Results for 'Yong Zhong'

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  1. Zhi zhong jian xi de jing shi zhi yong yu jin dai she hui zhuan xing.Zhongli Su - 2004 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju. Edited by Hui Su.
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    Exploring the Level of Physical Fitness on Physical Activity and Physical Literacy Among Chinese University Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.Cheng Zhang, Yong Liu, Shuang Xu, Raymond Kim-Wai Sum, Ruisi Ma, Pu Zhong, Shixiang Liu & Minghui Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Physical literacy has received considerable attention in the field of physical education and physical activity worldwide. According to recent studies, the level of physical fitness among Chinese university students is gradually decreasing. This study aims to examine the impact of the PF level on PA and PL, as well as the relationships among PF, PA, and PL, in Chinese university students. Participants comprised 798 university students in Chongqing, China. Participants completed the tests of vital capacity, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and (...)
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    White-Matter Structural Connectivity in Relation to Humor Styles: An Exploratory Study.Ching-Lin Wu, Suyu Zhong, Yu-Chen Chan, Hsueh-Chih Chen & Yong He - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Teacher emotion and pedagogical decision-making in ESP teaching in a Chinese University.Hua Zhao, Danli Li & Yong Zhong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Teacher emotion has become an important issue in English language teaching as it is a crucial construct in understanding teachers' responses to institutional policies. The study explored teachers' emotion labor and its impact on teachers' pedagogical decision-making in English for Specific Purposes teaching in a university of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. Drawing on a poststructural perspective, the study examined data from two rounds of semi-structured interviews, policy documents and teaching artifacts. The analysis of data revealed that the major emotion (...)
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    Enhanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity With Decreased Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations of the Salience Network in Mindfulness Novices.Quan Gan, Ning Ding, Guoli Bi, Ruixiang Liu, Xingrong Zhao, Jingmei Zhong, Shaoyuan Wu, Yong Zeng, Liqian Cui, Kunhua Wu, Yunfa Fu & Zhuangfei Chen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Mindfulness and accordant interventions are often used as complementary treatments to psychological or psychosomatic problems. This has also been gradually integrated into daily lives for the promotion of psychological well-being in non-clinical populations. The experience of mindful acceptance in a non-judgmental way brought about the state, which was less interfered by a negative effect. Mindfulness practice often begins with focused attention meditation restricted to an inner experience. We postulate that the brain areas related to an interoceptive function would demonstrate an (...)
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    20 shi ji Zhongguo zhe xue jian gou zhong de "qing" wen ti yan jiu.Yong Fang - 2011 - Shanghai: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
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  7. Shi zhe ru si fu: 20 shi ji Zhongguo zhe xue zhong de "shi jian" guan nian.Yong Fang - 2023 - Shanghai Shi: Shanghai ren min chu ban she.
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    Zhong wan Ming shi ren de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou: yi Li Cai (1529-1607) wei zhong xin de yan jiu.Yong Liu - 2015 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
    Ben shu yi Ming ru Li Cai de jiang xue huo dong yu xue pai jian gou wei zhong xin, tan tao cong shi liu shi ji chu dao shi qi shi ji mo li xue qun ti zhong xin xing xue shuo he xue pai de chan sheng, chuan bo, kuo zhan yu chuan cheng de mo shi, bing zhuo zhong cong si xiang shi de jiao du jie shi zhe zhong mo shi chan sheng (...)
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  9. Alterations of Regional Homogeneity and Functional Connectivity Following Short-Term Mindfulness Meditation in Healthy Volunteers.Qin Xiao, Xingrong Zhao, Guoli Bi, Lisha Wu, Hongjiang Zhang, Ruixiang Liu, Jingmei Zhong, Shaoyuan Wu, Yong Zeng, Liqian Cui, Yanmei Chen, Kunhua Wu & Zhuangfei Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  10. Ke xue zai she hui fa zhan zhong di di wei he zuo yong.Yangsheng Zhong - 1985 - Changsha Shi: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Sheng ming de yong heng: jun ren ai guo feng xian man yi.Bin Zhong - 2002 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Li Zhang & Jinmu Luo.
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    Ru xue de li lun yu ying yong: Kong Decheng xian sheng shi shi wu zhou nian ji nian lun wen ji = Theory and practice of Confucianism: essays in memory of Kung Te-cheng (1920-2008).Caijun Zhong (ed.) - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Zhong yang yan jiu yuan Zhongguo wen zhe yan jiu suo.
  13. Tong ge Guan zhong san xian sheng yao yu.Yuanchun Li, Shaoqu Feng, Zhongfu Wang & Yong Li (eds.) - 1975 - Taibei: Guang wen shu ju.
    juan 1. Shaoqu Feng xian sheng -- juan 2. Zhongfu Wang xian sheng -- juan 3-4. Erqu Li xian sheng.
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    Zhong yong de chu shi zhe xue.Fanxiang Meng - 2007 - Beijing: Zhongguo fang zhi chu ban she.
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    Fu zhu sheng zhi ji shu ying yong zhong de re dian fa lü wen ti yan jiu =.Yuxia Xing - 2012 - Beijing: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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    Yu yong xue shi yu zhong de fa lü tui li yan jiu.Jianying Qi - 2015 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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    Zhong yong chu shi zhi dao.Chengbin Shui - 2006 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
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  18. Shi yong zhu yi: yi xie jiu si xiang fang fa di xin ming cheng, fu "Zhen li di yi yi" zhong xuan chu di you guan di si pian lun wen.William James - 1979 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan. Edited by Yulun Chen.
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  19. Man tan qun zhong he ge ren zai li shi shang di zuo yong.Kaibin Cao - 1983 - Fuzhou: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  20. Zhong yong de li xiang.Chengji Liu - 2001 - Beijing: Beijing yu yan wen hua da xue chu ban she.
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  21. Zhong yong bian zheng fa.Weizhong Chen - 1989 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian shou du fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Zhong yong yuan lun: ru jia qing gan xing shang xue zhi chuang fa yu qian bian = A study on the doctrine of the mean: the creation and evolution of confucianism's moral.Shaohan Yang - 2015 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    《中庸原論:儒家情感形上學之創發與潛變》認為,孔子的心性之學包括兩個部分,即「心學」與「情學」。 儒學內化就是道德情感與良知之心內化為天命之性,成為道德實踐的內在本體和形上根據。 《中庸》作為思孟學派的早期作品,承擔着為儒學建立道德本體和尋找道德終極根源的形上課題。在這兩個課題中,道德情感都具有本質的意義,《中庸》初步建立起來的儒家形上學可以說是一種情感形上學。 宋明時期,孔子的「心學」得到充分發展,朱子是孔子「心學」之認知派,陸王是孔子「心學」之良知派,孔子的「情學」卻隱而不彰。 直到明末,劉蕺山才重新認識到道德情感的重要地位,並在一定程度上復歸了思孟學派心性情為一的義理結構。 楊少涵,河南桐柏人,副教授,碩士生導師。1999年7月畢業於鄭州大學,獲文學學士學位。2006年3月畢業於南京政治學院上海分院,獲哲學碩士學位。2009年6月畢業於上海復旦大學,獲哲學博士學位。201 1年6月於上海師范大學博士后出站。現任為華僑大學哲學與社會發展學院副教授。先后在《哲學研究》、《光明日報》等報刊上發表論文二十余篇。校理古籍《中庸集說》(衛湜著,漓江出版社,2011年)一部。.
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    "Zhong yong" xue yu ru jia xing er shang xue guan xi yan jiu.Xiong Zheng - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Zhong yong ren sheng xue.Lan Zhu - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Lan tai chu ban she.
    中庸被孔子譽為「至德」,中庸人生哲學是儒家倫理思想體系的核心和精髓。 本書史論結合,探微鉤沉,考察了中庸哲學生髮的文化生態根源,揭示了中庸人生學的本質,闡發了中庸之道在修身、齊家、治國、平天下方面的巨大功用,辨析了儒家中庸人生學同道、墨、法諸家以及西方人生學的分野。弘揚 中庸人生學的精華,有益於豐盈當代人的精神世界,促進社會和諧發展。.
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    How Does Genuineness-Substance ( Cheng - Ti ) Act?: A Clarification of the Phenomenon of Genuineness Based on Zhong Yong.Yinghua Lu - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2):245-267.
    Based on the text Zhong Yong 中庸, this article clarifies the phenomenological experience of genuineness. The Introduction presents the discussion of genuineness-substance from Zhou Dunyi 周敦頤 and Mou Zongsan 牟宗三, pointing out their omission of the concrete activity of genuineness. Section 2 explains concepts such as ti 體, the endowment of Heaven, the original nature, right, norm, with an indication that genuineness denotes keeping and developing an original status. Section 3 then shows that the original status of human (...)
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    "Ti yong yi yuan, xian wei wu jian" Cheng Yichuan de li yi ben si xiang yan jiu: yi "Cheng shi yi zhuan" wei zhong xin = Tiyongyiyuan xianweiwujian ChengYichuan de liyiben sixiang yanjiu yi Chengshiyizhuan wei zhongxin.Mengxia Xiao - 2017 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
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  27. Xian Qin dian ji zhong yan yi luo ji zhi yun yong.Chunxiu Cao - 1986 - Taibei Shi: Li ming wen hua shi ye gong si.
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    Individual differences in Zhong-Yong tendency and processing capacity.Ting-Yun Chang & Cheng-Ta Yang - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Liang zi li xue mo tai jie shi ji qi fang fa lun: jian yi yu yan fen xi fang fa zai liang zi li xue zhong de ying yong.Tianping He - 2008 - Beijing: Ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Guichun Guo.
    本书受教育部2004年哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“当代科学哲学的发展趋势研究”(04JZD0004)、国家社会科学基金项目“测量难题的模态解释——量子力学前沿中的哲学问题”(05CZX008)和 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地——山西大学科学技术哲学研究中心基金资助.
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    "Kong jian" yu yong heng: shi jian zhe xue shi yu zhong de jia zhi wen ti.Jinsheng Cheng - 2004 - Nanchang Shi: Jiangxi ren min chu ban she.
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    Zhu Xi "Zhong yong" xue yan jiu =.Hui Zhang - 2018 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
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  32. Da xue Zhong yong Lun yu.Zhu Xi zhu - 2007 - In Xi Zhu, Jiyu Ren & Yuan Pan, Zhong guo wen hua jing dian. Hangzhou: Xi leng yin she chu ban she.
  33. Kongzi de zhong yong jiao yu zhe xue.Jianfu Yu - 2004 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
  34. Ji gao ming er dao zhong yong: Feng Youlan xin ru xue lun zhu ji yao.Youlan Feng - 1995 - Beijing: Zhongguo guang bo dian shi chu ban she. Edited by Wenjun Tian.
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    Zhi shi yu jing jie: zhi shi zai Tang Junyi xin ling jiu jing lun zhong de zuo yong yu ding wei.Aimin Lei - 2017 - Beijing Shi: Beijing da xue chu ban she.
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    "Tian Ming: Zhi Wei Xing!": Pian du "Zhong Yong".Xiaoming Wu - 2009 - Beijing da Xue Chu Ban She.
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    Ju shen ren zhi lun: xian xiang xue zai ren zhi ke xue yan jiu fan shi zhuan xing zhong de zuo yong = On embodied cognition.Xianjun Xu - 2009 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
  38. (1 other version)Qing dai xue zhe yan jiu lun zhu mu lu chu bian.Donghui Chen (ed.) - 2012 - Taibei Shi: Jing xue wen hua shi ye you xian gong si.
    Jiang Yong (1681-1762) -- Hui Dong (1697-1758) -- Lu Wenchao (1717-1796) -- Wang Mingsheng (1722-1797) -- Ji Yun (1724-1805) -- Zhao Yi (1727-1814) -- Qian Daxin (1728-1804) -- Jiao Xun (1732-1820) -- Duan Yucai (1735-1815) -- Wang Niansun (1744-1832) -- Wang Yinzhi (1766-1834) -- Wang Zhong (1745-1794) -- Hao Yixing (1757-1825) -- Jiang Fan (1761-1831) -- Yan Kejun (1762-1843) -- Huang Pilie (1763-1825) -- Ruan Yuan (1764-1849) -- Gu Qianli (1766-1835) -- Wang Jun (1784-1854) -- Zhu Junsheng (1788-1858).
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  39. Chu tu wen xian yu ru dao guan xi.Feng Cao (ed.) - 2012 - Guilin Shi: Lijiang chu ban she.
    Chu tu wen xian yu ru dao guan xi " nei rong jian jie: ru dao guan xi shi yi xiang gui mo hong da de yan jiu ke ti, ta she ji daozheng ge Zhongguo si xiang shi de nei zai jie gou he fa zhan guo cheng, she ji dao Zhongguo wen hua jin hou de zou xiang, yi yi zhong da. Er shi shi ji yi hou, yi huo de le shu liang ke guan de yan (...)
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    The Embodiment of the Idea of the “Golden Mean” in the Aesthetics of Confucius.Чэнь Паньли & Анна Анатольевн Костикова - 2024 - History of Philosophy 29 (2):51-63.
    This article examines the aesthetic ideas associated with the concept of zhong yong zhi dao 中庸 之道 (“golden mean”) by Confucius. Particular attention is paid to the following provisions of Confucian aesthetics: wen zhi bingbin 文质彬彬 “appearance and essence are equally perfect”, le er bu yin, ai er bu shang 乐而不淫,哀而不伤 “being joyful is not obscene; being sad does not hurt”, jin shan jin mei 尽善尽美 “quite beautiful and quite moral”. The author comes to the conclusion that Confucian (...)
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    Fo xue zhi zhe si jing guan.Li Ye - 2018 - Shanghai: Shanghai san lian shu dian.
    Ben shu zhi zai yong zhe xue yan jiu de fang shi zheng ti lun shu fo xue ti xi. wei le shi pu tong da zhong neng chu kui wan zheng de fo jiao xi tong, zuo zhe fen bie cong fo jiao de ge di yu pai bie,zhe xue si xiang guan dian,si miao jian zhu yi ji fo jing shu ji lun zhu deng fang mian jin xing liao xiang jin de xu shu ji tao (...)
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  42. Philosophers of the Warring States: A Sourcebook in Chinese Philosophy.Steve Coutinho & Kurtis Hagen (eds.) - 2018 - Peterborough, Canada: Broadview Press.
    An anthology of new translations of essential readings from the classical texts of early Chinese philosophy. It includes the Analects of Confucius, Meng Zi (Mencius), Xun Zi, Mo Zi, Lao Zi (Dao De Jing), Zhuang Zi, and Han Fei Zi, as well as short chapters on the Da Xue and the Zhong Yong. Pedagogically organized, it offers philosophically sophisticated annotations and commentaries as well as an extensive glossary explaining key philosophical concepts in detail.
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    Yongming Yanshou xin xue yan jiu.Qingqing Tian - 2010 - Chengdu Shi: Ba Shu shu she.
    Yongming Yanshou shi Tang mo wu dai Song chu Wu Yue guo gao seng, xian cun you yi bai duo wan zi de zhu zuo. ben shu zhu yao cong "ju yi wei xin zhong", "zhao wan fa ru jing", "sin sheng wan xing", "dao fa yi xing cheng" si ge fang mian, duo Yanshou xin xue de xin ti lun, xin xiang lun, xin yong lun he xin jing lun jing xing le yan jiu.
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    Reading Zhongyong as a Gongfu instruction: Comments on Focusing the familiar.Peimin Ni - 2004 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 3 (2):189-203.
    Roger Ames and David Hall’s Focusing the Falimiar makes a significant contribution to revealing the holistic and dynamic worldview entailed in the Confucian classic--the Zhongyong. Yet their emphasis on metaphysics eclipses an important dimension of the book—the “gongfu” (kungfu) instruction dimension. In this paper, the author first explains this concern by discussing Ames’ and Hall’s translation of the key terms of the book, namely “zhong,” “yong,” and “cheng.” Then he shows that their work, though falls short of revealing (...)
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    Zhongguo xian dai zhi jue lun yan jiu.jun Hu - 2014 - Beijing Shi: Beijing ta xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu xi tong jie shi le zhi jue lun si xiang zai zhong guo xian dai zhe xue fa zhan yan bian de gui ji, Fen xi le liang shu ming, Xiong shi li, Feng you lan, He lin, Mou zong san, Fang dong mei, Tang jun yi deng ren yun yong zhi jue fang fa lai jian gou ge zi zhe xue si xiang ti xi zhi de yu shi, Ji you zhuan ti yan jiu de (...)
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    Zou jin da zi ran de Song dai da ru: Zhu Xi de zi ran yan jiu.Aiguo Le - 2014 - Shenzhen: Hai tian chu ban she.
    Ben shu quan mian chan shu zhu xi de li xue yu ke xue si xiang,Te bie jiu zhu xi zhong shi zi ran yan jiu,Shen ru ke xue tan suo,Chuang xin ke xue si xiang,Chuan bo zi ran zhi shi yi ji zhu xi li xue de ke xue jia zhi zhan kai ju ti de lun shu,Chong fen ken ding zhu xi ke xue si xiang dui yu hou shi ke ji fa zhan de zhong yao (...)
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    Huang Wan dao xue si xiang yan jiu =.Hongmin Zhang - 2017 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu zhu yao yan yong bing zun xun "li shi yu luo ji xiang tong yi" de yuan ze he fang fa, xiang xi shu li, jian tao zuo wei ming dai zhong qi si xiang jia de Huang Wan, qi yi sheng dao xue si xiang jin zhan guo cheng zhong cong Song ru zhi xue (li xue) dao Wang Yangming liang zhi xue (xin xue), zai dao hui gui jing dian (jing xue) de yan (...)
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    Song Ming shi qi Jiangxi ru xue yan jiu.Xiaojiang Zheng - 2014 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. Edited by Zhucai Yang.
    Ben shu wei "Song Ming shi qi Chang Jiang zhong you de ru xue yan jiu" cong shu zhi yi: ben cong shu shi ren wen she hui ke xue chong dian yan jiu ji di-Wuhan da xue Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua yan jiu zhong xin tou biao, jing jiao yu bu zu zhi zhuan jia ping shen tong guo, zheng shi pi zhun de jiao yu bu ren wen she hui ke xue 2001 nian du (...) da yan jiu xiang mu, xiang mu pi zhun hao shi 01JAZJD720008, ding yu 2004 nian qian hou wan cheng. ke ti zu zhu chi ren wei Guo Qiyong jiao shou, "Jiangxi zhi xue"shi Zhu Xi ti chu de yi ge gai nian, zhu yao zhi chu zi yu Jiangxi Jinxi Lu shi jia zu yi men de xue shuo, qi nei he shi Lu Jiuyuan de xin xue; di 2 quan ze shi you "Song Yuan xue an" suo zai zhi Xiangshan xiong Zhangfu, Suoshan de xue shuo; di 3 quan wei Xiangshan xiong di de di zi men de si xiang. Ben shu quan mian kao cha Jiangxi zhi xue zai Song dai Chang Jiang zhong you xing qi de xue mo yuan yuan, zhu yao xue shuo, yu Luo xue Min xue Zhejiang zhu xue zhe (Lü Zuqian, Yong Shangsi xian sheng deng) zhi jian de guan xi, yi ji qi dui Wang (Yangming) xue xing qi de nei zai guan lian xing, bing yan ji dui xian dai xin ru xue de tan tao. ben shu de xie zuo jiang zhu zhong si xiang kao gu de fang fa, zai quan mian yan jiu you guan dian ji de ji chu shang, dui you guan ren wu de chu sheng di, huo dong de di qu (ru jia zu suo zai cun luo, xue zhe shu xin wang lai, jiang xue, hui jiang, shu yuan deng) jin xing shi di de kao cha, guang fan di yun yong fang zhi, nian pu, shu yuan zhi, jia pu deng cai liao, ba si xiang jia huan yuan yu ju ti huan jing zhi zhong, zai ju ti she hui de li shi de jia zu de bei jing xia kao cha qi si xiang de nei han, jie shi qi jing shen suo zai, bing jin er yin shen chu qi yi yi yu jia zhi. (shrink)
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    Yu yan de kun jing yu tu wei: wen xue de yan yi guan xi yan jiu = Yuyan de kunjing yu tuwei: wenxue de yanyi guanxi yanjiu.Zhuo Zhang - 2010 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu tong guo yin ru xi fang xian dai yu yan zhe xue, mei xue de fang fa yu Zhongguo chuan tong wen hua zhi si zhan dui hua yu jiao liu, shi jie, wen xue de ben zhi guan lian ru shou, jie shi chu xing cheng yan yu yi zhi jian mao dun yu zhang li de ben yuan: cun zai ben shen zi xing xian xian (cheng ming) bing zi xing yin ni (zhe bi) de te (...)
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    Zhuzi quan shu wai bian.Xi Zhu - 2010 - Shanghai Shi: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she. Edited by Jieren Zhu, Zuozhi Yan & Yongxiang Liu.
    v.1 Shu ji zhuan ; Zhong yong ji lüe -- v.2 Cheng shi yi shu ; Cheng shi wai shu -- v.3 Shang cai yu lu ; Wei zhai ji -- v.4 Nan Xuan xian sheng wen ji.
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