Results for 'Yale Newman'

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  1.  30
    Metacontrast and paracontrast: Both photopic and scotopic luminance levels yield monotones.Lester A. Lefton & Yale Newman - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (6):435-438.
  2.  35
    A History of John Henry Newman's Archival Papers.Stephen Kelly - 2013 - Newman Studies Journal 10 (1):68-81.
    This study traces the history of Newman’s personal papers that are archived at the Birmingham Oratory. Newman was the “master archivist” who spent considerable time during the last two decades of his life in assembling his papers. Subsequently, three major catalogues of Newman’s papers were prepared: the first began in 1920, under the supervision of Richard Garnett Bellasis and Henry Lewis Bellasis; a second catalogue was compiled in the mid-1950s by Yale University Library for microfilming (...)’s papers; the third catalogue was compiled by Gerard Tracey in 1980. (shrink)
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    Finality and Intelligibility in Biological Evolution.Antonio Moreno - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (1):1-31.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:FINALITY AND INTELLIGIBILITY IN BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION ANTONIO MORENO, O.P. Graduate Theological Union Berkeley, California I N SCIENCE AND philosophy the final cause has always..,been controversial. To biologists the problem is complicated, but many believe that it is impossible fo give a complete description of the phenomenon of life without taking into oonsideration the teleological aspect of it. Thus Rensch: A special feature of all living organisms is the fact (...)
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    Development of Christian Doctrine: Some Historical Prolegomena.Jaroslav Pelikan - 1969 - Yale University Press.
    The problem of change has assumed great prominence in much of the current ferment in theology, and many of the issues in question can best be interpreted as relating to the validity and limits of doctrinal development. The questions cannot be faced constructively, however, until the development of doctrine has been clearly charted, a historical as well as a theological assignment. In this unique introductory survey—more modest in scope but more scholarly in method than Cardinal Newman’s great programmatic essay (...)
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    The Quest for the historical abstract expressionism.Daniel A. Siedell - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 44 (1):pp. 107-121.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Quest for the Historical Abstract ExpressionismDaniel A. SiedellAbstract Expressionism:The International Context, by Joan Marter and David Anfam. Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2007, 320 pp. $26.95, paper.Abstract Expressionism, by Debra Bricker Balken. London: Tate, 2005, 80 pp. $9.60, paper.Reading Abstract Expressionism: Context and Critique, by Ellen Landau. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005, 768 pp. $45.00, paper.What makes any definition of a movement in art dubious (...)
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    Book review.(Review of the book De reformatorische rechtsstaatsgedachte, 1999, 9051894384). [REVIEW]A. K. Koekkoek - 2002 - Philosophia Reformata: Orgaan van de Vereeniging Voor Calvinistische Wijsbegeerte 6 (2):204-206.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Reason, Truth and History. By Hilary Putnam. Pp.xii, 222, Cambridge University Press, 1982, £15.00 , £4.95 . Fundamentals of philosophy. By David Stewart and H. Gene Blocker. Pp.xiii, 378, New York, Macmillan, 1982, £12.95. Modern Philosophy: An Introduction. By A.R. Lacey. Pp.vii, 246, London and Boston, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982, £7.95 , £3.95 . Merleau‐Ponty's Philosophy. By Samuel B. Mallin. Pp.xi, 302, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1979, £14.20. Thought and Object: (...)
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    The Later Wittgenstein: The Emergence of a New Philosophical Method by S. Stephen Hilmy. [REVIEW]John Churchill - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):533-538.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 533 Grammar of Assent. Yet whereas Reid had urged a fundamental agree· ment on first principles on the intuitive basis of common sense, Newman thought such principles were discovered inductively and that there might he much disagreement. It was the disagreement itself that led to the need for a better understanding of the reasoning process. In place of common sense, Newman appealed to the illative (...)
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    Philosophical Readings in Cardinal Newman.John Henry Newman - 1961 - Chicago: H. Regnery Co.. Edited by James Daniel Collins.
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    Apologia Pro Vita Sua: Being a Reply to a Pamphlet Entitled 'What, Then, Does Dr Newman Mean?'.John Henry Newman - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    The religious autobiography of John Henry Newman (1801-1890), in which he discusses his conversion to Roman Catholicism.
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  10. Newman on the Strength of Belief.Jay Newman - 1977 - The Thomist 41 (1):131.
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    Newman on Christianity and Medical Science.Jay Newman - 1990 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 3 (2):28-35.
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    Übersetzung von John Henry Newman, Die Idee der Universität.John Henry Newman - 2004 - Freiburg [im Breisgau]: Herder. Edited by Edith Stein & Hanna Gerl-Falkovitz.
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    Semantics for Pure Theories of Connexive Implication.Yale Weiss - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (3):591-606.
    In this article, I provide Urquhart-style semilattice semantics for three connexive logics in an implication-negation language (I call these “pure theories of connexive implication”). The systems semantically characterized include the implication-negation fragment of a connexive logic of Wansing, a relevant connexive logic recently developed proof-theoretically by Francez, and an intermediate system that is novel to this article. Simple proofs of soundness and completeness are given and the semantics is used to establish various facts about the systems (e.g., that two of (...)
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  14. The Philosophical Notebook Vol. I General Introduction to the Study of Newman's Philosophy.John H. Newman & Edward J. Sillem - 1971 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 33 (2):388-390.
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  15.  12
    New(ish) Foundations for Theories of Entailment.Yale Weiss - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 389-408.
    In this chapter, I present a systematic study of theories of entailment as developed in relevant modal logics of varying strength. I consider several relevant normal modal logics and the properties of entailment, as defined as necessitated relevant implication, in these systems. Fine-Urquhart style semantics are provided for these relevant modal logics and proofs of soundness and completeness are given. The semantics is used to prove admissibility results for certain weak relevant modal theories. Connections between some of these relevant modal (...)
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  16.  35
    CHADWICK, Owen, NewmanCHADWICK, Owen, Newman.Jay Newman - 1984 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 40 (3):379-379.
  17.  28
    Cardinal Newman on the Indefectibility of Certitude.Jay Newman - 1978 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 34 (1):15-20.
  18. Mr. Russell's causal theory of perception.M. H. A. Newman - 1928 - Mind 37 (146):26-43.
  19.  57
    Moral Disengagement at Work: A Review and Research Agenda.Alexander Newman, Huong Le, Andrea North-Samardzic & Michael Cohen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):535-570.
    Originally conceptualized by Bandura as the process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate with their internal moral standards and behave unethically without feeling distress, moral disengagement has attracted the attention of management researchers in recent years. An increasing body of research has examined the factors which lead people to morally disengage and its related outcomes in the workplace. However, the conceptualization of moral disengagement, how it should be measured, the manner in which it develops, and its influence on (...)
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  20.  57
    Basic Intuitionistic Conditional Logic.Yale Weiss - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (3):447-469.
    Conditional logics have traditionally been intended to formalize various intuitively correct modes of reasoning involving conditional expressions in natural language. Although conditional logics have by now been thoroughly studied in a classical context, they have yet to be systematically examined in an intuitionistic context, despite compelling philosophical and technical reasons to do so. This paper addresses this gap by thoroughly examining the basic intuitionistic conditional logic ICK, the intuitionistic counterpart of Chellas’ important classical system CK. I give ICK both worlds (...)
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  21. Working emptiness: toward a third reading of emptiness in Buddhism and postmodern thought.Newman Robert Glass - 1995 - Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press.
    Newman Robert Glass argues that there are three workings of emptiness capable of grounding thinking and behavior: presence, difference, and essence. The first two readings, exemplified by Heidegger and Mark C. Taylor respectively, present opposing views of the work of emptiness in thinking. The third, essence, presents a position on the work of emptiness in desire and affect. Glass begins by offering a close analysis of presence and difference. He then fashions his own understanding of essence, or emptiness. He (...)
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  22. A Relevant Framework for Barriers to Entailment.Yale Weiss - forthcoming - IfCoLog Journal of Logics and Their Applications.
    In her recent book, Russell (2023) examines various so-called “barriers to entailment,” including Hume’s law, roughly the thesis that an ‘ought’ cannot be derived from an ‘is.’ Hume’s law bears an obvious resemblance to the proscription on fallacies of modality in relevance logic, which has traditionally formally been captured by the so-called Ackermann property. In the context of relevant modal logic, this property might be articulated thus: no conditional whose antecedent is box-free and whose consequent is box-prefixed is valid (for (...)
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  23.  33
    The Physical Basis of Predication.Andrew Newman - 1992 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book about metaphysics the author defends a realistic view of universals, characterizing the notion of universal by considering language and logic, the idea of possibility, hierarchies of universals, and causation. He argues that neither language nor logic is a reliable guide to the nature of reality and that basic universals are the fundamental type of universal and are central to causation. All assertions and predications about the natural world are ultimately founded on these basic universals. A distinction is (...)
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  24.  51
    Ethical Climates in Organizations: A Review and Research Agenda.Alexander Newman, Heather Round, Sukanto Bhattacharya & Achinto Roy - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (4):475-512.
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  25.  25
    Introduction to John Henry Cardinal Newman's Biglietto Speech.John Henry Cardinal Newman - 2003 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 6 (4):164-169.
  26. Making Lists : Social and Material Technologies in the Making of Seventeenth-Century British Natural History.Elizabeth Yale - 2014 - In Pamela H. Smith, Amy R. W. Meyers & Harold J. Cook (eds.), Ways of making and knowing: the material culture of empirical knowledge. New York City: Bard Graduate Center.
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  27. The World of Mathematics.James Newman - 1956
  28.  72
    Sextus Empiricus' Fourth Conditional and Containment Logic.Yale Weiss - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (4):307-322.
    In his Outlines of Pyrrhonism 2.110–113, Sextus Empiricus presents four different accounts of the conditional, presumably all from the Hellenistic period, in increasing logical strength. While the interpretation and provenance of the first three accounts is relatively secure, the fourth account has perplexed and frustrated interpreters for decades or longer. Most interpreters have ultimately taken a dismissive attitude towards the fourth account and discounted it as being of both little historical and logical interest. We argue that this attitude is unwarranted (...)
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  29. Mature Thought on Christianity.Francis William Newman - 2009 - The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion 6:325-339.
  30. The New Testament Inadequate as a Standard of Morals.Francis William Newman - 2009 - The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion 8:111-134.
  31. Alleged Murder of Uriah.Francis William Newman - 2009 - The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion 1:361-363.
  32. The Politics of Aristotle.W. L. Newman - 1889 - Mind 14 (55):405-414.
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  33. Locke on knowledge.Lex Newman - 2007 - In The Cambridge Companion to Locke's "Essay Concerning Human Understanding". New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  34. John Henry Newman and autobiographical philosophy.Jay Newman - 2005 - In Thomas Mathien & D. G. Wright (eds.), Autobiography as Philosophy: The Philosophical Uses of Self-Presentation. New York: Routledge.
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  35. Emergence and strange attractors.David V. Newman - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (2):245-61.
    Recent work in the Philosophy of Mind has suggested that alternatives to reduction are required in order to explain the relationship between psychology and biology or physics. Emergence has been proposed as one such alternative. In this paper, I propose a precise definition of emergence, and I argue that chaotic systems provide concrete examples of properties that meet this definition. In particular, I suggest that being in the basin of attraction of a strange attractor is an emergent property of any (...)
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  36. Locke on sensitive knowledge and the veil of perception – four misconceptions.Lex Newman - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (3):273–300.
    Interpreters of Locke’s Essay are divided over whether to attribute to him a Representational Theory of Perception (RTP). Those who object to an RTP interpretation cite (among other things) Locke’s Book IV account of sensitive knowledge, contending that the account is incompatible with RTP. The aim of this paper is to rebut this kind of objection – to defend an RTP reading of the relevant Book IV passages. Specifically, I address four influential assumptions (about sensitive knowledge) cited by opponents of (...)
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  37. JOHNSON Marguerite and TARRANT Harold (eds): Alcibades and the.Newman Saul & Max Stirner - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (2):433.
  38.  21
    Truthiness, the illusory truth effect, and the role of need for cognition.Eryn J. Newman, Madeline C. Jalbert, Norbert Schwarz & Deva P. Ly - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 78:102866.
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    Critical realism, critical discourse analysis, and the morphogenetic approach.Jack Newman - 2020 - Journal of Critical Realism 19 (5):433-455.
    This paper seeks to contribute to the ongoing project of developing a specifically critical realist approach to discourse analysis. This is important not just because critical realist researchers n...
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    Moving beyond mistrust: Centering institutional change by decentering the white analytical lens.Alyssa M. Newman - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (3):267-273.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 3, Page 267-273, March 2022.
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  41. Since 1996, Newman has written short plays expressly for presentation at American Psychological Association Annual Conventions. The impetus for these “psychology plays” was Kenneth Gergen's invitation to Newman and me to participate in an innovative symposium he was putting together for theAPA's 1996 convention. Entitled “Performative Psychology. [REVIEW]Fred Newman - 1999 - In Lois Holzman (ed.), Performing psychology: a postmodern culture of the mind. New York: Routledge. pp. 33.
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    Saul Kripke: A Portrait of the Modal Logician as a Young Man.Yale Weiss & Romina Birman - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.), Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 7-21.
    In this short intellectual biography, we chronicle Saul Kripke’s involvement in the development of modal logic, focusing on the decade beginning in 1953 and ending in 1963, during which time he ranged in age from 12 to 23. We also describe the state of modal logic before Kripke, Kripke’s correspondence with other modal logicians, and Kripke’s early influential publications on the semantics of modal logic as well as several later and lesser known contributions.
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  43. Chaos, emergence, and the mind-body problem.David V. Newman - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (2):180-96.
  44.  75
    Did Aristotle Endorse Aristotle’s Thesis? A Case Study in Aristotle’s Metalogic.Yale Weiss - 2022 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 63 (4):551-579.
    Since McCall (1966), the heterodox principle of propositional logic that it is impossible for a proposition to be entailed by its own negation—in symbols, ¬(¬φ→φ)—has gone by the name of Aristotle’s thesis, since Aristotle apparently endorses it in Prior Analytics 2.4, 57b3–14. Scholars have contested whether Aristotle did endorse his eponymous thesis, whether he could do so consistently, and for what purpose he endorsed it if he did. In this article, I reconstruct Aristotle’s argument from this passage and show that (...)
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    Augustine and the KK Principle.Yale Weiss - 2024 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 27 (1):79-92.
    In On the Trinity 15.12.21, Augustine appears to endorse the KK principle (that if one knows that φ, then one knows that one knows that φ) in the course of giving an argument – the Multiplicity Argument – against the Academic skeptics. Gareth Matthews has disputed Augustine’s endorsement of the KK principle and presented a different reading of the Multiplicity Argument. In this note, I show that Matthews’s construal of the Multiplicity Argument is both interpretively and technically defective and defend (...)
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  46. Ramsey Sentence Realism as an Answer to the Pessimistic Meta‐Induction.Mark Newman - 2005 - Philosophy of Science 72 (5):1373-1384.
    John Worrall recently provided an account of epistemic structural realism, which explains the success of science by arguing for the correct mathematical structure of our theories. He accounts for the historical failures of science by pointing to bloated ontological interpretations of theoretical terms. In this paper I argue that Worrall’s account suffers from five serious problems. I also show that Pierre Cruse and David Papineau have developed a rival structural realism that solves all of the problems faced by Worrall. This (...)
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  47.  35
    Saul Kripke on Modal Logic.Yale Weiss & Romina Birman (eds.) - 2024 - Cham: Springer.
    This edited volume brings together papers by both eminent and rising scholars to celebrate Saul Kripke’s singular contributions to modal logic. Kripke’s work on modal logic helped usher in a new semantic epoch for the field and made facility with modal logic indispensable not only to technically oriented philosophers but to theoretical computer scientists and others as well. This volume features previously unpublished work of Kripke’s as well as a brief intellectual biography recounting the story of how Kripke became interested (...)
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  48. Phil 4120 - early modern Philosophy.Lex Newman - manuscript
    Since this is a survey course (one in which we'll consider some philosophical views from a wide variety of philosophers), buying texts for a course like this one is potentially a very expensive endeavor. I have tried to keep down the costs in two kinds of ways. First, in some cases I will simply provide web readings (rather than having you buy a whole text). Second, I have ordered..
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    The philosophical notebook of John Henry Newman.John Henry Newman - 1969 - Louvain,: Nauwelaerts Pub. House. Edited by Edward Augustus Sillem.
    v. 1. General introduction to the study of Newman's philosophy.--v. 2. The text.
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    Cardinal Newman's Phenomenology of Religious Belief.Jay Newman - 1974 - Religious Studies 10 (2):129 - 140.
    While one of John Henry Newman's principal aims in the Grammar of Assent is to explain how men can give a ‘real assent’ to the existence of God, the major part of the actual phenomenology of religious belief in the work is concentrated in the fifth of its ten chapters. Unfortunately, this section of the essay has been overshadowed by the preliminary distinction between real and notional apprehension and by the later invocation of the illative sense; but perhaps the (...)
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