Results for 'Yanina Michelini'

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  1. Argentinian Validation of Consideration of Future Consequences Scale.Ignacio Acuña, Mauricio Federico Zalazar-Jaime, Yanina Michelini, Juan Ignacio Guzmán, Juan Carlos Godoy, Ezequiel Galarce & Jeffrey Joireman - 2020 - Acta Colombiana de Psicología 23 (1):346-356.
    The extent to which people anticipate and are influenced by the potential future consequences of their current behavior is called Consideration of Future Consequences. A well-established tool to measure this construct is the 14-item Consideration of Future Consequences Scale. The CFC-14 has shown appropriate psychometric properties in several languages. This scale comprises two factors: the CFC-Immediate and the CFC-Future. The main goal of this study was to assess the psychometric properties and internal consistency of the CFC-14 Scale in Spanish, using (...)
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    Philosophy of nature and organism’s autonomy: on Hegel, Plessner and Jonas’ theories of living beings.Francesca Michelini, Matthias Wunsch & Dirk Stederoth - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (3):56.
    Following the revival in the last decades of the concept of “organism”, scholarly literature in philosophy of science has shown growing historical interest in the theory of Immanuel Kant, one of the “fathers” of the concept of self-organisation. Yet some recent theoretical developments suggest that self-organisation alone cannot fully account for the all-important dimension of autonomy of the living. Autonomy appears to also have a genuine “interactive” dimension, which concerns the organism’s functional interactions with the environment and does not simply (...)
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    The Paradox of the Living: Jonas and Schelling on the Organism’s Autonomy.Francesca Michelini - 2020 - Rivista di Estetica 74:139-157.
    After preliminarily pointing to the undeniable differences between Jonas’ philosophical biology and Schelling’s philosophy of nature, I contend that, besides their divergencies, the two philosophers agree on several important points. I then show to what extent, based on these elements of convergence, their two approaches could even be taken as complementary. In the core of my paper I lay emphasis on what I believe to be the main ground for the complementarity of the two philosophical inquiries, that is to say, (...)
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    Hegel’s notion of natural purpose.Francesca Michelini - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):133-139.
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    La democracia directa a debate: procesos y mecanismos de participación ciudadana.Yanina Welp & Vicente Ordóñez - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:09-14.
    Que la democracia y los procesos de democratización no siguen caminos unidireccionales hacia un único fin o meta es una evidencia. Volver a leer los debates que se dieron durante la independencia de las colonias americanas y la revolución francesa a fines del siglo xviii y, poco más tarde, durante las discusiones que precedieron a la formación de la Confederación Suiza, son tan solo unas pocas pruebas de lo dicho.
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    Addressing the Societal Challenges in Organizations: The Conceptualization of Mindfulness Capability for Social Justice.Yanina Rashkova, Ludovica Moi & Francesca Cabiddu - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):249-268.
    Social inequalities are partly caused by habitual organizational practices. In this vein, to overcome those, organizations now need to develop new organizational capabilities aimed at enhancing their attention towards societal issues. In our study, we apply the theory of mindfulness to explain how it may help organizations overcome habitual organizing that fuels social inequalities. Guided by the microfoundational perspective of organizational capability, we conceptualize individual characteristics, processes, and structures that collectively form mindfulness capability for social justice. We perceive it as (...)
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    Mundos y agencias posthumanos.Yanina Maribel Lo Feudo - 2022 - Cuadernos Filosóficos / Segunda Época 1.
    If the history of metaphysics is, as Heidegger suggests, essentially humanist, the questions that have been addressed to humanism, united under the label of posthumanism, face the challenge of establishing a rupture with a bimillenary hegemony of the human against the non-human. This paper will be interested in problematizing the way in which the humanist model has attributed to man the privilege of being the only being capable of acting and shaping the world. The objective will be to explore an (...)
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  8. Restos de lo humano, la libertad.Yanina Lo Feudo - 2021 - In Samuel M. Cabanchik & Sebastián Botticelli, Humanismo y posthumanismo: crisis, restituciones y disputas. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Teseo.
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  9. Persona humana y dignidad: una perspectiva ético-discursiva.Dorando J. Michelini & Eduardo Ovidio Romero - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 50 (127):141-153.
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    From Hollywood to Argentina: Print, digital, and new ways of publishing.Yanina Olmos - 2017 - Logos 28 (2):7-10.
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    Municipalismo reloaded: Voluntad, política e instituciones.Yanina Welp - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:165-170.
    Este breve ensayo confronta la experiencia de promoción de instituciones de participación ciudadana en América Latina con la desarrollada recientemente en los ayuntamiento del cambio en España, particularmente en Madrid y Barcelona.
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    Aborto y discurso moral. Ideas clave de la Ética del discurso para el tratamiento de la interrupción voluntaria de la vida humana inicial.Dorando Michelini - 2019 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 78:123-139.
    El presente texto aborda la problemática del aborto como una cuestión moral, y deja de lado otros enfoques relevantes, dado que estos, en opinión del autor, no tienen como horizonte último el punto de vista moral. A partir de los presupuestos conceptuales y metodológicos de la Ética del discurso, en tanto que ética de la corresponsabilidad solidaria no rigorista, se presentan conceptos ético-discursivos que pueden fundamentar las dos tesis siguientes: a) La interrupción arbitraria de la vida humana en la etapa (...)
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    Ciudadanía y bien común en sociedades democráticas.Dorando J. Michelini & Celia Basconzuelo (eds.) - 2011 - Río Cuarto, República Argentina: Ediciones del ICALA.
  14.  8
    Globalización, interculturalidad y exclusión: ensayos etico-políticos.Dorando J. Michelini - 2002 - Río Cuarto, República Argentina: Del Icalá.
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  15. Spinoza" protobiologo"?:" conatus" e teoria dell'organismo.Francesca Michelini - 2009 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 38 (1):1-23.
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    A Flux of Micro Quanta Explains Relativistic Mechanics and the Gravitational Interaction.Maurizio Michelini - 2007 - Apeiron 14 (2):65.
  17.  11
    Conflictos de valores y conflictos de intereses. La comprensión de la conflictividad en el pensamiento de Julio De Zan.Dorando J. Michelini - 2019 - Tópicos:78-93.
    El artículo expone sintéticamente, en primer término, algunas ideas clave de la teoría ético-discursiva en relación con la resolución de conflictos. Luego se presentan las observaciones críticas que realiza Julio De Zan a la Ética del discurso en el sentido de que los discursos prácticos no serían aptos para resolver los conflictos de valores, los conflictos de intereses y los conflictos político-sociales, como también su propuesta de complementar la Ética del discurso con un aporte hermenéutico y una estrategia de cooperación (...)
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    Hegel" spinozista conseguente"?Francesca Michelini - 2003 - Giornale di Metafisica 25 (2):271-286.
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    Il tetrametro giambico catalettico nella commedia greca.Ann N. Michelini & Franca Perusino - 1971 - American Journal of Philology 92 (1):122.
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  20. Mμακραν γαρ εξετεινασ.Ann Michelini - 1974 - Hermes 102 (4):524-539.
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  21. The common physical origin of the gravitational, strong and weak forces.Maurizio Michelini - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (4):440.
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    Scientific disagreements and the diagnosticity of evidence: how too much data may lead to polarization.Matteo Michelini, Osorio Javier, Wybo Houkes, Dunja Šešelja & Christian Straßer - forthcoming - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (4).
    Scientific disagreements sometimes persist even if scientists fully share results of their research. In this paper we develop an agent-based model to study the impact of diverging diagnostic values scientists may assign to the evidence, given their different background assumptions, on the emergence of polarization in the scientific community. Scientists are represented as Bayesian updaters for whom the diagnosticity of evidence is given by the Bayes factor. Our results suggest that an initial disagreement on the diagnostic value of evidence can, (...)
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  23. Deliberación y política: notas sobre la teoría de la democracia deliberativa y la política de liberación.Dorando J. Michelini & Eduardo Ovidio Romero - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (1):101-138.
    el artículo presenta algunos de los conceptos clave de las teorías de la democracia deliberativa y la política discursiva, de Habermas, y de la política de la liberación, de Dussel, con el fin de establecer coincidencias y divergencias en vista de una interpretación actual de la democracia y de lo político.
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    Etica del discurso: desafíos de la interculturalidad y la religión en un mundo global.Dorando J. Michelini, Hardy Neumann & Raúl de Miguel (eds.) - 2011 - Río Cuarto, Argentina: Ediciones del ICALA.
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  25. La modernidad ilustrada: Críticas y contracríticas.Dorando J. Michelini - 2002 - Diálogo Filosófico 52:43-60.
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    Plato as author: the rhetoric of philosophy.Ann N. Michelini (ed.) - 2003 - Boston: Brill.
    This collection presents stimulating and diverse essays by scholars from several different fields; the contributors have made important contributions to the ...
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    Let the People Rule: Direct Democracy in the Twenty-First Century.Saskia Ruth, Yanina Welp & Laurence Whitehead (eds.) - 2016 - Ecpr Press.
    The biggest contemporary challenge to democratic legitimacy gravitates around the crisis of democratic representation.
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    Frontiere della biologia: prospettive filosofiche sulle scienze della vita.Francesca Michelini & Jonathan F. Davies (eds.) - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  29. Modernidad y posmodernidad en América Latina.Dorando J. Michelini, J. San Martín & F. Lagrave (eds.) - 1991 - Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Repúbica Argentina: Intercambio Cultural Alemán-Latinoamericano.
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    ‘Sport’ as a Medium of Health Promotion. The Perspectives of the Sport and Health Systems in Germany / ‚Sport‘ als Gesundheitsmedium. Die Perspektiven der Sport- und Gesundheitssysteme in Deutschland.Enrico Michelini - 2014 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 11 (2):83-104.
    Summary Within the health-related promotion of physical activity forms of sport activities are not seen as a necessary option. In this paper, this position is compared with the perspective of the sport system on sport as medium of health promotion. Within a systems theoretical framework, the German Olympic Sports Confederation and German Health Ministry programmes are analysed and contrasted. The documents reveal different perspectives on sport as a medium of health promotion. Moreover, different systemic logics lead to communications which often (...)
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    The representation of Yusra Mardini as a Refugee Olympic Athlete: A sociological analysis: Die Repräsentation von Yusra Mardini als Refugee Olympic Athlete. Eine soziologische Analyse.Enrico Michelini - 2021 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 18 (1):39-64.
    SummaryThis article explores the representation of Yusra Mardini as a refugee Olympic athlete. Her participation in the 2016 Olympic Games is analyzed through different areas of programming of the mass media and, specifically, through Mardini’s autobiography, documents of the International Olympic Committee, and German newspapers. A qualitative content analysis is carried out and a systems theoretical framework applied. The results reveal that Mardini’s refugee background was both an obstacle and an advantage for her career within the sport system. The establishment (...)
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    Conference Report: Probabilistic Reasoning in the Sciences, 29–31 August 2024.Matteo Michelini - 2024 - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy 38 (3-4):167-169.
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    Il vivente e la mancanza: scritti sulla teleologia.Francesca Michelini - 2011 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  34. Euripides: Conformist, Deviant, Neoconservative?: Justina Gregory, Euripides and the Instruction of the Athenians Charles Segal, Euripides and the Poetics of Sorrow: Art, Gender, and Commemoration in Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Hecuba Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Anxiety Veiled: Euripides’ Traffic in Women.Ann Michelini - 1997 - Arion 4 (3).
    Justina Gregory, Euripides and the Instruction of the Athenians, University of Michigan Press, ISBN - 9780472102303Charles Segal, Euripides and the Poetics of Sorrow: Art, Gender, and Commemoration in Alcestis, Hippolytus, and Hecuba, Duke University Press, ISBN - 9780822313601Nancy Sorkin Rabinowitz, Anxiety Veiled: Euripides’ Traffic in Women, Cornell University Press, ISBN - 9780801428456.
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    Nietzsche nell'Italia di D'Annunzio.Gaia Michelini - 1978 - Palermo: S. F. Flaccovio.
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    Plato and the Hero: Courage, Manliness, and the Impersonal Good (review).Ann N. Michelini - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (2):293-297.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 123.2 (2002) 293-297 [Access article in PDF] Angela Hobbs. Plato and the Hero: Courage, Manliness, and the Impersonal Good. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. xviii + 280 pp. Cloth, $59.95. Hobbs directs this stimulating but rather unfocused study to a question of considerable interest and centrality in Platonic studies: the engagement of Platonic texts with the traditional Greek ethic of heroic endeavor. As she is (...)
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    Socrates Plays the Buffoon: Cautionary Protreptic in Euthydemus.Ann N. Michelini - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (4):509-535.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Socrates Plays the Buffoon:Cautionary Protreptic in EuthydemusAnn N. MicheliniPlato's Euthydemus is somewhat uninteresting to traditional philosophers, who tend to treat the dialogues from the aspect of their theoretical content.1 The arguments repeatedly presented by Socrates' opponents are below Platonic standards,2 while Socrates carries on only a single, somewhat truncated logos of his own. The dialogue's primary interest lies elsewhere, in the odd use it makes of protreptic or conversionary (...)
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    Axíoco o Sobre la muerte.Lucas Donegana, Yanina Sarrat & Alejandro Gutiérrez - 2023 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (181).
    Este trabajo presenta la traducción de un diálogo atribuido a Platón que los estudiosos concuerdan en clasificar como apócrifo: Axíoco. Pese al carácter espurio de la obra, las temáticas desarrolladas, que a partir del interrogante de la muerte abordan cuestiones antropológicas, éticas y metafísicas, muestran una evidente vocación filosófica. Asimismo, los vínculos estructurales, conceptuales y hasta ciertas referencias intertextuales con escuelas consolidadas como el platonismo y el epicureísmo hacen que el diálogo se inscriba en una rica tradición de pensamiento cuya (...)
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    Zwischen den Kulturen: Plessners "Stufen des Organischen" im zeithistorischen Kontext.Kristian Köchy & Francesca Michelini (eds.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Die Philosophie Helmuth Plessners hat in den letzten Jahren eine Renaissance erfahren: Plessner wurde als relevanter Vertreter einer Biophilosophie (wieder) entdeckt, die nicht nur die uberkommene Trennung von Natur und Kultur, sondern auch die Gegenuberstellung disjunkter Wissenschaftskulturen in Frage stellt und ihr Verhaltnis neu bestimmt. DAs Buch nimmt die verschiedenen disziplinaren Faden auf, die die Konzeption von Plessners Biophilosophie insbesondere in den Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch (1928) verstandlich machen. ES stellt Plessners uberlegungen im Kontext von naturwissenschaftlichen (von Uexkull, (...)
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    Psychology of cleansing through the prism of intersecting object histories.Zachary Ekves, Yanina Prystauka, Charles P. Davis, Eiling Yee & Gerry T. M. Altmann - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    We link cleansing effects to contemporary cognitive theories via an account of event representation that provides an explicit, neurally plausible mechanism for encoding objects and their associations across time. It explains separation as resulting from weakening associations between the self in the present and the self in the past.
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    To Switch off or not to Switch Off? Case Report and Ethical Issues on Defibrillator Deactivation in End-Of-Life Patients.Antonio Facciorusso, Serena Michelini & Mario Stanislao - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (6).
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  42. Sobre demos, cracias y gogias. Reflexiones sobre las democracias.Ramón A. Feenstra & Yanina Welp - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    El problema se ha nombrado de muchas maneras: incapacidad de proveer políticas acertadas, corrupción, desencanto o abstención electoral, entre otros indicadores de la crisis de legitimidad que atraviesan al sistema. En la búsqueda de soluciones, se discute la viabilidad de mecanismos alternativos o complementarios a los representativos: ¿Es el referendo un buen instrumento para incluir a la ciudadanía en la toma de decisiones? ¿Pueden los procesos deliberativos contrarrestar los efectos de las fake news? ¿Debería el gobierno de los expertos reemplazar (...)
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    Dos manifestaciones de la libertad en Jean- Paul Sartre.Yanina Maribel Lo Feudo - 2022 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 27 (1):41-59.
    En El ser y la nada, Sartre desarrolla una noción de libertad negativa que se expresa en la acción nihilizadora del ser en-sí. Sin embargo, en su obra de posguerra Verdad y existencia, la dimensión de la materialidad adquiere un renovado énfasis y como consecuencia, la libertad se expresa en un movimiento afirmativo de desvelamiento del Ser. Estos dos sentidos que adquiere la noción de libertad constituyen distintas manifestaciones del mismo fenómeno y son el resultado de la diversidad de formas (...)
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  44. Army Values of the Ukrainian Soldier: Its Contents and Its Assessment by Combatants.Ihor Prykhodko, Yanina Matsehora, Olexander Kolesnichenko, Anna Prikhodko, Anastasiia Bolshakova, Olena Bilyk, Viktoriia Kuzina & Dmytro Slurdenko - forthcoming - Journal of Military Ethics:1-15.
    Army values are the corporate values of the military organization, which guide military personnel, helping them fulfill their military duty to protect national interests, and maintain the security and defense of their state. This article explores ideas about army values and their content among Ukrainian combatants. The army values that ensure the unity of Ukrainian military personnel around their chosen profession and the performance of military duty are moral and physical courage, professionalism, self-discipline, honesty, loyalty, teamwork, dignity, and fortitude. Proponents (...)
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    Let the People Rule: Direct Democracy in the Twenty-First Century.Saskia Ruth-Lovell, Yanina Welp & Laurence Whitehead (eds.) - 2016 - Ecpr Press.
    The biggest contemporary challenge to democratic legitimacy gravitates around the crisis of democratic representation.
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    Bien común y ética pública: Alcances y límites del concepto tradicional de bien común.Dorando J. Michelini - 2007 - Tópicos 15:37-54.
    With the concept of commom good reference has been made, along history, to those material and immaterial goods which are not circumscribed to a person, but remit to each and every member of society. Among those goods, basic elements for biological human survival, such as air and water, are usually included, but also the right to participate of the profits of cultural goods. In some cases, commom good has been made equivalent to common wellfare; in others, to the summation of (...)
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    The Search for the King: Reflexive Irony in Plato's Politicus.Ann N. Michelini - 2000 - Classical Antiquity 19 (1):180-204.
    Platonic dialogues are self-concealing, presenting ideas by indirection or in riddling form, often exploring a difficulty or aporia without arriving at a solution. Since philosophers have begun to see Plato's work as imbued with irony, double meaning, and ambiguity, literary techniques that accommodate such layered meanings become a necessary adjunct to interpretation. The dialogue Politicus explores through an aporetic process a central Platonic concern, the relation between ideal and real. Close analysis of the important section dealing with law and constitutions (...)
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    Aeschylus: "The Oresteia" by Simon Goldhill. [REVIEW]Ann Michelini - 1995 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 88:210-211.
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    Compliance to threat as a function of knowledge of the sources’ prior losses.Ronald L. Michelini - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (3):223-225.
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    Rezension: Historisches Wörterbuch der Biologie. Geschichte und Theorie der biologischen Grundbegriffe von Georg Toepfer.Francesca Michelini - 2013 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 36 (1):96-98.
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