Results for 'Zhao Feifei'

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  1.  34
    Dynamical Analysis of a Class of Prey-Predator Model with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response, Stochastic Perturbation, and Impulsive Toxicant Input.Feifei Bian, Wencai Zhao, Yi Song & Rong Yue - 2017 - Complexity:1-18.
    A stochastic prey-predator system in a polluted environment with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is proposed and analyzed. Firstly, for the system with white noise perturbation, by analyzing the limit system, the existence of boundary periodic solutions and positive periodic solutions is proved and the sufficient conditions for the existence of boundary periodic solutions and positive periodic solutions are derived. And then for the stochastic system, by introducing Markov regime switching, the sufficient conditions for extinction or persistence of such system are obtained. (...)
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  2.  14
    Why do Chinese enterprises make imitative innovation?—An empirical explanation based on government subsidies.Feifei Song & Changheng Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The previous literature analyzed the widespread imitative innovation of Chinese enterprises from various perspectives, including enterprises' rational choice of cost-gain, property rights system, human capital and policy environment. However, this paper provides a brand-new perspective on government subsidies for the reasons behind the imitative innovation of enterprises. According to the statistics from Chinese enterprise-labor matching, we found that government subsidies stimulated enterprises to make “imitative innovation” through patent purchase rather than independent R&D. Government subsidies were used for low-risk “imitative innovation” (...)
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  3.  15
    Let's Buy With Social Commerce Platforms Through Social Media Influencers: An Indian Consumer Perspective.Faizan Alam, Meng Tao, Eva Lahuerta-Otero & Zhao Feifei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the retail industry around the globe, including in the vast market of India. The response to the pandemic required stores to close and develop new ways to approach shoppers more efficiently. The worldwide usage of social media enabled the growth of social commerce. Influencers on s-commerce platforms use live broadcasting on their channels to promote endorsed products. The features of s-commerce influencers enhance users' trust in the online community and s-commerce intention, (...)
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    Exploring the Antecedents of Unethical Pro-organizational Behavior (UPB): A Meta-Analysis.Yuxiang Luan, Kai Zhao, Zheyuan Wang & Feng Hu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (1):119-136.
    Scholars have paid so much academic attention to UPB in the past decade. However, there is lacking a quantitative review to uncover the relationship between UPB and its antecedents. To address this, we make a meta-analytic review about UPB. Specifically, we propose a theoretical framework of antecedents of UPB and test it using meta-analysis technology (k = 67, n = 20,957). We found moral disengagement, organizational identification, identification with supervisors, leader UPB, ethical judgments, psychological entitlement, transformational leadership, and job satisfaction (...)
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  5.  7
    Mozi: shu min she hui de zhu zhang.Zhao Yang - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Lian jing chu ban shi ye gu you xian gong si. Edited by Di Mo.
    儒家思想向來於以封建禮教為核心的西周文化備加推崇,認為這套思想是平治天下的基本原則,如果世局動盪不安,必然是由於人們棄絕封建禮教之故。 儒家思想代表人物孔子,終其一生的志業就是重振禮教以匡正時局。 墨子出身於庶民階級,卻主張封建禮教本身就是動亂的根源,封建一日不除,天下無一日太平。 雄辯滔滔的墨子,以「兼愛」為武器向儒家陣營發動猛烈攻擊,反覆衝撞層層壁壘,批判封建禮教支持者言行不一、矛盾可笑。 墨家不是只會辯論,他們同樣重視身體力行,墨子提出「非攻」主張,也親自帶領門徒為實踐信念而奔走於國際之間,用行動證明,在那樣的亂世中,墨家的主張確實有其合理性,也深具價值。 拋開冷硬的課文題解,穿過層層的過度解讀, 楊照經典講堂以最貼近歷史真實的讀法, 帶你一次讀懂兩千年前的漢語經典! 最平易的語言、最扎實的分析 打破時空限制,直接從原典文句汲取千年智慧 提供最立即的知識趣味 楊照全程領讀、解讀,漢語經典完全解碼 台灣新品種文庫版,隨身伴讀.
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  6. Dynamic Self‐Organization and Early Lexical Development in Children.Ping Li, Xiaowei Zhao & Brian Mac Whinney - 2007 - Cognitive Science 31 (4):581-612.
    In this study we present a self-organizing connectionist model of early lexical development. We call this model DevLex-II, based on the earlier DevLex model. DevLex-II can simulate a variety of empirical patterns in children's acquisition of words. These include a clear vocabulary spurt, effects of word frequency and length on age of acquisition, and individual differences as a function of phonological short-term memory and associative capacity. Further results from lesioned models indicate developmental plasticity in the network's recovery from damage, in (...)
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  7. Survivor guilt.Jordan MacKenzie & Michael Zhao - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (9):2707-2726.
    We often feel survivor guilt when the very circumstances that harm others leave us unscathed. Although survivor guilt is both commonplace and intelligible, it raises a puzzle for the standard philosophical account of guilt, according to which people feel guilt only when they take themselves to be morally blameworthy. The standard account implies that survivor guilt is uniformly unfitting, as people are not blameworthy simply for having fared better than others. In this paper, we offer a rival account of guilt, (...)
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  8.  82
    Engineering Human Beauty with More Caution.Xinkan Zhao - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):777-782.
    Ravasio (2023) recently presents an interesting discussion of strategies to deal with lookism. He categorizes strategies into revisionary and redistributive ones and argues for a case against the former. This note is a critical response to both the taxonomy and the evaluation. I argue that the taxonomy needs to be improved and that the case against revisionary strategies cannot be maintained.
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  9. Cross-cultural evidence that the nonverbal expression of pride is an automatic status signal.Jessica L. Tracy, Azim F. Shariff, Wanying Zhao & Joseph Henrich - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (1):163.
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  10.  45
    Relation Between Awe and Environmentalism: The Role of Social Dominance Orientation.Huanhuan Zhao, Heyun Zhang, Yan Xu, Jiamei Lu & Wen He - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Freedom Reconsidered: Heteronomy, Open Subjectivity, and the 'Gift of Teaching'.Guoping Zhao - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (5):513-525.
    This paper analyzes the entanglement of the modern concepts of freedom, autonomy, and the modern notion of the subject and how a passion for and insistence on freedom has undermined the reconstruction of human subjectivity in Heidegger and Foucault, and how such passion has also limited the educational effort at addressing the problems brought to education by the modern notion of the subject. Drawing on Levinas, it suggests that a new understanding of freedom as heteronomy will allow us to envision (...)
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  12.  33
    Effect of Alexithymia on Internet Addiction Among College Students: The Mediating Role of Metacognition Beliefs.Hongge Luo, Yanli Zhao, Jiangyue Hong, Hong Wang, Xiujun Zhang & Shuping Tan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: Previous studies have found that alexithymia plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Internet addiction. However, the effect of alexithymia on both metacognition and Internet addiction has yet to be examined.Methods: The Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Metacognition Questionnaire, and Internet Addiction Test were used to assess a sample of 356 college students. A parallel mediator effect analysis was applied to test the hypothesis that metacognition mediates the relationship between alexithymia and Internet addiction.Results: The parallel multiple mediator models showed that (...)
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  13.  24
    Evolutionary Game Analysis of Debt Restructuring Involved by Asset Management Companies.Danyu Zhao, Li Song & Liangliang Han - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    Based on the evolutionary game theory, this article constructs a quartet evolutionary game model for debt restructuring with the participation of asset management companies; studies the interactive mechanism of complex behaviors among the government, banks, asset management companies, and enterprises; and analyzes the stability of the strategies of each game subject. It also analyzes the stability of the equilibrium points in the system and finds the stable points that maximize the interests of each subject. Research shows that the government chooses (...)
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  14.  18
    Reliving the Old Dream: Rural Tourism Autobiographical Memory on Behavioral Intention.Zhifeng Zhao, Zhiwei Li & Cai Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper evaluates a theoretical model based on hypothesized relationships among four constructs, namely, autobiographical memory, and place attachment as antecedents of revisit intention and recommendation intention in the context of rural tourism in China. The results of 301 Chinese tourists show that the two dimensions of tourists’ autobiographical memory affect the tourists’ intention to revisit and recommend. Place attachment plays an intermediary role among tourists’ autobiographical memory, revisit intention, and recommendation intention. This study is the first to apply the (...)
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  15.  24
    Serial Mediation Roles of Alexithymia and Loneliness in the Association Between Family Function and Internet Addiction Among Chinese College Students.Ying Zhao, Kuo Zhang & Mark D. Griffiths - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    A lot of previous research has highlighted the negative consequences of Internet addiction. However, relatively few is known about the underlying mechanism for Internet addiction among college students in relation to family function. The present study explored the relationship between family function and Internet addiction among college students, as well as the mediating effects of alexithymia and loneliness. A sample of 783 Chinese college students were administered a number of psychometric scales including the “General Function” subscale of the Chinese version (...)
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  16.  18
    Simple Adaptive Control-Based Reconfiguration Design of Cabin Pressure Control System.Zhao Zhang, Zhong Yang, Si Xiong, Shuang Chen, Shuchang Liu & Xiaokai Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    The Cabin Pressure Control System is an essential part of the aviation environmental control system that ensures aircraft structure and flight crew safety. However, the CPCS usually has potential faults of sensors and actuators. To this end, a Simple Adaptive Control- based reconfiguration method is proposed to compensate for the above adverse effects. Some good pressure control performance of CPCS can be achieved by the basic pressure controller when the system is in normal operation. A parallel feedforward compensator is designed (...)
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  17.  24
    Analyzing the composition of the editorial boards in high-impact medical ethics journals: a survey study.Wei Li, Xiyan Zhao, Tianlin Wen, Xingxuan Li, Donghua Liu & Zhiwei Jia - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundThe underrepresentation of scholarly works from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in academic literature is a documented concern, attributed partly to editorial biases. This trend, prevalent across various disciplines, has been less explored in the context of medical ethics journals. This study aimed to examine the composition of editorial board members (EBM) in high-impact medical ethics journals and to evaluate the extent of international diversity within these editorial teams.MethodsThis study incorporated an analysis of 16 high-impact medical ethics journals. Information regarding (...)
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  18. Event-by-Event Simulation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm Experiments.Shuang Zhao, Hans De Raedt & Kristel Michielsen - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (4):322-347.
    We construct an event-based computer simulation model of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm experiments with photons. The algorithm is a one-to-one copy of the data gathering and analysis procedures used in real laboratory experiments. We consider two types of experiments, those with a source emitting photons with opposite but otherwise unpredictable polarization and those with a source emitting photons with fixed polarization. In the simulation, the choice of the direction of polarization measurement for each detection event is arbitrary. We use three different procedures (...)
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  19.  18
    Choosing Among Undesirable Options: Children Consider Desirability of Available Choices in Evaluation of Socially Mindful Actions.Sixian Li & Xin Zhao - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (4):e13441.
    Previous studies show that adults and children evaluate the act of leaving a choice for others as prosocial, and have termed such actions as socially mindful actions. The current study investigates how the desirability of the available options (i.e., whether the available options are desirable or not) may influence adults’ and children's evaluation of socially mindful actions. Children (N = 120, 4- to 6-year-olds) and adults (N = 124) were asked to evaluate characters selecting items for themselves from a set (...)
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  20.  20
    Decomposing functions of baire class on polish spaces.Longyun Ding, Takayuki Kihara, Brian Semmes & Jiafei Zhao - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):960-971.
    We prove the Decomposability Conjecture for functions of Baire class $2$ from a Polish space to a separable metrizable space. This partially answers an important open problem in descriptive set theory.
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  21.  25
    Shaping Behaviors Through Institutional Support in British Higher Educational Institutions: Focusing on Employees for Sustainable Technological Change.Fuqiang Zhao, Fawad Ahmed, Muhammad Khalid Iqbal, Muhammad Farhan Mughal, Yuan Jian Qin, Naveed Ahmad Faraz & Victor James Hunt - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Technology permeates all walks of life. It has emerged as a global facilitator to improve learning and training, alleviating the temporal and spatial limitations of traditional learning systems. It is imperative to identify enablers or inhibitors of technology adoption by employees for sustainable change in education management systems. Using the theoretical lens of organizational support theory, this paper studies effect of institutional support on education management information systems use along with two individual traits of self-efficacy and innovative behavior of academic (...)
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  22.  16
    Perceived greenwashing and employee green behavior: The roles of green organizational identity and self‐serving leadership.Yufei Ma, Shuming Zhao, Jiaxi Chen, Chenhong Hu & Jiaojiao Qu - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Greenwashing has become a common way in which many enterprises address expectations related to corporate social responsibility. As an abnormal and fake type of social responsibility behavior, greenwashing causes many problems, thus highlighting the importance of exploring the impact of corporate greenwashing. However, previous studies have mainly examined the impacts of greenwashing on enterprises, industry, and society, and the impact of greenwashing on individual employee behavior, which is important with regard to the sustainability of the enterprise, remains limited. The main (...)
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  23.  9
    Targeting protein condensation in cGAS‐STING signaling pathway.Yajie Li, Dongbo Zhao, Dahua Chen & Qinmiao Sun - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (9):2400091.
    The cGAS‐STING signaling pathway plays a pivotal role in sensing cytosolic DNA and initiating innate immune responses against various threats, with disruptions in this pathway being associated with numerous immune‐related disorders. Therefore, precise regulation of the cGAS‐STING signaling is crucial to ensure appropriate immune responses. Recent research, including ours, underscores the importance of protein condensation in driving the activation and maintenance of innate immune signaling within the cGAS‐STING pathway. Consequently, targeting condensation processes in this pathway presents a promising approach for (...)
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  24.  28
    Similarity of referents influences the learning of phonological word forms: Evidence from concurrent word learning.Libo Zhao, Stephanie Packard, Bob McMurray & Prahlad Gupta - 2019 - Cognition 190 (C):42-60.
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  25.  12
    A Temporal Logic for Successive Events.Yanjun Li & Jiajie Zhao - 2023 - In Natasha Alechina, Andreas Herzig & Fei Liang, Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, LORI 2023, Jinan, China, October 26–29, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 176-189.
    A succession of events is a sequence of events such that after one event is finished, the next one occurs successively. In this paper, we extended linear temporal logic with a new modality to capture the case that a sequence of events successively occurs. We compared the expressivity between this extended linear temporal logic and the standard linear temporal logic.
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  26.  25
    Deformation twinning in boron carbide particles within nanostructured Al 5083/B4C metal matrix composites.Y. Li, Y. H. Zhao, W. Liu, Z. H. Zhang, R. G. Vogt, E. J. Lavernia & J. M. Schoenung - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (6):783-792.
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  27.  17
    Innovation in physical education: The role of cognitive factors and self-efficacy.Songpu Li, Ruilin Xu & Zijian Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Among the beliefs related to teaching work, self-efficacy stands out and encourage innovation across the global education systems. Specifically, the lack of interest among instructors in introducing innovative techniques in physical education is a concern across China. Therefore, this study intends to investigate the role of cognitive indicators of innovation in physical education across China. This study opted for quantitative techniques, including using a structured questionnaire to collect data from targeted respondents through the survey techniques. Moreover, 800 questionnaires were circulated, (...)
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  28.  20
    Task Allocation Optimization in Collaborative Customized Product Development Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm.Leiting Li, Jiali Zhao, Aijun Liu, Yu Yang & Beifang Bao - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (1):1-19.
    Due to the currently insufficient consideration of task fitness and task coordination for task allocation in collaborative customized product development, this research was conducted based on the analysis of collaborative customized product development process and task allocation strategy. The definitions and calculation formulas of task fitness and task coordination efficiency were derived, and a multiobjective optimization model of product customization task allocation was constructed. A solution based on adaptive genetic algorithm was proposed, and the feasibility and effectiveness of the task (...)
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  29.  11
    Makesi zhu yi zhe xue fan chou yan jiu.Deshun Li, Weiping Sun & Jianying Zhao (eds.) - 2010 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
  30.  20
    Aesthetic Cognition: Integrating Aesthetics with Cognitive Psychology [J].Zhao Ling-Li - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 4:006.
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  31.  25
    Optimization and Quality Analysis of Different Extraction Methods of Palm Seed Oil.Qi-Zhao Li & Zheng-Qun Cai - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    The extraction process of palm seed oil was optimized. Using palm seed as raw material, oil extraction rate was used as an index. The effects of flash extraction, ultrasonic-assisted extraction, supercritical extraction, and aqueous enzymatic extraction on the yield of palm seed oil were investigated. The extraction methods and technological conditions of palm seed oil were optimized by the orthogonal method on the basis of single factor. The seed oil was analyzed and detected. The results showed that the water enzymatic (...)
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  32.  13
    On the Visualization of Artistic Voice.Zhao Li-Ping - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetic Education (Misc) 3:012.
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  33.  35
    Research on the Effect of DPSO in Team Selection Optimization under the Background of Big Data.Qian Zhao & Lian-Ying Zhang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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    Event history analysis of the duration of online public opinions regarding major health emergencies.Xiaoyan Liu, Jiarui Zhao, Ran Liu & Kai Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on event history analysis, this study examined the survival distribution of the duration of online public opinions related to major health emergencies and its influencing factors. We analyzed the data of such emergencies that took place in China during a period of 10 years. The results of the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards regression analysis showed that the average duration of online public opinions regarding health emergencies is 43 days, and the median is 19 days, which dispels the (...)
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  35.  16
    The Effect of Abusive Supervision on Employee Job Performance: The Moderating Role of Employment Contract Type.Yonghong Liu, Chen Zhao, Zhiyong Yang & Zhonghua Gao - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-13.
    Extant literature has documented mixed findings concerning the relationship between abusive supervision and employee performance. While most studies show a negative relationship, others reveal that abusive supervision can be motivating and performance-enhancing, and still others find no effect. To advance our understanding of this relationship, the present study examines employees’ objective and quantifiable key performance indicators (KPIs) as an outcome, while investigating employment contract type as a critical boundary condition. This study also explores an alternative outcome of abusive supervision by (...)
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  36. A scoping review of human genetic resources management policies and databases in high- and middle-low-income countries.Hongwei Liu, Yin Liu, Yanyan Zhao, Yingqi Ma, Qiong Chen, Huifang Xu, Xiaoyang Wang, Xiaoli Guo, Hong Wang, Zelong Chen, Shaokai Zhang & Binbin Han - 2025 - BMC Medical Ethics 26 (1):1-15.
    This review examines global human genetic resources management, focusing on genetic data policies and repositories in high- and middle-low-income countries. A comprehensive search strategy was employed across multiple databases, including official government websites and Google, to gather relevant literature on human genetic resources management policies and genetic resource databases. Documents were screened for relevance, focusing on high-income countries (United States, United Kingdom, Japan) and middle-low-income countries (China, India, Kenya). Data were extracted, coded, and analyzed to identify common themes and differences (...)
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  37.  30
    Development and Validation of the Online Interaction Scale in Organizational Context.Xin Liu, Chenhui Zhao, Zimeng Chen & Qing Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The evolution of Web 2.0 and social networks has led to the increased use of enterprise social media platforms, making online interactions more common in organizations. However, few studies have researched online interactions in organizational context. This study addressed this gap using two research phases: a qualitative phase and a quantitative phase. The qualitative study phase identified two dimensions of online interaction: employee–employee online interaction and employee–platform online interaction. The employee–employee online interaction assessed responsiveness and suitability. The employee–platform online interaction (...)
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  38.  23
    Algorithm of Strawberry Disease Recognition Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network.Li Ma, Xueliang Guo, Shuke Zhao, Doudou Yin, Yiyi Fu, Peiqi Duan, Bingbing Wang & Li Zhang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    The growth of strawberry will be stressed by biological or abiotic factors, which will cause a great threat to the yield and quality of strawberry, in which various strawberry diseased. However, the traditional identification methods have high misjudgment rate and poor real-time performance. In today's era of increasing demand for strawberry yield and quality, it is obvious that the traditional strawberry disease identification methods mainly rely on personal experience and naked eye observation and cannot meet the needs of people for (...)
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    Young Adults’ Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding “Music” and “Loud Music” Across Countries: Applications of Social Representations Theory.Vinaya Manchaiah, Fei Zhao & Pierre Ratinaud - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Re-Envisioning Chinese Education: The Meaning of Person-Making in a New Age.Guoping Zhao & Zongyi Deng (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    Maintaining education as a pedagogical space for human formation, this book is distinctive in looking at the crisis rather than the success of Chinese education. The editors and contributors, mostly overseas and mainland Chinese scholars, argue that modern Chinese education has been built upon a superficial and instrumental embrace of Western modernity and a fragmented appropriation of Chinese cultural heritage. They call for a rethinking and re-envisioning of Chinese education, grounded in and enriched by various cultural traditions and cross-cultural dialogues. (...)
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    Chinese Taoist Cognitive Therapy for Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety in Adults in China: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Yudan Ding, Li Wang, Jindong Chen, Jingping Zhao & Wenbin Guo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Background: Chinese Taoist cognitive therapy (CTCT), a culture-oriented psychological therapy for Chinese mental well-being, has been proposed for decades. However, the evidence for its effects is unclear. This study aimed to systematically assess the effect of this therapy on symptoms of depression and anxiety in Chinese adults. Methods: Relevant studies were searched from major electronic databases through November 2018 without language limits. Several search terms used include “anxiety” OR “depression” AND “Taoism” OR “Daoism” OR “Chinese Taoist Cognitive Therapy”. A total (...)
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  42.  30
    Repertoire Construction for Critical Cross-Cultural Literacy of English Majors: Based on the Research Paradigm of Systemic Functional Linguistics.Ran Zhao & Danyun Lu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The ambiguous development trend of cultural globalization brings both opportunities and challenges to China’s cultural development. English major in colleges and universities, a discipline of cross-cultural education, should look at the cultural communication of the target country dialectically based on the national consciousness of the home country. Since the end of the 20th century, administrators and scholars have paid attention to critical thinking, critical cultural awareness, and critical skills in cross-cultural communication, which are important components of the cross-cultural meaning system. (...)
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  43. The Knowledge Argument against Physicalism: Its Proponents and Its Opponents.Zhao Yanyan - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (2):304-316.
  44.  11
    English Grammar Discrimination Training Network Model and Search Filtering.Juan Zhao - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    The statistics-based method ignores the semantic constraints in the English grammar area branch training model and is unable to identify the orientation information effectively. This paper systematically discusses the close relationship between English grammar area branch training model filtering, English grammar area branch training model retrieval, and machine learning. By analyzing the role of the situation in the understanding of the English grammar area branch training model, the relationship between the English grammar area branch training model and situation model and (...)
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  45. Economic Motivation and Its Relevance for Business Ethics.Xiuyi Zhao - 2006 - In Xiaohe Lu & Georges Enderle, Developing business ethics in China. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 52.
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  46.  12
    Editorial: Pain and Depression.Qing Zhao, Yazhuo Kong & Li Wan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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  47.  27
    Evaluating the Impact of Community Experience on Purchase Intention in Online Knowledge Community.Hong Zhao & Qiaohong Shi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Community experience has an important influence on the brand building of an online knowledge community. By enhancing the community experience of members, it can promote the building of an online knowledge community and increase users' purchase intention. Although existing research has explored the influence model of community experience, there is a dearth of research regarding the influence of community experience on purchase intention. To this end, this study uses the online knowledge community experience as a theoretical basis to construct a (...)
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  48.  22
    Efficient Time Series Clustering and Its Application to Social Network Mining.Qianchuan Zhao & Cangqi Zhou - 2014 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 23 (2):213-229.
    Mining time series data is of great significance in various areas. To efficiently find representative patterns in these data, this article focuses on the definition of a valid dissimilarity measure and the acceleration of partitioning clustering, a common group of techniques used to discover typical shapes of time series. Dissimilarity measure is a crucial component in clustering. It is required, by some particular applications, to be invariant to specific transformations. The rationale for using the angle between two time series to (...)
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    Evaluating Users’ Emotional Experience in Mobile Libraries: An Emotional Model Based on the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance Emotion Model and the Five Factor Model.Yang Zhao, Dan Xie, Ruoxin Zhou, Ning Wang & Bin Yang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As a part of user experience, user emotion has rarely been studied in mobile libraries. Specifically, with the proposed emotional model in combination with the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance Emotion Model and the Five Factor Model, we evaluate user emotions on the mobile library’s three IS features. An experience procedure with three tasks has been designed to collect data. 50 participants were enrolled, and they were asked to fill in questionnaires right after the experience. The correlations among the PAD emotions were examined. Specifically, (...)
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  50. Qing shao nian xiu yang bei ke yong shu.Shulin Zhao - 1982 - Fuzhou: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Fengchu Dong & Rong'er Yao.
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