Results for 'Joel Olney'

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  1.  25
    Impact of uncertainty and ambiguous outcome phrasing on moral decision-making.Yiyun Shou, Joel Olney, Micheal Smithson & Fei Song - 2020 - PLoS ONE 15 (5).
    The literature has shown that different types of moral dilemmas elicit discrepant decision patterns. The present research investigated the role of uncertainty in contributing to these decision patterns. Two studies were conducted to examine participants' choices in commonly used dilemmas. Study 1 showed that participants’ perceived outcome probabilities were significantly associated with their moral choices, and that these associations were independent from the dilemma type. Study 2 revealed that participants had significantly less preference for killing the individual when the outcome (...)
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    Moral judgments under uncertainty: risk, ambiguity and commission bias.Fei Song, Yiyun Shou, Felix S. H. Yeung & Joel Olney - 2023 - Current Psychology.
    Previous research on moral dilemmas has mainly focused on decisions made under conditions of probabilistic certainty. We investigated the impact of uncertainty on the preference for action (killing one individual to save five people) and inaction (saving one but allowing five people to die) in moral dilemmas. We reported two experimental studies that varied the framing (gain vs loss), levels of risk (probability of gain and loss) and levels of ambiguity (imprecise probability information) in the choice to save five individuals (...)
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  3. Affordances and the musically extended mind.Joel Krueger - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4:1-12.
    I defend a model of the musically extended mind. I consider how acts of “musicking” grant access to novel emotional experiences otherwise inaccessible. First, I discuss the idea of “musical affordances” and specify both what musical affordances are and how they invite different forms of entrainment. Next, I argue that musical affordances – via soliciting different forms of entrainment – enhance the functionality of various endogenous, emotiongranting regulative processes, drawing novel experiences out of us with an expanded complexity and phenomenal (...)
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  4. A theory of emotion.Joel Marks - 1982 - Philosophical Studies 42 (1):227-242.
    I argue that emotions are belief/desire sets characterized by strong desire.
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    Moral Moments: An Immortal Pair Passes.Joel Marks - 2003 - Philosophy Now 42:45-45.
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  6. (1 other version)Infinite time Turing machines.Joel David Hamkins & Andy Lewis - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (2):567-604.
    Infinite time Turing machines extend the operation of ordinary Turing machines into transfinite ordinal time. By doing so, they provide a natural model of infinitary computability, a theoretical setting for the analysis of the power and limitations of supertask algorithms.
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  7. Ethics without morals: in defence of amorality.Joel Marks - 2013 - London ;: Routledge.
    A defense of amorality as both philosophically justified and practicably livable. While in synch with their underlying aim of grounding human existence in a naturalistic metaphysics, this book takes both the new atheism and the mainstream of modern ethical philosophy to task for maintaining a complacent embrace of morality. It advocates instead replacing the language of morality with a language of desire. The book begins with an analysis of what morality is and then argues that the concept is not instantiated (...)
  8. Musicing, Materiality, and the Emotional Niche.Joel Krueger - 2015 - Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 14 (3):43-62.
    Building on Elliot and SilvermanÕs (2015) embodied and enactive approach to musicing, I argue for an extended approach: namely, the idea that music can function as an environmental scaffolding supporting the development of various experiences and embodied practices that would otherwise remain inaccessible. I focus especially on the materiality of music. I argue that one of the central ways we use music, as a material resource, is to manipulate social spaceÑand in so doing, manipulate our emotions. Acts of musicing, thought (...)
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    Naturalists, Molecular Biologists, and the Challenges of Molecular Evolution.Joel B. Hagen - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (2):321 - 341.
    Biologists and historians often present natural history and molecular biology as distinct, perhaps conflicting, fields in biological research. Such accounts, although supported by abundant evidence, overlook important areas of overlap between these areas. Focusing upon examples drawn particularly from systematics and molecular evolution, I argue that naturalists and molecular biologists often share questions, methods, and forms of explanation. Acknowledging these interdisciplinary efforts provides a more balanced account of the development of biology during the post-World War II era.
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    On Serpents and Doves: the systematic relationship between prudence and morality in Kant’s political philosophy.Joel Thiago Klein - 2021 - Kant Studien 112 (1):78-104.
    This paper argues that the political adage “Be ye prudent as serpents and guileless as doves” involves three different types of relation between prudence and morality, namely: unification (Vereinigung), subordination (Unterordnung), and association (Beigesellung). I maintain that these relations are set up according to the same principle that determines the relationship between mechanical and teleological causality in the third Critique. Thus, I argue that morality and prudence are much more systematically related within the system of critical philosophy than is normally (...)
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    King and Kin: Political Allegory in the Hebrew Bible.Gary A. Rendsburg & Joel Rosenberg - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (2):294.
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    Analysis of Human Brain Structure Reveals that the Brain “Types” Typical of Males Are Also Typical of Females, and Vice Versa.Daphna Joel, Ariel Persico, Moshe Salhov, Zohar Berman, Sabine Oligschläger, Isaac Meilijson & Amir Averbuch - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  13. On what powers cannot do.Joel Katzav - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (3):331–345.
    Dispositionalism is the view that the world is, ultimately, just a world of objects and their irreducible dispositions, and that such dispositions are, ultimately, the sole explanatory ground for the occurrence of events. This view is motivated, partly, by arguing that it affords, while non‐necessitarian views of laws of nature do not afford, an adequate account of our intuitions about which regularities are non‐accidental. I, however, argue that dispositionalism cannot adequately account for our intuitions about which regularities are non‐accidental. Further, (...)
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    Fragile measurability.Joel Hamkins - 1994 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 59 (1):262-282.
    Laver [L] and others [G-S] have shown how to make the supercompactness or strongness of κ indestructible by a wide class of forcing notions. We show, alternatively, how to make these properties fragile. Specifically, we prove that it is relatively consistent that any forcing which preserves $\kappa^{<\kappa}$ and κ+, but not P(κ), destroys the measurability of κ, even if κ is initially supercompact, strong, or if I1(κ) holds. Obtained as an application of some general lifting theorems, this result is an (...)
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  15. Naturalness revisited.Joel Kupperman - 2001 - In Bryan W. Van Norden, Confucius and the Analects: New Essays. Oxford University Press USA.
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  16. Vulgar consequentialism.Joel J. Kupperman - 1980 - Mind 89 (355):321-337.
  17.  13
    Theories of Human Nature.Joel Kupperman - 2010 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Questions for Further Consideration and Recommended Further Reading, which follow each relevant chapter, encourage readers to think further and to craft their own perspectives.
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    Confucius and the problem of naturalness.Joel J. Kupperman - 1968 - Philosophy East and West 18 (3):175-185.
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    Set-theoretic mereology.Joel David Hamkins & Makoto Kikuchi - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (3):285-308.
    We consider a set-theoretic version of mereology based on the inclusion relation ⊆ and analyze how well it might serve as a foundation of mathematics. After establishing the non-definability of ∈ from ⊆, we identify the natural axioms for ⊆-based mereology, which constitute a finitely axiomatizable, complete, decidable theory. Ultimately, for these reasons, we conclude that this form of set-theoretic mereology cannot by itself serve as a foundation of mathematics. Meanwhile, augmented forms of set-theoretic mereology, such as that obtained by (...)
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  20. Body, Soul, and Human Life: The Nature of Humanity in the Bible.Joel B. Green - 2008
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    Philosophy in the renaissance of Islam: Abū Sulaymān Al-Sijistānī and his circle.Joel L. Kraemer - 1986 - Leiden: E.J. Brill.
    ... the turn of the fourth/tenth century, in the province of Sijistan, Muhammad b. Tahir b. Bahram was born, known in the fullness of time as Abu Sulayman ...
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  22. At home in and beyond our skin: Posthuman embodiment in film and television.Joel Krueger - 2015 - In Hauskeller Michael, Carbonell Curtis D. & Philbeck Thomas D., Handbook of Posthumanism in Film and Television. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 172-181.
    Film and television portrayals of posthuman cyborgs melding biology and technology, simultaneously “animal and machine” abound. Most of us immediately think of iconic characters like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s relentless cyborg assassin in the Terminator series or Peter Weller’s crime-fighting cyborg police officer in Robocop (1987). Or perhaps we recall the many cyborgs populating the Dr. Who, Star Trek, and Star Wars television series and films—including Darth Vader, surely the most famous cinematic cyborg of all time. But lesser-known explorations of cybernetic embodiment (...)
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  23. Tradition and Community in the Formation of Character and Self.Joel J. Kupperman - 2004 - In Kwong-loi Shun & David B. Wong, Confucian Ethics: A Comparative Study of Self, Autonomy, and Community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 103--123.
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    Six Myths About the Good Life: Thinking About What has Value.Joel Kupperman - 2006 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Six Myths about the Good Life_ focuses on the values that are worth aiming for in our lives, a topic central to what has been called Philosophy of Life. We all have ideas about the good life. We think that pleasure makes life better. We want to be happy. We think that achievements make a difference. There is something to all these ideas, but if taken simply and generally they all miss out on something. _Six Myths about the Good Life_ (...)
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  25.  11
    The foundations of morality.Joel Kupperman - 1983 - Boston: Allen & Unwin.
  26.  4
    A Redefinição Política Do Significado da Secularização Segundo Charles Taylor.Joel Decothé Junior - 2019 - Dissertatio 48:201-241.
    Charles Taylor em suas abordagens sobre o fenômeno da secularização nos oferece uma descrição, analítico-genealógica, das atuais condições de crença e ceticismo radical das sociedades modernas. Buscamos a partir disto, fazer um estudo que vise entender algumas das motivações referentes ao lugar e uso da razão pública pelas religiões na vida social democrática. Para tanto, abordamos a noção de redefinição do significado político da secularização. É inegável que as crenças religiosas e laicas estão vivas e atuantes na esfera pública. Por (...)
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    Examining Physician Interactions with Disease Advocacy Organizations.Caroline Horrow, Joel E. Pacyna, Carol Cosenza & Richard R. Sharp - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:1-9.
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  28. Breve antologia filosófica.Joel Serrão - 1948 - Lisboa,: Seara Nova. Edited by Macedo, Jorge de & [From Old Catalog].
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    La constitución de la democracia.Joel I. Colon-Rios - 2013 - Bogotá: Universidad Externado de Colombia.
    El conjunto de ensayos que el lector tiene entre sus manos expresa un cuerpo sistemático de ideas provocadoras sobre la tensión entre el constitucionalismo y la democracia. Su autor, el profesor Joel Colón-Ríos, boricua, formado en las dos facultades de derecho canadienses de mayor renombre, e investigador de una de las mejores universidades de Oceanía, las ha fraguado a lo largo de más de un lustro y debatido con gran éxito ante la elite intelectual de Norteamérica. La propuesta central (...)
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    Bergmann’s Rule, Adaptation, and Thermoregulation in Arctic Animals: Conflicting Perspectives from Physiology, Evolutionary Biology, and Physical Anthropology After World War II.Joel B. Hagen - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 50 (2):235-265.
    Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule played important roles in mid-twentieth century discussions of adaptation, variation, and geographical distribution. Although inherited from the nineteenth-century natural history tradition these rules gained significance during the consolidation of the modern synthesis as evolutionary theorists focused attention on populations as units of evolution. For systematists, the rules provided a compelling rationale for identifying geographical races or subspecies, a function that was also picked up by some physical anthropologists. More generally, the rules provided strong evidence for (...)
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  31. Empathy.Joel Krueger - 2013 - In Byron Kaldis, Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
  32.  56
    Hard Atheism and the Ethics of Desire: An Alternative to Morality.Marks Joel - 2016 - New York, USA: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book challenges the widespread assumption that the ethical life and society must be moral in any objective sense. In his previous works, Marks has rejected both the existence of such a morality and the need to maintain verbal, attitudinal, practical, and institutional remnants of belief in it. This book develops these ideas further, with emphasis on constructing a positive alternative. Calling it “desirism”, Marks illustrates what life and the world would be like if we lived in accordance with our (...)
  33.  27
    Moses Maimonides : An intellectual portrait.Joel L. Kraemer - 2005 - In Kenneth Seeskin, The Cambridge companion to Maimonides. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 10--57.
  34. The epistemology of non-instrumental value.Joel J. Kupperman - 2005 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 70 (3):659–680.
    Might there be knowledge of non-instrumental values? Arguments are give for two principal claims. One is that if there is such knowledge, it typically will have features that do not entirely match those of other kinds of knowledge. It will have a closer relation to the kind of person one is or becomes, and in the way it combines features of knowing-how with knowing-that. There also are problems of indeterminacy of non-instrumental value which are not commonly found in other things (...)
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  35. Value... and What Follows.Joel Kupperman - 1998 - Philosophy 75 (293):458-462.
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    Changing the heights of automorphism towers.Joel David Hamkins & Simon Thomas - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):139-157.
    If G is a centreless group, then τ denotes the height of the automorphism tower of G. We prove that it is consistent that for every cardinal λ and every ordinal α<λ, there exists a centreless group G such that τ=α; and if β is any ordinal such that 1β<λ, then there exists a notion of forcing , which preserves cofinalities and cardinalities, such that τ=β in the corresponding generic extension.
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  37. Responsible Believing.Stephen Joel Garver - 1996 - Dissertation, Syracuse University
    On one hand people are, by and large, responsible for what they believe , and yet, it seems clear that we have no immediate voluntary control over belief. I argue that it is only psychologically impossible for us to believe things at will. We do, however, have indirect voluntary influence over belief which is sufficient to ground our responsibility for what we believe. Moreover, while we cannot analyze epistemic justification in terms of deontological notions, these notions do underlie our practice (...)
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    (1 other version)An Axiomatization of Topological Boolean Algebras.Joel Kagan - 1972 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 18 (7):103-106.
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    Início conjectural da história humana.Joel Thiago Klein - 2009 - Ethic@ - An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 8 (1):157-168.
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    Sobre o significado e a legitimidade transcendental dos conceitos de precisão, interesse, esperança e crença na filosofia kantiana.Joel Thiago Klein - 2014 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 59 (1):143-173.
    Este trabalho apresenta uma interpretação abrangente e sistemática do significado e da legitimidade dos conceitos de precisão, interesse, esperança e crença no interior da filosofia kantiana. A análise desses conceitos está diretamente vinculada à discussão acerca da natureza da razão prática pura, da legitimidade do conceito de sumo bem e da unidade arquitetônica da razão. Defende-se que tanto os conceitos de precisão e interesse, assim como os conceitos de crença e esperança possuem legitimidade transcendental e concordam com as bases da (...)
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  41. Harm to others—a rejoinder.Joel Feinberg - 1986 - Criminal Justice Ethics 5 (1):16-29.
  42.  25
    Against The Oneness of Love: Karen Warren's Complementary Conception of Love and its Relation to Oneness and Care for the Environment.Joel Jay Kassiola - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):37-53.
    Abstract:In this essay, I argue for what I term, following Karen Warren's wording, "a complementary love conception," and advocate for her non-dominating, non-self-centered, complementary love conception, in part, to refute the arrogant "oneness" or fusion ideal of love that is hegemonic and deeply embedded in the Western patriarchal worldview. I attempt to clarify the concept of "oneness" by distinguishing among its distinct types of meaning by drawing upon the work of Phillip J. Ivanhoe who analyzes this understudied, yet important, concept (...)
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    A sociabilidade insociável e a antropologia kantiana.Joel Thiago Klein - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):265.
    Neste artigo apresenta-se o significado do conceito de sociabilidade insociável e de sua importância para a filosofia histórico-política de Kant. Defendem-se aqui duas teses importantes: primeira, que esse conceito se insere essencialmente num paradigma biológicoteleológico em vez de físico-mecânico; segunda, que a insociabilidade deve ser compreendida como se referindo a inclinações e não a paixões, o que, por sua vez, permite pensá-la em concordância com um progresso moral também dos indivíduo.
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  44. How Philosophy Lost Perceptual Expertise.Joel Richeimer - 2000 - Synthese 124 (3):385-406.
    If we think of perceptual expertise, we might think ofa neurologist interpreting a CAT scan or an astronomerlooking at a star. But perceptual expertise is notlimited to ‘experts’. Perceptual expertise is atthe heart of our everyday competence in the world. Wenavigate around obstacles, we take turns inconversations, we make left-turns in face of on-comingtraffic. Each of us is a perceptual expert (thoughonly in certain domains). If we misunderstandperceptual expertise, we risk misunderstanding ourepistemic relationship to the world. I argue that thestandard (...)
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    The Problem of `Crony Capitalism': Modernity and the Encounter with the Perverse.Joel S. Kahn & Francesco Formosa - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 69 (1):47-66.
    This article provides some reflections on the problem posed by ostensibly perverse phenomena like political patronage, corruption and crony capitalism for modernising narratives, which are currently enjoying a renewed popularity. In the light of an ethnographic example from Indonesia, it is argued that the continual attempt to relocate such phenomena to terrains not properly modern precludes the possibility of serious analysis or moral/political assessment of these phenomena. The starting point for any genuine engagement with these issues is the recognition that (...)
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    A comment on Girill's dualistic view of scientific knowledge as a resolution of the Kuhn-Popper debate.Joel Kassiola - 1976 - Metaphilosophy 7 (2):149–154.
  47.  19
    Why “Need-Blind” Admissions is Inadequate.Joel J. Kassiola - 1995 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 6 (1):15-29.
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    Riggs on strong justification.Joel Katzav - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (4):631 – 639.
    In 'The Weakness of Strong Justification' Wayne Riggs claims that the requirement that justified beliefs be truth conducive (likely to be true) is not always compatible with the requirement that they be epistemically responsible (arrived at in an epistemically responsible manner)1. He supports this claim by criticising Alvin Goldman's view that if a belief is strongly justified, it is also epistemically responsible. In light of this, Riggs recommends that we develop two independent conceptions of justification, one that insists upon the (...)
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    Ciência e método em Bacon e Kant.Joel Thiago Klein - 2019 - Dissertatio 49:287-311.
    Neste artigo faz-se uma comparação entre a perspectiva metodológica e epistemológica desenvolvida por Bacon no Novum Organum e por Kant na Crítica da razão pura. Nesse sentido, defende-se que apesar de não se poder ignorar as divergências com relação ao modo como cada filósofo desenvolve a delimitação dos seus conceitos de conhecimento e de ciência, ainda assim é possível encontrar importantes elementos de convergência tanto com relação à ilusão transcendental e outras formas de erros no que concerne a teoria dos (...)
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    Kant’s constitution of a moral image of the world.Joel Thiago Klein - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):103-125.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I argue that the idea of a universal history is systematically legitimized in Kant’s transcendental system of philosophy by way of the concept of a need [Bedürfnis] for pure practical reason. In this sense, the idea of a universal history is a fundamental part of the moral image of the world that emerges from Kant’s whole philosophy, and it is crucial for understanding both the possibility of the system of pure reason, as well the full development (...)
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