Results for 'connective memory'

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  1.  18
    Monumental Relations: Connecting Memorials and Conversations in Rural and Urban Malanje, Angola.Aharon de Grassi - 2019 - Kronos 45 (1):17-45.
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  2. Episodic memory and theory of mind: a connection reconsidered.Christoph Hoerl - 2018 - Mind and Language 33 (2):148-160.
    In the literature on episodic memory, one claim that has been made by a number of psychologists, and that is also at least implicit in some of the accounts given by philosophers, is that being able to recollect particular past events in the distinctive way afforded by episodic memory requires the possession of aspects of a theory of mind, such as a grasp of the relationship between one’s present recollective experience and one’s own past perceptual experience of the (...)
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    Neural Network Connectivity During Post-encoding Rest: Linking Episodic Memory Encoding and Retrieval.Okka J. Risius, Oezguer A. Onur, Julian Dronse, Boris von Reutern, Nils Richter, Gereon R. Fink & Juraj Kukolja - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:406602.
    Commonly, a switch between networks mediating memory encoding and those mediating retrieval is observed. This may not only be due to differential involvement of neural resources due to distinct cognitive processes but could also reflect the formation of new memory traces and their dynamic change during consolidation. We used resting state fMRI to measure functional connectivity (FC) changes during post-encoding rest, hypothesizing that during this phase, new functional connections between encoding- and retrieval-related regions are created. Interfering and reminding (...)
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    Theta Oscillations and Source Connectivity During Complex Audiovisual Object Encoding in Working Memory.Yuanjun Xie, Yanyan Li, Haidan Duan, Xiliang Xu, Wenmo Zhang & Peng Fang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:614950.
    Working memory is a limited capacity memory system that involves the short-term storage and processing of information. Neuroscientific studies of working memory have mostly focused on the essential roles of neural oscillations during item encoding from single sensory modalities (e.g., visual and auditory). However, the characteristics of neural oscillations during multisensory encoding in working memory are rarely studied. Our study investigated the oscillation characteristics of neural signals in scalp electrodes and mapped functional brain connectivity while participants (...)
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    Memorial Museum as an Emotive Paradox - Pursuing Connectivity through Disconnection -. 차지민 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 99:317-333.
    추모 박물관을 방문한 경험이 있다면, 전시 속 희생자들의 고통에 공감하며 그들과 일종의 유대감을 느끼고, 방문을 마친 후에는 이들의 이야기에 감동을 느낀 경험이 한번쯤 있을 것이다. 이 연구는 방문객들의 감정에 집중하여, 방문객들이 전시에 공감하는 현상과 모순되는 감정, 즉 어째서 고통의 공간인 추모 박물관에서 감동이라는 긍정적인 감정이 촉발되는지에 대해 탐색한다. 따라서 본 연구는 추모 박물관에서 경험되는 감정현상을 두 가지 측면에서 접근한다. 첫째, 다양한 개인의 감정들이 어떻게 “공감된 느낌들(feelings-in-common)”을 통해 한 집단과 유대감을 형성하며 감동을 느끼도록 하는지 살펴보고, 둘째, 어떻게 상반되는 감정들, 즉 슬픈 (...)
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    Consciousness, memory, and the hippocampal system: What kind of connections can we make?Howard Eichenbaum & Neal J. Cohen - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):680-681.
    Gray's account is remarkable in its depth and scope but too little attention is paid to poor correspondences with the literature on hippocampal/subicular damage, the theta rhythm, and novelty detection. An alternative account, focusing on hippocampal involvement in organizing memories in a way that makes them accessible to conscious recollection but not in access to consciousness per se, avoids each of these limitations.
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    Gender, memory and connective genocide scholarship: A conversation with Marianne Hirsch.Andrea Pető & Ayşe Gül Altınay - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (4):386-396.
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    Effective connectivity among the working memory regions during preparation for and during performance of the n-back task.Anna Manelis & Lynne M. Reder - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Functional connectivity supporting the selective maintenance of feature-location binding in visual working memory.Sachiko Takahama & Jun Saiki - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The connection between Thought and Memory.H. Lukens - 1896 - Philosophical Review 5:559.
  11. Memory, connecting, and what matters in survival.R. Martin - 1987 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65 (1):82-97.
  12.  22
    Alterations of Functional Connectivity During the Resting State and Their Associations With Visual Memory in College Students Who Binge Drink.Bo-Mi Kim, Myung-Sun Kim & June Sic Kim - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    This study investigated the characteristics of neural oscillation and functional connectivity in college students engaging in binge drinking using resting-state electroencephalography. Also, the associations of visual memory, evaluated by the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test, and neural oscillation with FC during the resting state were investigated. The BD and non-BD groups were selected based on scores of the Korean version of the Alcohol use disorders Identification Test and the Alcohol Use Questionnaire. EEG was performed for 6 min while the participants (...)
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    Connectivity across recognition memory circuits is reduced in carriers of the BDNF Val66Met single nucleotide polymorphism.Mckay Nicole & Kirk Ian - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  14.  15
    Memory and connectivity in immune and neural network models.F. Bersani, E. Verondini & G. C. Castellani - 2002 - In Serge P. Shohov, Advances in Psychology Research. Nova Science Publishers. pp. 12--1.
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  15. Reasoning About a Semantic Memory Encoding of the Connectivity of Events.Richard Alterman & Lawrence A. Bookman - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (2):205-232.
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    Context-sensitivity of human memory: episode connectivity and its influence on memory reconstruction.Boicho Kokinov, Georgi Petkov & Nadezhda Petrova - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 317--329.
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    Intrinsic Default Mode Network Connectivity Predicts Spontaneous Verbal Descriptions of Autobiographical Memories during Social Processing.Xiao-Fei Yang, Julia Bossmann, Birte Schiffhauer, Matthew Jordan & Mary Helen Immordino-Yang - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  18.  29
    More to episodic memory than epistemic assertion: The role of social bonds and interpersonal connection.William Hirst & Gerald Echterhoff - 2018 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 41.
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    Cortico-Hippocampal Brain Connectivity-Guided Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Enhances Face-Cued Word-Based Associative Memory in the Short Term.He Wang, Jingna Jin, Dong Cui, Xin Wang, Ying Li, Zhipeng Liu & Tao Yin - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  20. Issues of perception. Loops, memories and meanings / Chris Cutler ; Machine possession : dancing to repetitive beats / Hillegonda C. Rietveld ; Repetition and musical meaning : Anaphonic perspective in connection with the sonic experience of everyday life.Danick Trottier - 2018 - In Olivier Julien & Christophe Levaux, Over and over: exploring repetition in popular music. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Memory.Jordi Fernández - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke, A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 432–443.
    This chapter discusses interesting connections that hold between time and memory. It helps to pull temporal aspects of memory apart, and to tries to clarify them. Discussions in the chapter focus on memory for events, concentrating on a specific kind of memory for events, the “episodic” memory. The chapter first addresses a question on the metaphysics of memory. Then, it tries to specify which conditions an experience must fulfill in order to count as a (...)
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  22.  56
    The Complex Phenomenology of Episodic Memory: Felt Connections, Multimodal Perspectivity, and Multifaceted Selves.Roy Dings & Christopher Jude McCarroll - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (11-12):29-55.
    There is thought to be a rich connection between the self and the phenomenology of episodic memory. Despite the emphasis on this link, the precise relation between the two has been underexplored. In fact, even though it is increasingly acknowledged that there are various facets of the self, this notion of the multifaceted self has played very little role in theorizing about the phenomenology of episodic memory. Getting clear about the complex phenomenology of episodic memory involves getting (...)
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    EEG Cortical Connectivity Analysis of Working Memory Reveals Topological Reorganization in Theta and Alpha Bands.Zhongxiang Dai, Joshua de Souza, Julian Lim, Paul M. Ho, Yu Chen, Junhua Li, Nitish Thakor, Anastasios Bezerianos & Yu Sun - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  24.  20
    Memory in the Construction of Constitutions.Michael Schäfer - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (4):403-417.
    In connection with the contemporary debates in political philosophy between liberal, republican and proceduralist–deliberative views of democratic politics, I deal with the question of how the different concepts in these debates can be related to the particular national history, memories and expectations of a polity. I shall concentrate on one German example of the relationship between constitutionalism and democracy, in order to show that political philosophy must pay more attention to the different shared practices and understandings within each liberal society.
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  25. Constructive memory and distributed cognition: Towards an interdisciplinary framework.John Sutton - 2003 - In B. Kokinov & W Hirst, Constructive Memory. New Bulgarian University. pp. 290-303.
    Memory is studied at a bewildering number of levels, with a vast array of methods, and in a daunting range of disciplines and subdisciplines. Is there any sense in which these various memory theorists – from neurobiologists to narrative psychologists, from the computational to the cross-cultural – are studying the same phenomena? In this exploratory position paper, I sketch the bare outline of a positive framework for understanding current work on constructive remembering, both within the various cognitive sciences, (...)
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    Network Connectivity Dynamics, Cognitive Biases, and the Evolution of Cultural Diversity in Round‐Robin Interactive Micro‐Societies.José Segovia-Martín, Bradley Walker, Nicolas Fay & Monica Tamariz - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (7):e12852.
    The distribution of cultural variants in a population is shaped by both neutral evolutionary dynamics and by selection pressures. The temporal dynamics of social network connectivity, that is, the order in which individuals in a population interact with each other, has been largely unexplored. In this paper, we investigate how, in a fully connected social network, connectivity dynamics, alone and in interaction with different cognitive biases, affect the evolution of cultural variants. Using agent‐based computer simulations, we manipulate population connectivity dynamics (...)
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  27.  16
    Memory and Utopia: The Primacy of Inter-Subjectivity.Luisa Passerini - 2005 - Routledge.
    'Memory and Utopia' looks at the connection between memory and forgetfulness in Europe during the twentieth century. Drawing on oral history and feminist theory and practice, the book highlights how women struggled to be recognized as full subjects. The themes of utopia and desire in the 1968 movements of students, women and workers are explored. 'Memory and Utopia' examines the sense of belonging to Europe that has emerged in the last twenty years. The book analyses European identity (...)
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  28.  46
    Transcranial Electric Stimulation Can Impair Gains during Working Memory Training and Affects the Resting State Connectivity.Annie Möller, Federico Nemmi, Kim Karlsson & Torkel Klingberg - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Differential Functional Connectivity in Anterior and Posterior Hippocampus Supporting the Development of Memory Formation.Lingfei Tang, Patrick J. Pruitt, Qijing Yu, Roya Homayouni, Ana M. Daugherty, Jessica S. Damoiseaux & Noa Ofen - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  30. Representing the past: memory traces and the causal theory of memory.Sarah Robins - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (11):2993-3013.
    According to the Causal Theory of Memory, remembering a particular past event requires a causal connection between that event and its subsequent representation in memory, specifically, a connection sustained by a memory trace. The CTM is the default view of memory in contemporary philosophy, but debates persist over what the involved memory traces must be like. Martin and Deutscher argued that the CTM required memory traces to be structural analogues of past events. Bernecker and (...)
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    A methodological study of the preparation of connected verbal stimuli for quantitative memory experiments.Eugene E. Levitt - 1956 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 52 (1):33.
  32.  56
    Memory Altering Technologies and the Capacity to Forgive: Westworld and Volf in Dialogue.Michelle A. Marvin - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):713-732.
    I explore the impact of memory altering technologies in the science fiction drama (2016–2020) in order to show that unreconciled altered traumatic memory may lead to a dystopian breakdown of society. I bring Miroslav Volf's theological perspectives on memory into conversation with the plot of Westworld in order to reveal connections between memory altering technologies and humanity's responsibility to remember rightly. Using Volf's theology of remembering as an interpretive lens, I analyze characters’ inability to remember rightly (...)
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  33.  84
    External Memories: Hypertext, Traces and Agents.Guy Boy - 2002 - Diogenes 49 (196):112-125.
    ‘External memories’ raise a question about context: ‘external to what?’ External memory is a technical term applied to everything that can be memorized in an individual's environment. As a general rule I have decided to retain the technical terms that characterize the area of the topic under discussion. It was Ted Nelson who coined the word hypertext in 1967 to signify non-sequential writing as well as a computer technology that allowed the user to move about freely by means of (...)
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    Memories in Motion: The Irish Dancing Body.Helena Wulff - 2005 - Body and Society 11 (4):45-62.
    The aim of this article is to explore the Irish dancing body by combining the growing social science interest in mobility with the established area of the body as a site of culture. On the basis of ethnographic observations and interviews about dance and culture in Ireland, I will discuss the Irish dancing body in relation to the construction of social memory, the embodiment of values linked to Irish national identity, mobility, dance competitions and global touring. First, I will (...)
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  35. Embodied Episodic Memory: a New Case for Causalism?Denis Perrin - 2021 - Intellectica 74:229-252.
    Is an appropriate causal connection to the past experience it represents a necessary condition for a mental state to qualify as an episodic memory? For some years this issue has been the subject of an intense debate between the causalist theory of episodic memory (CTM) and the simulationist theory of episodic memory (STM). This paper aims at exploring the prospects for an embodied approach to episodic memory and assessing the potential case for causalism that could be (...)
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    Memory and Peirce's Pragmatism.Daniel Brunson - 2007 - Cognitio-Estudos 4 (2):71-80.
    Interpretations of Peirce’s frequent references to a proof of his brand of pragmatism vary, ranging from its impossibility to its substantive completion. This paper takes seriously Peirce’s claim that a philosophical argument should be composed of multiple fibers and suggests a relatively neglected perspective that connects much of Peirce’s thought. This additional fiber is Peirce’s account of memory, often only intimated. The importance of this account arises from Peirce’s claim that the practically indubitable existence of memory is a (...)
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  37. Episodic memory, autobiographical memory, narrative: On three key notions in current approaches to memory development.Christoph Hoerl - 2007 - Philosophical Psychology 20 (5):621-640.
    According to recent social interactionist accounts in developmental psychology, a child's learning to talk about the past with others plays a key role in memory development. Most accounts of this kind are centered on the theoretical notion of autobiographical memory and assume that socio-communicative interaction with others is important, in particular, in explaining the emergence of memories that have a particular type of connection to the self. Most of these accounts also construe autobiographical memory as a species (...)
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  38. Memory, Recollection and Consciousness in Spinoza's Ethics.Oliver Toth - 2018 - Society and Politics 12 (2):50-71.
    Spinoza’s account of memory has not received enough attention, even though it is relevant for his theory of consciousness. Recent literature has studied the “pancreas problem.” This paper argues that there is an analogous problem for memories: if memories are in the mind, why is the mind not conscious of them? I argue that Spinoza’s account of memory can be better reconstructed in the context of Descartes’s account to show that Spinoza responded to these views. Descartes accounted for (...)
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  39. Memory and prospection.Christoph Hoerl - forthcoming - In Nina Emery, The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Time. Routledge.
    Memory and prospection – often termed, more specifically, episodic memory and episodic future thinking – have recently been re-conceptualized as but two aspects of a general human capacity for ‘mental time travel’. This chapter discusses some questions that arise from this characterization, which concern the distinctive psychological (and phenomenological) features of mental time travel, specific recent theoretical approaches to mental time travel, and a number of quite intricate ways in which memory and prospection might be seen to (...)
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    Recognition memory of neutral words can be impaired by task-irrelevant emotional encoding contexts: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence.Qin Zhang, Xuan Liu, Wei An, Yang Yang & Yinan Wang - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:123638.
    Previous studies on the effects of emotional context on memory for centrally presented neutral items have obtained inconsistent results. And in most of those studies subjects were asked to either make a connection between the item and the context at study or retrieve both the item and the context. When no response for the contexts is required, how emotional contexts influence memory for neutral items is still unclear. Thus, the present study attempted to investigate the influences of four (...)
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  41.  41
    Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Working Memory: Change in Functional Connectivity Between the Dorsal Attention, Default Mode, and Fronto-Parietal Networks.Cimin Dai, Ying Zhang, Xiaoping Cai, Ziyi Peng, Liwei Zhang, Yongcong Shao & Cuifeng Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  42. The Metaphysics of Memory.Sven Bernecker - 2008 - Springer.
    This book investigates central issues in the philosophy of memory. Does remembering require a causal process connecting the past representation to its subsequent recall and, if so, what is the nature of the causal process? Of what kind are the primary intentional objects of memory states? How do we know that our memory experiences portray things the way they happened in the past? Given that our memory is not only a passive device for reproducing thoughts but (...)
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  43.  30
    The Different Brain Mechanisms of Object and Spatial Working Memory: Voxel-Based Morphometry and Resting-State Functional Connectivity.Zhiting Ren, Yao Zhang, Hong He, Qiuyang Feng, Taiyong Bi & Jiang Qiu - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  44.  70
    The Collective Construction of Scientific Memory: The Einstein-Poincaré Connection and its Discontents, 1905–2005.Yves Gingras - 2008 - History of Science 46 (1):75-114.
  45.  53
    Distributed autobiographical memories, distributed self‐narratives.Regina E. Fabry - 2023 - Mind and Language 38 (5):1258-1275.
    Richard Heersmink argues that self‐narratives are distributed across embodied organisms and their environment, given that their building blocks, autobiographical memories, are distributed. This argument faces two problems. First, it commits a fallacy of composition. Second, it relies on Marya Schechtman's narrative self‐constitution view, which is incompatible with the distributed cognition framework. To solve these problems, this article develops an alternative account of self‐narratives. On this account, we actively connect distributed autobiographical memories through distributed conversational and textual self‐narrative practices. This account (...)
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  46.  13
    Memory: Encounters with the Strange and the Familiar.John Scanlan - 2013 - Reaktion Books.
    When we think of getting older, we know we will slowly lose more and more of our memory—and with it, our sense of where we belong and how we connect to others. We might relax a little if we considered the improvements in computer data storage, which may lead us into a future when the limits of our memory become less constricting. In this book, John Scanlan explores the nature of memory and how we have come to (...)
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    Phenomenology and pathography of memory.Pio Colonnello - 2019 - [Milan, Italy?]: Mimesis.
    The concept of memory has always been a crucial topic in philosophical discourse. This book re-traces the thought of major philosophers such as Edmund Husserl, Paul Ricoeur, Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, William James, José Luis Borges and Sigmund Freud to provide an in-depth exploration around several aspects of this timely issue. How is a memory formed? How can we bring into existence what has sunk into oblivion? What is the role of our instincts and inner drives in the (...)
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  48.  23
    Age-Related Alterations in Electroencephalography Connectivity and Network Topology During n-Back Working Memory Task.Fengzhen Hou, Cong Liu, Zhinan Yu, Xiaodong Xu, Junying Zhang, Chung-Kang Peng, Chunyong Wu & Albert Yang - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  49. In Memory of Gustav Gustavovich Shpet.E. V. Pasternak & V. Kachalov - 1989 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 28 (3):52-60.
    Among the many names violently consigned to oblivion, one cannot omit mentioning the name of Gustav Gustavovich Shpet, a scholar who made a substantial contribution to our country's philosophy, psychology, aesthetics, and linguistics. His rehabilitation in 1956 was not enough to restore his memory in public consciousness, paralyzed by the inertia and fears of the Stalinist years, and the freeze that began soon after, of the sprouts that had just been summoned to life, had its impact in an abrogation (...)
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    Memory: Ethics and Rhythmanalysis.Monte Pemberton - 2011 - Dissertation, University of Queensland
    While ostensibly a thesis on good remembering, this study combines a methodology for analysing remembering practices, and a commentary on the projected course of memory as a cultural practice. The methodology is inspired by broadly sympathetic accounts of cognition, mind, and memory as systemic: partly, though critically constituted by agents’ environment and their activities within it. This subject of these kinds of approach is variably referred to as ‘collective memory’ or ‘distributed cognition’. The active and environmental factors (...)
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