Results for 'Yali Tan'

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  1.  22
    Neural Activity Is Dynamically Modulated by Memory Load During the Maintenance of Spatial Objects.Yali Pan, Zheng Tan, Zhiyao Gao, Yanyan Li & Liang Wang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Environmental Protection of Panda Habitat in the Wolong Nature Reserve: A Chinese Perspective.Ji Li, Yali Tan, Hong Zhu, Zhenyao Cai & Susanna Y. F. Lo - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (2):187-202.
    Environmental ethics can be cultivated in China and other Asian countries based on Chinese philosophical perspectives. Two major Chinese philosophies relevant to the issues of environmental ethics—Confucianism and Taoism—suggest certain approaches to developing environmental ethics. These approaches can complement each other in developing a Chinese or East Asian theory of environmental ethics. Drawing on these perspectives, China’s Wolong National Nature Reserve can face the challenge of protecting its pandas while developing the local economy. By adopting a set of strategies with (...)
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  3. Doctor-family-patient relationship: The chinese paradigm of informed consent.Yali Cong - 2004 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 29 (2):149 – 178.
    Bioethics is a subject far removed from the Chinese, even from many Chinese medical students and medical professionals. In-depth interviews with eighteen physicians, patients, and family members provided a deeper understanding of bioethical practices in contemporary China, especially with regard to the doctor-patient relationship (DPR) and informed consent. The Chinese model of doctor-family-patient relationship (DFPR), instead of DPR, is taken to reflect Chinese Confucian cultural commitments. An examination of the history of Chinese culture and the profession of medicine in China (...)
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    Huan Tan "Xin lun".Tan Huan - 2014 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she. Edited by Zeyu Wu & Shouju Wu.
    是東漢哲學家、思想家桓譚的主要論着,但早己亡佚。今存之輯本有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本,及近人朱謙之輯本,但均有不足。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於1962年着有新輯本,收錄 二百餘條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文。 桓譚,后漢時人,官至給事中。博學多識,破讖緯迷妄,去虛妄偽飾,先於王充、張衡,具有唯物啟蒙學者之學識,是漢時哲學思想家。《新諭》是桓譚主要論着,但早已亡佚。據歷史記載,明有二卷本,清有孫之騌輯本,皆不 傳。另有《指海》內佚名氏輯本、清孫馮翼輯本、清嚴可均輯本、黃以周輯本及近人朱謙之輯本。從今日的學術、校勘、編排諸方面來看,諸本均有不足:或短椾零篇,漫無倫紀;或望文歸屬,強系篇名;或條目重復,內容雜陳 迭見;或引用刻本,多有遺漏;或雖沿用十七卷篇目之名稱,但其條目已不能再顯現原書各篇的思想內容。有鑒於此,吳則虞先生於一九六二年着有新輯本,收錄二百余條,以類相從,分為八卷,並添加附編,匯涵桓譚佚文、存 疑、訂訛之文;記載桓譚事跡、著述、評論之文;最后殿以輯校引用書目及版本之詳目,以便於讀者查閱與研究。此書成為目前桓譚《新論》集大成之著作。.
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    The impact of stretch service goals on unethical behaviors of nurses: A three-wave cross-sectional study.Yali Li, Haiqing Shi & Taiwen Feng - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Stretch service goals strive to motivate healthcare practitioners to maintain high quality in service provision. However, little is known about how stretch service goals trigger nurses’ unethical behavior. Research aim This study aimed to investigate the influence of stretch service goals on nurses’ unethical behavior, as well as the mediating effects of patient entitlement and nurses’ emotional dissonance. Research design A quantitative cross-sectional study is designed. Participants and research context We sourced data by conducting a time-lagged three-wave survey study (...)
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  6.  20
    Why Not Jump out of Decision-Making Capacity?Yali Cong - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):100-102.
    The preferences of patients who lack DMC (Decision-Making-Capacity) should have some moral weight. However, I disagree with the author’s stronger claim, which argues that two other types of DMC (bu...
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  7.  24
    The Duty to Care is Not Dead Yet.Yali Cong & James Dwyer - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (4):505-515.
    The COVID-19 pandemic exposed social shortcomings and ethical failures, but it also revealed strengths and successes. In this perspective article, we examine and discuss one strength: the duty to care. We understand this duty in a broad sense, as more than a duty to treat individual patients who could infect health care workers. We understand it as a prima facie duty to work to provide care and promote health in the face of risks, obstacles, and inconveniences. Although at least one (...)
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    Ethical challenges in critical care medicine: A chinese perspective.Yali Cong - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (6):581 – 600.
    The major ethical challenges for critical care medicine in China include the high cost of patient care in the ICU, the effect of payment mechanisms on access to critical care, the fact that much more money is spent on patients who die than on ones who live, the extent to which an attempt to rescue and save a patient is made, and the great geographical disparity in distribution of critical care. The ethical problems surrounding critical care medicine bear much relation (...)
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  9.  15
    Legal and Ethical Issues of Justice: Global and Local Perspectives on Compensation for Serious Adverse Events in Clinical Trials.Yali Cong - 2017 - In Doris Schroeder, Julie Cook, François Hirsch, Solveig Fenet & Vasantha Muthuswamy (eds.), Ethics Dumping: Case Studies from North-South Research Collaborations. New York: Springer. pp. 121-128.
    A 78-year-old Chinese woman joined a clinical trial sponsored by a Pharmaceutical companies. Unfortunately a serious Serious Adverse Event occurred. The sponsor paid for the cost of the medical care arising from the SAE, but refused the family’s request for compensation. The family then sued the company and the hospital in Beijing. Although the SAE was related to a complication of lower extremity angiography and not the drug itself, it was a direct consequence of participating in the trial. According Good (...)
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    Finite-time stability and boundedness of switched nonlinear time-delay systems under state-dependent switching.Yali Dong & Fengwei Yang - 2016 - Complexity 21 (2):267-275.
  11. Artificial Insemination And Happiness.Yali Cong - 2004 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 14 (2):48-49.
    Based on a case that happened in 2001 in China, the author wants to show the ethical and legal issues arising from a woman's wish, which should be her basic right to have a child by assisted reproduction technology. This paper attempts to analyse if there is some relationship between bioethics and happiness, and to find if there is some reason that bioethics should provide help for those whoever need it. The case is about a woman whose husband was sentenced (...)
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  12.  56
    From Chinese Values of Life to Exploring the Ethical Aspects of Stem Cell Research in Mainland China.Cong Yali - 2007 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 39 (2):18-31.
  13. The VIP floors.Yali Cong, Linying Hu & James Dwyer - 2005 - Hastings Center Report 35 (1):16-17.
  14.  31
    Robust Stabilization of Discrete-Time Switched Periodic Systems with Time Delays.Yali Dong, Jing Hao, Yonghong Yao & Huimin Wang - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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    Kernel Negative ε Dragging Linear Regression for Pattern Classification.Yali Peng, Lu Zhang, Shigang Liu, Xili Wang & Min Guo - 2017 - Complexity:1-14.
    Linear regression and its variants have been widely used for classification problems. However, they usually predefine a strict binary label matrix which has no freedom to fit the samples. In addition, they cannot deal with complex real-world applications such as the case of face recognition where samples may not be linearly separable owing to varying poses, expressions, and illumination conditions. Therefore, in this paper, we propose the kernel negative ε dragging linear regression method for robust classification on noised and nonlinear (...)
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    Individual Differences in Negative Emotion Differentiation Predict Resting-State Spontaneous Emotional Regulatory Processes.Yali Wang, Chenyu Shangguan, Chuanhua Gu & Biying Hu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Illuminating the Progress of Research into Inferentialism: A Systematic Analysis of CiteSpace.Yali Zuo - 2024 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 56 (2-4):51-101.
    The goal of this article is to use the scientometrics software CiteSpace as the analysis tool, studying 317 academic documents about inferentialism from 1999 to 2021 collected in the database Web of Science systematically and intuitevely present the development trends and hot topics of inferentialism, hoping to explore new ideas and directions. The procedure includes visualizing and analizing the co-citation networks generated by the 6.1.R.3 version of CiteSpace. The knowledge bases and the research front about inferentialism are identified by analyzing (...)
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  18. Ren xue: Tan Sitong ji.Sitong Tan - 1994 - Shenyang Shi: Liaoning sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing. Edited by Run'guo Jia.
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  19. Abortion in/as a Consumer Structure.Matthew Tan - 2014 - Solidarity: The Journal for Catholic Social Thought and Secular Ethics 4 (1):Article 7.
    This article argues that the contemporary acceptability of abortion is not solely due to the Liberal imperative to exercise individual choice. Rather, abortion's acceptability needs to be explained with reference to the techniques of consumer culture. This article will begin by explaining how practices in general predispose one to gravitate towards one form of practices rather than another. It will then look at how consumer practices generate a biopolitics of economic efficiency and corporeal commodification which culminates in a politics of (...)
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  20. Defining the 'social' in 'social entrepreneurship': Altruism and entrepreneurship.Wee Liang Tan, John N. Williams & Teck Meng Tan - 2005 - International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal 1:353-365.
    What is social entrepreneurship? In, particular, what’s so social about it? Understanding what social entrepreneurship is enables researchers to study the phenomenon and policy-makers to design measures to encourage it. However, such an understanding is lacking partly because there is no universally accepted definition of entrepreneurship as yet. In this paper, we suggest a definition of social entrepreneurship that intuitively accords with what is generally accepted as entrepreneurship and that captures the way in which entrepreneurship may be altruistic. Based on (...)
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  21.  33
    Based On The Narration Of Wahb Bın Munabbih, A Mathnawi: Dasıtan-ı Erve Hatun.Bünyamin Tan - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8.
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  22.  12
    A study of the relationship between receptive and expressive language processing in schizophrenia.Tan Eric, Yelland Gregory & Rossell Susan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  23.  98
    Competence to Make Treatment Decisions in Anorexia Nervosa: Thinking Processes and Values.Jacinta Tan, Anne Stewart, Ray Fitzpatrick & R. A. Hope - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (4):267-282.
    This paper explores the ethical and conceptual implications of the findings from an empirical study (reported elsewhere) of decision-making capacity in anorexia nervosa. In the study, ten female patients aged thirteen to twenty-one years with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, and eight sets of parents, took part in semistructured interviews. The purpose of the interviews was to identify aspects of thinking that might be relevant to the issue of competence to refuse treatment. All the patient-participants were also tested using the (...)
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  24. Vaṇṇaccarapam Śrī Taṇṭapāṇicuvāmikaḷ iyar̲r̲iyaruḷiya varukkak kur̲aḷ. Taṇṭapāṇi - 1988 - Tiruvāmāttūr, Val̲i Vil̲uppuram: Kaumāra Maṭālayam. Edited by Kantacāmi.
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    Beyond Elitism: A Community Ideal for a Modern East Asia.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (4):537-553.
    It is often remarked that East Asian polities have been hierarchical and the “elite” category continues to figure prominently in works on Chinese society and politics. Many scholars believe that hierarchy and elitism are deeply rooted in Confucianism, which served as the state orthodoxy in imperial China and provided the “psycho-cultural construct” of the way of life in other East Asian cultural communities as well. It is therefore not surprising that some should believe that if modern Confucian societies are to (...)
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  26. Imagining confucius: Paradigmatic characters and virtue ethics.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2005 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 32 (3):409-426.
  27.  88
    MNC Strategic Responses to Ethical Pressure: An Institutional Logic Perspective.Justin Tan & Liang Wang - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):373-390.
    In this study, we aim to investigate how multinational corporations (MNCs) balance ethical pressures from both the home and host countries. Drawing on theories from institutional theory, international business, and business ethics, we build a theoretical framework to explain the ethical behavior of MNCs. We apply the institutional logic concept to examine how MNCs with established logics and principles that have grown in the home country respond to local ethical expectations in the host country. We differentiate the core values from (...)
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  28. A Defense of Luck Egalitarianism.Kok-Chor Tan - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy 105 (11):665-690.
  29.  26
    Persons with pre‐dementia have no Kantian duty to die.Yuanyuan Huang & Yali Cong - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (5):438-445.
    Cooley's argument that persons with pre‐dementia have a Kantian duty to die has led to much debate. Cooley gives two reasons for his claim, the first being that a person with pre‐dementia should end his/her life when he/she will inevitably and irreversibly lose rationality and be unable to live morally as a result. This paper argues that this reason derives from an unsubstantiated premise and general confusion regarding the condition for a Kantian duty to die. Rather, a close reading of (...)
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  30.  19
    Drivers behind the public perception of artificial intelligence: insights from major Australian cities.Tan Yigitcanlar, Kenan Degirmenci & Tommi Inkinen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-21.
    Artificial intelligence is not only disrupting industries and businesses, particularly the ones have fallen behind the adoption, but also significantly impacting public life as well. This calls for government authorities pay attention to public opinions and sentiments towards AI. Nonetheless, there is limited knowledge on what the drivers behind the public perception of AI are. Bridging this gap is the rationale of this paper. As the methodological approach, the study conducts an online public perception survey with the residents of Sydney, (...)
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    Development and Validation of a Short Version Sport Orientation Questionnaire for Chinese Adolescents.Jindong Chang, Yali Yi & Naiqing Song - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Hsin-lun (New treatise), and other writings by Huan Tʻan (43 B.C.-28 A.D.): an annotated translation with index.Tan Huan - 1975 - Ann Arbor: Center for Chinese Studies, University of Michigan. Edited by Timoteus Pokora.
    Better known in his own times than later, Huan T'an (43 BCE-25 CE) was a scholar-official, independent in his thought and unafraid to criticize orthodox currents of his time. A practitioner of the Old Text exegesis of the Classics, he maintained a position on the court during a turbulent time of political crises, uprisings, and civil war, spanning the reigns of four emperors. His principal work, Hsin-lun, differs from other books on political criticism in that it does not deal primarily (...)
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    The discrepancy between the legal definition of capacity and the British Medical Association's guidelines.J. O. A. Tan - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):427-429.
    Differences in guidance from various organisations is preventing uniform standards of practiceThe emphasis in medical law and ethics on protecting the patient’s right to choose is at an all time high. Apart from circumscribed situations, for instance where the Mental Health Act 19831 is applicable, the only justification for medically treating an adult patient against his or her wishes is on the basis of common law, using the principle of best interests, and only when he or she lacks capacity to (...)
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  34. Tan Sitong zhen ji.Sitong Tan - 1955 - Edited by Cao Wen.
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    Artificial intelligence in local governments: perceptions of city managers on prospects, constraints and choices.Tan Yigitcanlar, Duzgun Agdas & Kenan Degirmenci - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (3):1135-1150.
    Highly sophisticated capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) have skyrocketed its popularity across many industry sectors globally. The public sector is one of these. Many cities around the world are trying to position themselves as leaders of urban innovation through the development and deployment of AI systems. Likewise, increasing numbers of local government agencies are attempting to utilise AI technologies in their operations to deliver policy and generate efficiencies in highly uncertain and complex urban environments. While the popularity of AI is (...)
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    Rethinking the Precedent Autonomy, Current Minimal Autonomy, and Current Well-Being in Medical Decisions for Persons with Dementia.Yuanyuan Huang, Yali Cong & Zhifeng Wang - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):163-175.
    As patient autonomy expands, a highly controversial issue has emerged. Should the advance directives of refusing life-saving treatments or requesting euthanasia of persons with dementia who express changed minds or are often in a happy state be fulfilled? There are two autonomy-related positions. The mainstream position in philosophical discussions supports the priority of ADs based on precedent autonomy. Buchanan and Brock, and Dworkin represent this view. The other position supports the priority of PWDs’ current wishes based on minimal autonomy represented (...)
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  37.  13
    History-writing in Turkey through securitization discourses and gendered narratives.Bengi Bezirgan-Tanış - 2019 - European Journal of Women's Studies 26 (3):329-344.
    Since the official history-writing is a defining aspect for the formation and consolidation of nation-states, it is crucial to explore the attempts to legitimize particular discourses regarding historical atrocities. The selective representations of the past, in this regard, contradict counter-memories and propagate hegemonic patterns of remembrance and/or forgetting of past crimes. This article accordingly addresses how the representations of counter-memories as threats to national security and the silencing of gender-specific experiences and remembrances by sanctioned historical narratives become manifest in the (...)
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  38.  85
    Institutional Structure and Firm Social Performance in Transitional Economies: Evidence of Multinational Corporations in China.Justin Tan - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S2):171 - 189.
    With the expansion of multinational corporations (MNCs), the alarming upsurge in widely publicized and notable corporate scandals involving MNCs in emerging markets has begun to draw both academic and managerial attention to look beyond home market practices to the pressing concern of CSR in emerging markets. Previous studies on CSR have focused primarily on Western markets, reserving limited discussions in addressing the issue of MNC attitudes and CSR practices in their emerging host markets abroad. Despite this incongruity in academic response (...)
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  39.  40
    Studying Penguins to Understand Birds.Jacinta Tan, Anne Stewart, Ray Fitzpatrick & R. A. Hope - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (4):299-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Studying Penguins to Understand BirdsJacinta O. A. Tan (bio), Anne Stewart (bio), Ray Fitzpatrick (bio), and Tony Hope (bio)Keywordsanorexia nervosa, treatment decision-making, competence, valuesWe are grateful to Grisso, Appelbaum, Charland, and Vollmann for their thoughtful commentaries on our paper. We would like to respond by picking up on some of the points they make, although we do not address all the issues raised.Our general aims in the paper are (...)
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  40. Justice and Personal Pursuits.Kok-Chor Tan - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy 101 (7):331-362.
  41. How can a Chinese Democracy be Pragmatic?Sor-Hoon Tan - 2011 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 47 (2):196-225.
    Whether the Pragmatic conception of democracy is applicable outside the United States of America is a question that had already been raised even during Dewey’s life time. His visit to China, in particular, has been seen as proof that “the Pragmatic method” for bringing about democracy is inherently flawed.3 However, even if it was a failed experiment, China’s past encounter with Dewey’s Pragmatism should not be seen as absolute proof that Chinese democracy can never be Pragmatic. When an experiment fails, (...)
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    Rethinking the Concept of Mindfulness: A Neo‐Confucian Approach.Charlene Tan - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (2):359-373.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    A Reevaluation of Xunzi’s Moral Theory from the Aspect of Mind.Tan Mingran - 2008 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 35 (1):121–138.
  44.  66
    Contiones in the Age of Cicero.James Tan - 2008 - Classical Antiquity 27 (1):163-201.
    The following paper is concerned with the practice of holding contiones in the Late Republic and the political benefits that flowed from this form of assembly. It will be suggested that the surviving evidence is not adequately representative for a study of contional rhetoric, but that an analysis of the many “attested” rather than “extant” contiones will likely reveal important patterns of practice thanks to its wider sample. In testing the results of this theory, the first section will argue that (...)
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  45. Contemporary neo-Confucian philosophy.Sor-Hoon Tan - 2009 - In Bo Mou (ed.), History of Chinese philosophy. New York: Routledge.
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  46. Emptiness, Being and Non-being: Sengzhao’s Reinterpretation of the Laozi and Zhuangzi in a Buddhist Context.Tan Mingran - 2008 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):195-209.
    This essay argues two main points by analyzing Sengzhao’s contentions regarding several basic Buddhist concepts such as emptiness, being, and nonbeing. First, Sengzhao synthesizes Daoist methods of argumentation into his description of the middle path and other Buddhist concepts. Second, he revives Daoist concepts, giving them Buddhist meaning and expressing them in Buddhist terms. In the process, he consciously differentiates Madhyamika Buddhism from earlier Buddhism as understood from a Daoist perspective, such as the teachings of the School of Original Non-Being (...)
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    Confucius and Langerian mindfulness.Charlene Tan - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (9):931-940.
    In this essay, I draw upon Ellen J. Langer’s notions of mindlessness and mindfulness to identify and delineate Confucius’ views on mindfulness. Langer’s theory exemplifies a social-cognitive approach to mindfulness which is a prominent orientation in the extant research. I argue that Confucius, like Langer, rejects mindlessness that is characterised by an over-reliance on automatic responses based on past knowledge and experiences. Furthermore, Confucius supports Langerian mindfulness by underlining the importance of a flexible mindset that is demonstrated through making novel (...)
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    Boundary making and equal concern.Kok-Chor Tan - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1‐2):50-67.
    Liberal nationalism is a boundary‐making project, and a feature of this boundary‐making enterprise is the belief that the compatriots have a certain priority over strangers. For this reason it is often thought that liberal nationalism cannot be compatible with the demands of global egalitarianism. In this essay, I examine the sense in which liberal nationalism privileges compatriots, and I argue that, properly understood, the idea of partiality for compatriots in the context of liberal nationalism is not at odds with global (...)
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    Response to Chiao-Wei Liu, “Response to Leonard Tan and Mengchen Lu, ‘I Wish to be Wordless’: Philosophizing through the Chinese Guqin,” Philosophy of Music Education Review 26, no. 2 (Fall, 2018):199–202. [REVIEW]Leonard Tan & Mengchen Lu - 2019 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 27 (2):210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response to Chiao-Wei Liu, "Response to Leonard Tan and Mengchen Lu, 'I Wish to be Wordless': Philosophizing through the Chinese Guqin," Philosophy of Music Education Review 26, no. 2 (Fall, 2018): 199–202Leonard Tan and Mengchen LuChiao-Wei Liu's response to our paper raised important issues regarding the translation and interpretation of Chinese philosophical texts, our construals of Truth and ethical awakening, differences between the various Chinese philosophical traditions, and the (...)
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    Speech at the August 20 Debate.Tan Lifu - 2004 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 35 (4):40-45.
    They will make some comments whenever we talk about the class line, but they deserve that! Speaking of class line, we are "people with vested interest.".
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