Results for 'Yulang Fei'

607 found
  1.  41
    The Relationship Between Pre-existing Coronary Heart Disease and Cognitive Impairment Is Partly Explained by Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in the Subjects Without Clinical Heart Failure: A Cross-Sectional Study.Suhang Shang, Ziyu Liu, Jinying Gao, Jin Wang, Wenhui Lu, Yulang Fei, Binyan Zhang, Baibing Mi, Pei Li, Louyan Ma, Yu Jiang, Chen Chen, Liangjun Dang, Jie Liu & Qiumin Qu - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundCoronary heart disease is closely associated with cognitive impairment, especially in severe cases of heart failure. However, it is unclear whether cardiac systolic function plays a role in the relationship between pre-existing CHD and cognitive impairment in subjects without clinical heart failure.MethodsIn total, 208 subjects from the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong University were recruited from June 2014 to January 2015, and were divided into CHD and non-CHD groups according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The global cognitive function (...)
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    Social Exclusion and Green Consumption: A Costly Signaling Approach.Yulang Guo, Pan Zhang, Junyun Liao & Fang Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  3. Word learning as Bayesian inference.Fei Xu & Joshua B. Tenenbaum - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):245-272.
  4.  35
    Functional Disconnection of the Angular Gyrus Related to Cognitive Impairment in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.Fei Qi, Dongsheng Zhang, Jie Gao, Min Tang, Man Wang, Yu Su, Yumeng Lei, Zhirong Shao & Xiaoling Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Type 2 diabetes mellitus is related to a variety of cognitive impairments that may even progress to dementia. Studies have found the angular gyrus is a cross-modal integration hub that is involved in a variety of cognitive processes. However, few studies have focused on the patterns of resting-state functional connections of the AG in patients with T2DM. This study explored the functional connection between the AG and the whole brain and the relationship between the FC and clinical/cognitive variables in patients (...)
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    Han Fei yu yan gu shi xuan.Fei Han - 1976 - [s.n.,:
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  6. Statistical inference and sensitivity to sampling in 11-month-old infants.Fei Xu & Stephanie Denison - 2009 - Cognition 112 (1):97-104.
  7. Wen xue yuan li.Fei Pei - 1990 - Beijing: Jing xiao Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo.
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    Han dai Gongyang jia zheng zhi zhe xue tan wei.Fei Ping - 2016 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    中国古代的政治文化是在汉代定型的,而汉代的政治文化又可说是由为儒者宗的公羊学大师董仲舒初步建立起来的,汉代公羊家在其中起了奠基作用。汉代公羊家本着对春秋实史与《春秋》文史的沉思,在承继先秦子学与经学资 源的基础上,形成了以原道、托王、宗经为表征的独特哲学思维方式。在此思维运作下,汉代公羊家立足“大一统”、“察名号”、“行权道”、“说灾异”等内容对政治秩序、政治伦理、政治权衡、政治敬畏展开了独特的哲学 思考,构建了由一统政治、名号政治、权道政治、灾异政治合成的独特王道政治哲学,突显了政治秩序性、政治伦理性、政治合法性、政治权变性、政治敬畏性、政治批判性等一系列政治应然性问题,伸张了儒家所反复强调的“ 政治的善”与“善的政治”,在一定程度上超越了政治实然,具有政治理想主义色彩。跳出汉代公羊家对政治的哲学思考范式,对其政治哲学进行反思,在揭示其神秘的思维面纱与难免的时代局限之后,其合理内核也可资鉴当代 政治文明建设。.
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  9.  27
    Just entertainment: effects of TV series about intrigue on young adults.Fei Wang, Shengdong Lin & Xue Ke - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  10.  65
    Network of AI and trustworthy: response to Simion and Kelp’s account of trustworthy AI.Fei Song - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-8.
    Simion and Kelp develop the obligation-based account of trustworthiness as a compelling general account of trustworthiness and then apply this account to various instances of AI. By doing so, they explain in what way any AI can be considered trustworthy, as per the general account. Simion and Kelp identify that any account of trustworthiness that relies on assumptions of agency that are too anthropocentric, such as that being trustworthy, must involve goodwill. I argue that goodwill is a necessary condition for (...)
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  11.  10
    Enhance the Transfer Capacity of Multiplex Networks.Fei Shao, Wei Zhao & Binghua Cheng - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-8.
    Most complex real systems are found to have multiple layers of connectivity and required to be modelled as multiplex networks. One of the extremely critical problems is to reduce the congestion and enhance the transfer capacity, especially in real communication networks with a big data environment. A novel and effective strategy to improve traffic and control congestion is proposed by adding edges according to their weights which are defined by the topology structural properties. Furthermore, which layer is more effective when (...)
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  12.  17
    Firm Status and Evaluators’ Trust: The Many Ways to Trust a Firm.Fei Song & Alex Bitektine - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):503-518.
    The decision to trust encompasses evaluation of multiple information cues that are used by evaluators to make inference about the trustee’s qualities and capabilities. The information about the social status of the trustee firm is one of such cues available to evaluators. Yet the relationship between perceived social status of the trustee and the evaluator’s trust remains underexplored. In two experimental studies, we find a non-linear relationship between a firm’s status and the evaluator’s trust, and test theorized mechanisms that can (...)
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  13. A pluralist hybrid model for moral AIs.Fei Song & Shing Hay Felix Yeung - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    With the increasing degrees A.I.s and machines are applied across different social contexts, the need for implementing ethics in A.I.s is pressing. In this paper, we argue for a pluralist hybrid model for the implementation of moral A.I.s. We first survey current approaches to moral A.I.s and their inherent limitations. Then we propose the pluralist hybrid approach and show how these limitations of moral A.I.s can be partly alleviated by the pluralist hybrid approach. The core ethical decision-making capacity of an (...)
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  14.  87
    The role of language in acquiring object kind concepts in infancy.Fei Xu - 2002 - Cognition 85 (3):223-250.
  15. Large number discrimination in 6-month-old infants.Fei Xu & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2000 - Cognition 74 (1):1-11.
    Six-month-old infants discriminate between large sets of objects on the basis of numerosity when other extraneous variables are controlled, provided that the sets to be discriminated differ by a large ratio (8 vs. 16 but not 8 vs. 12). The capacities to represent approximate numerosity found in adult animals and humans evidently develop in human infants prior to language and symbolic counting.
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    Econarrative: ethics, ecology and the search for new narratives to live by.Fei Dai - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    Econarrative: Ethics, Ecology and the Search for New Narratives to Live By, written by Arran Stibbe, is a timely publication that extends the theory of ecolingusitics to better incorporate narrativ...
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  17. Challenging the Constitutive Rules Inviolability Dogma.U. Sconfienza G. Feis - 2012 - Phenomenology and Mind 3:127-138.
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    Rights Against High-Level Risk Impositions.Fei Song - 2019 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 22 (3):763-778.
    In this article, I argue for a distinct and novel right-based account of risks and I call it the Sophisticated High-risk Thesis. I argue that there is a distinction between rights-infringing risk impositions and no-rights-infringing risk impositions. An action imposing a high risk of harm infringes rights, whereas an act imposing a low risk of harm does not. I also suggest three principles that govern the permissibility of highly risky actions. If a highly risky action meets the conditions specified by (...)
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  19. Shang Yang, Xun Kuang, Han Fei lun shu qian zhu.Yang Shang, Xunzi & Fei Han (eds.) - 1974
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  20.  88
    Numerosity discrimination in infants: Evidence for two systems of representations.Fei Xu - 2003 - Cognition 89 (1):B15-B25.
  21.  48
    Human-culture-Civilization Evolutionology and general Evolution theory.Niu Long-Fei - 1990 - World Futures 30 (1):84-94.
  22.  13
    Makesi Zhu Yi Zhongguo Hua Yu Ru Jia Wen Hua.Fei Ping - 2012 - Ren Min Chu Ban She.
    内容简介: 马克思主义是中国共产党的指导思想, 马克思主义中国化是以中国现代化为核心内容的实践运动, 马克思主义中国化实践经验的科学概括是中国化马克思主义; 儒家文化是中国传统文化的主干, 儒学在中国古代社会曾长期是国家意识形态, 儒家文化包括人伦文化, 和谐文化, 治道文化, 礼乐文化, 一统文化等.
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  23.  66
    The Complete Works of Han Fei Tzu. A Classic of Chinese Political Science. Vol. II.W. K. Liao & Han Fei Tzu - 1961 - Philosophy East and West 11 (3):165-167.
  24.  61
    Basic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsün Tzu Han Fei TzuBasic Writings of Mo Tzu, Hsun Tzu Han Fei Tzu.E. H. S., Burton Watson, Mo Tzu, Hsün Tzu, Han Fei Tzu & Hsun Tzu - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):367.
  25.  72
    Common Knowledge: A New Problem for Standard Consequentialism.Fei Song - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 25 (2):299-314.
    This paper reveals a serious flaw in the consequentialist solution to the inefficacy problem in moral philosophy. The consequentialist solution is based on expected utility theory. In current philosophical literature, the debate focuses on the empirical plausibility of the solution. Most philosophers consider the cases of collective actions as of the same type as a horse-racing game, where expected utility theory is adequate to solve the choice problem. However, these cases should be considered as of the same type as a (...)
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  26.  54
    Infants' ability to use object kind information for object individuation.Fei Xu, Susan Carey & Jenny Welch - 1999 - Cognition 70 (2):137-166.
  27.  17
    How Does the Optimism of Students Learning a Foreign Language Affect Their Creative Self-Efficacy? The Mediating Effects of Hope and Empathy.Fei Lei & Lin Lei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:831593.
    Creative self-efficacy (CSE) is a core influencer of creative behavior and has a positive impact on well-being and development. However, the positive psychological processes that help to promote CSE in foreign-language learning (FLL) remain under-studied. Focusing specifically on FLL students, the present study examined the associations among optimism, hope, empathy, and CSE and investigated the possible mediating roles of hope and empathy in the relationship between optimism and CSE. A sample of 330 FLL students from two Chinese universities participated in (...)
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  28.  34
    Effects of Chinese Mind-Body Exercises on Executive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.Fei-Fei Ren, Feng-Tzu Chen, Wen-Sheng Zhou, Yu-Min Cho, Tsung-Jung Ho, Tsung-Min Hung & Yu-Kai Chang - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chinese mind-body exercises are positively associated with executive function, but their effects on EF, from synthesized evidence using systematic and meta-analytic reviews, have not been conducted. Therefore, the present systematic review with meta-analysis attempted to determine whether CMBEs affect EF and its sub-domains, as well as how exercise, sample, and study characteristics moderate the causal relationship between CMBEs and EF in middle-aged and older adults. Seven electronic databases were searched for relevant studies published from the inception of each database through (...)
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  29.  17
    Mediating Role of Resilience in the Relationship Between English Learners’ Motivation and Well-Being.Fei Wang & Yanghong Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teaching seeks to enhance learners’ well-being as well as their educational motivation since both constructs cause advancement in the process of learning and they increase the level of success in the educational cycle. Well-being is a critical requirement inside the academic environment that is considered as the main dimension of individuals’ tendency in the topic of positive psychology research, which is crucial for learning. Besides, as a significant idea in language domain and in order to consider the relation between well-being (...)
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  30.  14
    Driver Attribute Filling for Genes in Interaction Network via Modularity Subspace-Based Concept Learning from Small Samples.Fei Xie, Jianing Xi & Qun Duan - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-12.
    The aberrations of a gene can influence it and the functions of its neighbour genes in gene interaction network, leading to the development of carcinogenesis of normal cells. In consideration of gene interaction network as a complex network, previous studies have made efforts on the driver attribute filling of genes via network properties of nodes and network propagation of mutations. However, there are still obstacles from problems of small size of cancer samples and the existence of drivers without property of (...)
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  31. Earthbound China: A Study of Rural Economy in Yunnan.Hsaio T'ung Fei, Chih-I. Chang & Robert F. Ward - 1946 - Science and Society 10 (4):421-424.
  32. Induction, overhypotheses, and the shape bias: some arguments and evidence for rational constructivism.Fei Xu, Kathryn Dewar & Perfors & Amy - 2009 - In Bruce M. Hood & Laurie R. Santos, The origins of object knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  33.  13
    Corrigendum: How does the optimism of students learning a foreign language affect their creative self-efficacy? The mediating effects of hope and empathy.Fei Lei & Lin Lei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    First-principles studies of the structural and electronic properties of the C14 Laves phase XCr2.Fei Sun, Jianxin Zhang, Shengcheng Mao & Xiaodong Han - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (19):2563-2575.
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  35.  61
    Effects of Training on Lateralization for Simulations of Cochlear Implants and Single-Sided Deafness.Fei Yu, Hai Li, Xiaoqing Zhou, XiaoLin Tang, John J. Galvin Iii, Qian-Jie Fu & Wei Yuan - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:383814.
    While cochlear implantation has benefitted many patients with single-sided deafness (SSD), there is great variability in cochlear implant (CI) outcomes and binaural performance remains poorer than that of normal-hearing (NH) listeners. Differences in sound quality across ears – temporal fine structure (TFS) information with acoustic hearing versus coarse spectro-temporal envelope information with electric hearing – may limit integration of acoustic and electric patterns. Binaural performance may also be limited by inter-aural mismatch between the acoustic input frequency and the place of (...)
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  36.  78
    The emergence of kind concepts: a rejoinder to Needham and Baillargeon.Fei Xu & Susan Carey - 2000 - Cognition 74 (3):285-301.
  37. Han Fei yü yen ku shih hsüan.Mei-hua Yen & Fei Han (eds.) - 1974
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  38. From Lot's Wife to a Pillar of Salt: Evidence that Physical Object is a Sortal Concept.Fei Xu - 1997 - Mind and Language 12 (3-4):365-392.
    Abstract:A number of philosophers of language have proposed that people do not have conceptual access to‘bare particulars’, or attribute‐free individuals (e.g. Wiggins, 1980). Individuals can only be picked out under some sortal, a concept which provides principles of individuation and identity. Many advocates of this view have argued thatobjectis not a genuine sortal concept. I will argue in this paper that a narrow sense of‘object’, namely the concept of any bounded, coherent, three‐dimensional physical object that moves as a whole (Spelke, (...)
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  39.  66
    The Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortex Modulates Dialectical Self-Thinking.Fei Wang, Kaiping Peng, Yang Bai, Rui Li, Ying Zhu, Pei Sun, Hua Guo, Chun Yuan, Pia Rotshtein & Jie Sui - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Towards a rational constructivist theory of cognitive development.Fei Xu - 2019 - Psychological Review 126 (6):841-864.
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  41.  51
    Chinese nurses’ perceived barriers and facilitators of ethical sensitivity.Fei Fei Huang, Qing Yang, Jie Zhang, Kaveh Khoshnood & Jing Ping Zhang - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (5):507-522.
    Background: An overview of ethical sensitivity among Chinese registered nurses is needed to develop and optimize the education programs and interventions to cultivate and improve ethical sensitivity. Aim: The study was conducted to explore the barriers to and facilitators of ethical sensitivity among Chinese registered nurses working in hospital settings. Research design: A convergent parallel mixed-methods research design was adopted. Participants and research context: In the cross-sectional quantitative study, the Chinese Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire–revised version was used to assess the levels (...)
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  42.  15
    Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Volksrepublik China 1949–1978.Fei He - 2018 - In Johannes Heinrich, Individualität, Subjektivität Und Selbstsorge Bei Nietzsche: Eine Analyse Im Gespräch Mit Foucault. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 287-320.
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  43.  14
    Moral judgments under uncertainty: risk, ambiguity and commission bias.Fei Song, Yiyun Shou, Felix S. H. Yeung & Joel Olney - 2023 - Current Psychology.
    Previous research on moral dilemmas has mainly focused on decisions made under conditions of probabilistic certainty. We investigated the impact of uncertainty on the preference for action (killing one individual to save five people) and inaction (saving one but allowing five people to die) in moral dilemmas. We reported two experimental studies that varied the framing (gain vs loss), levels of risk (probability of gain and loss) and levels of ambiguity (imprecise probability information) in the choice to save five individuals (...)
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  44.  62
    Regarding a Risk‐Pooling System of compensation.Fei Song - 2019 - Ratio 32 (2):139-149.
    In this paper, I propose and defend a distinct and novel approach to compensation for risk impositions. I call it the Risk-Pooling System of compensation. This system suggests that when X performs an action that imposes a risk of harm to Y, then X is liable to Y, and is therefore obliged to make an ex ante compensation that is roughly equivalent to the expected cost of potential harm to a social- risk pool. If and when Y suffers harm as (...)
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  45.  29
    Critical point of martensitic transformation under stress in an Fe-31.2Pd shape memory alloy.Fei Xiao, Takashi Fukuda & Tomoyuki Kakeshita - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (12):1390-1398.
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  46.  17
    Research on Application of Big Data in Internet Financial Credit Investigation Based on Improved GA-BP Neural Network.Fei-Peng Wang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-16.
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  47. Infants' knowledge of objects: beyond object files and object tracking.Susan Carey & Fei Xu - 2001 - Cognition 80 (1-2):179-213.
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  48.  21
    Are female CEOs greener? Female CEOs and green innovation: The role of their political embeddedness.Fei Tang & Dayuan Li - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (4):633-648.
    Are female CEOs greener? Few studies have explicitly scrutinised the roles of female CEOs and their political embeddedness in green innovation. In the present work, the influence of female CEOs on green innovation is first examined. Then, the effect of politically embedded female CEOs on green innovation is explored by differentiating female CEOs as those who are and who are not politically embedded, respectively. Furthermore, the moderating effects of external environmental factors on this relationship, namely market competition and market development, (...)
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  49. Why Strawson’s Basic Argument Is Not Impressive: an Answer from Frankfurt, Christman and Ekstrom.Fei Song - 2020 - Philosophia 48 (4):1595-1607.
    Galen Strawson defends his pessimist position with his famous “Basic Argument”. He attempts to prove that no agent can meet the demands for the ultimate moral responsibility. I argue that the Basic Argument is not impressive because it commits to a linear justification framework under which not only the notion of free will and moral responsibility but every notion would inevitably involve a vicious infinite regress. Surprisingly, this point has not been significantly addressed in the literature of Strawson’s Basic Argument. (...)
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    Cross-cultural validation of the moral sensitivity questionnaire-revised Chinese version.Fei Fei Huang, Qing Yang, Jie Zhang, Qing Hua Zhang, Kaveh Khoshnood & Jing Ping Zhang - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (7):784-793.
    Background: Ethical issues pose challenges for nurses who are increasingly caring for patients in complicated situations. Ethical sensitivity is a prerequisite for nurses to make decisions in the best interest of their patients in daily practice. Currently, there is no tool for assessing ethical sensitivity in Chinese language, and no empirical studies of ethical sensitivity among Chinese nurses. Research objectives: The study was conducted to translate the Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire–Revised Version (MSQ-R) into Chinese and establish the psychometric properties of the (...)
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