Results for 'Yizhak Raphael'

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  1. Scientific Reduction.Raphael van Riel & Robert Van Gulick - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    An introduction to logic and scientific method.Morris Raphael Cohen - 1944 - [Madison, Wis.]: Pub. for the United States Armed Forces Institute by Harcourt, Brace and company. Edited by Ernest Nagel.
    A text that would find a place for the realistic formalism of Aristotle, the scientific penetration of Peirce, the pedagogical soundness of Dewey, and the ...
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  3. The Concept of Reduction.Raphael van Riel - 2014 - Heidelberg: Springer.
    This volume investigates the notion of reduction. Building on the idea that philosophers employ the term ‘reduction’ to reconcile diversity and directionality with unity, without relying on elimination, the book offers a powerful explication of an “ontological” notion of reduction the extension of which is (primarily) formed by properties, kinds, individuals, or processes. It argues that related notions of reduction, such as theory-reduction and functional reduction, should be defined in terms of this explication. Thereby, the book offers a coherent framework, (...)
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    Animal rearing as a contract?Catherine Larrère & Raphaël Larrère - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):51-58.
    Can animals, and especially cattle, be the subject ofmoral concern? Should we care about their well-being?Two competing ethical theories have addressed suchissues so far. A utilitarian theory which, inBentham's wake, extends moral consideration to everysentient being, and a theory of the rights orinterests of animals which follows Feinberg'sconceptions. This includes various positions rangingfrom the most radical (about animal liberation) tomore moderate ones (concerned with the well-being ofanimals). Notwithstanding their diversity, theseconceptions share some common flaws. First, as anextension of primarily anthropocentric (...)
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    Why tolerate? Reflections on the millian truth principle.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1997 - Philosophia 25 (1-4):131-152.
    The aim of this essay is to reflect on the Millian, utilitarian argument from truth that is held as one of the most conspicuous answers to the question Why tolerate? This argument postulates that only in a free market of ideas may the truth be discovered. Even the most unpopular idea may contain some truth in it and may contribute to the advancement of knowledge. It further commands us to contest those opinions which are believed to be true vigorously and (...)
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  6. How to respond to the ethical question.Jürgen Habermas, Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2006 - In Lasse Thomassen, Jacques Derrida & Jürgen Habermas (eds.), The Derrida-Habermas reader. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 115--127.
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    The Xinjiang Case and Its Implications from a Business Ethics Perspective.Alexander Kriebitz & Raphael Max - 2020 - Human Rights Review 21 (3):243-265.
    The discourse on economic integration with authoritarian regimes has evolved as a key topic throughout the different disciplines of social sciences. Are sanctions and boycotts effective methods to incentivize human rights improvements? To analyze this question, we focus on the situation in China’s Xinjiang province from 2010 to 2019. In this paper, we discuss the relevance of human rights as an ethical norm within business ethics and international law. We evaluate the ongoing processes in Xinjiang from this perspective and scrutinize (...)
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    Judeities: questions for Jacques Derrida.Bettina Bergo, Joseph D. Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The volume addresses these questions, contrasting Derrida's thought with philosophical predecessors such as Rosenzweig, Levinas, Celan, and Scholem, and tracing ...
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  9. What Happened to Art Criticism?James Elkins & Raphael Rubinstein - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):245-247.
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    Understanding through modeling: the explanatory power of inadequate representation.Markus8 Eronen & Raphael van Riel - 2015 - Synthese 192 (12):3777-3780.
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    Présentation.Didier Deleule & Raphaël Draï - 2008 - Cités 35 (3):9-11.
    Le prolétariat a-t-il disparu? L’on est tenté de le penser si l’on conserve l’image qu’en donne, notamment, la théorie de Marx, reformulée par Lénine – à savoir une classe férocement exploitée mais qui lutte pour son émancipation et celle du genre humain, éclairée par une avant-garde et un parti révolutionnaires. D’ailleurs le concept même de révolution a-t-il...
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    A proliferation control network model: The simulation of two-dimensional epithelial homeostasis.Didier Morel, Raphaël Marcelpoil & Gérard Brugal - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (4):219-234.
    Despite the recent progress in the description of the molecular mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation controls in vitro, the regulation of the homeostasis of normal stratified epithelia remains unclear in vivo. Computer simulation represents a powerful tool to investigate the complex field of cell proliferation regulation networks. It provides huge computation capabilities to test, in a dynamic in silico context, hypotheses about the many pathways and feedback loops involved in cell growth and proliferation controls.Our approach combines a model of cell (...)
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    Jewish Philosophy and the Academy.Emil L. Fackenheim & Raphael Jospe - 1996 - Fairleigh Dickinson Univ Press.
    "Jewish Philosophy and the Academy reflects in broad terms on the current state of Jewish philosophy in the university. This generation of university teachers lives at a unique historic junction. It is the last to be taught by the giants of European Wissenschaft des Judentums and the first to experience the remarkable expansion of Judaic scholarship in Israel and abroad." "Emil Fackenheim suggests that if we are indebted to Athens for the philosophical method, we are also indebted to Jerusalem for (...)
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    Les déterminants spatiaux des principes de justice, d’intérêt et de responsabilité : Pour une lecture critique.Raphaël Languillon-Aussel - 2024 - Revue de Philosophie Économique 1:79-111.
    Si le contrat social occupe une place centrale dans les débats contemporains en aménagement, la notion n’est jamais spatialisée, ni réellement ancrée dans une réflexion sur l’espace. Partant de ce constat dont il prend le contre-pied, l’article formule une double hypothèse. Tout d’abord, le contrat social serait une notion spatiale en soi, ce qui, par conséquence, feraient des notions s’y attachant des catégories elles aussi spatiales – comme la justice, l’intérêt (particulier ou général), ou encore le compromis social. D’autre part, (...)
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    Chi protegge la natura è rousseauiano?Gérard Raphael Larrère - 2013 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 26 (2):339-356.
  16. Can life be evaluated? The jewish halachic approach vs. the quality of life approach in medical ethics: A critical view.Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Merav Shmueli - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (2):117-137.
    In recent years there has been an increase in the number of requests formercy killings by patients and their relatives. Under certain conditions,the patient may prefer death to a life devoid of quality. In contrast to thosewho uphold this quality of life approach, those who hold the sanctity oflife approach claim that life has intrinsic value and must be preservedregardless of its quality. This essay describes these two approaches,examines their flaws, and offers a golden path between the two extremepositions.We discuss (...)
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  17. Refereeing in 1992.Judith Buber Agassi, Mario Bunge, Peter Flaherty, Gang Ke, Henry Krips, Stephanie Morgenstern, Alan Musgrave, Raphael Sassower, Margaret Schabas & Jeremy Shearmur - 1995 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 25 (4).
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    Revisiting Averroes’ Influence on Western Philosophy.Anthony Raphael Etuk & Livinus Ibok Anweting - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (2).
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  19. The Theory of Moral Sentiments, coll. « The Glasgow Edition of the Works and Correspondence of Adam Smith, 1 ».Adam Smith, D. D. Raphaël & A. L. Macfie - 1977 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 167 (1):66-67.
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    Heisenberg’s Umdeutung: a case for a (quantum-)dialogue between history and philosophy of science.Tilman Sauer & Raphael Scholl - 2016 - In Raphael Scholl & Tilman Sauer (eds.), The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Springer.
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  21. Patients' Right To Die In Dignity And The Role Of Their Beloved People.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1996 - Jahrbuch für Recht Und Ethik 4.
    The aim of this paper is to ponder the intricate issue of the right to die in dignity by focusing attention on the role of the patient's beloved people. I first provide critical examination of some of the arguments advanced by Ronald Dworkin. I proceed by contemplating relevant scenarios and examining three American court decisions: Saikewicz, Spring and Gray. The first case, Saikewicz, concerns a patient who had no family or other beloved people. I observe that this fact had a (...)
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    Bloody Wednesday in Dawson College - The Story of Kimveer Gill, or Why Should We Monitor Certain Websites to Prevent Murder.Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Sharon Haleva-Amir - 2008 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 2 (3).
    The article deals with the Dawson College Massacre, focusing on the story of Kimveer Gill, a 25-year-old man from Laval, Montreal who wished to murder young students in Dawson College. It is argued that the international community should continue working together to devise rules for monitoring specific Internet sites, as human lives are at stake. Preemptive measures could prevent the translation of murderous thoughts into murderous actions. Designated monitoring mechanisms of certain websites that promote violence and seek legitimacy as well (...)
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    Enhancement der Moral.Raphael van Riel, Ezio Di Nucci & Jan Schildmann (eds.) - 2015 - Mentis.
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    Correction: Why Just, Reasonable Multiculturalism?Raphael Cohen‑Almagor - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (3):1783-1783.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Martin Heidegger.Luz Ascárate, Raphael Aybar, Ethel Barja, Giancarlo Bellina, Romeld Bustamante, Josimar Castilla, Juan Ignacio Chávez, Maverick Díaz, Fedra Gutiérrez, Eduardo Llosa, Rafael Moreno, José Luis Obregón, Ana Luisa Quispe, Marlon Rivas, Soledad Sevilla, Manuel Vera, Ruth Zea & Arturo Rivas - 2011 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 9.
    El Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Martin Heidegger que se presenta a continuación, reúne la información obtenida de las más de 240 revistas de filosofía disponibles en la Hemeroteca de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. El Repertorio incluye referencias bibliográficas completas de los artículos, reseñas, estudios críticos, traducciones y otros documentos que abordan la obra del importante pensador alemán hasta el año 2010.
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  26. Should doctors suggest euthanasia to their patients? Reflections on dutch perspectives.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2002 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 23 (4-5):287-303.
    During the summer of 1999 and in April 2002 Iwent to the Netherlands in order to meet someof the leading authorities on the euthanasiapolicy. They were asked multiple questions.This study reports the main findings to thequestion: should doctors suggest euthanasia totheir patients? Some interviewees did notobserve any significant ethical concernsinvolved in suggesting euthanasia. For variousreasons they thought physicians should offereuthanasia as an option. Two intervieweesasserted that doctors don''t propose euthanasiato their patients. Five interviewees objectedto physician''s initiative.
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    To live and die in history.Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (1):60-71.
    From what standpoint have the canonical philosophies of history looked at death? And, more particularly, at life and death, since these two “events” are intimately linked? According to what idea, n...
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  28. Autonomy, life as an intrinsic value, and the right to die in dignity.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):261-272.
    This paper examines two models of thinking relating to the issue of the right to die in dignity: one takes into consideration the rights and interests of the individual; the other supposes that human life is inherently valuable. I contend that preference should be given to the first model, and further assert that the second model may be justified in moral terms only as long as it does not resort to paternalism. The view that holds that certain patients are not (...)
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    A Dreamer's Journey.Morris Raphael Cohen & Felix S. Cohen - 1950 - Philosophical Review 59 (2):240-243.
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    Autonomy, life as an intrinsic value, and the right to die in dignity.Dr Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (3):261-272.
    This paper examines two models of thinking relating to the issue of the right to die in dignity: one takes into consideration the rights and interests of the individual; the other supposes that human life is inherently valuable. I contend that preference should be given to the first model, and further assert that the second model may be justified in moral terms only as long as it does not resort to paternalism. The view that holds that certain patients are not (...)
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    Cohen and Cohen's Readings in Jurisprudence and Legal Philosophy.Morris Raphael Cohen & Philip Shuchman - 1979 - Aspen Publishers.
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    Causation and its application to history.Morris Raphael Cohen - 1942 - [n. p.,: [N. P..
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    Digital Promotion of Suicide: A Platform-Level Ethical Analysis.Raphael Cohen-Almagor & Sam Lehman-Wilzig - 2022 - Journal of Media Ethics 37 (2):108-127.
    This article utilizes Aristotelian and Kantian philosophies to probe the social responsibilities of internet intermediaries that in one way or another assist and promote suicide. Striking a balance...
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    Responsibility of and Trust in ISPs.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2010 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 23 (3):381-397.
    This discussion is about the neglected concepts of trust and social responsibility on the Internet. I will discuss and explain the concepts and their implications to people and society. I then address the issue of moral and social responsibilities of ISPs and web-hosting companies. I argue that ISPs and web-hosting companies should aspire to take responsibility for content and that they should respect and abide by their own terms of conduct.
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    Studies in philosophy and science.Morris Raphael Cohen - 1949 - New York,: J. & J. Harper Editions.
    The philosophy of science: The faith of a logician.--Philosophical reflections: The new realism.--Scientific essays: Einstein's theory of relativity.
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    The Guidelines for Euthanasia in the Netherlands.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2002 - Ethical Perspectives 9 (1):3-20.
    The Dutch experience has influenced the debate on euthanasia and death with dignity around the globe, especially with regard to whether physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia should be legitimized or legalized. Review of the literature reveals complex and often contradictory views about this experience. Some claim the Netherlands offers a model for the world to follow; others believe the Netherlands represents danger rather than promise, that the Dutch experience is the definitive answer to why we should not make active euthanasia and (...)
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    Maria Clara Bingemer, Solange Lefebvre, Erik Borgman, Mile Babić, dir., Concilium. Numéro thématique « Literature and Theology », 5 (2017), 168 p. [REVIEW]Raphaël Mathieu Legault-Laberge - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (2):338.
  38. Economic growth and social capital: A critical reflection. [REVIEW]Johannes Fedderke, Raphael De Kadt & John Luiz - 1999 - Theory and Society 28 (5):709-745.
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    Judéités: questions pour Jacques Derrida.Joseph Cohen & Raphael Zagury-Orly - 2003 - Editions Galilée.
    Textes issus d'un colloque consacré aux relations entre J. Derrida, son oeuvre, sa pensée et les judéités dans leur pluralité interprétative, linguistique, nationale, politique, philosophique, littéraire et religieuse.
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  40. Reviews : Peter Homans, The Ability to Mourn: disillusionment and the social origins of psychoanalysis, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989, £27.95, xiv + 390 pp. [REVIEW]John-Raphael Staude - 1991 - History of the Human Sciences 4 (3):444-448.
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    Christians, C. (2019). Media ethics and global justice in the digital age. NY: Cambridge University Press. 428 pp. [REVIEW]Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2021 - Communications 46 (1):153-155.
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    Disqualification of lists in Israel (1948–1984): Retrospect and appraisal. [REVIEW]Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 1994 - Law and Philosophy 13 (1):43 - 95.
    The aim is to review the decisions of the Central Elections Committee and of the Supreme Court regarding disqualification of lists in Israel. Two major questions are addressed: When should tolerance have its limits?; and, What constraints on liberty should be introduced in order to safeguard democracy? The judicial analysis focuses attention on the issue of whether the justices acted in accordance with the law. Consideration is given to the written law and to existing normative considerations which allow justices an (...)
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  43. Normativität bei Emile Durkheim : Reflexionen zur Möglichkeit einer positivistischen Soziologie.Raphael Beer - 2011 - In Johannes Ahrens, Raphael Beer, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer & Jürgen Gerdes (eds.), Normativität: über die Hintergründe sozialwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
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  44. L'eclosion des pensees.Raphael Leveque - 1940 - Philosophical Review 49:484.
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    Why Is Rhetoric Not a Skill?Raphael Woolf - 2004 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 21 (2):119 - 130.
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    Der Liber de consonancia nature et gracie des Raphael von Pornaxio.Karl Michel & Raphael - 1915 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    Will Kymlicka and Raphael Cohen-Almagor.Raphael Cohen-Almagor - 2000 - In Maria Baghramian & Attracta Ingram (eds.), Pluralism: The Philosophy and Politics of Diversity. New York: Routledge. pp. 228.
  48. Introduction.Raphael Scholl & Tilman Sauer - 2016 - In Raphael Scholl & Tilman Sauer (eds.), The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Springer.
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  49. Torah and Sophia: the life and thought of Shem Tov Ibn Falaquera.Raphael Jospe - 1988 - Hoboken, N.J.: Ktav Pub. House. Edited by Shem Tov ben Joseph Falaquera.
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    Charles S. Liebmann: The Ambivalent American Jew: Politics, Religion and Family in American Jewish Life, The Jewish Publication Society of America, Philadelphia 1973.Yizhak Ahren - 1974 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 26 (4):379-381.
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