). This chapter is about the willingness component, and the different motivations that a trustee may have for fulfilling trust. The standard assumption in economics is that agents are self-regarding, maximizing their own consumption of goods and (...)
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  30.  22
    Psychological Determinants of Investor Motivation in Social Media-Based Crowdfunding Projects: A Systematic Review.Daniela Popescul, Laura Diana Radu, Vasile Daniel Păvăloaia & Mircea Radu Georgescu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Using the power of Internet, crowdfunding platforms are currently changing the traditional landscape of fundraising. Social media-based IT platforms in particular are bringing the creators of crowdfunding projects closer than ever to potential investors. A large variety of factors function as determinants of individuals' intention to participate in crowdfunding and have an intertwined impact on funding as the ultimate project goal.Objectives: For a better understanding of investor behavior in social media-based crowdfunding projects, this paper covers identifying, analyzing, and classifying (...)
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    Why the Economy is Often the Exception to Politics as Usual.Jacqueline Best - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (4):87-109.
    Many political theorists have turned to the dramatic political events of the post-9/11 world – terrorism, war, and the erosion of civil liberties – for insight into our changing sense of the political. Yet few have examined the economic dimensions of these events or sought to learn what they might tell us about the changing nature of political community today. This article seeks to fill this gap by drawing on the work of Michel Foucault and Georgio Agamben to examine the (...)
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  32. Poverty and Hunger in the Developing World: Ethics, the Global Economy, and Human Survival.Krishna Mani Pathak - 2010 - Asia Journal of Global Studies 3 (2):88-102.
    The large number of hungry people in a global economy based on industrialization, privatization, and free trade raises the question of the ethical dimensions of the worsening food crisis in the world in general and in developing countries in particular. Who bears the moral responsibility for the tragic situation in Africa and Asia where people are starving due to poverty? Who is morally responsible for their poverty - the hungry people themselves? the international community? any particular agency or (...)
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    A Cultural Political Economy of Research and Innovation in an Age of Crisis.David Tyfield - 2012 - Minerva 50 (2):149-167.
    Science and technology policy is both faced by unprecedented challenges and itself undergoing seismic shifts. First, policy is increasingly demanding of science that it fixes a set of epochal and global crises. On the other hand, practices of scientific research are changing rapidly regarding geographical dispersion, the institutions and identities of those involved and its forms of knowledge production and circulation. Furthermore, these changes are accelerated by the current upheavals in public funding of research, higher education and technology development (...)
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  34. Cultural evolution true and false: A debunking of Hayek's critics.Robert Nadeau - unknown
    1.- Introduction: articulating Hayek’s evolutionary argument with his socialist calculation dispute I completely agree with Bruce Caldwell (Caldwell 1988b: 74-75; Caldwell 1988a) that it is precisely within the conceptual and theoretical framework of the debate on the possibility of socialist calculation that Hayek definitively breaks with the standard static equilibrium approach to the market economy and finds out that the central problem of economics is related to the complex question of social coordination. From the Hayekian standpoint, this problem cannot (...)
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    The emergence of a sustainable future: Brainstorming better ways to globalize at the esalen institute.Frank Poletti & Jay Oglivy - 2003 - World Futures 59 (8):615 – 623.
    This article provides excerpts and highlights from the insights of twenty global leaders, business executives, and sustainability experts who gathered at the Esalen Institute in California for four days in March 2002 to discuss how to best leverage change toward an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable global economy. The conference topic was sparked by the path-breaking book Natural Capitalism, which outlines an expanded vision of capitalism suitable for the environmental era. The natural capitalism model is qualitatively different (...)
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    Organizational Culture in the Financial Sector: Evidence from a Cross-Industry Analysis of Employee Personal Values and Career Success.André van Hoorn - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):451-467.
    We assess the organizational culture in the finance industry in relation to the global financial crisis and consider the potential of cultural change to improve the financial sector. To avoid biases, we build on the person–organization fit literature and develop a novel, indirect method for assessing organizational culture that revolves around relationships between employees’ personal traits and their career success in the industry or organization under study. We analyze personal values concerning the pursuit of private gain (...)
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    Ethics and the Global Financial Crisis: Why Incompetence is Worse Than Greed.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2015 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    In this topical book, Boudewijn de Bruin examines the ethical 'blind spots' that lay at the heart of the global financial crisis. He argues that the most important moral problem in finance is not the 'greed is good' culture, but rather the epistemic shortcomings of bankers, clients, rating agencies and regulators. Drawing on insights from economics, psychology and philosophy, de Bruin develops a novel theory of epistemic virtue and applies it to racist and sexist lending practices, subprime mortgages, (...)
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    Sociocultural transformation: integration and disintegration factors.Vladimir Shmakov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 1:07-15.
    Introduction. The emerging paradigm of socio- cultural development of the Russian Federation’s local communities is conditioned by the trans- formation of production and economic practices based on the concept of a multi-layered economy and multifunctionality emerging under the pressure of globalization on the development of localities. The desire to preserve and maintain socio-cultural traditions, customs, and values is an axiological guideline for developing local communities. The growing social vulnerability of communities creates certain conditions for losing identity, ability (...)
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  39. Capitalism After Covid: How the pandemic might inspire a more virtuous economy.Julian Friedland - 2020 - The Philosophers' Magazine 2 (89):12-15.
    Today, dramatically increasing economic inequality, imminent climatological calamity, and a global pandemic now place the timeless debate over capitalism into stark relief. Though many seek to pin the blame on capitalism’s excesses, they would do well to recall the historical record of socialism’s deficiencies, namely, stifling innovation, lumbering inefficiency, and stagnation. Fortunately, our moral psychology affords a middle way between these two extremes. For while economic incentives have a tendency to let our civic and prosocial impulses atrophy from disuse, (...)
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    Spatial Pattern and Evolution of Global Innovation Network from 2000 to 2019: Global Patent Dataset Perspective.Yuna Di, Yi Zhou, Lu Zhang, Galuh Syahbana Indraprahasta & Jinjin Cao - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-11.
    In the era of the knowledge economy, the improvement of national innovation systems is playing a significant role in the global entrepreneurship ecosystem. Entrepreneurs are accelerating international intellectual property applications to be competitive. What remains to be explored is the evolution of international intellectual property network in the globe. With the application of social network analysis and intellectual property application database, the global innovation network structure from 2000 to 2019 is explored. Results showed that in the period (...)
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    Organizational Culture in the Financial Sector: Evidence from a Cross-Industry Analysis of Employee Personal Values and Career Success.André Hoorn - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (2):451-467.
    We assess the organizational culture in the finance industry in relation to the global financial crisis and consider the potential of cultural change to improve the financial sector. To avoid biases, we build on the person–organization fit literature and develop a novel, indirect method for assessing organizational culture that revolves around relationships between employees’ personal traits and their career success in the industry or organization under study. We analyze personal values concerning the pursuit of private gain (...)
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    Analysis of Revenue Incentive Dynamic Mechanism of Financial Supply Chain from the Perspective of the Internet of Things.Yue Yin - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-12.
    With the rapid development of society, all walks of life need the support of the Internet of Things, and the financial industry is no exception. This article integrates blockchain technology with supply chain finance and builds a supply chain financial alliance architecture based on blockchain technology and an underlying model of the Ethereum blockchain system suitable for supply chain finance. We innovated new supply chain finance models and operating mechanisms and proposed business scenarios for supply chain finance from (...)
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    Bioethics and the Global Moral Economy: The Cultural Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Science.Charlotte Salter & Brian Salter - 2007 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 32 (5):554-581.
    The global development of human embryonic stem cell science and its therapeutic applications are dependent on the nature of its engagement at national and international levels with key cultural values and beliefs concerning the moral status of the early human embryo. This article argues that the political need to reconcile the promise of new health technologies with the cultural costs of scientific advance, dependent in this case on the use of the human embryo, has been met by (...)
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    Financialized Growth and the Structural Power of Finance: Turkey's Debt-Led Growth Regime and Policy Response after the Crisis.Ayca Zayim - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (4):543-570.
    This article analyzes the Turkish central bank's “managed uncertainty” policy after the global financial crisis. During 2010–14, the central bank intentionally generated uncertainty around short-term interest rates, using the level of predictability faced by financiers as a tool to buffer the domestic economy from volatile capital flows. How did the central bank implement this unconventional policy? Building on interview data and public texts, the article argues that the surge in capital inflows after the crisis sourced a debt-led, (...)
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    Діалектика глокалізації в епоху пізнього модерну.О. Ю Кийков - 2017 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 69:11-16.
    This article explores modern interpretations of the phenomenon of glocalization that is based on the idea of the multidimensional, more just and decentralized world. Globalization as a specific model of cultural dynamics is formed on the basis of network forms of social self-organization and electronic forms of communication. It is noted that to date there have been four models describing the correlation between global and local, universal and particular in the culture of "late" modernity. The first is unification's (...)
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  46.  19
    The Impacts of Incentives for International Publications on Research Cultures in Chinese Humanities and Social Sciences.Xin Xu, Alis Oancea & Heath Rose - 2021 - Minerva 59 (4):469-492.
    Incentives for improving research productivity at universities prevail in global academia. However, the rationale, methodology, and impact of such incentives and consequent evaluation regimes are in need of scrutinization. This paper explores the influences of financial and career-related publishing incentive schemes on research cultures. It draws on an analysis of 75 interviews with academics, senior university administrators, and journal editors from China, a country that has seen widespread reliance on international publication counts in research evaluation and reward systems. (...)
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  47. Entrepreneurial Finance: Insights from English Language Training Market in Vietnam.Thanh-Hang Pham, Manh-Toan Ho, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Cuong Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - 2020 - Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13 (5):96.
    Entrepreneurship plays an indispensable role in the economic development and poverty reduction of emerging economies like Vietnam. The rapid development of technologies during the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) has a significant impact on business in every field, especially in the innovation-focused area of entrepreneurship. However, the topic of entrepreneurial activities with technology applications in Vietnam is under-researched. In addition, the body of literature regarding entrepreneurial finance tends to focus on advanced economies, while mostly neglecting the contextual differences in developing (...)
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    Trust after the Global Financial Meltdown.Patricia Werhane, Laura Hartman, Crina Archer, David Bevan & Kim Clark - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (4):403-433.
    Over the last decade, and culminating in the 2008 global financial meltdown, there has been an erosion of trust and a concomitant rise of distrust in domestic companies, multinational enterprises, and political economies.In response to this attrition, this article presents three arguments. First, we suggest that trust is the “glue” of any viable political economy, and we propose that the stakes of violating public trust are particularly high in light of the asymmetry between trust and distrust. Second, (...)
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    Political Economy and the Novel: A Literary History of "Homo Economicus".Sarah Comyn - 2018 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Political Economy and the Novel: A Literary History of 'Homo Economicus' provides a transhistorical account of homo economicus (economic man), demonstrating this figure's significance to economic theory and the Anglo-American novel over a 250-year period. Beginning with Adam Smith's seminal texts - Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations - and Henry Fielding's A History of Tom Jones, this book combines the methodologies of new historicism and new economic criticism to investigate the evolution of the homo economicus (...)
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    Leadership in Economy of Communion Companies. Contribution to the Common Good through Innovation.Ma Asunción Esteso-Blasco, María Gil-Marqués & Juan Sapena - 2021 - Humanistic Management Journal 6 (1):77-101.
    Innovation is strongly associated with survival and growth of all kind of organizations in a global competitive economy. Moreover, nowadays companies are increasingly questioned on how they deliver innovative solutions to deep-seated problems, such as poverty. Our research aims to understand how Economy of Communion companies respond to this challenge by applying the logic of gratuitousness and giving. This paper examines the altruistic behaviour of EoC leaders and the connection with organizational innovation, necessary for firm’s survival in (...)
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