Results for 'alternation, experience, work situation, cooperation, reliance, actor-network, enaction'

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  1.  11
    L’alternance en formation : le travail silencieux de l’activité de reliance des « alternants » dans le cadre d’un dispositif de formation mobilisateur.Patrick Lechaux - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (1):38-49.
    The various academic works about the analysis of the actual functionning of alternation in professionnal training reveal a great descrepancy with the prescriptive model, qualified institutionnal or organisationnal model. In order to take some distance from this technical coordinative model of alternation in training, the hypothesis is made that the alternant is the one creating bonds.The results of an active resarch, based on the experimentation of a pro-training arrangement made to support this bonding work, are presented and put in (...)
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    Primatology of Science: On the Birth of Actor-Network Theory from Baboon Field Observations.Nicolas Langlitz - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (1):83-105.
    This article situates actor-network theory in the history of evolutionary anthropology. In the 1980s, this attempt at explaining the social through the mediation of nonhumans received important impulses from Bruno Latour’s conversations with primatologist Shirley Strum. In a re-articulation of social evolutionism, they proposed that the utilization of objects distinguished humans from baboons and that the use of a growing number of objects set industrialized human populations apart from hunter-gatherers, enabling the formation of larger collectives. While Strum’s and Latour’s (...)
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    La coopération université-entreprises dans les dispositifs alternés : entre partenariat et effet de reliances.Mehdi Boudjaoui - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (1):63-75.
    Partnerships in education developed in schools in the 1990s to bring answers to new socio-educational problems. Nevertheless, for the teachers of the sandwich training, they establish for a long time the indispensable condition of a really professional co-op education program. By using the sociology of the actor-network and to the concept of social relationships, we would like to qualify this speech. From the analysis of two university co-op programs, we highlight that an almost fusional partnership with an occupational environment (...)
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    Social.networks@work: Case studies into the importance of computer-supported social networks in a mobile phone company.Gerit Götzenbrucker - 2004 - Communications 29 (4):467-494.
    Organizational innovation depends heavily on whether or not communication processes are regulated. Furthermore, social networks represent content-based connectivity of actors in opposition to formal organization. Communication technologies such as e-mail make it possible to continuously maintain the establishment and preserve social networks. Enhancing cooperation in team working processes are the benefits of social networks in dynamic organizations. This article reports on four case studies which focused on teamwork and the structural analysis of e-mail as a communication technology in a mobile (...)
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    Beyond social embeddedness: probing the power relations of alternative food networks in China.Miaomiao Qi - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):701-713.
    Food justice scholars have criticized alternative food networks (AFNs) for lacking concern about gender, class, race, and ethnicity, thus not addressing structural inequalities. This paper further suggests that the incorporation of social justice into AFNs’ on-the-ground operations is critical in creating a more sustainable and just agri-food system that challenges the industrial and corporate-controlled food system. By exploring an urban–rural mutual aid cooperative in southwest China, this paper highlights a localized AFN that has successfully cultivated close social ties between ethnic (...)
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    Multi-actor networks and innovation niches: university training for local Agroecological Dynamization.Josep Espluga, Marina Masso, Laura Calvet-Mir & Daniel López-García - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):567-579.
    The global environmental and social-economic crises of industrialized agriculture have led to the emergence of agroecology as an alternative approach aiming to increase the ecological, social and economic sustainability of agri–food systems. The ‘multi-level perspective’ is now a widely used framework to understand and promote the upscaling of local innovation niches, such as agroecology, to broader scales (e.g., regional, national, international), thus reconfiguring the dominant socio-technical regimes. Additionally, emergent ‘hybrid forums’ can provide a space between niche and regime where niche (...)
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    Reading in the wing chair: the shaping of teaching and reading bodies in the transactional performativity of materialities.Elin Sundström Sjödin & Ninni Wahlström - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (9):920-930.
    Literary education exposes students to unpredictable critical moments in their encounters with a text. Drawing on Dewey’s transactional realism and actor-network theory, this theoretical and conceptual study explores the performativity of things and materials as they shape reading and teaching bodies. This transactional performativity extends beyond the physical positioning of the body to the power relations enacted in text situations. The conceptual rationale is illustrated by a story about a reading chair in a detention home for detained young men—an (...)
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    Multi-actor networks and innovation niches: university training for local Agroecological Dynamization.Daniel López-García, Laura Calvet-Mir, Marina Di Masso & Josep Espluga - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (3):567-579.
    The global environmental and social-economic crises of industrialized agriculture have led to the emergence of agroecology as an alternative approach aiming to increase the ecological, social and economic sustainability of agri–food systems. The ‘multi-level perspective’ is now a widely used framework to understand and promote the upscaling of local innovation niches, such as agroecology, to broader scales, thus reconfiguring the dominant socio-technical regimes. Additionally, emergent ‘hybrid forums’ can provide a space between niche and regime where niche innovators can become important (...)
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    Rethinking Interventionist Research: Navigating Oppositional Networks in a Danish Hospital.Niels Christian Nickelsen - 2009 - Journal of Research Practice 5 (2):Article M4.
    This article reports on a researcher's experience of being invited to improve upon an organisational situation in a hospital in Denmark. Being engaged with different networks of participants in the organisational situation, the researcher found himself wrapped up in various agendas, with different sections of the staff trying to persuade him to support their own respective interests. The article theorises these persuasions as "seductions." Consequently, the task of the researcher involves selecting, prioritising, and working upon his connections with various networks, (...)
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  10.  40
    Sensorimotor Life: An enactive proposal.Ezequiel Di Paolo, Thomas Bhurman & Xabier Barandiaran - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    How accurate is the picture of the human mind that has emerged from studies in neuroscience, psychology, and cognitive science? Anybody with an interest in how minds work - how we learn about the world and how we remember people and events - may feel dissatisfied with the answers contemporary science has to offer. Sensorimotor Life draws on current theoretical developments in the enactive approach to life and mind. It examines and expands the premises of the sciences of the (...)
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  11.  29
    Contextualizing Security Innovation: Responsible Research and Innovation at the Smart Border?Frederik C. Huettenrauch & Nina Klimburg-Witjes - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-19.
    Current European innovation and security policies are increasingly channeled into efforts to address the assumed challenges that threaten European societies. A field in which this has become particularly salient is digitized EU border management. Here, the framework of responsible research and innovation (RRI) has recently been used to point to the alleged sensitivity of political actors towards the contingent dimensions of emerging security technologies. RRI, in general, is concerned with societal needs and the engagement and inclusion of various stakeholder groups (...)
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    Situating a Small University at the Heart of a Regional Economy: Ten Years on from the Witty Review.David Cooper - 2024 - In Bob MacKenzie & Rob Warwick (eds.), The Impact of a Regional Business School on its Communities: A Holistic Perspective. Springer Verlag. pp. 31-64.
    Sir Andrew Witty’s pivotal 2013 report (Witty, Encouraging a British invention revolution: Sir Andrew Witty’s review of universities and growth. Final Report and Recommendations, 2013) identified that universities have an extraordinary potential to enhance economic growth, and that much of this growth will come from small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). The report noted that whilst they offer SMEs substantial benefits, many universities lack resources for external engagement. I argue that larger universities do contribute to this narrative but are driven by strong research (...)
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    The Analyst's Experience of the Depressive Position: The Melancholic Errand of Psychoanalysis.Steven H. Cooper - 2016 - Routledge.
    In _The Analyst’s Experience of the Depressive Position: The Melancholic Errand of Psychoanalysis_, Steven Cooper explores a subject matter previously applied more exclusively to patients, but rarely to psychoanalysts. Cooper probes the analyst’s experience of the depressive position in the analytic situation. These experiences include the pleasures and warmth of helping patients to bear what appears unbearable as well as the poignant experiences of, limitation, incompleteness, repetition and disappointment as a vital part of clinical work. He describes a seam (...)
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    Working Practices of the Menopause Clinic.Marilys Guillemin - 2000 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 25 (4):449-471.
    Although there are many possible ways of understanding menopause, it is the notion of menopause as hormone deficiency that currently dominates. How is it that this account remains prevalent rather than some alternative understanding of menopause? This question is explored through the employment of a framework informed by both actor network theory and symbolic interactionist studies. The author exploits the common ground shared by these two conceptual approaches to analyze how practices generate and reify particular kinds of knowledge about (...)
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  15. Techno-animism in Japan: Shinto Cosmograms, Actor-network Theory, and the Enabling Powers of Non-human Agencies.Casper Bruun Jensen & Anders Blok - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (2):84-115.
    In a wide range of contemporary debates on Japanese cultures of technological practice, brief reference is often made to distinct Shinto legacies, as forming an animist substratum of indigenous spiritual beliefs and cosmological imaginations. Japan has been described as a land of Shinto-infused ‘techno-animism’: exhibiting a ‘polymorphous perversity’ that resolutely ignores boundaries between human, animal, spiritual and mechanical beings. In this article, we deploy instances of Japanese techno-animism as sites of theoretical experimentation on what Bruno Latour calls a symmetrical anthropology (...)
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    Introduction: Reclaiming and Renewing Actor Network Theory for Educational Research.Tara Fenwick & Richard Edwards - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (S1):1-14.
    In considering two extended examples of educational reform efforts, this discussion traces relations that become visible through analytic approaches associated with actor‐network theory . The strategy here is to present multiple readings of the two examples. The first reading adopts an ANT approach to follow ways that all actors—human and non‐human entities, including the entity that is taken to be ‘educational reform’—are performed into being through the play of linkages among heterogeneous elements. Then, further readings focus not only on (...)
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  17. The Poetry of Jeroen Mettes.Samuel Vriezen & Steve Pearce - 2012 - Continent 2 (1):22-28.
    continent. 2.1 (2012): 22–28. Jeroen Mettes burst onto the Dutch poetry scene twice. First, in 2005, when he became a strong presence on the nascent Dutch poetry blogosphere overnight as he embarked on his critical project Dichtersalfabet (Poet’s Alphabet). And again in 2011, when to great critical acclaim (and some bafflement) his complete writings were published – almost five years after his far too early death. 2005 was the year in which Dutch poetry blogging exploded. That year saw the foundation (...)
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  18.  70
    Narrativity and enaction: the social nature of literary narrative understanding.Yanna B. Popova - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:103021.
    This paper proposes an understanding of literary narrative as a form of social cognition and situates the study of such narratives in relation to the new comprehensive approach to human cognition, enaction. The particular form of enactive cognition that narrative understanding is proposed to depend on is that of participatory sense-making, as developed in the work of Di Paolo and De Jaegher. Currently there is no consensus as to what makes a good literary narrative, how it is understood, (...)
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    Virtues in Participatory Design: Cooperation, Curiosity, Creativity, Empowerment and Reflexivity. [REVIEW]Marc Steen - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):945-962.
    In this essay several virtues are discussed that are needed in people who work in participatory design (PD). The term PD is used here to refer specifically to an approach in designing information systems with its roots in Scandinavia in the 1970s and 1980s. Through the lens of virtue ethics and based on key texts in PD, the virtues of cooperation, curiosity, creativity, empowerment and reflexivity are discussed. Cooperation helps people in PD projects to engage in cooperative curiosity and (...)
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  20.  7
    Health care as participatory sense-making: an enactive perspective on relations between patients and health care providers.Geoffrey Dierckxsens - forthcoming - Mind and Society:1-21.
    Participatory sense-making is already an established concept within enactivism. It is used to define the participatory nature of cognitive relations, designating that humans and other organisms make sense of their surrounding environments not just on their own. They build cooperative networks, working together, to create ways of making sense of the world. However, so far little attention has been paid to how enactive concepts, such as participatory sense-making, may apply to the field of bioethics, understood here as health care ethics. (...)
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  21.  30
    Ethics, Embodiment and the Voice-Hearing Experience.Lisa Blackman - 2000 - Theory, Culture and Society 17 (5):55-74.
    This article explores how theoretical arguments in relation to the concepts of embodiment and identity can allow one to analyse and explore the cultural and psychological significance of a contemporary set of practices of the `hallucinatory self', exemplified by members of the Hearing Voices Network. The article considers work in `critical psychology', which has largely been ignored by media and cultural theory. Through specific analysis of the ways in which a group of voice-hearers are enacting their identities outside of (...)
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  22.  47
    Private standards, grower networks, and power in a food supply system.Lyndal-Joy Thompson & Stewart Lockie - 2013 - Agriculture and Human Values 30 (3):379-388.
    The role of private food standards in agriculture is increasingly raising questions of legitimacy, particularly in light of the impacts such standards may have on food producers. While much work has been carried out at a macro policy level for developing countries, there have been relatively few empirical case studies that focus on particular food supply chains, and even fewer studies still of the impact of private standards on developed countries such as Australia. This study seeks to address this (...)
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    Realism, Universalism, and the Science of the Human.Amanda Anderson - 1999 - Diacritics 29 (2):3-17.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Realism, Universalism, and the Science of the HumanAmanda Anderson (bio)Satya P. Mohanty. Literary Theory and the Claims of History: Postmodernism, Objectivity, Multicultural Politics. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1997.Martha C. Nussbaum. Cultivating Humanity: A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1997.It is arguably a peculiar fact that a book announcing itself as a defense of objectivity and realism would begin by assuring readers of the political efficacy (...)
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    Logic and logogrif in German idealism : an investigation into the notion of experience in Kant, Fichte, Schelling.Kyriaki Goudeli - unknown
    In this thesis I investigate the notion of experience in German Idealist Philosophy. I focus on the exploration of an alternative to the transcendental model notion of experience through Schelling's insight into the notion of logogrif. The structural division of this project into two sections reflects the two theoretical standpoints of this project, namely the logic and the logogrif of experience. The first section - the logic of experience - explores the notion of experience provided in Kant's Critique of Pure (...)
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    Surface Strategies And Constructive Line-Preferential Planes, Contour, Phenomenal Body In The Work Of Bacon, Chalayan, Kawakubo.Dagmar Reinhardt - 2005 - Colloquy 9:49-70.
    The paper investigates Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s discussion of body and space and Gilles Deleuze’s reading of Francis Bacon’s work, in order to derive a renegotiated interrelation between habitual body, phenomenal space, preferential plane and constructive line. The resulting system is ap- plied as a filter to understand the sartorial fashion of Rei Kawakubo and Hussein Chalayan and their potential as a spatial prosthesis: the operative third skin. If the evolutionary nature of culture demands a constant change, how does the surface (...)
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  26. La situation professionnelle : moment critique dans l’action, Interface de la formation en alternance le cas particulier de la formation en soins infirmiers.Catherine Guillaumin - 2012 - Revue Phronesis 1 (1):21-39.
    The professional situation is considered a major interface of practicum training, here conceived as a School of conjunction, a school where one learns to make links, a foundation for the engineering of professionalization. The notion of situation is here developed based on the study of a data corpus elaborated during an experience with a practicum training model centred on writing and the construction of the professional situation by a subject-actor-author of the situation, in interaction with others, in the context (...)
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    Enacting musical time: the bodily experience of new music.Mariusz Kozak - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    A compelling approach among works on temporality, phenomenology, and the ecologies of the new sound worlds, Enacting Musical Time argues that musical time is itself the site of the interaction between musical sounds and a situated, embodied listener, created by the moving bodies of participants engaged in musical activities.
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  28.  21
    Political Alliance Formation and Cooperation Networks in the Utah State Legislature.Connor A. Davis, Daniel Redhead & Shane J. Macfarlan - 2022 - Human Nature 33 (1):1-21.
    Social network analysis has become an increasingly important tool among political scientists for understanding legislative cooperation in modern, democratic nation-states. Recent research has demonstrated the influence that group affinity (homophily) and mutual exchanges (reciprocity) have in structuring political relationships. However, this literature has typically focused on political cooperation where costs are low, relationships are not exclusive, and/or partisan competition is high. Patterns of legislative behavior in alternative contexts are less clear and remain largely unexamined. Here, we compare theoretical expectations of (...)
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  29. Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Field of Consumer Financial Services.Feliksas Petrauskas & Aida Gasiūnaitė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (1):179-194.
    Financial services have a very significant impact on and meaning to the daily life and welfare of consumers. The spectrum of these types of services is very broad, and their regulation is also changing both at EU and national (Member State) level. In order to implement the main or the most relevant EU level goals, such as high level consumer rights protection, consumer trust in business sector, proper and effective functioning of the EU internal market it is essential to ensure (...)
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    Transforming a traditional commons-based seed system through collaborative networks of farmer seed-cooperatives and public breeding programs: the case of sorghum in Mali.Fred Rattunde, Eva Weltzien, Mamourou Sidibé, Abdoulaye Diallo, Bocar Diallo, Kirsten vom Brocke, Baloua Nebié, Aboubacar Touré, Yalaly Traoré, Amadou Sidibé, Chiaka Diallo, Soriba Diakité, Alhousseïni Bretaudeau & Anja Christinck - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):561-578.
    Malian farmers’ traditional system for managing seed of sorghum, an indigenous crop of vital importance for food security and survival, can be conceptualized as a commons. Although this system maintains a wide range of varieties and helps ensure access to seed, its ability to create and widely disseminate new varieties to meet evolving opportunities and challenges is limited. A network of farmer groups, public breeding programs, and development organizations collaborating in decentralized creation and dissemination of sorghum varieties in Mali is (...)
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    Organizing the Public Health-clinical Health Interface: Theoretical Bases. [REVIEW]Michèle St-Pierre, Daniel Reinharz & Jacques-Bernard Gauthier - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):97-106.
    This article addresses the issue of the interface between public health and clinical health within the context of the search for networking approaches geared to a more integrated delivery of health services. The articulation of an operative interface is complicated by the fact that the definition of networking modalities involves complex intra- and interdisciplinary and intra- and interorganizational systems across which a new transversal dynamics of intervention practices and exchanges between service structures must be established. A better understanding of the (...)
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    Symposium: Focusing on the Experience: Exploring Alternative Paths for Research.Eleanor Victoria Stubley, Anneli Arho, Paivi Jarvio & Tuomas Mali - 2006 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 14 (1):39-41.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Focusing on The Experience:Exploring Alternative Paths for ResearchEleanor Stubley, Anneli Arho, Päivi Järviö, and Tuomas MaliWriting and speaking are essential means of understanding, studying, and sharing music in the Western art music tradition. As a group of researchers, our story begins with the gap that seemingly exists between theoretical definitions or accounts of music and our experience of it as music makers—that is to say as composers, performers, conductors, (...)
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    When Tongzhi Marry: Experiments of Cooperative Marriage between Lalas and Gay Men in Urban China.Stephanie Yingyi Wang - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):13-35.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 13 Stephanie Yingyi Wang When Tongzhi Marry: Experiments of Cooperative Marriage between Lalas and Gay Men in Urban China Ang Lee’s film The Wedding Banquet could be classic introductory material for tongzhi studies and, particularly, for research on cooperative marriage.1 In the film, Wai-Tung, a Taiwanese landlord who lives happily with his American boyfriend Simon in New York, (...)
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    Research on the Operating Mechanism of E-Commerce Poverty Alleviation in Agricultural Cooperatives: An Actor Network Theory Perspective.Na Xu, Chi Xu, Yuanbo Jin & Zhenjie Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    E-commerce poverty alleviation has become a new wisdom in China’s rural poverty alleviation, but there are a few empirical researches on e-commerce poverty alleviation based on farmer cooperatives. Taking four typical poverty counties in Zhejiang Province as an example, based on the actor network theory, this paper defines the participants and their obligatory passage point from the e-commerce poverty alleviation actor network, combs the roles and interest demands of various stakeholders, and constructs the EPAAN model based on farmer (...)
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    A Commitment‐Based Framework for Describing Informal Cooperative Work.Richard E. Fikes - 1982 - Cognitive Science 6 (4):331-347.
    In this paper we present a framework for describing cooperative work in informal domains such as an office. We argue that standard models of such work are inadequate for describing the adaptibility and variability observed in offices, and are fundamentally misleading as metaphors for understanding the skills and knowledge needed by computers or people to do the work. The basic claim in our alternative framework is that an agent's work is defined in terms of making and (...)
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    La construction identitaire des éducateurs de jeunes enfants en alternance : ou comment l’usage du construit de reliance participe-t-il de la réorientation de leur projet professionnel en cours de formation?Marie-Christine Talbot - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (1):4-15.
    Although the context, such as the social policies or the professional world in mutation, highlights the emergence of a new professional project for educators of young children during their training period, the process of professionalization and the identity building involved during the training period will be more especially studied, in relation to the practical experience gathered during the internships (Wittorski, 2009). This experience awakes in the subject a reflection and a situation of identity building through the encounter and the interactions (...)
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    Incivility Affects Actors Too: The Complex Effects of Incivility on Perpetrators’ Work and Home Behaviors.Daniel Kim, Klodiana Lanaj & Joel Koopman - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-28.
    The majority of workplace incivility research has focused on implications of such acts for victims and observers. We extend this work in meaningful ways by proposing that, due to its norm-violating nature, incivility may have important implications for perpetrators as well. Integrating social norms theory and research on guilt with the behavioral concordance model, we take an actor-centric approach to argue that enacted incivility will lead to feelings of guilt, particularly for prosocially-motivated employees. In addition, given the interpersonally (...)
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    What Is an Environmental Problem?Andrew Barry - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (2):93-117.
    This paper advances two arguments about environmental problems. First, it interrogates the strength and limitations of empiricist accounts of problems and issues offered by actor-network theory. Drawing on the work of C.S. Peirce, it considers how emerging environmental problems often lead to abductive inferences about the existence of hidden causes that may or may not have caused the problem to emerge. The analysis of environmental problems should be empiricist in so far as it is sceptical of the claims (...)
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  39. From children's perspectives: A model of aesthetic processing in theatre.Jeanne Klein - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (4):40-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Children's Perspectives:A Model of Aesthetic Processing in TheatreJeanne Klein (bio)Since the children's theatre movement began, producers have sought to create artistic theatre experiences that best correspond to the adult-constructed aesthetic "needs" of young audiences by categorizing common differences according to age groups. For decades, directors simply chose plays on the basis of dramatic genres (e.g., fairy tales), as defined by children's presupposed interests or "tastes," by subscribing to (...)
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  40. Labor automation for fair cooperation: Why and how machines should provide meaningful work for all.Denise Celentano - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy (1):1-19.
    The article explores the problem of preferable technological changes in the context of work. To this end, it addresses the ‘why’ (motives and values) and the ‘how’ (organizational forms) of automation from a normative perspective. Concerning the ‘why,’ automation processes are currently mostly driven by values of economic efficiency. Yet, since automation processes are part of the basic structure of society, as is the division of labor, considerations of justice apply to them. As for the ‘how,’ the article suggests (...)
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    Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools by Geoffrey Baker (review).Kim Boeskov - 2023 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 31 (1):92-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools by Geoffrey BakerKim BoeskovGeoffrey Baker: Rethinking Social Action through Music: The Search for Coexistence and Citizenship in Medellín’s Music Schools (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2021)If indeed there exists, as Geir Johansen has proposed,1 a self-critical movement within the field of music education, Geoffrey Baker is undoubtedly one of its leading figures. According (...)
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    Displacement of Agency: The Enactment of Patients’ Agency in and beyond Haemodialysis Practices.Wen-Yuan Lin - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (3):421-443.
    How might the agency of the subaltern be conceptualized within the intersection of multiple worlds? Actor-network theory’s translation framework for understanding agency portraying this as entrepreneur and talking of a world in the making is arguably “imperialist,” “managerial,” and “monolithic.” Draws from the enactment turn of ANT and insights into the politics of representation, this article elaborates an alternative framework which focuses on displacement. By examining the case of dialysis patients, the article explores the displacing practices that follow the (...)
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    Recovering Food Commons in Post Industrial Europe: Cooperation Networks in Organic Food Provisioning in Catalonia and Norway.Marianne E. Lien & S. Gómez Mestres - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (5):625-643.
    This paper explores food commoning through an ethnographic case study in Catalonia as our primary site while the Norwegian case is juxtaposed as a comparison, two agriculturally and economically different European countries. The ethnography analyses cooperation networks between organic food producers’ and consumers’ involving different nodes of community gardening initiatives, self-employed growers, local farmers and all of them under a unique cooperative integrating a community economy. The result it is a myriad of exchange practices ranging from reciprocity and barter to (...)
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    Performativity and the Intellectual Historian's Re-enactment of Written Works.Colin Tyler - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (2):167-186.
    This article develops and defends a performative conception of historical re-enactment as a fruitful method by which intellectual historians can interpret texts. Specifically, it argues that, in order to understand properly any given text, the intellectual historian should re-enact the performative activities of the writer of that text. The first section analyses one of the most influential and powerful theories of historical re-enactment, namely that found in the later writings of Robin George Collingwood. Drawing on Wittgenstein's theory of family resemblances, (...)
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  45. Open seas, open systems.Susan Collins - 2024 - Technoetic Arts 22 (2):155-166.
    This article traces the author’s utilization of the sea as both generative device and communications channel, from an early student experiment sending out messages in bottles, and Transporting Skies, an exhibition made in response to the pioneering telegraph communications station at Porthcurno near Newlyn in Cornwall, one of the first places to be ‘on-line’ in a contemporary sense, to the present day. Reflecting on an ongoing series of works employing imagery captured and transmitted by network cameras pixel by pixel in (...)
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    How Deafness May Emerge as a Disability as Social Interactions Unfold.Gabrielle Hodge - 2013 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 3 (3):193-196.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Deafness May Emerge as a Disability as Social Interactions UnfoldGabrielle HodgeMy hearing loss ranges from moderate to profound in both ears. I use spoken English, written English and Auslan (Australian sign language) to communicate, and rely heavily on two hearing aids, speach reading skills and my vision to interact with other people. Here I demonstrate how my deafness tends to emerge as a disability through interactions with other (...)
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    Approaching History through the Future: Some Thoughts from a Feminist Pragmatist.Erin McKenna - 2022 - The Pluralist 17 (3):71-80.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Approaching History through the Future: Some Thoughts from a Feminist PragmatistErin McKennai was recently asked to write on the philosophy of history from a pragmatist perspective. My initial response was that this is not my area of specialization and that I didn’t really have much to say. Then I realized that it was interesting to think about how I view and use notions of history in my work (...)
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    Cause, Fault, Norm.John Z. - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):51-55.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Cause, Fault, NormJohn Z. Sadler (bio)Keywordscriminality, mental disorder, responsibilityThanks to the commentators for their fine work. In my brief comments I cannot address all that is raised, but can touch upon everyone’s discussion briefly.In her commentary, Gwen Adshead reflects on her experience as a forensic psychiatrist and therapist for violent offenders. Although Adshead discusses a number of important points, I found her insight into why some vices find (...)
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    Critique and Politics: A sociomaterialist intervention.Richard Edwards & Tara Fenwick - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (13):1385-1404.
    Sociomaterial theories, including actor–network theory (ANT), materialist feminism and posthumanism, are sometimes argued to not be addressing or unable to address sufficiently the political and are therefore dismissed as irrelevant to educational research. Through an extended discussion of writers across the social sciences, this article seeks to counter such a view. Drawing specifically on the work of Latour on the nature of critique and on examples of political analysis from writers such as Barad, Bennett, Braidotti, Marres and Whatmore, (...)
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  50. The Ground We Tread.Vilém Flusser - 2012 - Continent 2 (2):60-63.
    continent. 2.2 (2012): 60–63 Translated by Rodrigo Maltez Novaes. From the forthcoming book Post-History , Minneapolis: Univocal Publishing, 2013. It is not necessary to have a keen ear in order to find out that the steps we take towards the future sound hollow. But it is necessary to have concentrated hearing if one wishes to find out which type of vacuity resonates with our progress. There are several types of vacuity, and ours must be compared to others, if the aim (...)
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