Results for 'Yukio Asai'

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  1. Hōgaku shinkō.Yukio Asai (ed.) - 1970 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
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    The way of the samurai: Yukio Mishima on Hagakure in modern life.Yukio Mishima - 1977 - New York, N.Y.: Putnam. Edited by Tsunetomo Yamamoto.
    The famous Japanese novelist offers his personal interpretation of a classic work on samurai ethics, everyday life, and spiritual salvation.
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  3. Commentary by Atsushi Asai & Takuro Shimbo.Atsushi Asai & Takuro Shimbo - 1998 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 8 (4):106-106.
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  4. (1 other version)Commentary By Atsushi Asai.Atsushi Asai - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (4):107-107.
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  5. Matters to address prior to introducing new life support technology in Japan: three serious ethical concerns related to the use of left ventricular assist devices as destination therapy and suggested policies to deal with them.Atsushi Asai, Sakiko Masaki, Taketoshi Okita, Aya Enzo & Yasuhiro Kadooka - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):12.
    Destination therapy is the permanent implantation of a left ventricular assist device in patients with end-stage, severe heart failure who are ineligible for heart transplantation. DT improves both the quality of life and prognosis of patients with end-stage heart failure. However, there are also downsides to DT such as life-threatening complications and the potential for the patient to live beyond their desired length of life following such major complications. Because of deeply ingrained cultural and religious beliefs regarding death and the (...)
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    Voluntary assisted death in present-day Japan: A case for dignity.Atsushi Asai & Miki Fukuyama - 2023 - Clinical Ethics 18 (2):251-258.
    No laws or official guidelines govern medical assistance for dying in Japan. However, over the past several years, cases of assisted suicide or voluntary euthanasia, rarely disclosed until recently, have occurred in close succession. Inspired by these events, ethical, legal, and social debates on a patient’s right to die have arisen in Japan, as it has in many other countries. Several surveys of Japanese people’s attitudes towards voluntary assisted dying suggest that a certain number of Japanese prefer active euthanasia. Against (...)
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    Protestant Character of Modern Buddhist Movements.Yukio Matsudo - 2000 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (1):59-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 20 (2000) 59-69 [Access article in PDF] Buddhist Views on Ritual Pactice Protestant Character of Modern Buddhist Movements Yukio MatsudoUniversity of HeidelbergWhat is the relationship between ritual and ethical activities in Nichiren Buddhism, as practiced in the Soka Gakkai (SG)? SG is a lay Buddhist organization which is, as such, involved extensively in secular affairs, specifically in the field of educational, cultural, social, and peace-promoting programs. (...)
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  8. Should we maintain baby hatches in our society?Asai Atsushi & Ishimoto Hiroko - 2013 - BMC Medical Ethics 14 (1):1-7.
    Background A baby hatch called the “Stork’s Cradle” has been in place at Jikei Hospital in Kumamoto City, Japan, since May 10, 2007. Babyklappes were first established in Germany in 2000, and there are currently more than 90 locations. Attitudes regarding baby hatches are divided in Japan and neither opinions for nor against baby hatches have thus far been overwhelming. To consider the appropriateness of baby hatches, we present and examine the validity of each major objection to establishing baby hatches. (...)
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    Reason and Spontaneity.Yukio Kachi - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 40 (3):389-398.
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  10. Giri to ninjō.Yukio Akatsuka - 1971
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  11. Barriers To Informed Consent In Japan.Atsushi Asai - 1996 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 6 (4):91-93.
    In the Japanese clinical setting, informed consent has not been well adopted although the idea is no longer novel and the bioethics movement is well known. There are several barriers to informed consent in Japan.It is possible that both patients and physicians do not know the idea or misunderstand it. Some may think that informed consent can be obtained from a patient who does not know his or her diagnosis or from family members of a competent patient. Because of no (...)
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  12. 人倫と愛知:倫理学・哲学・論理学・教育学等論集.Shigenori Asai, Akira Takashima & Takashi Saitåo - 1993 - Tōkyō: Edited by Akira Takashima & Takashi Saitō.
  13. The role of religious and non-religious beliefs in medical decisions.Atsushi Asai & Yasuhiro Kadooka Aizawa - 2009 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 19 (6):162-165.
    The aim of the present paper is to evaluate the role of a patient’s religious and non-religious beliefs in making decisions about medical care. Faith exerts a profound influence on our spiritual lives and on our daily actions, including ethical decisions. Religion determines the believer’s fundamental worldview, view of humanity, perspective on life and death, and values. In this paper, we investigated the treatment of medical decisions based on religious or non-religious beliefs. To understand this issue, it is necessary to (...)
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  14. Tetsugaku rinrigaku ronbunshū.Shigenori Asai & Shigeoki Tagami (eds.) - 1976
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  15. What Ethical Dilemmas Are Japanese Physicians Faced With?Atsushi Asai - 1997 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 7 (6):162-165.
    Each country may face some distinctive ethical problems. Little is known about what kind of ethical problems exist and how often physicians are faced with them in clinical settings in Japan. The authors conducted both retrospective and prospective studies to identify ethical dilemmas at a general medical ward of a university hospital in Japan. In the first phase of the study, retrospective chart reviews were conducted for 61 patients who had been admitted to our general medical ward. It revealed that (...)
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    Degeneracy of the local structure renormalizing infinite time and space.Yukio-Pegio Gunji - 1997 - World Futures 50 (1):495-510.
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    Time emerges from incomplete clock, based on internal measurement.Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Hideki Higashi & Yasuhiro Takachi - 2001 - In Tadashi Kitamura, What Should Be Computed to Understand and Model Brain Function?: From Robotics, Soft Computing, Biology and Neuroscience to Cognitive Philosophy. World Scientific. pp. 3--149.
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  18. ‘Our’ Practical Knowledge.Yukio Irie - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 33:21-26.
    When I am asked “What are you doing?”, I answer e.g. “I am making coffee”. Anscombe called the knowledge that this kind of answer involves “practical knowledge”. Practical knowledge is knowledge not involving observation and inference. In this presentation I would like to apply this concept to the collectiveaction of many persons. Given that we are playing soccer if someone comes here and asks “What are you doing now?”, we can answer immediately “We are playing soccer”. I would like to (...)
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  19. Introductiones dialecticae artis secundum magistrum G. Paganellum.Yukio Iwakuma - 1993 - Cahiers de L’Institut du Moyen-Âge Grec Et Latin 63:45-114.
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    External constraints on female political participation.Yukio Maeda - 2005 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 6 (3):345-373.
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    Masao Abe: Buddhism and Interfaith Dialogue.Yukio Matsudo & Steven Heine - 1998 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 18:257.
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    Kanto ni okeru kūkan jikan no kenkyū.Yukio Miwatari - 1969
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  23. Mondai to tachiba kara mita tetsugaku yōron.Yukio Miwatari - 1958
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  24. Tetsugaku nyūmon.Yukio Miwatari (ed.) - 1971
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    Butsurigaku no ayumi to gendai.Yukio Nagahira - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Keibunsha.
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    Networked bubble propagation: a polynomial-time hypothetical reasoning method for computing near-optimal solutions.Yukio Ohsawa & Mitsuru Ishizuka - 1997 - Artificial Intelligence 91 (1):131-154.
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  27. Shūkyōgakuteki kaishin kenkyū: Niijima Jō, Kiyozawa Manshi, Uchimura Kanzō, Takayama Chogyū.Yukio Tokuda - 2005 - Tōkyō: Miraisha.
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    Rewiring the damaged-pathway through BCI restore volitional control paretic limb.Nishimura Yukio - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Rubber hand illusion, empathy, and schizotypal experiences in terms of self-other representations.Tomohisa Asai, Zhu Mao, Eriko Sugimori & Yoshihiko Tanno - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1744-1750.
    When participants observed a rubber hand being touched, their sense of touch was activated . While this illusion might be caused by multi-modal integration, it may also be related to empathic function, which enables us to simulate the observed information. We examined individual differences in the RHI, including empathic and schizotypal personality traits, as previous research had suggested that schizophrenic patients would be more subject to the RHI. The results indicated that people who experience a stronger RHI might have stronger (...)
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    Hope for the best and prepare for the worst: Ethical concerns related to the introduction of healthcare artificial intelligence.Atsuchi Asai, Taketoshi Okita, Aya Enzo, Motoki Ohnishi & Seiji Bito - 2019 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 29 (2):64-70.
    Background: The introduction of healthcare AI to society as well as the clinical setting will improve individual health statuses and increase the possible medical choices. AI can be, however, regarded as a double-edged sword that might cause medically and socially undesirable situations. In this paper, we attempt to predict several negative situations that may be faced by healthcare professionals, patients and citizens in the healthcare setting, and our society as a whole. Discussion: We would argue that physicians abuse healthcare AI (...)
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    The Body Knows What It Should Do: Automatic Motor Compensation for Illusory Heaviness Contagion.Tomohisa Asai, Eriko Sugimori & Yoshihiko Tanno - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
  32. Seisaku to kachi: gendai no seiji tetsugaku.Yukio Adachi - 1991 - Kyōto-shi: Mineruva Shobō.
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    Viewpoint and the nature of the Japanese reflexive zibun.Yukio Hirose - 2002 - Cognitive Linguistics 13 (4).
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    Keizai hōsoku no rinriteki seishitsu: keizai tetsugaku josetsu.Yukio Iikura - 1993 - Tōkyō: Kindai Bungeisha.
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    Dialektik und Entschluß bei Fichte.Yukio Irie - 1993 - Fichte-Studien 5:93-106.
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    Gods, Forms, and Socratic Piety.Yukio Kachi - 1983 - Ancient Philosophy 3 (1):82-88.
  37. Language and Reality in Plato's Theory of Characters.Yukio Kachi - 1970 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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    (1 other version)Hikaku shisō no gakumonsei.Yukio Miwatari (ed.) - 1971 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
  39. Kanto hihan tetsugaku no kōzō.Yukio Miwatari - unknown
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  40. Kanto jissen tetsugaku no kenkyū.Yukio Miwatari - 1981 - Kyoto: Kyōto Joshi Daigaku.
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    Ming-Ch'ing Studies in Japan: 1981.Asai Motoi & Shigaku Zasshi - 1984 - Chinese Studies in History 18 (1-2):101-118.
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    Governmental reform of industrial society.Yukio Noguchi - 1984 - World Futures 19 (3):249-260.
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    Scrambling, indirect passives, and wanna contraction.Yukio Otsu - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):45-46.
    Grodzinsky's general approach to the neuroscience of language is interesting, but the evidence currently available has problems with pragmatic infelicity in experiments involving Japanese scrambling and the interpretation of experimental results on Japanese indirect passives. I will suggest a more direct way of testing the Trace-Deletion Hypothesis (TDH).
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  44. Ishi to seikaku no shinrigaku.Yukio Togawa - 1979
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  45. Minzoku no ishi.Yukio Togawa - 1942
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    A novel Internet‐based blended learning programme providing core competency in clinical research.Yukio Tsugihashi, Naoki Kakudate, Yoko Yokoyama, Yosuke Yamamoto, Hiroki Mishina, Norio Fukumori, Fumiaki Nakamura, Misa Takegami, Shinya Ohno, Takafumi Wakita, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Takuhiro Yamaguchi & Shunichi Fukuhara - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (2):250-255.
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    A Saussurean Interpretation of L. L. Zamenhoff's Esperantism.Yukio Tsuda - 1984 - Semiotics:277-284.
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    Discussions on Present Japanese Psychocultural-Social Tendencies as Obstacles to Clinical Shared Decision-Making in Japan.Seiji Bito, Taketoshi Okita & Atsushi Asai - 2022 - Asian Bioethics Review 14 (2):133-150.
    In Japan, where a prominent gap exists in what is considered a patient’s best interest between the medical and patient sides, appropriate decision-making can be difficult to achieve. In Japanese clinical settings, decision-making is considered an act of choice-making from multiple potential options. With many ethical dilemmas still remaining, establishing an appropriate decision-making process is an urgent task in modern Japanese healthcare. This paper examines ethical issues related to shared decision-making (SDM) in clinical settings in modern Japan from the psychocultural-social (...)
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    Typ-Ken (an Amalgam of Type and Token) Drives Infosphere.Yukio-Pegio Gunji, Takayuki Niizato, Hisashi Murakami & Iori Tani - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (1):227-251.
    Floridi’s infosphere consisting of informational reality is estimated and delineated by introducing the new notion of Typ-Ken, an undifferentiated amalgam of type and token that can be expressed as either type or token dependent on contingent ontological commitment. First, we elaborate Floridi’s system, level of abstraction (LoA), model, and structure scheme, which is proposed to reconcile ontic with epistemic structural reality, and obtain the duality of type and token inherited in the relationship between LoA and model. While we focus on (...)
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    Dialogues About Death in Milindapañha and Carakasaṃhitā.Yukio Yamanaka & Tsutomu Yamashita - 2024 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 52 (5):559-578.
    This paper deals with the debates over _kālamṛtyu_ (“timely death” or human death at the end of the life span) and _akālamṛtyu_ (“untimely death” or premature death that occurs when the life span still remains). In cultural areas like ancient India, where the _karman_ doctrine or the law of _karman_ is firmly rooted, such “timely death” and “untimely death” have seemed to be the catalysts for the philosophical and ethical debates. Assuming that a person’s life itself would be affected by (...)
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