Results for 'conditional suspension of proceedings'

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  1. Necesidad de aplicar la suspensión condicional del procedimiento en delitos de bagatela, garantizando los principios de celeridad y economía procesal.Enrique Alexander Samaniego Paguay & Enrique Eugenio Pozo Cabrera - 2025 - Resistances. Journal of the Philosophy of History 6 (11):e250184.
    En el presente trabajo de investigación se realizó un estudio de la institución jurídica de denominada Suspensión Condicional del Procedimiento, sus antecedentes, beneficios y condiciones para su aplicación en delitos considerados de bagatela cuya pena no exceda los cinco años de prisión. De igual manera, se estableció que, al estar prevista en el Código Orgánico Integral Penal, vulnera los principios de: celeridad, economía procesal y mínima intervención penal, dentro de un proceso penal, en razón de que dicha institución jurídica ya (...)
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  2. Suspension of Judgement: Fittingness, Reasons, and Permissivism.Michael Vollmer - 2023 - Episteme:1-16.
    This paper defends three theses on the normativity of the suspension of judgment. First, even if beliefs have to fit the truth and disbelief the false, suspension can still have satisfiable fittingness conditions. Second, combining this view with specific theses on the link between fittingness and normative reasons in favour of attitudes commits one to the existence of reasons to suspend judgement, which are neither reasons to believe nor reasons to disbelieve. These independent reasons, in turn, generate a (...)
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    La logique au service du droit: L’analyse de la signification du terme “incertain” dans la définition de la condition suspensive du droit civil français.Sébastien Magnier - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (3):647-660.
    RésuméLa définition de la condition suspensive, telle qu’elle nous est donnée dans l’article 1181 du Code civil français, est aujourd’hui au centre de différents projets de réforme. Si aucun projet de réforme n’a réussi à emporter l’assentiment de tous les juristes, nombre d’entre eux semblent s’accorder sur la nécessité de réformer ce texte—inchangé depuis 1804. Pourquoi un tel consensus sur ce besoin de réécriture de la définition de la condition suspensive mène à une discussion doctrinale où deux positions principales s’opposent? (...)
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    Suspension of Belief.Daniel Vazquez - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element offers a systematic outline of ancient conceptions and uses of suspension of belief (understood broadly) while engaging with contemporary philosophy. It discusses the notion of epochē ('suspension of judgement') and other related terms, like aporia, aphasia, paradox, hypothesis, agnosticism, and Socratic wisdom. It examines the Academic and Pyrrhonian sceptics and some of their arguments and strategies for suspension. It also includes the use and conditions for suspension of belief in other philosophers like Socrates, Plato, (...)
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  5. Reliabilism and the Suspension of Belief.Weng Hong Tang - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (2):362-377.
    What are the conditions under which suspension of belief—or suspension, for short—is justified? Process reliabilists hold that our beliefs are justified if and only if these are produced or sustained by reliable cognitive processes. But they have said relatively little about suspension. Perhaps they think that we may easily extend an account of justified belief to deal with justified suspension. But it's not immediately clear how we may do so; in which case, evidentialism has a distinct (...)
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    On the suspension of law and the total transformation of labour: Reflections on the philosophy of history in Walter Benjamin’s ‘Critique of Violence’.Duy Lap Nguyen - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 130 (1):96-116.
    This paper argues for the contemporary significance of the ‘Critique of Violence’ by proposing a Benjaminian reading of two important analyses of the relationship between history, politics and the Rights of Man: Hegel’s account of the French Revolution and the concept of dissensus proposed by Jacques Rancière. For both Hegel and Rancière, the gap between right and reality – between the ideal of equality, for example, and the existence of concrete inequality – does not warrant a rejection of the Rights (...)
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  7. The Propagation of Suspension of Judgment.Aldo Filomeno - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (4):1327-1348.
    It is not uncommon in the history of science and philosophy to encounter crucial experiments or crucial objections the truth-value of which we are ignorant, that is, about which we suspend judgment. Should we ignore such objections? Contrary to widespread practice, I show that in and only in some circumstances they should not be ignored, for the epistemically rational doxastic attitude is to suspend judgment also about the hypothesis that the objection targets. In other words, suspension of judgment “propagates” (...)
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    D-7000 Stuttgart.Application Aspects of Qualitative Conditional Independence - 1991 - In Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier, Ronald R. Yager & Lotfi A. Zadeh (eds.), Uncertainty in Knowledge Bases: 3rd International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU'90, Paris, France, July 2 - 6, 1990. Proceedings. Springer. pp. 31.
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    Breaking it or Faking it? Some Critical Thoughts on the Voluntary Suspension of Play and Six Proposed Revisions.Stephen Mumford - 2010 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 4 (3):254-268.
    The voluntary suspension of play is a putative fair play norm that has emerged in the last 20 years in association football, though there is no reason in principle why it is limited to that sport. It occurs in football when an injury appears to have been sustained and another player deliberately puts the ball out of play so that the injury can receive rapid attention. It is widely understood as a positive development within the sport and philosophers have (...)
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    (1 other version)Descartes and the Suspension of Judgment – Considerations of Cartesian Skepticism and Epoché.Jan Forsman - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 70:15-20.
    In this paper I will argue how Descartes in the First and Second Meditation of the Meditations uses a very clear suspension of judgments or assent that in many ways resembles the epoché of the ancient skepticism, especially that of pyrrhonistic variant. First I show how the pyrrhonistic epoché works and what purpose it was used. After that I show how this Cartesian epoché both resembles and differs from the ancient epoché. My main argument is that Descartes, when using (...)
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  11. Grande Sertão: Veredas by João Guimarães Rosa.Felipe W. Martinez, Nancy Fumero & Ben Segal - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):27-43.
    INTRODUCTION BY NANCY FUMERO What is a translation that stalls comprehension? That, when read, parsed, obfuscates comprehension through any language – English, Portuguese. It is inevitable that readers expect fidelity from translations. That language mirror with a sort of precision that enables the reader to become of another location, condition, to grasp in English in a similar vein as readers of Portuguese might from João Guimarães Rosa’s GRANDE SERTÃO: VEREDAS. There is the expectation that translations enable mobility. That what was (...)
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    In Search for Conceptual Comprehension of the Institute of Impeachment.Egidijus Šileikis - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (3):955-985.
    It is important that from a wider scientific perspective the basics of the conceptual comprehension of impeachment entrenched in the 1992 Lithuanian Constitution be related not only to (a) the nine explicit provisions whereby impeachment relations are regulated directly (Item 5 of Article 63, Article 74, Paragraph 2 of Article 86, Item 5 of Article 88, the first sentence of Paragraph 1 of Article 89, Item 4 of Paragraph 3 of Article 105, Paragraph 3 of Article 107, Item 5 of (...)
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    Suspensive Condition and Dynamic Epistemic Logic: A Leibnizian Survey.Sébastien Magnier - 2015 - In Matthias Armgardt, Patrice Canivez & Sandrine Chassagnard-Pinet (eds.), Past and Present Interactions in Legal Reasoning and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    In line with [2], [12, 13, 14] carefully studies the Leibnizian notion of suspensive condition—notion that Leibniz sometimes names moral condition. Thiercelin points out Leibniz’ will to provide a rigorous definition of that kind of condition. Leibniz not only establishes a link between the legal notion of condition and the logical notion of condition, but he also grasps the problematic of suspensive condition through its epistemic and dynamic features. In this paper we start from Thiercelin’s reflections about Leibniz’ suspensive condition. (...)
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  14. Teleological Suspensions In Fear and Trembling.Kris McDaniel - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):425-451.
    I focus here on the teleological suspension of the ethical as it appears in Fear and Trembling. A common reading of Fear and Trembling is that it explores whether there are religious reasons for action that settle that one must do an action even when all the moral reasons for action tell against doing it. This interpretation has been contested. But I defend it by showing how the explicit teleological suspension of the ethical mirrors implicit teleological suspensions of (...)
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  15. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    Hume’s Subjective Conditional View of ‘Causal Relation’.John Losee - 1988 - Philosophie Et Culture: Actes du XVIIe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie 4:56-60.
  17.  11
    Temporality of Suspension.Lucie Tuma & Kiran Kumār - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (64).
    NOTE FROM THE AUTHORS The context of our co-authored contribution to the ‘Aesthetic Relations’ conference-publication is a performance devised by Lucie in 2020 to which she invited Kiraṇ as a collaborator. Due to international travel restrictions however, our physical co-pres-ence in a studio and on stage remained suspended throughout that year. Our exchanges nevertheless continued in adaptive turns both before and after that performance. It is this condition of, at once, compromised yet consistent relation with each other that we refer (...)
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    Misquotations from Reality.Ann Lauterbach - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (3/4):143-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Misquotations from RealityAnn Lauterbach (bio)In the girdle of Aphrodite, in the crown, in the body of Helen and her phantom, beauty is superimposed over necessity, cloaking it in deceit. The necessary has a certain splendor, and behind any splendor one senses a metallic coldness, as though of a weapon poised to strike. The real split in Greek consciousness, like all other irreversible steps it took, comes when Plato for (...)
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    The Conditional Analysis of Phenomenal Concepts.Woojin Han - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 42:77-84.
    John Hawthorne (2002), David Braddon-Mitchell (2003), and Robert Stalnaker (2002), almost simultaneously but independently, developed a physicalistic argument which depends on such two conditional analyses: (1) If we experience dualistic pain, zombies are possible; (2) If our world is physicalistic, zombies are impossible. Hawthorne assumes that only an oracle will tell us which conditional is the case. From this setting, he concludes that zombies are conceivable butimpossible. I first show that Hawthorne actually fails in deriving neither the conceivability (...)
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    The Condition of man: proceedings of an international symposium held September 8-10, 1978 in Göteborg to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Göteborg.Paul Hallberg (ed.) - 1979 - Göteborg: Vetenskaps- o. vitterhets-samhället.
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  21. The Paradox of Suspense Realism.Christy Mag Uidhir - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (2):161-171.
    Most theories of suspense implicitly or explicitly have as a background assumption what I call suspense realism, i.e., that suspense is itself a genuine, distinct emotion. I claim that for a theory of suspense to entail suspense realism is for that theory to entail a contradiction, and so, we ought instead assume a background of suspense eliminativism, i.e., that there is no such genuine, distinct emotion that is the emotion of suspense. More precisely, I argue that i) any suspense realist (...)
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  22. Suspension, Equipollence, and Inquiry: A Reply to Wieland.Diego E. Machuca - 2015 - Analytic Philosophy 56 (2):177-187.
    It is generally thought that suspension of judgment about a proposition p is the doxastic attitude one is rationally compelled to adopt whenever the epistemic reasons for and against p are equipollent or equally credible, that is, whenever the total body of available evidence bearing on p epistemically justifies neither belief nor disbelief in p. However, in a recent contribution to this journal, Jan Wieland proposes “to broaden the conditions for suspension, and argue that it is rational to (...)
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  23. Conditional Probability Is the Very Guide of Life.Alan Hájek - 2003 - In Kyburg Jr, E. Henry & Mariam Thalos (eds.), Probability is the Very Guide of Life: The Philosophical Uses of Chance. Open Court. pp. 183--203.
    in Probability is the Very Guide of Life: The Philosophical Uses of Chance, eds. Henry Kyburg, Jr. and Mariam Thalos, Open Court. Abridged version in Proceedings of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis 2002.
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    Conditionals and Possibilia.Frank Jackson - 1981 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 81:125 - 137.
    Frank Jackson; VIII*—Conditionals and Possibilia, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 81, Issue 1, 1 June 1981, Pages 125–138,
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    Hope and fear in the experience of suspense.Robert Madrigal, Colleen Bee & Johnny Chen - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (6):1074-1092.
    The topic of mixed emotions has received considerable attention in recent years. However, two limitations in this research are the lack of (a) theoretical prediction regarding the types of conditions likely to cause one emotion to yield to another, and (b) attention given to the moment-to-moment (MTM) experience of mixed emotions. Using the empirical context of competitive contests, the mixed emotions state of suspense was manipulated in a series of studies designed to address these shortcomings. The results indicate that the (...)
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    Proceedings of the XXIXth Conference of the French-Speaking Society for Theoretical Biology: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Life Science: Formalisms, Models and Simulations in Biology and Health.Pascale Calabrese & Julie Fontecave-Jallon - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (2-3):85-87.
    To study the interaction of forces that produce chest wall motion, we propose a model based on the lever system of Hillman and Finucane :951–961, 1987) and introduce some dynamic properties of the respiratory system. The passive elements are considered as elastic compartments linked to the open air via a resistive tube, an image of airways. The respiratory muscles force is applied to both compartments. Parameters of the model are identified in using experimental data of airflow signal measured by pneumotachography (...)
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  27. The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy.David M. Steiner - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:xi-xxiv.
    Where might one start? Of “education,” the Latinate etymology is evocative: to draw out, draw away from, draw forth. The echoes are linear. Ex tenebras lux, from the shadows of ignorance to the luminosity of knowing, a path towards experience out of innocence. That path has its symbolic origin in the library of third and second century B.C. Alexandria, where Aristophanes of Byzantium and Aristarchus of Samothrace first coined the word canon, as the mark of a standard of excellence. In (...)
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  28. Suspense.Donald Beecher - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):255-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SuspenseDonald BeecherSuspense is one of those workaday terms so integrated into the discussion of literature that definition would hardly seem necessary. It does receive pro forma entries in most literary handbooks, but never provokes more than a statement of the self-evident: that it is a "state of uncertainty, anticipation and curiosity as to the outcome of a story or play, or any kind of narrative in verse or prose,"1 (...)
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    Employment: Protecting Public Health Abrogates Due Process Requirement for Suspension Proceedings.Guillermo A. Montero - 2003 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 31 (1):167-168.
    In Patel v. Midland Memorial Hospital & Medical Center, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit held that the defendant hospital did not violate the plaintiff's due process rights by suspending his clinical privileges without a pre-suspension hearing, where there were reasonable grounds for assuming that patient safety was at risk. Dr. P.V. Patel, a board-certified cardiologist, brought an action against Midland Memorial Hospital and several of its doctors, alleging that the suspension of his clinical privileges (...)
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    Taking Robots Beyond the Threshold of Awareness: Scientifically Founded Conditions for Artificial Consciousness.Joachim Keppler - 2023 - Proceedings of the 1St Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Perception and Artificial Consciousness (Aixpac 2023), Ceur Workshop Proceedings, Volume 3563.
    To approach the creation of artificial conscious systems systematically and to obtain certainty about the presence of phenomenal qualities (qualia) in these systems, we must first decipher the fundamental mechanism behind conscious processes. In achieving this goal, the conventional physicalist position exhibits obvious shortcomings in that it provides neither a plausible mechanism for the generation of qualia nor tangible demarcation criteria for conscious systems. Therefore, to remedy the deficiencies of the standard physicalist approach, a new theory for the understanding of (...)
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    The Idea of Social Control Under the Conditions of the Scientific and Technological Revolution.Radovan Richta - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:1106-1113.
    The mastery of contemporary scientific and technological revolution is both a consequence and a condition of the purposeful control of social processes. Bourgeois social sciences failed to elaborate a comprehensive theory of social control since they ignore the social subject of the cognition and control of social processes. The scientific concept of social control arises due to the Marxist-Leninist analysis of the subject-object dialectic in the historical process with the formation of the advanced socialist society.
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  32. Possibility of Conditionals and Conditional Possibilities: From a Triviality Result to Possibilistic Imaging.Tommaso Flaminio, Lluís Godo & Giuliano Rosella - 2024 - In Pierre Marquis, Magdalena Ortiz & Maurice Pagnucco (eds.), KR2024: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. IJCAI Organization.
    Lewis-Gärdenfors imaging is an updating procedure for probability functions that generalizes Bayesian conditionalization, allowing to approach the probability of conditionals and counterfactual formulas without incurring in Lewis well-known triviality result. Precisely, while the probability of a so called Stalnaker conditional (as formalizable in Lewis logic C2) was proved to be an imaged probability by Lewis in his celebrated paper from 1976, a variant of Gärdenfors generalized imaging (proposed by Dubois and Prade in 1994) has been recently proved to characterize (...)
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    The Conditions for Two Conditionals in Hume’s Of Liberty and Necessity.Jeremy Kirby - 2013 - Southwest Philosophy Review 29 (1):13-22.
    Hume considers the extent to which the Deity might be held responsible for resultant sin, given that he is responsible for the necessary chain of events leading thereto. Were we to place the responsibility with God, it would not, seemingly, be placed upon ourselves. If we countenance a necessary chain of events, and a perfect Deity, so the argument goes, we lack culpability. Hume rejects this line of reasoning, maintaining that the mind of man is by nature formed to attribute (...)
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    Rationality as the condition of individual rights in David Gauthier’s "Morals by Agreement".Marcin Saar - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 38:115-130.
    The topic of this paper is the foundation for individual rights proposed by David Gauthier in his seminal 1986 book Morals by Agreement, and particularly the role of conception of rationality in this foundation. The foundation of rights is a part of Gauthier’s broader enterprise: to ground morals in rationality – more specifically, in the economic conception of rationality. Because of the importance of this conception for the whole of Gauthier’s project, we reconstruct first the conception of rationality which can (...)
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    Cognition in Conditions of Technological Environment.Elena A. Nikitina - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 34:33-39.
    At the beginning of the third millenium the aspect of truth comes out to be especially topical. The greatest interest is risen by existentialistic and social aspects of the truth issue. Their correlation studying is the most productive way to research the aspect of truth. An individual life passes under certain circumstances, one of them being social reality. Presence of other people, necessity of communication and correlation of individual and social substances allows emphasizing a social side of the truth aspect. (...)
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    Proceeding with clinical trials of animal to human organ transplantation: a way out of the dilemma.A. Ravelingien - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):92-98.
    The transplantation of porcine organs to humans could in the future be a solution to the worldwide organ shortage, but is to date still highly experimental. Further research on the potential effects of crossing the species barrier is essential before clinical application is acceptable. However, many crucial questions on efficacy and safety will ultimately only be answered by well designed and controlled solid organ xenotransplantation trials on humans. This paper is concerned with the question under which conditions, given the risks (...)
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  37. Conditions and forms of mining settlement.Lois Rosamund Latham - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann (ed.), Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 365.
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    Law and morals: proceedings of the special workshop held at the 28th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy in Lisbon, Portugal, 2017.André Ferreira Leite de Paula & Andrés Santacoloma Santacoloma (eds.) - 2019 - Stuttgart: Nomos.
    The relationship between law and morality is a topic which receives special importance and attention, especially in "liberal democracies" in which the law is supposed to regulate highly pluralized and fragmented societies. Under conditions of plurality of values, many social forces and legal theories require a certain kind of neutrality from the legal system, a means of compatibility of the many "world views" and "moral systems" that are present within the same social space. Such a conciliating commitment sounds particularly relevant (...)
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    On a Certain Condition of a Semantical Theory of Science.Maria Kokoszynska - 1949 - Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Philosophy 2:773-775.
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    From the Textual to the Digital University. A philosophical investigation of the mediatic conditions for university thinking.Lavinia Marin - 2018 - Dissertation, Ku Leuven
    Starting from the current trend to digitise the university, this thesis aims to clarify the specific relation between university thinking and its use of media. This thesis is an investigation concerning the sensorial and medial conditions which enable the event of thinking to emerge at the university, i.e. conditions which do not make thinking necessary, but possible. Thinking is approached as an event which can happen while studying at the university, not as an outcome, nor a disposition or skill. The (...)
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    Conditions of Fundamental Metaphysics: A critique of Jorge Gracia's proposal.Jonathan Vajda - 2016 - Proceedings of the Essays of Significance Conference.
    Jorge Gracia’s paper “The Fundamental Character of Metaphysics” proposes five conditions that, if satisfied, would be sufficient to establish metaphysics as a fundamental discipline for other sciences: universal extension, ontological neutralism, sui generis character, overall disciplinary integration, and necessity. In this paper, I argue that his metaphysical project requires revision. Not only are the conditions insufficient to establish fundamentality, two of the conditions are themselves problematic. Gracia's intends to be radically inclusive, yet unintentionally excludes certain views. His notion of fundamentality (...)
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    On the Reasonableness of Inferences Involving Conditionals.Ernest W. Adams - 1964 - Memorias Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Filosofía 5:1-9.
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    Substance concentrations as conditions for the realization of dispositions.J. Hastings, L. Jansen, Stefan Schulz & C. Steinbeck - 2011 - In Ronald Cornet & Stefan Schulz (eds.), Semantic Applications in Life Sciences. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Formal Biomedical Knowledge Representation, hosted by Bio-Ontologies 2010.
    Ontologies aim to represent what is general, by means of universal statements. In contrast, dispositional predications capture knowledge about what is likely to happen if a certain set of circumstances obtain, which is crucial in investigative research such as in drug discovery and systems biology, where entities which are constitutionally dissimilar can nevertheless have similar behavior in a biological context. While such dispositional properties are increasingly included in biomedical ontologies, the circumstances under which the dispositions are realized are seldom explicitly (...)
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    Context, Conflict and Reasoning. Proceedings of the Fifth Asian Workshop on Philosophical Logic.Beishui Liao & Yì N. Wáng (eds.) - 2020 - Springer.
    ​This volume brings together a group of philosophically oriented logicians and logic-minded philosophers, mainly from Asia, to address a variety of logical and philosophical topics, such as modal logic and related directions (e.g. temporal logic, epistemic logic, deontic logic, logic of conditionals, and modal proof theory), theory of truth, paradoxes, intentionality, and social networks. New approaches are also proposed, such as extended modal logic with planarity of graphs, extended branching time temporal logic with conditional operators, and a relational treatment (...)
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    Solution to the long-standing puzzle of Huygens’ “anomalous suspension”.Michael Nauenberg - 2015 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 69 (3):327-341.
    In 1662 Christiaan Huygens carried out the famous Torricelli experiment to test the existence of atmospheric pressure by inserting the apparatus in the glass receiver of a vacuum pump, and evacuating the air inside it. He reported that when the air was exhausted, a column of water remained suspended in a 4-foot tube. This unexpected result was in stark contrast with earlier experiments of Boyle and Hooke that apparently had confirmed Torricelli’s explanation that such a water column was supported by (...)
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    On Two Predictions of the Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe that is What Conditions of Making Accurate Predictions in History Are?Krzysztof Brzechczyn - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 38:15-22.
    The decline of communism in Eastern Europe in years 1989-1991 was a big surprise for Western Sovietology. The sudden disappearance of the object of research would undermine the reason of existence of the whole science. For this reason, in the first half of the 90s Western scientists tried to answer following question: why Sovietology was not able to predict the demise of communism. The purpose of my paper is not to make one more analysis of factors responsible for this failure (...)
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    The Condition of Philosophy in the Modern World.Josef Pieper - 1950 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 24:10.
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    VIII*—Conditionals and Possibilia.Frank Jackson - 1981 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 81 (1):125-138.
    Frank Jackson; VIII*—Conditionals and Possibilia, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 81, Issue 1, 1 June 1981, Pages 125–138,
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  49. Evaluation, Standards, Normalization: Historico-philosophical Formations and the Conditions of Possibility for Checklist Thought.Bernadette Baker - 2002 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 10 (2):92-101.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Evaluation, Standards, Normalization: Historico-philosophical Formations and the Conditions of Possibility for Checklist Thought Bernadette Baker University of Wisconsin-Madison In education today a new vocabulary has emerged that is far more than just words. In the context of educational policy the setting of goals or objectives is now being subsumed under terms such as statewidestandards, child development is now being adjectivized by descriptors such as learning disability or emotionally disturbed, (...)
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    Countervailing Conditions: A Way Out of Judicial Precedent.Ellen Bloom Glass - 1991 - Social Philosophy Today 5:1-20.
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