Results for 'complex societal issues'

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  1.  87
    Nanotechnology: Considering the complex ethical, legal, and societal issues with the parameters of human performance. [REVIEW]Linda MacDonald Glenn & Jeanann S. Boyce - 2008 - NanoEthics 2 (3):265-275.
    Nanotechnology: Considering the Complex Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues with the Parameters of Human Performance Content Type Journal Article Pages 265-275 DOI 10.1007/s11569-008-0047-6 Authors Linda MacDonald Glenn, Albany Medical College/Center Alden March Bioethics Institute Albany NY 12208 USA Jeanann S. Boyce, Montgomery College Dept. of Computer Science and Business 7600 Takoma Avenue Takoma Park MD 20912 USA Journal NanoEthics Online ISSN 1871-4765 Print ISSN 1871-4757 Journal Volume Volume 2 Journal Issue Volume 2, Number 3.
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    Artificial Interdisciplinarity: Artificial Intelligence for Research on Complex Societal Problems.Seth D. Baum - 2020 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (1):45-63.
    This paper considers the question: In what ways can artificial intelligence assist with interdisciplinary research for addressing complex societal problems and advancing the social good? Problems such as environmental protection, public health, and emerging technology governance do not fit neatly within traditional academic disciplines and therefore require an interdisciplinary approach. However, interdisciplinary research poses large cognitive challenges for human researchers that go beyond the substantial challenges of narrow disciplinary research. The challenges include epistemic divides between disciplines, the massive (...)
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    The Corona Truth Wars: Epistemic Disputes and Societal Conflicts around a Pandemic—An Introduction to the Special Issue.Jaron Harambam & Ehler Voss - 2023 - Minerva 61 (3):299-313.
    Ever since the start of the Corona pandemic, different and often conflicting views have emerged about the virus and how to appropriately deal with it. Such epistemic, societal, and economic criticisms, including those about government imposed measures, have often been dismissed as dangerous forms of conspiratorial disinformation that should be (and have been) excluded from the realm of reasonable political discussion. However, since these critiques of emerging hegemonic knowledge and policies often involve significant and complex questioning of epistemic (...)
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    Epistemological and educational issues in teaching practice-oriented scientific research: roles for philosophers of science.Mieke Boon, Mariana Orozco & Kishore Sivakumar - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-23.
    The complex societal challenges of the twenty-first Century require scientific researchers and academically educated professionals capable of conducting scientific research in complex problem contexts. Our central claim is that educational approaches inspired by a traditional empiricist epistemology insufficiently foster the required deep conceptual understanding and higher-order thinking skills necessary for epistemic tasks in scientific research. Conversely, we argue that constructivist epistemologies provide better guidance to educational approaches to promote research skills. We also argue that teachers adopting a (...)
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    A new modus operandi for the agricultural economics profession.D. Peter Stonehouse - 1997 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 10 (1):55-67.
    Agricultural economics has, until the 1990s, enjoyeda reputation for relevance and usefulness to theagri-food industry and policy-makers. Thatreputation has been jeopardized by a growinginfatuation with models and quantification, and aconcomitant underemphasis placed on many complexproblems and issues of society. An illustrativeexample is explored, using agriculturalactivity-related damage to the natural resourcebase, environment and ecology. Agriculturaleconomists are urged to respond by broadening theirterms of reference and joining forces with otherdisciplines.
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    (1 other version)Pensée complexe et gouvernance. Le cas de la République démocratique du Congo.Emmanuel M. Banywesize - 2011 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 60 (2):, [ p.].
    Cet essai s’emploie à opérationnaliser les principes de la pensée complexe d’Edgar Morin, en prenant comme prétexte la question de gouvernance. Il porte sur la gouvernance régie par les principes du paradigme de simplicité et indique une autre façon de penser la gouvernance à la lumière des leçons de la pensée complexe, notamment au Congo. Il apparaît que gouverner en situation complexe, c’est chercher des solutions, en délibérant, au fur et à mesure que le vieil équilibre normatif se lézarde ; (...)
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    (1 other version)Sense and sensitivity: The roles of organisation and stakeholders in managing corporate social responsibility.Alberic Pater & Karlijn van Lierop - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (4):339–351.
    While companies are increasingly convinced of the relevance of CSR, many are still struggling to define their responsibility. Part of the answer to this question can be found in the dual approach towards CSR. The authors unravel the concept of CSR into two components: responsibility and responsiveness. Regarding the firm's responsiveness towards society, companies can adopt two positions. They might adopt an inside‐out approach towards CSR and emphasise their own ambitions. Alternatively, they can approach stakeholders from an outside‐in perspective, wherein (...)
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  8.  37
    Ethics in the Societal Debate on Genetically Modified Organisms: A (Re)Quest for Sense and Sensibility.Devos Yann, Maeseele Pieter, Reheul Dirk, Speybroeck Linda & Waele Danny - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (1):29-61.
    Via a historical reconstruction, this paper primarily demonstrates how the societal debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) gradually extended in terms of actors involved and concerns reflected. It is argued that the implementation of recombinant DNA technology out of the laboratory and into civil society entailed a “complex of concerns.” In this complex, distinctions between environmental, agricultural, socio-economic, and ethical issues proved to be blurred. This fueled the confusion between the wider debate on genetic modification and (...)
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  9.  13
    Ethical Issues in Participatory Action Research on Covid-appropriate Behaviour and Vaccine Hesitancy in India: A Case with Commentaries.Pradeep Narayanan, Michelle Brear, Pinky Shabangu, Barbara Groot, Charlotte van den Eijnde & Sarah Banks - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (2):221-228.
    This article starts with a case outlining ethical challenges encountered in participatory action research (PAR) on vaccine hesitancy in rural India during Covid-19. Community researchers were recruited by a not-for-profit organisation, with the aim of both discovering the reasons for vaccine hesitancy and encouraging take-up. This raised issues about the roles and responsibilities of local researchers in their own communities, where they might be blamed for adverse reactions to vaccination. They and their mentor struggled with balancing societal protection (...)
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    The Moral Complexity of Agriculture: A Challenge for Corporate Social Responsibility.Evelien M. de Olde & Vladislav Valentinov - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (3):413-430.
    Over the past decades, the modernization of agriculture in the Western world has contributed not only to a rapid increase in food production but also to environmental and societal concerns over issues such as greenhouse gas emissions, soil quality and biodiversity loss. Many of these concerns, for example those related to animal welfare or labor conditions, are stuck in controversies and apparently deadlocked debates. As a result we observe a paradox in which a wide range of corporate social (...)
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  11.  19
    Insisting on Action in Education: Students are Unique but not Irreplaceable.Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens & Julien Kloeg - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (5):549-558.
    Biesta distinguishes three functions of education: qualification, socialization and subjectification. We focus on subjectification. When first addressing this concept, Biesta referred to action as defined by Arendt, thereby stressing the importance of ‘the question of freedom’. More recently, the question of freedom is replaced by ‘the question of responsibility’. For Levinas responsibility is related to irreplaceability. While the concept of responsibility is valuable, we question the call upon irreplaceability in education. Actively taking responsibility where irreplaceability might not be either present (...)
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  12. Ethics in the societal debate on genetically modified organisms: A (re)quest for sense and sensibility. [REVIEW]Yann Devos, Pieter Maeseele, Dirk Reheul, Linda Van Speybroeck & Danny De Waele - 2008 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21 (1):29-61.
    Via a historical reconstruction, this paper primarily demonstrates how the societal debate on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) gradually extended in terms of actors involved and concerns reflected. It is argued that the implementation of recombinant DNA technology out of the laboratory and into civil society entailed a “complex of concerns.” In this complex, distinctions between environmental, agricultural, socio-economic, and ethical issues proved to be blurred. This fueled the confusion between the wider debate on genetic modification and (...)
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  13. Ethical issues of global marketing: avoiding bad faith in visual representation.Janet Borgerson & Jonathan Schroeder - 2002 - European Journal of Marketing 36 (5/6):570-594.
    This paper examines visual representation from a distinctive, interdisciplinary perspective that draws on ethics, visual studies and critical race theory. Suggests ways to clarify complex issues of representational ethics in marketing communications and marketing representations, suggesting an analysis that makes identity creation central to societal marketing concerns. Analyzes representations of the exotic Other in disparate marketing campaigns, drawing upon tourist promotions, advertisements, and mundane objects in material culture. Moreover, music is an important force in marketing communication: visual (...)
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  14. Learning from Multi-Stakeholder Networks: Issue-Focussed Stakeholder Management.Julia Roloff - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):233-250.
    From an analysis of the role of companies in multi-stakeholder networks and a critical review of stakeholder theory, it is argued that companies practise two different types of stakeholder management: they focus on their organization’s welfare (organization- focussed stakeholder management) or on an issue that affects their relationship with other societal groups and organizations (issue-focussed stakeholder management). These two approaches supplement each other. It is demonstrated that issue-focussed stakeholder management dominates in multi-stakeholder networks, because it enables corporations to address (...)
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    Genomics in Industry: issues of a bio-based economy.Patricia Osseweijer, Laurens Landeweerd & Robin Pierce - 2010 - Genomics, Society and Policy 6 (2):1-14.
    What value does genomics hold for industry? Ten years after the White House Press conference where the human genome sequence was first presented, we ask in which ways and to what extent the developments in genomics have been integrated into industry. This enables us to assess whether this integration has been as successful as expected, but also which unexpected developments in genomics advances have triggered additional benefits for industry. Genomics has contributed to the beginning of a global transition to a (...)
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    Introduction to the Special Issues.Luciano Floridi - 2024 - American Philosophical Quarterly 61 (4):301-307.
    Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly reshaping our world. As AI systems become increasingly autonomous and integrated into various sectors, fundamental ethical issues such as accountability, transparency, bias, and privacy are exacerbated or morph into new forms. This introduction provides an overview of the current ethical landscape of AI. It explores the pressing need to address biases in AI systems, protect individual privacy, ensure transparency and accountability, and manage the broader societal impacts of AI on labor markets, education, and (...)
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  17. Enacting a Grand Challenge for Business and Society: Theorizing Issue Maturation in the Media-Based Public Discourse on COVID-19 in Three National Contexts.Bennet Schwoon, Dennis Schoeneborn & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):869-919.
    While today it is universally acknowledged that COVID-19 has generated immense challenges for businesses and societies worldwide, public perceptions varied significantly at the time of the pandemic’s initial appearance, even among democratic societies with comparable media systems. The growing scholarship on grand societal challenges in management and organization studies, however, tends to neglect the initial social construction of issues as complex, uncertain, evaluative, and widespread. We address this shortcoming by exploring the initial communicative enactment of COVID-19 in (...)
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    A code of judicial ethics as a signpost and a beacon: on virtuous judgecraft and Dutch climate litigation.Elaine Mak - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (1):97-125.
    This paper analyses the role of a code of ethics for judges in connection to a contemporary definition of responsive ‘T-shaped’ judicial professionalism and the professional-ethical questions which can arise in judicial decision-making regarding politically and societally controversial issues. The paper’s case study focuses on climate-change related litigation in Dutch courts. First, a theoretical framework which conceptualises practical and ethical elements of T-shaped judicial professionalism as ‘virtuous judgecraft’, building on the work of Kritzer and Van Domselaar, addresses the knowledge, (...)
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  19. Het niemandsland van de science wars: een historische en filosofische reflectie over “postmodernisme” en de studie van wetenschap.Pieter T. L. Beck - 2022 - Ethiek and Maatschappij 24:19-45.
    In this article, I provide a historical and philosophical discussion of the so-called “science wars”. The term “science wars” refers to a series of debates which took place in the second half of the 1990s and which centered on the status of science and the nature of scientific knowledge. On the one hand, a group of authors reacted against what they perceived as a “postmodern” attack on science. This in turn led to several reactions from those who were labeled as (...)
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    Are we ready for the genomic era? Insights from judges and lawyers.Fatos Selita, Robert Chapman, Yulia Kovas & Maxim Likhanov - 2024 - New Genetics and Society 43 (1).
    Genetic advances have brought new opportunities to society, with new powers of polygenic prediction, genetic engineering and gene-based environmental interventions. Judges and lawyers influence interpretations and attitudes towards complex societal issues and develop regulation. Therefore, their genetic literacy and views are an important part of society’s readiness for the genomic era. The study explored judges’ and lawyers’ (N = 117) genetic literacy, as well as views on the use of genetic advances. Quantitative and qualitative analyses showed insufficient (...)
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    A Framework for Understanding Ethical and Efficiency Issues in Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Litigation.Margaret Oppenheimer, Helen LaVan & William F. Martin - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):505-524.
    Developing and applying a framework for understanding the complexities of economic and legal considerations in two recent Supreme Court rulings was the focus of this research. Of especial concern was the protection of intellectual property in the pharmaceutical industry. Two cases from 2013 were selected: FTC v. Activis and Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc.. Part of the rationale for the selection was the importance of the Supreme Court rulings and the importance of the pharmaceutical sector. A qualitative (...)
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    Access to services for young adults with medical complexity.Elizabeth Joly - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (3):329-336.
    Background: With the number of young people with medical complexity increasing, an increasing number must navigate the transition to adulthood. This transition, in part, involves a situational transition in which young people and their families must access new services in the adult system. Objectives: To explore how societal ideologies, communities, and organizations represent the foundation of barriers to access to services. Research Design: The discussion in this paper, framed within a social justice perspective, outlines barriers to access to services (...)
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    Responses of American research universities to issues posed by the changing environment of higher education.Frank A. Schmidtlein & Alton L. Taylor - 1996 - Minerva 34 (3):291-308.
    This study clearly reveals that the benefits ascribed to strategic planning typically are achieved through a variety of means. A formal process that seeks to plan in a comprehensive, linear fashion is likely to be too complicated, politically divisive, expensive and inflexible, and to ignore how decisions are made in a complex, highly decentralised university. While many approaches to planning are used, universities must ensure they provide periodically opportunities for university staff—freed from daily responsibilities—to consider strategic concerns. Accurate and (...)
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    Examining a model of evolutionary educational systemic change within existing societal systems.Peggy B. Gill & Amy Stevens Griffith - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):241 – 252.
    Within today's emerging global society, educational systemic change is a dynamic, complex process that must seek to engage active participation of all stakeholders. This article examines alternative models of this process, providing different perspectives of the recursive and comprehensive nature of change when viewed from the vantage points of those stakeholders within the process. An envisioned school or educational system that addresses preparation of a citizenry dedicated to democratic principles and issues of social justice must consciously examine the (...)
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  25. Robots Working with Humans or Humans Working with Robots? Searching for Social Dimensions in New Human-Robot Interaction in Industry.António Moniz & Bettina-Johanna Krings - 2016 - Societies 2016 (23).
    The focus of the following article is on the use of new robotic systems in the manufacturing industry with respect to the social dimension. Since “intuitive” human–machine interaction (HMI) in robotic systems becomes a significant objective of technical progress, new models of work organization are needed. This hypothesis will be investigated through the following two aims: The first aim is to identify relevant research questions related to the potential use of robotic systems in different systems of work organization at the (...)
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    Church partnerships: A holistic approach to addressing social issues in South Africa.Patrick Nanthambwe - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):9.
    For South African communities to achieve substantive progress, the establishment of strategic partnerships is essential for effectively addressing their complex social challenges. Churches, given their profound community presence and moral authority, are urged to join forces with other societal sectors, particularly government and business, to promote comprehensive community development. This article examines the potential for church partnerships with these sectors, investigating how such alliances can foster sustainable and holistic transformation. Central questions driving this inquiry include: What distinct contributions (...)
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    Evolving Corporate Social Responsibility.Trevor Goddard & David Teller - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:98-103.
    This paper commences a creative challenge to conventional corporate social responsibility (CSR) literature, proposing a model of constructive corporate participation (CCP). The model arises from ongoing work conducted by the Committee for Melbourne, describing the way in which unique structures such as the Committee for Melbourne allow corporations to address complex social issues alongside government and civil society for mutual betterment of business and society. An interview series with Committee members was undertaken to establish the characteristics of the (...)
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    To What Extent Does or Should a Woman's Autonomy Overrule the Interests of Her Baby? A Study of Autonomy-related Issues in the Context of Caesarean Section.Rebecca Brione - 2015 - The New Bioethics 21 (1):71-86.
    Approaches to supporting autonomy in medicine need to be able to support complex and sensitive decision-making, incorporating reflection on the patient's values and goals. This should involve deliberation in partnership between physician and patient, allowing the patient to take responsibility for her decision. Nowhere is this truer than in decisions around pregnancy and Caesarean section where maternal autonomy can seem to directly conflict with foetal interests. Medical and societal expectations and norms such as the expectations of a ‘mother’, (...)
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  29. Beyond consciousness: Ethical, legal, and social issues in human brain organoid research and application.Masanori Kataoka, Takuya Niikawa, Naoya Nagaishi, Tsung-Ling Lee, Alexandre Erler, Julian Savulescu & Tsutomu Sawai - 2025 - European Journal of Cell Biology 104.
    This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of the ethical, legal and social issues in human brain organoid research, with a view to different types of research and applications: in vitro research, transplantation into non-human animals, and biocomputing. Despite the academic and societal attention on the possibility that human brain organoids may be conscious, we have identified diverse issues in human brain organoid research and applications. To guide the complex terrain of human brain organoid research (...)
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    (1 other version)Some discussions on critical information security issues in the artificial intelligence era.Vuong Quan Hoang, Viet-Phuong La, Hong-Son Nguyen & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    The rapid advancement of information technology platforms and programming languages has transformed the dynamics and development of human society. The cyberspace and associated utilities are expanding, leading to a gradual shift from real-world living to virtual life (also known as cyberspace or digital space). The expansion and development of natural language processing models and large language models demonstrate human-like characteristics in reasoning, perception, attention, and creativity, helping humans overcome operational barriers. Alongside the immense potential of artificial intelligence (AI) are new (...)
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    Cross‐sector alliances in the global refugee crisis: An institutional theory approach.Aimei Yang, Wenlin Liu & Rong Wang - 2020 - Business Ethics 29 (3):646-660.
    The global refugee crisis has posed severe challenges to social stability and sustainable development around the world. While the business sector is expected to shoulder social responsibility in crisis relief efforts, our initial assessment shows that refugee‐related corporate social responsibility (CSR) significantly diverged across the Global Fortune 500 corporations. To advance scholars and managers' understanding of this complex CSR issue, this study draws upon National Business System Theory to explore how country‐level factors influence the multinational corporations' CSR communication about (...)
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    Ethics of non-therapeutic research on imminently dying patients in the intensive care unit.Nicholas Murphy, Charles Weijer, Derek Debicki, Geoffrey Laforge, Loretta Norton, Teneille Gofton & Marat Slessarev - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):311-318.
    Non-therapeutic research with imminently dying patients in intensive care presents complex ethical issues. The vulnerabilities of the imminently dying, together with societal disquiet around death and dying, contribute to an intuition that such research is beyond the legitimate scope of scientific inquiry. Yet excluding imminently dying patients from research hinders the advancement of medical science to the detriment of future patients. Building on existing ethical guidelines for research, we propose a framework for the ethical design and conduct (...)
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  33. (1 other version)From the ethics of technology towards an ethics of knowledge policy.René von Schomberg - 2007 - AI and Society.
    My analysis takes as its point of departure the controversial assumption that contemporary ethical theories cannot capture adequately the ethical and social challenges of scientific and technological development. This assumption is rooted in the argument that classical ethical theory invariably addresses the issue of ethical responsibility in terms of whether and how intentional actions of individuals can be justified. Scientific and technological developments, however, have produced unintentional consequences and side-consequences. These consequences very often result from collective decisions concerning the way (...)
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    The use of AI in legal systems: determining independent contractor vs. employee status.Maxime C. Cohen, Samuel Dahan, Warut Khern-Am-Nuai, Hajime Shimao & Jonathan Touboul - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-30.
    The use of artificial intelligence (AI) to aid legal decision making has become prominent. This paper investigates the use of AI in a critical issue in employment law, the determination of a worker’s status—employee vs. independent contractor—in two common law countries (the U.S. and Canada). This legal question has been a contentious labor issue insofar as independent contractors are not eligible for the same benefits as employees. It has become an important societal issue due to the ubiquity of the (...)
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    Burke’s Pentad as a Guide for Symbol-Using Citizens.Clarke Rountree & John Rountree - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (4):349-362.
    Ever since the rhetorical turn in education, education scholars have recognized the importance of rhetoric in constructing and mediating human society. They have turned to rhetorical theory to come to terms with this rhetorically mediated reality and to engage students as critical citizens within it. Much of this work draws on rhetorical theorist Kenneth Burke, but much of Burke’s work remains unexplored in this area. We argue that his theories can be part of a user’s guide to educate students about (...)
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    Teaching Green Engineering: The Case of Ethanol Lifecycle Analysis.Chris Braiser & Daniel A. Vallero - 2008 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 28 (3):236-243.
    Lifecycle assessment (LCA) is a valuable tool in teaching green engineering and has been used to assess biofuels, including ethanol. An undergraduate engineering course at Duke University has integrated LCA with other interactive teaching techniques to enhance awareness and to inform engineering decision making related to societal issues, such as energy sources and environmental quality. The course also includes a three-part studio beginning with application of thermodynamics, moving to team projects, and ending with a “green” innovation proposal by (...)
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    Burke’s Pentad as a Guide for Symbol-Using Citizens.Ronald Soetaert & Kris Rutten - 2015 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (4):349-362.
    Ever since the rhetorical turn in education, education scholars have recognized the importance of rhetoric in constructing and mediating human society. They have turned to rhetorical theory to come to terms with this rhetorically mediated reality and to engage students as critical citizens within it. Much of this work draws on rhetorical theorist Kenneth Burke, but much of Burke’s work remains unexplored in this area. We argue that his theories can be part of a user’s guide to educate students about (...)
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    The Apocalyptic Narrative.Love Ekenberg, Katja Sarajeva, Mats Danielson & Lennart Koskinen - 2022 - Philosophy and Theology 34 (1):297-321.
    An analysis of the value systems of critical social issues is difficult to carry out in any qualified sense from an unstructured basis and that attempts to do so easily result in relatively superficial discussions of particular issues. Instead, we suggest how this might be viewed from a more holistic ethical and systems theological perspective. In doing so, we review a new framework that aims to distil relevant issues regarding necessary trade-offs and how this can be done. (...)
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  39. For Nation-building, We Need to Pay Attention to the Humanities.Kazi Huda - 2024 - The Business Standard.
    In today’s world of global university rankings, there’s an increasing push to prioritize STEM fields over the humanities, especially in Bangladesh. With so much emphasis on high publication counts, we risk sidelining disciplines that foster intellectual depth, ethical insight, and critical thinking, qualities essential for tackling complex societal challenges. But is this focus on quantity, or simply ticking off outcome-based education (OBE) requirements, really serving us? Take the call for constitutional reform: can scientists or engineers, however brilliant, lead (...)
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    Group decision process support system for regional planning—A perspective from Japan.Masao Hijikata - 1995 - AI and Society 9 (2-3):244-257.
    Regional planning has been regarded as a design activity. Usually planners focus on physical design rather than on societal issues. Nowadays, mass communication, environmental issues and social awareness lead to often complex and conflicting needs and interests of the public in regional planning. This paper focuses on the regional planning as a group problem solving process from the view of information processing. It offers an analysis of the causes of conflicts in the group decision process, and (...)
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    Children at Play: Thoughts about the impact of networked toys in the game of life and the role of law.Ulrich Gaspar - 2018 - International Review of Information Ethics 27.
    Information communication technology is spreading fast and wide. Driven by convenience, it enables people to undertake personal tasks and make decisions more easily and efficiently. Convenience enjoys an air of liberation as well as self-expression affecting all areas of life. The industry for children's toys is a major economic market becoming ever more tech-related and drawn into the battle for convenience. Like any other tech-related industry, this battle is about industry dominance and, currently, that involves networked toys. Networked toys aim (...)
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  42. Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science.David Ludwig & Inkeri Koskinen (eds.) - 2021 - New York: Routeldge.
    In bringing together a global community of philosophers, Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science develops novel perspectives on epistemology and philosophy of science by demonstrating how frameworks from academic philosophy (e.g. standpoint theory, social epistemology, feminist philosophy of science) and related fields (e.g. decolonial studies, transdisciplinarity, global history of science) can contribute to critical engagement with global dimensions of knowledge and science. Global challenges such as climate change, food production, and infectious diseases raise complex questions about scientific knowledge production (...)
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    Democracy and the problem of certainty.Ilana Redstone - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-18.
    This paper introduces The Certainty Trap, a pervasive cognitive distortion that leads individuals to treat their knowledge and beliefs as definitive and final rather than provisional, particularly regarding contentious social and political issues. It explores three key fallacies underlying this trap, discusses its consequences, and proposes strategies for moving from certainty to confidence in thinking and discourse. By revealing the mechanisms of The Certainty Trap and its overall impact on various domains of society, this essay aims to contribute to (...)
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  44. Ethical decision-making in academic administration: A qualitative inquiry of Filipino college deans' ethical frameworks.Maria Rosario G. Catacutan & Allan de Guzman - 2015 - Australian Educational Researcher 42 (4):483-514.
    Ethical decision-making in school administration has received considerable attention in educational leadership literature. However, most research has focused on principals working in secondary school settings while studies that explore ethical reasoning processes of academic deans have been significantly few. This qualitative study aims to describe the ethical decision-making processes employed by a select group of Filipino college deans in solving ethical dilemmas using the ethical paradigms proposed in the works of Starratt (Educ Adm Q 27:185–202, 1991) and Shapiro and Stefkovich (...)
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    Exploring the Concept of Genetic Discrimination.Mfa Otlowski - 2005 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2 (3):165-176.
    The issue of genetic discrimination has attracted growing attention and has been the focus of a recent major Australian inquiry. It is, however, a complex and loaded notion, open to interpretation. This paper explores the concept of genetic discrimination in both its theoretical and practical dimensions. It examines its conceptual underpinnings, how it is understood, and how this understanding fits within the legal framework of disability discrimination. The paper also examines the phenomenon in practice, including the ‘fear factor’ and (...)
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    Participatory Convergence: Integrating Convergence and Participatory Action Research.Laura Castro-Diaz, Anais Roque, Amber Wutich, Laura Landes, WenWen Li, Rhett Larson, Paul Westerhoff, Mariana Marcos-Hernandez, Mohammad Jobayer Hossain, Yushiou Tsai, Ramon Lucero, Griffin Todd, Dave White & Michael Hanemann - forthcoming - Minerva:1-21.
    This paper introduces the concept of “Participatory Convergence” as a framework to meet grand social-ecological challenges. Participatory Convergence combines the principles of Convergence Research with Participatory Action Research (PAR), offering a novel approach to tackling complex societal problems. Convergence Research seeks to foster high-level integration between diverse disciplines to address multifaceted issues, emphasizing systems thinking and solutions orientation; however, existing literature falls short in providing practical models for the deep integration of diverse disciplines, community partners, and community (...)
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  47. Societal Issues, Scientific Viewpoints.Peter Caws (ed.) - 1987 - New York: American Institute of Physics.
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    Exploring the concept of genetic discrimination.Margaret Otlowski - 2005 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 2 (3):165-176.
    The issue of genetic discrimination has attracted growing attention and has been the focus of a recent major Australian inquiry. It is, however, a complex and loaded notion, open to interpretation. This paper explores the concept of genetic discrimination in both its theoretical and practical dimensions. It examines its conceptual underpinnings, how it is understood, and how this understanding fits within the legal framework of disability discrimination. The paper also examines the phenomenon in practice, including the ‘fear factor’ and (...)
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    Building on Its Past: The Future of Business and Society Scholarship.Andrew Spicer, Kathleen Rehbein, Colin Higgins, Hari Bapuji, Frank G. A. de Bakker & Jill A. Brown - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (5):967-979.
    This Special Issue commemorates the 60th anniversary of Business & Society with nine rigorous literature reviews that address important societal problems and provide opportunities for theory development in the business and society field; in this introduction we present an overview of the Special Issue. With the theme “Building on Its Past,” the nine articles address a host of contemporary issues, including climate change, wicked problems, business and human rights, human health, certifications standards, the governance of artificial intelligence, stakeholder (...)
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    Assessing Organizations as Responsible Entities Adequately. A Practice-Based Approach to Organizational Agency.Robert Jungmann - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-22.
    In complex settings, organizations overlap with other collective entities in time and space even as they struggle for visibility or invisibility as relevant entities. Moreover, they do not act as legal persons or complete organizational actors all the time. Such settings give rise to a question that bears on the fundamental question of adequately identifying and assessing causal forces in social processes, namely: Who or what is responsible here? Where personal experiences, organizational and network dynamics, and large-scale societal (...)
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