Results for 'Ziwei Shan'

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  1.  18
    Taxation strategies for the governance of digital business model—An example of China.Yi Guo, Tingting Zou & Ziwei Shan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The digital business model emerges as a new business model and gradually penetrates global industries, and countries are putting in place various digital strategies to support their development. As one of the important tools, taxation strategies are highly expected by countries, which not only describe the economic development pattern of a country but also show the digital leadership of a country. Some countries have introduced their own unilateral digital services tax to govern their digital business models, while others have looked (...)
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    Ding Shan zi xue yan jiu wei kan gao.Shan Ding - 2011 - Nanjing Shi: Feng huang chu ban she. Edited by Xiantang Wang.
  3. Fu Shan Xunzi Huainanzi ping zhu shou gao.Shan Fu - 1990 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Liancheng Wu & Xunzi.
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    Crossover Effects of Servant Leadership and Job Social Support on Employee Spouses: The Mediating Role of Employee Organization-Based Self-Esteem.Ziwei Yang, Haina Zhang, Ho Kwong Kwan & Shouming Chen - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):595-604.
    The present study investigated the crossover effects of employee perceptions of servant leadership and job social support on the family satisfaction and quality of family life experienced by the employees’ spouses. These effects were explored through a focus on the mediating role of employee organization-based self-esteem. Results from a three-wave field survey of 199 employee–spouse dyads in the People’s Republic of China support our hypotheses, indicating that OBSE fully mediates the positive effects of servant leadership and job social support on (...)
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  5. Explaining crossover and superiority as left-to-right evaluation.Chung-Chieh Shan & Chris Barker - 2005 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (1):91 - 134.
    We present a general theory of scope and binding in which both crossover and superiority violations are ruled out by one key assumption: that natural language expressions are normally evaluated (processed) from left to right. Our theory is an extension of Shan’s (2002) account of multiple-wh questions, combining continuations (Barker, 2002) and dynamic type-shifting. Like other continuation-based analyses, but unlike most other treatments of crossover or superiority, our analysis is directly compositional (in the sense of, e.g., Jacobson, 1999). In (...)
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    Doing Integrated History and Philosophy of Science: A Case Study of the Origin of Genetics.Yafeng Shan - 2020 - Cham: Springer.
    This book offers an integrated historical and philosophical examination of the origin of genetics. The author contends that an integrated HPS analysis helps us to have a better understanding of the history of genetics, and sheds light on some general issues in the philosophy of science. This book consists of three parts. It begins with historical problems, revisiting the significance of the work of Mendel, de Vries, and Weldon. Then it turns to integrated HPS problems, developing an exemplar-based analysis of (...)
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  7. A New Functional Approach to Scientific Progress.Yafeng Shan - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (4):739-758.
    This article develops and defends a new functional approach to scientific progress. I begin with a review of the problems of the traditional functional approach. Then I propose a new functional account of scientific progress, in which scientific progress is defined in terms of usefulness of problem defining and problem solving. I illustrate and defend my account by applying it to the history of genetics. Finally, I highlight the advantages of my new functional approach over the epistemic and semantic approaches (...)
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  8. Mei xue chen si ji.Ziwei Sun - 1985 - Wuchang Yujiashan: Xin hua shu dian Hubei fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Learning from Failures of Co-owned Firms: Common Ownership and Information Disclosure Fraud.Ziwei Wang, Chunfeng Wang & Zhenming Fang - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (1):95-119.
    This study focuses on learning effects between firms connected by common ownership. We explore the learning effects in a certain setting that how decision-makers in focal firms learn from punishments for fraudulent disclosure in their co-owned firms. Baseline results show that punishments for fraudulent disclosure in co-owned firms reduce information disclosure fraud in focal firms. The effects still exist after excluding other potential channels of learning. In mechanism analyses, similarities between focal firms and their co-owned firms and influential common shareholders (...)
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    Du dong dao de jing de di yi ben shu.Ziwei Zhang - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Yu he wen hua chu ban you xian gong si. Edited by Laozi.
    中國五千來最偉大的思想 紛擾世道下的一盞明燈,政治家必讀。價值觀錯亂中的指北針,上班族必備。啟迪智慧開闊心靈良方,人人都要看。 被譯成百餘種文字流向全世界每個角落,已成為世界哲學寶典之一。德國哲學家黑格爾、俄國偉大的作家托爾斯泰都曾經翻譯過《道德經》。在西方《道德經》是除《聖經》以外,世界經典名著中被譯成外國文字發行量最多的。 《道德經》又叫做《老子》,因為全文共約五千字,又稱《老子五千言》,是中國哲學史上第一部具有完整哲學體系的書籍,是歷朝歷代學者已經研究了兩千多年的一部鉅著。其思想的傳播,對整個中華民族的思想有著深遠的影 響。它的內容涉及哲學、文學、美學、醫學、軍事學、社會學、倫理學、天文學、養生學,被譽為「萬經之王」。.
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    Du dong Zhuangzi, zhen de hen rong yi.Ziwei Zhang - 2011 - Taibei Shi: Hong ma yi tu shu you xian gong si fa xing. Edited by Ziwei Zhang & Zhuangzi.
    領略莊子超脫的人生觀,讓中國歷史上最會說故事的人, 給您傲視王侯、快意人生的智慧。 司馬遷說:莊子其學無所不窺,故自王公大人不能器之。 金聖嘆說:莊子為天下第一才子,而《莊子》為「天下第一才子書」。 莊子讓我們思考人的本質,如何順應自然才能獲得自由,告訴我們怎樣精神養生。我們每個人都需要莊子。 本書從莊子的內篇、外篇、雜篇中節選了文中最有哲理,能夠點醒人們思想的文章。這些篇章的每一節都用最經典的詞語做為篇名,因為沒有哪一部經典著作中每一句話都是經典,它最精彩的部分往往是那些隻言片語。書中並透 過解讀,告訴人們如何才能做到莊子的逍遙境界,以及在為人處世中,如何才能讓自己不為外物所累,做事遊刃有餘。並列舉了大量的經典事例,達到了畫龍點睛的作用。.
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    Zhe ge zhi hui wo men yong le 2300 nian: Zhuangzi.Ziwei Zhang - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Yu he wen hua chu ban you xian gong si. Edited by Zhuangzi.
    中國史上最會說故事的人,給您傲視王侯、快意人生的智慧 司馬遷說:莊子其學無所不窺,故自王公大人不能器之。金聖嘆說:莊子為天下第一才子,而《莊子》為「天下第一才子書」。 如果您覺得累了、覺得生活不快樂、覺得人生充滿壓力無從宣洩,那麼您應該預約心理醫生面談,不想找心理醫生的話,先看看這本書吧!書中的寓言式哲理可以讓您消煩解憂、平衡心理。 本書從莊子的內篇、外篇、雜篇中節選了文中最有哲理,能夠點醒人們思想的文章。這些篇章的每一節都用最經典的詞語做為篇名,因為沒有哪一部經典著作中每一句話都是經典,它最精彩的部分往往是那些隻言片語。書中並透 過解讀,告訴人們如何才能做到莊子的逍遙境界,以及在為人處世中,如何才能讓自己不為外物所累,做事遊刃有餘。並列舉了大量的經典事例,達到了畫龍點睛的作用。.
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  13. Kuhn’s “wrong turning” and legacy today.Yafeng Shan - 2020 - Synthese 197 (1):381-406.
    Alexander Bird indicates that the significance of Thomas Kuhn in the history of philosophy of science is somehow paradoxical. On the one hand, Kuhn was one of the most influential and important philosophers of science in the second half of the twentieth century. On the other hand, nowadays there is little distinctively Kuhn’s legacy in the sense that most of Kuhn’s work has no longer any philosophical significance. Bird argues that the explanation of the paradox of Kuhn’s legacy is that (...)
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  14. The Debate over Proximate and Ultimate Causation in Biology.Yafeng Shan - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-29.
    It has been over 60 years since Ernst Mayr famously argued for the distinction between proximate and ultimate causes in biology. In the following decades, Mayr’s proximate-ultimate distinction was well received within evolutionary biology and widely regarded as a major contribution to the philosophy of biology. Despite its enormous influence, there has been a persistent controversy on the distinction. It has been argued that the distinction is untenable. In addition, there have been complaints about the pragmatic value of the distinction (...)
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  15.  58
    God does play dice with the universe: a startling new picture of the world Einstein could not believe but you can understand.Shan Gao - 2008 - Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk: Arima.
    Science has made a mighty advance since it originated in ancient Greece more than 2500 years ago. Yet we still live in Plato's cave today; we think everything around us moves continuously, but continuous motion is merely a shadow of real motion. This book will lead you to walk out the cave along a logical and comprehensible road. After passing Zeno's arrow, Newton's inertia, Einstein's light, and Schrodinger's cat, you will reach the real world, where every thing in the universe, (...)
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  16.  12
    Fa de zi ran jing shen dao lun lun.Shan Jiang - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Yuan zhao chu ban gong si.
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    Hu zhu yu zi zu: fa yu jing ji de li shi luo ji tong lun.Shan Jiang - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Yuan zhao chu ban gong si.
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    Adapted to flee famine: Adding an evolutionary perspective on anorexia nervosa.Shan Guisinger - 2003 - Psychological Review 110 (4):745-761.
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  19. The extended evolutionary synthesis: An integrated historical and philosophical examination.Yafeng Shan - 2024 - Philosophy Compass 19 (6):e13002.
    Among biologists and philosophers, there is an ongoing debate over the Modern Synthesis and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis. Some argue that our current evolutionary biology is in need of (at least) some substantial revision or nontrivial extension, while others maintain that the Modern Synthesis remains the foundational framework for evolutionary biology. It has been widely debated whether the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis provides a more promising framework than the Modern Synthesis. The nature and methodological implications of the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis were (...)
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    Engineers’ Moral Responsibility: A Confucian Perspective.Shan Jing & Neelke Doorn - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):233-253.
    Moral responsibility is one of the core concepts in engineering ethics and consequently in most engineering ethics education. Yet, despite a growing awareness that engineers should be trained to become more sensitive to cultural differences, most engineering ethics education is still based on Western approaches. In this article, we discuss the notion of responsibility in Confucianism and explore what a Confucian perspective could add to the existing engineering ethics literature. To do so, we analyse the Citicorp case, a widely discussed (...)
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  21. The Functional Approach: Scientific Progress as Increased Usefulness.Yafeng Shan - 2022 - In New Philosophical Perspectives on Scientific Progress. New York: Routledge. pp. 46-61.
    The functional approach to scientific progress has been mainly developed by Kuhn, Lakatos, Popper, Laudan, and more recently by Shan. The basic idea is that science progresses if key functions of science are fulfilled in a better way. This chapter defends the function approach. It begins with an overview of the two old versions of the functional approach by examining the work of Kuhn, Laudan, Popper, and Lakatos. It then argues for Shan’s new functional approach, in which scientific (...)
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  22.  16
    Nature, Wilderness, and Civilization.Shan Gao - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (3):211-212.
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    Nature, Wilderness, and Supreme Goodness.Shan Gao - 2020 - Environmental Ethics 42 (3):237-251.
    Transcendentalism and Confucianism involve different understandinsgs of the concepts of nature, wilderness, and supreme goodness in terms of the metaphysical understanding of nature and how it influences the understanding of human nature. The goodness of Tao is not transcendental as understood by transcendentalism. Rather the goodness of Tao as the important moral values is shaped by human beings’ experience of the natural world. It is this deeper philosophical reason why transcendentalism encourages the aesthetic appreciation of wilderness while Confucianism encourages the (...)
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  24. A quantum theory of consciousness.Shan Gao - 2007 - Minds and Machines 18 (1):39-52.
    The relationship between quantum collapse and consciousness is reconsidered under the assumption that quantum collapse is an objective dynamical process. We argue that the conscious observer can have a distinct role from the physical measuring device during the process of quantum collapse owing to the intrinsic nature of consciousness; the conscious observer can know whether he is in a definite state or a quantum superposition of definite states, while the physical measuring device cannot “know”. As a result, the consciousness observer (...)
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  25. Applying Evidential Pluralism to the Social Sciences.Yafeng Shan & Jon Williamson - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-27.
    Evidential Pluralism maintains that in order to establish a causal claim one normally needs to establish the existence of an appropriate conditional correlation and the existence of an appropriate mechanism complex, so when assessing a causal claim one ought to consider both association studies and mechanistic studies. Hitherto, Evidential Pluralism has been applied to medicine, leading to the EBM+ programme, which recommends that evidence-based medicine should systematically evaluate mechanistic studies alongside clinical studies. This paper argues that Evidential Pluralism can also (...)
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    Cold Mountain; 100 Poems by the Tʿang Poet Han-ShanCold Mountain; 100 Poems by the Tang Poet Han-Shan.Chauncey S. Goodrich & Han-Shan - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):415.
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  27. Unconscious structural knowledge of tonal symmetry: Tang poetry redefines limits of implicit learning.Shan Jiang, Lei Zhu, Xiuyan Guo, Wendy Ma, Zhiliang Yang & Zoltan Dienes - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):476-486.
    The study aims to help characterize the sort of structures about which people can acquire unconscious knowledge. It is already well established that people can implicitly learn n-grams and also repetition patterns. We explore the acquisition of unconscious structural knowledge of symmetry. Chinese Tang poetry uses a specific sort of mirror symmetry, an inversion rule with respect to the tones of characters in successive lines of verse. We show, using artificial poetry to control both n-gram structure and repetition patterns, that (...)
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  28.  68
    Rethinking Thomas Kuhn’s Legacy.Yafeng Shan (ed.) - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    Thomas Kuhn is widely considered as one of the most important philosophers of science in the 20th century and his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions is regarded as one of the most influential works in the philosophy of science. This book not only revisits his legacy in the history and philosophy of science but also explores and reflects on the prospect of the Kuhnian philosophy. Moreover, it includes the edited text of Kuhn’s ‘Does Knowledge Grow?’, which was never published before. (...)
  29.  53
    Rituals, Death and the Moral Practice of Medical Futility.Shan Mohammed & Elizabeth Peter - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (3):292-302.
    Medical futility is often defined as providing inappropriate treatments that will not improve disease prognosis, alleviate physiological symptoms, or prolong survival. This understanding of medical futility is problematic because it rests on the final outcomes of procedures that are narrow and medically defined. In this article, Walker's `expressivecollaborative' model of morality is used to examine how certain critical care interventions that are considered futile actually have broader social functions surrounding death and dying. By examining cardiopulmonary resuscitation and life-sustaining intensive care (...)
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    On Pretabular Logics in NExtK4.Shan Du - 2014 - Studia Logica 102 (5):931-954.
    In this paper we prove the pretabularity criteria for the logics of infinite depth in NExtK4. Then we use the criteria to resolve the problems of pretabular logics in NExtQ4 and prove that there is a continuum of pretabular logics in NExtQ4 just like NExtK4.
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  31.  6
    The problem of mind and body.Shan-tsu Han - 1922 - [London?:
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    The life and thought of Li Kou, 1009-1059.Shan-yüan Hsieh & Shanyuan Xie - 1979 - San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center.
    "The relation of Sung philosopher Li Kou to the reformer Wang An-shih and the problem of the relation between the two as men and as thinkers has long fascinated Sung specialists and students of philosophy. Hsieh has organized his work shrewdly, first dealing with age in which Li Kou lived and the philosophers life before embarking on his systematic and painstaking analysis of the writings, of the eclecticism that marks Li's thinking, Li's place in the refinement of traditional Confucianist political (...)
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    Zhong gu si xiang shi lun ji.Shan Hua - 2008 - Beijing Shi: Xue yuan chu ban she. Edited by Gengtang Wang & Zhou Hua.
    本书共分佛学、宋明理学、清初朴学、专题探讨、附录五部分。主要内容包括: 自汉魏至宋初的儒佛道三教关系和道学的形成 ; 试说大乘佛教的兴起 ; 论张载思想 ; 程朱理学批判 ; 论王夫之思想 ; 论王廷相思想 ; 关于我国封建社会土地所有制的一些意见等.
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  34.  6
    Ren ji tong gou de fa zhe xue.Shan Jiang - 2008 - Taibei Shi: Yuan zhao chu ban gong si.
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    Research on Digital Business Model Innovation Based on Emotion Regulation Lens.Shan Lu & Haijing Yu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Digital technologies, such as artificial intelligence, brain-computer interfaces technology and big data, enable many firms to innovate their business model. It is clearly an emotional process due to its complex and uncertain nature, and involves individuals’ emotion regulation, yet the current research lacks an effective conversion path from emotion to digital business model innovation. Drawing on theories and research on emotion regulation and business model innovation, we investigate how emotion regulation of entrepreneurs influence digital BMI. Data from 126 new ventures (...)
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  36.  26
    Inverse scope as metalinguistic quotation in operational semantics.Chung-Chieh Shan - 2008 - In Takashi Washio, Ken Satoh, Hideaki Takeda & Akihiro Inokuchi, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 123--134.
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    Zong jiao zhe xue.Chun Shan - 2003 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo zhi shi fen zi de Makesi zhe xue =.Jigang Shan - 2013 - Beijing: Zhong guo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Actuation by hydrogen electrosorption in hierarchical nanoporous palladium.Shan Shi, Jürgen Markmann & Jörg Weissmüller - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-17.
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    What Confucius practiced is good for your mind: Examining the effect of a contemplative practice in Confucian tradition on executive functions.Shan-Chuan Teng & Yunn-Wen Lien - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 42:204-215.
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    (1 other version)Introduction.Shan Zhenyun - 1995 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 26 (3):4-18.
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    The medicalisation of the dying self: The search for life extension in advanced cancer.Shan Mohammed, Elizabeth Peter, Denise Gastaldo & Doris Howell - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (1):e12316.
    Although many studies have previously examined medicalisation, we add a new dimension to the concept as we explore how contemporary oncological medicine shapes the dying self as predominantly medical. Through an analysis of multiple case studies collected within a comprehensive cancer centre in Ontario, Canada, we examine how people with late‐stage cancer and their healthcare providers enacted the process of medicalisation through engaging in the search for oncological treatments, such as experimental drug trials, despite the incurability of their disease. The (...)
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  43. Meaning of the wave function.Shan Gao - 2010
    We investigate the meaning of the wave function by analyzing the mass and charge density distributions of a quantum system. According to protective measurement, a charged quantum system has effective mass and charge density distributing in space, proportional to the square of the absolute value of its wave function. In a realistic interpretation, the wave function of a quantum system can be taken as a description of either a physical field or the ergodic motion of a particle. The essential difference (...)
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  44. Measurement Invariance of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 Across Gender in a Sample of Chinese University Students.Shan Lu, Shuqing Hu, Yuhuan Guan, Jing Xiao, Dan Cai, Zhihua Gao, Zhiqin Sang, Jie Wei, Xiaochi Zhang & Jürgen Margraf - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    On Uffink's criticism of protective measurements.Shan Gao - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 44 (4):513-518.
    Protective measurement is a new measuring method introduced by Aharonov, Vaidman, and Anandan, with the aim of measuring the expectation value of an observable on a single quantum system, even if the system is initially not in an eigenstate of the measured observable. According to these authors, this feature of protective measurements favors a realistic interpretation of the wave function. These claims were challenged by Uffink. He argued that only observables that commute with the system's Hamiltonian can be protectively measured, (...)
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    Family Supportive Leadership and Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Roles of Work-Family Conflict, Moral Disengagement and Personal Life Attribution.Shan Jin, Xiji Zhu, Xiaoxia Fu & Jian Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Counterproductive work behavior is one of the most common behavioral decisions of employees in the workplace that negatively impacts the sustainable development of enterprises. Previous studies have shown that individuals make CWB decisions for different reasons. Some individuals engage in CWB due to cognitive factors, whereas others engage in CWB in response to leadership behaviors. The conservation of resources theory holds that individuals have the tendency to preserve, protect and acquire resources. When experiencing the loss of resources, individuals will show (...)
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  47. Donkey anaphora is in-scope binding.C. C. Shan & C. Barker - 2008 - Semantics and Pragmatics 1:91-134.
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  48. Beyond Mendelism and Biometry.Yafeng Shan - 2021 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 89 (C):155-163.
    Historiographical analyses of the development of genetics in the first decade of the 20th century have been to a great extent framed in the context of the Mendelian-Biometrician controversy. Much has been discussed on the nature, origin, development, and legacy of the controversy. However, such a framework is becoming less useful and fruitful. This paper challenges the traditional historiography framed by the Mendelian-Biometrician distinction. It argues that the Mendelian-Biometrician distinction fails to reflect the theoretical and methodological diversity in the controversy. (...)
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  49. Philosophical foundations of mixed methods research.Yafeng Shan - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 17 (1):e12804.
    This paper provides a critical review of the debate over the philosophical foundations of mixed methods research and examines the notion of philosophical foundations. It distinguishes axiology-oriented from ontology-oriented philosophical foundations. It also identifies three different senses of philosophical foundations of mixed methods research. The weak sense of philosophical foundations (e.g., pragmatism) merely allows the possibility of the integration of both quantitative and qualitative methods/data/designs. The moderate sense of philosophical foundations (e.g., transformativism) provide a good reason to use mixed methods (...)
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  50. A Model of Wavefunction Collapse in Discrete Space-Time.Shan Gao - 2006 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 45 (10):1965-1979.
    We give a new argument supporting a gravitational role in quantum collapse. It is demonstrated that the discreteness of space-time, which results from the proper combination of quantum theory and general relativity, may inevitably result in the dynamical collapse of thewave function. Moreover, the minimum size of discrete space-time yields a plausible collapse criterion consistent with experiments. By assuming that the source to collapse the wave function is the inherent random motion of particles described by the wave function, we further (...)
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